; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

8 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. body of erectile tissue
  2. body of knowledge
  3. body of law
  4. body of the uterus
  5. body of theory
  6. body ornamentation
  7. body painting
  8. body part
  9. body part encryption indication
  10. body piercing
  11. body politic
  12. body proportions
  13. body scissors
  14. body sculpture
  15. body set on fire from head to foot
  16. body shampoo
  17. body slam
  18. body structure
  19. body suits
  20. body talk
  21. body temperature
  22. body that recommends promotion of sumo wrestlers to grand champions
  23. body treatment
  24. body trembling
  25. body wall
  26. body warmer
  27. body warmth
  28. body weight
  29. body without organs
  30. body-building
  31. bodybuilder
  32. bodybuilding
  33. bodyguard
  34. bodyguard for VIPs
  35. bodyguards
  36. bodyguards in service of the shogun who would walk ahead of him on an outing
  37. bodysuit
  38. bodywave
  39. bog
  40. bog moss
  41. bog oak
  42. bogey
  43. bogeyman
  44. bogie
  45. bogie car
  46. bogus
  47. bogus company
  48. bogus dividend
  49. bogus employee
  50. bogus intelligence
  51. bogus shares
  52. bogwood
  53. bogyman
  54. bohrium
  55. boil
  56. boil in water
  57. boil-in-the-bag
  58. boiled
  59. boiled and half-dried bonito
  60. boiled and seasoned tofu
  61. boiled barley and rice
  62. boiled daikon eaten hot with miso
  63. boiled drinking water
  64. boiled egg
  65. boiled fish
  66. boiled fish-paste products
  67. boiled fugu dish
  68. boiled greens flavored with soy
  69. boiled greens in bonito-flavoured soy sauce
  70. boiled gyoza
  71. boiled in sugar
  72. boiled noodles
  73. boiled noodles served in a pot with broth
  74. boiled oil
  75. boiled pine pitch and oil
  76. boiled red prawn
  77. boiled rice mixed with vegetables and meat or fish
  78. boiled rice with millet
  79. boiled tofu
  80. boiled water
  81. boiled water which has cooled
  82. boiler
  83. boiler manufacturing
  84. boiler room
  85. boiler suit
  86. boilerman
  87. boilerplate
  88. boiling
  89. boiling additional rice
  90. boiling gently
  91. boiling in an iron pot
  92. boiling in salted water
  93. boiling in salty water
  94. boiling point
  95. boiling seawater to get salt
  96. boiling something whole
  97. boiling tea
  98. boiling until shapeless or mushy
  99. boiling up
  100. boiling water
  101. boiling with rage
  102. boiling with salt
  103. boiling-water reactor
  104. boisterous
  105. boisterous dance
  106. boisterous merrymaking
  107. boisterously
  108. boisterousness
  109. bojutsu
  110. bok choi
  111. bok choy
  112. bok choy hybrid
  113. bokken
  114. bola
  115. bold
  116. bold and boorish
  117. bold and clever
  118. bold and unrestrained
  119. bold move
  120. bold-type
  121. boldface
  122. boldly
  123. boldly forward-looking
  124. boldness
  125. bolero
  126. bolide
  127. bollard
  128. bolo tie
  129. bologna sausage
  130. bolometer
  131. bolster
  132. bolster used for warmth when sleeping
  133. bolt
  134. bolt from the blue
  135. bolt of lightning
  136. bomb
  137. bomb blast
  138. bomb drop
  139. bomb shelter
  140. bomb victim
  141. bomb warning
  142. bombardier beetle
  143. bombarding
  144. bombardment
  145. bombast
  146. bombastic
  147. bombazine
  148. bombed
  149. bomber
  150. bombing
  151. bombing North
  152. bombing the wrong target
  153. bombproof
  154. bombs
  155. bombshell
  156. bombshell announcement
  157. bon voyage
  158. bon voyage!
  159. bona fides
  160. bonang
  161. bonanza
  162. bonanzagram
  163. bonbon
  164. bond
  165. bond issuance
  166. bond market
  167. bond paper
  168. bond payment
  169. bond radius
  170. bond rating
  171. bond redemption
  172. bond strength
  173. bond with stock purchase warrant
  174. bond with warrant attached
  175. bond yield
  176. bondage
  177. bonded area
  178. bonded warehouse
  179. bondholder
  180. bonding
  181. bonding plane
  182. bonding temperature
  183. bonds
  184. bonds with warrants
  185. bondsman
  186. bone
  187. bone age
  188. bone ash
  189. bone at the base of a fin
  190. bone china
  191. bone density
  192. bone dry
  193. bone fat
  194. bone fracture
  195. bone fragment
  196. bone marrow
  197. bone marrow suppression
  198. bone oil
  199. bone porcelain
  200. bone scan
  201. bone scintigraphy
  202. bone spur
  203. bone stuck in one's throat
  204. bone tool
  205. boned
  206. boned rib
  207. bonefish
  208. bonehead
  209. boneless
  210. boneless ham
  211. boner
  212. bones
  213. bones left after cremation
  214. bones of the feet
  215. bones of the hand
  216. bones of the palm
  217. bones of the upper and lower leg
  218. bones supporting the fins of a fish
  219. bonesetter
  220. bonesetter's clinic
  221. bonesetting
  222. bonfire
  223. bong-bong
  224. bongo
  225. bonito
  226. bonito-flavoured soy sauce
  227. bonk
  228. bonnet
  229. bonnethead
  230. bonobo
  231. bonsai
  232. bonus
  233. bonus allowances to company executives
  234. bonus footage
  235. bonus paid to employees on occasion of a full house
  236. bonus salary given at the end of the year
  237. bonus stock issue
  238. bony
  239. bony body
  240. bony fish
  241. bony fishes
  242. bony labyrinth
  243. bony old man
  244. bony old woman
  245. bony scale
  246. bony substance
  247. bony tissue
  248. bonytongue
  249. bonze
  250. boo-hoo
  251. boo-hoo-hoo
  252. boobies
  253. boobs
  254. booby prize
  255. booby trap
  256. boogeyman
  257. boogie
  258. boogie-woogie
  259. boogieman
  260. boohoo
  261. booing
  262. book
  263. book bound in Eastern style
  264. book bound in Japanese style
  265. book bound in Western style
  266. book bound in the Japanese style
  267. book budget
  268. book burning
  269. book catalog
  270. book catalogue
  271. book chest
  272. book club
  273. book collection
  274. book collector
  275. book containing a collection of poems
  276. book containing a number of interesting stories
  277. book containing the information
  278. book cover
  279. book cover or dust jacket
  280. book detection system
  281. book for novices
  282. book in its original language
  283. book in specialised field
  284. book in specialized field
  285. book jacket
  286. book junkie
  287. book learning
  288. book lung
  289. book making
  290. book mart
  291. book nut
  292. book of Western origin
  293. book of calligraphy samples
  294. book of erotic pictures
  295. book of heraldry
  296. book of hours
  297. book of lectures
  298. book of lyrics
  299. book of magic
  300. book of magic and spells
  301. book of omens appended to Confucian Chinese classics
  302. book of oral narratives
  303. book of paintings in print
  304. book of poems
  305. book of poetry
  306. book of registration
  307. book of seals
  308. book of secrets
  309. book of selections
  310. book of sorcery
  311. book of stamps
  312. book of tickets
  313. book of traditional Japanese music
  314. book on agriculture
  315. book on child-rearing
  316. book on military science
  317. book one
  318. book one's luggage
  319. book or document and its supplement
  320. book printed from woodblocks
  321. book returned unsold
  322. book review
  323. book review column
  324. book storage
  325. book strap
  326. book that cannot be classified in any category
  327. book title
  328. book token
  329. book value
  330. book with reading aids
  331. book without reading aids
  332. book written entirely in kana
  333. book written entirely in kanji
  334. book-band
  335. book-cover design
  336. book-keeping
  337. book-keeping journal
  338. book-value accounting
  339. bookbinder
  340. bookbinding or bookmaking
  341. bookcase
  342. bookend
  343. bookends
  344. booker
  345. bookholder
  346. bookie
  347. booking
  348. bookish
  349. bookkeeper
  350. bookkeeping
  351. booklet
  352. booklet constituting an informal living will
  353. booklet of essays
  354. booklist
  355. bookmaker
  356. bookmaking
  357. bookmark
  358. bookmark file
  359. bookmobile
  360. bookplate
  361. bookrest
  362. books
  363. books for loan
  364. books from China
  365. books printed in Japan by the Jesuits
  366. books related to the calendar
  367. books which broaden our knowledge
  368. bookshelf
  369. bookshelves
  370. bookshop
  371. bookstore
  372. bookworm
  373. boolean
  374. boolean form
  375. boolean function
  376. boolean type
  377. boolean value
  378. boom
  379. boom town
  380. boomerang
  381. boomerang effect
  382. boomerang triggerfish
  383. booming
  384. booming or peaking
  385. boomslang
  386. boon
  387. boondocks
  388. boondoggle
  389. boor
  390. boor-bank drilling machine
  391. boorish
  392. boorishness
  393. boos
  394. booster
  395. booster seat
  396. booster station
  397. boosting
  398. boot
  399. boot camp for new recruits
  400. boot disk
  401. boot drive
  402. boot file
  403. boot neckline
  404. boot program
  405. boot record
  406. boot sector
  407. bootable CD
  408. bootable CDROM
  409. bootable diskette
  410. booth
  411. booth or stall in front of a home
  412. booth or stall set up on the sidewalk in front of a shop or home
  413. bootlace
  414. bootleg
  415. bootlegging
  416. bootlicker
  417. bootlicking
  418. bootload
  419. boots
  420. bootstrap
  421. bootstrap program
  422. booty
  423. boozer
  424. bop
  425. borage
  426. borane
  427. borate
  428. borax
  429. borax powder
  430. borborygmus
  431. bordello
  432. border
  433. border entry
  434. border guard
  435. border guards
  436. border light
  437. border line
  438. border of hair at back of neck
  439. border on
  440. border patrol
  441. border police
  442. border print
  443. border security
  444. border strip
  445. border transgression
  446. border zone
  447. bordered mat
  448. bordered matting
  449. bordering
  450. bordering on the obscene
  451. borderless
  452. borderline
  453. borderline personality disorder
  454. borders of the hair
  455. bore
  456. boreal forest
  457. boreal owl
  458. bored
  459. bored-looking
  460. boredom
  461. boreopacific armhook squid
  462. borer
  463. boric acid
  464. boring
  465. boring machine
  466. born
  467. born after April 1st
  468. born between January 1st and April 1st
  469. born in ...
  470. born of a different mother
  471. born of the same mother
  472. borneol
  473. boron
  474. borough seat
  475. borrow digit
  476. borrowed clothes
  477. borrowed fire
  478. borrowed money
  479. borrowed name
  480. borrowed prosperity
  481. borrowed scenery
  482. borrowed thing
  483. borrowed word
  484. borrower
  485. borrowing
  486. borrowing a kanji with the same pronunciation to convey a certain term
  487. borrowing and reading
  488. borrowing costs
  489. borrowing fire
  490. borrowing in advance
  491. borrowing pit
  492. borrowing without returning
  493. borsch
  494. borscht
  495. borzoi
  496. bosom
  497. bosom buddies
  498. bosom buddy
  499. bosom friend
  500. bosom of Nature
  501. boson
  502. boss
  503. boss of the children
  504. bossa nova
  505. bossing someone around
  506. bossy
  507. bosun
  508. bot
  509. bot umbraculum
  510. botan shrimp
  511. botanical
  512. botanical art
  513. botanical garden
  514. botanical genus
  515. botanist
  516. botany
  517. both
  518. both ... and
  519. both Houses of Parliament
  520. both arguments
  521. both armies
  522. both arms
  523. both arms open
  524. both banks
  525. both bare shoulders
  526. both cheeks
  527. both companies
  528. both countries
  529. both days
  530. both directions
  531. both ears
  532. both edges
  533. both elbows
  534. both ends
  535. both extremes
  536. both extremities
  537. both eyes
  538. both families
  539. both famous and humble
  540. both feet
  541. both fists
  542. both flanks
  543. both good and bad
  544. both good and evil
  545. both hands
  546. both houses of Parliament
  547. both houses of parliament
  548. both images
  549. both in name and reality
  550. both in name and substance
  551. both in the Occident and the Orient
  552. both kinds
  553. both knees
  554. both labor and management
  555. both languages
  556. both legs
  557. both material and moral
  558. both military and civil
  559. both mother and child
  560. both openings
  561. both parents
  562. both parties
  563. both parties are to blame
  564. both parts
  565. both people
  566. both persons
  567. both physically and psychologically
  568. both political parties
  569. both realms
  570. both sexes
  571. both shoulders
  572. both sides
  573. both sides of a ship
  574. both sleeves
  575. both teams
  576. both the literary and military arts
  577. both the workers and the employers
  578. both things
  579. both times
  580. both tracks
  581. both ways
  582. both wings
  583. both working
  584. bother
  585. bother to do
  586. bothersome
  587. bothersome formalities
  588. bottle
  589. bottle beer
  590. bottle bottom glasses
  591. bottle breakage
  592. bottle cap
  593. bottle feeding
  594. bottle gourd
  595. bottle green
  596. bottle of ink
  597. bottle of perfume
  598. bottle of whiskey that a bar customer buys
  599. bottle opener
  600. bottle rocket
  601. bottle ship
  602. bottle shop
  603. bottle stopper
  604. bottle used for warming sake
  605. bottle-fed child
  606. bottled
  607. bottled beer
  608. bottleneck
  609. bottlenose dolphin
  610. bottlenosed dolphin
  611. bottler
  612. bottling
  613. bottom
  614. bottom current
  615. bottom edge
  616. bottom fishing
  617. bottom land
  618. bottom left corner
  619. bottom legs radical
  620. bottom margin
  621. bottom material
  622. bottom of a bargeboard or cantilever
  623. bottom of a box
  624. bottom of a can
  625. bottom of a lake
  626. bottom of a page
  627. bottom of a pan or pot
  628. bottom of a pot
  629. bottom of a woman's breasts
  630. bottom of one's heart
  631. bottom of the ocean
  632. bottom of the sleeve
  633. bottom of the stairs
  634. bottom of valley or ravine
  635. bottom out
  636. bottom price
  637. bottom quark
  638. bottom right corner
  639. bottom rim of cup or bowl
  640. bottom rim of earthenware cup
  641. bottom shelf
  642. bottom structural component of a kanji
  643. bottom water
  644. bottom-dwelling fish
  645. bottom-line
  646. bottom-up
  647. bottoming out
  648. bottomless
  649. bottomless cup
  650. bottomless ravine
  651. bottommost
  652. bottoms
  653. botulin
  654. botulinus
  655. botulism food poisoning
  656. bouche
  657. boue chauffante
  658. bougainvillea
  659. bough
  660. bouillabaisse
  661. bouillon
  662. boulder
  663. boulder formed from gravel and sediment
  664. boule
  665. boulevard
  666. bounce
  667. bounce and resilience
  668. bounced mail
  669. bouncer
  670. bouncing
  671. bouncing around from one place to the next
  672. bouncing of ideas off each other to obtain a fine-tuned integrated whole
  673. bouncy
  674. bound
  675. bound almanac
  676. bound book
  677. bound by love
  678. bound electron
  679. bound for ...
  680. bound hand and foot
  681. bound hands and arms
  682. bound to be
  683. bound to decline
  684. bound together
  685. bound trap
  686. bound variable
  687. boundary
  688. boundary alignment
  689. boundary element method
  690. boundary line
  691. boundary mark
  692. boundary or milepost stone
  693. boundary representation
  694. boundary value problem
  695. bounded
  696. bounded form
  697. bounded object set
  698. bounding theory
  699. boundless
  700. boundless expanse
  701. boundless water
  702. boundlessly wide or vast
  703. bounds
  704. bounds of the earth
  705. bountiful
  706. bounty
  707. bounty hunter
  708. bounty hunting
  709. bouquet
  710. bouquet garni
  711. bourbon
  712. bourgeois
  713. bourgeois fish
  714. bourgeois person
  715. bourgeois red snapper
  716. bourgeois revolution
  717. bourgeois society
  718. bourgeoise wife
  719. bourgeoisie
  720. bourkha
  721. bourree
  722. bourse
  723. bout
  724. boutique
  725. bouzouki
  726. bovine spongiform encephalopathy
  727. bovinity
  728. bow
  729. bow and arrow
  730. bow collar
  731. bow collector
  732. bow gun
  733. bow maker
  734. bow making
  735. bow of a ship
  736. bow saw
  737. bow side
  738. bow tie
  739. bow used to drive off evil
  740. bow window
  741. bow-shaped
  742. bow-shaped whale-bone or copper hairpins used to increase the volume on the side of a woman's hair
  743. bow-twirling ceremony at the end of a day of sumo wrestling
  744. bow-wow
  745. bowcraft
  746. bowed
  747. bowel disease
  748. bowel movement
  749. bowel pains
  750. bowels
  751. bower
  752. bower vine
  753. bowfin
  754. bowhead whale
  755. bowing
  756. bowing down
  757. bowing many times
  758. bowing one's head
  759. bowing out
  760. bowing repeatedly
  761. bowing to
  762. bowing to the floor
  763. bowing twice
  764. bowing while pressing three fingers of each hand on floor
  765. bowing while sitting
  766. bowing while standing
  767. bowknot
  768. bowl
  769. bowl cut
  770. bowl for confectioneries
  771. bowl game
  772. bowl lip curved outwards
  773. bowl of eel and rice
  774. bowl of rice
  775. bowl of rice topped with boiled eggs
  776. bowl of rice with a chop-suey-like mixture on it
  777. bowl of rice with cooked meat and eggs on top
  778. bowl of rice with food on top
  779. bowl used for serving rice
  780. bowl with a wide brim and a narrow base
  781. bowleg
  782. bowlegged
  783. bowlegs
  784. bowler
  785. bowler hat
  786. bowline
  787. bowling
  788. bowling alley
  789. bowling in a bowling alley that is lit up like a disco with lots of flashing lights
  790. bowman
  791. bowmouth guitarfish
  792. bows and arrows
  793. bowstring
  794. bowtie damselfish
  795. bowyer
  796. bowyery
  797. box
  798. box and cover
  799. box calf
  800. box camera
  801. box coat
  802. box culvert
  803. box cutter
  804. box for containing shutters
  805. box for holding papers or stationery
  806. box for shipping seafood
  807. box for tea utensils
  808. box in which a funerary urn is kept
  809. box in which ashes of the deceased are kept
  810. box lunch with tempura
  811. box lunches for delivery
  812. box made of thin wood or cardboard
  813. box maker
  814. box model
  815. box of 1000 ryou
  816. box of cakes
  817. box office
  818. box pallet
  819. box pleat
  820. box seat
  821. box set
  822. box set at a gate of a home or near the front door
  823. box spanner
  824. box store
  825. box sushi
  826. box to hold letters
  827. box to keep valuables
  828. box wrench
  829. box-office certainty
  830. box-office record
  831. box-office revenue
  832. box-office takings
  833. box-shaped
  834. box-shaped area containing clean water for rinsing oneself
  835. box-shaped carriage
  836. box-shaped funerary urn made of stone
  837. boxcar
  838. boxed
  839. boxed lunch bought at a station
  840. boxer
  841. boxfish
  842. boxing
  843. boxing and jujitsu
  844. boxing bout
  845. boxing club
  846. boy
  847. boy friend
  848. boy hunt
  849. boy or doll dressed in ancient Chinese clothes
  850. boy soprano
  851. boy student
  852. boy who cried wolf
  853. boy who delivers cooked food
  854. boyar
  855. boycott
  856. boyfriend
  857. boyfriend and girlfriend matters
  858. boyish
  859. boyish girl
  860. boyishness
  861. boys
  862. boys and girls
  863. boys kept by pederasts
  864. boys' high school
  865. boys' school
  866. bps
  867. bra
  868. bra cup
  869. bra-less
  870. braak
  871. brace
  872. bracelet
  873. bracer
  874. braces
  875. brachial artery
  876. brachial muscle
  877. brachiation
  878. brachiopod
  879. brachiosaur
  880. brachiosaurus
  881. brachycephaly
  882. bracing
  883. bracing oneself up to action
  884. bracken
  885. bracken starch
  886. bracken-starch dumpling
  887. bracket
  888. bracket creep
  889. bracket fungus
  890. bracket quinella
  891. bracket saw
  892. bracket win
  893. bracketed
  894. brackets
  895. brackish lake
  896. brackish water
  897. brackish waters
  898. bract
  899. brad
  900. bradycardia
  901. braggadocio
  902. braggart
  903. bragging
  904. bragging about one's own ability
  905. bragging competition concerning matters of little importance
  906. braid
  907. braided cord
  908. braided hat
  909. braided in this fashion
  910. braided thread or cord
  911. braiding the rope only after the thief is caught
  912. brain
  913. brain activity
  914. brain artery
  915. brain cell
  916. brain congestion
  917. brain coral
  918. brain damage
  919. brain death
  920. brain disease
  921. brain freeze
  922. brain haemorrhage
  923. brain hemorrhage
  924. brain herniation
  925. brain inflammation
  926. brain physiologist
  927. brain physiology
  928. brain power
  929. brain stem
  930. brain surgeon
  931. brain surgery
  932. brain tissue
  933. brain tonic
  934. brain trust
  935. brain tumor
  936. brain tumour
  937. brain waves
  938. brainless
  939. brainpan
  940. brains
  941. brains-truster
  942. brainstorm
  943. brainstorming
  944. brainwashing
  945. brainwork
  946. braising
  947. brake
  948. brake drum
  949. brake fluid
  950. brake judder
  951. brake light
  952. brake oil
  953. brake shoe
  954. brake van
  955. brakelight
  956. brakeman
  957. brakes
  958. brakeshoe
  959. braking
  960. bramble
  961. brambling
  962. branch
  963. branch castle
  964. branch construct
  965. branch factory
  966. branch family
  967. branch line
  968. branch manager
  969. branch of a firm
  970. branch of a sacred tree with paper or cotton strips attached
  971. branch of an army
  972. branch of ancient Japanese magic tricks inherited mainly from oral tradition
  973. branch of languages
  974. branch of learning based on the teachings of a single master
  975. branch of the army
  976. branch office
  977. branch prediction
  978. branch road
  979. branch roads
  980. branch school
  981. branch shrine
  982. branch store
  983. branch store network
  984. branch stream that flows into a main stream
  985. branch temple
  986. branch temple or church
  987. branch-off edition
  988. branched
  989. branched bur-reed
  990. branched chain
  991. branchia
  992. branchial arch
  993. branchial lamella
  994. branchial respiration
  995. branching
  996. brand
  997. brand consciousness
  998. brand image
  999. brand items
  1000. brand loyalty
  1001. brand name
  1002. brand new
  1003. brand of lawn mower
  1004. brand of sushi bento
  1005. brand of sweet wine
  1006. brand-name goods
  1007. brand-name product
  1008. brand-name synthetic rubber
  1009. brand-name tea
  1010. brand-new
  1011. brand-orientation
  1012. branding
  1013. branding iron
  1014. branding pane
  1015. brandish
  1016. brandishing a sword
  1017. brandling
  1018. brandname for photo-email service from SoftBank Mobile
  1019. brandy
  1020. brandy glass
  1021. brash
  1022. brass
  1023. brass band
  1024. brass button
  1025. brass instrument
  1026. brass knuckles
  1027. brass musical instruments
  1028. brass rock
  1029. brasserie
  1030. brassey
  1031. brassie
  1032. brassiere
  1033. brassy
  1034. brassy chub
  1035. brassy yellow
  1036. brat
  1037. bravado
  1038. brave
  1039. brave and stalwart man
  1040. brave enterprise
  1041. brave fight
  1042. brave general
  1043. brave leader
  1044. brave man
  1045. brave warrior
  1046. brave woman
  1047. bravely
  1048. bravery
  1049. bravery and cowardice
  1050. bravo
  1051. bravo!
  1052. brawl
  1053. brawling
  1054. brawny
  1055. brawny man
  1056. brayera
  1057. brazen
  1058. brazen and unscrupulous
  1059. brazen hussy
  1060. brazen-faced
  1061. brazenly
  1062. brazenness
  1063. brazier
  1064. brazier encased in a wooden box
  1065. brazing
  1066. breach
  1067. breach of confidence
  1068. breach of contract
  1069. breach of contract clause
  1070. breach of etiquette
  1071. breach of manners
  1072. breach of the rules
  1073. breach of trust
  1074. bread
  1075. bread and butter item
  1076. bread and circuses
  1077. bread baking machine
  1078. bread crust
  1079. bread dough
  1080. bread flour
  1081. bread machine
  1082. bread made with baking powder instead of yeast
  1083. bread roll
  1084. bread roll filled with anko
  1085. bread to which something has been added
  1086. bread-centered diet
  1087. breadbasket
  1088. breadboard
  1089. breadcrumbs
  1090. breadcrumbs list
  1091. breadcrumbs trail
  1092. breaded pork on rice
  1093. breadfruit
  1094. breadmaker
  1095. breadth
  1096. breadth first search
  1097. breadth of mind
  1098. breadth of the back
  1099. breadth of the chest
  1100. breadwinner
  1101. break
  1102. break action
  1103. break and run out in billiards.
  1104. break between classes
  1105. break between the light meal and the actual serving of tea
  1106. break down
  1107. break easily
  1108. break granted to sumo wrestlers engaged in a prolonged bout
  1109. break in contact
  1110. break in the deadlock
  1111. break in the deadlocked situation
  1112. break in the rain
  1113. break in the snow
  1114. break in the weather
  1115. break in time
  1116. break line
  1117. break off
  1118. break one's promises
  1119. break room
  1120. break signal
  1121. break time
  1122. break up
  1123. break with
  1124. break-down
  1125. break-off
  1126. break-out
  1127. breakable
  1128. breakables
  1129. breakaway
  1130. breakdance
  1131. breakdown
  1132. breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer membrane
  1133. breakdown of negotiations
  1134. breaker
  1135. breakers
  1136. breakfast
  1137. breakfast cereal
  1138. breakfast special
  1139. breaking
  1140. breaking a commandment
  1141. breaking a lock
  1142. breaking a promise
  1143. breaking and entering
  1144. breaking bamboo
  1145. breaking bricks
  1146. breaking by applying pressure
  1147. breaking down
  1148. breaking down antiquated notions
  1149. breaking down boundaries
  1150. breaking even
  1151. breaking in
  1152. breaking in a horse
  1153. breaking into
  1154. breaking into a hearty laugh
  1155. breaking into bite-sized pieces
  1156. breaking into cold sweat when one is very embarrassed or scared
  1157. breaking of word
  1158. breaking off
  1159. breaking off a relationship
  1160. breaking off an engagement
  1161. breaking off relations
  1162. breaking off short
  1163. breaking one's journey
  1164. breaking one's word
  1165. breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel
  1166. breaking or rushing into
  1167. breaking point
  1168. breaking the seal
  1169. breaking through
  1170. breaking through or sneaking past a barrier
  1171. breaking under the weight of snow
  1172. breaking up
  1173. breaking up an organisation
  1174. breaking up an organization
  1175. breaking wind
  1176. breaking with
  1177. breaking with tradition
  1178. breakpoint
  1179. breakthrough
  1180. breakthrough in the situation
  1181. breakthrough solution
  1182. breaktime
  1183. breakup
  1184. breakwater
  1185. breakwater designed to dissipate waves
  1186. breast
  1187. breast augmentation
  1188. breast cancer
  1189. breast down
  1190. breast fucking
  1191. breast meat
  1192. breast milk
  1193. breast milk received from another woman
  1194. breast pump
  1195. breast reconstruction
  1196. breast stroke
  1197. breast wall
  1198. breast-feeding
  1199. breast-protector
  1200. breastbone
  1201. breastplate
  1202. breasts
  1203. breaststroke
  1204. breastworks
  1205. breath
  1206. breath control
  1207. breath of air
  1208. breath of fresh air
  1209. breathability
  1210. breathable-waterproof material
  1211. breathalyser
  1212. breathe hard
  1213. breathing
  1214. breathing apparatus
  1215. breathing exercise
  1216. breathing feebly
  1217. breathing heavily
  1218. breathing hole
  1219. breathing in
  1220. breathing spell
  1221. breathing techniques
  1222. breathtaking
  1223. breccia
  1224. breech birth
  1225. breech delivery
  1226. breech presentation
  1227. breech-loading
  1228. breechblock
  1229. breechcloth
  1230. breechclout
  1231. breeches
  1232. breechloader
  1233. breed
  1234. breed of dog
  1235. breeder
  1236. breeder reactor
  1237. breeding
  1238. breeding ground
  1239. breeding grounds
  1240. breeding horse
  1241. breeding or spawning season
  1242. breeding place
  1243. breeding season
  1244. breeding staff
  1245. breeding stock
  1246. breeks may come speed
  1247. breeze
  1248. breeze blowing from land to sea
  1249. breeze caused by wings flapping
  1250. breeze off a river
  1251. breeze rustling through leaves
  1252. bremsstrahlung
  1253. brethren
  1254. brevity
  1255. brew
  1256. brewage
  1257. brewed vinegar
  1258. brewer
  1259. brewer's rice
  1260. brewery
  1261. brewing
  1262. brewing industry
  1263. brewing tax
  1264. brewpub
  1265. briar
  1266. briar patch
  1267. briars
  1268. bribe
  1269. bribe money added to a regular fee
  1270. bribery
  1271. bribery case
  1272. bribery scandal
  1273. bribery scheme
  1274. bribing into secrecy
  1275. bribing one's way into a school
  1276. brick
  1277. brick cheese
  1278. brick tea
  1279. brick wall
  1280. bricks
  1281. brickwork
  1282. bridal
  1283. bridal bed
  1284. bridal bouquet
  1285. bridal costume
  1286. bridal market
  1287. bridal night
  1288. bridal procession
  1289. bridal veil
  1290. bride
  1291. bride and groom
  1292. bride who is little more than a girl
  1293. bride's head-dress
  1294. bride's silk floss headdress
  1295. bridegroom
  1296. bridegroom who is loved by his bride
  1297. bridesmaid
  1298. bridge
  1299. bridge abutment
  1300. bridge building
  1301. bridge circuit
  1302. bridge designed to be underwater during a flood
  1303. bridge girder
  1304. bridge input circuit
  1305. bridge language
  1306. bridge loan
  1307. bridge of a koto
  1308. bridge of nose
  1309. bridge of shamisen
  1310. bridge of the nose
  1311. bridge pier
  1312. bridge pillar
  1313. bridge plank
  1314. bridge railing-post knob
  1315. bridge spanning a river
  1316. bridge-opening ceremony
  1317. bridgehead
  1318. bridgework
  1319. bridging
  1320. bridle
  1321. bridle made from knotted rope or leather
  1322. brief
  1323. brief "self-study" period before morning classes begin
  1324. brief account
  1325. brief argument
  1326. brief championship
  1327. brief comment
  1328. brief comment or criticism
  1329. brief entertainment
  1330. brief explanation
  1331. brief foreword
  1332. brief genealogy
  1333. brief history
  1334. brief message
  1335. brief note or letter
  1336. brief personal record
  1337. brief recess
  1338. brief remark
  1339. brief review
  1340. brief statement
  1341. brief story
  1342. brief time
  1343. brief word
  1344. briefcase
  1345. briefcase computer
  1346. briefing
  1347. briefly
  1348. briefly drawn picture
  1349. briefly-boiled chicken breast
  1350. briefs
  1351. brier
  1352. brig
  1353. brigade
  1354. brigadier general
  1355. brigand
  1356. brigantine
  1357. bright
  1358. bright and brilliant
  1359. bright and clear
  1360. bright and early
  1361. bright blue
  1362. bright color
  1363. bright colour
  1364. bright even in the dark
  1365. bright future
  1366. bright golden yellow
  1367. bright green
  1368. bright idea
  1369. bright intelligence
  1370. bright light
  1371. bright line
  1372. bright moon
  1373. bright moonlight
  1374. bright or beautiful eyes
  1375. bright or foolish
  1376. bright red
  1377. bright red resin used in medicine
  1378. bright red table grape
  1379. bright reddish
  1380. bright sunshine
  1381. bright white
  1382. bright white moon
  1383. bright yellow
  1384. bright-eyed
  1385. bright-light district
  1386. brightly
  1387. brightly colored
  1388. brightly colored vegetables
  1389. brightly coloured vegetables
  1390. brightly lighted
  1391. brightly lit
  1392. brightness
  1393. brightness of snow
  1394. brilliance
  1395. brilliant
  1396. brilliant achievement
  1397. brilliant cut
  1398. brilliant light
  1399. brilliant move
  1400. brilliant person
  1401. brilliant qualities
  1402. brilliant red
  1403. brilliant technique
  1404. brilliant white
  1405. brilliantine
  1406. brilliantly
  1407. brim
  1408. brimming
  1409. brimming over with satisfaction
  1410. brimming with
  1411. brimming with courage
  1412. brimming with curiosity
  1413. brimming with fighting spirit
  1414. brimming with health
  1415. brimming with melted fat
  1416. brimming with vitality
  1417. brimming with youthful enthusiasm
  1418. brimming withconfidence
  1419. brindle bass
  1420. brindled ox
  1421. brine
  1422. brine shrimp
  1423. bring an immediate result on
  1424. bring it on!
  1425. bring me ...
  1426. bring suit
  1427. bring to a standstill
  1428. bring to knees
  1429. bring-your-own
  1430. bringer of good luck
  1431. bringing
  1432. bringing about
  1433. bringing an action
  1434. bringing around
  1435. bringing down
  1436. bringing in
  1437. bringing into the world
  1438. bringing one's child to the local park to play for the first time
  1439. bringing one's own lunch
  1440. bringing out the pillows and futon
  1441. bringing ruin upon oneself by extravagance in food
  1442. bringing the ball back to one's own position
  1443. bringing to the fore
  1444. bringing together
  1445. bringing tribute
  1446. bringing under control
  1447. bringing up
  1448. bringing up a matter
  1449. bringing up like a princess
  1450. bringing up to date
  1451. brink
  1452. brink of death
  1453. brink of ruin
  1454. brinkmanship
  1455. brinkmanship diplomacy
  1456. brinkmate
  1457. brioche
  1458. briquette
  1459. brisk
  1460. brisket
  1461. briskly
  1462. briskly with small steps
  1463. briskness
  1464. bristle
  1465. bristle worm
  1466. bristly beard or mustache
  1467. brittle
  1468. brittle star
  1469. brittleness
  1470. brittlestar
  1471. broaching
  1472. broaching machine
  1473. broaching the topic of a poem or essay in its opening lines
  1474. broad
  1475. broad and empty
  1476. broad bean
  1477. broad bean chili paste
  1478. broad category
  1479. broad classification system
  1480. broad daylight
  1481. broad expanse of dense woodland
  1482. broad field of sparsely growing cogon grass
  1483. broad forehead
  1484. broad gauge
  1485. broad grin
  1486. broad interpretation
  1487. broad jump
  1488. broad leaf
  1489. broad or spacious veranda
  1490. broad overview
  1491. broad pencil
  1492. broad perspective
  1493. broad support
  1494. broad view
  1495. broad-banded pygmy goby
  1496. broad-hearted
  1497. broad-leaved tree
  1498. broad-minded
  1499. broad-minded and free in disposition
  1500. broad-mindedness
  1501. broad-pointed
  1502. broad-winged damselfly
  1503. broadaxe
  1504. broadband
  1505. broadband LAN
  1506. broadband network
  1507. broadband router
  1508. broadband transmission
  1509. broadbanded thornyhead
  1510. broadbill
  1511. broadcast
  1512. broadcast address
  1513. broadcast communication
  1514. broadcast format
  1515. broadcast in which participants speak from different stations
  1516. broadcast licence
  1517. broadcast license
  1518. broadcast of political views
  1519. broadcast originating from multiple locations
  1520. broadcast program
  1521. broadcast programme
  1522. broadcast satellite
  1523. broadcast storm
  1524. broadcast television
  1525. broadcast transmission
  1526. broadcast writer
  1527. broadcasting
  1528. broadcasting hours
  1529. broadcasting industry
  1530. broadcasting network
  1531. broadcasting of still pictures
  1532. broadcasting office
  1533. broadcasting rights
  1534. broadcasting satellite
  1535. broadcloth
  1536. broader application
  1537. broader term
  1538. broader-based local government
  1539. broadfin sawtail catshark
  1540. broadfin thornyhead
  1541. broadgill catshark
  1542. broadleaf tree
  1543. broadleaf wild leek
  1544. broadly
  1545. broadly grinning
  1546. broadminded
  1547. broadnose sevengill shark
  1548. broadside
  1549. broadside fire
  1550. broadside sea
  1551. broadsword
  1552. brocade
  1553. broccoli
  1554. brochure
  1555. broiled eel
  1556. broiled eel served over rice a lacquered box
  1557. broiled sweet chestnuts
  1558. broiler
  1559. broiling
  1560. broiling over an open fire
  1561. broiling with soy
  1562. broke
  1563. broken
  1564. broken English
  1565. broken article
  1566. broken bottle
  1567. broken by the wind
  1568. broken egg
  1569. broken heart
  1570. broken into small fragments
  1571. broken language
  1572. broken line
  1573. broken meter
  1574. broken mirror
  1575. broken piece
  1576. broken pieces
  1577. broken rope
  1578. broken stone
  1579. broken stone monument
  1580. broken stones
  1581. broken voice
  1582. broken windows theory
  1583. broken-down car
  1584. broker
  1585. brokerage
  1586. brokerage company
  1587. brokerage fee
  1588. brokering
  1589. bromelain
  1590. bromhidrosis
  1591. bromide
  1592. bromide paper
  1593. bromidrosis
  1594. bromination
  1595. bromine
  1596. bronchial asthma
  1597. bronchial pneumonia
  1598. bronchial tube
  1599. bronchitis
  1600. bronco
  1601. brontosaurus
  1602. bronze
  1603. bronze bell
  1604. bronze bowl
  1605. bronze currency of ancient China
  1606. bronze dagger-axe
  1607. bronze halberd
  1608. bronze hammerhead shark
  1609. bronze hoko
  1610. bronze medal
  1611. bronze medallist
  1612. bronze mirror
  1613. bronze or copper
  1614. bronze or copper medal
  1615. bronze prize
  1616. bronze reef chromis
  1617. bronze spearhead
  1618. bronze statue
  1619. bronze sword
  1620. bronze ware
  1621. bronze wedding
  1622. bronze whaler
  1623. bronze-red
  1624. bronze-vessel and bell inscriptions
  1625. bronzed
  1626. brooch
  1627. brood over
  1628. brood parasitism
  1629. brooding
  1630. broodmare
  1631. brook
  1632. brook trout
  1633. brooklet
  1634. broom
  1635. broom cypress
  1636. broomrape
  1637. bros
  1638. broth
  1639. broth made of fish and vegetables
  1640. brothel
  1641. brothel madam
  1642. brothel tout
  1643. brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes
  1644. brother
  1645. brother and sister
  1646. brother complex
  1647. brother of Amaterasu
  1648. brother-in-law
  1649. brotherhood
  1650. brotherly love
  1651. brothers
  1652. brothers and sisters
  1653. brought up
  1654. brought up in luxury
  1655. brought up on an island
  1656. brouter
  1657. brow
  1658. brown
  1659. brown adipose tissue
  1660. brown algae
  1661. brown bear
  1662. brown bread
  1663. brown butterflyfish
  1664. brown cane sugar
  1665. brown capuchin
  1666. brown chromis
  1667. brown coal
  1668. brown dipper
  1669. brown dwarf
  1670. brown envelope
  1671. brown eyes
  1672. brown fat
  1673. brown frog
  1674. brown hagfish
  1675. brown hawk owl
  1676. brown hematite
  1677. brown hornet
  1678. brown meat
  1679. brown puller
  1680. brown rat
  1681. brown rice
  1682. brown sauce
  1683. brown sole
  1684. brown sugar
  1685. brown sugar syrup
  1686. brown surgeonfish
  1687. brown tree snake
  1688. brown trout
  1689. brown-and-white butterflyfish
  1690. brown-banded butterflyfish
  1691. brown-eared bulbul
  1692. brown-headed cowbird
  1693. brown-headed thrush
  1694. brown-lined puffer
  1695. brown-noser
  1696. brown-nosing
  1697. brown-spotted grouper
  1698. brown-spotted spinefoot
  1699. brownbanded bambooshark
  1700. brownburnie
  1701. browned
  1702. browning
  1703. brownout
  1704. brownstriped mackerel scad
  1705. brows
  1706. browse
  1707. browser
  1708. browser crasher
  1709. browser crusher
  1710. browser helper object
  1711. browser war
  1712. browsing
  1713. browsing tool
  1714. brucellosis
  1715. brucine
  1716. bruise
  1717. brunch
  1718. brunette
  1719. brunt
  1720. brunt of attack or argument
  1721. bruschetta
  1722. brush
  1723. brush and ink
  1724. brush and paper
  1725. brush back pitch
  1726. brush case
  1727. brush cleaner
  1728. brush cleaning
  1729. brush cutter
  1730. brush dyeing
  1731. brush marks
  1732. brush of long
  1733. brush seller
  1734. brush strokes
  1735. brush tip
  1736. brush up
  1737. brush washing
  1738. brush wattlebird
  1739. brush-brush
  1740. brushes and desks the night before Tanabata to pray for success in their studies
  1741. brushing
  1742. brushing one's teeth
  1743. brushmaker
  1744. brushwood
  1745. brushwood dog
  1746. brushwood fence
  1747. brushwork
  1748. brushy
  1749. brusque
  1750. brusqueness
  1751. brutal
  1752. brutal heart
  1753. brutal murderer
  1754. brutal or bestial act
  1755. brutal person
  1756. brutality
  1757. brute
  1758. brute courage
  1759. brute force
  1760. brute force approach
  1761. brute force attack
  1762. brute of a man
  1763. brute strength
  1764. brutish
  1765. bruxism
  1766. bryology
  1767. bryophyte
  1768. bryozoans
  1769. bubble
  1770. bubble bath
  1771. bubble boom
  1772. bubble chamber
  1773. bubble economy
  1774. bubble economy era
  1775. bubble era
  1776. bubble jet printer
  1777. bubble memory
  1778. bubble on surface of liquid
  1779. bubble out
  1780. bubble sort
  1781. bubble wrap
  1782. bubblegum
  1783. bubbler
  1784. bubbles
  1785. bubbles in boiling water
  1786. bubbles on the water
  1787. bubbling
  1788. bubbling or gushing spring
  1789. bubo
  1790. bubonic plague
  1791. bubu
  1792. bucatini
  1793. buccal
  1794. buccinator muscle
  1795. buche de Noel
  1796. buchi salamander
  1797. buchimgae
  1798. buck
  1799. buck naked
  1800. bucket
  1801. bucket conveyer
  1802. bucket conveyor
  1803. bucket maker
  1804. bucket seat
  1805. bucket used for cleaning oneself in a bathhouse
  1806. bucketing
  1807. buckle
  1808. buckler
  1809. buckling
  1810. buckminsterfullerene
  1811. buckram
  1812. buckshot
  1813. buckskin
  1814. bucktooth
  1815. buckwheat
  1816. buckwheat chaff
  1817. buckwheat cookie
  1818. buckwheat flour
  1819. buckwheat mash
  1820. buckwheat noodles
  1821. buckwheat noodles in hot broth
  1822. buckwheat-noodle restaurant
  1823. bud
  1824. bud grafting
  1825. bud mutation
  1826. bud of Japanese pepper tree
  1827. bud scale
  1828. bud unprotected by bud scales
  1829. buddha
  1830. buddha or deity of children or childbirth
  1831. buddha state
  1832. buddha-body within a practitioner
  1833. buddhahood
  1834. buddhakaya
  1835. buddies
  1836. budding
  1837. buddleia
  1838. buddy
  1839. buddy system
  1840. budgerigar
  1841. budget
  1842. budget bureau
  1843. budget committee
  1844. budget compilation
  1845. budget cut
  1846. budget deficit
  1847. budget of padded figures
  1848. budget reduction
  1849. budget screening
  1850. budget surplus
  1851. budget travel
  1852. budgetary
  1853. budgetary allocation
  1854. budgetary austerities
  1855. budgetary provision
  1856. budgetary request guidelines
  1857. buds
  1858. buds from the base of a tree
  1859. budwood
  1860. buff
  1861. buffalo
  1862. buffalo soldier
  1863. buffer
  1864. buffer error
  1865. buffer memory
  1866. buffer overflow
  1867. buffer overflow attack
  1868. buffer overrun
  1869. buffer pool
  1870. buffer solution
  1871. buffer state
  1872. buffer stock
  1873. buffer stop
  1874. buffer storage
  1875. buffer under-run error
  1876. buffer zone
  1877. buffer-in
  1878. buffered
  1879. buffered device
  1880. buffering
  1881. buffering level
  1882. buffet
  1883. buffet party
  1884. buffing
  1885. buffing machine
  1886. buffoon
  1887. buffoonery
  1888. bug
  1889. bug bite
  1890. bug catching
  1891. bug fix
  1892. bug list
  1893. bug repellent
  1894. bug report
  1895. bugbear
  1896. buggery
  1897. bugging
  1898. buggy
  1899. bugle
  1900. bugler
  1901. bugling sound
  1902. buh-boo
  1903. build
  1904. build number
  1905. build up
  1906. build-to-order manufacturing
  1907. build-up
  1908. builder
  1909. buildering
  1910. building
  1911. building a fire
  1912. building a kura storehouse
  1913. building a nest
  1914. building addition or extension
  1915. building area
  1916. building automation
  1917. building blocks
  1918. building certification
  1919. building confirmation
  1920. building containing a number of businesses and shops
  1921. building diagram
  1922. building expenses
  1923. building for observing horse racing
  1924. building for rent
  1925. building highjack
  1926. building industry
  1927. building lot
  1928. building maintenance
  1929. building material
  1930. building of a Shinto shrine built on middle ground
  1931. building of a Shinto shrine complex built upon the highest ground
  1932. building of a Shinto shrine complex built upon the lowest ground
  1933. building on the greater palace grounds used by the emperor for viewing horse racing
  1934. building plot
  1935. building rice-field ridges
  1936. building site
  1937. building time
  1938. building up
  1939. building up and maintaining
  1940. building where one keeps oxcarts and other conveyances inside a private estate
  1941. building with a gabled
  1942. building with a gabled roof
  1943. building with a hip roof
  1944. building with a long roof
  1945. building work
  1946. buildings
  1947. buildings on the east and west side of the southern pond
  1948. buildup
  1949. built in a night
  1950. built on
  1951. built-in
  1952. built-in command
  1953. built-in device
  1954. built-in function
  1955. built-in greeting
  1956. built-in monitor
  1957. built-in stabilizer
  1958. built-in variable
  1959. bujian
  1960. bulb
  1961. bulbil
  1962. bulbnose unicornfish
  1963. bulbourethral gland
  1964. bulbous bow
  1965. bulbous nose
  1966. bulge
  1967. bulge in a pocket or clothing
  1968. bulging
  1969. bulging eyes and large nostrils
  1970. bulgogi
  1971. bulimarexia
  1972. bulk
  1973. bulk cargo
  1974. bulk carrier
  1975. bulk density
  1976. bulk goods
  1977. bulk line
  1978. bulk loading safety officer
  1979. bulk powder
  1980. bulk purchase
  1981. bulk storage
  1982. bulkhead
  1983. bulking
  1984. bulky
  1985. bulky and heavy
  1986. bulky rubbish
  1987. bulky sweater
  1988. bulky volume
  1989. bull
  1990. bull interests
  1991. bull market
  1992. bull neck
  1993. bull pen
  1994. bull shark
  1995. bull terrier
  1996. bull's eye
  1997. bull's-eye
  1998. bull-headed shrike
  1999. bulldog
  2000. bulldozer

14001 ~ 16000

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