; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

40 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. neurological disorder
  2. neurologist
  3. neurology
  4. neuroma
  5. neuromuscular
  6. neuron
  7. neuropathy
  8. neuropeptide
  9. neuropteran
  10. neuropterans
  11. neuroscience
  12. neurosis
  13. neurosis brought about by external trauma
  14. neurosurgeon
  15. neurosurgery
  16. neurotic
  17. neurotoxin
  18. neurotransmitter
  19. neuter
  20. neuter gender
  21. neutral
  22. neutral attitude
  23. neutral buoyancy
  24. neutral color
  25. neutral color or tint
  26. neutral colour
  27. neutral density filter
  28. neutral fat
  29. neutral filter
  30. neutral paper
  31. neutral plane
  32. neutral position
  33. neutral power
  34. neutral salt
  35. neutral theory
  36. neutral zone
  37. neutral-density filter
  38. neutralise
  39. neutraliser
  40. neutralism
  41. neutralists
  42. neutrality
  43. neutralize
  44. neutralizer
  45. neutrals
  46. neutrino
  47. neutrino astronomy
  48. neutrino oscillation
  49. neutrino star
  50. neutron
  51. neutron bomb
  52. neutron diffraction
  53. neutron flux
  54. never
  55. never again
  56. never before
  57. never being satisfied with what one gets
  58. never ceasing
  59. never ending
  60. never happens
  61. never judge a book by its cover
  62. never lend money to a man who doesn't have an erection in the morning
  63. never mind
  64. never propounded by anyone before
  65. never taking off the premises
  66. never to be seen again
  67. never yet
  68. never!
  69. nevertheless
  70. nevus
  71. new
  72. new Cabinet
  73. new Cold war
  74. new JIS kanji character code
  75. new Japanese record
  76. new Zaibatsu
  77. new academism
  78. new acquisitions
  79. new address
  80. new adults
  81. new age
  82. new agreement
  83. new and old
  84. new and revised
  85. new and revised edition
  86. new appearance
  87. new appointment
  88. new arrival
  89. new arrivals
  90. new article
  91. new aspect
  92. new banknote
  93. new bill
  94. new birth
  95. new book
  96. new book or literary work
  97. new breed
  98. new breed of humans
  99. new brew of sake
  100. new bride's first visit to parents
  101. new building
  102. new bulb
  103. new business
  104. new call
  105. new car
  106. new century
  107. new ceramics
  108. new cinema
  109. new city
  110. new concept
  111. new constitution
  112. new construction
  113. new contract
  114. new convert
  115. new creation
  116. new currency
  117. new customer
  118. new debate
  119. new delivery
  120. new departure
  121. new design for practical use
  122. new development
  123. new dialect
  124. new disciple
  125. new discovery
  126. new drama
  127. new edition
  128. new employee
  129. new epoch
  130. new era
  131. new era or epoch
  132. new example
  133. new existence after rebirth
  134. new experience
  135. new face
  136. new fashion
  137. new feature
  138. new field
  139. new form
  140. new form of a character
  141. new formula
  142. new frame action
  143. new frontier
  144. new functionality
  145. new futures on the first trading session of the month
  146. new geisha
  147. new generation
  148. new government
  149. new government office
  150. new graduate
  151. new graduates
  152. new grain
  153. new green leaves
  154. new growth
  155. new hair growth
  156. new high
  157. new high-tech materials
  158. new hire
  159. new home
  160. new household
  161. new idea or design
  162. new interpretation
  163. new invention
  164. new investment
  165. new item
  166. new jazz
  167. new jobs
  168. new journalism
  169. new language created by blending two or more existing languages
  170. new law
  171. new layers look
  172. new leader
  173. new leaves
  174. new left
  175. new life
  176. new line
  177. new look
  178. new low
  179. new market
  180. new mat
  181. new material
  182. new media
  183. new media community
  184. new member
  185. new members
  186. new members of society
  187. new method
  188. new mode
  189. new model
  190. new money
  191. new monk
  192. new month starts
  193. new moon
  194. new mown
  195. new music
  196. new or raw recruit
  197. new order
  198. new page
  199. new painting
  200. new paragraph
  201. new party
  202. new patient
  203. new pattern
  204. new period
  205. new phase
  206. new piece
  207. new poor
  208. new potatoes
  209. new prime minister
  210. new print
  211. new product
  212. new product development
  213. new product or model
  214. new production
  215. new program
  216. new programme
  217. new prostitute that has not started working
  218. new publication
  219. new realism
  220. new record
  221. new recruit
  222. new regional dialect
  223. new religion
  224. new residential area
  225. new residential development
  226. new revision
  227. new rice
  228. new rice field
  229. new rich
  230. new road
  231. new roller
  232. new round of multilateral trade negotiations
  233. new rules or regulations
  234. new scene
  235. new school
  236. new school term
  237. new schools of Japanese Buddhism founded during the Kamakura period
  238. new season
  239. new shares
  240. new ship
  241. new shoots
  242. new sight
  243. new singer
  244. new single
  245. new snow
  246. new song
  247. new species
  248. new sports
  249. new stage
  250. new stock offering
  251. new stocks
  252. new stocks or shares
  253. new stone age
  254. new strain
  255. new strains of influenza
  256. new straw
  257. new student
  258. new students
  259. new style
  260. new style poem
  261. new style poetry
  262. new system
  263. new tax
  264. new team
  265. new technology
  266. new term
  267. new theory
  268. new thing
  269. new tools
  270. new town
  271. new traditional
  272. new translation
  273. new type
  274. new type or school of drama
  275. new user
  276. new variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
  277. new variety
  278. new version
  279. new vista or field
  280. new voice
  281. new wave
  282. new way
  283. new week opening
  284. new wife
  285. new word
  286. new work
  287. new working adults
  288. new world record
  289. new yellow regal
  290. new yen
  291. new-generation
  292. new-structure form
  293. newbie
  294. newborn
  295. newborn baby
  296. newborns being considered a year old
  297. newcomer
  298. newcomers in professional sumo
  299. newest
  300. newline
  301. newline character
  302. newly
  303. newly arrived
  304. newly born imperial prince
  305. newly built shrine
  306. newly compiled
  307. newly constructed shrine
  308. newly created character
  309. newly cut
  310. newly developed rice field
  311. newly established country
  312. newly established school
  313. newly forged sword
  314. newly green trees of early Summer
  315. newly hired career-track company employee
  316. newly listed stocks
  317. newly made
  318. newly opened
  319. newly opened or newly developed territory
  320. newly opened or recently settled land
  321. newly organized or established
  322. newly produced
  323. newly purchased item
  324. newly rebuilt house
  325. newly recruited sumo wrestlers in the first round of presentation after mae-zumo
  326. newly recruited sumo wrestlers in the second round of presentation after mae-zumo
  327. newly recruited sumo wrestlers in the third round of presentation after mae-zumo
  328. newly washed hair
  329. newly written text
  330. newly-built
  331. newly-entered
  332. newly-issued record
  333. newly-married life
  334. newly-married woman
  335. newly-tailored clothes
  336. newly-wed
  337. newness
  338. news
  339. news agency
  340. news analyst
  341. news anchor
  342. news article
  343. news bureau
  344. news channel
  345. news client
  346. news commentary
  347. news conference
  348. news crew
  349. news dealer's shop
  350. news department
  351. news flash
  352. news from ...
  353. news group
  354. news media
  355. news of a death
  356. news of a person's death
  357. news of a victory
  358. news of defeat
  359. news of someone's death
  360. news on demand
  361. news organization
  362. news organs
  363. news photograph
  364. news program
  365. news programme
  366. news report
  367. news show
  368. news site
  369. news source
  370. news source or topic
  371. news special
  372. news story
  373. news value
  374. news-feed
  375. news-reader
  376. news-server
  377. news-spool
  378. news-station
  379. news-system
  380. newsagent's shop
  381. newsboy
  382. newscaster
  383. newsfroup
  384. newsletter
  385. newsmagazine
  386. newspaper
  387. newspaper advertisement
  388. newspaper box
  389. newspaper boy
  390. newspaper company
  391. newspaper distributor
  392. newspaper extra
  393. newspaper holiday
  394. newspaper in Japanese
  395. newspaper reporter
  396. newspaper seller
  397. newspaper slot
  398. newspaper stand
  399. newspaper story
  400. newspaper vendor
  401. newspaper with a lot of advertisements and delivered for free of charge
  402. newspaper-seller
  403. newspapers
  404. newspeople
  405. newsprint
  406. newsreader
  407. newsreel
  408. newsroom
  409. newsstand
  410. newt
  411. newton
  412. next
  413. next century
  414. next day
  415. next day but one
  416. next door but one
  417. next executable sentence
  418. next executable statement
  419. next fiscal year
  420. next flight
  421. next generation
  422. next hop
  423. next in line
  424. next inning
  425. next lesson
  426. next letter
  427. next mail
  428. next month
  429. next morning
  430. next move
  431. next number
  432. next or adjoining room
  433. next page
  434. next period
  435. next person
  436. next post
  437. next president
  438. next record
  439. next release
  440. next room
  441. next season
  442. next seat
  443. next semester
  444. next session
  445. next spring
  446. next summer
  447. next term
  448. next time
  449. next to
  450. next to impossible
  451. next to impossible undertaking
  452. next to the flute player
  453. next version
  454. next week
  455. next winter
  456. next year
  457. next year's calendar and decrees
  458. next-generation mobile phone
  459. next-month delivery
  460. nexus
  461. niacin
  462. nib pen
  463. nibble fish
  464. nice
  465. nice and quick
  466. nice choice
  467. nice derriere
  468. nice guy
  469. nice person
  470. nice shot
  471. nice thing
  472. nice to meet you
  473. nice to see you!
  474. nice-looking body
  475. nicely
  476. nicely dry
  477. niceties
  478. niche
  479. niche market
  480. niche or alcove for an image
  481. nichrome wire
  482. nick
  483. nick of time
  484. nick-name for towns that resemble Kyoto
  485. nickel
  486. nickel and copper alloy
  487. nickel cadmium
  488. nickel coin
  489. nickel metal hydride
  490. nickel metal hydride battery
  491. nickel plate
  492. nickel plating
  493. nickel silver
  494. nickel steel
  495. nickel-cadmium
  496. nickel-cadmium battery
  497. nickel-chromium steel
  498. nickname
  499. nickname for such names as Haruo or Haruko
  500. nickname for the moon
  501. nickname of Building Access law
  502. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
  503. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidephosphate
  504. nicotine
  505. nicotine addiction
  506. nicotine gum
  507. nicotine lollipop
  508. nicotine poisoning
  509. nicotine stain removal
  510. nicotinic acid
  511. nicotinism
  512. nid-nod
  513. niddle-noddle
  514. niece
  515. niggard
  516. nigger
  517. night
  518. night after night
  519. night air
  520. night amusement
  521. night amusements
  522. night and day
  523. night angling
  524. night attack
  525. night aulonocara
  526. night before last
  527. night before the full moon
  528. night blindness
  529. night boat
  530. night burglar
  531. night class
  532. night cold
  533. night cream
  534. night crow
  535. night dew
  536. night dive
  537. night duty
  538. night duty room
  539. night fair
  540. night festival
  541. night fishing with nets
  542. night flight
  543. night fog
  544. night game
  545. night guard
  546. night heron
  547. night hospital
  548. night in which temperature doesn't fall below 25 degrees C
  549. night jasmine
  550. night jessamine
  551. night landing practice
  552. night latch
  553. night light
  554. night market
  555. night meal
  556. night mooring
  557. night of the 14th day of the eight month of the lunar calendar
  558. night of the full moon
  559. night owl
  560. night photography
  561. night rain
  562. night scene
  563. night school
  564. night sentry
  565. night shark
  566. night shift
  567. night shop
  568. night shopkeeper
  569. night show
  570. night sky
  571. night soil
  572. night soil pail
  573. night soil vat or reservoir
  574. night spot
  575. night stall
  576. night storm
  577. night table
  578. night talks
  579. night terror
  580. night trading
  581. night train
  582. night travel
  583. night under the midnight sun
  584. night view
  585. night vision
  586. night vision device
  587. night warfare
  588. night watch
  589. night watchman
  590. night where one waits for someone who is supposed to come
  591. night wind
  592. night work
  593. night-blindness
  594. night-blooming cereus
  595. night-clothes
  596. night-deposit safe
  597. night-light bulb
  598. night-school
  599. night-school season
  600. night-soil bucket
  601. night-soil man
  602. night-soil vault
  603. night-soil woman
  604. night-watch bell
  605. nightcap
  606. nightclothes
  607. nightclub
  608. nightdress
  609. nightfall
  610. nightgown
  611. nighthawk
  612. nightie
  613. nightingale
  614. nightjar
  615. nightless city
  616. nightless gay quarters
  617. nightlife
  618. nightlife district
  619. nightly
  620. nightmare
  621. nighttime
  622. nighttime festival in Aomori
  623. nightwalker
  624. nightwear
  625. nigirizushi
  626. nihilism
  627. nihilist
  628. nihilistic
  629. nihility
  630. nikkeijin
  631. nil
  632. nil factor
  633. nil return
  634. nilpotent
  635. nilpotent element
  636. nimble
  637. nimble in adaptation
  638. nimble rabbit
  639. nimble-footed
  640. nimbly
  641. nimbostratus
  642. nimbus
  643. nimbus gray
  644. nimbus grey
  645. nincompoop
  646. nine
  647. nine cases out of ten
  648. nine cuts mudra
  649. nine days
  650. nine levels of Amitabha's Pure Land
  651. nine lives
  652. nine ministers
  653. nine months
  654. nine parts
  655. nine percent
  656. nine pins
  657. nine shallow
  658. nine traditional astrological signs in Onmyoudou
  659. nine-stone handicap game
  660. nine-tailed kitsune
  661. nine-tiered lotus leaf platform in Amitabha's Pure Land
  662. ninefold
  663. ninespine batfish
  664. nineteen
  665. nineteenth of the sexagenary cycle
  666. ninety
  667. ninhydrin reaction
  668. ninja
  669. ninja arts
  670. ninja implement
  671. ninja rope with grappling hook
  672. ninja skills in secrecy
  673. ninja water-walking shoes
  674. ninja weapon disguised as a pair of garden shears
  675. ninja working in the open
  676. ninjutsu
  677. ninjutsu art of water-escape
  678. ninth day of the cold season
  679. ninth lunar month
  680. ninth month in the lunar calendar
  681. ninth month of the lunar calendar
  682. ninth of nine traditional astrological signs
  683. ninth of the sexagenary cycle
  684. ninth sign of Chinese zodiac
  685. ninth sign of the Chinese calendar
  686. ninth vertical line
  687. niobium
  688. nip and tuck
  689. nipa palm
  690. nipped by frost
  691. nippers
  692. nipple
  693. nipplefruit
  694. nirmanakaya
  695. nirvana
  696. nit
  697. nit-picking
  698. nitpicking
  699. nitrate
  700. nitration
  701. nitric acid
  702. nitric acid series
  703. nitric monoxide
  704. nitride
  705. nitriding
  706. nitridization
  707. nitrification
  708. nitrifying bacteria
  709. nitrile
  710. nitrite
  711. nitrite bacteria
  712. nitro compound
  713. nitro group
  714. nitro-
  715. nitrobenzene
  716. nitrocellulose
  717. nitrogen
  718. nitrogen cycle
  719. nitrogen dioxide
  720. nitrogen fixation
  721. nitrogen group
  722. nitrogen metabolism
  723. nitrogen mustard
  724. nitrogen narcosis
  725. nitrogen oxide
  726. nitrogenous fertiliser
  727. nitrogenous fertilizer
  728. nitroglycerin
  729. nitroglycol poisoning
  730. nitrosamine
  731. nitroso group
  732. nitrous acid
  733. nitrous oxide
  734. nitrox
  735. nitwit
  736. nivation
  737. no
  738. no advantage and no disadvantage
  739. no amount of luck triumphs geographical advantage
  740. no artificial coloring added
  741. no beds
  742. no big deal
  743. no bra
  744. no breathing
  745. no calorie
  746. no carbon
  747. no carrier
  748. no chance of
  749. no change
  750. no charge
  751. no child knows how dear he is to his parents
  752. no clue
  753. no clutch
  754. no comment
  755. no compensation
  756. no concern of mine
  757. no contest
  758. no control
  759. no crown
  760. no cut
  761. no decompression stop diving
  762. no difference
  763. no different than
  764. no doubt
  765. no doubt that
  766. no eating or drinking
  767. no effect
  768. no entry
  769. no equal for
  770. no exception
  771. no experience necessary
  772. no fat
  773. no fire area
  774. no food or drink
  775. no frost
  776. no gain
  777. no goal
  778. no going back
  779. no good
  780. no help for
  781. no hint
  782. no hit
  783. no hits
  784. no hope of getting ahead
  785. no information
  786. no interest
  787. no interest in
  788. no larger than
  789. no liking for
  790. no longer
  791. no longer being fond of someone
  792. no longer requiring constant monitoring
  793. no longer used
  794. no man's land
  795. no marks
  796. no match
  797. no match for
  798. no matter
  799. no matter how
  800. no matter how hard one may try
  801. no matter how much time passes
  802. no matter what
  803. no matter what happens
  804. no matter what it takes
  805. no matter what one may do
  806. no matter what you attempt
  807. no matter where
  808. no meaning
  809. no medical examinations
  810. no medical treatment having proved effective
  811. no mistaking it
  812. no more
  813. no more than
  814. no more than ...
  815. no more than that
  816. no necktie
  817. no need for money
  818. no need to do anything
  819. no need to guess
  820. no objection
  821. no one
  822. no one at all
  823. no op
  824. no operation instruction
  825. no other
  826. no other than
  827. no out
  828. no outs
  829. no pain
  830. no parking
  831. no particular order
  832. no passage
  833. no play
  834. no postponement for rain
  835. no problem
  836. no punishment without law
  837. no reason
  838. no retribution for a samurai killing a commoner
  839. no return
  840. no run
  841. no sense of direction
  842. no sense of refinement
  843. no side
  844. no sign of life
  845. no skin off my nose
  846. no smoking area
  847. no smoking at any time
  848. no sooner ... than ...
  849. no sooner than
  850. no sooner than ...
  851. no thank you
  852. no thanks
  853. no third party
  854. no time
  855. no time like the present
  856. no trouble
  857. no unusual events
  858. no use
  859. no use shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted
  860. no vacancy
  861. no wait state memory
  862. no way
  863. no way at all to deal with
  864. no way to do
  865. no way!
  866. no women admitted
  867. no work no pay
  868. no-confidence motion
  869. no-court day
  870. no-electricity day
  871. no-entry barrier
  872. no-fault liability
  873. no-fault liability principle
  874. no-fly zone
  875. no-growth economy
  876. no-hit
  877. no-hit no-run game
  878. no-hoper
  879. no-iron
  880. no-man's-land
  881. no-one
  882. no-paper society
  883. no-par stock
  884. no-par-value stock
  885. no-risk choice
  886. no-run baseball game
  887. no-run stockings
  888. no-see-um
  889. no-till farming
  890. no. of copies
  891. no. three
  892. nob
  893. nobelium
  894. nobility
  895. noble
  896. noble ancestors
  897. noble birth
  898. noble cause
  899. noble character
  900. noble class
  901. noble family
  902. noble figure
  903. noble gas
  904. noble gases
  905. noble orchid
  906. noble rank
  907. noble rot
  908. noble scallop
  909. noble sibling
  910. noble undertaking
  911. noble visitor
  912. noble youth
  913. noble's private quarters
  914. nobleman
  915. nobleman's illegitimate child
  916. nobleman's residence
  917. nobleman's true wife
  918. nobleman's wife
  919. nobles
  920. nobles and soldiers
  921. noblesse oblige
  922. noblewoman
  923. nobody
  924. nobody knows
  925. nocebo
  926. nocebo effect
  927. nociceptive stimulus
  928. nock
  929. nock of an arrow
  930. nock-shaped grip
  931. noctiluca
  932. noctovision
  933. noctuid
  934. nocturnal
  935. nocturnal animal
  936. nocturnal assault
  937. nocturnal bird
  938. nocturnal emission
  939. nocturnal emissions
  940. nocturnal habit
  941. nocturnal luminescence
  942. nocturnal penile tumescence
  943. nocturne
  944. nod
  945. nod deeply
  946. nodal point
  947. nodding
  948. nodding anemone
  949. nodding deeply
  950. nodding off
  951. node
  952. node in a bamboo stem
  953. node label
  954. node of a bamboo
  955. nodename
  956. nodes on a fingerboard
  957. nodule
  958. noggin
  959. noh
  960. noh actor
  961. noh cap with a rolled or drooping tail
  962. noh chanting
  963. noh chorus
  964. noh chorus seating area
  965. noh costume
  966. noh dance in plain clothes
  967. noh dance performed by a man without a mask
  968. noh farce
  969. noh flute
  970. noh interlude
  971. noh mask
  972. noh mask for roles involving dead or ghost characters
  973. noh mask of an old woman
  974. noh mask with a slanted mouth
  975. noh song
  976. noh stage
  977. noh theater
  978. noh theater performed at night by a fire
  979. noh theatre
  980. nohorn unicorn
  981. noise
  982. noise burst signal
  983. noise from contamination
  984. noise from gas moving inside the digestive tract
  985. noise level
  986. noise pollution
  987. noise reduction
  988. noise that sets one's teeth on edge
  989. noise-reduction
  990. noiseless
  991. noisily
  992. noisiness
  993. noisy
  994. noisy breathing
  995. noisy minority
  996. noisy public criticism
  997. nom de plume
  998. nom-maskable interrupt
  999. noma
  1000. nomad
  1001. nomadic people
  1002. nomadic race
  1003. nomadic tribe
  1004. nomadism
  1005. nomenclature
  1006. nomenklatura
  1007. nominal
  1008. nominal GDP
  1009. nominal adjective
  1010. nominal capital
  1011. nominal clause
  1012. nominal economic growth rate
  1013. nominal holder of an allocated rice field
  1014. nominal horsepower
  1015. nominal minister
  1016. nominal national income
  1017. nominal official
  1018. nominal page
  1019. nominal price
  1020. nominal rank
  1021. nominal rate
  1022. nominal rate of interest
  1023. nominal transfer rate
  1024. nominal value
  1025. nominal wages
  1026. nominalism
  1027. nominalizing suffix
  1028. nominalizing suffix indicating location
  1029. nominally and virtually
  1030. nominate
  1031. nomination
  1032. nomination committee
  1033. nomination to become prime minister
  1034. nominative case
  1035. nomogram
  1036. nomograph
  1037. non career
  1038. non cling
  1039. non interest-bearing bond
  1040. non interest-bearing securities
  1041. non real time
  1042. non sequitur
  1043. non store retailing
  1044. non troppo
  1045. non-
  1046. non-Abelian gauge theory
  1047. non-Abelian group
  1048. non-Anglosphere
  1049. non-Buddhist
  1050. non-Buddhist teachings
  1051. non-Buddhist writings
  1052. non-Confucian Hundred Schools of Thought writings
  1053. non-English-speaking world
  1054. non-Euclidean geometry
  1055. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  1056. non-Japanese celebrity
  1057. non-Japanese of Japanese descent
  1058. non-Japanese version
  1059. non-SGML character
  1060. non-SGML data entity
  1061. non-Tokugawa daimyo
  1062. non-Von Neumann-type computer
  1063. non-aggression pact
  1064. non-aggression treaty
  1065. non-alcoholic
  1066. non-alignment
  1067. non-alphabetic
  1068. non-alphanumeric
  1069. non-alphanumeric character
  1070. non-attachment disease
  1071. non-attendance
  1072. non-basic
  1073. non-blocking
  1074. non-caloric
  1075. non-carbon paper
  1076. non-chemical
  1077. non-client
  1078. non-combatant
  1079. non-commercial
  1080. non-commissioned officer
  1081. non-commital
  1082. non-confidence
  1083. non-conformance
  1084. non-conforming design
  1085. non-conforming process
  1086. non-conjunction
  1087. non-contentious case
  1088. non-conversion
  1089. non-correspondence
  1090. non-dealer
  1091. non-degree course for graduates
  1092. non-delivery
  1093. non-delivery notification
  1094. non-denominational
  1095. non-descriptor
  1096. non-destructive
  1097. non-directed graph
  1098. non-disclosure agreement
  1099. non-discriminative thought
  1100. non-disjunction
  1101. non-dividend-paying company
  1102. non-drinker
  1103. non-drop frame time code
  1104. non-drying oil
  1105. non-electronic computer
  1106. non-entrenched constitutional provision
  1107. non-enzymatic browning
  1108. non-equivalence operation
  1109. non-existence
  1110. non-existence of a business corporation
  1111. non-existing
  1112. non-finite verb
  1113. non-firing
  1114. non-free
  1115. non-fruit-bearing flower
  1116. non-fulltime employee
  1117. non-fulltime worker
  1118. non-functional mouth
  1119. non-glare treatment
  1120. non-glutinous millet
  1121. non-government person
  1122. non-government school
  1123. non-governmental organisation
  1124. non-governmental organization
  1125. non-gratuitous acquisition
  1126. non-handicapped person
  1127. non-identity operation
  1128. non-incendive
  1129. non-industrial waste
  1130. non-inflammability
  1131. non-inflammables
  1132. non-integer
  1133. non-integer value
  1134. non-interactive
  1135. non-interactive mode
  1136. non-interlace
  1137. non-interlaced
  1138. non-intervention
  1139. non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation
  1140. non-invasive
  1141. non-invasive approach
  1142. non-ionic detergent
  1143. non-ionic surfactant
  1144. non-isolated amplifier
  1145. non-jouyou kanji
  1146. non-leap year
  1147. non-lethal weapon
  1148. non-linear
  1149. non-linear programming
  1150. non-literate society
  1151. non-local branch
  1152. non-local jump
  1153. non-magnetic body
  1154. non-magnetic material
  1155. non-magnetic steel
  1156. non-mandatory attribute
  1157. non-matching
  1158. non-member nation
  1159. non-member state
  1160. non-membership
  1161. non-metallic seal
  1162. non-monotonic logic
  1163. non-negative
  1164. non-negotiable bill
  1165. non-nuclear
  1166. non-nuclear-weapon state
  1167. non-nude erotica
  1168. non-official or privately composed history
  1169. non-operator mode
  1170. non-ordained Christian monk
  1171. non-parliamentary
  1172. non-participating insurance
  1173. non-partisan cabinet
  1174. non-payer
  1175. non-payment
  1176. non-permanent employee
  1177. non-permanent member
  1178. non-permanent resident
  1179. non-permanent worker
  1180. non-perturbative
  1181. non-polluting
  1182. non-preemptive multitasking
  1183. non-preferred term
  1184. non-private sleeper car or berth on a European train
  1185. non-professional
  1186. non-profit
  1187. non-profit sector
  1188. non-progressive verb
  1189. non-realistic drama
  1190. non-receipt notification request indication
  1191. non-recoverable
  1192. non-registered
  1193. non-registered access
  1194. non-repudiation of delivery
  1195. non-repudiation of origin
  1196. non-repudiation of submission
  1197. non-resident taxpayer
  1198. non-response
  1199. non-restrictive
  1200. non-return-to-reference recording
  1201. non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording
  1202. non-return-to-zero change-on-zeros recording
  1203. non-return-to-zero recording
  1204. non-returnable bottle
  1205. non-revertive
  1206. non-scrambled channel
  1207. non-sectarian
  1208. non-separability
  1209. non-serialised stories
  1210. non-serious
  1211. non-shared
  1212. non-smoker
  1213. non-smokers' rights
  1214. non-smoking car
  1215. non-smoking section
  1216. non-specific
  1217. non-specific subordinate reference
  1218. non-standard goods
  1219. non-standard grammatical construction
  1220. non-standard kana
  1221. non-standard product
  1222. non-standard pronunciation
  1223. non-standard-sized mail
  1224. non-state-sponsored temple
  1225. non-sticky rice
  1226. non-stop
  1227. non-stop computer
  1228. non-stop round trip
  1229. non-stop talking
  1230. non-store operation
  1231. non-store retailing
  1232. non-superconducting maglev train
  1233. non-support
  1234. non-tariff barrier
  1235. non-tax plan for small savings
  1236. non-terminal
  1237. non-terminated
  1238. non-terminating
  1239. non-thermal
  1240. non-trivial solution
  1241. non-typical data
  1242. non-undercover ninja
  1243. non-verbal
  1244. non-verbal communication
  1245. non-violence
  1246. non-volatility
  1247. non-voter
  1248. non-white races
  1249. non-winner
  1250. non-woven
  1251. non-zero
  1252. nonacceptance
  1253. nonadd function
  1254. nonaggravation
  1255. nonaggression
  1256. nonaggression pact
  1257. nonaggression treaty
  1258. nonaggressive defense
  1259. nonappearance
  1260. nonappearance in print
  1261. nonarrival
  1262. nonassimilation
  1263. nonattendance
  1264. nonbank banking
  1265. nonbiting midge
  1266. nonbook
  1267. nonbootable diskette
  1268. nonchalant
  1269. nonchalant air
  1270. nonchalant look
  1271. nonchalantly
  1272. noncommissioned officer
  1273. noncommissioned officer of the Japanese Air Self Defense Forces
  1274. noncommital
  1275. noncommittal
  1276. noncompetitive
  1277. noncompliance
  1278. noncompliant
  1279. noncompressed
  1280. nonconductibility
  1281. nonconductor
  1282. nonconfidence vote
  1283. nonconformist
  1284. nonconsanguineous relationship
  1285. noncontiguous item
  1286. nonconveyable load
  1287. nonconveyable product
  1288. noncooperation
  1289. nondelivery
  1290. nondestructive read
  1291. nondrinker
  1292. none
  1293. none in particular
  1294. none other than the king
  1295. none the better for the change
  1296. none too soon
  1297. nonenal
  1298. nonessential
  1299. nonessential and nonurgent
  1300. nonessentials
  1301. nonetheless
  1302. nonexecutable statement
  1303. nonexistence
  1304. nonexistence or existence
  1305. nonexistent
  1306. nonexpansion
  1307. nonfarming land
  1308. nonfat milk
  1309. nonferrous metals
  1310. nonfiction
  1311. nonglutinous grain
  1312. nongovernment organisation
  1313. nongovernment organization
  1314. nongraphic character
  1315. nonimpact printer
  1316. noninterference
  1317. nonintervention
  1318. noninvolvement
  1319. nonlinear
  1320. nonlinear editing
  1321. nonmanufacturing industry
  1322. nonmanufacturing sector
  1323. nonmedicinal product
  1324. nonmetal
  1325. nonmigratory bird
  1326. nonmilitary
  1327. nonmonotonic logic
  1328. nonnegative integer
  1329. nonnegotiable
  1330. nonnumeric item
  1331. nonnumeric literal
  1332. nonpareil
  1333. nonparliamentary party association
  1334. nonparticipation
  1335. nonpartisan
  1336. nonpayment
  1337. nonpayment of tribute
  1338. nonperformance
  1339. nonplussed
  1340. nonpoisonous
  1341. nonpolitical
  1342. nonpreemptive multitasking
  1343. nonprescription drug
  1344. nonprint function
  1345. nonprinting character
  1346. nonprocedural language
  1347. nonprofit
  1348. nonprofit business
  1349. nonprofit organisation
  1350. nonprofit organization
  1351. nonprogrammable calculator
  1352. nonprosecution or indictment
  1353. nonrecognition
  1354. nonrecurring income
  1355. nonreligious wedding ceremony
  1356. nonresident population
  1357. nonresistance
  1358. nonrestraint
  1359. nonrestricted token
  1360. nonrun
  1361. nonsalaried
  1362. nonself
  1363. nonsense
  1364. nonsense comedy
  1365. nonsense!
  1366. nonsensical
  1367. nonsequitur
  1368. nonsingular
  1369. nonslip
  1370. nonsmoker
  1371. nonspecific
  1372. nonspecificity
  1373. nonstandard
  1374. nonstandard characters
  1375. nonstandard extension
  1376. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
  1377. nonstop
  1378. nonstop flight
  1379. nonstructural element
  1380. nonstructural member
  1381. nonthermal treatment
  1382. nontitle
  1383. nontitle match
  1384. nonviolence
  1385. nonvirgin
  1386. nonvolatile memory
  1387. nonvolatile storage
  1388. nonwhite character
  1389. noodle
  1390. noodle boiler
  1391. noodle boiling machine
  1392. noodle making
  1393. noodle shop
  1394. noodle soup
  1395. noodlefish
  1396. noodles
  1397. noodles made from konnyaku
  1398. noodles made from regular flour and horse chestnut flour
  1399. noodles made in flat strips
  1400. noodles with bits of deep-fried tempura batter
  1401. noodles with duck meat and Welsh onions
  1402. nook
  1403. nooks
  1404. noon
  1405. noon bright
  1406. noon gun
  1407. noon period of the day
  1408. noon recess
  1409. noon rest period
  1410. nootropic
  1411. nor'easter
  1412. nor-nor-east
  1413. noradrenalin
  1414. noradrenaline
  1415. nordihydroguaiaretic acid
  1416. norepinephrine
  1417. nori
  1418. norito read at a grand purification event
  1419. norm
  1420. normal
  1421. normal activities of daily life
  1422. normal affair
  1423. normal and leap
  1424. normal condition
  1425. normal conversation
  1426. normal crop
  1427. normal distribution
  1428. normal duties
  1429. normal fault
  1430. normal fiscal accountability can be dispensed with
  1431. normal gestation time
  1432. normal goods
  1433. normal hill
  1434. normal lens
  1435. normal level
  1436. normal mode
  1437. normal mode rejection
  1438. normal mode voltage
  1439. normal or average or fixed temperature
  1440. normal or proper practice
  1441. normal people
  1442. normal position
  1443. normal prices
  1444. normal profit
  1445. normal pulse
  1446. normal rice
  1447. normal salt
  1448. normal school
  1449. normal state
  1450. normal style of writing
  1451. normal tape
  1452. normal temperature
  1453. normal termination
  1454. normal times
  1455. normal value
  1456. normal vector
  1457. normal year
  1458. normalcy
  1459. normalisation
  1460. normalise
  1461. normalised orthogonal system
  1462. normality
  1463. normalization
  1464. normalization transformation
  1465. normalize
  1466. normalized device coordinates
  1467. normalized form
  1468. normalized orthogonal system
  1469. normalized projection coordinates
  1470. normally
  1471. normally being sharp but at some prompt suddenly becoming lovestruck
  1472. normally put aside for important meetings
  1473. normative
  1474. normative consciousness
  1475. normative economics
  1476. normative ethics
  1477. norms
  1478. norovirus
  1479. north
  1480. north and south poles
  1481. north bank
  1482. north coast
  1483. north entrance
  1484. north face
  1485. north gate
  1486. north latitude
  1487. north of
  1488. north polar region
  1489. north side
  1490. north star
  1491. north wind
  1492. north-east
  1493. north-north-east
  1494. north-northwest
  1495. north-to-south
  1496. north-west
  1497. northbound
  1498. northeast
  1499. northeast Japan
  1500. northeaster
  1501. northeasterly wind
  1502. northerly
  1503. northerly wind
  1504. northern
  1505. northern Pacific seastar
  1506. northern Ryukyu fruit bat
  1507. northern barbarians
  1508. northern barramundi
  1509. northern bluefin tuna
  1510. northern boundary
  1511. northern cardinal
  1512. northern cliff
  1513. northern countries
  1514. northern elephant seal
  1515. northern exposure
  1516. northern extremity
  1517. northern flicker
  1518. northern flying squirrel
  1519. northern fulmar
  1520. northern goshawk
  1521. northern half
  1522. northern hawk owl
  1523. northern hemisphere
  1524. northern hill
  1525. northern hobby
  1526. northern lapwing
  1527. northern lights
  1528. northern limit
  1529. northern maidenhair
  1530. northern mountain
  1531. northern or southern lights
  1532. northern part
  1533. northern pavilion of a house
  1534. northern pink prawn
  1535. northern pintail
  1536. northern provinces
  1537. northern ridge-tailed monitor
  1538. northern sea
  1539. northern shoveler
  1540. northern shoveller
  1541. northern shrike
  1542. northern shrimp
  1543. northern side house
  1544. northern sky
  1545. northern snakehead
  1546. northern suburbs
  1547. northern territories
  1548. northern waters
  1549. northern wheatear
  1550. northern wind in early autumn
  1551. northern wobbegong
  1552. northern-sea fisheries
  1553. northerner
  1554. northernmost
  1555. northernmost tip
  1556. northward
  1557. northwest
  1558. northwestern
  1559. noscapine
  1560. nose
  1561. nose and ears
  1562. nose and mouth
  1563. nose and throat
  1564. nose and throat specialist
  1565. nose being clogged up
  1566. nose cone
  1567. nose dive
  1568. nose drops
  1569. nose flute
  1570. nose job
  1571. nose medicine
  1572. nose piercing
  1573. nose ring
  1574. nose shape
  1575. nose sweat
  1576. nose tip
  1577. nosebleed
  1578. nosebleed section
  1579. nosh
  1580. nosiness
  1581. nosocomial infection
  1582. nostalgia
  1583. nostalgia for the good old days
  1584. nostalgic
  1585. nostalgic melody
  1586. nostril
  1587. nostril hairs
  1588. nostrils
  1589. nostrum
  1590. nosy person
  1591. not
  1592. not ...
  1593. not ... at all
  1594. not ... either
  1595. not a bad guess
  1596. not a bit
  1597. not a chance
  1598. not a common kanji
  1599. not a little
  1600. not a number
  1601. not a single person
  1602. not able to change
  1603. not able to escape an urgent problem without making some sacrifice
  1604. not able to get a solid hit in
  1605. not able to keep one's mouth shut
  1606. not able to make a dent in
  1607. not acting rashly
  1608. not adorable
  1609. not allowed
  1610. not altogether a dream
  1611. not amounting to much
  1612. not any
  1613. not any more
  1614. not anywhere
  1615. not applicable
  1616. not as dissatisfied ashe would have us believe
  1617. not at all
  1618. not at all equal
  1619. not at all inferior to
  1620. not at all tense
  1621. not at all!
  1622. not attending one's club
  1623. not authorizing
  1624. not available
  1625. not aware of what one is doing
  1626. not bad
  1627. not be allowed
  1628. not be concerned about at all
  1629. not be concerned at all
  1630. not be easily influenced into joining some mood or activity
  1631. not be fated to
  1632. not be found
  1633. not be relied upon
  1634. not be troubled by
  1635. not be worried about anything
  1636. not bearing the slightest resemblance
  1637. not being
  1638. not being concerned by
  1639. not being obsessed with something very long
  1640. not breathing a word
  1641. not budging an inch
  1642. not busy
  1643. not buying
  1644. not care
  1645. not care a bit
  1646. not caring
  1647. not caring an ounce about other people's feelings
  1648. not caring what others think
  1649. not catching anything
  1650. not close
  1651. not completely lacking
  1652. not considered as loss
  1653. not counting
  1654. not covered
  1655. not covered by
  1656. not coveting food
  1657. not customary
  1658. not dealt with by ordinary means
  1659. not dirty
  1660. not doing as one is told
  1661. not doing at all
  1662. not done
  1663. not dreaming of
  1664. not eating enough
  1665. not employed
  1666. not enabled
  1667. not enough
  1668. not equal
  1669. not even for a moment
  1670. not even once
  1671. not even slightly
  1672. not exactly correct
  1673. not exceeding
  1674. not expecting
  1675. not familiar with the area
  1676. not far off
  1677. not far off the mark
  1678. not fastidious
  1679. not feel at home
  1680. not feeling like staying
  1681. not few
  1682. not finished
  1683. not finished properly
  1684. not firm
  1685. not folding on a stitch but placing the fold deeper past the stitch
  1686. not for keeps
  1687. not for loan
  1688. not foreseen
  1689. not forgetting to express one's gratitude.
  1690. not frank
  1691. not genuine
  1692. not getting a reply
  1693. not getting around to considering
  1694. not give a damn
  1695. not giving a damn
  1696. not giving an inch
  1697. not giving even the slightest response
  1698. not good
  1699. not good at all
  1700. not good with figures
  1701. not granted
  1702. not had
  1703. not hard
  1704. not hard to...
  1705. not having
  1706. not having a cent
  1707. not having any room to do more
  1708. not having met or contacted someone for a long time
  1709. not hearing from
  1710. not heeding what others say
  1711. not in keeping with the occasion
  1712. not in one's wildest dreams
  1713. not in the Jouyou set
  1714. not in the least
  1715. not in the slightest
  1716. not in the work force
  1717. not inclined
  1718. not inclined to
  1719. not included
  1720. not included in the price
  1721. not including
  1722. not independent
  1723. not interested
  1724. not just ...
  1725. not just once
  1726. not keeping up with social norms
  1727. not know what to do with
  1728. not knowing
  1729. not knowing from A to B
  1730. not knowing one's bearings
  1731. not knowing one's way around
  1732. not knowing what to do
  1733. not knowing what to do with the time one has on one's hand
  1734. not knowing what to say by way of excuse
  1735. not knowing when to give up
  1736. not later than
  1737. not less than
  1738. not letting oneself puffed up by one's success
  1739. not life-threatening
  1740. not like
  1741. not likely
  1742. not limited to
  1743. not long after
  1744. not long ago
  1745. not long has passed since ...
  1746. not making oneself quite clear
  1747. not making sense
  1748. not matching
  1749. not matter
  1750. not mince matters
  1751. not mind about at all
  1752. not mind at all
  1753. not much
  1754. not necessarily
  1755. not necessarily for sound
  1756. not necessarily made of wood
  1757. not necessarily so
  1758. not needing or having electrification
  1759. not needing reserve or formality
  1760. not negligible
  1761. not noticing mood implicit to situations
  1762. not of age
  1763. not officially registered
  1764. not one
  1765. not one bit
  1766. not only
  1767. not only ... but
  1768. not only ... but also
  1769. not paid up
  1770. not participating in
  1771. not particularly
  1772. not permitted
  1773. not permitting
  1774. not practicing what one preaches
  1775. not quick enough
  1776. not quite
  1777. not required
  1778. not revealing
  1779. not running
  1780. not self
  1781. not serving its purpose
  1782. not significant enough to require
  1783. not sleeping a wink
  1784. not so
  1785. not soggy
  1786. not sparing one's life for a worthy cause
  1787. not standing out
  1788. not staying on well
  1789. not sticking on well
  1790. not stirring a muscle
  1791. not straight forward
  1792. not subject
  1793. not submitted to the selecting committee
  1794. not supported
  1795. not surprisingly
  1796. not taking
  1797. not taking part
  1798. not that easy
  1799. not that much
  1800. not the norm
  1801. not the rule
  1802. not thorough
  1803. not through
  1804. not to be able to keep one's health
  1805. not to be able to maintain one's fortune
  1806. not to be able to settle down
  1807. not to be counted on
  1808. not to be depended on
  1809. not to be included
  1810. not to be mentioned in the same breath as
  1811. not to be sneezed at
  1812. not to be underestimated
  1813. not to be undervalued
  1814. not to mention
  1815. not to mention ...
  1816. not to speak of
  1817. not to work out
  1818. not to write to or visit someone
  1819. not uncommon
  1820. not understanding
  1821. not unlikely to
  1822. not until
  1823. not until now
  1824. not up with the times
  1825. not usual self
  1826. not uttering a single word
  1827. not very
  1828. not very appealing
  1829. not very good
  1830. not very good at
  1831. not very interesting
  1832. not very nice at all
  1833. not within proper limits
  1834. not without its worth
  1835. not worrying about one's reputation or appearance
  1836. not worth
  1837. not worth it
  1838. not worth mentioning
  1839. not worth while
  1840. not worth worrying about
  1841. not writing or contacting for a while
  1842. not yet
  1843. not yet announced
  1844. not yet arrived
  1845. not yet dawn
  1846. not yet fixed
  1847. not yet known
  1848. not yet officially announced
  1849. not yet open for business
  1850. not yet started
  1851. not-and
  1852. not-for-profit
  1853. notable characteristic
  1854. notables
  1855. notarisation
  1856. notarised document
  1857. notarization
  1858. notarized document
  1859. notary
  1860. notary charges or fees
  1861. notary office
  1862. notary public
  1863. notary public's office
  1864. notation
  1865. notation attribute
  1866. notation declaration
  1867. notation identifier
  1868. notation name
  1869. notch
  1870. notch-filter
  1871. notchback
  1872. notched
  1873. notched bamboo rod rubbed with an implement similar to a bamboo whisk
  1874. notched lapel
  1875. notched trowel
  1876. note
  1877. note PC
  1878. note book
  1879. note by note
  1880. note left behind
  1881. note on back of the scroll
  1882. note payable
  1883. note stem
  1884. note symbol
  1885. note-taking
  1886. note-type
  1887. note-type PC
  1888. note-type computer
  1889. notebook
  1890. notebook PC
  1891. notebook personal computer
  1892. notebook with records of monies received
  1893. noted
  1894. noted doctor
  1895. noted family
  1896. noted haiku
  1897. noted or celebrated priest
  1898. noted or mentioned
  1899. noted product
  1900. noted treasure
  1901. notepad
  1902. notes
  1903. notes and comments
  1904. notes between lines of text
  1905. notes one reasons
  1906. notes receivable
  1907. nothing
  1908. nothing at all
  1909. nothing better than
  1910. nothing but
  1911. nothing but a loincloth
  1912. nothing can be done
  1913. nothing comes from nothing
  1914. nothing gain
  1915. nothing gained
  1916. nothing in particular
  1917. nothing increases or decreases
  1918. nothing more ... than this
  1919. nothing offered
  1920. nothing one can say
  1921. nothing out of the ordinary
  1922. nothing significant
  1923. nothing special
  1924. nothing to be done
  1925. nothing to criticise
  1926. nothing to criticize
  1927. nothing to do with me
  1928. nothing to say
  1929. nothing ventured
  1930. nothing whatever
  1931. nothingness
  1932. notice
  1933. notice board
  1934. notice of
  1935. notice of abandonment
  1936. notice of personnel change
  1937. notice of receipt
  1938. notice or order handed down from above
  1939. notice to airmen
  1940. noticeable result
  1941. noticeably
  1942. noticeboard
  1943. noticing
  1944. notification
  1945. notification for compulsory retirement
  1946. notification of appointment
  1947. notification of change
  1948. notification of death
  1949. notification of moving in
  1950. notification of moving out
  1951. notification to authorities
  1952. notification type
  1953. noting
  1954. notion
  1955. notional
  1956. notochord
  1957. notoginseng
  1958. notorious
  1959. notorious man
  1960. notorious person
  1961. notwithstanding
  1962. notwithstanding that
  1963. nougat
  1964. nought
  1965. noughts and crosses
  1966. noumenon
  1967. noun
  1968. noun clause
  1969. noun equivalent
  1970. noun incorporation
  1971. noun or adjective following and modifing the direct object
  1972. noun phrase
  1973. noun substantive
  1974. nouns whose plural has the same form as their singular
  1975. nourish
  1976. nourishing cream
  1977. nourishing or nutritious food
  1978. nourishment
  1979. nous
  1980. nouveau
  1981. nouveau riche
  1982. nouveau roman
  1983. nouvelle
  1984. nouvelle cuisine
  1985. nova
  1986. novel
  1987. novel about one's education
  1988. novel depicting customs and manners of the day
  1989. novel for the masses
  1990. novel from the late Edo period focused on the love stories of ordinary townsfolk
  1991. novel idea
  1992. novel narrated in the first person
  1993. novel of adventure
  1994. novel of character development
  1995. novel of formation
  1996. novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme
  1997. novel which traces the intellectual
  1998. novel with local color
  1999. novel with local colour
  2000. novel written in colloquial Chinese

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