; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

60 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. sweetened rice-flour cakes for offering at the Dolls' Festival
  2. sweetener
  3. sweeteners
  4. sweetening
  5. sweetening materials
  6. sweetfish
  7. sweetfish going downstream to spawn
  8. sweetgum
  9. sweetheart
  10. sweetie
  11. sweetly ringing
  12. sweetly smiling
  13. sweetmeats
  14. sweetness
  15. sweetness and bitterness
  16. sweetness and saltiness
  17. sweets
  18. sweets for offering at the Dolls' Festival
  19. sweetsop
  20. swell
  21. swelled head
  22. swellfish
  23. swelling
  24. swelling up
  25. swelling water
  26. swellshark
  27. sweltering
  28. sweltering heat
  29. sweltering night
  30. swept away
  31. swept back hair
  32. swida controversa
  33. swidden
  34. swift
  35. swift and resolute
  36. swift attack
  37. swift ball
  38. swift current
  39. swift horse
  40. swift moth
  41. swift resolution
  42. swift wind
  43. swift's nest
  44. swift-footed
  45. swiftlet
  46. swiftly
  47. swiftly running river
  48. swiftness
  49. swig
  50. swim bladder
  51. swim pool
  52. swim ring
  53. swimcap
  54. swimfin
  55. swimmer
  56. swimmeret
  57. swimmers
  58. swimming
  59. swimming alone
  60. swimming area
  61. swimming beach
  62. swimming belt
  63. swimming club
  64. swimming contest
  65. swimming crab
  66. swimming downstream
  67. swimming float
  68. swimming fully-clothed
  69. swimming glove
  70. swimming goggles
  71. swimming in the middle of winter or the cold season
  72. swimming or bathing cap
  73. swimming pool
  74. swimming pool lane which is longer than 50 meters
  75. swimming pool reactor
  76. swimming race
  77. swimming relay
  78. swimming ring
  79. swimming school
  80. swimming style
  81. swimming trunks
  82. swimming while wearing armor
  83. swimming with the tide
  84. swimming without breathing
  85. swimmingly
  86. swimsuit
  87. swindle
  88. swindler
  89. swindling
  90. swine fever
  91. swine influenza
  92. swing
  93. swing back
  94. swing door
  95. swing jazz
  96. swing of pendulum
  97. swing out
  98. swing play
  99. swing strategy
  100. swing vote
  101. swinger
  102. swinger party
  103. swinging
  104. swinging back
  105. swinging from branch to branch
  106. swinging from joy to sorrow
  107. swinging golf club with an inside out motion
  108. swinging hard
  109. swinging lamp
  110. swinging log
  111. swinging voters
  112. swirl
  113. swirling current
  114. swish
  115. switch
  116. switch architecture
  117. switch capacity
  118. switch matrix
  119. switch trade
  120. switch vendor
  121. switch-back
  122. switch-hitter
  123. switch-selectable
  124. switch-status condition
  125. switchback
  126. switchblade
  127. switchboard
  128. switchboard number
  129. switchboard operator
  130. switchbox
  131. switched
  132. switched connection
  133. switched line
  134. switched virtual circuit
  135. switched virtual connection
  136. switched virtual path
  137. switcher
  138. switching
  139. switching ability
  140. switching capacity
  141. switching delay
  142. switching from mainframe to personal computers
  143. switching function
  144. switching hub
  145. switching layer
  146. switching matrix
  147. switching network
  148. switching off the light
  149. switching on and off
  150. switching or shunting
  151. switching over to
  152. switching product
  153. switching regulator
  154. switching router
  155. switching stage
  156. switching system
  157. switching table
  158. switching variable
  159. switchman
  160. switchover
  161. switchyard
  162. swivel
  163. swivel chair
  164. swivel clip
  165. swiveling
  166. swizzle
  167. swollen
  168. swollen face
  169. swollen or cancerous spleen
  170. swoon
  171. swooning
  172. swoop
  173. swoosh
  174. sword
  175. sword and staff" techniques in martial arts
  176. sword battle
  177. sword bean
  178. sword belt
  179. sword blade
  180. sword blade by Masamune
  181. sword brimming over with life force
  182. sword cane
  183. sword cut
  184. sword dance
  185. sword dealer
  186. sword drawing style or school from Shizuoka prefecture
  187. sword fight
  188. sword for self-defence
  189. sword for self-defense
  190. sword hilt
  191. sword hilt shaped similar to the handle of a vajra
  192. sword inscribed with the name of the swordsmith
  193. sword knot
  194. sword made after the year 1615
  195. sword of the Dotanuki school
  196. sword of the Spirit
  197. sword play
  198. sword prohibition
  199. sword rack
  200. sword salute
  201. sword scar
  202. sword shape
  203. sword strap
  204. sword that cuts iron
  205. sword used for self-defense
  206. sword worn at one's side
  207. sword worn at the waist
  208. sword wound
  209. sword-bearer
  210. sword-shaped
  211. swordbearer
  212. swordfish
  213. swordflash
  214. swordmanship
  215. swordplay
  216. swords
  217. swordsman
  218. swordsmanship
  219. swordsmith
  220. swordswoman
  221. swordtail
  222. swordtip squid
  223. sworn brother
  224. sworn elder brother
  225. sworn enemy
  226. sworn friend
  227. sworn statement
  228. syconium
  229. sycophancy
  230. sycophant
  231. sycophantic diplomacy
  232. sycophantic laugh
  233. sycophantic smile
  234. syllabary
  235. syllabary spelling
  236. syllabic
  237. syllabic character
  238. syllabic consonant
  239. syllable
  240. syllable onset
  241. syllable repetition
  242. syllable representing the primordial trinity of Vishnu
  243. syllabus
  244. syllogism
  245. sylph
  246. sylvine
  247. sylvite
  248. symbiont
  249. symbiosis
  250. symbiotic service element
  251. symbol
  252. symbol characteristic
  253. symbol color
  254. symbol colour
  255. symbol indicating a repeated character
  256. symbol manipulation
  257. symbol map
  258. symbol string
  259. symbol table
  260. symbol used as a placeholder
  261. symbol used in place of a censored word
  262. symbol with an "x" and four dots
  263. symbolic
  264. symbolic address
  265. symbolic analysis
  266. symbolic debugger
  267. symbolic emperor system
  268. symbolic language
  269. symbolic link
  270. symbolic logic
  271. symbolic-character
  272. symbolise
  273. symbolism
  274. symbolist
  275. symbolist poetry
  276. symbolization
  277. symbolize
  278. symbolizing their wisdom and compassion
  279. symbols and characters used in manga to represent actions
  280. symmetric
  281. symmetric digital subscriber line
  282. symmetric matrix
  283. symmetric multiprocessing
  284. symmetric multiprocessor
  285. symmetrical
  286. symmetrical list
  287. symmetrical pair
  288. symmetry
  289. sympathetic
  290. sympathetic attitude
  291. sympathetic condolences
  292. sympathetic magic
  293. sympathetic nerves
  294. sympathetic person
  295. sympathetic vibration
  296. sympathise
  297. sympathiser
  298. sympathize
  299. sympathizer
  300. sympathy
  301. sympathy call
  302. sympathy for a tragic hero
  303. sympathy letter
  304. sympathy vote
  305. sympathy with
  306. symphonic band
  307. symphonic jazz
  308. symphonic poem
  309. symphonic rock
  310. symphony
  311. symphony orchestra
  312. symphylan
  313. symposium
  314. symptom
  315. symptomatic therapy
  316. symptoms
  317. symptoms observed by the doctor
  318. symptoms of atomic illness
  319. symptoms of radiation sickness caused by an atomic-bomb
  320. synagogue
  321. synapse
  322. synapsids
  323. synapsis
  324. sync
  325. synchrocyclotron
  326. synchroflash
  327. synchromesh
  328. synchromism
  329. synchronic
  330. synchronic linguistics
  331. synchronicity
  332. synchronisation
  333. synchronisation loss
  334. synchronise
  335. synchronised
  336. synchronised swimming
  337. synchronization
  338. synchronization destination
  339. synchronization loss
  340. synchronization source
  341. synchronize
  342. synchronized
  343. synchronized swimming
  344. synchronous
  345. synchronous bit stream
  346. synchronous communication
  347. synchronous idle
  348. synchronous supply
  349. synchronous transmission
  350. synchroscope
  351. synchrotron
  352. synchrotron radiation
  353. syncopation
  354. syncpoint identifier
  355. syncretism
  356. syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism
  357. syncretized Shinto
  358. syndicalism
  359. syndicalist
  360. syndicate
  361. syndicate loan
  362. syndrome
  363. synecdoche
  364. synecology
  365. synectics
  366. syneresis
  367. synergism
  368. synergy
  369. synesthesia
  370. synodic month
  371. synodic period
  372. synonym
  373. synonymity
  374. synonymous name
  375. synonymy
  376. synopsis
  377. synovial fluid
  378. syntactic
  379. syntactic category
  380. syntactic error
  381. syntactic index
  382. syntagmatic relation
  383. syntax
  384. syntax analysis
  385. syntax checker
  386. syntax error
  387. syntax rules
  388. syntax tree
  389. syntax-reference character set
  390. synthase
  391. synthesis
  392. synthesiser
  393. synthesiser patch
  394. synthesist
  395. synthesizer
  396. synthesizer patch
  397. synthetase
  398. synthetic
  399. synthetic building material
  400. synthetic chemical industry
  401. synthetic chemistry
  402. synthetic classification system
  403. synthetic detergent
  404. synthetic element
  405. synthetic fiber
  406. synthetic fiber thread typically used for stringing beads
  407. synthetic fibers
  408. synthetic fibre
  409. synthetic fibres
  410. synthetic gems
  411. synthetic indigo
  412. synthetic language
  413. synthetic leather
  414. synthetic oil
  415. synthetic paper
  416. synthetic perfume
  417. synthetic petroleum
  418. synthetic resins
  419. synthetic rubber
  420. synthetic sake
  421. synthetic science
  422. synthetic sound
  423. synthetism
  424. synthpop
  425. syphilis
  426. syphillis
  427. syringe
  428. syrinx
  429. syrphid
  430. syrup
  431. syrup-covered anko and fruit
  432. syrupus
  433. syrupy
  434. sysgen
  435. sysop
  436. systaltic array
  437. system
  438. system activity
  439. system administrator
  440. system aids
  441. system allowing for election of the prime minister by popular vote
  442. system architecture
  443. system area
  444. system auditing
  445. system board
  446. system builder
  447. system bus
  448. system call
  449. system camera
  450. system capacity
  451. system caret
  452. system channel
  453. system character set
  454. system clock
  455. system common area
  456. system component
  457. system configuration
  458. system conformance statement
  459. system conformance test report
  460. system context
  461. system control program
  462. system converter
  463. system crash
  464. system data
  465. system declaration
  466. system description
  467. system design
  468. system development
  469. system device
  470. system disk
  471. system documentation
  472. system drive
  473. system energy saver level
  474. system environment
  475. system error
  476. system event
  477. system fault
  478. system file
  479. system file descriptor
  480. system folder
  481. system follow-up
  482. system font
  483. system for showing appreciation to the author of a web-site
  484. system generation
  485. system goods
  486. system house
  487. system identifier
  488. system in which interministerial rivalry diminishes overall efficiency
  489. system indicating court ranks by headgear colors
  490. system industry
  491. system initialization
  492. system integration
  493. system integrator
  494. system interchange
  495. system kitchen
  496. system label
  497. system library
  498. system life cycle
  499. system logical unit
  500. system maintenance
  501. system memory
  502. system menu
  503. system of clans and hereditary titles
  504. system of crystallisation
  505. system of crystallization
  506. system of equations
  507. system of government
  508. system of guilt by association
  509. system of land subdivision in ancient Japan
  510. system of lifetime employment
  511. system of notation
  512. system of one-party rule
  513. system of particles
  514. system of rule during the Yamato period
  515. system of self-management
  516. system of single-party rule
  517. system of universal conscription
  518. system operator
  519. system parameter
  520. system process
  521. system production time
  522. system program
  523. system programmer
  524. system prompt
  525. system requirement
  526. system requirements
  527. system reset
  528. system resource
  529. system software
  530. system start up
  531. system support
  532. system television
  533. system test and evaluation plan
  534. system test time
  535. system that allows for the construction of highways and buildings in the same space
  536. system that offers choices
  537. system theory
  538. system under test
  539. system used during the Edo era where commoners had to register with a temple in order to prove their Buddhist faith
  540. system where all students live in dormitories
  541. system work load level
  542. system-name
  543. system-title
  544. systematic
  545. systematic desensitization
  546. systematic theology
  547. systematically
  548. systematics
  549. systematisation
  550. systematization
  551. systemic
  552. systemic circulation
  553. systemic grammar
  554. systemic lupus erythematosus
  555. systemise
  556. systemize
  557. systems
  558. systems administrator
  559. systems analysis
  560. systems analyst
  561. systems approach
  562. systems biology
  563. systems design
  564. systems designer
  565. systems engineer
  566. systems engineering
  567. systems flow chard
  568. systems hacking
  569. systems managed object
  570. systems management application process
  571. systems management application service element
  572. systems management function
  573. systems management functional area
  574. systems management functional unit
  575. systems management package
  576. systems management service
  577. systems network
  578. systems network architecture
  579. systems planner
  580. systems program
  581. systems software
  582. systems theory
  583. systems-management
  584. systems-management-application-entity
  585. systole
  586. systolic
  587. systolic blood pressure
  588. t
  589. t [ティー]
  590. tRNA
  591. tRNA [ティーアールエヌエー]
  592. tab
  593. tab character
  594. tab code
  595. tab collar
  596. tab delimited
  597. tab key
  598. tab stop
  599. tabbed browsing
  600. tabby cat
  601. tabernacle
  602. tabi
  603. tabla
  604. tablature
  605. table
  606. table charge
  607. table cloth
  608. table cover
  609. table element
  610. table game
  611. table heading
  612. table linen
  613. table lookup
  614. table manners
  615. table of contents
  616. table of logarithms
  617. table of mathematical decompression and oxygen toxicity models for divers
  618. table of random numbers
  619. table or altar on which one places donated flowers
  620. table or graph
  621. table over an electric heater with a hanging quilt that retains heat
  622. table salt
  623. table talk
  624. table tennis
  625. table turning
  626. table use
  627. table wine
  628. table with sumo rankings
  629. table with very short legs
  630. table-side service
  631. tableau
  632. tableau vivant
  633. tablecloth
  634. tableland
  635. tablespoon
  636. tablet
  637. tablet bearing Christian images
  638. tablet button
  639. tablet pen
  640. tablet personal computer
  641. tabletop
  642. tabletop game
  643. tableware
  644. tabloid
  645. taboo
  646. taboo word
  647. tabula rasa
  648. tabular
  649. tabular form
  650. tabulate coral
  651. tabulate corals
  652. tabulation
  653. tabulation alignment
  654. tabulation stop
  655. tabulator
  656. tabun
  657. taccad
  658. tache de vin
  659. tachibana
  660. tachibana tree west of the southern stairs of the Hall for State Ceremonies
  661. tachina fly
  662. tachinid
  663. tachistoscope
  664. tachogenerator
  665. tachograph
  666. tachometer
  667. tachycardia
  668. tachymeter
  669. tachyon
  670. tacit
  671. tacit agreement
  672. tacit approval
  673. tacit consent
  674. tacit knowledge
  675. tacit permission
  676. tacit permission or approval
  677. tacit understanding
  678. tacitly
  679. taciturn
  680. taciturn person
  681. taciturn person or someone disinterested in romance
  682. taciturnity
  683. taciturnly
  684. tack
  685. tack seal
  686. tack welding
  687. tacking
  688. tackle
  689. tackling with gusto
  690. taco filling and rice
  691. tacos
  692. tact
  693. tact system
  694. tactful
  695. tactful way of expressing something
  696. tactfully
  697. tactic
  698. tactical air control center
  699. tactical air control party
  700. tactical nuclear weapon
  701. tactical operations center
  702. tactical operations centre
  703. tactical plan
  704. tactician
  705. tactics
  706. tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons
  707. tactile
  708. tactile organ
  709. tactile perception
  710. tactile sense
  711. tactless
  712. tactless frankness
  713. tactual
  714. tactual perception
  715. tadpole
  716. tael
  717. taffeta
  718. taffy
  719. tag
  720. tag indicating a future role or status for a character in anime
  721. tag jump
  722. tag line
  723. tag match
  724. tag or label
  725. tag out
  726. tag up
  727. tag-question
  728. tag-team match
  729. tagged
  730. tagged type
  731. tagging
  732. tagliatelle
  733. tagline
  734. tai
  735. taiga
  736. taiji
  737. tail
  738. tail and fins
  739. tail and wings
  740. tail end
  741. tail fan
  742. tail feathers
  743. tail fin
  744. tail lamp
  745. tail plane
  746. tail recursion
  747. tail-light
  748. tailbone
  749. tailcoat
  750. tailender
  751. tailgating
  752. taillight
  753. tailor
  754. tailor's
  755. tailor's cutting board
  756. tailor's knife
  757. tailor-made
  758. tailored
  759. tailored collar
  760. tailored suit
  761. tailoring
  762. tailplane
  763. tailring surgeonfish
  764. tails
  765. tailwind
  766. tainted
  767. tainted meat
  768. taipan
  769. taixu
  770. take
  771. take a long walk off a short pier
  772. take a rest rather than useless thinking
  773. take a sudden turn
  774. take care
  775. take care of yourself
  776. take flight
  777. take great care of
  778. take it easy
  779. take no notice of
  780. take note of
  781. take one wrong step and...
  782. take situational peculiarities into consideration
  783. take the initiative in doing something thereby setting an example for others to follow
  784. take the limit of
  785. take the logarithim of
  786. take the opportunity to
  787. take the tonsure
  788. take the trouble
  789. take the world by storm
  790. take to one's heels
  791. take up a new post
  792. take up farming again
  793. take upon oneself
  794. take-away
  795. take-off
  796. take-out
  797. take-over
  798. take-over bid
  799. take-over zone
  800. takeaway
  801. taken aback
  802. taken care of
  803. taken up slack
  804. takeoff
  805. takeoff and landing
  806. takeout
  807. takeover
  808. taker
  809. taker of bets
  810. takes after
  811. taking
  812. taking a breather
  813. taking a class
  814. taking a day off by paying one's own fee to one's master
  815. taking a good look
  816. taking a graduate school entrance examination
  817. taking a hot bath
  818. taking a joke to the extreme
  819. taking a junior high-school entrance examination
  820. taking a lead in
  821. taking a meal
  822. taking a philosophic view
  823. taking a photo at just the right moment
  824. taking a picture
  825. taking a pitch
  826. taking a quantity
  827. taking a relaxed holiday in a rural area
  828. taking a seat
  829. taking a ship
  830. taking a shortcut
  831. taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut
  832. taking a spectacular photograph
  833. taking a stab at arousing someone's interest
  834. taking a story with a grain of salt
  835. taking a straight look at something
  836. taking a swig at something
  837. taking a train
  838. taking a turn
  839. taking a turn for the better
  840. taking a turn for the worse
  841. taking a wife
  842. taking a wife by kidnapping a woman passing by on the road
  843. taking advantage of
  844. taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity
  845. taking advantage of the confused state of affairs
  846. taking along
  847. taking alternately favorable and unfavorable turns
  848. taking an active interest
  849. taking an examination
  850. taking an extensive view of
  851. taking an image
  852. taking another's opinion into consideration
  853. taking applications
  854. taking appropriate action
  855. taking back
  856. taking before others
  857. taking by the hand
  858. taking captive
  859. taking care
  860. taking care of
  861. taking care of everything
  862. taking care of one's responsibilities by oneself
  863. taking care of oneself
  864. taking care of someone
  865. taking care of something by oneself
  866. taking charge
  867. taking charge of
  868. taking command of a corps in a battle
  869. taking decisive measure
  870. taking delight in elegant pursuits
  871. taking dictation
  872. taking effect
  873. taking entrance examination to a university in case one fails at other universities
  874. taking every possible precaution
  875. taking excerpts
  876. taking for granted
  877. taking form
  878. taking good care of
  879. taking good care of things
  880. taking great pains
  881. taking heart
  882. taking hold
  883. taking in
  884. taking in and out
  885. taking in one's stride
  886. taking into account
  887. taking into consideration
  888. taking kindly to men
  889. taking lectures
  890. taking life one day at a time
  891. taking measurements
  892. taking medicine
  893. taking no account of
  894. taking no measures
  895. taking no notice
  896. taking no notice of
  897. taking off one's clothes
  898. taking offence
  899. taking offense
  900. taking on another form
  901. taking one's children along
  902. taking one's eyes off the road ahead while driving
  903. taking one's lover to a hotel
  904. taking one's own course
  905. taking one's time
  906. taking oneself off
  907. taking out
  908. taking out and putting in
  909. taking out small loans
  910. taking over
  911. taking over an office
  912. taking over the world
  913. taking pains
  914. taking pains to
  915. taking part
  916. taking part in
  917. taking part in planning
  918. taking part on the spur of the moment
  919. taking peeping films
  920. taking photographs
  921. taking photographs for a volume at the request of a publisher
  922. taking pictures outdoors
  923. taking pictures secretly
  924. taking pity upon
  925. taking place
  926. taking poison
  927. taking priority
  928. taking refuge
  929. taking refuge inside
  930. taking responsibility
  931. taking responsibility upon oneself
  932. taking seriously
  933. taking shape
  934. taking shelter from rain
  935. taking something by storm
  936. taking something into account
  937. taking something into consideration
  938. taking space
  939. taking special classes
  940. taking tally
  941. taking the baths
  942. taking the extenuating circumstances into consideration
  943. taking the extrance exams of multiple schools
  944. taking the family along
  945. taking the field first
  946. taking the first two points of the game
  947. taking the initiative
  948. taking the opportunity
  949. taking the plate
  950. taking the same car or train
  951. taking the same ship
  952. taking the waters
  953. taking to the field first
  954. taking tottering steps
  955. taking turns
  956. taking turns on duty
  957. taking up
  958. taking up a new line of work
  959. taking up a new position as chief priest of a Buddhist temple
  960. taking up a new post leaving one's family behind
  961. taking you at your word
  962. takings
  963. tako-yaki pan
  964. takotsubo cardiomyopathy
  965. talc
  966. talc powder
  967. talcum
  968. talcum powder
  969. tale
  970. tale featuring robbers
  971. tale of adventure
  972. tale of heroic deeds
  973. tale of heroism
  974. tale of one's heroism
  975. tale of tragic love
  976. tale telling
  977. taleggio
  978. talent
  979. talent and accomplishments
  980. talent and education
  981. talent as a performer
  982. talent for languages
  983. talent for music
  984. talent for poetry
  985. talent pool
  986. talent-money
  987. talented
  988. talented and intelligent person
  989. talented individual
  990. talented man
  991. talented man and a beautiful woman
  992. talented or beautiful geisha
  993. talented person
  994. talented sumo wrestler
  995. talented woman
  996. talentless and imcompetent
  997. talents
  998. tales of one's travels
  999. talisman
  1000. talk
  1001. talk about art
  1002. talk about divorce or separation
  1003. talk about town
  1004. talk about various topics
  1005. talk and variety show
  1006. talk of the town
  1007. talk on drama
  1008. talk show
  1009. talk something away
  1010. talkative
  1011. talkative girl
  1012. talkative person
  1013. talkativeness
  1014. talkie
  1015. talking
  1016. talking a lot
  1017. talking about widely
  1018. talking amiably
  1019. talking back
  1020. talking big
  1021. talking drum
  1022. talking glibly
  1023. talking in a delirium
  1024. talking in a low voice
  1025. talking in an obvious way
  1026. talking in delirium
  1027. talking in sleep
  1028. talking in whispers
  1029. talking nonsense
  1030. talking or acting in such a way as to make those around you draw away
  1031. talking paper
  1032. talking politics
  1033. talking recklessly
  1034. talking to oneself
  1035. talking to the wall
  1036. talking voice
  1037. talking while standing
  1038. talking with food in one's mouth
  1039. talking with gestures
  1040. talks
  1041. tall
  1042. tall and lean figure
  1043. tall and slender bottle with a narrow mouth made from ceramic
  1044. tall and steep
  1045. tall and thin
  1046. tall bamboo
  1047. tall bamboo cultivated for its edible shoots
  1048. tall building
  1049. tall candlestick
  1050. tall clogs
  1051. tall fence
  1052. tall figure
  1053. tall geta with a single tooth
  1054. tall hat
  1055. tall headed god of happiness
  1056. tall lamp or candle stand
  1057. tall lanky person
  1058. tall mountains
  1059. tall order
  1060. tall person
  1061. tall stewartia
  1062. tall story
  1063. tall tale
  1064. tall talk
  1065. tall tree
  1066. tall wagon
  1067. tall wooden clogs
  1068. tall-paneled sliding door
  1069. tallboy
  1070. tallness
  1071. tallow
  1072. tally
  1073. tally impression
  1074. talon
  1075. talus
  1076. tam-tam
  1077. tamagushi used at Ise Shrine's purification ceremonies
  1078. tamal
  1079. tamale
  1080. tamari
  1081. tamari soy sauce
  1082. tamarin
  1083. tamarind
  1084. tambaqui
  1085. tambour
  1086. tambourin
  1087. tambourine
  1088. tame
  1089. tame ending
  1090. tame rabbit
  1091. tamer
  1092. taming
  1093. tamoxifen
  1094. tampala
  1095. tamper resistant
  1096. tamping rod
  1097. tampion
  1098. tampon
  1099. tan
  1100. tanbo art
  1101. tandem
  1102. tandem bicycle sprint
  1103. tandem data circuit
  1104. tandoor
  1105. tandoori chicken
  1106. tang cai
  1107. tangent
  1108. tangent point
  1109. tangerine
  1110. tangible
  1111. tangible and intangible
  1112. tangible assets
  1113. tangible cultural properties
  1114. tangible fixed assets
  1115. tangible object
  1116. tangible property
  1117. tangible things
  1118. tangle
  1119. tangled
  1120. tango
  1121. tangram
  1122. tank
  1123. tank breathing
  1124. tank car
  1125. tank corps
  1126. tank destroyer
  1127. tank farming
  1128. tank for holding excreta
  1129. tank for purifying water
  1130. tank of clean water
  1131. tank pipe opening
  1132. tank top
  1133. tank truck
  1134. tanka
  1135. tanka appendage to a long poem
  1136. tanka composer
  1137. tanka inscription
  1138. tanka poetry
  1139. tankard
  1140. tanker
  1141. tanker truck
  1142. tankman
  1143. tanned
  1144. tanned animal hide
  1145. tanned by the sun and sea breezes
  1146. tanner
  1147. tannery
  1148. tannic acid
  1149. tannin
  1150. tanning
  1151. tanning machine
  1152. tanning salon
  1153. tanning using chromium compounds
  1154. tansu
  1155. tantalised
  1156. tantalising
  1157. tantalising sample
  1158. tantalite
  1159. tantalized
  1160. tantalizing
  1161. tantalizing sample
  1162. tantalum
  1163. tantra
  1164. tantrum
  1165. tanuki
  1166. tanuki drumming on their stomachs
  1167. tanuki soup
  1168. tanuki's body
  1169. tanyosho pine
  1170. tao-tie
  1171. tap
  1172. tap dance
  1173. tap dancer
  1174. tap on the shoulder
  1175. tap water
  1176. tap-tap
  1177. tap-water
  1178. tapa cloth
  1179. tape
  1180. tape backup
  1181. tape cartridge
  1182. tape cut
  1183. tape deck
  1184. tape device
  1185. tape drive
  1186. tape frame
  1187. tape hiss
  1188. tape library
  1189. tape mark
  1190. tape measure
  1191. tape player
  1192. tape punch
  1193. tape recorder
  1194. tape reproducer
  1195. tape row
  1196. tape spool
  1197. tape streamer
  1198. tape transport
  1199. taper
  1200. taper gauge
  1201. taper pin
  1202. taper reamer
  1203. tapered slacks
  1204. tapering
  1205. tapering off
  1206. tapering toward the end
  1207. tapestry
  1208. tapestry turban
  1209. tapeworm
  1210. tapeworms
  1211. taping
  1212. tapioca
  1213. tapir
  1214. tapped well
  1215. tappet
  1216. tappet clearance
  1217. tapping
  1218. taproot
  1219. taps
  1220. tar
  1221. tar cancer
  1222. tar carcinoma
  1223. tar dye
  1224. tar pitch
  1225. tar sand
  1226. tar sands
  1227. tara vine
  1228. tarantella
  1229. tarantula
  1230. tardigrade
  1231. tardigrades
  1232. tardily
  1233. tardiness
  1234. tardive
  1235. tardive dyskinesia
  1236. tardy
  1237. tardy slip
  1238. tare
  1239. tare sauce
  1240. target
  1241. target amount
  1242. target date
  1243. target descriptor
  1244. target drive
  1245. target element
  1246. target group
  1247. target language
  1248. target machine
  1249. target of opportunity
  1250. target persons
  1251. target practice
  1252. target practise
  1253. target program
  1254. target shooting
  1255. target thesaurus
  1256. target value
  1257. target zone
  1258. targeted at individuals
  1259. targeted marketing
  1260. targeting
  1261. targetted at young women
  1262. tariff
  1263. tariff autonomy
  1264. tariff avoidance
  1265. tariff barrier
  1266. tariff binding
  1267. tariff escalation
  1268. tariff jumping
  1269. tariff protection
  1270. tariff quota system
  1271. tariff rate
  1272. tarmac road
  1273. taro
  1274. taro bud
  1275. taro corm
  1276. taro cormel
  1277. taro cormlet
  1278. taro stem
  1279. tarot
  1280. tarot card
  1281. tarp
  1282. tarpan
  1283. tarpaulin
  1284. tarpon
  1285. tarragon
  1286. tarry hogfish
  1287. tarsal
  1288. tarsal cyst
  1289. tarsier
  1290. tarsus
  1291. tart
  1292. tartan
  1293. tartar
  1294. tartar sauce
  1295. tartare
  1296. tartaric acid
  1297. tartelette
  1298. tartrate
  1299. task
  1300. task bar
  1301. task force
  1302. task manager
  1303. task organisation
  1304. task organization
  1305. task overview
  1306. task schedule
  1307. task switcher
  1308. task switching
  1309. taskforce
  1310. tasks
  1311. tassel
  1312. tasselled wobbegong
  1313. tassets
  1314. taste
  1315. taste buds
  1316. taste for both wines and sweets
  1317. taste for haiku
  1318. taste for the exotic
  1319. taste for the simple and quiet
  1320. taste masking agent
  1321. taste of iron
  1322. taste-explosion
  1323. tasteful
  1324. tasteful dress
  1325. tastefully
  1326. tastefulness
  1327. tasteless
  1328. tasteless and odorless
  1329. tastelessness
  1330. taster for poison
  1331. tastes
  1332. tasting
  1333. tasting good going down
  1334. tasting medicine to see if it contains poison
  1335. tasting the sweets and bitters of life
  1336. tasty
  1337. tasty dish
  1338. tasty food
  1339. tatami "box seat" for four people at sumo
  1340. tatami covering
  1341. tatami maker
  1342. tatami mat
  1343. tatami mat room
  1344. tatami mat with a wooden plank for a core
  1345. tatami mat without a "heri"
  1346. tatami needle
  1347. tatami room
  1348. tatami-matted
  1349. tathagatagarbha
  1350. tathata
  1351. tattered
  1352. tattered clothes
  1353. tatting
  1354. tatting lace
  1355. tattoo
  1356. tattoo artist
  1357. tattooing
  1358. tau
  1359. tau lepton
  1360. tau particle
  1361. taunt
  1362. taurine
  1363. taut
  1364. tautology
  1365. tavern
  1366. tawdry
  1367. tawny
  1368. tawny milkcap mushroom
  1369. tawny nurse shark
  1370. tax
  1371. tax accountant exam
  1372. tax allocated to local governments
  1373. tax allotment
  1374. tax arrears
  1375. tax avoidance
  1376. tax break
  1377. tax burden
  1378. tax certificate slip
  1379. tax collection
  1380. tax collector
  1381. tax commission
  1382. tax counsellor
  1383. tax counselor
  1384. tax cut policy
  1385. tax declaration certificate
  1386. tax enquiry
  1387. tax evasion
  1388. tax excluded
  1389. tax exemption
  1390. tax exemption for a child under the age of 16
  1391. tax exemption for dependents
  1392. tax exemption limit
  1393. tax free
  1394. tax free percentage
  1395. tax haven
  1396. tax identification number
  1397. tax incidence
  1398. tax included
  1399. tax increase
  1400. tax increase proposal
  1401. tax increases
  1402. tax inquiry
  1403. tax investigation
  1404. tax leakage
  1405. tax liability
  1406. tax not included
  1407. tax notice
  1408. tax office
  1409. tax official
  1410. tax on aggregate income
  1411. tax on alcohol
  1412. tax on goods and personal possessions
  1413. tax on products
  1414. tax on the residents of the prefecture
  1415. tax paid to avoid forced labor
  1416. tax parasite
  1417. tax payment by self-assessment
  1418. tax payment certification
  1419. tax payment under protest
  1420. tax penalty
  1421. tax rate
  1422. tax reduction
  1423. tax reduction policy
  1424. tax reform
  1425. tax refund
  1426. tax relief
  1427. tax return
  1428. tax return certificate
  1429. tax revenue
  1430. tax revenue shortfall
  1431. tax revenues
  1432. tax separate
  1433. tax shifting
  1434. tax source
  1435. tax system
  1436. tax system research commission
  1437. tax system research council
  1438. tax withholding at the source
  1439. tax yields
  1440. tax-abatement policy
  1441. tax-collection office
  1442. tax-excluded
  1443. tax-exclusive pricing
  1444. tax-exempt land
  1445. tax-exempt savings system which includes stocks and cash
  1446. tax-free
  1447. tax-free income
  1448. tax-free ratio
  1449. tax-free small-sum savings system
  1450. tax-included price
  1451. tax-inclusive pricing
  1452. tax-income certificate
  1453. tax-reduction strategy
  1454. tax-saving measure
  1455. taxable
  1456. taxable amount
  1457. taxable goods
  1458. taxable income
  1459. taxable item
  1460. taxation
  1461. taxation bureau
  1462. taxation business
  1463. taxation law
  1464. taxes
  1465. taxes and public dues
  1466. taxes in arrears
  1467. taxes in kind or service
  1468. taxi
  1469. taxi driver
  1470. taxi en route to a customer
  1471. taxi equipped with a meter
  1472. taxi rank
  1473. taxi stand
  1474. taxicab
  1475. taxidermy
  1476. taximeter
  1477. taxing one's ingenuity in devising something
  1478. taxis
  1479. taxiway
  1480. taxon
  1481. taxonomic key
  1482. taxonomist
  1483. taxonomy
  1484. taxpayer
  1485. tchotchke
  1486. tea
  1487. tea and cakes or sweets
  1488. tea and hot water
  1489. tea arbor
  1490. tea arbour
  1491. tea bag
  1492. tea bowl
  1493. tea break
  1494. tea caddy
  1495. tea cakes
  1496. tea ceremony
  1497. tea ceremony cottage
  1498. tea ceremony etiquette
  1499. tea ceremony master
  1500. tea ceremony performed with tables and chairs
  1501. tea ceremony procedures
  1502. tea ceremony stand with an enclosed shelf
  1503. tea chest
  1504. tea cloth
  1505. tea container
  1506. tea container having pronounced "shoulders" near the neck
  1507. tea cosy
  1508. tea cozy
  1509. tea cup
  1510. tea dealer
  1511. tea dispenser
  1512. tea drinking
  1513. tea extract
  1514. tea flavoured rice gruel
  1515. tea gathering
  1516. tea grinding mortar
  1517. tea gruel
  1518. tea harvesting
  1519. tea house
  1520. tea house used as a resting place
  1521. tea incrustation
  1522. tea ladle
  1523. tea leaf
  1524. tea leaves
  1525. tea machine
  1526. tea made from twigs pruned from the tea plant during its dormant season
  1527. tea master
  1528. tea name
  1529. tea napkin
  1530. tea offering to the gods
  1531. tea olive
  1532. tea party
  1533. tea plant
  1534. tea plantation
  1535. tea pot like object made typically of lacquer ware and used to pour hot and cold liquids
  1536. tea preparation
  1537. tea prepared for the New Year with the first water of the year
  1538. tea processing
  1539. tea processing industry
  1540. tea produced in the mountains
  1541. tea room
  1542. tea seller
  1543. tea served without sweets
  1544. tea service
  1545. tea set
  1546. tea shop
  1547. tea stains
  1548. tea stall
  1549. tea store
  1550. tea strainer
  1551. tea table
  1552. tea towel
  1553. tea tray
  1554. tea urn
  1555. tea utensils
  1556. tea whisk
  1557. tea-cake
  1558. tea-ceremony arbor
  1559. tea-ceremony arbour
  1560. tea-ceremony dishes
  1561. tea-drinking companion
  1562. tea-growing district
  1563. tea-picking song
  1564. tea-server
  1565. tea-tasting contest
  1566. tea-towel
  1567. teabag
  1568. teacakes
  1569. teach-in
  1570. teacher
  1571. teacher and student
  1572. teacher employment examination
  1573. teacher responsible for training in astronomy
  1574. teacher's cane
  1575. teacher's desk
  1576. teacher's license
  1577. teacher's mark or grade book
  1578. teacher's pet
  1579. teacher's pointer
  1580. teacher's student-helper
  1581. teacher-training curriculum
  1582. teachers
  1583. teachers statement
  1584. teachers' college
  1585. teachers' organisation
  1586. teachers' organization
  1587. teachers' union
  1588. teaching
  1589. teaching Buddhism
  1590. teaching by rote
  1591. teaching fee
  1592. teaching guide
  1593. teaching hospital
  1594. teaching machine
  1595. teaching manners
  1596. teaching material fees
  1597. teaching materials
  1598. teaching method
  1599. teaching methodology
  1600. teaching of Buddha which make it possible to be enlightened
  1601. teaching of English
  1602. teaching oneself
  1603. teaching people and leading them to Buddhism
  1604. teaching practice
  1605. teaching practise
  1606. teaching program
  1607. teaching something to someone who knows more than you
  1608. teaching staff
  1609. teaching tools
  1610. teaching unit
  1611. teaching your grandmother to suck eggs
  1612. teachings
  1613. teachings conveyed by the gods
  1614. teachings of Buddha
  1615. teacup
  1616. teacup saucer
  1617. teahouse
  1618. teahouse garden
  1619. teahouse or teahouse offering sexual services
  1620. teahouse that introduces clients to prostitutes
  1621. teahouse that sells fruit
  1622. teak
  1623. teakettle
  1624. team
  1625. team at bat
  1626. team competition
  1627. team game
  1628. team jumper
  1629. team leader
  1630. team member
  1631. team of doctors
  1632. team play
  1633. team sports
  1634. team teaching
  1635. team-translation
  1636. teammate
  1637. teamwork
  1638. teapot
  1639. teapot mat
  1640. tear
  1641. tear gas
  1642. tear gas defense spray
  1643. tear gas gun
  1644. tear grass
  1645. tear out
  1646. tear-gas bomb
  1647. tear-gas gun
  1648. tear-stained face
  1649. teardrop butterflyfish
  1650. teardrop coralfish
  1651. teardrop-shaped
  1652. tearful
  1653. tearful face
  1654. tearful voice
  1655. tearfully
  1656. tearing
  1657. tearing apart
  1658. tearing limb from limb
  1659. tearing off
  1660. tearing sound
  1661. tearing up and discarding
  1662. tearjerker
  1663. tearoom
  1664. tears
  1665. tears falling onto the sleeve
  1666. tears of blood
  1667. tears of gratitude
  1668. tears of grief
  1669. tears of joy
  1670. tears of love
  1671. tears of regret
  1672. tears of sadness
  1673. tears or flower petals falling quietly
  1674. tears or grain of rice falling
  1675. tears streaming down one's cheeks
  1676. teary eyes
  1677. teary-eyed
  1678. tease
  1679. teasel
  1680. teasing
  1681. teasingly
  1682. teaspoon
  1683. teat
  1684. teatime
  1685. technetium
  1686. technetronic
  1687. technical
  1688. technical advisor
  1689. technical answer
  1690. technical assistant
  1691. technical book
  1692. technical center
  1693. technical centre
  1694. technical civilisation
  1695. technical civilization
  1696. technical college
  1697. technical college or institute
  1698. technical committee
  1699. technical cooperation
  1700. technical course
  1701. technical diver
  1702. technical diving
  1703. technical expert
  1704. technical fall
  1705. technical fee
  1706. technical foul
  1707. technical glossary
  1708. technical high school
  1709. technical investigation
  1710. technical journal
  1711. technical junior college
  1712. technical knockout
  1713. technical knowledge
  1714. technical limitations
  1715. technical manuscript
  1716. technical merit
  1717. technical name
  1718. technical officer
  1719. technical official
  1720. technical paper
  1721. technical point
  1722. technical premise
  1723. technical problem
  1724. technical proficiency
  1725. technical program
  1726. technical requirement
  1727. technical research institute
  1728. technical review
  1729. technical school
  1730. technical score
  1731. technical side
  1732. technical skill
  1733. technical skills test
  1734. technical specification
  1735. technical standards
  1736. technical standards compliance
  1737. technical support
  1738. technical term
  1739. technical terminology
  1740. technical training
  1741. technical works
  1742. technicality
  1743. technically accomplished
  1744. technically difficult
  1745. technician
  1746. technicolor
  1747. technics
  1748. technique
  1749. technique of holding one's opponent's arm to prevent him from getting a hold on one's belt
  1750. technique of throwing one's opponent by pushing his chest while holding his thigh
  1751. technique or skill worthy of the gods
  1752. technique prize
  1753. technique user
  1754. techniques
  1755. techno
  1756. techno cut
  1757. techno lady
  1758. techno mart
  1759. techno sound
  1760. techno-
  1761. techno-industrial
  1762. techno-pop
  1763. techno-science
  1764. techno-stress
  1765. techno-superliner
  1766. technocracy
  1767. technocrat
  1768. technoeconomics
  1769. technological assistance
  1770. technological development
  1771. technological gap
  1772. technological innovation
  1773. technological solution
  1774. technological strength
  1775. technological task
  1776. technologies
  1777. technology
  1778. technology art
  1779. technology assessment
  1780. technology association
  1781. technology beyond our current capabilities
  1782. technology bubble
  1783. technology cost
  1784. technology exchange
  1785. technology gap
  1786. technology import
  1787. technology institute
  1788. technology revolution
  1789. technology standardization
  1790. technology transfer
  1791. technomist
  1792. technonationalism
  1793. technopeasant
  1794. technophobia
  1795. technopolis
  1796. technostructure
  1797. tectonic earthquake
  1798. tectonic line
  1799. tectonics
  1800. teddy
  1801. teddy bear
  1802. tedious
  1803. tedious job
  1804. tedious talk
  1805. tediously
  1806. tedium
  1807. tee
  1808. tee batting
  1809. tee off
  1810. tee shot
  1811. tee-hee
  1812. tee-up
  1813. teeing
  1814. teeing ground
  1815. teeming with
  1816. teeming with culture
  1817. teen
  1818. teen movie
  1819. teen-age
  1820. teenage
  1821. teenage mother
  1822. teenager
  1823. teens
  1824. teepee
  1825. teeth
  1826. teeth clattering
  1827. teeth of a saw
  1828. teether
  1829. teething
  1830. teething fever
  1831. teething ring
  1832. teethridge
  1833. teetotal day
  1834. teikade
  1835. tektite
  1836. telco
  1837. tele
  1838. tele-
  1839. telecast
  1840. telecine
  1841. telecom network
  1842. telecom vendor
  1843. telecommunication
  1844. telecommunication equipment
  1845. telecommunications
  1846. telecommunications carrier
  1847. telecommunications company
  1848. telecommunications engineering
  1849. telecommunications enterprise
  1850. telecommunications expenses
  1851. telecommunications fees
  1852. telecommunications infrastructure
  1853. telecommunications standard
  1854. telecommuting
  1855. teleconference
  1856. teleconnection
  1857. telecontrol system
  1858. teleconverter
  1859. teledrama
  1860. telefax
  1861. telefeature
  1862. telegenic
  1863. telegony
  1864. telegram
  1865. telegram blank
  1866. telegram charge
  1867. telegram form
  1868. telegram of condolence
  1869. telegram received
  1870. telegram sent at night
  1871. telegram sent by an emperor or head of state
  1872. telegraph
  1873. telegraph key
  1874. telegraph office
  1875. telegraph operator
  1876. telegraph pole
  1877. telegraph wire
  1878. telegraphed instructions
  1879. telegrapher
  1880. telegraphic remittance
  1881. telegraphic transfer
  1882. telegraphist
  1883. telekinesis
  1884. telemark
  1885. telemarker
  1886. telemarketer
  1887. telemarketing
  1888. telemedicine
  1889. telementary
  1890. telemeter
  1891. telemetering
  1892. telemetry
  1893. telencephalon
  1894. teleological argument
  1895. teleology
  1896. teleonomy
  1897. teleosts
  1898. telepathic communication
  1899. telepathy
  1900. telephone
  1901. telephone appointment
  1902. telephone book
  1903. telephone booth
  1904. telephone box
  1905. telephone call
  1906. telephone call made to get an appointment
  1907. telephone card
  1908. telephone charge
  1909. telephone club
  1910. telephone company
  1911. telephone conversation
  1912. telephone counselling service
  1913. telephone customer
  1914. telephone dialogue
  1915. telephone directory
  1916. telephone equipment
  1917. telephone exchange
  1918. telephone exchange number
  1919. telephone fee
  1920. telephone instrument
  1921. telephone line
  1922. telephone made from two cans and a piece of string
  1923. telephone marketing
  1924. telephone network
  1925. telephone number
  1926. telephone number at which a person without a telephone can be reached
  1927. telephone number at which person without a phone can be reached
  1928. telephone operator
  1929. telephone order
  1930. telephone pole
  1931. telephone poll
  1932. telephone receiver or mouthpiece
  1933. telephone service
  1934. telephone service charge
  1935. telephone sex
  1936. telephone subscriber
  1937. telephone survey
  1938. telephone switchboard
  1939. telephone switching station
  1940. telephone threat
  1941. telephone time-warning sound
  1942. telephone wall jack
  1943. telephone wire
  1944. telephony
  1945. telephoto lens
  1946. telephotograph
  1947. telepolitics
  1948. teleportation
  1949. teleprinter
  1950. teleprocessing
  1951. telescan
  1952. telescope
  1953. telescopefish
  1954. telescoping
  1955. telescreen
  1956. teletex
  1957. teletext
  1958. teletext broadcasting
  1959. teletype
  1960. teletypewriter
  1961. teletypewriter exchange
  1962. televised broadcast of a stage performance
  1963. televising
  1964. televising right
  1965. television
  1966. television addict
  1967. television advertising
  1968. television aerial
  1969. television antenna
  1970. television broadcast
  1971. television camera
  1972. television commercial
  1973. television continuity
  1974. television documentary
  1975. television drama
  1976. television drama aired on Friday nights
  1977. television guide
  1978. television listings
  1979. television network
  1980. television opaque projector
  1981. television play
  1982. television program
  1983. television programs
  1984. television rating system
  1985. television report
  1986. television screen
  1987. television set
  1988. television shopping
  1989. television signal
  1990. television spot
  1991. television star
  1992. television station
  1993. television studio
  1994. television system
  1995. television talent
  1996. television transmitter
  1997. television viewer
  1998. telework
  1999. telewriting
  2000. telex

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