; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

78 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. CISC
  2. CISC [シスク]
  3. CITES
  4. CITES [サイテス]
  5. CJD
  6. CJK
  7. CJK character unification
  8. CJKV
  9. CL
  10. CLAIR
  11. CLI
  12. CLIE
  13. CLIR
  14. CLP
  15. CLV
  16. CM
  17. CM [シーエム]
  18. CMC
  19. CMIS
  20. CMISE
  21. CML
  22. CMOS
  23. CMT
  24. CMYK
  25. CNAP
  26. CNF
  27. CNIDR
  28. CNN
  29. CNN [シーエヌエヌ]
  30. CNS
  31. CO
  32. CO2 sink
  33. CO2-reduction goal
  34. COBOL
  35. COCOM
  36. COCOM list
  37. COD
  38. COD [シーオーディー]
  40. COE
  41. COM
  42. COM device
  43. COM printer
  44. COM1
  45. COM2
  46. COMDEX
  50. CONT signal
  52. COPD
  53. CORBA
  55. COSMETS [コスメッツ]
  56. CP
  57. CPE
  58. CPI
  59. CPL
  60. CPM
  61. CPR
  62. CPS
  63. CPU
  64. CR
  65. CRAY-1
  66. CRC
  67. CREN
  68. CRM
  70. CRT
  71. CRT [シーアルティー]
  72. CS
  73. CSA
  74. CSCW
  75. CSF hypovolemia
  76. CSJ
  77. CSLIP
  78. CSMA
  79. CSMA-CA
  80. CSMA-CD
  81. CSNET
  82. CSP
  83. CSR
  84. CSS
  85. CSV
  86. CT
  87. CT [シーティー]
  88. CT scanner
  89. CTBT
  90. CTC
  91. CTC [シーティーシー]
  92. CTCA
  93. CTERM
  94. CTM
  95. CTS
  96. CTS [シーティーエス]
  97. CTスキャナー [シーティースキャナー]
  98. CU-SeeMe
  99. CUG
  100. CUI
  101. CUSI
  102. CV
  103. CVCF
  104. CW
  105. Cabernet Franc
  106. Cabernet Sauvignon
  107. Cabinet
  108. Cabinet Information Board
  109. Cabinet Intelligence Bureau
  110. Cabinet Law
  111. Cabinet Legislation Bureau
  112. Cabinet Minister
  113. Cabinet Office
  114. Cabinet Secretariat
  115. Cabinet Secretary
  116. Cabinet ministers
  117. Cable News Network
  118. Cadillac
  119. Caelum
  120. Caesar
  121. Caesarean section
  122. Cain complex
  123. Cairo
  124. Cajun
  125. Cajun food
  126. Cakraratna
  127. Cakrasamvara
  128. Calendula officinalis
  129. Calgary
  130. California
  131. California condor
  132. California poppy
  133. California roll
  134. Callistemon citrinus
  135. Callisto
  136. Calopteryx cornelia
  137. Calpis
  138. Calrose rice
  139. Calvinism
  140. Camarasaurus
  141. Cambodia
  142. Cambria
  143. Cambrian explosion
  144. Cambrian period
  145. Cambrian system
  146. Cambridge
  147. Cambridge school
  148. Cameleopardalis
  149. Camellia japonica
  150. Camellia japonica 'Benimyorenji'
  151. Camellia japonica 'Bokuhan'
  152. Camellia japonica 'Daikagura'
  153. Camellia japonica 'Iwaneshibori'
  154. Camellia japonica 'Wabisuke'
  155. Camellia japonica var.
  156. Camellia sasanqua 'Akasigata'
  157. Campylobacter
  158. Can I have that in Japanese?
  159. Can I lend a hand?
  160. Canada
  161. Canada Day
  162. Canada balsam
  163. Canada goldenrod
  164. Canada goose
  165. Canadian
  166. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  167. Canadian bacon
  168. Canadian canoe
  169. Canary damsel
  170. Canberra
  171. Cancer
  172. Cancer Research Institute
  173. Candraprabha
  174. Candu reactor
  175. Canes Venatici
  176. Caniformia
  177. Canis Major
  178. Canis Minor
  179. Canola
  180. Canon
  181. Canopic jar
  182. Canopic vase
  183. Canterbury bell
  184. Canthigaster
  185. Canthigaster inframacula
  186. Canticle of Canticles
  187. Canton
  188. Canton danio
  189. Cantonese
  190. Cantonese food
  191. Caodaism
  192. Cape Verde
  193. Cape buffalo
  194. Cape jasmine
  195. Cape jessamine
  196. Cape of Good Hope
  197. Cape penguin
  198. Cape petrel
  199. Cape pigeon
  200. Capella
  201. Capitaine
  202. Capital
  203. Capital Subscription Law
  204. Capricorn
  205. Capricornis crispus
  206. Capricornus
  207. Caprifoliaceae
  208. Caps Lock
  209. Caps Lock key
  210. Carassius auratus grandoculis
  211. Carassius buergeri
  212. Carassius langsdorfii
  213. Carcharhinidae
  214. Carcharhinus
  215. Carcharias
  216. Carcharodon
  217. CardBus
  218. Cardiidae
  219. Cardinal
  220. Cardinals
  221. Cardiospermum halicacabum
  222. Career Development Dept
  223. Carex alopecuroides var. chlorostachya
  224. Carex morrowii
  225. Carex scabrifolia
  226. Caribbean
  227. Caribbean Community
  228. Caribbean Sea
  229. Caribbean chromis
  230. Caribbean reef shark
  231. Caribbean sharpnose-puffer
  232. Carina
  233. Carnivora
  234. Carnot cycle
  235. Carnot's cycle
  236. Carolina
  237. Carolina chickadee
  238. Carolina duck
  239. Carolina horsenettle
  240. Cartesian coordinates
  241. Cartesian theatre
  242. Carthamus tinctorius
  243. Cartier
  244. Casanova
  245. Cashmere goat
  246. Casio
  247. Caspian Sea
  248. Caspiomyzon
  249. Cassiopeia
  250. Cassis liqueur
  251. Castanopsis cuspidata
  252. Castanopsis sieboldii
  253. Castilian
  254. Catcher in the Rye
  255. Cathay
  256. Catholic
  257. Catholic Church
  258. Catholic catechism
  259. Catholic priest
  260. Catholicism
  261. Caucasian
  262. Caucasian languages
  263. Caucasian person
  264. Caucasians
  265. Caucasoid
  266. Caulerpa scalpelliformis
  267. Caution is the best policy
  268. Cayman
  269. Cease fire
  270. Celastraceae
  271. Celastrus orbiculatus
  272. Celeron
  273. Celica
  274. Cellana toreuma
  275. Celsius
  276. Celt
  277. Celtic
  278. Cemedine
  279. Cenozoic era
  280. Censorate
  281. Centaur
  282. Centaurus
  283. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  284. Centigrade
  285. Centrair
  286. Central Africa
  287. Central America
  288. Central American cacomistle
  289. Central Asian countries
  290. Central China
  291. Central Committee of the Communist Party
  292. Central Europe
  293. Central Executive Committee
  294. Central Intelligence Agency
  295. Central Labor Relations Commission
  296. Central Labor Relations Committee
  297. Central League
  298. Central Pacific
  299. Central Standard Time
  300. Central Time
  301. Central and Eastern Europe
  302. Central and South America
  303. Centronics
  304. Centrophoridae
  305. Centura
  306. Centuri
  307. Cephaloscyllium
  308. Cepheid variable
  309. Cepheus
  310. Cercidiphyllaceae
  311. Cercis chinensis
  312. Cerekinon
  313. Cerenkov radiation
  314. Ceres
  315. Ceriagrion nipponicum
  316. Certificate Authority
  317. Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status
  318. Cervus nippon
  319. Cetaceans
  320. Cetorhinidae
  321. Cetorhinus
  322. Cetus
  323. Ch'i
  324. Ch'in
  325. Ch'ing
  326. Ch'ing Dynasty
  327. Chaenomeles japonica
  328. Chaenomeles speciosa
  329. Chaetodipterus
  330. Chaetodon
  331. Chaetodontoplus
  332. Chaetodontoplus poliourus
  333. Chagu Chagu Horse Festival
  334. Chakaman
  335. Chakravartin
  336. Chalcolithic period
  337. Chaldean
  338. Chalmers
  339. Cham
  340. Chamaecyparis obtusa var. breviramea
  341. Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  342. Chamisso's lousewort
  343. Champs Elysees
  344. Chancellery
  345. Chancellor
  346. Chancellor of the Realm
  347. Chanel
  348. Changjiang River
  349. Channa lucius
  350. Channel Path Reconnection
  351. Channel To Channel Adapter
  352. Channel Tunnel
  353. Chantilly
  354. Chanyu
  355. Chaparral
  356. Characidae
  357. Character and Pattern Telephone Access Information System
  358. Chardonnay
  359. Charge-Coupled Device
  360. Charles Babbage
  361. Charles' law
  362. Charles's law
  363. Charleston
  364. Charlotte
  365. Chasidism
  366. Chassidism
  367. Chechenia
  368. Chechin
  369. Chechnia
  370. Chechnya
  371. Cheer up
  372. Cheer up!
  373. Chelicerata
  374. Chelmon
  375. Chenopodiaceae
  376. Cherenkov effect
  377. Cherenkov radiation
  378. Chernobyl
  379. Cherokee
  380. Cherokee rose
  381. Cheshire cheese
  382. Chevrolet
  383. Chi square test
  384. Chianti
  385. Chiba
  386. Chiba prefecture
  387. Chicago
  388. Chicago School
  389. Chief Cabinet Secretary
  390. Child Welfare Law
  391. Children's Day
  392. Chile
  393. Chile and Japan
  394. Chile saltpeter
  395. Chilean sea bass
  396. Chiloscyllium
  397. Chimaera
  398. Chimaera jordani
  399. Chimaera owstoni
  400. Chimaeridae
  401. Chimonobambusa quadrangularis
  402. China
  403. China & India
  404. China Sea
  405. China and India
  406. China and Japan
  407. China and Soviet Russia
  408. China and Taiwan
  409. China aster
  410. China clay
  411. China ink
  412. China pink
  413. China syndrome
  414. China under the Manchus
  415. China-made thread or yarn
  416. Chinatown
  417. Chinese
  418. Chinese "Bond" constellation
  419. Chinese "Chariot" constellation
  420. Chinese "Dipper" constellation
  421. Chinese "Emptiness" constellation
  422. Chinese "Encampment" constellation
  423. Chinese "Extended Net" constellation
  424. Chinese "Girl" constellation
  425. Chinese "Hairy Head" constellation
  426. Chinese "Heart" constellation
  427. Chinese "Legs" constellation
  428. Chinese "Neck" constellation
  429. Chinese "Net" constellation
  430. Chinese "Ox" constellation
  431. Chinese "Tail" constellation
  432. Chinese "Three Stars" constellation
  433. Chinese "Turtle Beak" constellation
  434. Chinese "Wall" constellation
  435. Chinese "Well" constellation
  436. Chinese "Willow" constellation
  437. Chinese "Wings" constellation
  438. Chinese "ghost" constellation
  439. Chinese "hopping vampire"
  440. Chinese "horn" constellation
  441. Chinese "rooftop" constellation
  442. Chinese "room" constellation
  443. Chinese "root" constellation
  444. Chinese "star" constellation
  445. Chinese "stomach" constellation
  446. Chinese "winnowing basket" constellation
  447. Chinese Character-Japanese dictionary
  448. Chinese Communist Army
  449. Chinese Communist Party
  450. Chinese Communists
  451. Chinese New Year
  452. Chinese Yuan
  453. Chinese alcohol
  454. Chinese alligator
  455. Chinese and Japanese
  456. Chinese and Japanese poetry and instrumental music
  457. Chinese and Korean
  458. Chinese and Western
  459. Chinese apple
  460. Chinese art of self-defence
  461. Chinese artichoke
  462. Chinese asparagus
  463. Chinese aster
  464. Chinese astrology
  465. Chinese bamboo
  466. Chinese bamboo partridge
  467. Chinese banyan
  468. Chinese bellflower
  469. Chinese blackberry
  470. Chinese bleak
  471. Chinese books
  472. Chinese bottletree
  473. Chinese brocade
  474. Chinese bronze inscriptions
  475. Chinese buckwheat noodles
  476. Chinese bushberry
  477. Chinese cabbage
  478. Chinese catalpa
  479. Chinese character
  480. Chinese characters
  481. Chinese characters which express numbers
  482. Chinese chess
  483. Chinese chive
  484. Chinese citron
  485. Chinese classic without reading aids
  486. Chinese classical literature
  487. Chinese classics
  488. Chinese clematis
  489. Chinese collar
  490. Chinese colza
  491. Chinese cooking
  492. Chinese courtesy name
  493. Chinese cusped gable
  494. Chinese date
  495. Chinese design
  496. Chinese dictionary arranged by finals
  497. Chinese dish with fried egg and crab
  498. Chinese dress
  499. Chinese dunce cap
  500. Chinese elm
  501. Chinese false gudgeon
  502. Chinese fan palm
  503. Chinese fancy mouse
  504. Chinese flowering apple
  505. Chinese food
  506. Chinese fountain grass
  507. Chinese four-character phrase or idiomatic expression
  508. Chinese geomancy
  509. Chinese god of war.
  510. Chinese golden bells
  511. Chinese guger tree
  512. Chinese hibiscus
  513. Chinese high fin banded shark
  514. Chinese higher civil service examinations
  515. Chinese history
  516. Chinese hypericum
  517. Chinese ink
  518. Chinese juniper
  519. Chinese kettle with three legs
  520. Chinese language
  521. Chinese lantern
  522. Chinese lantern plant
  523. Chinese leek sprouts
  524. Chinese lespedeza
  525. Chinese literature
  526. Chinese liver fluke
  527. Chinese manjuu
  528. Chinese martial art
  529. Chinese matrimony vine
  530. Chinese matrimony vine fruit
  531. Chinese medicine
  532. Chinese merchants abroad
  533. Chinese milk vetch
  534. Chinese minnow
  535. Chinese mitten crab
  536. Chinese moonseed
  537. Chinese mugwort
  538. Chinese mulberry
  539. Chinese muntjac
  540. Chinese name
  541. Chinese name for a high government office
  542. Chinese newspaper
  543. Chinese or Western
  544. Chinese painter
  545. Chinese paper
  546. Chinese parasol-tree
  547. Chinese parsley
  548. Chinese pastry
  549. Chinese peacock
  550. Chinese pear
  551. Chinese peony
  552. Chinese people
  553. Chinese person
  554. Chinese philosophy
  555. Chinese plum
  556. Chinese poem
  557. Chinese poetry
  558. Chinese pond turtle
  559. Chinese prickly-ash
  560. Chinese quince
  561. Chinese razor clam
  562. Chinese red chile oil
  563. Chinese rice
  564. Chinese room
  565. Chinese scarlet eggplant
  566. Chinese scholar
  567. Chinese scholar-bureaucrat
  568. Chinese scholar-official
  569. Chinese sesame paste
  570. Chinese ship
  571. Chinese soba
  572. Chinese soft-shelled turtle
  573. Chinese soldiers stationed to protect remote regions of the country during the T'ang dynasty
  574. Chinese spirits
  575. Chinese stir-fry containing green peppers and meat
  576. Chinese style
  577. Chinese style desk
  578. Chinese sucker
  579. Chinese sugarcane
  580. Chinese system of musical sounds
  581. Chinese tamarisk
  582. Chinese tea
  583. Chinese temple bamboo
  584. Chinese trumpet creeper
  585. Chinese water chestnut
  586. Chinese whispers
  587. Chinese white olive
  588. Chinese windmill
  589. Chinese windmill palm
  590. Chinese wolfberry
  591. Chinese wolfberry fruit
  592. Chinese word
  593. Chinese yam
  594. Chinese yellow chives
  595. Chinese-Japanese character dictionary
  596. Chinese-Japanese dictionary
  597. Chinese-bottletree
  598. Chinese-derived character reading
  599. Chinese-style fried rice
  600. Chinese-style gate
  601. Chinese-style ritual saddle
  602. Chinese-style vegetarian cuisine
  603. Chink
  604. Chino Shoho
  605. Chinzei sect
  606. Chionarctia nivea
  607. Chiroptera
  608. Chiryaku era
  609. Chisan sect
  610. Chishou era
  611. Chitande aulonocara
  612. Chizan sect
  613. Chlamydoselachidae
  614. Chlamydoselachus
  615. Chloeia flava
  616. Chloranthaceae
  617. Chloranthus glaber
  618. Chloromycetin
  619. Chlorophthalmus albatrossis
  620. Chlorophthalmus borealis
  621. Choenomeles lagenaria
  622. Chola Dynasty
  623. Chondrichthyes
  624. Chonowski's hornbeam
  625. Chopin
  626. Chou
  627. Chougen era
  628. Chouhou era
  629. Chouji era
  630. Choukan era
  631. Choukyou era
  632. Choukyuu era
  633. Chouroku era
  634. Chouryaku era
  635. Choushou era
  636. Choutoku era
  637. Chouwa era
  638. Christ
  639. Christian
  640. Christian Democratic Union
  641. Christian Democrats
  642. Christian Era
  643. Christian Science
  644. Christian countries
  645. Christian era
  646. Christian gangsta rap
  647. Christian name
  648. Christian or baptismal name
  649. Christian priest
  650. Christian rap
  651. Christian rites
  652. Christian rock
  653. Christian socialism
  654. Christiania
  655. Christianity
  656. Christians
  657. Christmas
  658. Christmas Eve
  659. Christmas cactus
  660. Christmas cake
  661. Christmas card
  662. Christmas carol
  663. Christmas concert
  664. Christmas party
  665. Christmas present
  666. Christmas pudding
  667. Christmas rose
  668. Christmas tree
  669. Christmas wrasse
  670. Christmas wreath
  671. Chromis
  672. Chronicles I
  673. Chronicles II
  674. Chrysanthemum Festival
  675. Chrysanthemum indicum
  676. Chrysanthemum morifolium
  677. Chrysiptera
  678. Chrysler
  679. Chrysochroa fulgidissima
  680. Chuang
  681. Chubu region
  682. Chugoku region of western Honshu
  683. Chunnel
  684. Chuo Line
  685. Church of England
  686. Church of Perfect Liberty
  687. Chusan palm
  688. Chypre fragrance
  689. Ciao
  690. Cicero
  691. Cichlidae
  692. Cincinnatti
  693. Cinderella
  694. Cinderella boy
  695. Cinderella complex
  696. CinemaScope
  697. Cinerama
  698. Cinnalepeta pulchella
  699. Cintamani-cakra
  700. Cirrhoscyllium
  701. Cirrus Logic
  702. Cirsium dipsacolepis
  703. Cirsium purpuratum
  704. Cirsiummicrospicatum
  705. Cisco Systems
  706. Citipati
  707. Citizens' Band
  708. Citrus decumana
  709. Citrus grandis
  710. Citrus kinokuni
  711. Citrus maxima
  712. Citrus maximus
  713. Citrus reticulata Siranui
  714. Citrus unshiu sinensis
  715. City God
  716. City meeting hall
  717. Civil Code
  718. Civil Proceedings Act
  719. Civil Protection Law
  720. Civil Protection Plan
  721. Civil Rehabilitation Law
  722. Civil Rights Act
  723. Civil War
  724. Cladophora ball
  725. Cladoselache
  726. Clarino
  727. Claris
  728. Clark's nutcracker
  729. Clear key
  730. Clematis florida
  731. Clematis patens
  732. Cleopatra's nose
  733. Clethraceae
  734. Clie
  735. Climacium japonicum
  736. Clipper Chip
  737. Clipperton angelfish
  738. Clock
  739. Closed to Traffic
  740. Clostridium botulinum
  741. Clostridium tetani
  742. Clow Card
  743. Clow Cards
  744. Clusiaceae
  745. Cnidium japonicum
  746. Co-operative Republic of Guyana
  747. Coalition Red Army
  748. Coalition of the Willing
  749. Coalsack Nebula
  750. Coast Guard
  751. Cobitis takatsuensis
  752. Coca-Cola
  753. Cochin
  754. Cocker spaniel
  755. Cocos
  756. Cod Wars
  757. Code Division Multiple Access
  758. Codium fragile
  759. Cohen
  760. Coke
  761. Coke highball
  762. Cold War mentality
  763. Coleoptera
  764. Coliseum
  765. Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
  766. Collateralized Debt Obligation
  767. College of Arts
  768. College of Music
  769. Cologne
  770. Colombia
  771. Colony Collapse Disorder
  772. Colorado
  773. Colorado potato beetle
  774. Colosseum
  775. Colt
  776. Colubridae
  777. Columba
  778. Columbia
  779. Columbia River salmon
  780. Columbiformes
  781. Columbus Day
  782. Columbus' egg
  783. Coma Berenices
  784. Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies
  785. Come again?
  786. Come away home!
  787. Cominform
  788. Coming of Age Day
  789. Comintern
  790. Comintern policy documents regarding capitalism
  791. Comintern policy documents urging overthrow of Japan's imperial and metayage systems
  792. Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications
  793. Commander-in-Chief
  794. Comment allez-vous?
  795. Commentary on the Kojiki
  796. Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage
  797. Committee for Election Administration
  798. Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution
  799. Committee of the National Diet
  800. Committee on Judicial Affairs
  801. Committee on Rules and Administration
  802. Commodore
  803. Common Application Environment
  804. Common Business Oriented Language
  805. Common Desktop Environment
  806. Common Fund for Commodities
  807. Common Management Information Service Element
  808. Common Management Information Services
  809. Common Object Request Broker Architecture
  810. Common Service Area
  811. Common System Area
  812. Commonwealth Day
  813. Commonwealth of Independent States
  814. Commonwealth of Nations
  815. Commonwealth realm
  816. Communication Control Processor
  817. Communication Satellite
  818. Communication Science Laboratories
  819. Communications Decency Act
  820. Communist China
  821. Communist Information Bureau
  822. Communist Party
  823. Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  824. Communist bloc
  825. Comoros
  826. Compact Application Solution Language
  827. Compact Flash
  828. Compact HTML
  829. Compact Pro
  830. Compaq
  831. Competitive Access Provider
  832. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
  833. Complex Instruction Set Computer
  834. Component software
  835. Composers and Publishers
  836. Compositae
  837. Composite Instruction Set Computer
  838. Comprehensive National Development Plan
  839. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
  840. Compton effect
  841. Compton's mule
  842. CompuServe
  843. Compulsive Buying Disorder
  844. Computer Design Language
  845. Computer Graphics Interface
  846. Computer Graphics Metafile
  847. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  848. Computer Mediated Communication
  849. Computer System for Meteorological Services
  850. Computer-Aided Software Engineering
  851. Computex
  852. Concord
  853. Concorde
  854. Confederate States of America
  855. Confederate rose
  856. Confederations Cup
  857. Conference of Administrative Vice-Ministers
  858. Conference of Ministers of the Group of Five
  859. Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  860. Confucian
  861. Confucian Shinto
  862. Confucian circles
  863. Confucian scholar
  864. Confucian school
  865. Confucian studies
  866. Confucian temple
  867. Confucianism
  868. Confucianism and Buddhism
  869. Confucianist
  870. Confucius
  871. Confucius and Buddha
  872. Confucius and Christ
  873. Confucius and Mencius
  874. Confusion to the enemy!
  875. Congo
  876. Congo red
  877. Congo tetra
  878. Congress of Industrial Organizations
  879. Conn's syndrome
  880. Connecticut
  881. Connection Management
  882. Consciousness-Only School
  883. Conservative Party
  884. Constant Angular Velocity
  885. Constant Voltage Frequency Power Supply
  886. Constitution Act
  887. Constitution Act 1867
  888. Constitution Memorial Day Holiday
  889. Constitutional Democratic Party
  890. Constitutional Imperial Rule Party
  891. Constitutional Nationalist Party
  892. Constitutional Reform Party
  893. Consumer Interpole
  894. Content Addressed Memory
  895. Content Management System
  896. Continuous Temporary Storage
  897. Control Faction
  898. Control Point
  899. Control S
  900. Control-Attribute-Package
  901. Controlled Flight Into Terrain
  902. Conus pauperculus
  903. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
  904. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel
  905. Convention of Peking
  906. Convention on Biological Diversity
  907. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
  908. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
  909. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters
  910. Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
  911. Coolidge tube
  912. Cooper pair
  913. Cooper's hawk
  914. Coordinated Universal Time
  915. Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Area
  916. Coordination Committee on Multilateral Export Controls
  917. Copernican revolution
  918. Coponicus
  919. Copper Age
  920. Coppermine
  921. Copt
  922. Coptic
  923. Coptic Church
  924. Copyright Act
  925. Copyright Electronic Dictionary Research & Development Group - 2011
  926. Coradion
  927. Coral Sea
  928. Coral Sea gregory
  929. Coregonus
  930. Corel
  931. Coreoperca herzi
  932. Coriaria japonica
  933. Corinthian order
  934. Coriolis' force
  935. Coris
  936. Coris marquesensis
  937. Coris musume
  938. Cornaceae
  939. Cornus alba
  940. Corona Borealis
  941. Corporate Rehabilitation Law
  942. Corpus Juris Civilis
  943. Cortez angelfish
  944. Cortez damselfish
  945. Cortez gregory
  946. Cortez rainbow wrasse
  947. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  948. Cossack
  949. Costa Rica
  950. Cote d'Ivoire
  951. Coulomb's force
  952. Coulomb's law
  953. Council Hall in the Imperial Palace
  954. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
  955. Council of Europe
  956. Council of Five Elders
  957. Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
  958. Council of Ministers for Global Environment Conservation
  959. Council of Nicaea
  960. Council of the Public Corporations and Government Workers Unions
  961. Councillor
  962. Counter-Reformation
  963. Country of Na
  964. Court of Impeachment
  965. Cowper's fluid
  966. Cowper's gland
  967. Coxiella burnetii
  968. Coxsackie virus
  969. Crab Nebula
  970. Crafoord Prize
  971. Cranes live for 1000 years
  972. Crassulaceae
  973. Crataegus apiifolia
  974. Crataegus cuneata
  975. Creap
  976. Created: 2011-12-03
  977. Creator
  978. Credit Authorization Terminal
  979. Creole
  980. Crepidiastrum keiskeanum
  981. Cretaceous Period
  982. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
  983. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  984. Crimean War
  985. Criminal Procedure Code
  986. Criminal Regulations to Control Explosives
  987. Critique of Practical Reason
  988. Critique of Pure Reason
  989. Cro-Magnon
  990. Cro-Magnon man
  991. Croatia
  992. Crohn's disease
  993. CromaClear Tube
  994. Crookes tube
  995. Crown Court
  996. Crown Prince
  997. Crown Prince's Palace
  998. Crusade
  999. Crusaders
  1000. Crusades
  1001. Crusoe
  1002. Crustacea
  1003. Cryptosporidium
  1004. Cryptotympana facialis
  1005. Csardas
  1006. Ctenochaetus
  1007. Ctenochaetus flavicauda
  1008. Ctenopoma
  1009. Cthulhu
  1010. Cuba
  1011. Cuban Missile Crisis
  1012. Cuban Revolution
  1013. Cuban heel
  1014. Cubism
  1015. Cubist
  1016. Cucumis melo var Makuwa
  1017. Cucurbitaceae
  1018. Culex pipiens molestus
  1019. Culex tritaeniorhynchus
  1020. Cultural Affairs Department
  1021. Cultural Revolution
  1022. Culture
  1023. Culture Day Holiday
  1024. Cundi
  1025. Cupertino
  1026. Cupid
  1027. Cupressaceae
  1028. Cupressales
  1029. Cuprophan
  1030. Curie point
  1031. Curie temperature
  1032. Curlash
  1033. Curses
  1034. Cushing's syndrome
  1035. Cut your coat according to your cloth
  1036. Cuvier's beaked whale
  1037. Cyathea mertensiana
  1038. Cyathea spinulosa
  1039. Cyberdog
  1040. Cycadaceae
  1041. Cycadales
  1042. Cyclic Redundancy Check
  1043. Cygnus
  1044. Cymothoidae
  1045. Cynic school
  1046. Cynoglossus joyneri
  1047. Cyprus
  1048. Cyrenaic school
  1049. Cyrillic
  1050. Cyrillic character
  1051. Cyrix
  1052. Czardas
  1053. Czech
  1054. Czech Republic
  1055. Czechoslovakia
  1056. C|NET
  1057. Cカード [シーカード]
  1058. Cクレフ [シークレフ]
  1059. C型 [シーがた]
  1060. C型肝炎 [シーがたかんえん]
  1061. C言語 [シーげんご]
  1062. D
  1063. D [ディー]
  1064. D layer
  1065. D major
  1066. D minor
  1067. D size
  1068. D'Indy
  1069. D-Day
  1070. D-STN
  1071. D-shaped
  1072. DA
  1073. DA converter
  1074. DAC
  1075. DAO
  1076. DAP
  1077. DARPA
  1078. DARS
  1079. DASD
  1080. DAT
  1081. DAT [ダット]
  1082. DAT [ディーエーティー]
  1083. DB
  1084. DB-DC
  1085. DB2
  1086. DBA
  1087. DBMS
  1088. DBMS [ディービーエムエス]
  1089. DBS
  1090. DC
  1091. DCD
  1092. DCE
  1093. DCI
  1094. DCIS
  1095. DCNA
  1096. DCOM
  1097. DCT
  1098. DCTL
  1099. DDBMS
  1100. DDE
  1101. DDF
  1102. DDI
  1103. DDI [ディーディーアイ]
  1104. DDJ
  1105. DDL
  1106. DDN
  1107. DDP
  1108. DDR
  1109. DDT
  1110. DDT [ディーディーティー]
  1111. DDX
  1112. DDX-P
  1113. DDX-TP
  1114. DEC
  1115. DEK
  1116. DEL
  1117. DES
  1118. DFG
  1119. DFT
  1120. DH
  1121. DHA
  1122. DHS
  1123. DI
  1124. DI [ディーアイ]
  1125. DI water
  1126. DIB
  1127. DIF
  1128. DIMM
  1129. DIN
  1130. DIN [ヂン]
  1131. DIN type scuba tank valve
  1132. DINKS [ディンクス]
  1133. DINバルブ [ディンバルブ]
  1134. DION
  1135. DIP
  1136. DIP switch
  1137. DISA
  1138. DIX
  1139. DJ
  1140. DJ [ディージェー]
  1141. DL
  1142. DL [ディーエル]
  1143. DL expansion history indication
  1144. DL expansion prohibited
  1145. DLC
  1146. DLCI
  1147. DLE
  1148. DLL
  1149. DMA
  1150. DMA [ディーエムエー]
  1151. DMD
  1152. DML
  1153. DMZ
  1154. DN
  1155. DNA
  1156. DNA [ディーエヌエー]
  1157. DNA cloning
  1158. DNA repository
  1159. DNA test
  1160. DNA virus
  1161. DNAウイルス [ディーエヌエーウイルス]
  1162. DNAクローニング [ディーエヌエークローニング]
  1163. DNA鑑定 [ディーエヌエーかんてい]
  1164. DNC
  1165. DNF
  1166. DNS
  1167. DNS [ディーエヌエス]
  1168. DOM
  1169. DOMS
  1170. DOS
  1171. DOS-V
  1172. DP
  1173. DPBX
  1174. DPC
  1175. DPE
  1176. DPI
  1177. DPRK
  1178. DPS
  1179. DPSK
  1180. DPV
  1181. DQN [ドキュン]
  1182. DR
  1183. DRAM
  1184. DRS
  1185. DRS理論 [ディーアールエスりろん]
  1186. DSA
  1187. DSB
  1188. DSE
  1189. DSP
  1190. DSS
  1191. DSSP
  1192. DSU
  1193. DSc
  1194. DTA
  1195. DTD
  1196. DTE
  1197. DTM
  1198. DTP
  1199. DUA
  1200. DVD
  1201. DVD [ディーブイディー]
  1202. DVD containing a slideshow of still images
  1203. DVD player
  1204. DVD recorder
  1205. DVD video
  1206. DVD-Audio
  1207. DVD-R
  1208. DVD-RAM
  1209. DVD-ROM
  1210. DVDR [ディーブイディーアール]
  1211. DVDRAM [ディーブイディーラム]
  1212. DVDROM [ディーブイディーロム]
  1213. DVD−R [ディーブイディーアール]
  1214. DVD−RAM [ディーブイディーラム]
  1215. DVD−ROM [ディーブイディーロム]
  1216. DVDオーディオ [ディーブイディーオーディオ]
  1217. DVDビデオ [ディーブイディービデオ]
  1218. DVDプレーヤー [ディーブイディープレーヤー]
  1219. DVDレコーダー [ディーブイディーレコーダー]
  1220. DVT
  1221. DX2
  1222. DX4
  1223. DXC
  1224. Dacrotized
  1225. Dad
  1226. Dahl
  1227. Dai Kanwa Jiten
  1228. Daibutsuden
  1229. Daidou era
  1230. Daiei Motion Picture Company
  1231. Daihatsu
  1232. Daihou era
  1233. Daiji era
  1234. Daijirin
  1235. Daikokuten
  1236. Daily Mirror
  1237. Dainichi Buddha
  1238. Daion
  1239. Daito flying fox
  1240. Dakini
  1241. Dakota
  1242. Dall's porpoise
  1243. Dallas
  1244. Dalmatian
  1245. Dalton's law
  1246. Damn!
  1247. Dane
  1248. Danes
  1249. Danger past and God forgotten
  1250. Daniel
  1251. Danish
  1252. Danish pastry
  1253. Danish person
  1254. Danjuro
  1255. Danrin school
  1256. Danrin style of haikai poetry
  1257. Dao Zang
  1258. Daoism
  1259. Daphnis
  1260. Daphnis and Chloe
  1261. Dapple coris
  1262. Dark Ages
  1263. Dark Continent
  1264. Darwin
  1265. Darwin's finches
  1266. Darwin's rhea
  1267. Darwinism
  1268. Das Kapital
  1269. Dascyllus
  1270. Dasein
  1271. Data Base Administrator
  1272. Data Base Management System
  1273. Data Circuit Termination Equipment
  1274. Data Communications Equipment
  1275. Data Definition Language
  1276. Data Description Language
  1277. Data Encryption Standard
  1278. Data Exchange Controller
  1279. Data Manipulation Language
  1280. Data Processing Center
  1281. Data Recording Device
  1282. DataBlade
  1283. Datnioididae
  1284. Datsun
  1285. Datura stramonium
  1286. Daurian jackdaw
  1287. Daurian redstart
  1288. Davallia mariesii
  1289. Davis Cup
  1290. Dawes Plan
  1291. Day of Atonement
  1292. Day of the Bird
  1293. Day-of-the-Boar Festival
  1294. Day-of-the-Boar mochi
  1295. Dead Sea
  1296. Dead Sea scrolls
  1297. Dear
  1298. Dear Madam
  1299. Dear Sir
  1300. Dear Sir or Madam
  1301. Dear Sirs
  1302. Dear me!
  1303. Death
  1304. Death comes to old and young alike
  1305. Debian
  1306. Debussy
  1307. Decalog
  1308. Decalogue
  1309. December
  1310. December 31st
  1311. December kabuki performance at Kyoto's Minamiza Theater in which all famous actors perform
  1312. Decembrist
  1313. Declaration of Humanity
  1314. Declaration of Independence
  1315. Declaration of the Rights of Man
  1316. Decola
  1317. Deep Submergence Systems Project
  1318. Deer-Antler-Cutting Ceremony
  1319. Defeat is inevitable for an overconfident army
  1320. Defeat is inevitable for one who goes second
  1321. Defense Facilities Administration Agency
  1322. Defense Intelligence Agency
  1323. Defrag
  1324. Delaware
  1325. Delftware
  1326. Delhi Dynasties
  1327. Delhi Sultanate
  1328. Delian League
  1329. Deliberative Council on Political Ethics
  1330. Dellinger phenomenon
  1331. Delphi
  1332. Delphi technique
  1333. Delphinus
  1334. Delta Force
  1335. Demeter
  1336. Deming
  1337. Democratic Liberal Party
  1338. Democratic National Committee
  1339. Democratic Party of Japan
  1340. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  1341. Democratic Progressive Party
  1342. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  1343. Democratic Socialist Party
  1344. Democratic Youth League of Japan
  1345. Democratic party
  1346. Dendropanax trifidus
  1347. Denebola
  1348. Denki Bran
  1349. Denmark
  1350. Denver
  1351. Department of Commerce
  1352. Department of Defense
  1353. Department of Divinities
  1354. Department of Education
  1355. Department of Health
  1356. Department of Homeland Security
  1357. Department of Immunology
  1358. Department of State
  1359. Department of State Affairs
  1360. Department of Worship
  1361. Department of the Army
  1362. Department of the Navy
  1363. Depo-provera
  1364. Deputy Director-General
  1365. Deschutes
  1366. Desert monitor
  1367. Designer2000
  1368. Desjardin's sailfin tang
  1369. Deus
  1370. Deuteromycota
  1371. Deuteronomy
  1372. Deutsche Institut fuer Normung
  1373. Deutsche Lufthansa
  1374. Deutsches Institut fuer Normung
  1375. Deutschmark
  1376. Deutzia crenata
  1377. Deva gate
  1378. Devanagari
  1379. Devanagari character
  1380. Developer2000
  1381. Development Assistance Committee
  1382. Development Department
  1383. Device Status Byte
  1384. Devonian period
  1385. Dewar vessel
  1386. Dewey Decimal System
  1387. Dewey classification
  1388. Dhammapada
  1389. Dharma
  1390. Dharma seals
  1391. Dhrtarastra
  1392. Di
  1393. Diagnostic Function Test
  1394. Dial Q2
  1395. Diamond Holder
  1396. Diamond Realm
  1397. Diamond Realm Mandala
  1398. Diamond Realm and Womb Realm
  1399. Diamond Sutra
  1400. Diamonds cut diamonds
  1401. Diana monkey
  1402. Diana's hogfish
  1403. Dicentra spectabilis
  1404. Dick and Harry
  1405. Dickinsonia
  1406. Dicranopteris linearis
  1407. Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum
  1408. Dictyoptera
  1409. Diderot's "Encyclopedie universelle des arts et sciences"
  1410. Die all together
  1411. Diet
  1412. Diet Record
  1413. Diet building
  1414. Diet member
  1415. Diet members caucus
  1416. Diet members with a special interest in education
  1417. Diet members' caucus
  1418. Different people
  1419. Digital Equipment
  1420. Digital Satellite Service
  1421. Digital Service Unit
  1422. Digital Signal Processor
  1423. Digital Versatile Disc video
  1424. Digital Video Disk
  1425. Digital Video camera
  1426. Dijkstra
  1427. Diner's Club
  1428. Ding an sich
  1429. Diode Function Generator
  1430. Diode-Transistor Logic
  1431. Dionysian
  1432. Dionysus
  1433. Dioscorea tokoro
  1434. Dipankara
  1435. Dipankara Buddha
  1436. Diplomorpha sikokiana
  1437. Diptera
  1438. DirecTV
  1439. Direct Access Storage Device
  1440. Direct Memory Access
  1441. Direct Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
  1442. Direct-coupled Transistor Logic
  1443. DirectX
  1444. Director General of Defence Agency
  1445. Director General of Economic Planning Agency
  1446. Director General of Environment Agency
  1447. Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency
  1448. Director General of National Land Agency
  1449. Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
  1450. Director General of Prime Minister's Office
  1451. Director General of Science and Technology Agency
  1452. Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
  1453. Directory Information Base
  1454. Directory Management Domain
  1455. Directory System Agent
  1456. Directory User Agent
  1457. Disanthus cercidifolius
  1458. Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act
  1459. Disaster Preparedness Day
  1460. Disaster Preparedness Week
  1461. Discman
  1462. Discoverer2000
  1463. Discrete Cosine Transform
  1464. Discrete Fourier Transform
  1465. Discrimination Office
  1466. Disney
  1467. Disney Sea
  1468. Disneyland
  1469. Display PostScript
  1470. Dissenter
  1471. Distributed Component Object Model
  1472. Distributed Computing Environment
  1473. Distributed DataBase Management System
  1474. Distributed Denial of Service attacks
  1475. Distribution List
  1476. District Land Transport Bureau
  1477. District Public Prosecutor's Office
  1478. Dixie
  1479. Dixieland
  1480. Dixieland jazz
  1481. Do as much evil as one wants
  1482. Do not touch!
  1483. DoCoMo
  1484. DoD
  1485. DoPa
  1486. DoS攻撃 [ディーオーエスこうげき]
  1487. Doberman
  1488. Dobermann Pinscher
  1489. Doctor of Commercial Science
  1490. Doctor of Divinity
  1491. Doctor of Engineering
  1492. Doctor of Laws
  1493. Doctor of Medicine
  1494. Doctor of Science
  1495. Doctoral dissertation
  1496. Dodompa
  1497. Doederleinia berycoides
  1498. Doha Round
  1499. Dolby
  1500. Dolby Digital
  1501. Dolby surround
  1502. Dolls' Festival
  1503. Domain Name System
  1504. Dominican Order
  1505. Don
  1506. Don Juan
  1507. Don't be absurd
  1508. Don't be too hard on me
  1509. Don't bother me!
  1510. Don't do anything rash!
  1511. Don't forget your first resolution
  1512. Don't mention it
  1513. Don't mention it!
  1514. Don't miss it
  1515. Don't trust a stranger
  1516. Don't worry
  1517. Don't worry about it
  1518. Don't you ever come here again!
  1519. Donacia provostii
  1520. Donaldson trout
  1521. Dongba script
  1522. Donghak Peasant Revolution
  1523. Doppler
  1524. Doppler effect
  1525. Dorado
  1526. Doria
  1527. Dorian
  1528. Doric order
  1529. Dortmund
  1530. Dosan Main Line
  1531. Double Bridge at the Palace
  1532. Double Space
  1533. Douglas fir
  1534. Dow
  1535. Dow-Jones average
  1536. Dow-Jones averages
  1537. Down's Syndrome
  1538. Down's syndrome
  1539. Dr
  1540. Dr.SURF
  1541. Draco
  1542. Dragon King
  1543. Dragon Quest
  1544. Dravidian
  1545. Dreamcast
  1546. Drop dead
  1547. Drosophila melanogaster
  1548. Drunken Boxing
  1549. Drunken Fist
  1550. Du Meredian
  1551. Du Pont de Nemours
  1552. Dual In-line Package switch
  1553. Duce
  1554. Dulong-Petit law
  1555. Dumaixue
  1556. Dumeril's monitor
  1557. Dundee
  1558. Duron
  1559. Dussumier's surgeonfish
  1560. Dutch
  1561. Dutch East India Company
  1562. Dutch clover
  1563. Dutch people
  1564. Dutch studies
  1565. Dutch treat
  1566. Dutchman
  1567. Dutchman's pipe cactus
  1568. DynaBook
  1569. DynaMosaic
  1570. Dynamic Address Translation
  1571. Dynamic Device Reconfiguration
  1572. Dynastes hercules
  1573. Dynastic period
  1574. Dデイ [ディーデイ]
  1575. Dデー [ディーデー]
  1576. D層 [ディーそう]
  1577. E
  1578. E [イー]
  1579. E flat major
  1580. E layer
  1581. E major
  1582. E minor
  1583. E2PROM
  1584. EAMT
  1585. EARN
  1586. EB
  1587. EBCDIC
  1588. EBM
  1589. EBM [イービーエム]
  1590. EBRD
  1591. EBU
  1592. EBV
  1593. EBウイルス [イービーウイルス]
  1594. EC
  1595. EC [イーシー]
  1596. ECB
  1597. ECC
  1598. ECCS
  1599. ECCS [イーシーシーエス]
  1600. ECG
  1601. ECL
  1602. ECM
  1603. ECMA
  1604. ECOM
  1605. ECT
  1606. ECTL
  1607. ECU
  1608. ED
  1609. EDC
  1610. EDG
  1611. EDGAR
  1612. EDI
  1613. EDI system
  1614. EDICT
  1615. EDICT2 Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary Files
  1616. EDICT_SUB
  1617. EDIFACT
  1618. EDLIS
  1619. EDO RAM
  1620. EDP
  1621. EDS
  1622. EDSAC
  1623. EDTA
  1624. EDTA [イーディーティーエー]
  1625. EDTV
  1626. EDUCOM
  1627. EDVAC
  1628. EEC
  1629. EEG
  1630. EEPROM
  1631. EEPROM [イーイープロム]
  1632. EEW
  1633. EEZ
  1634. EFF
  1635. EFF [イーエフエフ]
  1636. EFT
  1637. EGA
  1638. EGF
  1639. EGP
  1640. EHF
  1641. EIA
  1642. EIAJ
  1643. EIDE
  1644. EISA
  1645. EIT
  1646. EKG
  1647. EL
  1648. ELAP
  1649. ELINT
  1650. ELISA
  1651. ELSE-rule
  1652. EM
  1653. EMALL
  1654. EMAT
  1655. EMB
  1656. EMC
  1657. EMF
  1658. EMG
  1659. EMI
  1660. EMI filter
  1661. EMM386
  1662. EMS
  1663. EMU
  1664. ENE
  1665. ENIAC
  1666. ENICOM
  1667. ENQ
  1668. ENTER key
  1669. EOF
  1670. EOS
  1671. EOT
  1672. EOT marker
  1673. EOV
  1674. EPA
  1675. EPC
  1676. EPG
  1677. EPIC:Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
  1678. EPO
  1679. EPROM
  1680. EPWING
  1681. ER
  1682. ERA
  1683. ERIC
  1684. ERIC [エリック]
  1685. ERM
  1686. ERP
  1687. ERwin
  1688. ES
  1689. ESC
  1690. ESC key
  1691. ESC-P
  1692. ESCAP
  1693. ESCB
  1694. ESDI
  1695. ESDS
  1696. ESE
  1697. ESP
  1698. ESP [イーエスピー]
  1699. ESPer
  1700. ESR
  1701. ESS
  1702. ES細胞 [イーエスさいぼう]
  1703. ET
  1704. ETA
  1705. ETB
  1706. ETC
  1707. ETC [イーティーシー]
  1708. ETD
  1709. ETL
  1710. ETR
  1711. ETR [イーティーアール]
  1712. ETSI
  1713. ETX
  1714. EU
  1715. EU [イーユー]
  1716. EUC
  1717. EURATOM
  1718. EWS
  1719. EXCEL
  1720. EXCLUSIVE-OR element
  1721. EXCLUSIVE-OR gate
  1722. EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
  1723. EXW
  1724. EZ-SCSI
  1725. Ear Day
  1726. Earl Grey
  1727. Earth Day
  1728. Earth Summit
  1729. Earth light
  1730. Earthquake Early Warning
  1731. Earthwatch
  1732. Easier said than done
  1733. East Africa
  1734. East Asia
  1735. East Atlantic African spadefish
  1736. East China Sea
  1737. East Coast
  1738. East End
  1739. East Germany
  1740. East India Company
  1741. East Indies
  1742. East Side
  1743. East and West
  1744. East is East
  1745. East-Asian countries
  1746. East-Asian peoples
  1747. Easter
  1748. Easter Island
  1749. Easter Island butterflyfish
  1750. Easter bunny
  1751. Easter egging
  1752. Easter lily
  1753. Eastern Bloc countries
  1754. Eastern China
  1755. Eastern Europe
  1756. Eastern European countries
  1757. Eastern Han
  1758. Eastern Jin
  1759. Eastern League
  1760. Eastern Orthodox Church
  1761. Eastern Roman Empire
  1762. Eastern Standard Time
  1763. Eastern Time
  1764. Eastern Zhou
  1765. Eastern marsh harrier
  1766. Eastern medicine
  1767. Eastern pigfish
  1768. Easy come
  1769. Ebenaceae
  1770. Ebenales
  1771. Ebisu
  1772. Ebola hemorrhagic fever
  1773. Ebola virus
  1774. Ecclesiastes
  1775. Echigo
  1776. Ecklonia cava
  1777. Ecole de Paris
  1778. Economic Planning Agency
  1779. Economic Report of the President
  1780. Economic Strategy Council
  1781. Economic and Monetary Union
  1782. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  1783. Ectoprocta animal
  1784. Ecuador
  1785. Ecumenical Council
  1786. Ecumenical Movement
  1787. Edam cheese
  1788. Eden
  1789. Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects
  1790. Ediacara fauna
  1791. Ediacara fossil biota
  1792. Edinburgh
  1793. Edison effect
  1794. Edo
  1795. Edo Castle
  1796. Edo Japanese iris
  1797. Edo River
  1798. Edo dialect
  1799. Edo period
  1800. Edo period doll
  1801. Edo period hair style with inflated hair at the sides
  1802. Edo period inspection of rice plants
  1803. Edo period office in charge of compiling the koyomi
  1804. Edo period office which administered tenders for arms
  1805. Edo period silver coin shaped like a sea cucumber
  1806. Edo shogunate
  1807. Edo term used to debase people from Kansai
  1808. Edo-era barbershop
  1809. Edo-era street merchant who carried wares hanging from a pole
  1810. Edo-era translation of Dutch and Chinese
  1811. Edo-period Japanese card game
  1812. Edo-period Kansai dialect
  1813. Edo-period coin
  1814. Edo-period doctor working at a public clinic
  1815. Edo-period eccentric who attracted public attention with their eye-catching clothes
  1816. Edo-period form of torture in which criminals were stuffed into straw bags with their heads exposed
  1817. Edo-period gold mint
  1818. Edo-period hairstyle for the common man
  1819. Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants
  1820. Edo-period literature
  1821. Edo-period mouth harp
  1822. Edo-period paper
  1823. Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist
  1824. Edo-period prefectural governor
  1825. Edo-period school of Chinese medicine based on post-Jin and Yuan teachings
  1826. Edo-period school of Chinese medicine based on pre-Jin and Yuan teachings
  1827. Edo-period term for a time of day
  1828. Edo-period unit of gold coinage
  1829. Edo-period unit of silver coinage
  1830. Edo-style kabuki
  1831. Edo-style sushi
  1832. Education Act
  1833. Educational Resources Information Center
  1834. Eek!
  1835. Egypt
  1836. Egyptian
  1837. Egyptian civilization
  1838. Egyptian cobra
  1839. Egyptian script
  1840. Egyptology
  1841. Ehime prefecture
  1842. Ehomaki
  1843. Eichornia crassipes
  1844. Eichou era
  1845. Eid
  1846. Eid ul-Adha
  1847. Eid ul-Fitr
  1848. Eidan subway
  1849. Eien era
  1850. Eiffel Tower
  1851. Eight Extremities Fist
  1852. Eihou or Eiho era
  1853. Eiji era
  1854. Eikan era
  1855. Eikyou era
  1856. Eikyuu era
  1857. Eiman era
  1858. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
  1859. Einin era
  1860. Einsteinian universe
  1861. Eire
  1862. Eiroku era
  1863. Eiroku-period swordsmithing school
  1864. Eiryaku era
  1865. Eisenmenger syndrome
  1866. Eishou era
  1867. Eiso era
  1868. Eitoku era
  1869. Eiwa era
  1870. Ekadasamukha
  1871. El Dorado
  1872. El Nino
  1873. El Salvador
  1874. Elaeagnus multiflora var. hortensis
  1875. Elamite
  1876. Eleatic school
  1877. Electone
  1878. Electra complex
  1879. Electro-technical Laboratories
  1880. Electronic Book
  1881. Electronic Data Interchange
  1882. Electronic Frontier Foundation
  1883. Electronic Industries Association of Japan
  1884. Electrostatic Discharge
  1885. Eleocharis kuroguwai
  1886. Elysium
  1887. EmEditor
  1888. Emacs
  1889. Embun era
  1890. Emergency Repair Disk
  1891. Emery's goby
  1892. Emery's gregory
  1893. Emitter Coupled Logic
  1894. Emitter-Coupled Transistor Logic
  1895. Emma field cricket
  1896. Emmental
  1897. Emmentaler
  1898. Emmenthal
  1899. Emmenthaler
  1900. Emmenthaler cheese
  1901. Emperor
  1902. Emperor Meiji
  1903. Emperor Meiji's birthday
  1904. Emperor doll
  1905. Emperor of Japan
  1906. Emperor's Birthday
  1907. Emperor's Birthday Holiday
  1908. Emperor's Cup
  1909. Emperor's age
  1910. Emperor's coffin
  1911. Emperor's cup
  1912. Emperor's heir
  1913. Emperor's tomb
  1914. Emperor's trophy
  1915. Empire Day
  1916. Empire State Building
  1917. Empire of Japan
  1918. Empou era
  1919. Empress Dowager
  1920. Empress Dowager's palace
  1921. Empress doll
  1922. Empress's Birthday
  1923. En'ou era
  1924. Encheliophis sagamianus
  1925. Enchou era
  1926. Encoded Information Type
  1927. Encrypting File System
  1928. End key
  1929. Endler's guppy
  1930. Endler's livebearer
  1931. Energy Star
  1932. Engel's coefficient
  1933. Engel's law
  1934. Engen era
  1935. Engi era
  1936. Engi-Shiki
  1937. England
  1938. English
  1939. English Channel
  1940. English Language Proficiency Test
  1941. English breakfast
  1942. English broom
  1943. English composition
  1944. English conversation
  1945. English conversation school
  1946. English department
  1947. English flute
  1948. English grammar
  1949. English grip
  1950. English holly
  1951. English horn
  1952. English ivy
  1953. English law or method
  1954. English letter
  1955. English literature
  1956. English mode
  1957. English muffin
  1958. English mustard
  1959. English name of plants and animals
  1960. English poetry
  1961. English proficiency examination
  1962. English proficiency test
  1963. English pronunciation
  1964. English speaker
  1965. English subtitles
  1966. English teacher
  1967. English teaching
  1968. English text
  1969. English ton
  1970. English translation
  1971. English version
  1972. English word
  1973. English-English dictionary
  1974. English-Japanese
  1975. English-Japanese dictionary
  1976. English-Japanese translation
  1977. English-language newspaper
  1978. English-speaking part of America
  1979. English-speaking world
  1980. Englishman
  1981. Englishmen and Americans
  1982. Englishwoman
  1983. Engrish
  1984. Engyou era
  1985. Enhanced Cu-SeeMe
  1986. Enhanced IDE
  1987. Enhanced Small Device Interface
  1988. Enka singer
  1989. Enkei era
  1990. Enkianthus perulatus
  1991. Enkyou era
  1992. Enkyuu era
  1993. Enneapterygius etheostomus
  1994. Enryaku era
  1995. Enshu lantern
  1996. Enter key
  1997. Enter ye in at the strait gate
  1998. Enterprise Information Portal
  1999. Enterprise X Architecture
  2000. Entoku era

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