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  1. It is said that mitsumame in today's form was sold for the first time in 1903 by 'Funawa' in Asakusa.
  2. It is said that money has been buried in the dohyo.
  3. It is said that montsuki kosode began to be worn in the early Edo period.
  4. It is said that more than 1,000 soldiers of the Hidetsugu troops were killed or injured in only about one hour through a set of offense and defense.
  5. It is said that more than 1000 varieties of colorful origami paper are available with colors on both sides, transparent colors, gradational colors, special patterns such as dots, dual or quartered colors amongst others.
  6. It is said that more than 20 people died of illness.
  7. It is said that more than 300 disciples were gathered.
  8. It is said that more than 5,000 legends about Kobo Daishi exist throughout Japan, by far exceeding the number of sites where Kukai actually visited.
  9. It is said that more than 6000 soldiers on both sides died.
  10. It is said that most Japanese people became aware of the symptom when Soseki coined the word '肩が凝る' (have stiff shoulders.)
  11. It is said that most castles built during the middle ages (mainly yamajiros [mountain castles]) contain many kuruwas of small area, while those built during the early modern period (mainly hirajiros [flatland castles]) often contain a lesser number of kuruwas of larger area.
  12. It is said that most of the wall writing, the laws individual sengoku-daimyo enforced in their own domain, of the Ouchi clan, known as Bunkokuho', were made during this period.
  13. It is said that most of these Confucians returned to Korea but many of these potters remained in Japan.
  14. It is said that moves were made to mobilize troops that were laying low and it is said that names of Minamoto side generals and followers were displayed.
  15. It is said that mozuku was named after "藻付く" meaning "alga attaches" because it attaches to other Phaeophyceae such as hondawara (Sargassum fulvellum).
  16. It is said that name tags were once attached to the ministers' left shoulders, but they have all fallen off.
  17. It is said that naming a child Togo after the Admiral Heihachiro TOGO, a hero of the Japanese Imperial Navy, became popular at the time.
  18. It is said that new currency 'yen' was determined according to the currency standard that 1 ryo (2 coins) of Manei nibukin = 1ryo (2 coins) of Meiji nibukin = (new currency unit) 1 yen gold coin.
  19. It is said that no dohyo was built for Sumai no sechie (the Imperial ceremony of Sumo wrestling) in ancient times.
  20. It is said that no snow accumulated on his body even if he lay down on the ground while it was snowing and that he could foresee other people's future, etc.
  21. It is said that not only soldiers who marched in the snow but local people who gathered as guides also suffered from frostbite and other ailments.
  22. It is said that nuka-zuke of the present form was created at the beginning of the Edo Period.
  23. It is said that obidome was invented by geisha in iromachi (a district where geisha is operating) who happened to pass a metal piece called 'tsuba' (a round or squarish guard at the end of the grip of a Japanese sword) of their customers or lovers through 'obihimo' (a string tied around the waist) in the latter part of the Edo period.
  24. It is said that on June 16 in the first year of Kasho (848), 16 pieces of confectionery and rice cakes were prepared for a shrine offering and prayers were said for epidemic prevention and good health.
  25. It is said that on June 23, 1867, the captured Higuma was executed by committing Seppuku (or hara-kiri, meaning disemboweling himself) at the Shinsengumi headquarters ('tonsho' in Japanese).
  26. It is said that on her way home, Yokobue cut her finger and wrote in blood the following elegy on a stone, hoping that Tokiyori would know her feelings: Deep in the mountains, Feel restless and visit a shack, Hope the gate will guide me, To the true path.
  27. It is said that on that occasion, Kohichiro was stabbed to death by Genzo SHINOMIYA, Ujitoyo's aide, but whether he died or lived is unclear.
  28. It is said that on that occasion, influenced by the philosophy of Japanese classical literature, he showed interest in the argument of Sonno-joi (slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners) and developed a passion for domestic politics.
  29. It is said that on the assassination, he stabbed Iruka to death, who was just asking Empress Kogyoku what was happening.
  30. It is said that on the middle day people give thanks to their ancestors and on the other six days people practice one each of the six types of virtue a day, called Rokuharamitsu, which are necessary for reaching enlightenment.
  31. It is said that on the twenty-seventh day of the fourth month Yukiie visited the mansion of the Izu Hojo family in the guise of a mountain priest, and conveyed the command to MINAMOTO no Yoritomo.
  32. It is said that on the way, he attacked a jinya (regional government office) of Koyo Chinbutai (Shinsengumi [literally, the newly selected corps, referring to a special police force for the Tokugawa regime]) in Nagareyama City, and made the Shinsengumi's leader Isami KONDO surrender.
  33. It is said that on this occasion, Yoshimura conducted a man-to-man fight with Sorosuke SUGINO (杉野素郎助) who was a master swordsman in Yamato Province and slew him, but this is incorrect because, later, Sugino became a teacher of Totsukawa Bunbukan.
  34. It is said that once Kaoru became an adult he, in turn, became like a parent to her ('Niou no Miya' (His Perfumed Highness)).
  35. It is said that once he had been allowed to read the manuscript and began investigation, but in the middle of his work, he was refused further investigation of manuscript.
  36. It is said that one can tell how long has been wearing fundoshi by observing how it is tied.
  37. It is said that one enshrines Emperor Junnin, Imperial Prince Toneri and Imperial Prince Sawara, and the other enshrines Empress Jingu, Empress Inoue and Imperial Prince Osabe.
  38. It is said that one of the former Hattori-tenjingu Shrines, which were enshrined in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture, was a grave of Uona, and it is now still remaining in the precincts.
  39. It is said that one of the reasons why Isami KONDO adopted Shuhei as his son was that Isami believed in a rumor that Shuhei was 'an illegitimate son of the lord of Bicchu Matsuyama clan, Itakura Suo no kami.'
  40. It is said that one of the reasons why the survival probability of the officers was high is because their equipment had better cold protection functions than those of nonofficial soldiers.
  41. It is said that one train-car operations were considered at some point as well.
  42. It is said that one year after the Battle of Sekigahara, he was invited by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA together with Yoshiharu HORIO (堀尾可晴), Kazutoki INOKO,Kagenao FUNAKOSHI and others, to talk about the past.
  43. It is said that only a few accompanied them when they went to Mt. Koya and only one to Kumano (Nobuhide thanked his loyalty and promoted him from komono [a lower servant] to the samurai class).
  44. It is said that only a few of dyers today can use this technique.
  45. It is said that oral transfer was mainly done by females such as miko (shrine maidens) and Goze (blind female musicians).
  46. It is said that origin of citrus was about 30 million years ago in Assam Province of Northeast India, and it became differentiated in many species and dispersed to Myanmar, Kingdom of Thailand and China and so on.
  47. It is said that originally "natto" meant stored soybeans and "tofu" meant fermented soybeans and at a certain point those names were exchanged; this theory, however, is just a popular saying that emerged during the modern era.
  48. It is said that originally Dengaku was a traditional local entertainment performed in planting rice, but became a specialized form of entertainment by introducing acrobatic techniques of the Sangaku style brought to Japan from Tang (in China) in the Heian period.
  49. It is said that originally pickles were made using grain and soybean ground by a millstone as a bed, which was called suzuhori in Nara Period.
  50. It is said that other members of the Shinsengumi could not eat this "Shimada shiruko (shiruko cooked by SHIMADA) ", because the Shimada shiruko was so sweet as to form sticky threads due to the large quantity of sugar he put in.
  51. It is said that paintings were completed in the period of Emperor Yozei (according to the "Konendairyaku") or the Emperor had KOSE no Kanaoka to paint them in 892 (according to the "Kokon Chomon ju" [a Collection of Tales Heard, Past and Present]).
  52. It is said that paunchy Hotei having an appearance similar to that of suibokuga did not live in a Buddhist temple, but roved.
  53. It is said that people began to use the terms 'buke,' 'buyu no ie' (a house of heroes), and 'bumon' (a samurai clan) in order to refer to those lineages or families.
  54. It is said that people gave him the nickname, 'Daiyokuzan Kikonin Senjo-ji Akukokushii,' which implicates his greediness, powerfulness, obtrusiveness and unpopularity, because he was very powerful and used political techniques that seem somewhat strong in the Incident of Hoko-ji Temple Bell and so forth.
  55. It is said that people had the freedom to at least go fishing, providing it was not done too openly.
  56. It is said that people in Ashiya buried the Nue with the due ceremony and mourned over the death of the Nue by building a Nue-zuka mound.
  57. It is said that people in Edo where fires frequently occurred made it a practice to keep a Muhaba-size Furoshiki spread out under their bedding to prepare for throwing their furniture and household goods onto the bedding, wrapping up anything and everything as they were in the Furoshiki and escaping the fire when it occurred.
  58. It is said that people kept the teaching, 'transience of the world' in their heart and monks dedicated themselves to ascetic practices, dispelling their obsession about her.
  59. It is said that people lived in the surrounding area including Fukuchiyama City from the beginning of the Jomon period; many influential powerful families are thought to have lived here because many ancient tombs and dwellings were found across a wide area.
  60. It is said that people lost interest in reading magazines but they often learn a work through media franchise, thus the sales of comic books are maintained.
  61. It is said that people must eat all of the soba (buckwheat noodles) they are offered before the new year dawns, or else they will be unlucky with money in the coming year.
  62. It is said that people started dancing to the drumbeat at the beginning of the Muromachi period.
  63. It is said that people there lived in stability with complete peace of mind.
  64. It is said that people were astonished by SERIZAWA's fearlessness.
  65. It is said that people who belonged to Sasakibe no Omi from Settsu Province, whose ancestor was TAKENOUCHI no Sukune as Kose no Omi did, had lived in that area for a considerably long time.
  66. It is said that people who gathered with faith in Byozeisho heard of his intention to buy the statue of Fudo-son and gave him jozai (donation) so he was able to raise the money.
  67. It is said that people who witnessed the scene later remarked as follows.
  68. It is said that people would take baths while wearing bathing clothes such as yukata (Japanese summer kimono).
  69. It is said that performances in the choreography started in kaomisekogyo (an all-star performance) during the Anei era (1772 - 1781) in Edo.
  70. It is said that performers of this school were originally te-sarugaku (amateur Noh) performers who served at the Imperial Court, and then they served at the Owari Domain, where they had been active during the Edo period.
  71. It is said that polished logs produced in the Nakagawa region had been sold not only in Kyoto City, but also all around the Kansai area from the Edo period to the Meiji era.
  72. It is said that powerful members of the Imperial Family and the nobility were buried in Mount Toribe-yama, and in the end of the 10th century venerable monks reportedly burned themselves to death, hoping to attain 'funshi ojo' (according to their Buddhist beliefs, it was a way to become a Buddha after death).
  73. It is said that practitioners ate mainly nuts and herbal roots instead of grain, but specific procedures have not been established because there are many beliefs as to what gokoku or jukkoku actually represent.
  74. It is said that precise scales were required in Kai Province, where gold was produced.
  75. It is said that putting 'a picture of Shichifukujin on Takarabune (treasure ship)' under the pillow in the New Year makes you have a good Hatsuyume (the first dream of the year)).
  76. It is said that putting 10-yen coins in a puddle of water discourages the development of mosquito larva.
  77. It is said that quite a lot of people were inspired to immigrate reading his articles.
  78. It is said that railroad workers' attitude to passengers was arrogant because many of them were descendants of a samurai.
  79. It is said that railways in Japan are highly reliable compared with railways in other nations.
  80. It is said that robatayaki restaurants expanded to various places across the country by following the menus of 'Robata' in Kushiro City.
  81. It is said that rokuyo once repeated in the order of sokukichi (即吉) => tomobiki (共引)=> shukichi (周吉) => kyomo (虚亡) => taian (泰安) => shakko (as for the names, there are other theories).
  82. It is said that saida originated in Arima hot spring resort.
  83. It is said that saishikomi was created in Yanai City, Suo Province during the Tenmei era (1781-1789).
  84. It is said that sake brewers, who could produce sake only in winter, produced amazake as a side job during summer.
  85. It is said that sand with a gain size of 1mm or more rotates (see Fig. 1 on the left), those with a grain size of 1 mm to 0.05 mm (50 micrometers) jump, and those with a grain size of less then 0.05 mm float.
  86. It is said that sangaku was dedicated as a sign of gratitude to gods for being able to solve mathematical problems and to promise them to devote oneself further to studying.
  87. It is said that sange at Buddhist memorial services is intended to ward off evil and purify the dojo (place of Buddhist practice or meditation) by the scent of flowers before welcoming Buddha.
  88. It is said that sea eel-based dishes flourished in Kyoto, because the sea eel, completely neglected in Osaka at that time, was only fish that could be brought alive to Kyoto.
  89. It is said that senior vassals Kiyotsuna KAIHO, Kazumasa ISONO, and Naotsune ENDO were against this, and one theory claims that the military advance against Nobunaga was made by recalcitrant vassals who were against Nobunaga.
  90. It is said that senior vassals such as Kiyotsuna AKAO, Tsunachika KAIHO, and Naotsune ENDO became enamoured with him because of this.
  91. It is said that sericulture in the Tanba Region including Fukuchiyama City has a history longer than one thousand years, with its peak around the beginning of the Showa period.
  92. It is said that shamisen and koto had not been played for ensemble even by the same player until he started it.
  93. It is said that she asked Ieyasu to save the life of Nakahime, a daughter of Hideyori (later, Tenshuni), when the Toyotomi family fell in the Summer siege of Osaka occurred in 1615.
  94. It is said that she became a believer in holy priest Nikkan, and contributed a vermilion-lacquered gate to the Josho-ji Temple (Kyoto City) in Takagamine (Kita Ward, Kyoto City).
  95. It is said that she built Ansho-ji Temple in Uji District (Kyoto City) and she also made a kanjo (ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary deity to a new location) at Oharano-jinja Shrine built by FUJIWARA no Otomuro.
  96. It is said that she built Fukoji Temple in Hirooka, Soegami County, Yamato Province (present-day Horen-cho, Nara City, Nara Prefecture) for Emperor Shomu.
  97. It is said that she built a new residence, Oharida no Miya Palace, to move in then.
  98. It is said that she committed the adultery intentionally to drive ISONOKAMI no Otomaro from his post.
  99. It is said that she continued to hide Ryoma and other soldiers of Sonno Joi sometimes even after the Incident.
  100. It is said that she desperately nursed Mitsuhide when he suffered from a serious illness, but she died due to the nursing fatigue.
  101. It is said that she did not look like a living person because of the shock that she lost all children before her death.
  102. It is said that she died in 1880 at the age of 70.
  103. It is said that she died in mourning for her love, the late Shigehira.
  104. It is said that she had a little pleasure such as bonsai (a dwarf miniature potted tree) in her later years.
  105. It is said that she had a very lonely newly-married life because Yoshinobu was very intimate with Tsuneko TOMENOMIYA, a widow of Yoshihisa TOKUGAWA, and also because her engagement to Yoshinobu had been determined as a replacement on very short notice.
  106. It is said that she had been in touch with her younger sister Anekoji, and helped the Hitotsubashi family's maneuver.
  107. It is said that she had gone to the toilet when the attack occured.
  108. It is said that she had modern (at that time) and flamboyant characters, and the scene of her visiting her elder sister, Teishi, was depicted in "Makura no soshi" (the Pillow Book).
  109. It is said that she instructed Kosaku YAMADA and others during this term.
  110. It is said that she liked fish bone and would collapse if she encounters a high priest.
  111. It is said that she made efforts to make Yoshimune TOKUGAWA: the lord of the Kii domain, the eighth Shogun after the early death of Ietsugu.
  112. It is said that she married Sadakatsu MIURA, the lord of Takada-jo Castle in Mimasaka Province about 1559.
  113. It is said that she played the stages of Samurai mono such as 'Bushido' and 'Harakiri'.
  114. It is said that she raised two imperial princesses left after her sister's death as well as her own two daughters.
  115. It is said that she ranked among just the few most beautiful and famous geigi in Shinbashi.
  116. It is said that she served Hideyoshi's lawful wife, Kita no Mandokoro.
  117. It is said that she throws down sand at people walking by shrines or in desolate woods.
  118. It is said that she vomited blood unexpectedly and died suddenly.
  119. It is said that she was Christian temporarily.
  120. It is said that she was a brave, clever, and merciful woman.
  121. It is said that she was able to gain the success by means of her beautiful and natural carriage, which she might have mastered partly because she learned Classical Japanese dance in her girlhood.
  122. It is said that she was buried in Ochi no oka no eno misasagi, and the Imperial Household Agency has designated Kurumagi Kennou kofun (tumulus) (round barrow, approximate diameter 45 meters) in Oaza Kurumagi, Takatori Town, Takaichi County, Nara Prefecture an imperial mausoleum of Empress Kogyoku/Saimei.
  123. It is said that she was especially close to Shizuko because of the nearest age.
  124. It is said that she was from the present Amakawa-mura, Yoshino County, Nara Prefecture.
  125. It is said that she was granted the rank as a token of special respect to her, who was the only living child of the Emperor Tenmu at the time.
  126. It is said that she was in charge of being a guardian of her first son, Yoshiatsu who seemed in poor health; She made great efforts to help Yoshinobu to become Shogun, which was also her husband's will.
  127. It is said that she was kept by her uncle Nobukane ODA and protected at Anotsu-jo Castle or Kiyosu-jo Castle.
  128. It is said that she was not on good terms with Tadahiro's legal wife, Ikuhime (who was a daughter of Narinobu SHIMAZU and an adopted daughter of Narioki SHIMAZU) and with Ikushima, Ikuhime's attendant and joro (high rank woman servant in the Imperial Court).
  129. It is said that she was on the outs with Gekkoin (Okiyo no Kata) who was a real mother of Shogun Ietsugu.
  130. It is said that she was one of the heroines who appeared in the tale when The Tale of Genji was still a fragment of a short love story.
  131. It is said that she was the daughter of Hozuminoujino Oshiyamano Sukune.
  132. It is said that she was the second daughter of the Sakanoue clan.
  133. It is said that she was the woman who was married to Yoshitsune, following the order of Yoritomo, and even after Yoshitsune antagonized Yoritomo, she accompanied Yoshitsune's escape journey all through the time and died with him.
  134. It is said that shoten and nai-shoten serve to take care of everything and they keep watching over a holy fire called 'imibi' after lighting it at this shrine.
  135. It is said that since Yoshitsura became a dominant shugo who governed four provinces, he was regarded as a threat by Yoshinori, and murdered deliberately.
  136. It is said that since he was a homosexual, he remained single throughout his life, but that he favored and loved Kabuki actors.
  137. It is said that since he was a righteous person who refused to give in to authority, it took him a long time to advance in his career.
  138. It is said that since his body wasn't found, people feared that it was because of the "wrath of Michizane's ghost."
  139. It is said that since she was older than Hidetada and jealous, Hidetada, who was dutiful by character, could not say no to his wife, however, it could be said she was such an appealing woman.
  140. It is said that since the Moribe clan was roto of MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi, he ended up serving Yoriyoshi.
  141. It is said that since the arrow with Kabura made a particular wind roar when it was shot, it was used for signaling the start of a battle and for purging a noxious vapor.
  142. It is said that since the child between her and Kiyomori was a girl, she swapped her biological child with the child of an umbrella seller in Kyo to please Kiyomori, who wanted to have a son.
  143. It is said that since then the letter '通,' which means that a prayer is answered, had been customarily used for the name of the head of the KONO clan for generations.
  144. It is said that since then, the Terasaka's runaway story came to be less mentioned.
  145. It is said that since then, visitors of Hozan-ji Temple significantly increased.
  146. It is said that since they, who were the members of Shinsengumi, knew his name, a great swordsman along with Yakuro SAITO and Shusaku CHIBA, they hastily apologized and ran away.
  147. It is said that skillful soldiers could shoot about every 20 seconds (every 18 seconds in an experiment during the late Showa period).
  148. It is said that soba restaurants often answer phone calls complaining of late deliveries by saying that "It has just been sent," and therefore simplistic excuses for delays are called 'soba-ya no demae.'
  149. It is said that some candies, such as 'Fukuame,' will protect you from a cold if eaten at the specified time of year.
  150. It is said that some clans such as the Henmi clan, Takeda clan, Ogasawara clan, Ise clan, and the Kira clan had originated the code of etiquette.
  151. It is said that some court nobles sympathized with Mitsusuke or that there was a counterargument that the Akamatsu clan was not the Emperor's enemy but the incident was a private warfare between samurai families.
  152. It is said that some currencies were used to wrap tabacco leaves in areas where inflation was especially severe.
  153. It is said that some of his cremains were dispersed in Chikurin-ji Temple.
  154. It is said that some of the geisha even carried swords.
  155. It is said that some people actually drank a large amount of soy-sauce on the day before the induction exam in order to become ill and to evade military service when the conscription system was implemented.
  156. It is said that some sort of request was submitted by Goshirakawa-in to Yoritomo in the beginning.
  157. It is said that some words in this book such as 'Sado' (Japanese tea ceremony), 'roji' (the garden outside a ceremonial tearoom) and 'Kaiseki ryori' (a simple meal served before a ceremonial tea) were not usually used in the age of Rikyu; based on that, some say it is an apocryphal book.
  158. It is said that sometimes eating utensils which have been thrown away become specters and begin to play at night, and music comes from the garbage at this time.
  159. It is said that sometimes, a roar echoes through the sky.
  160. It is said that sometimes, especially big authority planned to abolish or usurp the position of the Emperor, but it is said that no one has succeeded.
  161. It is said that soon a rumor emerged that Nobushige was still alive, helped Hideyori and Yodo-dono, and remained at large in Kishu, and there was another rumor that he fled to the Shimazu family's domain in Satsuma, where is grave is located (another rumor states that he had descendants).
  162. It is said that soy-sauce was used in court cooking in the reign of Louis XIV (the king of France).
  163. It is said that sparrows are not found in the watershed of this river because Hoori is a god of rice fields and harvest.
  164. It is said that spinning tops were introduced to Japan from China and became popular as amusements in the Imperial Court.
  165. It is said that squatting position develops the muscles of the feet, but the position is physically a heavy burden to disabled people or elderly people.
  166. It is said that succession to the position of Monshu by Junnyo, the third son, was eventually realized when his mother turned to Hideyoshi, who was then a vassal of Nobunaga, for help.
  167. It is said that such a process has became unnecessary thanks to development of new types of sake yeasts.
  168. It is said that such an aggressive attitude like MITSUZAKI aroused opposition from Todo-za and he was expelled from Kyoto, but it is no longer sure.
  169. It is said that such bizarre incidents occurred not only in Kyoto but also in the deep mountains of Hyogo Prefecture or Tottori Prefecture.
  170. It is said that such circumstances gave rise to Tokiyori's intention to appoint Nagatoki to serve as a regent in place of Tokimune until Tokimune's attainment of manhood and thereafter to have Tokimune assume the regency from Nagatoki.
  171. It is said that such decoration was originally remains of white binding strings knotted in the form of flowers and attached to the ribs, but in the early modern times it was a family crest stitched with white strings on white plain silk (or habutae, a thin, soft, durable silk).
  172. It is said that such intercommunication left articles belonging to him to the Kishi family and the Naganawa family, both of which were his relatives.
  173. It is said that such needs may be reflected in volume 1 of the "Kojiki."
  174. It is said that such notation came from the fact that Emperor Showa was already expressed as 'Showa Tenno' (the Emperor Showa) instead of 'Kinjo Tenno' (the present Emperor) in some publications after World War II.
  175. It is said that such pilgrimages were highly entertaining in a sense, and led to the popularity of travelling among common people.
  176. It is said that such requests had been made to the Imperial Court before, but lobbying to the politicians of the Meiji government such as Sanetomi SANJO and Tomomi IWAKURA allowed it to succeed.
  177. It is said that sutras of Esoteric Buddhism were preached by Dainichi Nyorai, not by Shakyamuni.
  178. It is said that teachings of Mahayana were theorized by Nagarjuna and others about 700 years after Shakyamuni's death.
  179. It is said that thanks to the alliance with the eldest son of Takauji ASHIKAGA, the most influential tozama gokenin (nonhereditary gokenin) who had a relation by marriage with the Hojo clan, the number of soldiers of Nitta forces reached the tens of thousands due to gokenin of neighboring area that also joined forces.
  180. It is said that thatch is the most primitive roof in various areas of the world.
  181. It is said that the "Seigansawa" (清巌茶話) in the second volume of "Shotetsu monogatari" (Tale of Shotetsu) was written to dictation by Chiun.
  182. It is said that the 'law prohibiting cruelty to animals' was intentionally deleted from the collection of laws compiled by the Shogunate, so as not to damage the Shogunate's authority.
  183. It is said that the 2.10-meter-high byobu in Sekien's caption was the one in the Xianyang Palace.
  184. It is said that the 6-inch Nyoirin Kannon statuette treasured by Prince Shotoku was placed inside the hollow cavity of the statue of the principle image.
  185. It is said that the Abe clan also gradually established its authority by promoting the basic policy change in the Onmyoryo in cooperation with the Kamo clan.
  186. It is said that the Ainu in Hokkaido ate whale meat even before the Edo period.
  187. It is said that the Ano-shu Guild people took service with the clans throughout Japan and that they began to construct stone walls of castles and the like, but much remains unknown.
  188. It is said that the Battle of Sekigahara was caused by Nobuyoshi's report 'The Uesugi clan may rebel against TOKUGAWA' to Ieyasu and Hidetada.
  189. It is said that the Battle of Toba-Fushimi started at the moment of this firing.
  190. It is said that the Chinese character 'shin,' which generally stands for 'new,' means "remarkably miraculous efficacy" in the temple's name.
  191. It is said that the Crow is the same as this crow, and some constellation illustration has a picture of the crow with three legs.
  192. It is said that the Date clan originated either in Isa County, Hitachi Province or in Shimotsuke Province (the Nakamura Castle).
  193. It is said that the Diet Member's Reading Room and Study Room are used by Diet members for the study of policies, as well as for confidential talks among politicians.
  194. It is said that the Emperor Kinmei gave a tacit approval to their abolishment of Buddha statues and the burning out of temples.
  195. It is said that the Emperor Seiwa, the Emperor Uda and FUJIWARA no Michinaga visited there in the Heian period, so it is assumed that this temple was flourishing.
  196. It is said that the Emperor Tenmu, after escaping from the Omi Court, went to Shimanomiya (detached palace) in Yoshino via Nakatsu Michi.
  197. It is said that the Emperor Uda took actual control of the government while Emperor Daigo remained sick in his last years.
  198. It is said that the Emperor edited "Shui Waka Shu (Collection of Gleanings)."
  199. It is said that the Emperor reflected this kind of full account to review according to the politics of his father, Emperor Kammu.
  200. It is said that the Emperor was a handsome but feminine-looking man.
  201. It is said that the Emperor was entombed in Koryuji no misasagi, Haccho Yanagi-cho Town, Hirano, Kita Ward, Kyoto City
  202. It is said that the Empress Teimei contributed greatly toward the successful marriage of Setsuko and Chichibu no Miya (Toshiaki KAWAHARA).
  203. It is said that the Enryaku-ji Temple monk Jitsuzobo Jisshun was invited to serve as kaisan (first head priest) following this reconstruction.
  204. It is said that the Fudo Myoo was a kind of a guardian deity for Enchin and appeared in times of crisis, such as when he was attacked by pirates on the way to Tang.
  205. It is said that the Furuichi clan also served as a sadoyaku for the Kokura Domain.
  206. It is said that the Gamo family died out because of the deep-seated grudge of pregnant women who died by violence.
  207. It is said that the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers did not understand the importance of soy-sauce, and instructed soybeans to be hydrolyzed for efficient production of soy-sauce.
  208. It is said that the Goryo-eji received an official appointment due to Shinohara's effort.
  209. It is said that the Great Famine (1695-1696) of the Genroku era was caused by cold-weather damage in the Tohokoku region which lead harvests to drop to 30% of the average, and in Tsugaru Domain over 50,000 people (one third of the domain's population) died.
  210. It is said that the Haji clan in ancient times was their origin.
  211. It is said that the Hata clan was a group of immigrants to Wakoku (the ancient Japan) in the Japanese archipelago via the Korean Peninsula during the sixth century and its roots are traced to the first Qin Emperor.
  212. It is said that the Hojo army called back other troops from Suruga Province to cover the damage they suffered during the battle.
  213. It is said that the Hojo army suffered big damage in the battle.
  214. It is said that the Horibe clan had served the Rokkaku clan, the head family of the Sasaki clan, for generations, however, the head family was overthrown in the Oda-Toyotomi era; and subsequently, the Horibe clan came to serve the Asano clan.
  215. It is said that the Imagawa School of swordsmanship was founded by Ujizane.
  216. It is said that the Imperial Princess Fuwa performed an occult act (巫蠱の術) together with court ladies including AGATA no Unukai no amane, Oshisaka no himemiko and Ishida no himemiko to curse the Emperor Koken and the Emperor Shotoku to shorten their lives in order to put Shikeshimaro on the imperial throne.
  217. It is said that the Ito school in Sagacho, Fukagawa flourished, had many students and disciples, and had almost the same size as a small direct retainer of the shogun.
  218. It is said that the Iwase family, which he was born into, ran a pawnshop in Kiba.
  219. It is said that the Japan Meteorological Agency began to provide information of tsuyuiri and tsuyuake around 1955 and it was communicated to information mediums as "oshirase" (notice).
  220. It is said that the Japanese reading 'miyatsuko' came from 'Miyatsuko' meaning servants or 'Miyatsuko' meaning retainers of the monarch.
  221. It is said that the Japanese style of yakiniku presentation, in which meat is chosen and eaten with yakiniku sauce, was first adopted by the Shokudoen restaurant in the Kansai region.
  222. It is said that the Juni Shinsho guard each 12 hours of the day and night in accordance with the 12 wishes of Yakushi-nyorai.
  223. It is said that the Kajin (a waka poet) Sakon FUJIROKU saw Masakado's head and recited a waka poem, at which time it is said that Masakado's head laughed, the earth suddenly began to shake, there was thunder and lightening, and the head said "I need to get back my body and go into battle! Where is my body!"
  224. It is said that the Kannon taught that method to Yagoro's daughter in her dream.
  225. It is said that the Kawaramono were included in a fixed discriminated position when the position was organized by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and the Tokugawa government in the early modern period.
  226. It is said that the Kirihara clan descended from the Oba clan, which descended from the Kamakura clan, one of Bando Hachi Heishi (the Eight Taira clans of the East), and the Kaminaga clan descended from the Fujiwara clan.
  227. It is said that the Koryu-ji Temple acted almost as if it had been their uji-dera (clan temple), and that the Matsuo-taisha Shrine held rituals for the clan.
  228. It is said that the Koto clan, the military governor of Nagato and Kaneko clan, the family of Shinto priest of Mononobe-jinja Shrine, and Sone clan, the family of Shinto priest of Hirose-jinja Shrine and Sorai OGYU, shogun's retainer in the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) are the descendents.
  229. It is said that the Kozen-do Temple was the predecessor of Shinyakushi-ji Temple and was later combined with Shinyakushi-ji Temple at the foot of a mountain.
  230. It is said that the Kusunoki-Wada side highly praised their characters.
  231. It is said that the Matsukawa River ran through around the location of the small river now called the Haraigawa River (Fukushima Prefecture) in those days.
  232. It is said that the Miya go title came from the ancient capital of Kuni-kyo, or from the historical tradition that the head of the family used the Kanji character '邦 (kuni)' every second generation to prevent bad luck.
  233. It is said that the Mon succeeding in the female line was created naturally because in the merchant families of the Kansai area the talented daughter's husband often inherited the family business.
  234. It is said that the Mononobe clan's ancestor is Nigihayahimikoto, who is believed to have descended to earth in Koho, Kawachi Province (presumably, present-day Katano City, Osaka Prefecture) before the time of the Imperial family.
  235. It is said that the Nagata agricultural method helps produce particularly high sugar content and low protein content, which is the cause of Satsuma (undesirable taste in sake).
  236. It is said that the Naishidokoro located to the north of Nikka-mon Gate was moved here when Shunkyoden Hall was used as a satodairi (a temporary palace),
  237. It is said that the Naito family was a descendent of Masatoyo NAITO, a busho (Japanese military commander) in the Sengoku period (period of warring states) and Konan, at his father's order, visited Masatoyo's grave in the remains of Nagashino battlefiled.
  238. It is said that the Narutomaki was named after a whirling current in the Naruto Strait.
  239. It is said that the Navy planned to move the Headquarter of the third Air Corps of the Aviation Fleet to Yanagimoto, since the Navy was on the alert for the landing on Ki Peninsula in the homeland defense war.
  240. It is said that the Nue shot by the Yorimasa's arrow flew back to Azoga-ike Pond and became the guardian of the pond, but died from the arrow wound.
  241. It is said that the Nuhi made up about 5% of the population under the ritsuryo system in Japan.
  242. It is said that the Oda family (which later turned out Nobunaga ODA) of Yamagata, and the Date family of Sendai, who were both busho (Japanese military commanders) during the Middle Ages and the Period of Warring Sates, were Nagasunehiko's descendants.
  243. It is said that the Ogasawara clan in Awa belonged to the Southern Court in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts and many of the descendants became local clans serving the Hosokawa clan, the shugo of Awa in the Muromachi period.
  244. It is said that the Okumura family were the descendants of the Sasaki clan and country samurai of 'Tani no sho,' the northern Omi Province.
  245. It is said that the Onie no matsuri Festival and the Niiname-sai Festival have been separated ever since the Emperor Tenmu solemnized his Onie no matsuri Festival.
  246. It is said that the Otsu-jo castle might have fallen, if the battle had continued for one more day.
  247. It is said that the Pope displayed the folding screen painting in the hallway that connected his residence and office, but the painting went missing after the Pope passed away.
  248. It is said that the Retired Emperor Gomizunoo visited the Imperial Villa when it was under construction, disguising himself as a maid and got onto a palanquin, to direct it's construction, but this is not confirmed as to whether it is a true story or not.
  249. It is said that the Rinzo originated in the Fu Daishi of the Southern Dynasty (China), or Liang (the Southern Dynasty), where there is Sanzonzo (statue) of Fu Daishi and his two children (twins) in front of Rinzo.
  250. It is said that the Ritsuryo system can be traced back as far as the Qin and Western Han periods; but strictly speaking, it emerged and gradually developed in China during the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties.
  251. It is said that the Rokuhara police commissioner became impatient and ordered Jiho and his retainers to visit the estate in the company of the estate steward) and Iga Province vassals: an order the constables eventually followed..
  252. It is said that the Russians, who regard kelp as 'Garbage of the sea,' cannot understand why the Japanese willingly eat kelp.
  253. It is said that the Shimazu clan sided with the Western Army because it lacked the ability to gather information.
  254. It is said that the Shinto-ryu School, Nen-ryu School and Kage-ryu School, the three schools of Kenjutsu in existence at present, originated from Kanto-Shichiryu.
  255. It is said that the Tachikawa-ryu school was regarded as a heresy taking a cue from Yukai, who accomplished learning of religious doctrines in Mt. Koya, and who criticized the Tachikawa-ryu school, collected books on it in front of Goei-do Hall (hall dedicated to the sect's founder) on Mt. Koya and burnt them.
  256. It is said that the Takabatake clan was an influential samurai in the Takabatake no sho in the basin of Katsura-gawa River (Yodo-gawa River system) and was engaged in the business of doso (storehouse money broker) and transportation by water.
  257. It is said that the Tegatana originally meant that the person showed that he/she didn't have any weapon by opening up his/her hand and that the person showed the way he/she was going to take.
  258. It is said that the Tsutsui clan originated from the Omiwa clan, the Shinto priest family of Omiwa-jinja Shrine.
  259. It is said that the Uiro was first sold at a stand on the platform of Nagoya station in 1931 and that it became famous because only Uiro was permitted to be sold in the train after the opening of New Tokaido Line in 1964.
  260. It is said that the Unagi-donburi (Donburimono with roasted eel on cooked rice) introduced in the early nineteenth century is the oldest Donburimono, and that Fukagawa-donburi (with cooked shellfish as an ingredient) appeared next toward the end of the Edo period.
  261. It is said that the United States Forces targeted the residence of Oyama and others.
  262. It is said that the Uto-jo Castle owned by Yukinaga functioned as a mizu-shiro (castle on a lake or marsh for defensive reasons).
  263. It is said that the Wakoku forces were organized as three parties and attacked their enemies four times, but incurred heavy losses due to the time differences in making fire attacks and from the fall of the tide.
  264. It is said that the Watanabe clan, the vassal of the Toyotomi clan, and the Watanabe clan, the daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family, are also the descendants of MINAMOTO no Tsuna.
  265. It is said that the YASUTOMI's letter was delivered by Chusuke SAWA, bacho (a person who was in charge of taking care of horses).
  266. It is said that the Yamato clan ruled over Shiki and Tochi regions (the eastern part of Nara Basin) in the sixth and seventh century.
  267. It is said that the Yata no Kagami (mirror) dedicated to Ise Jingu Shine as a shintai (object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity) is the mirror that has existed since ancient times.
  268. It is said that the Yuasa clan served under the Mori clan in the Sengoku period (period of warring states) (in Japan) and became a feudal retainer of Hagi.
  269. It is said that the above mentioned poems were made to criticize two deferent schools of Nichiren Sect, but there are some questions raised in terms of the practical part.
  270. It is said that the above movement was triggered by the fact that Takatsune removed Doyo from the post of the Governor of Settsu Province on the ground of his failure in stopping the invasion of Southern Court's forces into Settsu Province in the same year.
  271. It is said that the above revision was made only because of the change of the system of weighs and measures and the actual amount remained unchanged.
  272. It is said that the above was one of the causes for the Konodai Battle.
  273. It is said that the actual works of the head governor were handled by its suke (his deputy).
  274. It is said that the administrators of manors originally began organizing the Toimaru for reasons of expediency.
  275. It is said that the aftershocks continued over three months.
  276. It is said that the alliance included conditions such as 'As long as the alliance holds, Oda will not advance to Asakura. Furthermore, if circumstances make an advance to Asakura necessary, Nobunaga will not forget to notify him of the advance.'
  277. It is said that the anthology was compiled on the basis of Toshinari's personal collection of poetry, "Sangodaishu" (Collection of Fifteen Eras).
  278. It is said that the anti-Tanuma faction and the Hitotsubashi family may have orchestrated this activity.
  279. It is said that the antiaircraft artillery position was taken up by the former Japanese military during World War II, and the building stones (produced in Shibayama, Kashiwabara City) in the vertical stone chamber were dug up at that time.
  280. It is said that the appointing of TAIRA no Motomori as governor of Yamato Province is an expression of the hopes placed in the Taira clan to achieve a balance of power.
  281. It is said that the army led by Nobushige in Osaka wore red armor (Akazonae (red arms)).
  282. It is said that the ashes of the deceased Emperor Junna was scattered at the mountaintop and there remains Oharano no nishi no mine no misasagi (the tomb of the Emperor Junna).
  283. It is said that the assassination plot was attempted but failed in March 1599 (while another theory asserts that Mitsunari's main retainer, Sakon SHIMA, plotted on his own).
  284. It is said that the audience said to him, 'Shinsho, get some rest.'
  285. It is said that the authority of the group Nagatoshi died around that time.
  286. It is said that the bakufu had to emit Ansei Chogin with its quality of silver lowered, in order to secure the sufficient amount of silver required to mint the Nishu gin silver coins.
  287. It is said that the bakufu was afraid that people who have been favored by the Toyotomi family would betray the bakufu, however, it would not apply to Nagamasa KURODA, who contributed to the victory of the Eastern Army at the Battle of Sekigahara.
  288. It is said that the bath was opened in the Kyoho era.
  289. It is said that the battle started at five in the morning and lasted until two in the afternoon, and the estimated death toll was 1,800 on Azai and Asakura sides and 800 on Oda and Tokugawa sides, and the wounded was three times as much on each side.
  290. It is said that the beauty of the Katsura Imperial Villa is the fusion of its calm and elegant form and great gardens.
  291. It is said that the beginning of his approach to Hisamitsu was placing his letter in Hisamitsu's hands through Jogan Kissho-in, brother of Atsushi, since Jogan, was the Igo partner of Hisamitsu.
  292. It is said that the beginning of standardized oban gold coins were those produced by the Goto family (metal work in Kyoto) under the order of Hideyoshi in 1588.
  293. It is said that the beginning of the making Magaibutsu in Japan goes back to the beginning of the Heian period and that Sanzon (Triad) Magaibutsu at the site of the Komasaka-dera Temple (Ritto City, Shiga Prefecture) is an example in the early period.
  294. It is said that the beginning of writing the original work started in 1193 and followed by addition of postscript, the original work had completed and reported in 1360.
  295. It is said that the big juzu was meant to mourn for the enemies he himself had killed.
  296. It is said that the birth of Imperial Princess Keishi received a frosty welcome by the members of the Imperial Court, who had eagerly expected the birth of a prince, because she was another princess following her elder sister, Princess Shoshi.
  297. It is said that the boat-shape originated from a fable in which, in 847, when the founder of Saiho-ji Temple Jikaku Daishi Ennin was caught in a rainstorm on his way home from Tang he chanted Myogo (the name of Buddha) saying, 'Namu Amida Budda' and was able to return to Japan safely.
  298. It is said that the body of Yorimasa who died in a battle at Uji was not buried here, because the Tanba Yada-go Village was of all his territories the nearest to Uji.
  299. It is said that the boy who was born in Tameie Mansion (Reizei Mansion) was Tamenori, as recorded in "Meigetsuki" (Chronicle of the Bright Moon) (according to Yoshisada ISHIDA).
  300. It is said that the brothers Yoshimitsu and Kaiyo got together and conspired this act from the beginning in order to silence him and avoid detection of the case.
  301. It is said that the building enshrined a golden statue of Buddha and could accommodate 3,000 people, with two layers of kairo (a long-roofed, portico-like passage connecting two buildings) that surrounded a two-storied tower with a nine-tier 銅槃 (doban) hanging from a sorin at the top.
  302. It is said that the calendar was strongly recommended by OKASUGA no Manomaro, who was a reki hakase (master of reki - calendar).
  303. It is said that the call changed from 'Ochite inai ka?' (Are there hair fallen?) to 'Ochanai? Ochanai?'
  304. It is said that the casket was opened and the body was pulled out, hence the Emperor's skeleton and gray hair were all over in the sepulcher.
  305. It is said that the castle was relinquished as a result of peace negotiations after Yoshisada's death.
  306. It is said that the ceiling of the top floor was originally made from a single piece of camphor wood, but this is not true and it was in fact a panelled ceiling using several wood panels.
  307. It is said that the ceremony started in Emperor Saga's reign, but it was established in Emperor Uda's reign as an official ceremony, the oldest record of Shihohai being held on January 1, Kampyo 2, was in "Uda tenno gyoki" (the diary of the Emperor Uda).
  308. It is said that the ceremony was held amid heavy rain and thunder ("Oyudono no ue no Nikki" (The Diary written by ladies-in-waiting at the court)).
  309. It is said that the changing the territory of the Kuki clan to Settsu was the policy of reducing power; transferring daimyo who seems to be a risk of bakufu to other domain amid the furor.
  310. It is said that the character of Syuto in Mino Province as referred here is that of the post about Yunonagashi for Prince Oama.
  311. It is said that the characters of 求肥 (demand fertilizer) were applied later because of the strong tendency to detest meat eating in Japan.
  312. It is said that the characters of 貨泉 were the oldest remaining product of the characters found through excavations in Japan.
  313. It is said that the characters on the long horizontal board on the Oten-mon Gate in Heian-kyo Capital was written by Kukai, a famous priest.
  314. It is said that the charge against Yoshitsuna was a false one, and the truth is unknown although "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy), etc. consider Yoshiie's younger brother Yoshimitsu as the real criminal.
  315. It is said that the chief priest Kocho NISHIMURA appointed by the Tendai Sect head temple in 1955 was reluctant to accept his post due to the dilapidated condition of the temple.
  316. It is said that the clan adopted the "Hanabishi" pattern attached to the armor as its formal family crest.
  317. It is said that the clan began to use the family name Iga since IGA no Tomomitsu who was the Iga no kuni no Kami (Governor of Iga Province) in the early Kamakura period.
  318. It is said that the clan descended from Ameno Oshihi-no-Mikoto, who served as a guide in Tensonkorin (the descent to Earth of the grandson of the Sun Goddess) and had a kindred relationship with the Saeki clan (the Saeki clan was generally regarded as a branch family of the Otomo clan, though some say the opposite is true).
  319. It is said that the clan was descended from Shikitsuhiko no Mikoto, the third prince of Emperor Annei.
  320. It is said that the cocking with an iron plate has been getting popular since foods cocked with a junk iron plate were served at the black market or at a food stall right after the war.
  321. It is said that the coffin of Emperor Tenmu was opened and his remains were pulled out during the robbery so that the bones and gray hair of the Emperor were scattered in the stone chamber.
  322. It is said that the color of juzu made from Bo tree or seigetsu linden (unbleached) will gradually change the color in amber over time and have depth to its color.
  323. It is said that the combination of chicken and tartar sauce was created from dried squid and mayonnaise.
  324. It is said that the comical arts of Sangaku, especially mimicry, evolved into Sarugaku.
  325. It is said that the company offered Fumiaki an exclusive contract for the service of solving problems and determining business conditions but he declined the offer because of his family's kakun (family percept) that divination is not allowed for the pursuit of profit.
  326. It is said that the completion of Fujiwara-kyo was in 704 which was ten years after the capital relocation; the construction had already started in 676.
  327. It is said that the concepts and methodologies of this school is positioned in-between the Omotesenke school and the Urasenke school, taking over the characteristics of those two major schools.
  328. It is said that the conflagration in 1657 (of the Meireki era) caused a shortage of leather, raising the cost of leather, and making tabi made of cotton used more widely.
  329. It is said that the construction was directed by Keisuke OTORI or Jules Brunet.
  330. It is said that the contents of the book generally reflected the opinions of FUJIWARA no Otsugu.
  331. It is said that the control style of this system was reached by increasing the level of central control in the shugo-ryogoku system (the system in which a shugo controlled a province).
  332. It is said that the country was governed most peacefully during this period in the Chinese history.
  333. It is said that the couple got along well together.
  334. It is said that the creation of the first edition was begun in 1823, and published from 1831 to 1835.
  335. It is said that the criminal was SUGAWARA no Tamenaga or anti-Kujo group who were bitter about the relationship between Yoshitsune and the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).
  336. It is said that the criminals were often so moved by the lecture that they shed tears, and the lecture provided spiritual support for their rehabilitation (according to a website "Onihei to Ninshokuyakuba").
  337. It is said that the current method of using two pieces of castella to sandwich the bean paste was the idea of the Japanese cake shop in Ueno called 'Usagi-ya' which was founded in 1914, and this method became popular around Japan.
  338. It is said that the current rectangular-shaped kintsuba with its all 6 sides being seared was conceived by Takichi SUGITA, the founder of Benibanado (present-day Hontakasagoya) in Motomachi, Yokohama City.
  339. It is said that the custom began in ancient China, during the period of Chou Kung or King Zhao of Qin.
  340. It is said that the custom of setting this day as the day of tango started in the 3rd Century during Chu dynasty in China.
  341. It is said that the custom to serve two slices of takuan evolved from these incidents.
  342. It is said that the cypress bark roof was used for many buildings of Heijo-kyu Palace in the Nara Period.
  343. It is said that the daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period around the country actually hired Genin.
  344. It is said that the dance was designed based on the legend where Susanoo and his son Isotakeru no kami, who went to Silla after being expelled from Heaven, experienced torrential rain in the region of Soshimori and protected themselves from the rain by making straw hats from straw.
  345. It is said that the decoration has a meaning for Yoshuku Geino (Preliminary Celebration) that prays for the productiveness of grain of the year.
  346. It is said that the deep-seated grudge of Kiyohime was removed by the religious service held by the temple's daisojo (high priest) and the bell came to give off the beautiful sound, and it has been passed down as a sacred treasure in the temple.
  347. It is said that the defection of the Mori clan was caused mainly by the involvement of Hidetsuna KAMEI, a vassal of the Amago clan, in the succession race of the Mori clan, but it seems that Tsunehisa's strong ulterior motive also played a part.
  348. It is said that the deity appeared in the boat when Enchin returned to Japan.
  349. It is said that the deity is the same as 'Ikatomi' that appears in the Robe of Feathers Legend of itsubun (surviving fragment of the document) of fudoki (description of regional climate, culture, etc.) of Omi Province.
  350. It is said that the descendant Takekashima no mikoto was appointed Naka no kuninomiyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Seimu.
  351. It is said that the descendants of 21 emperors were given the surnames of Minamoto since the Emperor Saga (including the families which became extinct in the generations of the people who were given the surname themselves and in their children's generations).
  352. It is said that the descendents of the Horiguchi family settled in Motosu Country, Mino Province (the upper reaches of Ibi-gawa River), and they served the Saito clan and the Akechi clan during the Sengoku period (period of warring states).
  353. It is said that the descendents of the Toyotomi today still use their ancestor's name as their family names.
  354. It is said that the descriptions of 'a book says' show that the defunct books written heresies were used for the compilation of "Nihonshoki."
  355. It is said that the dethronement of the empress and the crown prince was a conspiracy by FUJIWARA no Momokawa and others.
  356. It is said that the dezomeshiki held at Ueno Toshogu Shrine on January 4, 1659 in the Edo period was the first in its history.
  357. It is said that the differences deal with the accounts of prayers and ceremonies.
  358. It is said that the direct line of Yoshisada was broken when Yoshimune's son Sadakata NITTA (Yoshikuni) and his eldest son Sadakuni NITTA were executed in Kamakura in the Oei era.
  359. It is said that the direct origin of Japanese Court caps was a headgear called 'tokin' (hood), which was a part of chofuku (clothes worn by the nobility when attending Court), and this headgear is seen in the Ibuku Ryo (Garment Code) of the Yoro Ritsuryo Code.
  360. It is said that the disputes which were published on the bulletin evoke various responses as expected and many letters were posted on various newspapers.
  361. It is said that the distance between the veranda and the chozubachi is preferably about 75 cm.
  362. It is said that the document also explained that one of the flags was a white flag, to be used if the country should surrender.
  363. It is said that the domains exempt from the control of the uprisings in the Kozuke Province were only three; namely, Takasaki Domain, Maebashi Domain, and Isesaki Domain.
  364. It is said that the dynasty of Emperor Tenchi, for fear that Tang might push into Japan, built mizuki and komizuki, which store water in big dikes, in Tsukushi in August, 664.
  365. It is said that the earliest Japanese coin, Fuhonsen coin was also issued in the era of the Emperor Tenmu.
  366. It is said that the early-modern times started in around the era when the taiko kenchi was conducted and ended around the start of Meiji Restoration
  367. It is said that the earth of the newly reclaimed land had not yet hardened due to the rushed nature of the reclamation project, and massive plumes of dust were blown into the air even after the earth had dried.
  368. It is said that the eldest son Yoshimune SUGIMOTO became the founder of Wada clan; the second son Yoshizumi MIURA became the inheritor of Yoshiaki and one of his daughters became a concubine of MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo, who extended his influence to the East.
  369. It is said that the emperor worshiped his son, changed the name of 'Murakumo,' a memento of him, built the 'Kusanagi-jinja Shrine' and put 'the Kusanagi sword' in it.
  370. It is said that the enshrined god in Enomoto-jinja Shrine is the landowner god of the area worshiped from even before the foundation of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Kasugano.
  371. It is said that the entire ship was covered with fireproof iron plates to prepare against attacks by horoku-hiya (one type of fire arrows) at which the Murakami navy was good.
  372. It is said that the environment he grew up in greatly affected his future style of art.
  373. It is said that the epitaph for "Sakin" and that for "Usho" were propped against the inside walls of the wooden containers so that their inscriptions were faced the inside of the containers.
  374. It is said that the error was caused due to oral tradition.
  375. It is said that the etched character patterns are excellent.
  376. It is said that the existing Hakkakudo is what FUJIWARA no Nakamaro built in memory of his father, FUJIWATA no Muchimaro.
  377. It is said that the expulsion of the anticipated successor as shogun, Yoshimi ASHIKAGA, was involved in the events leading up to the dispute.
  378. It is said that the eye disease of Emperor Sanjo was his fault, and the "Hobutsushu" (A Collection of Treasures) stated that lightning that fell on the Seiryoden (the residential palace of the emperor) in 930 was caused not by SUGAWARA no Michizane but by him.
  379. It is said that the face almost turned to that of a snake due to excessive jealousy, consequently the ears removed, the mouth stretched from ear to ear, the tongue showing, the fangs are long, and the hair is almost lost.
  380. It is said that the face is entirely painted with white powder; the painting is not only thick but also very dauby, in such a way that one feels scared just by looking at the face.
  381. It is said that the fact that any of "Shoku Nihongi," "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), and "Shoku Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan Continued) does not have the character for 'sho' in the title, supports this theory.
  382. It is said that the fad started when a collection of Kyoka entitled "Neboke sensei bunshu (the Literary Works of Master Groggy)" was published in 1767 at the beginning of Okitsugu TANUMA's political control.
  383. It is said that the family lived in Nakashi-jo Castle in Kugami in Inaba Province in the days of his father Yoshichiro Masayoshi, and expanded influence by taking advantage of a conflict started between Takanobu TAKEDA and the Yamana clan, a military governor, in the Eiroku era.
  384. It is said that the family moved to Kugami, Kono no Kori (present Iwami Town) by the head of the family Yoshichiro Masaoshi, several generations after Yukiyasu.
  385. It is said that the family name Uematsu derived from pine trees (matsu) that Masanaga donated.
  386. It is said that the family of Soun started to call themselves 'Hojo' after Soun's death, in the period of his son Ujitsuna HOJO.
  387. It is said that the family was originally from Yoshida-mura, Inugami-gun, Oe Province, and during the mid-Muromachi Period his ancestor went to the capital (Kyoto) and served as an in-house doctor of the Muromachi bakufu.
  388. It is said that the father, Shintaro, 45 or 46 years old, was an excellent calligrapher known under the name of Ryugensai, but he did not even know how to wear a sword at all, which often made him run errands for other members.
  389. It is said that the festival has been celebrated since the following year.
  390. It is said that the festival originated in 869 when Hiramaro URABE set up 66 hoko (long-handled Chinese spear) and sent three mikoshi (portable shrines carried in festivals), praying for the decrease in the overwhelming influence of the plague, to enshrine the Gozu Tenno, and have a goryoe (ritual ceremony to repose of souls).
  391. It is said that the fights on actual battlefields were not done according to kata but were done by attempting to cut kesa (the collarbone, the carotid).
  392. It is said that the fire balls are actually a man and a woman who jointly committed suicide, and they meet each other as fire balls since they were buried in different temples.
  393. It is said that the fire balls come close to you if you keep your eyes on them.
  394. It is said that the first Ganjiro was amazed saying 'Kawamura lives in a huge house' (Kawamura was the real name of the sixth UTAEMON Nakamura [son of the fifth UTAEMON Nakamura]).
  395. It is said that the first case of Gakumonryo granted by Daigaku-besso was the one granted by Kobun-in, which was established by WAKE no Hiroyo ("Nihon Koki" (Later Chronicle of Japan)).
  396. It is said that the first case of Tenpo was that Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI transferred the Tokugawa clan from Sunpu in Suruga Province to Edo in Musashi Province in 1590.
  397. It is said that the first dispatch was on February 8 (based on the old calendar), when 6 with fudai daimyo (hereditary vassals to the Tokugawa Family) status, namely, Yoshichika KOIDE, Nagamasa ICHIHASHI, Yoshikatsu MIZOGUCHI, Mitsumasa KOIDE, Kazunao KUWAYAMA and Mitsunobu WAKEBE, were sent as official envoys to various parts of the country.
  398. It is said that the first inpu is "Shukoinkaku" published by YO Katsuichi in the Taikan era of the Northern Sung Dynasty.
  399. It is said that the first nunnery temple in Japan was Sakurai-ji Temple (the predecessor of Toyura-dera Temple) where Zenshin-ni, who is said to be the first nun of Japan, had lived.
  400. It is said that the first time fukujinzuke served with curry and rice was in the Taisho period (another theory says it was in 1902 or 1903), for the first class passengers of the passenger ship on a European run of the Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line), then spread all over Japan.
  401. It is said that the first use of guns in battle was seen in the attack on Kajiki-jo Castle in Osumi Province by Tadaaki IJUIN, a vassal of the Shimazu clan from Satsuma Province.
  402. It is said that the first visit to Kumano was the visit by Emperor Uda in 907.
  403. It is said that the flapping of Tengu's wings can be heard, or that the wind roars around such trees.
  404. It is said that the flint blades whose width was less than a centimeter (called saisekijin, or flint microblades) already came into existence in the Altai Region, which is in the central part of the Eurasian Continent, about 40000 years ago.
  405. It is said that the following Senryu (comic haiku) by Oda shows his character: 'If hototogisu (the little cuckoo) does not sing, kill it.'
  406. It is said that the forced punishment of Takigawa was one of the reasons why Ichiro HATOYAMA was banished from official positions by the GHQ in the post-war years.
  407. It is said that the forefather of the Sawa family was Imperial Prince Toneri, the prince of Emperor Tenmu.
  408. It is said that the former is also more excellent than the latter in: taste; firmness to the bite which controls the chewing property; the degree of swelling when toasted; the degree of melting when boiled; the degree of stretching and stickiness; etc.
  409. It is said that the fort was built in a rush by soldiers and local residents who were recruited for the construction work.
  410. It is said that the foundation of the destroyed Ninna-ji Temple was relocated to the site of this temple during the Onin War.
  411. It is said that the founder (first chief priest) of Todai-ji Temple Roben kept this statue beside him at all times, and it is known from the legend of TAIRA no Masakado; it has been a famous statue since ancient times.
  412. It is said that the founder of the Hisada family was Sanefusa HISADA, a samurai retainer of Yoshizane SASAKI, who was a later Muromachi period descendant of the Misono clan of the MINAMOTO no Mitsusue line of Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan).
  413. It is said that the four (Aratama, Nikitama, Sakitama, and Kushitama) are parallel concepts.
  414. It is said that the garden was designed in such a manner that 1 of the 15 stones is always hidden behind another, no matter where it is viewed from.
  415. It is said that the genealogy above was changed into the following one because MINAMOTO no Sueto was adopted by MINAMOTO no Shigetoki:
  416. It is said that the general budget of the tairei of Showa was 19,683,637.55 yen, in the amount of money in those days.
  417. It is said that the giboshi was made when the bridge was rebuilt in the Tensho era (1573 - 1585) according to an order of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.
  418. It is said that the glorious reign of Emperor Daigo was the model.
  419. It is said that the god descends when Ryukyu Kingdom is in a fateful crisis.
  420. It is said that the god hated hemp because the god or his Murage subordinate stumbled over a piece of hemp and died.
  421. It is said that the god moves to the anterior hall during the day and moves to the posterior hall in the evening.
  422. It is said that the god requested to have her as "Kami no Yashiro" (The Shrine of God) to save humankind but also threatened to destroy the Nakayama family if they refused.
  423. It is said that the god told him 'I showed up to protect thou (Enchin) who transmits the essence of Buddhism.'
  424. It is said that the god was far from being indifferent and rather liked the chance to die, therefore, the god instructed his Murage subordinates to hang down dead human bodies from the posts around the cupola furnace.
  425. It is said that the golden kite helped Emperor Jinmu in the Battle against Nagasunehiko.
  426. It is said that the gongen-zukuri style started with Hiyoshi Tosho-gu Shrine (built in 1634) in Sakamoto, Otsu City.
  427. It is said that the government considered it impossible to create a system of common creeds for Shinto or to control people directly with creeds of the ancient Shinto.
  428. It is said that the grandson of SUGAWARA no Michizane and the third head priest Shunyu Naiku (priest) (890 ? 953) was responsible for the restoration of Ishiyama-dera Temple.
  429. It is said that the grave was erected there because of the historical fact that he had once visit the place.
  430. It is said that the grieving Ningai created a Ryokai Mandala (Mandala of the Two Realms) from the hide of the ox which was installed as the principal image and that this is the reason why the temple was named 'Gyuhisan Mandara-ji Temple' (Ox-hide Mandala Temple).
  431. It is said that the group of legation staff members who had managed to protect themselves during the daytime, 28 people, including the Minister Yoshimoto HANABUSA, set fire to the legation that night.
  432. It is said that the guidance should be given to make the transactions as impartially as possible and to make the price as low as possible.
  433. It is said that the hall was almost in ruins, and was never rebuilt after it was destroyed by fire in 1063.
  434. It is said that the head of the Kira family, Yoshimasa KIRA, who was 18 at that time, courageously fought against one of the expert swordsmen among Ako Roshi, Tadashichi TAKEBAYASHI (also known as Yasube HORIBE) with his naginata skills; however, he fainted after blood from his wound went into his eyes.
  435. It is said that the herbalism Ranzan developed came to be extensively known, which attracted pupils from all over Japan, and more than 1,000 people graduated from his school.
  436. It is said that the high acceptance of "The Tale of Genji" was due to the atmosphere of the time.
  437. It is said that the highway was maintained when Kasuga no Tsubone made her pilgrimage from Ise-jingu Shrine to Taga-taisha Shrine in 1640.
  438. It is said that the hilt was about 6 m long (A regular long spear is 4.5 m.)
  439. It is said that the history of Bonenkai of Japan began in the Kamakura or Muromachi period and it is thought that behavior of people at Bonenkai was quiet and solemn such as composing waka poems.
  440. It is said that the history of Yagi-jo Castle began when Akikatsu NAITO (also called Sadafusa) entered Yagi having been granted the Funai district in 1335 because of his military exploits when his army fought alongside Takauji ASHIKAGA in Shinomura Tanba Hachiman-gu Shrine in 1333.
  441. It is said that the hot spring was developed by descendants of ogre that followed EN no Ozunu (A semi-legendary holy man noted for his practice of mountain asceticism during the second half of the seventh century).
  442. It is said that the iconography of Fudo Myoo was introduced to Japan when Kobo-daishi Kukai transmitted Mikkyo from China.
  443. It is said that the income of the bakufu became stabilized by this.
  444. It is said that the ink sticks produced during Ming and Qing period have the highest quality, and the quality deteriorated gradually afterwards.
  445. It is said that the inner court painters ranked with Hatamoto and were allowed 'audience' with the Shogun as well as belting on a sword, which implies a high status.
  446. It is said that the inside of the Azuchi-jo Castle of Nobunaga ODA shined brightly with gold foil.
  447. It is said that the intention in enacting this law was to ensure the number of servants for samurai families and the amount of nengu (land tax in rice) before the Bunroku-Keicho War.
  448. It is said that the kassen (battle) at Inui-jo Castle was his uijin (first battle).
  449. It is said that the kenzoku of Fugen Bosatsu is ju-rasetsunyo, or ten demonesses, and that sometimes Kishimo-jin, a mother of the Ju-rasetsunyos, is placed as kenzoku.
  450. It is said that the killing was the deed of the Kyoto Mimarwarigumi (a group for the security of Kyoto)
  451. It is said that the kokudaka (territorial land value) of prefecture was determined to be 300,000 to 600,000 goku (later 900,000 goku) so that prefectures could afford administrative expenses.
  452. It is said that the kosode clad by FUJIWARA no Motohira, stored in Konjiki-do (Golden Hall) of Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, is the existing oldest kosode left today.
  453. It is said that the kutsu yokai (shoe specter) steals gourds from gourd fields while the kanmuri yokai (courtier's cap specter) steals plums from plum trees.
  454. It is said that the legal scholar KOREMUNE no Tadasuke, who was serving as a clerk of the Left Gate Guards at that time, wrote an excellent chakuda kammon following Kinto's intention and thus furthered his reputation as a jurist.
  455. It is said that the letter '興' in Okimoto (興元) was after his older brother Tadaoki (忠興) HOSOKAWA, and the letter '元' was after Mototsune (元常), the foster father of Fujitaka.
  456. It is said that the letters on the store curtain, which still hangs in the Kuroda family today, were written by Jozan ISHIKAWA.
  457. It is said that the light of warosoku is brighter than that of ordinary candles, and its burning time is longer.
  458. It is said that the local people call it 'Enzaro Jiko' (Jiko means cooking furnace in Swahili) and it has a good reputation.
  459. It is said that the local people paid their respects to the old man and made a grave, which was called Usan Nidaki.
  460. It is said that the location of his death was Inanba (Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture); there is a slope called the Kenmotsu-zaka Slope in this area.
  461. It is said that the lords in Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly the Kanto region) criticized Katsuyori, saying "Katsuyori was lost in his immense ambition this time and took a wrong way of following through his sense of duty" ("Odawara hojo ki" (the diary of he Odawara hojo clan)).
  462. It is said that the lords of the Tamarinoma, led by Naosuke, retaliated against the dismissal of Tadakata and Noriyasu to some extent.
  463. It is said that the magistrate of the bridge construction was the lord of the Seta Castle, Kagetaka YAMAOKA, and he completed the construction only in 90 days.
  464. It is said that the manuscript was given to Josui KURODA by Ujinao HOJO in the negotiations for the surrender of Odawara-jo Castle at the besiegement of Odawara by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in 1590, and later in 1604 Josui's son Nagamasa KURODA presented it to Ieyasu TOKUGAWA.
  465. It is said that the massive skeleton drawn in "Soma no Furudairi " (for details, refer to the following 'Kuniyoshi Gallery' section), represents the knowledge he acquired through books on western anatomy.
  466. It is said that the meat of each type of whales has its own taste.
  467. It is said that the medicine department of Kokkan gakko School is the predecessor of Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital, but Kokkan gakko School should be considered as its spiritual predecessor.
  468. It is said that the members of the Yagi family, not knowing what else to do, made every effort to get Oume's family in Nishijin to claim her body, and it is also said that she was buried as a muen botoke (a person who died leaving nobody to look after her grave).
  469. It is said that the members of the party were disguised as mountain priests and pages.
  470. It is said that the method of processing buckwheat flour to make noodles was conceived in the end of the sixteenth or early seventeenth century.
  471. It is said that the military police was an extremely imperative system against the general Koreans.
  472. It is said that the miyago, Takamatsunomiya was derived from the fact that the residence of Haruko KAJUJI, who was Imperial Prince Yoshihito's adopted mother, was called Takamatsu dono.
  473. It is said that the model of this pine was "Yogo no Matsu" (the pine of advent), which actually exists at Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara.
  474. It is said that the moon cakes were introduced to Japan and changed into Tsukimi Dango dumplings.
  475. It is said that the music was composed by OTO no Kiyokami and the dance was choreographed by MISHIMA no Takekura by the imperial order of Emperor Ninmyo during the era of Jowa (Japan) (834 to 848).
  476. It is said that the mystery of the switched order of Genzaburo and Genjiro is an item of collateral evidence.
  477. It is said that the name 'Chushojima' was generated because Yasuharu WAKIZAKA, who worked at Nakatsukasasho (Ministry of Central Affairs) in the Bunroku era (1593 - 1596), built a house on an island surrounded by a branch river of the Yodo-gawa River and lived there.
  478. It is said that the name 'Hashidate' was first used for a semi-express train operated in the period of 1965 to 1968 between Osaka Station and Amanohashidate Station via the Fukuchiyama Line, Sanin Main Line and Miyazu Line.
  479. It is said that the name 'Tenman' was derived from the name 'Soramitsu Dai Jizai Tenjin' given name as a deity following the death of Michizane, which was itself derived from the saying that 'The vengeful spirit of Michizane became the god of thunder and filled the sky.'
  480. It is said that the name Taiza was given by Anahobe no hashihito no himemiko.
  481. It is said that the name came from the comparison of the kamaboko to the tree leaves fluttering down, but the origin is unclear.
  482. It is said that the name of 'Aku shichibe' came from the suspicion he had against his uncle who he killed, Dainichibo Nonin who harbored him, after he was defeated in the battle of Dannoura.
  483. It is said that the name of Mt. Zenbu (膳部山) in Fukui Prefecture came from the name of the Kashiwade clan (膳氏) (both have the same kanji character, 膳, with different readings), and many large keyhole-shaped tomb mounds remain around Mt. Zenbu.
  484. It is said that the name of the country was changed from Wakoku (Wa) to Japan in this period.
  485. It is said that the name of the country was determined to be '日本' (Nihon) in the latter half of the seventh century to 701, but some say that 日本 was pronounced Yamato.
  486. It is said that the name of this mountain originates from many beech trees that grow in the mountainside.
  487. It is said that the name of this period stems from the fact that the palace and capital were located in Asuka, near present-day Asuka Village, Takaichi County, Nara Prefecture.
  488. It is said that the name originated from tekkaba (gambling room).
  489. It is said that the name was chosen because the shape of her swollen cheeks looked like a vase (kame in Japanese.)
  490. It is said that the name, Emperor Suizei was given when Mifune AWAMI who was an accomplished writer during the late Nara period collectively selected names to be given in chronological order to the dead Emperors.
  491. It is said that the name, Kizuyabashi-dori Street was given after Kizuya-bashi Bridge was built over Hori-kawa River and but it is also said that the street was named by due to other reasons.
  492. It is said that the national treasure that is handed down in the temple, "Shigisan Engi" (legends of Mt. Shigi) was established in the late Heian period in 12th century, and it is recognized as a representative work among Japanese picture scrolls.
  493. It is said that the neighbors found the simmered Japanese radish delicious and the simmered Japanese radish was named as 'Furofuki daikon' after its associated process in which the water vapor of the boiling water used to simmer Japanese radish was blown into the Furo.
  494. It is said that the newspaper's writing style was created by a Confucian scholar Wi KANG (姜ウィ).
  495. It is said that the nickname of 'bold mouse' was used only when Nobunaga wrote it in the letter to Kodaiin in order to scold him and not used usually.
  496. It is said that the nine renji (vertical or horizontal wooden laths or bamboo) of this renjimado were carved from a solid timber.
  497. It is said that the noise of the battle reached as far as Kyoto everyday and some citizens went to see the battle with lunch bags and water bottles.
  498. It is said that the number of Egoshu members was thirty-six, but there were ten during the Bunmei era (Japan) ("Shaken nichiroku").
  499. It is said that the number of people reached 9,000 at its peak, but eventually about 4,000-6,000 people reached Kashiwazaki City on the afternoon of 5th as many people had left on their way.
  500. It is said that the number of sites provided with a legend of Kobo-water, for example, "when Kobo Daishi hit the ground with his stick, a spring appeared, forming a well or pond," reaches a thousand and several hundreds.
  501. It is said that the numbers in these allied forces totaled over 100,000.
  502. It is said that the object was believed to be the soul of a dead old woman.
  503. It is said that the obsession for sakamai, meaning the material for sake, has become strong and the era of sake production started with rice.
  504. It is said that the occurrence frequency of kosa offers an important viewpoint for considering the advance of global warming and desertification.
  505. It is said that the ogre cooked on the 'Manaita' and relieved himself in the 'Setchin.'
  506. It is said that the oldest 'manga' in the sense of comical pictures in Japan was an emakimono (an illustrated scroll) called "Choju Jinbutsu Giga (caricatures of frolicking birds, animals and humans)" painted in the Heian period.
  507. It is said that the oldest Koshohajime was the event in which at Shogosho (Small Palace) of Kyoto Imperial palace "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) was lectured by Misao TAMAMATSU representing Japanese books and "Rongo" (Analects of Confucius) by Tadanaga HIGASHIBOJO (Daigaku no kami) representing Chinese classic books.
  508. It is said that the oldest temple with this status was Jochi-ji Temple, after Regent Sadatoki HOJO of the Kamakura bakufu in 1299 proclaimed it as "gozan."
  509. It is said that the oldest theory of calligraphy in Japan is found in the "Japanese school of calligraphy, Yakaku Teikinsho" (calligraphy manual) written by FUJIWARA no Koreyuki described during the late Heian period (before 1177).
  510. It is said that the oldest, existing raised cloth picture was made by Kazuko.
  511. It is said that the one volume text is closest to the original.
  512. It is said that the origin of 'Momotaro' (the Peach Boy) is that, approximately three thousand years ago in the era of the sixty-fourth emperor of Aezucho (Aezu dynasty) thirty-one princes and forty-three princesses made imperial tours and 万国巡知彦尊, who was a leader with wisdom, courage and matchless physical strength, battled and won over external enemies.
  513. It is said that the origin of Hoki-ji Temple goes back to the time when Prince Yamashiro no oe, Prince Shotoku's son, converted Okamoto Palace into a temple according to his father's will.
  514. It is said that the origin of Mizuhiki is a red and white hemp string which was tied around a gift from the Sui Dynasty to the Japanese government, which was brought back to Japan by the mission led by ONO no Imoko.
  515. It is said that the origin of Mizuhiki-zaiku is three-dimensional models shaped like a crane, tortoise, and armor created by modifying two-dimensional tied Mizuhiki by Sokichi TSUDA around 1916, who is the beginner of Tsuda-Mizuhiki-Origata in Kanazawa City.
  516. It is said that the origin of Shinto altars was the toshidana, a shelf set up specially for rituals such as New Year, and they became permanent structures from the Middle Ages onwards.
  517. It is said that the origin of the clan can be traced back to the time when Tanemichi KOKUBUN from Shimousa Province moved to Kokubun-no-sho (国分荘), Miyagi County, which was given to him as reward grants for the Battle of Oshu.
  518. It is said that the origin of the family was from Yoshitoki's descendants, which had once relied on the Oyama clan in Shimotsuke Province and later settled in Mikawa following Rennyo (head-priest of the Jodo Shinshu sect [the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism]).
  519. It is said that the origin of the name is that saikachi (Japanese honey locust) had been planted along lakeside of Lake Biwa.
  520. It is said that the origin of the word Ise ebi comes from the fact that Ise is one of the major places that produces Ise ebi.
  521. It is said that the origin of the word Kyara is the Sanskrit word 'Kaaraaguru,' which means black, and Kyara is also referred to as Kyananko, or Kananko.
  522. It is said that the origin of their surname was Mizunogo, Kasugai County, Owari Province (present day Mizuno, Seto City); however, a theory recorded in the 'Kanseifu' claims that it was Mizuno no sato in Saga, Kyoto.
  523. It is said that the origin of this temple was a temple built next to Hirosawa Pond in Saga (Kyoto City) in 989, and founded by Kancho, who established Narita-san Shinsho-ji Temple.
  524. It is said that the origin of this word is 'kesho,' which represents yokai and ghosts.
  525. It is said that the original dorayaki were made using only one cake with the edges folded over so they were square and the bean paste could be seen on one side.
  526. It is said that the original family name 'Toyotomi' of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI originated from 'Toyotomimi.'
  527. It is said that the original name 'Ryoansan-Zenrin-Zen-ji' was changed to 'Taiheikokoku-Nanzen-Zen-ji' during the Shoan era (1299 - 1302).
  528. It is said that the original no longer exists and these are copies created in later years.
  529. It is said that the original picture scroll was made at the end of Kamakura period or towards the end of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts.
  530. It is said that the original species was a natural leek originally unplanted in Nanba, and then it was introduced to Kyoto Prefecture, where its quality has been improved since ancient times and has been traditionally produced as one of Kyo-yasai (specifically certified vegetable varieties grown in Kyoto).
  531. It is said that the original station building had a room for honored guests until 1994.
  532. It is said that the original style was simple and strong, but modern buoyant way was added by the twenty-first head Soemon.
  533. It is said that the original temple name was Kosei-ji Temple but that this was later changed to Hodo-ji Temple (formal name Daifukuden Hodo-zenji Temple).
  534. It is said that the painting of Mt. Fuji was born at 'Kikai-yu' (Kikai public bathhouse), located in Kanda, Sarugaku-cho, Tokyo.
  535. It is said that the papier-mache technique came down from China in around the Muromachi period.
  536. It is said that the parents had only chosen a boy's name, Gorohachi, so Masamune decided to use the same Chinese characters with a different pronunciation.
  537. It is said that the partition paintings in the Kohojo are the work of Tanyu KANO, but the style has led to speculation that they are in fact the work of numerous artists.
  538. It is said that the patriarch of the Kuwanomi-dera Temple who pleaded to spare their lives was also killed by Nobunaga in the same way.
  539. It is said that the pay envelopes that Daiki employees received at that time were really heavy because the offertory coins were used for their salaries.
  540. It is said that the people of Kyoto also feel that the usage of this "~ko" is strange.
  541. It is said that the people practicing Gosho Sendo-mairi came from not only Kyoto and its nearby regions but also Kawachi Province, Omi Province, Osaka City and other regions.
  542. It is said that the person who invented this design was Yukiteru NAGATANI (1843 - 1920), a jiuta performer of the Kyushu school who was active in Kumamoto and Tokyo during the Meiji period.
  543. It is said that the phonetic-equivalent character '浪漫' was first used by Soseki NATSUME.
  544. It is said that the physical strength of Narimori at the young age of seventeen impressed people.
  545. It is said that the picture of kirin (a creature from Chinese mythology) printed on labels of Kirin beer was designed by ROKKAKU.
  546. It is said that the picture was painted when Shinran was eighty-three years old.
  547. It is said that the piece is a shortened version of "Kanemaki" (Coiling around a bell) thought to be composed by Kojiro Nobumitsu KANZE, reconstructed mainly with Ranbyoshi (mad rhythm).
  548. It is said that the pillar erected upside-down shakes its house or furniture at night.
  549. It is said that the pillars of the station have been painted vermillion since the very early days.
  550. It is said that the place where she was enshrined was Ikuji-jinja Shrine (Higashiura-cho) neighboring the family temple called 'Jinko-an' where honji-butsu (original Buddhist divinity) was enshrined.
  551. It is said that the play also left a deep impression of respect and admiration on the lives of Eleonor Magdalene, Maria Theresia, Marie Antoinette and Elisabeth (Empress of Austria).
  552. It is said that the playhouses faced continued financial difficulties due to a series of fires and reconstruction activities in the Edo period.
  553. It is said that the poem 'Biwako' (a biwa song) by Haku Kyoi (Bai Juyi) was very popular and Yang Guifei often played the biwa, too.
  554. It is said that the position of soroku responsible for the both sides of the city was created during the reign of Emperor Wenzong (Tang Dynasty).
  555. It is said that the post of Nenyo (subordinate of Shitsuji), whose term was one year, derived from Azukari.
  556. It is said that the post was firstly set up when Masashige INOUE, ometsuke (chief inspector of the Edo shogunate), was appointed as shumon aratame-yaku in 1640, and the post was also assumed by sakuji bugyo (commissioners of building) from 1662.
  557. It is said that the precepts of the Mito family stated "the Mito family shall follow the Emperor without hesitation if a war ever starts between the soke (the head family) of the Tokugawa clan and the Imperial Court."
  558. It is said that the prefix 'musu' comes from the word 'umusu (産むす)' meaning 'to arise spontaneously,' with the letter 'u' being removed.
  559. It is said that the presence of the Japanese Goro SHIBA was important during this siege, and he contributed greatly to the defensive success.
  560. It is said that the present honzon of Kurama-dera Temple or Sanat Kumara descended to this mountain.
  561. It is said that the price was 160,000 yen or 210,000 yen including all the buildings, lands and art objects.
  562. It is said that the principle of Honchotsugan was to depict the facts of history without ethical judgments.
  563. It is said that the private trade relationship came to exist in the late Nara period at the latest, and also the trade relationship that relayed Shiragi (ancient Korean kingdom) and Bo Hai seems to have existed.
  564. It is said that the process of manufacture of Yamaguchi Uiro was invented by Jirosaku AKITSU in Yamaguchi City, Suo Province in the Muromachi period.
  565. It is said that the product was named after Amami-oshima island, which used to be the production center of kokuto (unrefined sugar).
  566. It is said that the proverbial phrase saying, 'Early risers stand to gain three mon' originated from this matter.
  567. It is said that the purpose of this change was to improve the financial affairs of each domain, which were affected by the falling price of rice that resulted from the Kyoho Reforms (reforms made in the Kyoho era of the Edo period).
  568. It is said that the real intention of Nobushige who entered Osaka Castle tempted by Toyotomi Clan whose defeat was almost obvious was to show the military renown of Sanada to the world by frustrating Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, not in order to gain Onsho (reward grants) or recover his family name.
  569. It is said that the reason for chopping the eel was to serve the eel in equal amounts when dishing out the rice from the rice tub, or it was an attempt to make an efficient use of eels during the period of food shortages after the war.
  570. It is said that the reason for the construction of Ishiyama-dera Temple receiving such a high level attention also had in part to do with its close proximity to Hora-no-miya which was built by Emperor Junna and Emperor Koken.
  571. It is said that the reason he achieved longevity of 90 years was that he ate arrowhead every day.
  572. It is said that the reason of his downfall was 'because he sent a love letter to the wife of his colleague Kojiro TORII' or 'because of his younger brother Hanroku's problems with women.'
  573. It is said that the reason of the reject is because he was the first son.
  574. It is said that the reason of this appointment was that Tani was expected not to join Saigo's army because his ancestor was a great scholar, Jinzan TANI, who was Ansai YAMAZAKI's disciple, and the teachings had been hammered into his head.
  575. It is said that the reason the Nitta clan was selected instead of the Ashikaga clan was because the neighboring Imagawa clan was familiar with the family tree of the Ashikaga lineage as they were part of the distinguished Ashikaga family.
  576. It is said that the reason was as follows: At that time, Korea suffered from frequent invasions of Kokin, and the Korean side wanted to show Kokin that Korea had the support of Japan.
  577. It is said that the reason was as follows: At that time, Yi Dynasty Korea was busy for combating pressure from the north by Kokin, and therefore, did not dispute or could not afford to dispute the system change on the Japan side.
  578. It is said that the reason was because he was an illegitimate child.
  579. It is said that the reason was that Toshihisa had no child of his own, and that because he had a sickly constitution, he was in the situation that "it is rather a long time since he served as a musha (warrior) last" (Memoranda of Shigeyori MURAI).
  580. It is said that the reason was that minting coins was not profitable, and thereby minting amount was decreased midway.
  581. It is said that the reason was to make people to have interest in disaster caused by heavy rainfall.
  582. It is said that the reason why Izumo Province was the setting for the kuniyuzuri in Kojiki and Nihonshoki is that Izumo was the last province and the unifying the country was completed with the pacification of Izumo.
  583. It is said that the reason why Kiyomori was not appointed to an ordinary rank of 'jo' (Lieutenant) but to a higher rank of a officer of Hyoe-fu (Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guards) was that he had the support of Gion no nyogo.
  584. It is said that the reason why Soraku was chosen as a place for the capital was that it was the stronghold of TACHIBANA no Moroe, who was Sadaijin (the Minister of the Left).
  585. It is said that the reason why Yoshikage came back to Echizen Province when Shingen TAKEDA was coming closer to Oda's territory is that he had thought 'even if I can defeat Nobunaga, it will eventually make no difference if Shingen takes over his position.'
  586. It is said that the reason why there was no troubles occurred on that day was because the workers were too tired or because they heard that the troops would come.
  587. It is said that the reasons are as follows:
  588. It is said that the reasons for his dismissal were fraudulent crop yield accused by Nagamasa ASANO dispatched for Taiko-kenchi (the cadastral surveys conducted by Hideyoshi) and a trouble on adoption of Nagashige ASANO, the second son of Nagamasa ASANO by the Utsunomiya clan amongst others.
  589. It is said that the recipe was introduced to the Edo and Kawasaki regions, and started to be served at Mannenya and other eateries.
  590. It is said that the red arrow was Honoikazuchi no Kami (a god of thunder) of Otokuni-jinja Shrine.
  591. It is said that the relationship between his father Yoshimitsu and him was bad, and even though he was given the shogun post by his father at the age of 9 in 1934 (Ouei 1), he had no real power while Yoshimitsu as Grand Minister was still alive.
  592. It is said that the relief of an eagle, created when the underground passage was constructed, has continued to watch over the security of train operations.
  593. It is said that the remnants of the Ogasawara clan that served as shugodai (provincial governor) of Mikawa and Wakasa Provinces and were destroyed by Mitsunori supported Mochinori; however, Yoshitsura won support from the bakufu and they reconciled in the end.
  594. It is said that the request contained former secret agreement.
  595. It is said that the residence was built by FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa who became the first sessho not belonging to an imperial family (sessho: a person who assumed the power of an emperor when the emperor could not do the necessary work because he or she was too young or had a serious illness).
  596. It is said that the residence was built on a flat terrain and then moved to the present place due to flood, but any historical materials about it has not been left.
  597. It is said that the retired emperor planned for a cloistered government by acting as guardian of the new emperor but in just six months (in June of the same year) he passed away.
  598. It is said that the return sail was carried out because he was afraid that the reputation of the weakened Ottoman Empire Navy would spread.
  599. It is said that the rice should be cooked over a high heat, allowing the grains of rice to move naturally, but without the liquid boiling over.
  600. It is said that the riddle which Sayuri YOSHINAGA told Mitsuo HAMADA in "Doro darake no Junjo" was that Izumi made it, as requested by Nakahira.
  601. It is said that the rising flames lit up the night sky, and the brightly reddened sky over Osaka could be seen even from Kyoto.
  602. It is said that the roadside was crowded with onlookers.
  603. It is said that the saltiness at this stage will ultimately affect the flavor.
  604. It is said that the sanmon was written by Shinran himself and that it has been used as a standard for his manuscript.
  605. It is said that the sariras were dedicated to Shitenno-ji Temple.
  606. It is said that the scene was filmed at Inubosaki, Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture.
  607. It is said that the scenery depicted was of the 1540s.
  608. It is said that the school's ancestral beginning was when Hogen KIICHI taught the way of the sword to eight Buddhist monks on Mt. Kurama in the end of the Heian period, and it is said to be the origins of all swordsmanship.
  609. It is said that the school's flower arrangement added artificially calculated beauty as well as balanced beauty to the traditional aesthetic values of 'wabi and sabi' and expressed Enshu KOBORI's aesthetic consciousness, which is called 'kirei sabi,' in the flower arrangement as it is.
  610. It is said that the scroll entitled, 'Daibadattahon', included in the "Heike Nokyo", is in Yorimori's original handwriting.
  611. It is said that the seal of '賢者而後楽此' was the first seigoin.
  612. It is said that the second Hanzaburo FUJIKAWA called himself the fourth Nizaemon KATAOKA from the winter of 1747 until the August of 1758 when he died.
  613. It is said that the second-eldest sister is the one enshrined in the Maehama district, that the youngest sister is the one enshrined in the Tamura district, and that they are on bad terms.
  614. It is said that the secondary founder Emon read the Madhyamaka-karika (Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way) written by Ryuju, and attained isshin sangan (threefold contemplation in a single mind).
  615. It is said that the secret of Zen is included in such a process to reach an answer and that koan is one of the devices to lead a practitioner to enlightenment.
  616. It is said that the seppuku had a major effect on Japanese culture and national character after the national education system of the post Meiji period incorporated bushido into the national morality.
  617. It is said that the sequence of events was reported in papers at that time as "A present utopia" or "A Meiji village."
  618. It is said that the serpent had eight heads and eight tails; its eyes were as red as Chinese lantern plants; its back was covered with moss and trees; the belly was sore with blood; it was so huge that it could be spread over eight valleys and eight peaks.
  619. It is said that the service originated from Hongan-ji the third, Kakunyo's compiling "Hoon-ko Shiki" (Buddhist sutra for Hon-ko (a memorial services for Shinran)) at the thirty-third anniversary of the death of Shinran.
  620. It is said that the seven people above are the Seven Great Spearmen in Japan.
  621. It is said that the seven-storey pagoda was higher than the pagoda of Kyoogokoku-ji Temple which is the highest pagoda of all the exisitng pagodas in Kyoto.
  622. It is said that the severed heads of his retainers who were killed in the battle of the besieged Gifu-jo Castle were sent to Edo and their memorial service was held in the tomb of the heads in Azabuhara.
  623. It is said that the shape of a hoju represents those of urns for Buddha bones or that a hoju is the beautiful ball-shaped gem that was said to have come out of a dragon god, and that a hoju is placed on a palm of Buddhist statues, for example those of Jizo Bosatsu (Jizo Bodhisattva).
  624. It is said that the shape of this daisu was modeled after a gate which only successful examinees from one of the historical civil service examination that took place in China could pass through, or a stand used to place the examinee's composition.
  625. It is said that the shinmei-zukuri style, represented by the Ise-jingu Shrine building, is one of the oldest styles of shrine architecture, together with the taisha-zukuri style, represented by the Izumo-taisha shrine building, and the Sumiyoshi-zukuri style, represented by the Sumiyoshi-taisha Shrine building.
  626. It is said that the shoen of the Taira clan numbered over 500, but the Taira clan controlled these shoen not as the Honke (main house), which is the highest grade of owner, but worked for shoen management as the Ryoke (main proprietor) and Azukari dokoro.
  627. It is said that the shrine was built in 858.
  628. It is said that the shrine was called Isonokami in ancient times.
  629. It is said that the shrine was enshrined as the guardian god of the Kazanin family.
  630. It is said that the shrine was established in the reign of Emperor Suinin.
  631. It is said that the shrine was founded because SUGAWARA no Michizane stopped here on his way to Dazai-fu (local government office in Kyushu region) where he was banished.
  632. It is said that the shrine, which was re-erected 200 m west of its original place after the original Shizuka-jinja Shrine was burned down in 1782.
  633. It is said that the sixth generation Hikotsura (or Hikomaro) was entrusted with the management of the whole region of Hyogo by Empress Jingu.
  634. It is said that the size of the warships were 22 meters long and 12meters wide and it had incredible hugeness and defense power for that time.
  635. It is said that the sky often has a good sign such as 'saiun' (glowing clouds), 'nichiun' (ring around the sun) or 'rainbow' on such an auspicious event.
  636. It is said that the small domain made its administrative organization less systematized, but there are many unknown real circumstances.
  637. It is said that the smoked scent was pleasant beyond description and added some flavor to the tea ceremony when pine wood was used as fuel to boil the water.
  638. It is said that the song writer Ujo NOGUCHI, who was active between the end of Meiji Period and the early Showa Period, is the descendant of Masaki KUSUNOKI and the younger brother of Masashige KUSUNOKI.
  639. It is said that the soshobako (complaints box written with different kanji) which was established in front of 一の橋御門 of Wakayama-jo Castle when Yoshimune was the lord of the Kishu domain was the origin of meyasubako.
  640. It is said that the sounds of the temple bells was heard up to about 80 kilometers away.
  641. It is said that the special budget for the security reached 5,400 million yen.
  642. It is said that the spectacular sword-fight scenes in the movie "Kozure Okami (Lone Wolf and Cub)" starring Tomisaburo WAKAYAMA made a big impact on Quentin Tarantino and Sam Raimi.
  643. It is said that the state of mind is not lost, no matter which stage one reaches.
  644. It is said that the station was set by the Nijo-jo Castle.
  645. It is said that the statue was excavated from the same place as the above four were and later replaced to the present place, but it is not certain.
  646. It is said that the status in going out of the castle was equivalent to that of a person with a 100,000 koku of rice crop.
  647. It is said that the stone chamber was disturbed by grave robbers and the burial items were stolen.
  648. It is said that the story was created to express the sprit of a native of Edo in an exaggerated way as the author didn't like country samurai from Saccho (Satsuma Domain and Choshu Domain), who walked around like they owned the world, from the end of Edo period through until the early Meiji period.
  649. It is said that the surrounding moat is shield-shaped symmetrically, but it is not clear whether the moat retains the original shape.
  650. It is said that the surviving Ko-do (lecture hall) (Important Cultural Property) underwent extensive modification following the medieval period, however, can be considered the same structure completed in 1665.
  651. It is said that the sword was named 'heshikirihasebe' because it could cut so cleanly.
  652. It is said that the target of hatsumode can be either a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple.
  653. It is said that the tea ceremony held at Kira's residence on January 30 was a farewell ceremony in Edo.
  654. It is said that the team of envoy made a pledge to become vassals of the Tang Dynasty in Gao Zong (Tang territory) during the Taizan Hozen ceremony (a ceremony thanking for the peace and harmony to the heavens by the king).
  655. It is said that the technique was brought to Japan in the Asuka period, in the midst seventh century, together with Buddhist sculptures and Buddhist paintings from the Korean peninsular and continental China.
  656. It is said that the temple started under the name of Isshinin Temple founded and established by Gyoki in 740 and changed its name to Kono-ji Temple in the Heian period.
  657. It is said that the temple was built by Prince Shotoku and is the scene of 'Sesshu Gappo-ga-tsuji' (in Joruri (Japanese-type puppet play)).
  658. It is said that the temple was founded by Kugyo (a court noble) Sadatsugu HAMURO and built by Eison, of Saidai-ji Temple (Nara City), in 1261.
  659. It is said that the temple was given the temple's name 'Hosho-ji' by Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, 3rd Tokugawa Shogun, in 1649 as it had been deeply revered by the Tokugawa shogun family since the time of its founding.
  660. It is said that the temple was originally called Osaka-gobo Temple or Osaka Hongan-ji Temple.
  661. It is said that the temple's history started when the Thousand Armed Kannon Bosatsu (or Deity of Mercy) was enshrined in the same location by EN no Gyoja, who practiced asceticism there.
  662. It is said that the temples of the Shingon and Tendai Sects have relatively more hibutsu than those of Jodo (Pure Land) Sect and the Zen Sect.
  663. It is said that the term "Donburi" originated in "Kendon" (being mean) or "Tsukkendon" (being curt), and that Donburimono was a fast-food dish for a busy person.
  664. It is said that the term "Senoka" has since changed to "Shoga" and the term "Menoka" has changed to Myoga.
  665. It is said that the term 'Jingi' became common around the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan).
  666. It is said that the term Han derives from the fact that the lords who guarded the royal family were called 'Han' in ancient China during the Zhou dynasty.
  667. It is said that the term Ume Wan came from the practice in which shiruko was served with salt-preserved plum flowers floating on the top.
  668. It is said that the term has become the origin of the word 'mamushi' or 'mabushi,' the Kinki dialect that means eel (there is a different opinion).
  669. It is said that the term katsuogi originates from its shape which resembles a dried bonito.
  670. It is said that the term kinpira was named after SAKATA no Kinpira, a son of SAKATA no Kintoki known as Kintaro.
  671. It is said that the term of 'Shinkansen' originated here.
  672. It is said that the term of Gassho-zukuri came from the fact that the shape of the roof resembles that of praying hands.
  673. It is said that the the Shijo School was derived from a new kitchen-knife method (cooking manner) which was establisehd by FUJIWARA no Yamakage (Shijo Chunagon, or Shijo Vice-Councilor, 824-888) in accordance with an order given by the Emperor Koko.
  674. It is said that the theory of regarding the three sutras as a single sutra was originated in the ideas of Chigi.
  675. It is said that the title Kojiki was not originally a proper noun and was a general name that meant an old book, that is to say, it is not an official name.
  676. It is said that the title Teiki was in the style of the Shou dynasty.
  677. It is said that the town called Kasagake in Nittagun, Gunma Prefecture takes its name as a result of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo once playing Kasagake.
  678. It is said that the trapezoidal shape hollowed out in the underside of the base board made a sound of hoofs while walking.
  679. It is said that the troops of 8,000 men followed him, but his legitimate child Toshinaga was made to stay in Kyo.
  680. It is said that the turmoil brought by the Imagawa clan's invasion of Mikawa during the Eisho era and family separation due to the death of Nobumoto resulted in inaccuracies with their genealogy records.
  681. It is said that the twelve cap rank system of Northern and Southern Dynasties was introduced via Kokuryo and Paekche.
  682. It is said that the use of a stone mill lessens the yake (oxidation) of Go.
  683. It is said that the value of Dajokan-satsu against 100 ryo of gold net price went down from 120 ryo to 150 ryo.
  684. It is said that the various bowls that came to be used as tea bowls were those which the 'common people' during the Joseon Dynasty used as everyday utensils.
  685. It is said that the vassals who had been against the alliance with Nobunaga got Hisamasa, who was in retirement, to suggest Nagamasa launch an attack on the Oda army since Nobunaga didn't inform Azai of his attack on Asakura.
  686. It is said that the visit to the Ise-jingu Shrine and the pilgrimage to the head temple became popular among the common people in the Muromachi period, and that the custom of offering Saisen was then established.
  687. It is said that the volumes of Love and Miscellaneous include many poems composed by monks because Tona chose them.
  688. It is said that the way Kuranosuke surrendered the castle was truly impressive.
  689. It is said that the way they dealt with similar situations was the difference between Yoshimune TOKUGAWA and Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA.
  690. It is said that the wooden seated statue of Fudo Myoo (important cultural property), which is currently enshrined at tatchu (minor temple) of Tofuku-ji Temple, Dojuin, was the chuson (the principal statue in a group of Buddhist statues) of Godai-do Hall (a hall dedicated to the five guardian kings), which was built by FUJIWARA no Michinaga.
  691. It is said that the word "takki" means love or death, but the exact origin of the word is not known.
  692. It is said that the word 'Dondon' comes from the appearance of the quickly spreading fire or the sound of gunfire because the fire broke out in the Kinmon Incident.
  693. It is said that the word 'Kosode' was first used at least during the latter half of the Heian period.
  694. It is said that the word 'Shinagon' was derived from "Jukkinsho" (A Miscellany of Ten Maxims - Chapter 1: Shinagon), and was patterned after a wise man of the Liu Bang era of Han China, called "Shiko" ("Shiki," the Lord Liu Genealogy).
  695. It is said that the word 'sebiro' (business suit) was used in the book for the first time in Japan.
  696. It is said that the word 'te' referred to "kenpo" (martial art) peculiar to Okinawa, whereas the word 'toude' referred to kenpo, which had come from China.
  697. It is said that the word '奥 (oku)' means 'deep' '奥 (oku)' or 'to put' '置く(oku)'.
  698. It is said that the word Yushi originally meant a child of siblings in the ancient China.
  699. It is said that the word of Zipangu was derived from the pronunciation of 'Nippon koku or Nihon koku' (日本国, literally meaning country of Japan) in Middle-Age Chinese, and was first introduced to Europe by Marco Polo as Cipangu or Chipangu.
  700. It is said that the words on the banner were written by Kaisen Joki, the head priest of Erin-ji Temple.
  701. It is said that the workers are mainly graduates of industrial high schools or technical colleges.
  702. It is said that the works he created over his lifetime number more than 10,000.
  703. It is said that the writer was Yuien who learned from Shinran.
  704. It is said that the yokai 'Furu-utubo' is one of the tsukumogami which was transmuted from the Miura no suke's quiver and started to move around like a beast.
  705. It is said that their family lineage followed the line of TACHIBANA no Toyasu, the family of the Kono clan.
  706. It is said that their good faith was not demonstrated against his instruction to report execution of the saving in the life of the hoshu.
  707. It is said that their patriarch was Nuteshiwakenomikoto, a son of Emperor Suinin.
  708. It is said that their storytelling spread among the common people and became the origins of kodan storytelling and rakugo (traditional comic storytelling).
  709. It is said that their working hours were around four hours.
  710. It is said that then he gave the name Myojo-in to the Temple.
  711. It is said that there are 30 volumes, but there is a 20-volume version and a 12-volume version.
  712. It is said that there are also a few rare parts written by the emperor himself instead of them.
  713. It is said that there are also the condition that Japanese feminists considerwet nurses a symbol of male chauvinism.
  714. It is said that there are just bits of fried tenpura batter and no 'tane' (ingredients) and, in other words, 'tanuki' is a collapsed form of 'tanenuki' (without ingredients).
  715. It is said that there are many instances in which the fanciers of Ecchu fundoshi love Ecchu fundoshi because of the unique light feeling of wearing that no other undergarments have.
  716. It is said that there are many requests coming from his fans in the back stage that they would like to see the father and son in "Renjishi" (A string of Lions) soon.
  717. It is said that there are more than thirty historical spots, including the ones relating to Taira no Tsunemasa and TAIRA no Narimori.
  718. It is said that there are no Tenshu which were accurately restored externally, because they were changed in their details, for the purpose of tourism and so on.
  719. It is said that there are no other differences between Ogasawara and Takeda school except three points: The way of taking out the arrows, Inuoumono shooting style and Yumi bukuro (a bow cover)
  720. It is said that there are only a few people in Japan that use birds for this kind of fortune telling.
  721. It is said that there are regional differences between recipes, especially with regards to the seasoning of the gelee, but there are few detailed research on the matter.
  722. It is said that there are three stages in Nirvana, among which Mahapari-Nirvana is considered the highest.
  723. It is said that there are vicious cases where telephone numbers are obtained by stealing a cellular phone.
  724. It is said that there existed "Ningai Sojo Jihitsu Choja Shidai" (the records of the To-ji Choja (chief abbot of To-ji Temple), self-written by Ningai Sojo (the high-ranking Buddhist priest)) in the middle of the eleventh century.
  725. It is said that there existed "Shuseido poetry anthology," but it does not remain now for some reason.
  726. It is said that there have been different viewpoints throughout the ages in Japan and across different regions including that 'the dead become sacred beings', 'the dead become beings to be abhorred' or that 'people who die of unnatural causes become revengeful ghosts and curse the living.'
  727. It is said that there is a legend about the poet ONO no Komachi: where Komachi ONO had fallen ill and to convalesce took to bathing at 'Onowaki,' a nearby hot spring.
  728. It is said that there is a small kaya (mosquito net) inside of it.
  729. It is said that there is no god than what can be identified as a god only for sake like Bacchus in Europe and Du Kang in China.
  730. It is said that there used to be 10 mountains including "Ichi ('一' meaning the number 'one')" in Narutaki and "I ('い,' the 2nd letters of hiragana)" in Ichihara that organized the okuribi (ceremonial bonfire) but, since the number of the mountains decreased to the present 5 after World War 2, this name began to be used.
  731. It is said that there was Horanomiya Palace in Chokushi, Shigaraki-cho according to the lore in this area.
  732. It is said that there was a Nyonin-do for women to pray to Mt. Koya from the distant place, since women had been prohibited from entering Mt. Koya until 1872.
  733. It is said that there was a big snake with 8 heads living around the site, and the valley that the big snake lived had a pond called Nenbutsuike.
  734. It is said that there was a daughter who married painter Takanobu KANO.
  735. It is said that there was a good omen of Jizo Bosatsu (Jizo Bodhisattva) in 1656 and around 1720 during the Kyoho era, and since then, it has gained people's faith.
  736. It is said that there was a plan by the anti-Okuma force, the Taro KATSURA group, in the background, but Tsuyoshi INUKAI was appointed as the next Minister of Education.
  737. It is said that there was a tomb stone which was said to be the grave of Hakuyushi in Shinnyo-do Temple in Kyoto and, on the tomb stone, it was engraved that the date of his death was September 12, 1709.
  738. It is said that there was an anteroom for lower-ranking court ladies beside the imperial bath chamber in the Imperial court, and that the daily records were located in that room.
  739. It is said that there were 115 survivors on the vessel, which means that only few had died during the drifting.
  740. It is said that there were 12 translations, but only five exist today while seven are missing.
  741. It is said that there were 2,000 buildings on Mt. Negoro at the time.
  742. It is said that there were 2,240 rice fields according to a cadastral register prepared in 1601.
  743. It is said that there were 44 celebrations for Oranda Shogatsu until the death of Banri OTSUKI, the son of Gentaku, in 1837.
  744. It is said that there were Okunitama-jinja Shrine and the remains of his residence near the center of the private estate where TAIRA no Maki ruled.
  745. It is said that there were a lot of castles in various parts of Japan and there were several hundred thousand castles including small forts until Ikkoku Ichijo Rei (Law of One Castle per Province) was issued in 1615.
  746. It is said that there were about 500 people of Okappiki and about 3,000 people including Shitappiki in the whole of the Edo town magistrate's office.
  747. It is said that there were another pair of stone lanterns in front of a hall of worship in Shimoda Hachiman-jinja Shrine made by Seisuke OGAWA, but it is said that they had been destroyed in a fire in recent years.
  748. It is said that there were cherry trees and cosmos flowers on either side of the cable cars' plank bridges.
  749. It is said that there were constant streams of applications to be his vassal since he was so lavish that he awarded more chigyo (fief) than the rokudaka (stipend) he first presented after starting to work as his vassal, when a new vassal was hired.
  750. It is said that there were many copies of administrative documents, such as shocho (account books or registers managed by central administrative offices) concerning Mutsu and Dewa Provinces and tabumi (registers of areas or ownerships of rice fields), left in Hiraizumi at the end of the Oshu Fujiwara clan.
  751. It is said that there were no less than 700 dealers across the nation at the end of the 1970s.
  752. It is said that there were over 100 jinrikisha factories of various sizes in Shanghai.
  753. It is said that there were people from the Cabinet who claimed that 'the fact they secretly made the raid into Kira's in the middle of the night is no different than thieves stealing things during the night,' and thus they deserved decapitation and exposure of their heads at the prison gates ("Yanagisawake Hizo Jikki" (Yanagisawa's treasured record)).
  754. It is said that there were problems related to money around Oku-yuhitsu because of this.
  755. It is said that there were three Tsukinobe ishi (Tsukinobe stone), and each of them was dedicated to Tsukiyomi-jinja Shrine in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture and Kyoto City, and Chinkai seki Hachiman-gu Shrine in Nijo machi, Fukuoak Prefecture, respectively.
  756. It is said that there were two categories of Naiju, namely those who were allowed to enter the palace and those who were not allowed to do so.
  757. It is said that thereafter Togakushi-ryu school was spread throughout Japan by ascetic Buddhist monks.
  758. It is said that thereafter, Moriya-shin transferred the position of enshrined deity in Suwa region to Takeminakata no kami, and has been under his rule.
  759. It is said that therefore, the bridge building plan was abandoned.
  760. It is said that these Karo officers were given a status equivalent to that of daimyo: for example, even in when travelling with the family they served for Sankinkotai (a system under which feudal lords were required to spend every other year in residence in Edo) they were granterd the status and prestige equivalent a daimyo.
  761. It is said that these actions are typical symptoms of cerebral palsy.
  762. It is said that these are the symbols of magically signified power of Yumiya appearing in myths, legends and so on.
  763. It is said that these buddhas act as lawyers just as in a trial at the court.
  764. It is said that these crucibles were used to create mixed metal containing copper.
  765. It is said that these marriages were made because the Ashikaga clan valued the connections the Uesugi clan, as former court nobles, had with the imperial court.
  766. It is said that these persons were the predecessors of Tsuibushi (envoys to purse and capture), Oryoshi (Suppression and Control Agent), and Keigoshi (envoys to protect).
  767. It is said that these songs were different from the waka, some of which were formalized at that time, and they represented the emotions of the common people well.
  768. It is said that these two legends were confused and many temples came to hold Segaki during the period of Urabon.
  769. It is said that these two people ordered the Nitta clan to pay six thousands kan (obsolete unit of currency) within five days, and that Yoshisada was offended by their order.
  770. It is said that these words were taken to mean that Noriyori was instigating a rebellion, thus he was confined in Shuzenji town, the Province of Izu, and killed himself.
  771. It is said that they are enshrined locally at Hinomiya-jinja Shrine.
  772. It is said that they became gods in human shape.
  773. It is said that they became gods.
  774. It is said that they called the liquor 'Kuchikami sake' (liquor made by chewing with one's mouth).
  775. It is said that they called themselves the Rokkaku clan because they had a house in Rokkakudo (Choho-ji Temple), Kyoto.
  776. It is said that they changed colors of Inoko mochi (black, red and white) each time for appreciation purpose.
  777. It is said that they committed seppuku after learning their manners a few days ago, as they had not known any.
  778. It is said that they defeated 3000 enemies by using 1000 spears.
  779. It is said that they have very strict rules such as a distinction between 'tsugi' (uncleanness) and 'kiyo' (cleanness) because this place is respected as a sanctuary which should avoid any impurity.
  780. It is said that they left Gunemon's young daughter.
  781. It is said that they lived in the present Zenki, Shimokitayama-mura at the foot of Mt. Omine, the sacred mountain of Shugendo.
  782. It is said that they not only abandoned Buddha statues and burnt down temples but also violently took clothes of nuns and beat them with rods at Tsubakichi (or Tsubaichi) market place.
  783. It is said that they performed the court ceremony based on "Kujo nenchugyoji" and tried to put themselves in a superior position over other clans in the Imperial society which weighed heavily on its convention.
  784. It is said that they shot in rotation in any war, but there are no grounds for controlled alternate shooting by command method being done.
  785. It is said that they showed great efficiency in an attack against a castle constructed of hard stone.
  786. It is said that they stand as such in consideration of both pilgrims who head for Yoshino from Kumano (south to north and those who head for Kumano from Yoshino (north to south).
  787. It is said that they traveled Tokyo, Jumonji-toge Pass, Mt. Yatsugatake, Mt. Ontake, Mt. Haku, Kanazawa, Toyama, Murodo, Mt. Tate, Kurobe-gawa River, Harinoki-toge Pass, and Omachi.
  788. It is said that they were Shikigami (the spirit using magic or divination) used by EN no Ozunu, and they were sometimes regarded same as Gikaku and Gigen who were supposed to be En no Ozunu's disciples (their substantiality and the actual relation are unclear).
  789. It is said that they were all beautiful women inheriting their mother Ichi's beauty and they were very close with each other from their childhood.
  790. It is said that they were bestowed the family name of Jeong at the time of Yuri Isageum.
  791. It is said that they were copied carefully and accurately without a single error of spelling.
  792. It is said that they were designed by Muso Soseki but it is also said that they have a mid-Edo period style.
  793. It is said that they were in poverty, because they had a lot of children.
  794. It is said that they were over 2000 companies 20 years ago, and today, they are less than 1500.
  795. It is said that they were relieved for this reason, expecting that Shinshi (Divine Servant) of Suwa Myojin would protect the young lord (Shingen).
  796. It is said that this Mobara no Sho is the origin of present-day Mobara city, Chiba Prefecture.
  797. It is said that this Shima-umi (the birth of the islands) myth has many similarities to 'a great flood' which widely ranges from the southern part of China, the Okinawa Islands to Southeast Asia.
  798. It is said that this Shrine was established fifty years before the establishment of current Ise-jingu Shrine; its characteristic black wooden shrine gate (shrine gate assembled with cedar without peeling the bark) is rare in Japan, with only one other shrine gates of its kind in existence.
  799. It is said that this Sueki has been developed into Bizen ware.
  800. It is said that this Sukeroku fell in love with a courtesan named Agemaki in Shimabara, Kyoto but their love and social obligations were at odds and they committed double suicide in Hozen-ji Temple in Osaka during the Enpo era.
  801. It is said that this Ujiyasu became the restorer of the Enmani troupe, and that his successors, from generation to generation up to Zenchiku, played a major role as sarugaku performers.
  802. It is said that this act caused an irreversible disease or even a death due to acute presentation.
  803. It is said that this and the time when Oishi met Yozenin during his first trip to the east were the inspiration for the story 'Nanbuzaka Yuki no Wakare' (the parting in the snow at Nanbuzaka) which talks about Oishi meeting Yozenin just before the raid to say their last good-bye in their present lives.
  804. It is said that this anecdote describes greediness of a zuryo well, and also had people begin regarding Nobutada as a typical greedy zuryo.
  805. It is said that this another name derives from the fact that, when he was born, the muscle of his arm was bulging like a Tomo (a tool to be wound around the left arm when shooting an arrow).
  806. It is said that this area was brought under the control of the Yamato dynasty through the victories of Shido Shogun ("the Four Legendary Generals").
  807. It is said that this became a custom for Rinojinomiya to ask amnesty.
  808. It is said that this became one of the causes of the later Ansei no Taigoku (suppression of extremists by the Shogunate) by Naosuke II.
  809. It is said that this byobu was later dedicated to a temple.
  810. It is said that this capital represented the ideology of Rites of Zhou.
  811. It is said that this castle became to be called Kishiwada (岸和田)-jo Castle after the site's name '岸' composed with Takaie's surname written as '和田.'
  812. It is said that this change also suggests the transition of nunnery temples to become temples with male priests.
  813. It is said that this change of fate was due to his poor administration over his domain, the close relationship between his first son, Sukeshige OGAWA, and Mitsunari ISHIDA, and his switching sides repeatedly.
  814. It is said that this contributed to a feeling of trust for Katsu).
  815. It is said that this conversion took place as a result of the close relationship that Kita no Mandokoro's elder brother, Iesada KINOSHITA, had to both Kennin-ji Temple and Sanko Joeki, and Sanko Joeki leading Iesada's 7th son to enter the priesthood.
  816. It is said that this custom originated from a historical event when Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA gave his Kamon (Zo-mon (贈紋)) to Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA during the Muromachi Period.
  817. It is said that this custom was introduced from China.
  818. It is said that this depicts the Kannon who suddenly appeared in the ship, when the Kentoshi Ship (ship for a Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China) on which Kobo Daishi boarded met with a storm.
  819. It is said that this determined the outcome of the battles among various Tsukasake.
  820. It is said that this developed into the sense of cleansing the body or holding off bad vibes, which was adopted by Buddhism
  821. It is said that this episode is a good example that reflects Fukuba's practical spirit, which kept him ahead of the pack of other classical Japanese literature scholars and government officials in charge of religious ceremonies.
  822. It is said that this event brought about the formation of Ritsuryo system (the system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code) in Japan.
  823. It is said that this execution helped to boost the authority of Hideyoshi.
  824. It is said that this family was founded during the Kamakura Period with Toshisada BOJO, who was a son of Tsunetoshi YOSHIDA, but there is another view that the founder was Toshizane BOJO (grandson of Toshisada), who was the eldest son of Sadasuke BOJO, who in turn was the son of Toshisada.
  825. It is said that this followed the historical fact of King Ashoka in India taking Buddha's relics out of seven of the eight pagodas which had been built after Buddha's death, and restoring them in 84,000 pagodas.
  826. It is said that this formed the basis of the development of Ezo (present Hokkaido).
  827. It is said that this graveyard exists on Benten-jima Island in Kyoto-chi Pond, but it isn't open to the public.
  828. It is said that this had an effect on feudal lords in Kyushu, who had been hitherto skeptical of the Toyotomi administration, to successfully subjugate them under the political system.
  829. It is said that this happened because a pilgrim would fast during a pilgrimage and therefore not eat contaminated rye.
  830. It is said that this has been commonly misconceived because the legends of the honorable priests of Mokuren and Anan (Ananda) were similar (as following).
  831. It is said that this idea was generated by Takeshige KIKUCHI of the Kikuchi family who gained fame in the battles of the Mongol invasion attempts against Japan, although struggled with the enemy's weapons.
  832. It is said that this incident caused Kokujin-shu (local samurais) to distrust Harunobu, and in a round about way, delayed the subdual of Shinano Province.
  833. It is said that this incident caused O-oku to dislike Mito.
  834. It is said that this incident happened because the Emperor wanted his son to succeed the throne; on the other hand, FUJIWARA no Yoshifusa used the Emperor's intentions and formed a plot against him in order that his nephew Michiyasu could succeed to the throne.
  835. It is said that this incident made Naozane inclined toward the priesthood even more.
  836. It is said that this incident proved that reform by the examination system has never satisfied the whole industry.
  837. It is said that this incident triggered the subsequent Battle of WADA.
  838. It is said that this incident was a remote cause for the kaieki (sudden dismissal and deprivation of position, privileges and properties) of Masanori which the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) decided in 1619.
  839. It is said that this incident was always quoted when confronting cases of crisis against other countries and this was the reason the belief of the Shinkoku was established in Japan.
  840. It is said that this incident was the trigger that led to Emperor Gomizunoo deciding to abdicate, and was a serious blow to the relationship between the Shogunate and the Imperial Court.
  841. It is said that this is a muddy color and shows the relief of the living things in the mud of earthly desires.
  842. It is said that this is because Yoko-oji Road that connected those two places had an important meaning for the first Yamato regime.
  843. It is said that this is because ingredients for sushi are affected by market prices.
  844. It is said that this is because long ago, eels protected the village from the flooding caused from the Tama-gawa River.
  845. It is said that this is because the amount of Chohi (fees for maintenance of shared facilities and administration) was determined based on the width of the housing lot.
  846. It is said that this is because, although the Tokyo-side departure station on the Shinkansen line is located in the city center, those of Tobu are located on the eastern part of the city (the so-called shitamachi area), such as Asakusa and Kita-Senju.
  847. It is said that this is the beginning of Jodo Shu.
  848. It is said that this is the modern Enomoto-jinja Shrine.
  849. It is said that this is the origin of people using chimaki as altarage for tango no sekku.
  850. It is said that this is the origin of taimenjo.
  851. It is said that this is the origin of the castle.
  852. It is said that this is the origin of the name Kasagi (lit. place where a kasa hat was left).
  853. It is said that this is the root of Haguro Shugen (mountaineering ascetics).
  854. It is said that this is the site on which the residence of chief retainer 八木玄蓄 once stood.
  855. It is said that this is today's Enomoto-jinja Shrine.
  856. It is said that this is what Rennin passed on to MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune.
  857. It is said that this is why the number of artworks attributed to Sesshu increased.
  858. It is said that this kneading work determines the quality of ink sticks, and the quality largely depends on the techniques of skilled ink stick maker.
  859. It is said that this leads to the founding of the temple, and the beginning of the history of the temple.
  860. It is said that this letter was written by Moritoki, who faithfully represented Yoritomo's opinions.
  861. It is said that this made Hakata obi sash a popular style at the time.
  862. It is said that this made it possible for bakufu to avoid unusual danger of the absence of the Shogun.
  863. It is said that this manner of eating was invented to provide a tasty way to eat eel whose quality has degraded.
  864. It is said that this marriage was arranged because her older sister, Princess Sazanomiya Takako, had greatly supported her to settle the arrangement.
  865. It is said that this may be the reason why the Konoike family gave no financial support to the Mori family.
  866. It is said that this measure was taken because there was no precedent which a lord of Shinpan (the domains whose lords were male descendents of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA) assumed Tairo (the highest position in the bakufu government).
  867. It is said that this name came from availability as daily transportation like Geta.
  868. It is said that this name comes from a legend that a famous chajin (master of the tea ceremony) SEN no Rikyu liked dishes cooked using sesame seeds.
  869. It is said that this name was given after 'Hikari,' a nickname for trains on the Tokaido Shinkansen line, commemorating the development of Shinkansen.
  870. It is said that this name was originally used by funin, (people who actually cultivated Ossho).
  871. It is said that this ninja art was called yomogami in the meaning that ninja changed his hairstyle to smooth everything over.
  872. It is said that this originated from an incantation which used ten pieces of sacred treasure which had been granted from Amatsukami (a god of heaven) to Nigihayahi, who was a child of Tenjin (a god of heaven).
  873. It is said that this painting was originally a wall painting in Hachijonomiya mansion.
  874. It is said that this performance was first rendered by the acting master Kodanji ICHIKAWA the Fourth, who acted with Danjuro ICHIKAWA the Eighth as Benkei.
  875. It is said that this personnel decision was made because Heinai was from Satsuma Domain, as was Mishima, or because Kiyotaka KURODA, who had a close relationship with Heinai, became Prime Minister.
  876. It is said that this place, like Manshuin Temple, was one of the small bo on Mt. Hiei, and was a site of Getsurin-ji Temple, where Kangakue (an association for prayers) was started by YOSHISHIGE no Yasutane and others, but later disbanded.
  877. It is said that this play was particularly favored by the princesses of the Habsburg family of Austria, who empathized with Garasha's life in which she was forced to marry into other country for political reasons, and were impressed by the nobility of her having kept her faith.
  878. It is said that this port was constructed by Emperor Nintoku.
  879. It is said that this pot represents earth and vivid flowers represent virtue in generating things.
  880. It is said that this product does not keep for long.
  881. It is said that this represents Buddha's deep compassion which does not deny the entry of sentient beings into the Buddhist priesthood.
  882. It is said that this represents Emperor Go-Daigo's strong desire to go back north to Kyoto.
  883. It is said that this represents a symbol of matricide.
  884. It is said that this resulted in the immediate vassals of the shogun, who had threatened the Hojo family in the shogunate, being completely excluded and in the strengthening of the Hojo family's dictatorial power.
  885. It is said that this saying was created by Ikkyu, a Buddhist monk.
  886. It is said that this scene was created by Danjuro ICHIKAWA (the seventh) at the end of the Edo period and that the script was handed over to Sojuro NAKAMURA in Kamigata (Kyoto and Osaka region).
  887. It is said that this shape represents Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi Sword, one of the Three Sacred Treasures of the Imperial Family.
  888. It is said that this shows the pious act of cutting away 11 kinds of ignorance and the earthly desires (無明煩悩) of living things, and to open Buddhahood.
  889. It is said that this statue had been initially placed in Sanno-in Temple (Senju-in Temple) in Mt. Hiei, then transferred to Mii-dera Temple in 993 by followers of Enchin who descended Mt. Hiei due to intensified struggle between the followers of Ennin (Jikaku Daishi).
  890. It is said that this style imitated a headband that a priest used at ritual ceremonies in ancient Japan.
  891. It is said that this style originated in Kaizan-do Hall adopted in Buddist temples, where the Shi-do hall (a hall dedicated to the souls of ancestors), is connected to the Rai-do hall (a worship hall) with the Ainoma (connection room).
  892. It is said that this style was adopted because when the tap of a barrel was accidentally opened and sake flowed from the tap, a headband or an apron could be practically used to stop the sake flow by wringing the headband or the apron and inserting it into the tap.
  893. It is said that this success made Genzo better known.
  894. It is said that this system was established in the process in which the ritsuryo-code-based nation was changed to a dynastic nation and the Imperial Court entrusted its administrative rights to the local administrative organs (kokuga [provincial government offices] and zuryo [the head of the provincial governors]).
  895. It is said that this tank became the origin of a minyo (a traditional folk song) in Tohoku Region called "Sansa Shigure" (incessantly drizzling light shower) in later years, which is sometimes sung in such celebratory occasions as a wedding ceremony; however this is not a fact but a popular belief.
  896. It is said that this technique led to the consciousness of a method for adding stones at the bending point.
  897. It is said that this tejime was performed at the wedding ceremony of the first daughter of Masamune, Princess Iroha, and also at the departure of 'Keicho era mission to Europe,' in which people such as Tsunenaga HASEKURA joined, in 1613.
  898. It is said that this temple was built with tall columns during the Koji era (1555 - 1558) of the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States).
  899. It is said that this temple was founded by YUGE no Dokyo in 728, and it rose and fell due to fire and so on.
  900. It is said that this temple was founded during the Kanpyo era (889-897) and originally located in Tsutsui, Sofunoshimo County, Yamato Province (today's Yamatokoriyama City), which was the Tsutsui clan's base, but the precise details of the foundation and its pre-medieval history have not been confirmed.
  901. It is said that this term was originated in the persons who, in the Sengoku period (period of warring states), watched the states of soldiers, their leaders and enemies, and reported them to their lords.
  902. It is said that this theory appeared during this period because at that time, the Konkaikomyo-ji and Saio-in Temples belonged to a different sect from Ryoko-in Temple.
  903. It is said that this theory was narrated by Kanekazu URABE of the Urabe family, a family that had made a profession out of interpreting the "Chronicles of Japan" for generations.
  904. It is said that this track was constructed in 1944, during World War II, in order to bolster cooperation with other transportation means, assuming that the transportation network might be disrupted by bombardment from B-29 airplanes (side tracks for Kyoto City Trams were also constructed).
  905. It is said that this tumulus was robbed several times by the Edo period and the culprits were exiled or crucified.
  906. It is said that this type of chozubachi embodies the spirit of the tea ceremony, such as wabi (taste for the simple and quiet) and sabi (subdued refinement), emphasizing the rustic beauty of natural stone.
  907. It is said that this waka expresses loneliness felt when Hitomaro buried his dead wife in this place and came home through a mountain path.
  908. It is said that this was a famous topic around Shimabara in those days because Kano also committed robberies and killings on the street.
  909. It is said that this was a painstaking process.
  910. It is said that this was a plot of the Fujiwara clan who were aiming to the position of the Sadaijin since there was a tradition of an Imperial Family member not being allowed to become a Minister.
  911. It is said that this was a remain of a teahouse built by villagers of Nanairo Village down the mountain and also called Haccho-jaya Teahouse because it was haccho (about 872 meters) away from the pass.
  912. It is said that this was because Emperor Shomu was extremely afraid of the rebellion of Hirotsugu which occurred far in Kyushu.
  913. It is said that this was because Sakihisa intended to transfer the position to Nobunaga to help solve the problem of the position of Nobunaga, who at that time did not have any position and had been recommended to assume one of the following three positions; Daijo-daijin, Kanpaku or Shogun.
  914. It is said that this was because he was at odds with Haruyoshi, the oldest senior apprentice, or because he had secretly learned the Kano school's brushwork, but the truth isn't known.
  915. It is said that this was because her mother, Ayame, believed that studies were unnecessary for women.
  916. It is said that this was because some of them passed themselves as Koya hijiri and spied and Nobunaga had trouble with them.
  917. It is said that this was because, viewing the "Shorai Mokuroku," Saicho recognized the importance of Esoteric Buddhism.
  918. It is said that this was caused by Saiko, who saddened by the exile of Morotaka, blamed Myoun as the leader of the demonstrations and demanded punishment.
  919. It is said that this was changed to form a character with the connotation "the fire leaves" due to the fact that Honno-ji Temple has repeatedly been devastated by fire ('hi' in Japanese).
  920. It is said that this was devised so not to lose an arrow from the opposing wind on a running horse.
  921. It is said that this was due to Nagamasa's jealousy over Matabee's great achievements and the affection he had once received from Josui.
  922. It is said that this was due to his adoration for Guan Yu in the Sangokushi (Annals of the Three Kingdoms).
  923. It is said that this was due to the jealousy that resulted from the god being female, and it is said that there was a rule that prohibited women from entering workplaces concerned with metal forging.
  924. It is said that this was established at the same time as kaisho (Chinese characters in standard [square] style).
  925. It is said that this was intended to reduce the workforce, with the consideration that the beautiful women would not have difficulty finding a husband (however, there is an anecdote that Yoshimune preferred more homely women).
  926. It is said that this was invented by SEN no Rikyu.
  927. It is said that this was one of the best selling books at that time.
  928. It is said that this was one of the causes for his slower growth.
  929. It is said that this was one of the reasons that people surrounding him could not understand Nobunaga's intention and obey him.
  930. It is said that this was originally a pet phrase uttered by Futagoyama, Kanji WAKANOHANA (the first) or a comment made by a sumo commentator, Umekichi TAMANOUMI.
  931. It is said that this was related to the cognition of people then that they would spend their whole lifetime where they lived with the supports from their place of residence.
  932. It is said that this was the first time she rode a train.
  933. It is said that this was the only time his retainers saw him smile in his lifetime.
  934. It is said that this was the origin of Kurama-dera Temple.
  935. It is said that this was the origin of denbu.
  936. It is said that this was the origin of kanjiki.
  937. It is said that this was the original form of Japanese yokan.
  938. It is said that this was the original style of Goshu ondo.
  939. It is said that this was the will of their father Emperor Kanmu, who believed a hereditary imperial succession would be difficult, considering Emperor Heizei's being in poor health and his children still being young.
  940. It is said that this work would have been designated as a National Treasure if it had been kept in Japan.
  941. It is said that those Kuruwa were named after people's names, and they were not numbered like 'Ninomaru' or 'Sannomaru.'
  942. It is said that those areas, as leading producers of rice and other agricultural products, are blessed with feedstuff for fattening cattle and mild climate.
  943. It is said that those maneuvers led to the success of General Douglas MacArthur's Incheon landing operation.
  944. It is said that those simple gardens attached to tea rooms were developed in urban Machiya (a traditional form of townhouse found mainly in Kyoto) (mercantile house) with limited premises, not in temples or others with broad premises.
  945. It is said that those who advocated the attack viewed Genro Saionji as a prime example of a 'wily vassal surrounding the Emperor,' while those who opposed used an outward excuse of exploiting Saionji as a pipe between the Emperor.
  946. It is said that though he originally aspired to go to the Pure Land after death, he aspired to go to Tusita Heaven, a world where miroku (Maitreya) lives, when he died.
  947. It is said that through kata practitioners do not just master karate's basic skills and posture, but also acquire the body movements peculiar to karate--which is a prerequisite for the practical application of karate--such as kumite.
  948. It is said that to be born in the Pure Land of Amitabha means to be reincarnated as the result of the karma that is generated in that land.
  949. It is said that to become an accomplished chef, training for about ten years is required as the saying goes, "Three-years of training for cooking rice and eight-years for making sushi."
  950. It is said that today the point where Kiyotsune threw himself into the sea is off the Yakkan-gawa River in Yanagi ga ura district, Usa City, Oita Prefecture.
  951. It is said that tororo soba originated during the Taisho period, when a restaurant at the foot of Mt. Takao served buckwheat noodles with the grated yam topping to boost energy of worshippers who were on their way up to the temple on the mountain-top.
  952. It is said that tososan is useful as a stomachic and is effective against a cold if taken during the first stage.
  953. It is said that tozama clans tried to set the grade of their land as high as possible, and for example, the Choshu Domain of the Mori clan's uchi-daka was about 750 thousands koku compared to 360 thousands koku.
  954. It is said that traditional Gesaku writers were not given enough manuscript fees as Gesaku was regarded as a side work, but Kyoden SANTO became the first Gesaku writer to receive a decent amount of manuscript fees in those years.
  955. It is said that two Honyaku-kayaku (kayaku means a temporary post to be assumed additionally) officers (with a term of one year) and two tobun-kayaku officers (with a term of half of a year) were employed customarily.
  956. It is said that two years later the Emperor began looking for a candidate location for the Imperial Palace after his abdication.
  957. It is said that uayu is fresh and tasty since it was instantly killed with a cormorant's beak.
  958. It is said that udatsu came to be built in and around the middle of the Edo period.
  959. It is said that ullambana has the meaning of "ud-lamb" which means being hung upside down.
  960. It is said that under the orders of the Shinsengumi's Head, Isami KONDO, he was carring out confidential duties such as topographical surveys in Kai Province and Sagami Province.
  961. It is said that unlike Heian Buddhism and Kamakura Buddhism which emphasized relief work for the common people, these six sects of Nanto Rokushu had an academic atmosphere as an important factor, they were groups of learned priests studying mainly the doctrines of Buddhism.
  962. It is said that unlike other areas, Morita Village (present Morita, Ota City), Yamada County, Gunma Prefecture and its surroundings, where the water for fields had been drawn directly from Watarase-gawa River, had an increase in damage by the mining pollution after the Taisho period.
  963. It is said that until the beginning of the Meiji period 'tee,' which had existed prior to toudee, was called 'Okinawa-te' or 'uchina-dee,' and that it was distinguished from toudee, but it isn't known what differentiated the former from the latter.
  964. It is said that until the mid-Edo period, the majority of the commonly sold tea was bancha according to modern standards.
  965. It is said that upon learning of Nobunaga's death, Yoshitaka said to Hideyoshi, 'Your lucky opportunity has arrived, hasn't it?'
  966. It is said that using them as the emblem on a flag means 'fushakushinmyo' (to generously devote one's body and life to the Buddhist law).
  967. It is said that various countries became less influenced by China and each developed their own culture around that time.
  968. It is said that villagers who pitied the turtles built 'Kameishi' for the repose of their souls.
  969. It is said that villagers, feeling pity, held a funeral service for her taking every consideration and built a Shinto shrine at this place, and it is worshipped as a god for a smooth delivery.
  970. It is said that was because he felt he was no match for Tanizaki in terms of talent for literature.
  971. It is said that water began to gush suddenly in this pond when Jikei Daishi was born.
  972. It is said that water of Chorori nanataki waterfall was used for Kintaro's first bath when he was born and it is located in the back of his residence which is now the site of Kintoki-jinja Shrine.
  973. It is said that waving onusa to the left, right, and left again to the person or object to be purified transfers impurities from them to the onusa.
  974. It is said that wayward and penny-pinching Yasuhisa was hated by Shuei due to his such character.
  975. It is said that wearing a costume over mo which was similar to a kind of mo with the divided hem of sokutai called kokechi no mo began around this time.
  976. It is said that what Dosai MATSUNAGA and Inoue Kazue no kami (Masanari INOUE), sent to Ieyasu at Sunpu by Hidetada TOKUGAWA, the second shogun, in the early Genna era (1615 - 1624), heard from Ieyasu during their several-days' stay there, were recorded in it.
  977. It is said that when Egaku revisited Tang China, he engraved Giku's accomplishments on a monument, sent it to Japan, and built it beside Rajomon Gate in Kyoto.
  978. It is said that when Emperor Seiwa abdicated from the Imperial Throne in 879 and suddenly became a priest, he started an impossible fast but died due to his illness.
  979. It is said that when Empress Shotoku became ill in 770, she was the only person who was allowed to visit the emperor's bedroom, serving as a liaison with the emperor's retainers or subjects.
  980. It is said that when FUTABATEI wrote "Ukigumo", he referred to Encho SANYUTEI's rakugo recorded into written Japanese.
  981. It is said that when Himiko passed away, the Wajin (Japanese people) made a large mound that was more than 150 meters long; more than 100 slaves were killed and buried with her.
  982. It is said that when Hongwan-ji Temple surrendered Nobunaga, he signed the peace treaty jointly.
  983. It is said that when Iemitsu asked where they were from, Tenkai answered 'The seeds of the persimmons that I was given several years ago are in fruit.'
  984. It is said that when Ienobu TOKUGAWA (Tsunayoshi's nephew who became his adopted son) took the office of Shogun's assistant, he demanded the abolition of the law.
  985. It is said that when Ietsugu became critically ill, she cheered up Gekkoin who mourned.
  986. It is said that when Jigoro KANO saw Morihei UESHIBA's aikido he shouted, "This is what I've been searching for!"
  987. It is said that when MINAMOTO no Yoritomo raised his army, he was a hikan (a low-level bureaucrat) of TAIRA no Tomonori together with Mitsutomo AKIYAMA, his older brother, and they joined Yoritomo's army by having the authorization from Tomonori to return home under the pretext of their mother's becoming sick.
  988. It is said that when Nanpo OTA visited Lake Biwa, he was offered that if he could make a tanka containing all eight views of Omihakkei into thirty-one words, he could get a basket free of charge from an owner of a basket shop, then, he made it.
  989. It is said that when Naramitsu married into the Mitsui Family, seven freight cars were hired to send wedding dresses from Osaka to Tokyo.
  990. It is said that when Nobunaga ODA's army attacked, Munenobu's party struggled to protect the main unit and most of them were killed.
  991. It is said that when Nobunaga died in the Honno-ji Incident of June 1582, he helped Ieyasu TOKUGAWA pass through Iga Province.
  992. It is said that when Nobunaga returned to Kyoto only about ten vassals followed him.
  993. It is said that when Prince Shotoku visited the place later, he found the letters Sukune had carved during his prayer.
  994. It is said that when Rikyu killed himself, Hideyoshi's army enclosed the residence for fear of being resisted by Rikyu's disciples.
  995. It is said that when Ryoma SAKAMOTO submitted Senchu Hassaku (the basic outline of the new regime drawn up by Ryoma SAKAMOTO) to Takamori SAIGO and stated that '[he] shall be the Kaientai of the world,' Mutsu, who was also present, was greatly impressed and took every chance to mention the reminiscence in later years.
  996. It is said that when SOGA no Umako from pro-Buddhist faction constructed a Buddha hall in his residence and placed Miroku-butsu (Miroku Buddha) which was brought from a foreign country, he presented Busshari (Buddha's ashes) and held a hoe (Buddhist mass).
  997. It is said that when Sadatsugu TSUTSUI was punished by being deprived of his territory in 1608, Fujimasa resigned and became a farmer.
  998. It is said that when Saicho called people for transcriptions by handwriting of the Buddhist scriptures in an attempt to popularize Tendai sect, Dochu supported Saicho to develop Buddhism.
  999. It is said that when Shakyamuni preached, a thousand lights and a thousand kebutsu appeared from Shakyamuni's byakugo (whorl of hair in the centre of the forehead of Buddha), which has been often adopted as a subject of Buddhist paintings.
  1000. It is said that when Sorai OGYU was young, he was so poor that he kept hunger away with okara which was given by a neighborhood tofu store.

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