; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

34 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. leisure market
  2. leisure season for farmers
  3. leisure tasks
  4. leisure time
  5. leisure wear
  6. leisured
  7. leisurely
  8. leisurely bath
  9. leisurely post
  10. leitmotif
  11. leitmotiv
  12. lek
  13. lekking
  14. lemma
  15. lemmata
  16. lemming
  17. lemniscate
  18. lemon
  19. lemon balm
  20. lemon butter
  21. lemon butterflyfish
  22. lemon grass
  23. lemon juice
  24. lemon peel
  25. lemon shark
  26. lemon sole
  27. lemon squash
  28. lemon tea
  29. lemon water
  30. lemon yellow
  31. lemonade
  32. lemongrass
  33. lemur
  34. lend-lease
  35. lender
  36. lending
  37. lending and borrowing
  38. lending money and taking advance interest
  39. lending rights
  40. lending stock
  41. lending-period
  42. length
  43. length and breadth
  44. length and capacity
  45. length and width
  46. length indicator
  47. length indicator octets
  48. length measuring machine
  49. length of a blade
  50. length of a character string
  51. length of a sleeve
  52. length of an animal
  53. length of hair
  54. length of one's stay
  55. length of the course of study
  56. length of the legs
  57. length of time
  58. length of time a fire burns
  59. length of time which food products will keep
  60. lengthening
  61. lengthening a vowel
  62. lengthily
  63. lengthwise and crosswise
  64. lengthy
  65. lengthy consideration
  66. lengthy lecture
  67. lengthy military expedition
  68. lengthy time
  69. leniency
  70. leniency and severity
  71. lenient
  72. lenient confinement or house arrest
  73. lenient regulations
  74. lens
  75. lens hood
  76. lens shutter
  77. lens tube
  78. lens-barrel
  79. lens-cleaning paper
  80. lens-shaped
  81. lenticel
  82. lenticular
  83. lenticularis
  84. lentil
  85. lento
  86. leopard
  87. leopard cat
  88. leopard flower
  89. leopard fur
  90. leopard lily
  91. leopard print
  92. leopard seal
  93. leopard shark
  94. leopard sharpnose puffer
  95. leopard toby
  96. leopon
  97. leotard
  98. leper
  99. lepidodendron
  100. lepidopterans
  101. leprosy
  102. leptocephalus
  103. lepton
  104. leptosomaic
  105. leptosomatic
  106. leptosomatic habit
  107. leptosome
  108. leptospirosis
  109. lesbian
  110. lesbian feelings
  111. lesbian feminism
  112. lesbian tendencies
  113. lesbianism
  114. lesbo
  115. lese majeste
  116. lesion
  117. less
  118. less able
  119. less and less
  120. less is more
  121. less objectionable
  122. less speed
  123. less than
  124. less than ...
  125. less than ... years old
  126. less than a year old
  127. less than or equal to 125cc
  128. less than or equal to 50cc
  129. less than sign or greater than sign
  130. less-than mark
  131. lessee
  132. lessening
  133. lesser
  134. lesser Egyptian gerbil
  135. lesser banded hornet
  136. lesser cuckoo
  137. lesser curvature of stomach
  138. lesser emperor
  139. lesser panda
  140. lesson
  141. lesson learned from someone's else mistake
  142. lesson or a phrase that teaches you not to do something
  143. lesson or teaching plan
  144. lesson study
  145. lessons
  146. lessor
  147. let
  148. let a large bug live and kill a small one
  149. let alone
  150. let loose
  151. let me humbly say
  152. let me see
  153. let me see...
  154. let's
  155. let's do
  156. let's go
  157. let's have a quick drink
  158. let's not say to each other
  159. let's not speak so stiffly
  160. let's put formalities aside
  161. let's see what you've got
  162. let-down
  163. letdown
  164. lethal
  165. lethal dose
  166. lethal factor
  167. lethal gene
  168. lethal injection
  169. lethal mutation
  170. lethal radioactive fallout
  171. lethal weapon
  172. lethargic
  173. lethargic state
  174. lethargy
  175. letter
  176. letter "S"
  177. letter "T"
  178. letter 'M'
  179. letter affixed to an arrow
  180. letter bearing the shogun's scarlet seal
  181. letter bomb
  182. letter by letter
  183. letter carrier
  184. letter drop
  185. letter dropped in the road
  186. letter explaining the reasons for cutting down an alleged villain
  187. letter facsimile
  188. letter from a reader
  189. letter from home
  190. letter in university application form
  191. letter left behind by someone who has departed
  192. letter made from a picture one has drawn
  193. letter of acceptance
  194. letter of advice
  195. letter of apology
  196. letter of appointment
  197. letter of challenge
  198. letter of commendation
  199. letter of condolence
  200. letter of consent
  201. letter of credit
  202. letter of divorce
  203. letter of enquiry
  204. letter of explanation
  205. letter of inquiry
  206. letter of intent
  207. letter of introduction
  208. letter of invitation
  209. letter of pardon
  210. letter of protest
  211. letter of recommendation
  212. letter of resignation
  213. letter of responsibility
  214. letter of thanks
  215. letter paper
  216. letter proposing marriage
  217. letter rack
  218. letter received
  219. letter requesting money
  220. letter size
  221. letter spacing
  222. letter that fails to reach its destination
  223. letter to the editor
  224. letter tossed into a home
  225. letter type code
  226. letter-card
  227. letter-closing phrase expressing regret for a delay
  228. letter-paper
  229. letterbox
  230. lettercard
  231. letterhead
  232. lettering
  233. lettering of an engraving
  234. lettering on the spine of a book
  235. letterpress
  236. letterpress printing
  237. letters in a title
  238. letters to the editor section
  239. letters-to-the-editor column
  240. letting a good ball go by
  241. letting die without helping
  242. letting feelings out
  243. letting go
  244. letting go one's hold
  245. letting imagination run away with one
  246. letting live and killing
  247. letting off
  248. letting out a secret
  249. letting out blood prior to cooking
  250. letting pass
  251. letting run free
  252. lettuce
  253. letup in the rain
  254. leucine
  255. leucism
  256. leucocyte
  257. leucoderma
  258. leucomycin
  259. leucoplast
  260. leukemia
  261. leukocoria
  262. leukocyte
  263. leukoderma
  264. leutenant surgeonfish
  265. leutenant tang
  266. levee
  267. levee protection works
  268. level
  269. level 1 cache
  270. level and calm
  271. level crossing
  272. level emotion
  273. level flight
  274. level garden
  275. level ground
  276. level indicator
  277. level of achievement
  278. level of comfort
  279. level of confidence
  280. level of familiarity
  281. level of humidity
  282. level of imports
  283. level of maturity
  284. level of performance
  285. level of significance
  286. level sense method
  287. level set
  288. level surface
  289. level tone
  290. level-headed
  291. level-number
  292. leveling
  293. leveling instrument
  294. leveling off
  295. levelling
  296. levelling a powder or liquid in a container
  297. levelling instrument
  298. levelling off
  299. levels or stages
  300. lever
  301. lever mechanism
  302. leverage
  303. leverage effect
  304. leviathan
  305. levirate
  306. levirate marriage
  307. levitation
  308. levity
  309. levocardia
  310. levorotatory
  311. levulin
  312. levy
  313. levying
  314. lewd
  315. lewd man
  316. lewd manners
  317. lewd person
  318. lewd pictures
  319. lewd woman
  320. lewdness
  321. lewisite
  322. lexeme
  323. lexical
  324. lexical analysis
  325. lexical rule
  326. lexical structure
  327. lexical token
  328. lexical unit
  329. lexical-functional grammar
  330. lexicography
  331. lexicology
  332. lexicon
  333. lexicostatistics
  334. lexis
  335. li
  336. liabilities
  337. liability
  338. liability insurance
  339. liability with interest
  340. liable to
  341. liable to do
  342. liaison
  343. liaison committee
  344. liaison conference
  345. liaison council
  346. liaison department
  347. liaison group
  348. liaison officer
  349. liana
  350. liar
  351. liatris
  352. libel
  353. liberal
  354. liberal arts
  355. liberal arts college
  356. liberal arts school
  357. liberal feminism
  358. liberal profession
  359. liberal theology
  360. liberal translation
  361. liberalisation
  362. liberalisation of imports
  363. liberalism
  364. liberalist
  365. liberality
  366. liberalization
  367. liberalization of imports
  368. liberally
  369. liberated area or zone
  370. liberated woman
  371. liberation
  372. liberation movement
  373. liberation theology
  374. libertarianism
  375. libertine
  376. liberty
  377. liberty of entrance
  378. libido
  379. librarian
  380. library
  381. library arrangement
  382. library case
  383. library directory
  384. library file
  385. library function
  386. library network
  387. library of historical records
  388. library room
  389. library routine
  390. library science
  391. library system
  392. library text
  393. library-name
  394. libration
  395. libretto
  396. lice
  397. lice-ridden
  398. licence
  399. licence fee
  400. licence plate
  401. licence production
  402. licence system
  403. license
  404. license agreement
  405. license document
  406. license fee
  407. license free
  408. license owner
  409. license plate
  410. license production
  411. license set
  412. license store
  413. license system
  414. license to practice medicine
  415. license with a red seal
  416. licensed
  417. licensed or qualified or eligible person
  418. licensed prostitution
  419. licensed red-light quarters
  420. licensed social insurance consultant
  421. licensed tax accountant
  422. licensed teacher
  423. licensed trade
  424. licensee
  425. licensing
  426. licensing examination
  427. licensor
  428. licensure examination
  429. licentious
  430. licentiousness
  431. lichee
  432. lichen
  433. lichen planus
  434. lichens
  435. lick
  436. licking
  437. licking one's chopsticks
  438. licking one's lips or chops
  439. licorice
  440. lid
  441. lid resting directly on food
  442. lid retractor
  443. lidded
  444. lidded pottery or receptacle
  445. lidless box for clothes
  446. lidocaine
  447. lie
  448. lie detector
  449. lie detector test
  450. lie of a hair
  451. lie on one's back
  452. lied
  453. liege lord
  454. lies
  455. lieutenant
  456. lieutenant colonel
  457. lieutenant commander
  458. lieutenant general
  459. lieutenant governor
  460. lieutenant junior grade
  461. lieutenant surgeon
  462. life
  463. life and death
  464. life and-or death
  465. life as evanescent as the dew
  466. life bar
  467. life belt
  468. life blood
  469. life buoy
  470. life circumstances
  471. life cycle
  472. life cycle analysis
  473. life energy
  474. life expectancy
  475. life extension
  476. life force
  477. life free from worldly cares
  478. life guard
  479. life history
  480. life imprisonment
  481. life in a foreign country
  482. life in exile
  483. life in natural setting
  484. life in the country
  485. life in the suburbs
  486. life insurance
  487. life insurance company
  488. life insurance policy
  489. life is not in danger
  490. life is short
  491. life jacket
  492. life matters advice service
  493. life member
  494. life of a bachelor
  495. life of austerity
  496. life of faith
  497. life of leisurely retirement
  498. life of meditation
  499. life of misery
  500. life of prostitution
  501. life on the run
  502. life on the streets
  503. life or death
  504. life or death struggle
  505. life pension
  506. life plan
  507. life planning
  508. life raft
  509. life science
  510. life sentence
  511. life span
  512. life stage
  513. life story
  514. life to come
  515. life vest
  516. life's struggles
  517. life-and-death matter
  518. life-and-death power
  519. life-and-death problem
  520. life-and-death struggle
  521. life-cycle energy
  522. life-form
  523. life-jacket
  524. life-or-death for a nation
  525. life-prolonging treatment
  526. life-saving
  527. life-saving sword
  528. life-service
  529. life-size
  530. life-sized doll used for masturbation
  531. life-style
  532. life-support
  533. life-support system
  534. life-vest
  535. life-work
  536. lifeblood
  537. lifeboat
  538. lifeguard
  539. lifeless
  540. lifelike
  541. lifelike doll
  542. lifeline
  543. lifelong
  544. lifelong education
  545. lifelong learning
  546. lifelong separation
  547. liferaft
  548. lifesaver
  549. lifesaving
  550. lifesaving equipment
  551. lifespan
  552. lifestyle
  553. lifestyle disease
  554. lifestyle magazine
  555. lifetime
  556. lifetime employment
  557. lifework
  558. lift
  559. lift valve
  560. lift-drag ratio
  561. lift-off
  562. liftback
  563. lifting
  564. lifting a ban
  565. lifting a person high
  566. lifting and recovery
  567. lifting body slam
  568. lifting height
  569. lifting of a gold embargo
  570. lifting power
  571. lifting stone
  572. lifting throw
  573. ligament
  574. ligand
  575. ligase
  576. ligature
  577. liger
  578. light
  579. light Kyoto-style home cooking with boiled vegetables and marinated food
  580. light adaptation
  581. light air
  582. light alloy
  583. light and darkness
  584. light and easy
  585. light and flame
  586. light and heat
  587. light and shade
  588. light beer
  589. light blue
  590. light blue samurai costume commonly worn when committing suicide
  591. light boat
  592. light bomber
  593. light breeze
  594. light brown
  595. light brown sugar
  596. light bubbling
  597. light bulb
  598. light button
  599. light caning
  600. light canned tuna
  601. light case of smallpox
  602. light cavalry
  603. light chamfering
  604. light chestnut
  605. light color
  606. light coloring
  607. light colour
  608. light colouring
  609. light comedy
  610. light coming in or leaking through a window
  611. light crimson
  612. light crude oil
  613. light director
  614. light distribution
  615. light eater
  616. light eating
  617. light echo
  618. light electrical appliance
  619. light emanating from a buddha or bodhisattva
  620. light emanating from a sword
  621. light emitter
  622. light emitting diode
  623. light environment
  624. light field gun
  625. light flaked canned tuna
  626. light flyweight
  627. light from outside
  628. light gains make heavy purse
  629. light green
  630. light greenish-blue
  631. light guide
  632. light head
  633. light heat at the beginning of the summer
  634. light heavyweight
  635. light hemp garment
  636. light in the head
  637. light indigo
  638. light industry
  639. light jest or story
  640. light labor
  641. light labour
  642. light light blue
  643. light literature popular in the late Edo period
  644. light lunch
  645. light machine gun
  646. light makeup
  647. light meal
  648. light metals
  649. light meter
  650. light middleweight
  651. light mist
  652. light motor vehicle
  653. light mountain-climbing shoes
  654. light music
  655. light novel
  656. light of Buddhism
  657. light of a firefly
  658. light of dawn
  659. light of wisdom
  660. light offered to a god or Buddha
  661. light oil
  662. light opera
  663. light or fine rain
  664. light passenger car
  665. light pen
  666. light pink
  667. light pressure
  668. light purple
  669. light quantum
  670. light railway
  671. light rain
  672. light rainfall
  673. light ray
  674. light red
  675. light reduction
  676. light sabre
  677. light sandwich tuna
  678. light shadow
  679. light shimmering on water
  680. light show
  681. light shower
  682. light shower on a night in late autumn and early winter
  683. light snow
  684. light snow fall
  685. light snowfall
  686. light source
  687. light source direction
  688. light source state
  689. light soy sauce
  690. light spot
  691. light stick
  692. light that is said to be emitted from some hair or tuft in Buddha's forehead
  693. light trading
  694. light transport helicopter
  695. light trap for killing insects
  696. light used as a religious offering
  697. light used for brightly lighting up a plaza
  698. light value
  699. light van
  700. light vehicle tax
  701. light verse
  702. light water
  703. light waves
  704. light weapons
  705. light weight
  706. light welterweight
  707. light wind
  708. light year
  709. light yellow
  710. light yellowish green
  711. light-brown miso
  712. light-brown rice
  713. light-complexioned
  714. light-emitting diode
  715. light-footed
  716. light-guiding panel
  717. light-guiding plate
  718. light-pen detection
  719. light-pen hit
  720. light-water nuclear reactor
  721. light-water reactor
  722. light-wave communication
  723. light-weight polyester jacket
  724. lighted lamp provided as a religious offering
  725. lighted up
  726. lighten up!
  727. lighter
  728. lighter aboard ship
  729. lighter case
  730. lightfaced
  731. lightheadedness
  732. lighthearted
  733. lighthearted talk
  734. lightheartedness
  735. lighthouse
  736. lighthouse keeper
  737. lighting
  738. lighting a fire
  739. lighting a torch
  740. lighting equipment
  741. lighting model
  742. lighting of a lamp
  743. lighting up a lamp
  744. lighting-up time
  745. lightly
  746. lightly dressed
  747. lightly fried or baked
  748. lightly goes
  749. lightly pickled vegetables
  750. lightly salted
  751. lightly seasoned
  752. lightly-armored soldier
  753. lightly-populated area
  754. lightness
  755. lightness of foot
  756. lightning
  757. lightning attack
  758. lightning bolt
  759. lightning bug
  760. lightning rod
  761. lightning speed
  762. lightning strike
  763. lightpole
  764. lights that can be seen on the altar of gods
  765. lights to lure fish
  766. lights used on the top of emergency vehicles
  767. lights-out trumpet or bugle call
  768. lightweight
  769. lightweight car with low registration costs
  770. lightweight class
  771. lightweight directory access protocol
  772. lightweight equipment or dress
  773. lightweight fabric or clothing
  774. lightweight truck
  775. ligneous
  776. lignification
  777. lignin
  778. lignite
  779. lignitised Japanese cedar
  780. lignitized Japanese cedar
  781. lignum vitae
  782. ligroin
  783. likable
  784. like
  785. like a ...
  786. like a bubble on liquid
  787. like a carp stuck in a puddle on the road
  788. like a charm
  789. like a chrysanthemum prepared for the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar for the Chrysanthemum festival but that blooms only on the tenth
  790. like a decent person
  791. like a drowned rat
  792. like a glove
  793. like a log
  794. like a lord
  795. like a pigeon who's been shot by a peashooter
  796. like a small bag seems to be able to contain few items yet can be stuffed with many
  797. like an electric shock
  798. like an old man
  799. like begets like
  800. like cats and dogs
  801. like chickens
  802. like clockwork
  803. like dew or lightning
  804. like father
  805. like he said
  806. like it grows on trees
  807. like it or not
  808. like looking out on an abyss
  809. like mad
  810. like man
  811. like marries like
  812. like minds gather
  813. like oil and water
  814. like one's older brother
  815. like or not like
  816. like other people
  817. like others
  818. like something strange
  819. like son
  820. like standing on the edge of an abyss
  821. like terms
  822. like that
  823. like the difference between heaven and hell
  824. like the smiling of a beauty
  825. like the young man who tried to walk like the Kantan people
  826. like this
  827. like trying to scoop water with a basket
  828. like very much
  829. like water
  830. like water off a duck's back
  831. like wearing a red eboshi
  832. like wife
  833. like wind blowing through the spring sunshine
  834. like-new item
  835. likeable
  836. likelihood
  837. likelihood of committing a crime
  838. likely
  839. likely loss
  840. likely to
  841. likely to grow worse
  842. likely winner
  843. likeness
  844. likes and dislikes
  845. liking
  846. liking both alcohol and sweets
  847. liking cleanliness
  848. liking something
  849. liking to keep things clean
  850. lilac
  851. lily
  852. lily bulb
  853. lily magnolia
  854. lily of the valley
  855. lily skirt
  856. lily yarn
  857. lily-of-the-nile
  858. lily-of-the-valley
  859. lily-white skin
  860. limb
  861. limbering up
  862. limbic system
  863. limbless wooden doll
  864. limbo
  865. limbo dance
  866. limbs
  867. limbs going to sleep
  868. lime
  869. lime juice
  870. lime or calcium fertiliser
  871. lime or calcium fertilizer
  872. lime stick for catching insects
  873. lime tree
  874. lime-leaved maple
  875. limelight
  876. limerick
  877. limestone
  878. limestone cave
  879. limewater
  880. liminal threshold between the exterior and the interior of a house
  881. liminality
  882. limit
  883. limit check
  884. limit dispatching priority
  885. limit gauge
  886. limit of advance
  887. limit on participation
  888. limit order
  889. limit orders that become market orders at the closing auction if not already executed
  890. limit point
  891. limit price
  892. limit value
  893. limit-cycle
  894. limitation
  895. limitation in stock investment
  896. limitation of armaments
  897. limitation of arms
  898. limitations
  899. limited
  900. limited amount of rain which falls off to a certain region
  901. limited area
  902. limited company
  903. limited edition
  904. limited entry table
  905. limited express
  906. limited express train
  907. limited guardian
  908. limited information
  909. limited liability
  910. limited liability company
  911. limited monarchy
  912. limited partnership
  913. limited publication
  914. limited strength
  915. limited tender contract
  916. limited time
  917. limited war
  918. limited warranties
  919. limiter
  920. limiting
  921. limiting conditions
  922. limitless
  923. limitless budget
  924. limitless expanse of clouds and smoke
  925. limitless time and space
  926. limitlessness of taiji
  927. limits
  928. limits of technology
  929. limnology
  930. limonene
  931. limonite
  932. limousine
  933. limp
  934. limpet
  935. limpid water
  936. limping
  937. limply
  938. limpness
  939. linage
  940. linage-counter
  941. linalool
  942. linch
  943. linchpin
  944. lincomycin
  945. lindane
  946. linden
  947. linden arrowwood
  948. linden or basswood
  949. lindy
  950. lindy hop
  951. line
  952. line and staff
  953. line array
  954. line bandwidth
  955. line between victory and defeat
  956. line box
  957. line capacity
  958. line card
  959. line chart
  960. line classification
  961. line concentrator
  962. line cost
  963. line dance
  964. line discipline
  965. line drawing
  966. line drive
  967. line drive to the shortstop
  968. line editor
  969. line graph
  970. line graphics
  971. line height
  972. line home position
  973. line integral
  974. line interface
  975. line interface module
  976. line length
  977. line mode
  978. line multiplexer
  979. line network
  980. line number
  981. line of a poem
  982. line of battle
  983. line of business
  984. line of command
  985. line of communications
  986. line of contact
  987. line of control
  988. line of defence
  989. line of demarcation
  990. line of departure
  991. line of discontinuity
  992. line of electric force
  993. line of fire
  994. line of flow
  995. line of force
  996. line of heat
  997. line of houses
  998. line of magnetic force
  999. line of policy
  1000. line of regents and advisers
  1001. line of scrimmage
  1002. line of spears held at the ready
  1003. line of work
  1004. line off
  1005. line organisation
  1006. line organization
  1007. line out
  1008. line pitch
  1009. line printer
  1010. line progression
  1011. line rate
  1012. line segment
  1013. line shaft
  1014. line spacing
  1015. line spectrum
  1016. line speed
  1017. line switching
  1018. line terminating equipment
  1019. line termination
  1020. line terminator
  1021. line to cut something off along
  1022. line to fold along
  1023. line trace
  1024. line type
  1025. line utilization rate
  1026. line where two ocean currents meet
  1027. line writing direction
  1028. line-feed
  1029. line-of-sight velocity
  1030. line-spacing in text
  1031. line-up
  1032. linea alba
  1033. lineage
  1034. lineage of eldest son
  1035. lineal ascendant
  1036. lineal descendant
  1037. lineal descendants
  1038. linear
  1039. linear accelerator
  1040. linear algebra
  1041. linear binary sequence generator
  1042. linear classification system
  1043. linear equation
  1044. linear expression
  1045. linear filter
  1046. linear function
  1047. linear induction motor train
  1048. linear interpolation
  1049. linear list
  1050. linear logic
  1051. linear mapping
  1052. linear mark
  1053. linear measure
  1054. linear motion
  1055. linear motor
  1056. linear motor train
  1057. linear network
  1058. linear notation
  1059. linear precedence
  1060. linear programing
  1061. linear programming
  1062. linear search
  1063. linear system
  1064. linear transformation
  1065. linear velocity
  1066. linearity
  1067. linearly independent
  1068. lineated butterflyfish
  1069. linebacker
  1070. lined
  1071. lined butterflyfish
  1072. lined chromis
  1073. lined curtain
  1074. lined garment
  1075. lined hogfish
  1076. lined kimono
  1077. lined surgeonfish
  1078. lined up in a row
  1079. linefeed
  1080. lineman
  1081. linemen
  1082. linen
  1083. linen kariginu
  1084. linen robe
  1085. linen thread
  1086. liner
  1087. liner note
  1088. liner notes
  1089. lines
  1090. lines drawn to represent motion
  1091. lines in operation
  1092. lines of a mountain ridge
  1093. lines of communication
  1094. lines of the palm
  1095. lines representing the flow of a fluid
  1096. linesiders
  1097. linesman
  1098. linetype
  1099. lineup
  1100. linewidth scale factor
  1101. linga
  1102. lingala
  1103. lingam
  1104. linger
  1105. lingerie
  1106. lingerie and foundation
  1107. lingering
  1108. lingering affection
  1109. lingering charm
  1110. lingering cold
  1111. lingering discomfort
  1112. lingering enthusiasm
  1113. lingering fragrance
  1114. lingering heat
  1115. lingering in the air
  1116. lingering life
  1117. lingering light
  1118. lingering light of evening
  1119. lingering memory
  1120. lingering odor
  1121. lingering odor of giver
  1122. lingering odour
  1123. lingering patches of snow
  1124. lingering raindrops
  1125. lingering recession
  1126. lingering scent
  1127. lingering scent of a flower in the darkness
  1128. lingering smoke
  1129. lingering snow
  1130. lingering summer heat
  1131. lingering winter
  1132. lingua franca
  1133. lingual sound
  1134. linguine
  1135. linguini
  1136. linguist
  1137. linguistic
  1138. linguistic activity
  1139. linguistic atlas
  1140. linguistic conceptualism
  1141. linguistic data
  1142. linguistic geography
  1143. linguistic map
  1144. linguistic psychology
  1145. linguistic realism
  1146. linguistic sociology
  1147. linguistic turn
  1148. linguistics
  1149. lingulate brachiopod
  1150. liniment
  1151. lining
  1152. lining a kimono with the same material as the kimono itself
  1153. lining at the bottom of a kimono
  1154. lining membrane
  1155. lining of a haori
  1156. lining of a sleeve
  1157. lining of pants seat
  1158. lining of the collar
  1159. lining out to first base
  1160. lining out to second base
  1161. lining paper
  1162. lining up
  1163. lining up shoulder to shoulder like flying geese
  1164. lining up with
  1165. link
  1166. link access protocol
  1167. link attribute
  1168. link back to discussion group
  1169. link banner
  1170. link control protocol
  1171. link count
  1172. link end
  1173. link failure
  1174. link group
  1175. link length
  1176. link number
  1177. link process
  1178. link process definition
  1179. link redirect
  1180. link set
  1181. link set declaration
  1182. link state
  1183. link store
  1184. link system
  1185. link to
  1186. link to previous post
  1187. link type
  1188. link type declaration
  1189. link type declaration subset
  1190. link-by-link encipherment
  1191. link-up
  1192. linkage
  1193. linkage disequilibrium
  1194. linkage editing
  1195. linkage editor
  1196. linkage group
  1197. linkage section
  1198. linked
  1199. linked form
  1200. linked list
  1201. linked multi-session
  1202. linked together
  1203. linked verse
  1204. linked-operations
  1205. linker
  1206. linking
  1207. linking little fingers to confirm a promise
  1208. linking particle
  1209. linking poems
  1210. linking program
  1211. linking up
  1212. linkman
  1213. linkrot
  1214. links
  1215. lino tile
  1216. linocut
  1217. linole
  1218. linoleic acid
  1219. linolenic acid
  1220. linoleum
  1221. linotype
  1222. linsang
  1223. linseed
  1224. linseed oil
  1225. lint
  1226. lintel
  1227. lintel beam
  1228. lintel of the alcove in a tea room or a window in a shoin-style reception room
  1229. linter
  1230. lion
  1231. lion at home but weakling elsewhere
  1232. lion dance
  1233. lion mask
  1234. lion tamarin
  1235. lion's roar
  1236. lion-hearted general
  1237. lip
  1238. lip balm
  1239. lip corners
  1240. lip piercing
  1241. lip reading
  1242. lip service
  1243. lip-service
  1244. lip-sync
  1245. lip-synch
  1246. lipase
  1247. lipid
  1248. lipid droplet
  1249. lipid solubility
  1250. lipoglycans
  1251. lipoic acid
  1252. lipoid
  1253. lipoma
  1254. lipophilic
  1255. lipopolysaccharide
  1256. lipoprotein
  1257. liposolubility
  1258. liposome
  1259. liposteroid
  1260. liposuction
  1261. lipotrophin
  1262. lipotropin
  1263. lipreading
  1264. lips
  1265. lips with a flickering smile
  1266. lipstick
  1267. lipstick brush
  1268. lipstick mark
  1269. liquation
  1270. liquefaction
  1271. liquefied gas
  1272. liquefied natural gas
  1273. liquefy
  1274. liqueur
  1275. liqueur candy
  1276. liqueur glass
  1277. liquid
  1278. liquid air
  1279. liquid ammonia
  1280. liquid and gas
  1281. liquid assets
  1282. liquid concrete
  1283. liquid cooled
  1284. liquid cooling
  1285. liquid crystal
  1286. liquid crystal display
  1287. liquid crystal panel
  1288. liquid crystal projector
  1289. liquid crystal television
  1290. liquid crystal viewcam
  1291. liquid deposit
  1292. liquid deposition
  1293. liquid detergent
  1294. liquid epitaxy
  1295. liquid face-whitening makeup
  1296. liquid fertiliser
  1297. liquid fertilizer
  1298. liquid food
  1299. liquid fuel
  1300. liquid gas
  1301. liquid gold
  1302. liquid helium
  1303. liquid jet processing
  1304. liquid limit
  1305. liquid manure
  1306. liquid measure
  1307. liquid medicine
  1308. liquid metal
  1309. liquid nitrogen
  1310. liquid oxygen
  1311. liquid phase
  1312. liquid phase epitaxial growth
  1313. liquid phase epitaxy
  1314. liquid pint
  1315. liquid ring
  1316. liquid runoff from miso preparation
  1317. liquid seal
  1318. liquid sound
  1319. liquid state
  1320. liquid surface
  1321. liquid-crystal display
  1322. liquid-phase epitaxy
  1323. liquidation
  1324. liquidation by compromise
  1325. liquidation of speculative accounts
  1326. liquidation statement or account
  1327. liquidator
  1328. liquidity
  1329. liquidity on hand
  1330. liquor
  1331. liquor consumed in a teahouse
  1332. liquor smell
  1333. liquor store
  1334. liquor tax
  1335. liquor trade
  1336. liquor-soaked
  1337. liquor-store owner
  1338. liquorice
  1339. lira
  1340. lisp
  1341. lisping
  1342. lissencephaly
  1343. list
  1344. list abstract-operation
  1345. list broker
  1346. list device
  1347. list index
  1348. list of 1
  1349. list of addresses
  1350. list of all messages
  1351. list of articles
  1352. list of candidates
  1353. list of illustrations
  1354. list of marks
  1355. list of meals
  1356. list of names
  1357. list of nominees
  1358. list of particulars
  1359. list of personnel
  1360. list of requirements
  1361. list of results
  1362. list of the richest people
  1363. list of the very highest income earners
  1364. list operator
  1365. list or table of charges
  1366. list price
  1367. list processing
  1368. listbox
  1369. listed
  1370. listed brand
  1371. listed company
  1372. listed issue
  1373. listed stock
  1374. listen
  1375. listen to
  1376. listen up
  1377. listener
  1378. listener's or radio fee
  1379. listener's role
  1380. listeners' corner
  1381. listening
  1382. listening and watching
  1383. listening attentively
  1384. listening closely
  1385. listening comprehension
  1386. listening comprehension test
  1387. listening device
  1388. listening instrument
  1389. listening quietly
  1390. listening respectfully
  1391. listening room
  1392. listening to a person's chest with a stethoscope
  1393. listening to someone talking
  1394. listeriosis
  1395. listing
  1396. listing a stock
  1397. listings magazine
  1398. listless
  1399. listlessness
  1400. listserver
  1401. lit up
  1402. lit: 10000 to 1
  1403. lit: Value-Creation Society
  1404. lit: a borrowed cat
  1405. lit: a horse comes from a gourd
  1406. lit: bamboo shoots after rain
  1407. lit: bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die
  1408. lit: commuting wife
  1409. lit: compassion is not for other people's benefit
  1410. lit: even pockmarks are dimples
  1411. lit: eyes of a cormorant
  1412. lit: forceful enough to knock down birds in flight
  1413. lit: from what hour
  1414. lit: if the wind blows the bucket makers prosper
  1415. lit: landing permission
  1416. lit: more important than three meals a day
  1417. lit: not even a dog will eat
  1418. lit: not shallow
  1419. lit: nothing has happened
  1420. lit: one's medicine is another's poison
  1421. lit: people watching a game of Go see 8 moves further ahead
  1422. lit: recreational vehicle
  1423. lit: sleep talk after you go to sleep
  1424. lit: so busy one would even welcome the help of a cat
  1425. lit: sucking pus from carbuncles and licking hemorrhoids
  1426. lit: the proud Heike family lasts not long
  1427. lit: the soul of a child of three at 100
  1428. lit: there is no god or Buddha
  1429. lit: there's another stomach for dessert
  1430. lit: time to pay the land tax
  1431. lit: to add fuel to the fire
  1432. lit: to have no face to meet
  1433. lit: to put through sleeves
  1434. lit: to spit on something
  1435. lit: to teach with one's back
  1436. lit: water on a frog's face
  1437. lit: with the force of surging waves
  1438. lit: you can't shake sleeves you don't have
  1439. lit: zipper on mouth
  1440. litany
  1441. litchi
  1442. litchi nut
  1443. literacy
  1444. literacy education
  1445. literacy rate
  1446. literal
  1447. literal constant
  1448. literal translation
  1449. literalism
  1450. literally
  1451. literary
  1452. literary ability
  1453. literary activity
  1454. literary and military arts
  1455. literary art
  1456. literary circles
  1457. literary club
  1458. literary column
  1459. literary composition
  1460. literary composition crammed with maxims
  1461. literary course
  1462. literary creation
  1463. literary critic
  1464. literary criticism
  1465. literary criticism or theory
  1466. literary embellishments
  1467. literary fame
  1468. literary flavor
  1469. literary flavour
  1470. literary form imparting a formal written nuance
  1471. literary form imparting the nuance of polite speech
  1472. literary form imparting the nuance of speech
  1473. literary fragment
  1474. literary group
  1475. literary history
  1476. literary jottings
  1477. literary language
  1478. literary magazine
  1479. literary man
  1480. literary master
  1481. literary matters
  1482. literary miscellany
  1483. literary or artistic masterpiece
  1484. literary person
  1485. literary piracy
  1486. literary prize
  1487. literary profession
  1488. literary remains
  1489. literary section
  1490. literary sketch
  1491. literary style
  1492. literary style based on spoken language
  1493. literary style from the Heian era onwards
  1494. literary talent
  1495. literary term for the sun
  1496. literary theory
  1497. literary woman
  1498. literary work
  1499. literary works
  1500. literary world
  1501. literature
  1502. literature and music
  1503. literature and science
  1504. literature in Chinese
  1505. literature politically or morally comitted to a cause
  1506. literature written entirely in kanji
  1507. literature written in diary form
  1508. lithe
  1509. lithia mica
  1510. lithium
  1511. lithium battery
  1512. lithium bomb
  1513. lithium polymer battery
  1514. lithium-ion battery
  1515. lithograph
  1516. lithography
  1517. lithosequence
  1518. lithosphere
  1519. litigant
  1520. litigation
  1521. litigation related to personal status
  1522. litigator
  1523. litmus
  1524. litmus paper
  1525. litre
  1526. litter
  1527. littering
  1528. little
  1529. little Kyoto
  1530. little auk
  1531. little bit
  1532. little bits
  1533. little boat
  1534. little boy
  1535. little by little
  1536. little child
  1537. little demon
  1538. little egret
  1539. little endian
  1540. little finger
  1541. little fox
  1542. little gift
  1543. little girl
  1544. little grebe
  1545. little ingenuity
  1546. little less than
  1547. little magazine
  1548. little or nothing
  1549. little owl
  1550. little penguin
  1551. little pest
  1552. little piece
  1553. little rascal
  1554. little ringed plover
  1555. little sac
  1556. little shop
  1557. little sister
  1558. little spinefoot
  1559. little spotted cat
  1560. little strokes fell great oaks
  1561. little tern
  1562. little to gain and much to lose
  1563. little toe
  1564. little tricks
  1565. little unicorn
  1566. little wattlebird
  1567. little while
  1568. little wit
  1569. little-by-little
  1570. little-endian
  1571. little-known good place
  1572. littleneck
  1573. littoral
  1574. littoral climate
  1575. liturgy
  1576. livability
  1577. live
  1578. live action film
  1579. live ammunition
  1580. live axle
  1581. live bait
  1582. live band
  1583. live birth
  1584. live birth rate
  1585. live broadcast
  1586. live broiling of shellfish
  1587. live bullets
  1588. live charcoal
  1589. live charcoal banked up and covered with ash
  1590. live coals
  1591. live coverage
  1592. live coverage via satellite
  1593. live data
  1594. live fish and shellfish
  1595. live house
  1596. live icon
  1597. live music club
  1598. live music or performance
  1599. live performance
  1600. live printing area
  1601. live program
  1602. live programme
  1603. live record
  1604. live recording
  1605. live satellite transmission
  1606. live sharksucker
  1607. live show
  1608. live tree
  1609. live vaccine
  1610. live video
  1611. live wire
  1612. live-bearing
  1613. live-box
  1614. live-in
  1615. liveability
  1616. livedoor
  1617. livelihood
  1618. livelihood assistance
  1619. livelihood protection
  1620. liveliness
  1621. lively
  1622. lively but restrained
  1623. lively dance
  1624. lively minx
  1625. lively motion
  1626. lively musical composition
  1627. lively or quick witted person
  1628. lively song
  1629. lively type of shamisen song
  1630. liver
  1631. liver cancer
  1632. liver cell
  1633. liver color
  1634. liver disease
  1635. liver failure
  1636. liver function
  1637. liver paste
  1638. liver sashimi
  1639. liver sausage
  1640. liver taken from a living animal
  1641. liver transplant
  1642. liver transplantation
  1643. liverleaf
  1644. liverwort
  1645. liverworts
  1646. liverwurst
  1647. livery
  1648. livery coat
  1649. livestock
  1650. liveware
  1651. livid
  1652. living
  1653. living Buddha
  1654. living a life of leisure with dignity
  1655. living a quiet life by effacing oneself
  1656. living a quiet life in seclusion away from the masses
  1657. living abroad
  1658. living alone
  1659. living among the poor while striving to improve their conditions
  1660. living and working at the same location
  1661. living apart
  1662. living apart in the same house
  1663. living at home
  1664. living being
  1665. living body
  1666. living by oneself
  1667. living by selling off one's possessions
  1668. living corpse
  1669. living environment
  1670. living expenses
  1671. living flesh
  1672. living fossil
  1673. living free from worldly care
  1674. living from hand to mouth
  1675. living frugally
  1676. living god
  1677. living gregariously
  1678. living hand-to-mouth
  1679. living hell
  1680. living horse
  1681. living idly
  1682. living in a group
  1683. living in a housing complex
  1684. living in another person's house without paying for food and lodging
  1685. living in disgrace
  1686. living in evacuation shelters
  1687. living in idleness
  1688. living in obscurity
  1689. living in poverty
  1690. living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits
  1691. living in rented quarters
  1692. living in retirement
  1693. living in seclusion
  1694. living in the present
  1695. living in the water
  1696. living life day-by-day
  1697. living national treasure
  1698. living on fruit
  1699. living on one's writing
  1700. living on the fringe of subsistance
  1701. living on the street
  1702. living one's life without plan
  1703. living only for one's work
  1704. living peaceably
  1705. living person
  1706. living quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares
  1707. living room
  1708. living room and bedroom
  1709. living room set
  1710. living room-cum-dining room
  1711. living secluded from the world
  1712. living space
  1713. living stock
  1714. living thing
  1715. living things
  1716. living together
  1717. living together as husband and wife without formal marriage
  1718. living will
  1719. living without one's mother-in-law
  1720. living witness
  1721. living-room
  1722. living-room and dining-room
  1723. living-room plus kitchen
  1724. livingware
  1725. lixue
  1726. lizard
  1727. lizardfish
  1728. lizardman
  1729. llama
  1730. loach
  1731. loach or eel dipped and broiled in soy-based sauce
  1732. load
  1733. load balancer
  1734. load balancing
  1735. load bearing layer
  1736. load carrying capacity
  1737. load distribution
  1738. load factor
  1739. load increase
  1740. load line
  1741. load module
  1742. load on one's chest
  1743. load point
  1744. load reduction
  1745. load set period
  1746. load sharing
  1747. load sharing power supply
  1748. load test
  1749. load-carrying tray
  1750. loaded
  1751. loaded condition
  1752. loader
  1753. loading
  1754. loading a horse with passengers or baggage
  1755. loading and unloading
  1756. loading capacity
  1757. loading density
  1758. loading in the middle
  1759. loading material
  1760. loading up
  1761. loads
  1762. loadstone
  1763. loaf
  1764. loafer
  1765. loafers
  1766. loafing
  1767. loam
  1768. loan
  1769. loan amount
  1770. loan association
  1771. loan charges
  1772. loan floatation
  1773. loan forcefully imposed on the borrower
  1774. loan guarantee
  1775. loan holder
  1776. loan payable
  1777. loan position
  1778. loan repaid the next day
  1779. loan repayment
  1780. loan request
  1781. loan shark
  1782. loan shark who specializes in refinancing debts
  1783. loan sharks operating from a cellphone
  1784. loan translation
  1785. loan trust
  1786. loan word
  1787. loan-by-phone
  1788. loan-deposit ratio
  1789. loaned staff
  1790. loaner vehicle
  1791. loaning
  1792. loaning of money
  1793. loans for low-income people
  1794. loans without collateral
  1795. loansharking
  1796. loanword
  1797. loanword dictionary
  1798. loathe
  1799. loathing to part
  1800. loathsome
  1801. lob
  1802. lobbing
  1803. lobby
  1804. lobby group
  1805. lobbying
  1806. lobbyist
  1807. lobe of the liver
  1808. lobe of the lung
  1809. lobelia
  1810. lobotomy
  1811. lobster
  1812. lobster moth
  1813. lobster pots
  1814. local
  1815. local Shinto deity
  1816. local address administration
  1817. local administration
  1818. local administrative organ
  1819. local anaesthesia
  1820. local anaesthetic
  1821. local anesthesia
  1822. local anesthetic
  1823. local area network
  1824. local assembly
  1825. local authority
  1826. local autonomy
  1827. local beer
  1828. local bond
  1829. local branch
  1830. local broadcast station
  1831. local bus
  1832. local bus graphics
  1833. local bus video
  1834. local call
  1835. local carrier
  1836. local clan
  1837. local code
  1838. local color
  1839. local colour
  1840. local commissioner
  1841. local competition
  1842. local content
  1843. local cost
  1844. local council election
  1845. local court
  1846. local crosstalk
  1847. local cuisine
  1848. local currency
  1849. local customs
  1850. local deity
  1851. local dialect
  1852. local disease
  1853. local disk
  1854. local doctor
  1855. local downpour
  1856. local echo
  1857. local economy
  1858. local edition
  1859. local eggs
  1860. local election
  1861. local entity
  1862. local express train
  1863. local file
  1864. local financial affairs
  1865. local flavouring
  1866. local government
  1867. local government employee
  1868. local government finance
  1869. local government official
  1870. local governmental body that requires federal oversight to recover from its debts
  1871. local history
  1872. local horse race
  1873. local industry
  1874. local jump
  1875. local kingpin
  1876. local labor union
  1877. local labour union
  1878. local language
  1879. local leaders
  1880. local level
  1881. local life
  1882. local line
  1883. local linear programming
  1884. local loop
  1885. local manners
  1886. local matter
  1887. local maximum
  1888. local minima
  1889. local modelling transformation
  1890. local name
  1891. local news
  1892. local news section
  1893. local newspaper
  1894. local observer
  1895. local office
  1896. local office number
  1897. local operator
  1898. local people
  1899. local police
  1900. local police station
  1901. local postal attributes
  1902. local printer
  1903. local procurement
  1904. local produce
  1905. local product
  1906. local production
  1907. local production for local consumption
  1908. local program
  1909. local programme
  1910. local promotion coupons
  1911. local prosecutor
  1912. local public body
  1913. local rebels
  1914. local referendum
  1915. local resident
  1916. local residents
  1917. local resource
  1918. local router
  1919. local ruler
  1920. local sake
  1921. local self-governing body
  1922. local site
  1923. local special dish
  1924. local specialty
  1925. local staff
  1926. local story
  1927. local subsidiary
  1928. local sumo wrestler
  1929. local switch
  1930. local taxes
  1931. local telephone company
  1932. local telephone service
  1933. local television
  1934. local test methods
  1935. local time
  1936. local time zone
  1937. local trade
  1938. local trader or merchant
  1939. local train
  1940. local variable
  1941. local warriors
  1942. local wind
  1943. local-based
  1944. local-call rate
  1945. local-foreign price difference
  1946. local-news reporter
  1947. local-title
  1948. locale
  1949. locale-specific behavior
  1950. localisation
  1951. localise
  1952. localism
  1953. locality
  1954. locality or terrain
  1955. localization
  1956. localize
  1957. localized
  1958. locally-produced egg
  1959. locally-produced rice
  1960. locals
  1961. locate
  1962. locating
  1963. location
  1964. location awareness
  1965. location cursor
  1966. location famous for production of something
  1967. location for closing party
  1968. location for making or filming a movie
  1969. location information
  1970. location of a disaster
  1971. location of a press conference
  1972. location of one's feelings or sentiments
  1973. location of short-term action
  1974. location of the fight between Asura and Sakra devanam Indra
  1975. location scout
  1976. location scouting
  1977. location thought to be flowing with mystical energy
  1978. location without an address
  1979. locational advantage
  1980. locator
  1981. locator device
  1982. lochia
  1983. lock
  1984. lock and key
  1985. lock gate
  1986. lock of hair
  1987. lock picking
  1988. lock-file
  1989. lock-out
  1990. lock-out facility
  1991. locked in a grapple
  1992. locked onto
  1993. locked up feeling
  1994. locker
  1995. locker room
  1996. locket
  1997. locking
  1998. locking arms around an opponent and pushing him out of the ring in sumo
  1999. locking dog
  2000. locking doors

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