; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

83 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. Showa Day
  2. Showa Depression
  3. Showa era
  4. Showa period
  5. Shrine Shinto
  6. Shrine of the God of War
  7. Shu
  8. Shu Han
  9. Shu-Han
  10. Shuchou era
  11. Shudra
  12. Shugendou
  13. Shughni
  14. Shuhari
  15. Shun and Yu
  16. Shunga
  17. Shunkei lacquerware
  18. Shylock
  19. Siam
  20. Siamese
  21. Siamese cat
  22. Siamese giant carp
  23. Siamese twins
  24. Siberia
  25. Siberian blue robin
  26. Siberian brook lamprey
  27. Siberian chipmunk
  28. Siberian crab apple
  29. Siberian flying squirrel
  30. Siberian hazel
  31. Siberian husky
  32. Siberian iris
  33. Siberian mountain ash
  34. Siberian rubythroat
  35. Siberian thrush
  36. Siberian tiger
  37. Siberian yarrow
  38. Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy of birds
  39. Sichuan
  40. Sichuan cuisine
  41. Sichuan pepper
  42. Sichuan pepper-salt
  43. Sichuan style bean curd
  44. Sicilian Vespers
  45. Sicyopterus japonicus
  46. Siddham character
  47. Siddham studies
  48. Siebold maple
  49. Siebold's arrowwood
  50. Siebold's beech
  51. Siebold's primrose
  52. Siebold's stonecrop
  53. Siemens
  54. Siemens scandal
  55. Sierra Leone
  56. Siganidae
  57. Siganus
  58. Siganus woodlandi
  59. Sikh
  60. Sikh Wars
  61. Sikhism
  62. Silence is golden
  63. Silenus
  64. Silicon Graphics
  65. Silicon Island
  66. Silicon Valley
  67. Silk Road
  68. Silk road
  69. Silket
  70. Silurian period
  71. Silver Rays
  72. Silver Week
  73. Silver-On-Line
  74. Simon bamboo
  75. Sinanthropus pekinensis
  76. Sinatra Doctrine
  77. Sincerely yours
  78. Sincerity can move heaven
  79. Singapore
  80. Singapore Telecom
  81. Singapore dollar
  82. Singapore sling
  83. Sinhala
  84. Sinhala alphabet
  85. Sinhalese language
  86. Sinhalese people
  87. Sinhalese person
  88. Sinictinogomphus clavatus
  89. Sinn Fein
  90. Sino-American
  91. Sino-French War
  92. Sino-Japanese
  93. Sino-Japanese Amity Treaty
  94. Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
  95. Sino-Japanese War
  96. Sino-Japanese word
  97. Sino-Russian
  98. Sino-Soviet Border Conflict
  99. Sino-Tibetan
  100. Sino-Tibetan languages
  101. Sino-Vietnamese War
  102. Sinocentrism
  103. Sinologist
  104. Sinology
  105. Sinterklaas
  106. Sioux
  107. Sir
  108. Sirius
  109. Sister
  110. Sister Princess
  111. Sisuphos
  112. Sisyphus
  113. Sit!
  114. Six Dynasties
  115. Six Kingdoms
  116. Six Ministries
  117. Sixteen Kingdoms
  118. Sixteen Kingdoms period
  119. Sjogren's disease
  120. Sjogren's sydrome
  121. Skanda
  122. Skene's gland
  123. Skill Olympics
  124. Skinner box
  125. Sklavenmoral
  126. Skopolamin
  127. Sky Turks
  128. Skylab
  129. Skype
  130. Slav
  131. Slave Dynasty
  132. Slavic
  133. Sleep brings up a child well
  134. Sleeping Beauty
  135. SlipKnot
  136. Sloane's viperfish
  137. Slovak
  138. Slovakia
  139. Slovakian
  140. Slovene
  141. Slovenia
  142. Slovenian
  143. Small Magellanic Cloud
  144. Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
  145. Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant
  146. Small head but great wit
  147. Smalltalk
  148. Smaragdus pygmy goby
  149. SmartMedia
  150. Smilax china
  151. Smilax glabra
  152. Smith's butterflyfish
  153. Smith's pufferfish
  154. Smith's red-backed vole
  155. Smith's vole
  156. Smithsonian Institution
  157. Smoking Prohibited!
  158. Snell's law
  159. Sno-cone
  160. Snow White
  161. So long
  162. So many countries
  163. So many men
  164. So many people
  165. So miserable that it is painful to look at
  166. So that's the reason
  167. Sobu Line
  168. Social Democratic Party
  169. Social Insurance Agency
  170. Social and Communist Parties
  171. Social and Cultural Rights
  172. Socialist Masses Party
  173. Socialist Party
  174. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  175. Society of Friends
  176. Society of Jesus
  177. Socket 370
  178. Socket 7
  179. Sod that!
  180. Soft words pacify wrath
  181. SoftBank
  182. Sogetsu school of flower arrangement
  183. Sohyo
  184. Soka Gakkai
  185. Sol
  186. Solanaceae
  187. Solanum
  188. Solanum lyratum
  189. Solaris
  190. Sold
  191. Soletellina diphos
  192. Solomon's seal
  193. Somali butterflyfish
  194. Some are wise and some are otherwise
  195. Son My Massacre
  196. Son of God
  197. Song
  198. Song of Solomon
  199. Song of Songs
  200. Song poetry
  201. Song-period neo-Confucianism
  202. Sonosheet
  203. Sony
  204. Soon gotten soon spent
  205. Sorbus
  206. Sorbus gracilis
  207. Sorbus japonoca
  208. Sorry
  209. Sorry to impose but ...
  210. Soto Zen
  211. Soto school
  212. Sound Blaster
  213. Source of Suffering Desire
  214. South Africa
  215. South African
  216. South America
  217. South America Common Market
  218. South American continent
  219. South American dish of marinated raw seafood
  220. South American sea lion
  221. South Asia
  222. South Bridge
  223. South Carolina
  224. South China
  225. South China Sea
  226. South Dakota
  227. South Korea
  228. South Korean comics
  229. South Kuril
  230. South Manchuria
  231. South Manchuria Railway
  232. South Manchurian Railway
  233. South Pacific
  234. South Pole
  235. South Sea Islands
  236. South Seas
  237. South-East Asia
  238. South-west most region of Honshu
  239. Southeast Asia
  240. Southeast Asian
  241. Southern Buddhism
  242. Southern Cross
  243. Southern Dynasty
  244. Southern Europe
  245. Southern France
  246. Southern Qi
  247. Southern School
  248. Southern Song
  249. Southern magnolia
  250. Southern rock
  251. Southern whitetail major
  252. Southwest school
  253. Southwestern Bell
  254. Soviet
  255. Soviet Government
  256. Soviet Union
  257. Soviet army
  258. Soviet bloc
  259. Soviet internment camp
  260. Sovietise
  261. Sovietize
  262. Soyuz
  263. Space Expo
  264. Space Lab
  265. Spaceship Earth
  266. Spain
  267. Spam
  268. Spaniard
  269. Spanish
  270. Spanish America
  271. Spanish Armada
  272. Spanish Civil War
  273. Spanish Guinea
  274. Spanish Sahara
  275. Spanish broom
  276. Spanish cooking
  277. Spanish dagger
  278. Spanish fly
  279. Spanish food
  280. Spanish hogfish
  281. Spanish influenza
  282. Spanish jack
  283. Spanish jasmine
  284. Spanish salsify
  285. Spanish-American War
  286. Spanish-Japanese
  287. Spanish-speaking countries
  288. Spanish-speaking world
  289. Spare the rod and spoil the child
  290. Sparta
  291. Spartacus Games
  292. Speaker of the House
  293. Special Air Service
  294. Special Assault Team
  295. Special Higher Police
  296. Special Olympics
  297. Special Weapons and Tactics
  298. Speech is silver
  299. Spencer's goanna
  300. Spencer's monitor
  301. Sphinx
  302. Sphyrna
  303. Sphyrnidae
  304. Spinozism
  305. Spiraea salicifolia
  306. Spirea thunbergii
  307. Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters
  308. Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind
  309. Spirulina
  310. Sports
  311. Sports Day
  312. Spring Festival
  313. Spring Koshien
  314. Spring and Autumn period
  315. Sputnik
  316. Squamata
  317. Sri Lanka
  318. Sri-mahadevi
  319. St Bernard's lily
  320. St Elmo's fire
  321. St Luke
  322. St Luke Hospital
  323. St.
  324. St. Elmo's fire
  325. St. Vitus's dance
  326. Stalinism
  327. Standard MIDI File
  328. Standing Committee for House Management
  329. Stanford
  330. Staple Food Control Act
  331. Star Festival
  332. Star Trek
  333. Star Trek: The Next Generation
  334. Star Wars
  335. Star Watching
  336. Star of David
  337. Star-Spangled Banner
  338. Starbucks
  339. Stars and Stripes
  340. Stasi
  341. State Chamber
  342. State Council
  343. State Department
  344. State Minister in Charge of Economic and Fiscal Policy
  345. State Minister in Charge of Financial Affairs
  346. State Minister in Charge of Issues of Okinawa and Northern Territories
  347. State Minister in Charge of Postal Services Privatization
  348. State Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform
  349. State Minister in Charge of Science and Technology Policy
  350. State Plan
  351. State Shinto
  352. State of California
  353. State of Wei
  354. State of the Union Address
  355. State of the Union message
  356. States-General
  357. Station Management
  358. Statue of Liberty
  359. Statute of Westminster
  360. Stealth VRAM
  361. Stefan-Boltzmann law
  362. Stefan-Boltzmann's law
  363. Stegastes
  364. Stegodon
  365. Stegosaurus
  366. Stegostoma
  367. Stegostomatidae
  368. Steiner school
  369. Stejneger's beaked whale
  370. Steller's sea cow
  371. Steller's sea eagle
  372. Steller's sea lion
  373. Stemmkristiania
  374. Sterling block
  375. Sterling engine
  376. Sterling silver
  377. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  378. Stevenson screen
  379. Sthaviravada
  380. Still waters run deep
  381. Stilton
  382. Stockholm
  383. Stockholm syndrome
  384. Stoic
  385. Stoic philosophy
  386. Stoic school
  387. Stoicism
  388. Stokes' law
  389. Stomiiformes
  390. Stone Age
  391. Store owner
  392. Storr's goanna
  393. Storr's monitor
  394. Storr's pygmy monitor
  395. Stradivarius violin
  396. Straits of Taiwan
  397. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  398. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  399. StreamWorks
  400. Streaming SIMD Extensions
  401. Strelitzia reginae
  402. Streptococcus pyogens
  403. Streptococcus viridans
  404. Strike while the iron is hot
  405. Strombolian eruption
  406. Strombus canarium turturella
  407. Structural Impediments Initiative talks
  408. Structured Analysis
  409. Structured Query Language
  410. Stueber
  411. Stuff It
  412. Sturm und Drang
  413. Styracaceae
  414. Styrol
  415. Styrol condensor
  416. Subaru
  417. Subway Series
  418. Suchou era
  419. Sudoku
  420. Sudra
  421. Sue ware
  422. Suez Canal
  423. Suez Crisis
  424. Suez War
  425. Suffering
  426. Sufi
  427. Sugata
  428. Sui
  429. Suica
  430. Suika Shinto
  431. Suiko period
  432. Suit your speech to the audience
  433. Sujahta
  434. Sukhavati
  435. Sukhavati sutra
  436. Sukune
  437. Sulculus diversicolor supertexta
  438. Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
  439. Sumatran rhinoceros
  440. Sumerian
  441. Sumida River Firework Festival
  442. Sumitomo
  443. Sumitomo Bank
  444. Sumitomo Mitsui
  445. Sumitomo Zaibatsu
  446. Summarize abstract-operation
  447. Summer Olympics
  448. Sumo trick of leaning back and carrying one's opponent round and out of the ring
  449. Sun
  450. Sun Bin Bing Fa
  451. Sun Goddess
  452. Sun Microsystems
  453. Sun Tzu
  454. Sun User Group
  455. SunOS
  456. SunSoft
  457. Sunbelt
  458. Sunday
  459. Sunday and Monday
  460. Sunday best
  461. Sunday edition of a newspaper
  462. Sunday school
  463. Sunga
  464. Sunkist
  465. Sunna
  466. Sunnah
  467. Sunni
  468. Sunni Triangle
  469. Suntory
  470. Super Audio CD
  471. Super Bowl
  472. Super Nintendo
  473. Super Tuesday
  474. SuperBall
  475. SuperBall scooping
  476. SuperDrive
  477. SuperMosaic
  478. Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police
  479. Supplementary Volume Descriptor
  480. Supreme Being
  481. Supreme Being of tantric Buddhism
  482. Supreme Bliss
  483. Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism
  484. Supreme Court
  485. Supreme Court of Judicature
  486. Supreme Military Council
  487. Supreme Orders of the Chrysanthemum
  488. Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
  489. Supreme Soviet
  490. Suramgama Sutra
  491. Sure
  492. Surface Mount Device
  493. Surface Mount Technology
  494. Surinam toad
  495. Suryaprabha
  496. Susanoo
  497. Susanoo-no-Mikoto
  498. Susiddhikara Sutra
  499. Suspicion will raise bogies
  500. Sutra of Immeasurable Life
  501. Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings
  502. Suzuki
  503. Svalbard
  504. Swahili
  505. Swan Lake
  506. Swatch
  507. Sweden
  508. Sweden relay
  509. Swedish
  510. Swedish turnip
  511. Swertia bimaculata
  512. Swift is Heaven's vengeance
  513. Swinhoe's yellow rail
  514. Swiss
  515. Swiss Army knife
  516. Swiss Telecom
  517. Swiss chard
  518. Swiss guard
  519. Swissrama
  520. Switched Virtual Circuit
  521. Switzerland
  522. Swordfish
  523. Swords and Firearms Control Law
  524. Sydney
  525. Sydney funnel-web spider
  526. Sylvia
  527. Symbolic LinK format
  528. Symbolics
  529. Symposium
  530. Synchronous Data Link Control
  531. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
  532. Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
  533. Synchronous Transfer Mode
  534. Synclavier
  535. Synoptic Gospels
  536. Syrah
  537. Syria
  538. Syrian hamster
  539. Systee Internationale d'Unites
  540. System 5
  541. System 7
  542. System Application Architecture
  543. System V
  544. System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information
  545. Systems Network Architecture
  546. Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power
  547. Szechuan
  548. Szechuan cuisine
  549. Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil
  550. Szechuan pickles
  551. Szechwan
  552. S波 [エスは]
  553. S状結腸 [エスじょうけっちょう]
  554. S造 [エスぞう]
  555. T
  556. T [ティー]
  557. T bandage
  558. T cell
  559. T junction
  560. T lymphocyte
  561. T square
  562. T'ang Dynasty
  563. T'ang poetry
  564. T'ang reading of Chinese characters
  565. T'ang-Dynasty
  566. T-ZONE
  567. T-back
  568. T-shaped
  569. T-shaped section of a loincloth
  570. T-shirt
  571. T1
  572. T3
  573. TA
  574. TAPI
  575. TASS
  576. TASS News Agency
  577. TB
  578. TB [テーベー]
  579. TCA cycle
  580. TCA回路 [ティーシーエーかいろ]
  581. TCP
  582. TCP-IP
  583. TCU
  584. TDD
  585. TDI
  586. TDL
  587. TDM
  588. TDMA
  589. TEU
  590. TEU [ティーイーユー]
  591. TFT
  592. TGIF
  593. TGV
  594. TGV [テジェヴェ]
  595. THC
  596. TIFF
  597. TIN
  598. TIPS
  599. TIT
  600. TKO
  601. TLB
  602. TMD
  603. TMD [ティーエムディー]
  604. TNF
  605. TNT
  606. TOB
  607. TOEFL
  608. TOEFL [トッフル]
  609. TOEFL [トフル]
  610. TOEFL [トーフル]
  611. TOEIC
  612. TOPIX
  613. TOPIX [トピックス]
  614. TP monitor
  615. TPASE
  616. TPC
  617. TPC-C
  618. TPO
  619. TPO [ティーピーオー]
  620. TPPM
  621. TPSP
  622. TPSU
  623. TQC
  624. TR
  625. TRIPS
  626. TROFF
  627. TRON
  628. TS
  629. TS-provider
  630. TSE
  631. TSENG
  632. TSL
  633. TSL [ティーエスエル]
  634. TSP
  635. TSR
  636. TSR program
  637. TSS
  638. TTL
  639. TTTS
  640. TV
  641. TV audience
  642. TV drama
  643. TV guide
  644. TV movie
  645. TV relay station
  646. TV screen
  647. TV show
  648. TV shows
  649. TV star
  650. TV studio
  651. TV test pattern chart
  652. TV tower
  653. TWAIN
  654. Ta-dah!
  655. Tabanus chrysurus
  656. Tabanus trigonus
  657. Tabasco
  658. Tachibana Shinto
  659. Tachikaze class destroyer
  660. Tachyglossidae
  661. Tae Kwon Do
  662. Taep'o-dong
  663. Taepodong
  664. Tag Random Access Memory
  665. Tagalog
  666. Tahiti butterflyfish
  667. Tahitian butterflyfish
  668. Tai
  669. Tai Chi Chuan
  670. Taiei era
  671. Taiho Code
  672. Taihou era
  673. Taika Reform of 645CE
  674. Taika era
  675. Taira-no-Masakado Rebellion
  676. Taisai
  677. Taiseikyo
  678. Taisha-kyo
  679. Taisho Political Crisis
  680. Taisho democracy
  681. Taisho era
  682. Taisho period
  683. Taiwan
  684. Taiwan Expedition
  685. Taiwan sika
  686. Taiwan tangerine
  687. Taiwanese
  688. Taiwanese bamboo raft
  689. Taiwanese habu
  690. Taiwanese squirrel
  691. Taiwanese tea
  692. Tajima cattle
  693. Tajima cow
  694. Taka-Diastase
  695. Takada sect
  696. Takadiastase
  697. Takagi function
  698. Takanami class destroyer
  699. Take care of the penny
  700. Take it!
  701. Take that!
  702. Take the good with the bad
  703. Takeshima problem
  704. Taketori Monogatari
  705. Takifugu snyderi
  706. Takushoku Bank
  707. Tale of the Heike
  708. Taleban
  709. Talented people tend to be of delicate constitution
  710. Taliban
  711. Talk about next year and the devil will laugh
  712. Talmud
  713. Tamarix chinensis
  714. Tamias sibiricus lineatus
  715. Tamiflu
  716. Tamil
  717. Tanabata
  718. Tanakia lanceolata
  719. Tandoori chicken
  720. Tang lunar calendar
  721. Tang shaku
  722. Tang-era Chinese music
  723. Tang-period Chinese office established in Inner Mongolia in 669 CE
  724. Tang-period Chinese office established in Pyongyang in 668 CE
  725. Tang-period Chinese office established in Xinjiang in 640 CE
  726. Tang-period Chinese office established in Xinjiang in 702 CE
  727. Tang-period Chinese official in charge of the local Protectorate General
  728. Tanigaki Faction
  729. Tankan survey
  730. Tanuma period
  731. Tanzania
  732. Tao
  733. Taoism
  734. Taoism and Buddhism
  735. Taoist
  736. Taoist canon
  737. Taoist immortal
  738. Taoist temple
  739. Tara
  740. Taraxacum albidum
  741. Tartarian aster
  742. Tartary
  743. Tasmanian Aborigine
  744. Tasmanian devil
  745. Tasmanian tiger
  746. Tasmanian wolf
  747. Tathagata
  748. Tatsutahime
  749. Taurus
  750. Tax Bureau
  751. Taxaceae
  752. Taxales
  753. Taxus cuspidata var. nana
  754. Tay-Sachs disease
  755. Taylor system
  756. Tchaikovsky
  757. Tcl
  758. Tcl-Tk
  759. TeX
  760. Teaching others teaches yourself
  761. Tech Ed
  762. TechWire
  763. Technicolor
  764. Tectus maximus
  765. Teflon
  766. Tegafur
  767. Tehran
  768. Teigen era
  769. Teiji era
  770. Teito Rapid Transit Authority subway
  771. Teiwa era
  772. Tekram
  773. Tektronics
  774. Tel Aviv
  775. Telechoice
  776. Telecom Malaysia
  777. Telecommunication Access Method
  778. Teleport
  779. Teletel
  780. Teletopia
  781. Teleway Sirius
  782. Telstar
  783. Tembun era
  784. Tembyou era
  785. Tembyou-kampou era
  786. Temmei era
  787. Temminck's cormorant
  788. Templeton Prize
  789. Tempo Reforms
  790. Temporary Staffing Services Law
  791. Tempou era
  792. Tempuku era
  793. Tempyo period
  794. Tempyou era
  795. Tempyou shaku
  796. Tempyou-houji era
  797. Tempyou-jingo era
  798. Tempyou-kampou era
  799. Tempyou-shouhou era
  800. Ten Bulls
  801. Ten Commandments
  802. Ten'an era
  803. Ten'ei era
  804. Ten'en era
  805. Ten'ichijin
  806. Ten'ou era
  807. Ten'you era
  808. Tenchou era
  809. Tendai
  810. Tendai Shinto
  811. Tendai sect
  812. Tendai sect of Buddhism
  813. Tengen era
  814. Tengi era
  815. Tengin Bank robbery
  816. Tengmalm's owl
  817. Tengyou era
  818. Tenhei era
  819. Tenji era
  820. Tenju era
  821. Tenkei era
  822. Tenmangu shrine
  823. Tenna era
  824. Tennessee
  825. Tennin era
  826. Tennozan Hill
  827. Tenroku era
  828. Tenryaku era
  829. Tenshindon
  830. Tenshou era
  831. Tentoku era
  832. Tenwa era
  833. Tera Term
  834. Terek sandpiper
  835. Ternate chromis
  836. Terramycin
  837. Test of English as a Foreign Language
  838. Test of English for International Communication
  839. Testudines
  840. Tet Offensive
  841. Tethys Sea
  842. Tetoron
  843. Tetragnatha praedonia
  844. Tetragonocalamus quadrangularis
  845. Tetraodon
  846. Tetraodon leiurus
  847. Tetraodontidae
  848. Tetrapack
  849. Tetrapod
  850. Tetris
  851. Teuton
  852. Teutonic Knights
  853. Teutonic Order
  854. Texas
  855. Texas hit
  856. Texas leaguer
  857. Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize
  858. Thai
  859. Thai New Year
  860. Thai boxing
  861. Thai rice noodle dish
  862. Thailand
  863. Thais bronni
  864. Thais clavigera
  865. Thalassoma
  866. Thalassoma cupido
  867. Thalictrum minus var. hypoleucum
  868. Thamnophilidae
  869. Thanatos
  870. Thank you
  871. Thank you for waiting
  872. Thanksgiving
  873. Thanksgiving Day
  874. That being the case ...
  875. That depends
  876. That is correct
  877. That trick won't do with me
  878. That was a delicious meal
  879. That will do neither harm nor good
  880. That's none of your business
  881. That's not true!
  882. That's out of the question
  883. That's right!
  884. The 47 Ronin
  885. The Agency for Buddhists and Foreigners
  886. The Arabian Nights' Entertainments
  887. The Art of War
  888. The Big Apple
  889. The Bund
  890. The Central Church of Holy God
  891. The Cessation of Suffering
  892. The Children's Limbo
  893. The Chinese kangxi zidian dictionary of 1716
  894. The Chronicles
  895. The Classic of Poetry and The Classic of History
  896. The Communist Manifesto
  897. The Confederacy
  898. The Confederate States of America
  899. The Confucian Analects and the Discourses of Mencius
  900. The Deer Park
  901. The Dong-a Ilbo
  902. The Eastern Church
  903. The Eight Greater Hells
  904. The End
  905. The European Association for Machine Translation
  906. The Five
  907. The Fool
  908. The Four Noble Truths
  909. The Golden Rule
  910. The Greater East Asian War
  911. The Greens
  912. The Grudge
  913. The Halifax Explosion
  914. The Healing Buddha
  915. The Historical Records
  916. The Hundred Days
  917. The Immovable
  918. The Imperial Theater
  919. The Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
  920. The Institute for Research in Human Happiness
  921. The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  922. The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services
  923. The Jewel-born
  924. The Kitchen of the Nation
  925. The Lord's Prayer
  926. The Magic Flute
  927. The Netherlands
  928. The New Currency Act
  929. The New York Times
  930. The New Yorker
  931. The Nonpareil Kitchen
  932. The Omnipotent One
  933. The Order of the Golden Kite
  934. The Pacific War
  935. The Passion
  936. The Pillow Book
  937. The Pleiades
  938. The Plough
  939. The Sansui Inn
  940. The Satanic Verses
  941. The Sekitei
  942. The Seventeen-Article Constitution
  943. The Subjection of Women
  944. The Tale of the Taira Clan
  945. The Theory of Relativity
  946. The Thousand and One Nights
  947. The Twenty-One Demands
  948. The Twenty-Two Shrines
  949. The Union of South Africa
  950. The University of Sydney
  951. The Wasteland
  952. The Water Margin
  953. The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering
  954. The White House
  955. The World Fellowship of Buddhists
  956. The World Tree
  957. The Yalta Agreement
  958. The Young Scientists' Prize
  959. The book opens with ...
  960. The clothes do not make the man
  961. The consensus of opinion is that ...
  962. The cowl does not make the monk
  963. The cure is worse than the disease
  964. The day is short
  965. The dyer wears white
  966. The eagle does not hunt flies
  967. The early bird catches the worm
  968. The end is in sight
  969. The evil persons are the right object of Amida's salvation
  970. The evil persons have the unique opportunity to go to heaven
  971. The excitement dies down
  972. The eye is blind if the mind is absent
  973. The father's sins will be visited upon the children
  974. The fish that got away is always big
  975. The fish that got away is always bigger
  976. The future is a closed book
  977. The future will take care of itself
  978. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
  979. The heat is off
  980. The longer you live
  981. The merits and demerits offset each other
  982. The more
  983. The most thrilling types of sexual relationship for a man are
  984. The mountains have brought forth a mouse
  985. The older
  986. The parent is the best judge of the child
  987. The proof of the pudding is in the eating
  988. The prosperous must decay
  989. The sea and the gallows refuse none
  990. The strangest thing happened
  991. The student has overcome the master
  992. The style is the man
  993. The sun has set completely
  994. The survival of the fittest
  995. The thief caught turn out to be one's own son
  996. The time being ripe
  997. The time has come
  998. The word is a scene of constant changes.
  999. The world is as kind as it is cruel
  1000. The world is at peace
  1001. The world is covered in darkness
  1002. The worst goes foremost
  1003. The young should be regarded with respect
  1004. Theaceae
  1005. Theales
  1006. Thebais
  1007. Their Majesties
  1008. Theme campaign
  1009. Theme music
  1010. Theme promotion
  1011. Theme song
  1012. Themeda japonica
  1013. Theravada Buddhism
  1014. There are always people with discerning eyes
  1015. There are no rebels without reasons
  1016. There are three types of friends worth having--honest
  1017. There are wheels within wheels
  1018. There is a certain reason
  1019. There is a great difference between seeing and hearing
  1020. There is always some way out of a difficulty if you really look for one
  1021. There is no God!
  1022. There is no comparison between the two
  1023. There is no need for anxiety
  1024. There is no pleasure without pain
  1025. There is no rose without a thorn
  1026. There is no rule without exceptions
  1027. There is no smoke without some fire
  1028. There is nothing better than sleeping
  1029. There is nothing choose between the two
  1030. There is nothing more that can be done
  1031. There is nothing that I can't do
  1032. There is nothing to fear
  1033. There isn't a moment to be wasted
  1034. There's no medicine for curing a fool
  1035. There's no place to stand in
  1036. There's no point in extending one's stay
  1037. There's no point in prolonging a visit
  1038. There's no point in staying any longer
  1039. There's no smoke without fire.
  1040. There's no way out
  1041. There's room for us all in the world
  1042. They are both to blame
  1043. Thin Film Transistor
  1044. ThinkPad
  1045. Third Epistle of John
  1046. Third International
  1047. Third World War
  1048. Thirteen Orphans
  1049. This is the point we need to think about
  1050. This isn't over
  1051. This will just be a short note.
  1052. This world is uncertain like a burning house
  1053. Tholoide
  1054. Thomas Cup
  1055. Thomism
  1056. Thompson's butterflyfish
  1057. Thompson's surgeonfish
  1058. Thomson's gazelle
  1059. Thorea okadae
  1060. Thorn Princess
  1061. Thorpe's unicornfish
  1062. Those in the know
  1063. Thousand Island
  1064. Thousand and One Nights
  1065. Three Alls Strategy
  1066. Three Kingdoms
  1067. Three Kingdoms period
  1068. Three Lights Strategy
  1069. Three Principles of the People
  1070. Three Principles on arms exports
  1071. Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
  1072. Three Wise Men
  1073. Three women make a market
  1074. Thunberg spirea
  1075. Thunberg's geranium
  1076. Thunberg's lespedeza
  1077. Thursday
  1078. Thursday and Friday
  1079. Thymallus
  1080. Thymelaeaceae
  1081. Thyroxin
  1082. Tiananmen Square Incident
  1083. Tiananmen Square Massacre
  1084. Tibet
  1085. Tibetan
  1086. Tibetan Buddhism
  1087. Tibetan Buddhist canon
  1088. Tibetan character
  1089. Tibetan mastiff
  1090. Tibetan plateau
  1091. Tiele people
  1092. Tiera batfish
  1093. Tiger Swallow Fist
  1094. Tigers
  1095. Tigris-Euphrates
  1096. Tilapia
  1097. Tiliaceae
  1098. Time Division Multiple Access
  1099. Time Division Multiplexer
  1100. Time Division Multiplexing
  1101. Time Sharing System
  1102. Time and tide stay for no man
  1103. Time and tide wait for no man
  1104. Time flies
  1105. Time magazine
  1106. Time waits for no-one
  1107. Time-based Structuring Language
  1108. Timor
  1109. Timor dusky sparrow
  1110. Timor monitor
  1111. Tinea translucens
  1112. Tinker's butterflyfish
  1113. Tipp-Ex
  1114. Titan
  1115. Titicaca Orestias
  1116. Tivoli
  1117. To Whom It May Concern
  1118. To be as busy as a bee
  1119. To each his own
  1120. To hell with you!
  1121. To make or mar depends on the telling
  1122. To return from the digression
  1123. Tobin tax
  1124. Tochigi prefecture
  1125. Tochuu tea
  1126. Togo
  1127. Toho
  1128. Tohoku
  1129. Tohoku dialect
  1130. Tohoku earthquake
  1131. Tohoku harvest divination event
  1132. Tohoku region
  1133. Tokai region of Honshu
  1134. Tokaido
  1135. Tokaido Line
  1136. Tokaji
  1137. Tokamak
  1138. Tokay
  1139. Tokoname ware
  1140. Tokudama plantation lily
  1141. Tokugawa forces
  1142. Tokugawa period
  1143. Tokugawa shogunate
  1144. Tokugawa's side
  1145. Tokuji era
  1146. Tokushima prefecture
  1147. Tokyo
  1148. Tokyo Assembly elections
  1149. Tokyo Bay
  1150. Tokyo Giants
  1151. Tokyo Government Office
  1152. Tokyo High Court
  1153. Tokyo Institute of Technology
  1154. Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
  1155. Tokyo Metropolitan area
  1156. Tokyo Olympics
  1157. Tokyo Stock Exchange
  1158. Tokyo Stock Price Index
  1159. Tokyo Trials
  1160. Tokyo and Chiba
  1161. Tokyo and Nagoya
  1162. Tokyo and Yokohama
  1163. Tokyo bitterling
  1164. Tokyo dialect
  1165. Tokyo meeting hall
  1166. Tokyo style
  1167. Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway
  1168. Tokyo-bound
  1169. Toll Area
  1170. Toll Center
  1171. Tolstoian
  1172. Tolstoyan
  1173. Tom Collins
  1174. Tom Thumb
  1175. Tomei Expressway
  1176. Tomini surgeonfish
  1177. Tomorrow will take care of itself
  1178. Tonankai earthquake of 1944
  1179. Tonghak
  1180. Tonmalerei
  1181. Too late!
  1182. Too much humility is pride
  1183. Torah
  1184. Toranomon Incident
  1185. Torenia
  1186. Toringo crabapple
  1187. Toronto
  1188. Torrent
  1189. Tosa dialect
  1190. Toshiba
  1191. Tosho card
  1192. Toshogu Shrine
  1193. Total Cost of Ownership
  1194. Tottori prefecture
  1195. Tour de ...
  1196. Tour de France
  1197. Tourette's Syndrome
  1198. Tourette's syndrome
  1199. Tower Dream
  1200. Tower Records
  1201. Tower of Babel
  1202. Town Page
  1203. Toyama prefecture
  1204. Toyoko Line
  1205. Toyota
  1206. Toyota Motor
  1207. Toyotamaphimeia machikanensis
  1208. Toyotomi Hideyoshi
  1209. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nationwide land survey
  1210. Toyouke Shrine
  1211. Toyuke Shrine
  1212. Trade and Industry
  1213. Traditional ordering of Japanese syllabary based on a Buddhist poem
  1214. Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja
  1215. Trans-Am
  1216. Transact-SQL
  1217. Transaction Processing Application Service Element
  1218. Transaction Processing Protocol Machine
  1219. Transaction Processing Service Provider
  1220. Transaction Processing Service User
  1221. Transaction Processing channel
  1222. Transcendent Wisdom
  1223. Transistor-Diode Logic
  1224. Translation Look-aside Buffer
  1225. Transmission Control Protocol
  1226. Transport Minister
  1227. Transport and Tourism
  1228. Transportation Corps
  1229. Transputer
  1230. Transylvania
  1231. Trapa japonica
  1232. Trappist
  1233. Travel Bureau
  1234. Travelstar
  1235. Tread on a worm and it will turn
  1236. Treaty of Ganghwa
  1237. Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan
  1238. Treaty of Nanking
  1239. Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union
  1240. Treaty of Peace with Japan
  1241. Treaty of Portsmouth
  1242. Treaty of Rome
  1243. Treaty of Saint Petersburg
  1244. Treaty of San Francisco
  1245. Treaty of San Stefano
  1246. Treaty of Shimoda
  1247. Treaty of Shimonoseki
  1248. Treaty of Tianjin
  1249. Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
  1250. Treaty on European Union
  1251. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  1252. Treponema pallidum
  1253. Tresus keenae
  1254. Tri-P
  1255. Triad
  1256. Triaenodon
  1257. Triakidae
  1258. Triakis
  1259. Triangle
  1260. Triassic
  1261. Tribolodon nakamurai
  1262. Tricholoma bakamatsutake
  1263. Trichoptera
  1264. Tricyrtis macropoda
  1265. Trident
  1266. Trigonia
  1267. Trillium smallii
  1268. Trimma
  1269. Trimma caudipunctatum
  1270. Trimma grammistes
  1271. Trimma halonevum
  1272. Trimma imaii
  1273. Trimma kudoi
  1274. Trimma milta
  1275. Trimma nomurai
  1276. Trimma sheppardi
  1277. Trimma winchi
  1278. Trimma yanagitai
  1279. Trimma yanoi
  1280. Trinitron
  1281. Trinity
  1282. Tripartite Pact
  1283. Triple Intervention
  1284. Tripod
  1285. Tripper
  1286. Tristar
  1287. Triton
  1288. Trojan War
  1289. Trojan group
  1290. Trojan horse
  1291. Trollius hondoensis
  1292. Trollius riederianus var. japonicus
  1293. Tropic of Cancer
  1294. Tropic of Capricorn
  1295. Trotskyism
  1296. Trotskyist
  1297. Trotskyite
  1298. Troy
  1299. True Type font
  1300. True patience lies in bearing the unbearable
  1301. TrueType
  1302. Truman Doctrine
  1303. Trumpet Winsock
  1304. Trusteeship Council
  1305. Truth comes out of falsehood
  1306. Truth is stranger than fiction
  1307. Trying to change one's luck
  1308. Tsuchimikado Shinto
  1309. Tsugaru
  1310. Tsugaru Dialect
  1311. Tsukushi rhododendron
  1312. Tsukuyomi
  1313. Tsukuyomi no Mikoto
  1314. Tsukuyomi no Mikoto and Susano-o no Mikoto
  1315. Tsushima Faction
  1316. Tsushima cat
  1317. Tsushima marten
  1318. Tu-Ka
  1319. Tucana
  1320. Tudor dynasty
  1321. Tue-Thurs-Sat
  1322. Tuesday
  1323. Tuesdays and Thursdays
  1324. Tughlaq
  1325. Tughluq Dynasty
  1326. Tujue
  1327. Tulipa edulis
  1328. Tumulus period
  1329. Tungus
  1330. Tungusic language
  1331. Tungusic languages
  1332. Tunisia
  1333. Turbo Linux
  1334. Turing
  1335. Turing machine
  1336. Turing's test
  1337. Turk
  1338. Turkey
  1339. Turkey red oil
  1340. Turkic
  1341. Turkish
  1342. Turkish bath
  1343. Turkish brook lamprey
  1344. Turkmenistan
  1345. Turko-Egyptian Wars
  1346. Turks and Caicos Islands
  1347. Turner's syndrome
  1348. Tusita
  1349. Tusita Heaven
  1350. Tussa jute
  1351. Tutankamen
  1352. Twelve Apostles
  1353. Twenty-Five Histories
  1354. Twenty-Four Histories
  1355. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
  1356. Twitter
  1357. Two great men cannot coexist
  1358. Tyler's toby
  1359. Tympass
  1360. Typha orientalis
  1361. Tyrannosaurus Rex
  1362. Tyrol
  1363. Tyrolean hat
  1364. Tシャツ [ティーシャツ]
  1365. Tバック [ティーバック]
  1366. Tリンパ球 [ティーリンパきゅう]
  1367. T字路 [ティーじろ]
  1368. T淋巴球 [ティーリンパきゅう]
  1369. T細胞 [ティーさいぼう]
  1370. U
  1371. U [ユー]
  1372. U shaped scissors with no place to put one's fingers
  1373. U-boat
  1374. U-shaped
  1375. U-shaped gutter
  1376. U-shaped scissors with no place to put one's fingers
  1377. U-turn
  1378. U.S. Federal Reserve Board
  1379. U.S. forces
  1380. U.S. government
  1381. UA
  1382. UA capabilities registration
  1383. UA能力の登録 [ユーエーのうりょくのとうろく]
  1384. UBR
  1385. UCS
  1386. UFO
  1387. UFO [ユーフォー]
  1388. UFO peach
  1389. UHF
  1390. UHF [ユーエッチエフ]
  1391. UI
  1392. UIOC
  1393. UK
  1394. ULSI
  1395. UMA
  1396. UMA [ユーエムエー]
  1397. UMA [ユーマ]
  1398. UMB
  1399. UN
  1400. UN Conference on the Human Environment
  1401. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
  1402. UN Economic and Social Council
  1403. UN Food and Agriculture Organization
  1404. UN Human Rights Commission
  1405. UN Monitoring
  1406. UN Secretary General
  1407. UN Security Council
  1408. UN Special Session on Disarmament
  1409. UN Trusteeship Council
  1410. UN [ユーエン]
  1411. UN ambassador
  1412. UN declaration on the human environment issued in Stockholm in 1972
  1413. UN observer force
  1414. UN peacekeeping forces
  1415. UN resolution
  1416. UN troops or peacekeeping force
  1417. UNCHR
  1418. UNDP
  1419. UNEP
  1420. UNEP [ユネップ]
  1421. UNESCO charter
  1422. UNHCR
  1423. UNI
  1424. UNICEF
  1425. UNICEF [ユニセフ]
  1426. UNIVAC
  1427. UNMOVIC
  1428. UNSCOM
  1429. UP
  1430. UPC
  1431. UPS
  1432. URL
  1433. URL [ユーアールエル]
  1434. US
  1435. US Air Force
  1436. US Army
  1437. US Congress
  1438. US Congress member
  1439. US Forces
  1440. US Marine Corps
  1441. US Navy
  1442. US Navy Deep Submergence Systems Project
  1443. US President
  1444. US Senate
  1445. US dollar
  1446. US federal
  1447. US imperialism
  1448. US troops stationed in Korean
  1449. US-Japan Security Treaty
  1450. USA
  1451. USB
  1452. USB [ユーエスビー]
  1453. USB bus power
  1454. USB flash drive
  1455. USB hub
  1456. USB memory stick
  1457. USBハブ [ユーエスビーハブ]
  1458. USBバスパワー [ユーエスビーバスパワー]
  1459. USBメモリー [ユーエスビーメモリー]
  1460. USSR
  1461. UT
  1462. UTC
  1463. UTP
  1464. UUCP
  1465. UV
  1466. UV light
  1467. UXO
  1468. Ubermensch
  1469. Ucchusama
  1470. Uden Shinto
  1471. Udmurt
  1472. Udon cooked with curry topping
  1473. Uganda
  1474. Uh huh
  1475. Uho Doji
  1476. Uighur
  1477. Uighur language
  1478. Uigur
  1479. Uka-no-Mitama
  1480. Ukiyo-e portraying beautiful women
  1481. Ukraine
  1482. Ulmaceae
  1483. Ultima
  1484. Ultla SCSI
  1485. UltraSPARC
  1486. Umaibo
  1487. Umbelliferae
  1488. UnCover
  1489. Unbelievable!
  1490. Undelete
  1491. Unden Shinto
  1492. Understood
  1493. Unfair Competition Prevention Law
  1494. Uniat
  1495. Uniate
  1496. Unicode
  1497. Unicode Consortium
  1498. Unicode Technical Committee
  1499. Unicode U+303D symbol
  1500. Unification Church
  1501. Uniform Resource Locator
  1502. Uninterruptible Power Supply
  1503. Unio douglasiae
  1504. Union Jack
  1505. Union is strength
  1506. Union of South Africa
  1507. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  1508. Unisys
  1509. Unitarian
  1510. United Arab Emirates
  1511. United Kingdom
  1512. United Nations
  1513. United Nations Charter
  1514. United Nations Children's Fund
  1515. United Nations Commission on Human Rights
  1516. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  1517. United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
  1518. United Nations Convention Against Torture
  1519. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  1520. United Nations Day
  1521. United Nations Development Program
  1522. United Nations Development Programme
  1523. United Nations Economic and Social Council
  1524. United Nations Environment Program
  1525. United Nations Environment Programme
  1526. United Nations Forces
  1527. United Nations General Assembly
  1528. United Nations Headquarters
  1529. United Nations Human Rights Council
  1530. United Nations Secretariat
  1531. United Nations Secretary-General
  1532. United Nations Security Council
  1533. United Nations Security Council Resolution
  1534. United Nations Special Commission
  1535. United Nations resolution
  1536. United States Armed Forces assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
  1537. United States Virgin Islands
  1538. United States dollar
  1539. United States military aircraft
  1540. United States of America
  1541. Universal Character Set
  1542. Universal Compassion
  1543. Universal Copyright Convention
  1544. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  1545. Universal I
  1546. Universal Naming Convention
  1547. Universal Postal Union
  1548. Universal Time
  1549. Universalist Church
  1550. Universiade
  1551. University Entrance Qualification Examination
  1552. University of Electro-Communications
  1553. Unix
  1554. Unlicensed Mobile Access
  1555. Unpreparedness is one's greatest enemy
  1556. Unryu style of grand champion's ring-entering ceremony
  1557. Unshielded Twisted Pair
  1558. Unsullied joy is rare
  1559. Ununseptium
  1560. Upanishad
  1561. Upper House
  1562. Ural-Altaic
  1563. Uralic
  1564. Uranus
  1565. Urasenke school of tea ceremony
  1566. Urashima's casket
  1567. Urdu
  1568. Urethane foam
  1569. Uroctea compactilis
  1570. Urosphena
  1571. Urosphena squameiceps
  1572. Ursa Major
  1573. Ursa Minor
  1574. Urticales
  1575. Uruguay
  1576. Uruguay round
  1577. Usenet
  1578. User Agent
  1579. User error request outstanding
  1580. Usnisavijaya
  1581. Ussurian pear
  1582. Usui Pass
  1583. Ususama Vidya-raja
  1584. Utah
  1585. Utopia
  1586. Utricularia bifida
  1587. Uygur
  1588. Uzbekistan
  1589. Uターン [ユーターン]
  1590. Uボート [ユーボート]
  1591. U字溝 [ユーじこう]
  1592. V
  1593. V [ブイ]
  1594. V [ヴィー]
  1595. V neck
  1596. V-Chat
  1597. V-League
  1598. V-Text
  1599. V-sign
  1600. V-turn
  1601. V.34
  1602. V.42
  1603. V.42bis
  1604. V.FC
  1605. V.fast
  1606. V30
  1607. VAIO
  1608. VAN
  1609. VAR
  1610. VAT rate
  1611. VAX
  1612. VB
  1613. VBA
  1614. VBR
  1615. VBX
  1616. VC
  1617. VCCI
  1618. VCI
  1619. VCPI
  1620. VCR
  1621. VD
  1622. VDC
  1623. VDSL
  1624. VDSL [ブイディーエスエル]
  1625. VDT
  1626. VENUS-P
  1627. VER
  1628. VESA
  1629. VFW
  1630. VGA
  1631. VHF
  1632. VHF [ブイエッチエフ]
  1633. VI
  1634. VICS
  1635. VIM
  1636. VIP
  1637. VIPs
  1638. VISAカード [ビザカード]
  1639. VL-bus
  1640. VLAN
  1641. VLF wave
  1642. VLM
  1643. VLSI
  1644. VM
  1645. VMS
  1646. VOD
  1647. VPE
  1648. VPE [ヴイピーイー]
  1649. VPI
  1650. VPN
  1651. VR
  1652. VRAM
  1653. VRC
  1654. VRE
  1655. VRE [ブイアールイー]
  1656. VRML
  1657. VS [ブイエス]
  1658. VSYNC
  1659. VT
  1660. VT-100
  1661. VTL
  1662. VTOL
  1663. VTR
  1664. VTR [ブイティアール]
  1665. VTR [ブイティーアール]
  1666. VW
  1667. VX gas
  1668. VXガス [ブイエックスガス]
  1669. Vairocana
  1670. Vairocana-Buddha
  1671. Vaishya
  1672. Vaisravana
  1673. Vaisya
  1674. Vajradhara
  1675. Vajradhatu
  1676. Vajradhatu Mandala
  1677. Vajrapani
  1678. Vajrasattva
  1679. Vajrasekhara Sutra
  1680. Vajrayaksa
  1681. Valentin's sharpnose puffer
  1682. Valentine
  1683. Valentine's Day
  1684. Valentino Garavani
  1685. Valhalla
  1686. Value-Added Reseller
  1687. Van Allen
  1688. Vancouver
  1689. Vanishing Bee Syndrome
  1690. Vantive
  1691. Varanidae
  1692. Varanus
  1693. Vardhan dynasty
  1694. Vardhana dynasty
  1695. Vatican
  1696. Vatican City State
  1697. Veda
  1698. Vega
  1699. Vegemite
  1700. Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
  1701. Veitch diagram
  1702. Veitch's bamboo
  1703. Veitch's silver fir
  1704. Velcro
  1705. Vendobionta
  1706. Veneridae
  1707. Venetian blind
  1708. Venetian glass
  1709. Venezuela
  1710. Venn diagram
  1711. Venturi tube
  1712. Venus
  1713. Venus de Milo
  1714. Venus flower basket
  1715. Venus flytrap
  1716. Venus in the eastern morning sky
  1717. Venus's flower basket
  1718. Venus's flytrap
  1719. Verbenaceae
  1720. Verfremdungseffekt
  1721. Verification and Inspection Commission
  1722. Verisign
  1723. Vermilion Bird
  1724. Vermont
  1725. Vernal Equinox Holiday
  1726. Veronica Longifolia
  1727. Veronicastrum sibiricum
  1728. Versailles
  1729. Versailles rose
  1730. Verse of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas
  1731. Vertical Redundancy Check
  1732. Very Sincerely Yours
  1733. Very sincerely yours
  1734. Very truly yours
  1735. Vespa ducalis
  1736. Vespula flaviceps
  1737. Vesta
  1738. ViRGE
  1739. Viagra
  1740. Vibrio parahaemolyticus
  1741. Viburnum furcatum
  1742. Viburnum odoratissimum
  1743. Viburnum plicatum
  1744. Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum
  1745. Vice-Admiral
  1746. Viceroy of India
  1747. Victoria
  1748. Victoria Day
  1749. Victoria perch
  1750. Victorian era
  1751. Victorious Goddess of the Chignon
  1752. Video Cassette Recorder
  1753. Video Research Ltd
  1754. VideoCD
  1755. Vidya-raja
  1756. Vienna Appeal
  1757. Vienna Circle
  1758. Vienna coffee
  1759. Vienna sausage
  1760. Viennese
  1761. Viennese waltz
  1762. Viet Cong
  1763. Vietcong
  1764. Vietminh
  1765. Vietnam
  1766. Vietnam war
  1767. Vietnamese
  1768. Vietnamese Tet
  1769. Vietnamese noodle soup
  1770. Vietnamese reading
  1771. Viewing transformation
  1772. Viewtron
  1773. Vijayanagar Dynasty
  1774. Viking
  1775. Vimalakirti Sutra
  1776. Vine Linux
  1777. Violaceae
  1778. Virgin Mary
  1779. Virginia
  1780. Virgo
  1781. Virtual Machine
  1782. Virtual Private Network
  1783. Virtual Reality
  1784. Virudhaka
  1785. Virupaksa
  1786. Visa card
  1787. VisiBroker
  1788. Visigenic
  1789. Visigoth
  1790. Visual C++
  1791. Vitarice
  1792. Viterbi decoding
  1793. Vitis ficifolia
  1794. Viyella
  1795. VoIP
  1796. Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam
  1797. Vodafone
  1798. Voice over IP
  1799. Voigt element
  1800. Volga
  1801. Volkerwanderung
  1802. Volkswagen
  1803. Volvariella volvacea
  1804. Volvo
  1805. VooDoo
  1806. Vostok
  1807. Vulcan
  1808. Vulcan cannon
  1809. Vulcanian eruption
  1810. Vulgate
  1811. Vサイン [ブイサイン]
  1812. Vシネマ [ブイシネマ]
  1813. Vリーグ [ブイリーグ]
  1814. V系 [ヴィジュアルけい]
  1815. W
  1816. W [ダブリュー]
  1817. W [ダブル]
  1818. W3
  1819. W3C
  1820. WAIS
  1821. WAN
  1822. WAN [ワン]
  1823. WARM BIZ
  1824. WAS
  1825. WASP
  1826. WAV
  1827. WAVeform audio format
  1828. WB
  1829. WBEM
  1830. WC
  1831. WCC
  1832. WDSS
  1833. WFP
  1834. WFTU
  1835. WHO
  1836. WIDE Internet
  1837. WIN.INI
  1838. WINS
  1839. WIP
  1840. WIPO
  1841. WISS
  1842. WLAN
  1843. WMD
  1844. WMO
  1845. WMO [ダブリューエムオー]
  1846. WOSA
  1847. WPI
  1848. WRAM
  1849. WTF
  1850. WTO
  1851. WWII
  1852. WWW
  1853. WWW [ダブリューダブリューダブリュー]
  1854. WWWC
  1855. WYSIWYG
  1856. WYSIWYG [ウィジウィグ]
  1857. WYSIWYS
  1858. WZ EDITOR
  1859. Wa-haha!
  1860. Wacoal
  1861. Wadou era
  1862. Wafd Party
  1863. Wagyu beef
  1864. Wahabism
  1865. Wahhabism
  1866. Wait a minute
  1867. Wait a minute!
  1868. Wajima lacquer
  1869. Wakayama prefecture
  1870. Wales
  1871. Walkman
  1872. Wall Street
  1873. Wallace's line
  1874. Wamyoruijusho
  1875. Wandering Jew
  1876. War of 1812
  1877. War of Independence
  1878. War of the Austrian Succession
  1879. War of the Roses
  1880. War of the Spanish Succession
  1881. War on Terror
  1882. WardStar
  1883. Warhol worm
  1884. Warring States period
  1885. Warsaw Treaty Organization
  1886. Waseda-Keio
  1887. Waseda-Keio game
  1888. Waseda-Meiji game
  1889. Washington
  1890. Washington Convention
  1891. Washington Post
  1892. Wassermann reaction
  1893. Wat Tyler's Rebellion
  1894. Watch the pennies
  1895. Water seeks its own level
  1896. Watergate
  1897. Watergate scandal
  1898. Way of Tea
  1899. Way of the Celestial Masters
  1900. Way of the Five Pecks of Rice
  1901. Way of the Intercepting Fist
  1902. We
  1903. We have piped unto you and ye have not danced
  1904. We learn by teaching
  1905. We'll think about it when the time comes
  1906. Web
  1907. Web Explorer
  1908. Web address
  1909. Web archive
  1910. Web browser
  1911. Web counter
  1912. Web page
  1913. Web search
  1914. Web server
  1915. Web surfer
  1916. Web text
  1917. Web-Based Enterprise Management
  1918. Web-browsing software
  1919. Web-page text
  1920. WebDB
  1921. WebTV
  1922. WebZine
  1923. Webcast
  1924. WebdeW
  1925. Weber's chromis
  1926. Weber's law
  1927. Weber-Fechner law
  1928. Webmaster
  1929. Weddell seal
  1930. Wednesday
  1931. Wednesday and Friday
  1932. Wei
  1933. Wei-To
  1934. Weigela hortensis
  1935. Weil's disease
  1936. Weil's syndrome
  1937. Weinberg-Salam theory
  1938. Weismannism
  1939. Welch bacillus
  1940. Welcome Plan 21
  1941. Welfare Minister
  1942. Well
  1943. Well done!
  1944. Well!
  1945. Wels catfish
  1946. Welsh
  1947. Welsh corgi
  1948. Welsh onion
  1949. Welsh onion flower
  1950. Welsh onion miso soup
  1951. Weltanschauung
  1952. Weltbild
  1953. Wernicke's aphasia
  1954. Wernicke's area
  1955. West Africa
  1956. West African angelfish
  1957. West African spadefish
  1958. West Asia
  1959. West Australian butterflyfish
  1960. West Australian chromis
  1961. West Coast
  1962. West End
  1963. West European countries
  1964. West Germany
  1965. West Nile fever
  1966. West Nile virus
  1967. West Point
  1968. West Side
  1969. West Virginia
  1970. Western
  1971. Western Bloc countries
  1972. Western Christianity
  1973. Western Church
  1974. Western Europe
  1975. Western Han
  1976. Western Indian Ocean
  1977. Western Jin
  1978. Western Pacific monitor lizard
  1979. Western Pure Land
  1980. Western Roman Empire
  1981. Western Sahara
  1982. Western Zhou
  1983. Western and Eastern
  1984. Western arithmetic
  1985. Western beaked butterflyfish
  1986. Western binding
  1987. Western books
  1988. Western butterflyfish
  1989. Western civilisation
  1990. Western civilization
  1991. Western clothes' shop
  1992. Western clothing
  1993. Western confectionery
  1994. Western countries
  1995. Western film
  1996. Western food
  1997. Western gregory
  1998. Western grip
  1999. Western hairdressing
  2000. Western honeybee

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