; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

21 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. expert in two fields
  2. expert knowledge
  3. expert of Japanese maths
  4. expert opinion
  5. expert system
  6. expert's fee
  7. expert's written opinion or report
  8. expertise
  9. expiation
  10. expiation of sins
  11. expiration
  12. expiration check
  13. expiration date
  14. expiration of a term
  15. expiration of a term of service
  16. expiration of term of a vow
  17. expiration of term of office
  18. expire
  19. expiry
  20. expiry date
  21. expiry date indication
  22. explain
  23. explaining
  24. explaining the meanings of old words
  25. explanation
  26. explanation by pictures
  27. explanation in common language
  28. explanation in detail
  29. explanation of a kanji
  30. explanation of a picture
  31. explanation of a text
  32. explanatory
  33. explanatory adequacy
  34. explanatory diagram
  35. explanatory meeting
  36. explanatory note
  37. explanatory notes
  38. explanatory science
  39. expletive noun
  40. explicate
  41. explication
  42. explicit
  43. explicit addressing
  44. explicit comparison
  45. explicit congestion notification
  46. explicit content reference
  47. explicit conversion
  48. explicit expression
  49. explicit forward congestion indication
  50. explicit interface
  51. explicit knowledge
  52. explicit link
  53. explicit scope terminator
  54. explicit statement
  55. explicit-shape array
  56. exploding
  57. exploit
  58. exploitation
  59. exploited classes
  60. exploiting class
  61. exploiting classes
  62. exploiting something
  63. exploits
  64. exploration
  65. exploration party
  66. explorer
  67. exploring for a solution
  68. exploring new avenues without having any clues
  69. explosion
  70. explosion of coal dust
  71. explosion or detonation
  72. explosion proof
  73. explosion shot
  74. explosion without effect
  75. explosive
  76. explosive blast
  77. explosive boil
  78. explosive increase
  79. explosive laughter
  80. explosive mixture
  81. explosive power
  82. explosive situation
  83. explosiveness
  84. explosives
  85. expo
  86. exponent
  87. exponent portion
  88. exponential
  89. exponential distribution
  90. exponential function
  91. exponential growth
  92. exponential operator
  93. exponentiation function
  94. export
  95. export and import
  96. export contraction
  97. export control
  98. export controls
  99. export credit
  100. export duties
  101. export expansion
  102. export inspection
  103. export insurance
  104. export letter of credit
  105. export license
  106. export mentality
  107. export of manufacturing plant
  108. export orientation
  109. export reduction
  110. export restrictions
  111. export subsidy
  112. export value
  113. export-driven economy
  114. export-related shares
  115. exported goods
  116. exported teachers during Meiji period
  117. exporter
  118. exporting country
  119. exporting on a deferred-payment basis
  120. exporting to Japan
  121. exports to Japan
  122. expose to the sun
  123. exposed
  124. exposed breasts
  125. exposed skin between top of knee-high socks and hemline of skirt
  126. exposed to the wind
  127. exposing
  128. exposing part of buttocks
  129. exposition
  130. exposition of one's master's teachings or doctrines
  131. expository
  132. expostulation
  133. exposure
  134. exposure dose
  135. exposure meter
  136. exposure of a severed head
  137. exposure tactics
  138. exposure therapy
  139. exposure time
  140. exposure to cold
  141. exposure to the sun
  142. expounding
  143. expounding the teachings of Buddha
  144. express
  145. express ... in terms of ...
  146. express charge
  147. express company
  148. express delivery post
  149. express home delivery
  150. express home delivery parcel
  151. express home delivery service
  152. express mail
  153. express mail service
  154. express messenger
  155. express one's mind
  156. express one's opinion
  157. express parcel delivery
  158. express station
  159. express ticket
  160. express trail
  161. express train
  162. expresses a command
  163. expresses depth of feeling or emphasis
  164. expresses shock at misbehaviour of a youngster
  165. expressing
  166. expressing absence of obligation or necessity
  167. expressing concretely
  168. expressing emotion
  169. expressing figuratively
  170. expressing one's sympathy after a fire
  171. expressing oneself without words or gestures
  172. expression
  173. expression for the rapid pace at which the information technology field moves
  174. expression in writing
  175. expression indicating a high number of deaths from traffic accidents
  176. expression of annoyed surprise or shock
  177. expression of concern
  178. expression of eyes
  179. expression of gratitude
  180. expression of gratitude before meals
  181. expression of humility said by the person who provided a meal after it is eaten
  182. expression of love
  183. expression of one's feelings
  184. expression of one's views
  185. expression of strong emotion or surprise
  186. expression of surprise
  187. expression of sympathy
  188. expression of the eyes
  189. expression of thoughts
  190. expression of vague dissatisfaction with a thing
  191. expression of views
  192. expression one says when what is expected comes
  193. expression suggesting that the pace of change makes ten years back seem like ancient history
  194. expression used to criticize a poor decision
  195. expression used to depict a woman who is attractive primarily when it's dark out
  196. expression used to hand over to the next speaker
  197. expression used to replace part of conversation
  198. expression used when the speaker is trying to recall some information
  199. expressionism
  200. expressionless
  201. expressionless white face
  202. expressive power
  203. expressiveness
  204. expressly
  205. expressman
  206. expresso
  207. expresso coffee
  208. expressway
  209. expropriation
  210. expulsion
  211. expulsion from school
  212. expulsion of the foreigners
  213. exquisite
  214. exquisite and elaborate
  215. exquisite beauty or charms
  216. exquisite butterflyfish
  217. exquisite countenance
  218. exquisite music
  219. exquisite pygmy goby
  220. exquisite skill
  221. exquisite stone
  222. exquisite voice
  223. exquisitely
  224. exquisitely decorated pleasure boat
  225. exstrophy
  226. extant
  227. extemporaneous
  228. extemporary
  229. extempore
  230. extend
  231. extend mode
  232. extendable baton
  233. extended double-precision
  234. extended entry table
  235. extended family
  236. extended functionality
  237. extended game
  238. extended help
  239. extended hysterectomy
  240. extended leave
  241. extended memory
  242. extended memory block
  243. extended memory specification
  244. extended new character forms
  245. extended period of time
  246. extended precision floating point number
  247. extended result output function
  248. extended storage
  249. extended text
  250. extended warranty
  251. extended-hours childcare
  252. extending by applying pressure
  253. extending complicity for a crime to the criminal's family members
  254. extending every courtesy
  255. extending in a row
  256. extending in length
  257. extending over a long time
  258. extending over a number of years
  259. extending stay
  260. extensible
  261. extensible markup language
  262. extension
  263. extension and structural alteration of building
  264. extension ladder
  265. extension lectures
  266. extension number
  267. extension of a straight line
  268. extension of new character forms
  269. extension of physical delivery address components
  270. extension of postal OR address components
  271. extension of the main room of a home
  272. extension of visa permit
  273. extension of women's rights
  274. extension on payment
  275. extension phone
  276. extension sign
  277. extension telephone
  278. extensions
  279. extensions on the top & bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame
  280. extensive
  281. extensive agriculture
  282. extensive and wide-ranging
  283. extensive knowledge
  284. extensive reading
  285. extensive references
  286. extensive use
  287. extensively
  288. extent
  289. extent of labor
  290. extenuation
  291. exterior
  292. exterior division
  293. extermination
  294. exterminatory measure
  295. external
  296. external access
  297. external affairs
  298. external angle
  299. external audit
  300. external auditory canal
  301. external bureau
  302. external cache
  303. external carotid artery
  304. external character
  305. external character code
  306. external character file
  307. external character number
  308. external clock
  309. external clocking
  310. external combustion engine
  311. external command
  312. external communication
  313. external communications
  314. external component
  315. external corner angle of two walls
  316. external coupling
  317. external data
  318. external data item
  319. external data record
  320. external declaration
  321. external device
  322. external dimensions
  323. external document class
  324. external ear
  325. external economies
  326. external elements
  327. external entity
  328. external environment
  329. external exposure
  330. external eye muscle
  331. external field
  332. external file
  333. external file connector
  334. external file service
  335. external force
  336. external form
  337. external genitalia
  338. external genitals
  339. external ground
  340. external identifier
  341. external interrupt
  342. external key
  343. external label
  344. external labor market
  345. external labour market
  346. external linkage
  347. external loss time
  348. external management
  349. external medicine
  350. external memory
  351. external object
  352. external origin
  353. external power source
  354. external power supply
  355. external pressure
  356. external procedure
  357. external respiration
  358. external secretion
  359. external storage
  360. external subprogram
  361. external switch
  362. external test method
  363. external trade
  364. external troubles
  365. external type
  366. external unit
  367. external use
  368. external variable
  369. external wound
  370. externalities
  371. externalization
  372. externals
  373. extinct
  374. extinct family
  375. extinct plants and animals
  376. extinct species
  377. extinct volcano
  378. extinction
  379. extinction in the wild
  380. extinction ratio
  381. extinctive prescription
  382. extinguishing
  383. extinguishing a fire
  384. extinguishing illusion and passing over to Nirvana
  385. extinguishment
  386. extol
  387. extolling
  388. extortion
  389. extortion attempt
  390. extortion of money or goods
  391. extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings
  392. extra
  393. extra allowance
  394. extra bed
  395. extra charge
  396. extra cost
  397. extra fertilizer or manure
  398. extra hole
  399. extra holiday
  400. extra hot
  401. extra inning
  402. extra innings
  403. extra issue
  404. extra large portion
  405. extra pay
  406. extra prize
  407. extra rice ration
  408. extra special
  409. extra third or fourth wrestler of certain rank
  410. extra wages
  411. extra-
  412. extra-base hit
  413. extra-high
  414. extra-high-speed Tohoku-line Shinkansen
  415. extra-high-speed Toukai-line Shinkansen
  416. extra-large
  417. extra-marital intercourse
  418. extra-net
  419. extra-pulse
  420. extra-sensory perception
  421. extra-vehicular
  422. extract
  423. extract of Chinese wolfberry fruit
  424. extract of ginseng
  425. extracting
  426. extracting from or excerpting
  427. extraction
  428. extraction condition
  429. extraction of cubic root
  430. extraction of gold
  431. extraction of oil
  432. extraction of roots
  433. extraction of square root
  434. extraction of terms
  435. extractor
  436. extractor mark
  437. extracurricular
  438. extracurricular activities
  439. extracurricular lesson
  440. extradition
  441. extramarital
  442. extramarital sex
  443. extramural
  444. extraneous
  445. extraocular muscle
  446. extraordinarily
  447. extraordinarily excellent
  448. extraordinariness
  449. extraordinary
  450. extraordinary appearance
  451. extraordinary efforts to find and employ capable persons
  452. extraordinary loss
  453. extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet
  454. extraordinary person
  455. extraordinary product
  456. extraordinary ray
  457. extraordinary revenue
  458. extraordinary session of the Diet
  459. extraordinary strength
  460. extraordinary talent
  461. extraordinary wisdom
  462. extrapolation
  463. extrapolation method
  464. extras
  465. extrasensory perception
  466. extrasolar planet
  467. extrasystolic arrhythmia
  468. extraterrestrial life
  469. extraterritorial application
  470. extraterritoriality
  471. extratropical cyclone
  472. extravagance
  473. extravagant
  474. extravagant female hairstyle worn by oiran courtesans
  475. extravaganza
  476. extravaginal ejaculation
  477. extreme
  478. extreme argument
  479. extreme brutality
  480. extreme busyness
  481. extreme busyness due to pressure of business
  482. extreme clumsiness
  483. extreme cold
  484. extreme environment
  485. extreme eroticism
  486. extreme excitement
  487. extreme faithfulness
  488. extreme fatigue
  489. extreme foolishness
  490. extreme greediness
  491. extreme heat
  492. extreme height
  493. extreme jealousy
  494. extreme left
  495. extreme leg-stretching exercise to increase flexibility of the crotch
  496. extreme logic
  497. extreme masochist
  498. extreme north
  499. extreme pain
  500. extreme patriotism
  501. extreme penalty
  502. extreme poverty
  503. extreme purpose
  504. extreme religious piety
  505. extreme right
  506. extreme sadist
  507. extreme situation
  508. extreme sports
  509. extreme ultraviolet
  510. extremely
  511. extremely and humbly delighted
  512. extremely annoying
  513. extremely audacious
  514. extremely awkward
  515. extremely busy
  516. extremely close relationship
  517. extremely cold
  518. extremely cold feeling that makes one feel numb
  519. extremely common
  520. extremely complete and detailed
  521. extremely dangerous
  522. extremely deep
  523. extremely delightful
  524. extremely fond of
  525. extremely good friends
  526. extremely high frequency wave
  527. extremely high-grade Japanese meal served all at once
  528. extremely hot
  529. extremely hot day
  530. extremely important
  531. extremely important or once in a lifetime
  532. extremely important or once in a lifetime request
  533. extremely intimate
  534. extremely outmoded
  535. extremely overbearing wife
  536. extremely poor person
  537. extremely popular
  538. extremely rare
  539. extremely reprehensible
  540. extremely rich person
  541. extremely rude
  542. extremely short pulse appearing on an electrical signal
  543. extremely small quantity
  544. extremely spicy form of chili pepper
  545. extremely talented
  546. extremely thrilling
  547. extremely troubled
  548. extremely unlikely to
  549. extremely unsportsmanlike
  550. extremely vexing
  551. extremely weird
  552. extremism
  553. extremists
  554. extremities
  555. extremity
  556. extricate
  557. extrication from dependence on oil
  558. extrinsic
  559. extroversion
  560. extroverted
  561. extruder
  562. extrusive rock
  563. exuberance
  564. exuberant
  565. exuberant mood
  566. exudation
  567. exudative
  568. exultant
  569. exultation
  570. exuvia
  571. exuviae
  572. eye
  573. eye and ear
  574. eye bandage
  575. eye bank
  576. eye bolt
  577. eye camera
  578. eye care
  579. eye chart
  580. eye check-up
  581. eye color
  582. eye colour
  583. eye contact
  584. eye diagram
  585. eye discharge
  586. eye discharge or mucus
  587. eye disease
  588. eye doctor
  589. eye dropper
  590. eye drops
  591. eye examination
  592. eye hook
  593. eye liner
  594. eye lotion
  595. eye makeup
  596. eye mask
  597. eye measurement
  598. eye mucus
  599. eye of a needle
  600. eye of a typhoon
  601. eye ointment
  602. eye socket
  603. eye specialist
  604. eye strain
  605. eye test
  606. eye-catcher
  607. eye-catching goods
  608. eye-level
  609. eye-popping
  610. eye-spot butterflyfish
  611. eye-spot cichlid
  612. eye-spot surgeon
  613. eye-witness
  614. eyeball
  615. eyeballing
  616. eyeballs
  617. eyebolt
  618. eyebrow
  619. eyebrow pencil
  620. eyebrow shape
  621. eyebrows
  622. eyebrows of a beautiful woman
  623. eyehook
  624. eyelash
  625. eyelash curler
  626. eyelashes
  627. eyelet
  628. eyelet work
  629. eyeleteer
  630. eyelid
  631. eyelid speculum
  632. eyelids
  633. eyelift
  634. eyeline
  635. eyeliner
  636. eyepatch or bandage
  637. eyepiece
  638. eyes
  639. eyes and ears
  640. eyes asleep
  641. eyes capable of seeing in the dark
  642. eyes differing in colour
  643. eyes mismatched in colour
  644. eyes of a hawk
  645. eyes of a predator
  646. eyes of an onlooker
  647. eyes of the night
  648. eyes slanted upward
  649. eyes slanting downward
  650. eyes sparkling
  651. eyes sparkling with joy
  652. eyes that convey a strong sense of purpose
  653. eyeshade
  654. eyeshadow
  655. eyesight
  656. eyesight test
  657. eyesight test chart
  658. eyesore
  659. eyespot
  660. eyespot ctenopoma
  661. eyestrain
  662. eyestripe surgeonfish
  663. eyetooth
  664. eyewash
  665. eyewear
  666. eyewitness
  667. eyewitness information
  668. eyewitness report
  669. eyewitness testimony
  670. eラーニング [イーラーニング]
  671. f
  672. f [エフ]
  673. f-number
  674. fa
  675. fable
  676. fabled
  677. fabless
  678. fabric
  679. fabric backed wooden floor covering
  680. fabric colored in such a manner
  681. fabric conditioner
  682. fabric dyed
  683. fabric of human relationships
  684. fabric pattern
  685. fabric shaku
  686. fabric softener
  687. fabric with a brocade and embroidery
  688. fabricated dream
  689. fabricated story
  690. fabrication
  691. fabulous
  692. facade
  693. face
  694. face angle
  695. face another
  696. face blindness
  697. face contorted and about to cry
  698. face covered with pimples
  699. face guard
  700. face in profile
  701. face landing
  702. face lotion
  703. face of a dead person
  704. face of a seal
  705. face of someone while still alive
  706. face of the earth
  707. face of the water
  708. face or picture card
  709. face powder
  710. face seen from the side
  711. face shaded with pensiveness
  712. face sheet
  713. face to face
  714. face towel
  715. face up
  716. face value
  717. face with heavy makeup
  718. face with no make-up
  719. face without makeup
  720. face-card
  721. face-off
  722. face-to-face
  723. face-to-face conversation
  724. face-to-face encounter
  725. face-to-face selling
  726. face-to-face talk
  727. face-washing
  728. facelift
  729. facet
  730. facet culling
  731. facet data
  732. facet indicator
  733. facet normal
  734. faceted classification system
  735. faceted glass
  736. faceted thesaurus
  737. facetious
  738. facets of life
  739. facetted object
  740. facia board
  741. facial
  742. facial bone
  743. facial carbuncle
  744. facial care or treatment
  745. facial expression
  746. facial features
  747. facial furuncle
  748. facial gesture of pulling one's eyelid down and sticking out one's tongue
  749. facial image
  750. facial mole
  751. facial muscle
  752. facial nerve
  753. facial recognition
  754. facial tissue
  755. facial tissues
  756. facials
  757. facies
  758. facies articularis
  759. facies fossil
  760. facile
  761. facileness
  762. facilitating a rendezvous between lovers
  763. facilitation
  764. facilitator
  765. facilities
  766. facilities administration organization
  767. facilities for commutation
  768. facilities rented out for meetings
  769. facility
  770. facility language
  771. facility management
  772. facility providing funeral services
  773. facility where one rests on towels laid on a slab of heated natural rock
  774. facing
  775. facing a too tough opponent
  776. facing a wall for nine years in meditation
  777. facing bricks
  778. facing east
  779. facing forward
  780. facing inward
  781. facing left
  782. facing north
  783. facing of a tatami mat
  784. facing outward
  785. facing right
  786. facing south
  787. facing the corner pillar
  788. facing the east
  789. facing the harbor
  790. facing the heat
  791. facing the north
  792. facing the other way
  793. facing the south
  794. facing the winter
  795. facing west
  796. facsimile
  797. facsimile adapter
  798. facsimile communications function
  799. facsimile edition
  800. facsimile through television
  801. facsimile transmission
  802. fact
  803. fact database
  804. fact dimension
  805. fact store
  806. fact-finding
  807. fact-finding committee
  808. fact-finding party
  809. faction
  810. faction or clique
  811. faction-based personnel appointment
  812. faction-based politics
  813. factional balance
  814. factional dispute
  815. factional dynamics
  816. factional infighting
  817. factional power politics
  818. factional strife
  819. factionalism
  820. factor
  821. factor analysis
  822. factor cost
  823. factor intensity
  824. factor of production
  825. factor payment
  826. factor price
  827. factor price equalization theorem
  828. factor proportions theory
  829. factor set
  830. factor theorem
  831. factorial
  832. factorial function
  833. factoring
  834. factoring in
  835. factorisation
  836. factorization
  837. factory
  838. factory accounting
  839. factory automation
  840. factory boat
  841. factory bookkeeping
  842. factory closure
  843. factory manager
  844. factory mark
  845. factory option
  846. factory or industrial district or area
  847. factory owner
  848. factory ship
  849. factory shutdown
  850. factory team
  851. factory worker
  852. factory worker with a fixed term contract of employment
  853. factory zone
  854. factory-direct sales
  855. factory-installed option
  856. factotum
  857. facts
  858. facts being beyond dispute
  859. factual
  860. factual investigation
  861. faculty
  862. faculty development
  863. faculty meeting
  864. faculty of commerce
  865. faculty of humanities
  866. faculty of informatics
  867. faculty of law and literature
  868. fad
  869. fade
  870. fade ball
  871. fade-in
  872. fade-out
  873. faded
  874. faded beauty
  875. faded color
  876. faded colour
  877. faded from washing
  878. fadeout
  879. fader
  880. fading
  881. fading beauty
  882. fading color
  883. fading colour
  884. fado
  885. faeces
  886. fag
  887. fag end
  888. faggot
  889. fagot-stitch
  890. fagotting stitch
  891. fah
  892. fail
  893. fail to make the grade
  894. fail verdict
  895. fail-over
  896. fail-safe
  897. failed
  898. failed at every attempt
  899. failed business
  900. failed creative work
  901. failed state
  902. failing
  903. failing college entrance exams and retaking them a year later
  904. failing grade
  905. failing health
  906. failing in one's duty
  907. failing mark
  908. failing to act up to one's words
  909. failing to catch
  910. failing to catch a ball
  911. failing to get a job
  912. failing to honor an installment payment
  913. failing to live up to one's name
  914. failing to practice what one preaches
  915. failing to properly evaluate the importance
  916. failing to recognise
  917. failing to recognize
  918. failing to report
  919. failing to ripen or blossom
  920. failing to win an electoral seat in a single-member constituency
  921. failing to write
  922. failsafe
  923. failsafe operation
  924. failsoft
  925. failure
  926. failure mark
  927. failure of electricity supply
  928. failure rate
  929. failure story
  930. failure teaches success
  931. failure to pay one's compliments
  932. failure to pay tax
  933. failure to reach agreement
  934. failure to recognise someone
  935. failure to recognize someone
  936. faint
  937. faint breath
  938. faint hopes
  939. faint light
  940. faint memory
  941. faint of heart
  942. faint reflection of light upon the water in the dark
  943. faint smile
  944. faint sounds of complaint
  945. faint voice
  946. faint-hearted
  947. fainthearted
  948. fainting
  949. fainting in agony
  950. faintly
  951. fair
  952. fair and impartial
  953. fair and just
  954. fair and square
  955. fair and unbiased policy
  956. fair average quality
  957. fair ball
  958. fair catch
  959. fair complexion
  960. fair copy
  961. fair deal
  962. fair exchange
  963. fair market valuation
  964. fair or favorable wind
  965. fair or foul
  966. fair or reasonable price
  967. fair play
  968. fair ride
  969. fair sex
  970. fair trade
  971. fair valuation
  972. fair weather
  973. fair-minded
  974. fair-skinned
  975. fair-spoken
  976. fair-value accounting
  977. fairly
  978. fairly difficult
  979. fairly expensive
  980. fairly high shoes
  981. fairly long period of time
  982. fairly well
  983. fairness
  984. fairway
  985. fairy
  986. fairy bluebird
  987. fairy cake
  988. fairy cichlid
  989. fairy floss
  990. fairy penguin
  991. fairy pitta
  992. fairy play
  993. fairy primrose
  994. fairy ring
  995. fairy slipper
  996. fairy wings
  997. fairy-tale
  998. fairy-tale book
  999. fairyland
  1000. fairytale-like
  1001. fait accompli
  1002. faith
  1003. faith healer
  1004. faith-healing
  1005. faithful
  1006. faithful dog
  1007. faithful or virtuous woman
  1008. faithful servant
  1009. faithful service
  1010. faithful wife
  1011. faithfully following
  1012. faithfulness
  1013. faithfulness and purity
  1014. faithlessness
  1015. fake
  1016. fake bill
  1017. fake bottom
  1018. fake buyer
  1019. fake doctor
  1020. fake fur
  1021. fake goods
  1022. fake kidnapping
  1023. fake merchandise
  1024. fake passport
  1025. fake pearl
  1026. fake refugee
  1027. fake robbery
  1028. fake rock
  1029. fake scholar
  1030. fake stoicism
  1031. fake sword
  1032. fake teeth
  1033. fake trial
  1034. faked information
  1035. faked situation
  1036. faked suicide
  1037. faker
  1038. faking
  1039. faking crying
  1040. falanouc
  1041. falcated teal
  1042. falciform
  1043. falcon
  1044. falconer
  1045. falconry
  1046. falconry term
  1047. fall
  1048. fall air
  1049. fall at harvest time
  1050. fall breeze
  1051. fall colors
  1052. fall crops
  1053. fall day
  1054. fall drop-by-drop
  1055. fall equinox
  1056. fall equinox holiday
  1057. fall festival
  1058. fall from virtue
  1059. fall frost
  1060. fall in popularity
  1061. fall in prices
  1062. fall into a panic
  1063. fall line
  1064. fall melancholy
  1065. fall of a wall
  1066. fall of last year
  1067. fall of the curtain
  1068. fall out
  1069. fall period
  1070. fall perpendicularly
  1071. fall rain
  1072. fall rain front
  1073. fall scenery
  1074. fall season
  1075. fall shower
  1076. fall silkworms
  1077. fall sowing
  1078. fall term
  1079. fall tints
  1080. fall webworm
  1081. fall-back
  1082. fall-leaf viewing
  1083. fall-out
  1084. fall-prevention harness
  1085. fallacious argument
  1086. fallacy
  1087. fallacy of composition
  1088. fallback
  1089. fallback facility
  1090. fallen angel
  1091. fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch
  1092. fallen completely in love with a woman
  1093. fallen ears
  1094. fallen hair
  1095. fallen leaves
  1096. fallen lotus petal
  1097. fallen rocks
  1098. fallen snow
  1099. fallen tree
  1100. fallibilism
  1101. falling
  1102. falling apart
  1103. falling apart while cooking
  1104. falling as flowers do
  1105. falling asleep at the wheel
  1106. falling asleep to the sound of the ocean
  1107. falling badly in love
  1108. falling behind
  1109. falling body
  1110. falling by the wayside
  1111. falling cherry blossoms
  1112. falling dead
  1113. falling down
  1114. falling down drunk
  1115. falling down flat
  1116. falling drop of water
  1117. falling due to a strong wind
  1118. falling far short of
  1119. falling flat
  1120. falling from a horse
  1121. falling headlong
  1122. falling heavily
  1123. falling ill
  1124. falling in
  1125. falling in a doze
  1126. falling in drops
  1127. falling in love
  1128. falling in swirls
  1129. falling into arrears
  1130. falling into hell
  1131. falling into straitened circumstances
  1132. falling intonation
  1133. falling leaves
  1134. falling objects
  1135. falling of the curtain
  1136. falling off
  1137. falling on one's backside
  1138. falling one after another
  1139. falling out
  1140. falling out of teeth
  1141. falling out of the ranks
  1142. falling over
  1143. falling paulownia leaf signaling the beginning of autumn
  1144. falling petals
  1145. falling plump
  1146. falling population
  1147. falling prostrate
  1148. falling rapidly in big drops
  1149. falling rocks
  1150. falling short of the mark
  1151. falling star
  1152. falling suddenly
  1153. falling techniques
  1154. falling through
  1155. falling to one's death
  1156. falling to the ground
  1157. falling to the ground like a Buddha statue being thrown down
  1158. falling together
  1159. falling tone
  1160. falling with a splat
  1161. fallopian tube
  1162. fallout
  1163. fallow
  1164. fallow deer
  1165. fallow ground
  1166. fallow land
  1167. fallowing
  1168. false
  1169. false accusation
  1170. false accusation that Jews murder children to obtain their blood
  1171. false accusations
  1172. false alarm
  1173. false anemone
  1174. false beechdrops
  1175. false bottom
  1176. false catshark
  1177. false charge
  1178. false charges
  1179. false claims
  1180. false cleavers
  1181. false clownwrasse
  1182. false coiffure
  1183. false courage
  1184. false dandelion
  1185. false daphne
  1186. false dragonhead
  1187. false evidence
  1188. false eyelashes
  1189. false fruit
  1190. false gharial
  1191. false glitter
  1192. false hair
  1193. false holly
  1194. false impression
  1195. false imprisonment
  1196. false indigo
  1197. false information
  1198. false killer whale
  1199. false labeling
  1200. false labor pains
  1201. false matsutake
  1202. false membrane
  1203. false moorish idol
  1204. false moustache
  1205. false negative
  1206. false nose
  1207. false oath
  1208. false or crocodile tears
  1209. false or superficial prosperity
  1210. false personation
  1211. false positive
  1212. false pregnancy
  1213. false pretences
  1214. false propaganda
  1215. false report
  1216. false reputation
  1217. false rumor
  1218. false rumour
  1219. false science
  1220. false scorpion
  1221. false shortsightedness
  1222. false start
  1223. false start of the sumo bout
  1224. false statement
  1225. false statement of one's academic career
  1226. false step
  1227. false strawberry
  1228. false subject
  1229. false syllogism
  1230. false telegram
  1231. false testimony
  1232. false theory
  1233. false tooth
  1234. false topaz
  1235. false virgin's lepidella
  1236. false witness
  1237. false-eye sergeant
  1238. falsehood
  1239. falsely similar
  1240. falsetto
  1241. falsifiability
  1242. falsification
  1243. falsified history
  1244. falsified severed head
  1245. faltering
  1246. fame
  1247. fame and fortune
  1248. familial
  1249. familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
  1250. familial love
  1251. familial spastic paraplegia
  1252. familiar
  1253. familiar face
  1254. familiar form of "older brother"
  1255. familiar form of "older sister"
  1256. familiar form of address
  1257. familiar haunts
  1258. familiar or derogatory suffix
  1259. familiar prefix
  1260. familiar spirit
  1261. familiar suffix
  1262. familiar suffix used after a personal name
  1263. familiarity
  1264. familiarity with the land
  1265. familiarizing suffix
  1266. familism
  1267. family
  1268. family a woman has married into
  1269. family affairs
  1270. family assets
  1271. family association
  1272. family atmosphere
  1273. family background
  1274. family bike
  1275. family brand
  1276. family business
  1277. family car
  1278. family chart and personal history
  1279. family circle
  1280. family circumstances
  1281. family clan based on the paternal line
  1282. family code
  1283. family column
  1284. family company
  1285. family computer
  1286. family constitution
  1287. family corporation
  1288. family council
  1289. family court
  1290. family court probation officer
  1291. family crest
  1292. family crest in the shape of such an object
  1293. family crest representing the seven luminaries
  1294. family custom
  1295. family doctor
  1296. family finances
  1297. family fortune
  1298. family fortunes
  1299. family fund
  1300. family grave
  1301. family happiness
  1302. family head
  1303. family headship
  1304. family history
  1305. family honor
  1306. family honour
  1307. family in mourning
  1308. family income
  1309. family lawyer
  1310. family legend
  1311. family life
  1312. family life cycle
  1313. family line
  1314. family lineage
  1315. family love
  1316. family man
  1317. family matters
  1318. family members
  1319. family members left at home
  1320. family members that one has to support
  1321. family name
  1322. family of Shinto priests serving a shrine on a hereditary basis
  1323. family of a prince of royal blood
  1324. family of a soldier at the front
  1325. family of birds
  1326. family of functions
  1327. family of languages
  1328. family or clan system
  1329. family or person with samurai ancestors
  1330. family physician
  1331. family planning
  1332. family positioned to accede to the shogunate
  1333. family precepts
  1334. family predecessor
  1335. family property
  1336. family quarrel
  1337. family reasons
  1338. family register
  1339. family registration official
  1340. family registry
  1341. family relationship
  1342. family restaurant
  1343. family status
  1344. family structure
  1345. family suicide
  1346. family tea gathering held in memory of deceased ancestors
  1347. family therapy
  1348. family ties
  1349. family tradition
  1350. family tree
  1351. family trip
  1352. family trouble
  1353. family use
  1354. family vacation
  1355. family values
  1356. family which supports a temple
  1357. family working in the forest industry
  1358. family-oriented
  1359. family-size
  1360. famine
  1361. famine relief
  1362. famine-relief fund
  1363. famished
  1364. famotidine
  1365. famous
  1366. famous British ship found in 1872 without crew or passengers.
  1367. famous bathhouse with prostitutes from the early Edo period
  1368. famous beautician
  1369. famous book
  1370. famous brewery
  1371. famous bridge
  1372. famous haiku poet
  1373. famous historic spot
  1374. famous jewel
  1375. famous last words
  1376. famous literary composition
  1377. famous mineral water
  1378. famous mountain
  1379. famous music
  1380. famous or accomplished calligrapher
  1381. famous or exceptional car
  1382. famous picture
  1383. famous place
  1384. famous product
  1385. famous recording
  1386. famous river
  1387. famous saying
  1388. famous scene
  1389. famous school or university
  1390. famous spring
  1391. famous store
  1392. famous sword
  1393. famous tea
  1394. famous temple
  1395. famous treasure
  1396. famous winery
  1397. fan
  1398. fan club
  1399. fan coil unit
  1400. fan columbine
  1401. fan form
  1402. fan heater
  1403. fan in autumn
  1404. fan letter
  1405. fan lobster
  1406. fan mussel
  1407. fan painted with a picture
  1408. fan shape
  1409. fan site
  1410. fan varnished with persimmon juice
  1411. fan-cooled system
  1412. fan-equipped cooling system
  1413. fan-fly
  1414. fan-fold paper
  1415. fan-jet
  1416. fan-out
  1417. fan-tailed warbler
  1418. fan-tan
  1419. fanatic
  1420. fanaticism
  1421. fancier
  1422. fanciful
  1423. fancy
  1424. fancy ancient Chinese imported goods
  1425. fancy ball
  1426. fancy cake
  1427. fancy diving
  1428. fancy dress
  1429. fancy food
  1430. fancy goods
  1431. fancy kimono
  1432. fancy kimono used for cherry blossom viewing
  1433. fancy pattern
  1434. fancy restaurant
  1435. fancy store
  1436. fandango
  1437. fanfare
  1438. fanfold paper
  1439. fang
  1440. fanned on three pitches
  1441. fanning out
  1442. fanqie
  1443. fansite
  1444. fansub
  1445. fantail pigeon
  1446. fantasia
  1447. fantasist
  1448. fantastic
  1449. fantastic dog-like creature
  1450. fantastic idea
  1451. fantastic story
  1452. fantasy
  1453. fantasy fiction
  1454. fantasy object for masturbation
  1455. fanzine
  1456. fap fap
  1457. far
  1458. far above the average
  1459. far and away
  1460. far and away the best
  1461. far and near
  1462. far and wide
  1463. far away
  1464. far beyond one's power
  1465. far from
  1466. far from being disappointed
  1467. far from it!
  1468. far from the imperial palace
  1469. far infrared
  1470. far off
  1471. far off or away
  1472. far point
  1473. far sight and deep design
  1474. far surface resolution
  1475. far-left group
  1476. far-off
  1477. far-out
  1478. far-reaching
  1479. far-right leader
  1480. far-sightedness
  1481. farad
  1482. farandole
  1483. faraway
  1484. faraway lands
  1485. faraway look
  1486. farce
  1487. farce presented between noh plays or during the interlude of a noh play
  1488. farcical
  1489. fare
  1490. fare adjustment machine
  1491. fare adjustment office
  1492. fare box
  1493. farewell
  1494. farewell address
  1495. farewell cup
  1496. farewell cups of water
  1497. farewell dinner
  1498. farewell exhibition
  1499. farewell gift
  1500. farewell letter
  1501. farewell look
  1502. farewell meeting
  1503. farewell party
  1504. farewell party for graduates
  1505. farewell performance
  1506. farewell to those staying behind
  1507. farewell visit
  1508. farewells
  1509. farfalle
  1510. farfetched
  1511. farinaceous
  1512. farm
  1513. farm banking
  1514. farm family
  1515. farm hand
  1516. farm house
  1517. farm implements
  1518. farm income
  1519. farm laborer
  1520. farm labourer
  1521. farm machinery
  1522. farm owner
  1523. farm produce
  1524. farm products
  1525. farm road
  1526. farm stay
  1527. farm tariff
  1528. farm team
  1529. farm tools
  1530. farm tractor
  1531. farm village
  1532. farm woman
  1533. farm work
  1534. farm worker
  1535. farm-fresh eggs
  1536. farmer
  1537. farmer's home
  1538. farmer's rake
  1539. farmer's syndrome
  1540. farmer's tan
  1541. farmers
  1542. farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes
  1543. farmhand
  1544. farming
  1545. farming and mountain villages
  1546. farming area
  1547. farming complemented by raising livestock
  1548. farming implement
  1549. farming methods
  1550. farming region
  1551. farming season
  1552. farming without pesticides
  1553. farmland
  1554. farmwork
  1555. farrier
  1556. farsighted and deeply-laid plan
  1557. farsighted policy
  1558. farsightedness
  1559. fart
  1560. fart bug
  1561. farther shore
  1562. farthest
  1563. farthest land
  1564. farthest regions
  1565. farthing
  1566. farting
  1567. farting while asleep
  1568. faschia
  1569. fascia board
  1570. fasciation
  1571. fascicle
  1572. fascicule
  1573. fascinate
  1574. fascinated and distracted by something
  1575. fascinating
  1576. fascinating figure
  1577. fascinatingly elegant
  1578. fascination
  1579. fascine knife
  1580. fascism
  1581. fascist
  1582. fashion
  1583. fashion book
  1584. fashion coordinator
  1585. fashion designer
  1586. fashion editor
  1587. fashion food
  1588. fashion industry
  1589. fashion magazine
  1590. fashion massage
  1591. fashion model
  1592. fashion of the times
  1593. fashion plate
  1594. fashion show
  1595. fashion style characterized by brown hair and deep-tanned skin
  1596. fashion style characterized by frilly dresses
  1597. fashion style of adult women characterized by makeup and clothing that subtly emphasizes cuteness.
  1598. fashion-conscious
  1599. fashionable
  1600. fashionable color
  1601. fashionable colour
  1602. fashionable eyeglasses worn for appearance's sake
  1603. fashionable hairstyle
  1604. fashioning
  1605. fast
  1606. fast Ethernet
  1607. fast Internet connection
  1608. fast and daring
  1609. fast approach
  1610. fast asleep
  1611. fast back
  1612. fast ball
  1613. fast beating
  1614. fast break
  1615. fast charge
  1616. fast color
  1617. fast day
  1618. fast draw
  1619. fast drumming
  1620. fast drying
  1621. fast eater
  1622. fast forward
  1623. fast fourier transform
  1624. fast horse
  1625. fast in forming relationships with women
  1626. fast lane
  1627. fast living
  1628. fast neutron
  1629. fast on
  1630. fast pace
  1631. fast packet
  1632. fast page mode
  1633. fast reactor
  1634. fast runner
  1635. fast sailing
  1636. fast select
  1637. fast ship
  1638. fast slipshod work
  1639. fast tempo
  1640. fast track
  1641. fast typing
  1642. fast working
  1643. fast-acting medicine
  1644. fast-breeder reactor
  1645. fast-food
  1646. fast-fourier-transform
  1647. fast-moving rowboat
  1648. fast-talking
  1649. fast-track
  1650. fastball
  1651. fastener
  1652. fastening
  1653. fastening one's eyes upon
  1654. fastening the doors
  1655. fastening with glue
  1656. fastest
  1657. fastidious
  1658. fastidiousness
  1659. fasting
  1660. fasting fish for several days to preserve flavour and quality
  1661. fasting month
  1662. fat
  1663. fat face
  1664. fat greenling
  1665. fat hen
  1666. fat horse
  1667. fat legs
  1668. fat meat
  1669. fat person
  1670. fat pipe
  1671. fat under-belly of tuna
  1672. fat underbelly of a fish
  1673. fat-bodied
  1674. fat-free
  1675. fat-solubility
  1676. fat-soluble vitamin
  1677. fatal
  1678. fatal case
  1679. fatal disease
  1680. fatal error
  1681. fatal situation
  1682. fatal wound
  1683. fatalism
  1684. fatalist
  1685. fate
  1686. fate of a person being unknown
  1687. fate predetermined from a prior existence
  1688. fateful
  1689. father
  1690. father and child
  1691. father and mother
  1692. father complex
  1693. father of atomic physics
  1694. father of one's country
  1695. father of one's wife
  1696. father of the Imperial adviser
  1697. father's side of family
  1698. father-in-law
  1699. fatherland
  1700. fatherless family
  1701. fatherless or illegitimate child
  1702. fatherly master
  1703. fathers
  1704. fathom
  1705. fathomless
  1706. fatigue
  1707. fatigue duty
  1708. fatigue from traveling
  1709. fatigue resulting from insomnia
  1710. fatigues
  1711. fatness
  1712. fats
  1713. fats and oils
  1714. fattening
  1715. fatty
  1716. fatty acid
  1717. fatty acid peroxides
  1718. fatty constitution
  1719. fatty heart
  1720. fatty layer
  1721. fatty liver
  1722. fatty oil
  1723. fatwa
  1724. faucet
  1725. fault
  1726. fault analysis
  1727. fault basin
  1728. fault belt
  1729. fault bypass
  1730. fault bypass block
  1731. fault clay
  1732. fault clearing
  1733. fault coast
  1734. fault earthquake
  1735. fault escarpment
  1736. fault gouge
  1737. fault lake
  1738. fault liability principle
  1739. fault line
  1740. fault motion
  1741. fault movement
  1742. fault plane
  1743. fault recovery
  1744. fault restoration
  1745. fault scarp
  1746. fault surface
  1747. fault threshold
  1748. fault topography
  1749. fault trace
  1750. fault valley
  1751. fault zone
  1752. fault-block mountains
  1753. fault-finding
  1754. fault-rate threshold
  1755. fault-tolerance
  1756. fault-tolerant
  1757. faultfinding
  1758. faulting
  1759. faultless
  1760. faults
  1761. faulty
  1762. faulty ballot
  1763. faulty expression
  1764. faulty maintenance
  1765. faulty sector
  1766. fauna
  1767. fauve
  1768. fauvisme
  1769. faux pas
  1770. fava bean
  1771. favor
  1772. favor done for somebody
  1773. favor of emperor
  1774. favorable
  1775. favorable balance of trade
  1776. favorable chance
  1777. favorable circumstances
  1778. favorable condition
  1779. favorable conditions
  1780. favorable impression
  1781. favorable influence
  1782. favorable reputation
  1783. favorable terms
  1784. favorable treatment
  1785. favorable turn of fortune
  1786. favorable wind
  1787. favored by
  1788. favored people
  1789. favored retainer
  1790. favorite
  1791. favorite book
  1792. favorite child
  1793. favorite courtier
  1794. favorite food
  1795. favorite for the championship
  1796. favorite horse
  1797. favorite motto
  1798. favorite phrase
  1799. favorite poem or song
  1800. favorite printing
  1801. favorite pupil
  1802. favorite snack to have with drinks
  1803. favorite song
  1804. favorite thing
  1805. favoritism
  1806. favors
  1807. favour
  1808. favour of emperor
  1809. favourable
  1810. favourable balance of trade
  1811. favourable chance
  1812. favourable circumstances
  1813. favourable conditions
  1814. favourable impression
  1815. favourable influence
  1816. favourable opportunity
  1817. favourable or lucky direction
  1818. favourable position
  1819. favourable reputation
  1820. favourable situation
  1821. favourable terms
  1822. favourable treatment
  1823. favourable wind
  1824. favourably comparing
  1825. favoured retainer
  1826. favourite
  1827. favourite aeroplane
  1828. favourite book
  1829. favourite child
  1830. favourite concubine
  1831. favourite courtier
  1832. favourite dish
  1833. favourite food
  1834. favourite horse
  1835. favourite motto
  1836. favourite musical instrument
  1837. favourite phrase
  1838. favourite poem or song
  1839. favourite printing
  1840. favourite pupil
  1841. favourite snack to have with drinks
  1842. favourite song
  1843. favouritism
  1844. favours
  1845. favus
  1846. fawn
  1847. fawn colour
  1848. fawn-colored horse
  1849. fawning
  1850. fax
  1851. fax machine
  1852. fax transmission
  1853. fear
  1854. fear of blushing
  1855. fear of confined spaces
  1856. fear of heights
  1857. fear of strangers
  1858. fear of troubling someone
  1859. fear overruns the danger
  1860. feared to
  1861. fearfully
  1862. fearless
  1863. fearlessly
  1864. fearlessness
  1865. fears
  1866. feasibility
  1867. feasibility study
  1868. feasible
  1869. feast
  1870. feast for one's eyes
  1871. feasts
  1872. feat
  1873. feat of strength
  1874. feather
  1875. feather duster
  1876. feather plane
  1877. feather-fin bullfish
  1878. feathercut
  1879. feathered dinosaurs
  1880. featherfin coralfish
  1881. feathers
  1882. featherweight
  1883. feats of practice
  1884. feature
  1885. feature connector
  1886. feature extraction
  1887. feature film
  1888. feature group
  1889. feature of a sword blade
  1890. feature structure
  1891. feature test macro
  1892. feature value
  1893. featured product
  1894. featured songs
  1895. featureless
  1896. features
  1897. features of the face
  1898. featuring a bun resembling a halved peach
  1899. febrile disease
  1900. fecal stasis
  1901. fecaloma
  1902. feces
  1903. feces and urine
  1904. feces contained long in the intestines
  1905. feckless
  1906. fecund
  1907. fecundity
  1908. fed up with
  1909. fedelini
  1910. federal
  1911. federal authorities
  1912. federal budget
  1913. federal chancellor
  1914. federal court
  1915. federal deficit
  1916. federal fund
  1917. federal government
  1918. federal officials
  1919. federal parliament
  1920. federal police
  1921. federal president
  1922. federal state
  1923. federal system
  1924. federalism
  1925. federalist
  1926. federation
  1927. federation of states
  1928. fedora
  1929. fee
  1930. fee business
  1931. fee charged at a public bath
  1932. fee charged for hotel room
  1933. fee contingent upon success
  1934. fee for a geisha's time
  1935. fee for a woman's companionship
  1936. fee for an initial medical examination
  1937. fee for board and lodging
  1938. fee for day-care
  1939. fee for having one's fortune told
  1940. fee for public bath
  1941. fee for writing or painting
  1942. fee paid for the services of a geisha or prostitute
  1943. fee paid to performing artists
  1944. feeble
  1945. feeble existence
  1946. feeble-minded child
  1947. feeble-minded old man
  1948. feeble-minded person
  1949. feeble-mindedness
  1950. feeblemindedness
  1951. feebleness
  1952. feed
  1953. feed bowl
  1954. feed box
  1955. feed hole
  1956. feed lot
  1957. feed pitch
  1958. feed track
  1959. feed tray
  1960. feed trough
  1961. feed unit
  1962. feed-forward
  1963. feedback
  1964. feedback control
  1965. feeder
  1966. feeding
  1967. feeding cup
  1968. feeding grounds
  1969. feeding habit
  1970. feeding habitat
  1971. feeding paper through a device
  1972. feeding through a tube
  1973. feel
  1974. feel chilly
  1975. feel compelled to
  1976. feel disappointed
  1977. feel emotionally drained
  1978. feel for
  1979. feel gloomy
  1980. feel good
  1981. feel heavy
  1982. feel let down
  1983. feel like running away
  1984. feel of
  1985. feel of a brush or pen
  1986. feel of a chair
  1987. feel of a material
  1988. feel of being watched
  1989. feel of food while being chewed
  1990. feel of goods
  1991. feel one's way
  1992. feel refreshed
  1993. feel relieved
  1994. feel sick
  1995. feel uneasy
  1996. feel unwell
  1997. feel when biting
  1998. feel when wearing something
  1999. feel-good
  2000. feeler

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