; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT2英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT2英語 見出し単語一覧

19 / 243ページ
データ総見出し数 485268

  1. eccentricities
  2. eccentricity
  3. ecclesiastical or educational authority
  4. ecclesiastical province
  5. eccrine gland
  6. ecdysis
  7. ecdysone
  8. ecdysozoan
  9. echelon
  10. echinococcosis
  11. echinococcus
  12. echinoderm
  13. echinomycin
  14. echium
  15. echo
  16. echo area
  17. echo back
  18. echo cancellation
  19. echo canceller
  20. echo chamber
  21. echo check
  22. echo room
  23. echo sounder
  24. echo sounding
  25. echo suppressor
  26. echo volume
  27. echoing
  28. echoing beautifully
  29. echolocation
  30. eclair
  31. eclampsia
  32. eclecticism
  33. eclipse
  34. eclipse period
  35. eclipse pigfish
  36. eclipsing the others
  37. eclipsing variable
  38. ecliptic
  39. ecliptic coordinates
  40. ecliptic latitude
  41. ecliptic longitude
  42. eclogite
  43. eco-
  44. eco-business
  45. eco-car
  46. ecocide
  47. ecofeminism
  48. ecological
  49. ecological mark
  50. ecological movement
  51. ecological theology
  52. ecological theory
  53. ecologist
  54. ecology
  55. econometrics
  56. economic
  57. economic act
  58. economic activities
  59. economic activity
  60. economic animal
  61. economic assessment
  62. economic assistance
  63. economic basis
  64. economic behavior
  65. economic bloc
  66. economic blockade
  67. economic boom created by the Tokyo Olympic Games
  68. economic boom due to special procurements
  69. economic bubble
  70. economic bubble burst
  71. economic climate
  72. economic clout
  73. economic collapse
  74. economic comeback
  75. economic competitiveness
  76. economic condition
  77. economic conditions
  78. economic contraction
  79. economic cooperation
  80. economic crisis
  81. economic data
  82. economic development
  83. economic difficulties
  84. economic diplomacy
  85. economic disparity
  86. economic downturn
  87. economic environment
  88. economic espionage
  89. economic expansion
  90. economic factor
  91. economic forecast
  92. economic forecasting
  93. economic fortune
  94. economic front
  95. economic geology
  96. economic growth
  97. economic growth forecast
  98. economic history
  99. economic index
  100. economic indicator
  101. economic integration
  102. economic law
  103. economic liberalism
  104. economic malaise
  105. economic management
  106. economic measure
  107. economic meltdown
  108. economic motive
  109. economic nomad
  110. economic outlook
  111. economic output
  112. economic pain
  113. economic policies of Ronald Reagan
  114. economic policy
  115. economic power
  116. economic problem
  117. economic recovery
  118. economic recovery policy
  119. economic reform
  120. economic reforms introduced in 1736
  121. economic result
  122. economic revitalisation
  123. economic revitalization
  124. economic right
  125. economic sanctions
  126. economic slowdown
  127. economic slump
  128. economic stability
  129. economic stagnation
  130. economic statistics
  131. economic sterilization
  132. economic stimulation program
  133. economic strategy
  134. economic strength
  135. economic struggles
  136. economic support
  137. economic system
  138. economic unit
  139. economic war
  140. economic waters or zone
  141. economic white paper
  142. economic world
  143. economical
  144. economical and simple
  145. economical product
  146. economical use of energy
  147. economics
  148. economics department
  149. economics of diversification
  150. economics of scope
  151. economics research center
  152. economics research centre
  153. economics school
  154. economies of scale
  155. economisation
  156. economiser
  157. economising
  158. economist
  159. economization
  160. economizer
  161. economizing
  162. economy
  163. economy bottle
  164. economy class
  165. economy class syndrome
  166. economy model
  167. economy of scale
  168. economy recovery plan
  169. economy-sized goods
  170. ecosystem
  171. ecotour
  172. ecotourism
  173. ecotype
  174. ecozone
  175. ecstasy
  176. ecstatic
  177. ecstatic trance
  178. ecstatically
  179. ectoderm
  180. ectogenesis
  181. ectomorphic
  182. ectoparasitism
  183. ectopic pregnancy
  184. ectoplasm
  185. ectotherm
  186. ecumenism
  187. ecumenopolis
  188. eczema
  189. edamame
  190. eddies of wind around high buildings
  191. eddo
  192. eddy
  193. edema
  194. edentates
  195. edge
  196. edge ball
  197. edge connector
  198. edge face
  199. edge flag
  200. edge of a pond
  201. edge of a river
  202. edge of a street
  203. edge of a swamp
  204. edge of a tray
  205. edge of bankruptcy
  206. edge of blade
  207. edge of mountain
  208. edge of the eaves
  209. edge of town
  210. edge or corner of a stone
  211. edge subscription
  212. edge subscription file
  213. edge trigger method
  214. edge visibility flag
  215. edge-stitched seam
  216. edged tool
  217. edges of the mouth
  218. edgetype
  219. edgewidth scale factor
  220. edgily
  221. edging
  222. edging lower
  223. edible
  224. edible bird's nest
  225. edible chrysanthemum
  226. edible flower
  227. edible flower bud of the fuki plant
  228. edible grass
  229. edible mushroom
  230. edible salamander
  231. edible wild plants
  232. edict
  233. edict from a senior official in government or military which had the status of a binding official document
  234. edification
  235. edifice
  236. edit
  237. edit box
  238. edit mode
  239. edited edition
  240. edited version
  241. editing
  242. editing capability
  243. editing character
  244. editing process
  245. edition
  246. editor
  247. editor function
  248. editor-in-chief
  249. editorial
  250. editorial board
  251. editorial column
  252. editorial committee member
  253. editorial department
  254. editorial design
  255. editorial office
  256. editorial page
  257. editorial writer
  258. editorial-staff member
  259. editors
  260. editors note
  261. edp. religious
  262. edu
  263. educated
  264. educated class
  265. educated or sensible person
  266. educated person
  267. education
  268. education about having a good diet
  269. education and learning
  270. education by rote learning
  271. education fund
  272. education in art and design
  273. education in drawing and manual arts
  274. education in good taste
  275. education in sexual morality
  276. education of laity
  277. education of the handicapped
  278. education of the head and hand and heart
  279. education or school expenses
  280. education system
  281. education to eliminate discrimination
  282. education world or circles
  283. education-conscious society
  284. education-related industries
  285. educational
  286. educational administration
  287. educational affairs
  288. educational affairs section
  289. educational assistance
  290. educational channel
  291. educational endowment insurance
  292. educational facilities established in affiliation with government agencies
  293. educational guidance
  294. educational institution
  295. educational or school system
  296. educational policies or administration
  297. educational psychology
  298. educational reform
  299. educational society
  300. educational standards
  301. educational support
  302. educational system
  303. educational toy
  304. educational-industrial complex
  305. educationalist
  306. educator
  307. eduction
  308. edutainment
  309. eel
  310. eel fillets cooked over charcoal with soy flavoured sauce
  311. eel going downstream to spawn
  312. eel kabayaki with rice
  313. eel knife
  314. eel restaurant
  315. eel trap
  316. eel-like sea creature
  317. eel-liver soup
  318. eelgrass
  319. eerie
  320. eerie bird
  321. eerie wind
  322. effacement
  323. effect
  324. effect compiler
  325. effect machine
  326. effect of alcohol on the voice
  327. effect of dyeing
  328. effect or effectiveness of advertising
  329. effecting de facto constitutional changes through creative interpretation of the existing constitution
  330. effective
  331. effective action
  332. effective addressing mode
  333. effective data transfer rate
  334. effective date
  335. effective demand
  336. effective group ID
  337. effective length
  338. effective means
  339. effective microorganisms
  340. effective or important point
  341. effective or well-known medicine
  342. effective potential
  343. effective radiated power
  344. effective status of a marked section
  345. effective strength
  346. effective tax rate
  347. effective temperature
  348. effective throughput
  349. effective transfer rate
  350. effective user ID
  351. effectively impossible
  352. effectively not existing as an option
  353. effectiveness
  354. effector
  355. effects
  356. effects of drugs
  357. effects of karma
  358. effeminacy
  359. effeminate
  360. effeminate man
  361. efferent
  362. efferent nerve
  363. efferent neuron
  364. effervescence
  365. effervescent
  366. effete
  367. efficacious chemical
  368. efficacy
  369. efficacy of a drug
  370. efficacy of a drug or medicine
  371. efficiency
  372. efficiency penalty
  373. efficiency rating
  374. efficiency wages
  375. efficient
  376. efficient cause
  377. efficiently
  378. efflorescence
  379. effluence
  380. effluent standard
  381. effluent standards
  382. efflux
  383. effort
  384. effort or strain
  385. effortlessly
  386. efforts
  387. effrontery
  388. effusion
  389. effusive
  390. effusive rock
  391. effusiveness
  392. efreet
  393. egg
  394. egg albumin
  395. egg beater
  396. egg case
  397. egg cell
  398. egg chair
  399. egg crab
  400. egg dishes
  401. egg laid in winter
  402. egg membrane
  403. egg sac
  404. egg slow-boiled so that the yolk is hard but the white is still soft
  405. egg soup
  406. egg white
  407. egg yolk
  408. egg-laying
  409. egg-laying hens
  410. egg-laying site
  411. egg-shaped
  412. egg-sized
  413. eggbeater
  414. eggcase of the greater argonaut
  415. eggcase of the winged argonaut
  416. eggcup
  417. egghead
  418. eggnog
  419. eggplant
  420. eggplant picked eaten in the autumn
  421. eggs
  422. eggs and fry
  423. eggs and hatchlings
  424. eggshell
  425. eggshell-colored traditional Japanese paper made primarily of Diplomorpha sikokiana fibres
  426. eggwash
  427. ego
  428. ego-driven men
  429. ego-tripper
  430. egocentricity
  431. egocentrism
  432. egoism
  433. egoist
  434. egoistic
  435. egoma
  436. egoma seed oil
  437. egotism
  438. egotist
  439. egotistic
  440. egress
  441. eh
  442. eh?
  443. eicosapentaenoic acid
  444. eiderdown
  445. eidetic imagery
  446. eigen-
  447. eigenfunction
  448. eigenvalue
  449. eight
  450. eight Edo-period provinces of Kanto
  451. eight Japanese monks who visited China during the early Heian
  452. eight ata
  453. eight beat
  454. eight consciousnesses
  455. eight days
  456. eight delicacies
  457. eight faces
  458. eight great wisdom kings
  459. eight hereditary titles
  460. eight hundred
  461. eight lofty peaks
  462. eight million
  463. eight minutes
  464. eight mounted warriors
  465. eight parts of speech
  466. eight picturesque sights
  467. eight samurai on horseback
  468. eight trigrams
  469. eight trigrams palm
  470. eight-armed scoop net
  471. eight-fingered-leaf shrub
  472. eight-headed
  473. eight-holed arrow whistle
  474. eight-legged essay
  475. eight-legged table
  476. eight-sided shape
  477. eight-striped butterflyfish
  478. eight-tailed serpent
  479. eight-tenths
  480. eightband butterflyfish
  481. eighteen
  482. eighteen centers of Buddhist learning
  483. eighteen litre drum
  484. eighteenth
  485. eighteenth of the sexagenary cycle
  486. eightfold gardenia
  487. eighth
  488. eighth brain nerve
  489. eighth lunar month
  490. eighth month of the lunar calendar
  491. eighth of nine traditional astrological signs
  492. eighth of the sexagenary cycle
  493. eighth sign of Chinese zodiac
  494. eighth sign of the Chinese calendar
  495. eightline wrasse
  496. eightstripe wrasse
  497. eighty
  498. eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring
  499. einsteinium
  500. eisbein
  501. eisteddfod
  502. either
  503. either ... or ...
  504. either end
  505. either for the day or a "grand opening"
  506. either for the day or permanently
  507. either of
  508. either side of a rikishi's mawashi
  509. either way
  510. ejaculating into someone's mouth
  511. ejaculation
  512. ejaculation between or on breasts
  513. ejaculation in the mouth
  514. ejaculation onto partner's face
  515. ejaculation onto someone's face
  516. eject
  517. eject button
  518. ejection
  519. ejective
  520. ejector
  521. ejector button
  522. ejector housing
  523. ejector mark
  524. ejector tube
  525. ekayana
  526. elaborate
  527. elaborate dinner tray
  528. elaborated cloth
  529. elaboration
  530. elaboration on
  531. elan vital
  532. eland
  533. elapsed aging
  534. elapsed time
  535. elapsed timer
  536. elasmobranchs
  537. elastic
  538. elastic band
  539. elastic body
  540. elastic cord
  541. elastic fabric
  542. elastic material
  543. elastic operation
  544. elastic shear modulus
  545. elastic vibration
  546. elastic wave
  547. elasticity
  548. elasticity of demand
  549. elasticity of supply
  550. elastin
  551. elastomer
  552. elastomeric
  553. elated
  554. elative
  555. elbow
  556. elbow pad
  557. elbow rest
  558. elbow strike
  559. elbow-shaped bend
  560. elbowroom
  561. elder
  562. elder brother
  563. elder brother's wife
  564. elder chief of a village or town during Edo Period
  565. elder second cousin
  566. elder sister
  567. elder statesman
  568. eldercare
  569. elderly
  570. elderly Confucian scholar
  571. elderly care
  572. elderly couple
  573. elderly gentleman
  574. elderly man-about-town
  575. elderly master
  576. elderly or experienced farmer
  577. elderly or veteran actor
  578. elderly people
  579. elderly person
  580. elderly person's polite reference to self
  581. elderly priest
  582. elderly servant
  583. elderly spinster
  584. elderly welfare law
  585. elderly woman
  586. elderly woman of imperial lineage
  587. elders
  588. eldest
  589. eldest brother
  590. eldest child
  591. eldest child or son
  592. eldest daughter
  593. eldest grandson of an Emperor in the line of descent
  594. eldest sister
  595. eldest son
  596. eldest son's descendants
  597. elect
  598. elect few
  599. election
  600. election administration
  601. election campaign
  602. election campaign fund
  603. election campaign office
  604. election campaign strategy
  605. election day
  606. election headquarters
  607. election laws
  608. election loss
  609. election period
  610. election preparations
  611. election results
  612. election tactics
  613. election time
  614. election tour
  615. elective body
  616. elective class
  617. elective course or subject
  618. elective subject or course
  619. electoral base
  620. electoral college
  621. electoral district
  622. electoral eligibility
  623. electoral funds
  624. electoral irregularities
  625. electoral quota
  626. electoral register
  627. electoral system
  628. electoral system allowing for the election of from 3 to 5 candidates from one district
  629. electoral system allowing for the election of multiple candidates from one district
  630. electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies
  631. electorate
  632. electret
  633. electric
  634. electric acoustic guitar
  635. electric appliance store
  636. electric appliances
  637. electric automobile
  638. electric bass
  639. electric bell
  640. electric blanket
  641. electric blue
  642. electric bug killer
  643. electric bulb
  644. electric cable
  645. electric carpet
  646. electric catfish
  647. electric chair
  648. electric charge
  649. electric circuit
  650. electric clock
  651. electric coil heater contained in metal tube
  652. electric commerce
  653. electric company
  654. electric company bond
  655. electric cooking stove
  656. electric current
  657. electric current sintering
  658. electric dipole
  659. electric drill
  660. electric eel
  661. electric energy
  662. electric fan
  663. electric field
  664. electric furnace
  665. electric generator
  666. electric gramophone
  667. electric guitar
  668. electric heat
  669. electric heater
  670. electric iron
  671. electric light
  672. electric line
  673. electric locomotive
  674. electric machine
  675. electric motor
  676. electric muscle stimulation
  677. electric organ
  678. electric oven
  679. electric power
  680. electric power producer and supplier
  681. electric power production and supply
  682. electric power system
  683. electric power transmission
  684. electric railway
  685. electric ray
  686. electric razor
  687. electric refrigerator
  688. electric resistance
  689. electric rice-cooker
  690. electric saw
  691. electric scoreboard
  692. electric shock
  693. electric short-circuit
  694. electric supply
  695. electric switch
  696. electric system
  697. electric toothbrush
  698. electric torch
  699. electric utility expense
  700. electric vacuum cleaner
  701. electric washing machine
  702. electric water heater
  703. electric welding
  704. electric wheelchair
  705. electric-appliance maker
  706. electric-eye camera
  707. electrical
  708. electrical and electronic
  709. electrical appliance
  710. electrical capacitance
  711. electrical cardioversion
  712. electrical circuit
  713. electrical component
  714. electrical conduction
  715. electrical conductivity
  716. electrical defibrillation
  717. electrical device
  718. electrical discharge
  719. electrical distribution network
  720. electrical earth
  721. electrical engineer
  722. electrical engineering
  723. electrical equipment
  724. electrical fault
  725. electrical key
  726. electrical light wiring
  727. electrical machinery
  728. electrical manufacturer
  729. electrical outlet
  730. electrical power
  731. electrical resistance
  732. electrical resistance meter
  733. electrical resistor
  734. electrical scalpel
  735. electrical short circuit
  736. electrical signal
  737. electrical system
  738. electrical tolerance
  739. electrical transistor
  740. electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
  741. electrically heated carpet
  742. electrically operated
  743. electrically-charged atom
  744. electrically-heated wire
  745. electrician
  746. electricity
  747. electricity charges
  748. electricity consumption
  749. electricity cut-off
  750. electricity outage
  751. electricity regeneration
  752. electricity shortage
  753. electricity supply network
  754. electrification
  755. electrifying
  756. electro mechanical
  757. electro-acoustic
  758. electro-acoustic equipment
  759. electro-cardiogram
  760. electro-luminescence
  761. electro-magnetic wave
  762. electrocardiograph
  763. electroceramics
  764. electrochemistry
  765. electroconvulsive therapy
  766. electrocution
  767. electrode
  768. electrode potential
  769. electrodeposition
  770. electrodynamics
  771. electroencephalograph
  772. electroforming
  773. electroluminescence
  774. electrolysis
  775. electrolyte
  776. electrolytic
  777. electrolytic bath
  778. electrolytic capacitor
  779. electrolytic cell
  780. electrolytic corrosion
  781. electrolytic dissociation
  782. electrolytic solution
  783. electromagnet
  784. electromagnetic
  785. electromagnetic catapult
  786. electromagnetic compatibility
  787. electromagnetic cooker
  788. electromagnetic field
  789. electromagnetic induction
  790. electromagnetic interaction
  791. electromagnetic interference
  792. electromagnetic loudspeaker
  793. electromagnetic spectrum
  794. electromagnetic unit
  795. electromagnetic valve
  796. electromagnetic waves
  797. electromagnetism
  798. electromechanics
  799. electrometer
  800. electromotive force
  801. electromyogram
  802. electron
  803. electron beam
  804. electron cloud
  805. electron density
  806. electron gun
  807. electron lens
  808. electron microscope
  809. electron multiplier
  810. electron optics
  811. electron pair
  812. electron ray
  813. electron shell
  814. electron spin resonance
  815. electron transport chain
  816. electron tube
  817. electron volt
  818. electronegativity
  819. electronic
  820. electronic banking
  821. electronic book
  822. electronic brain
  823. electronic bulletin board
  824. electronic cafe
  825. electronic calculator combined with a soroban
  826. electronic camera
  827. electronic circuit
  828. electronic commerce
  829. electronic computation
  830. electronic computer
  831. electronic conference
  832. electronic cooking
  833. electronic cottage
  834. electronic data
  835. electronic data interchange
  836. electronic data processing
  837. electronic device
  838. electronic dictionary
  839. electronic engineering
  840. electronic equipment
  841. electronic file
  842. electronic filing
  843. electronic filing system
  844. electronic fund transfer
  845. electronic funds transfer
  846. electronic goods
  847. electronic information
  848. electronic intelligence
  849. electronic library
  850. electronic luminescence
  851. electronic magazine
  852. electronic mail
  853. electronic mail service
  854. electronic mail system
  855. electronic mailbox
  856. electronic media
  857. electronic money
  858. electronic music
  859. electronic musical instrument
  860. electronic newspaper
  861. electronic office
  862. electronic organ
  863. electronic organizer
  864. electronic paper
  865. electronic parts
  866. electronic payment
  867. electronic piano
  868. electronic program guide
  869. electronic publishing
  870. electronic shocks
  871. electronic signature
  872. electronic sound
  873. electronic tax filing
  874. electronic toll collection system
  875. electronic voting
  876. electronic wallet
  877. electronic warfare
  878. electronic watermark
  879. electronically
  880. electronics
  881. electronics and information
  882. electronics engineer
  883. electronics industry
  884. electrophone
  885. electrophoresis
  886. electrophorus
  887. electrophotography
  888. electrophysiology
  889. electroscope
  890. electroshock therapy
  891. electrostatic
  892. electrostatic capacity
  893. electrostatic field
  894. electrostatic plotter
  895. electrostatic printer
  896. electrostatic storage
  897. electrostatic unit
  898. electrothermic equipment
  899. electrotype
  900. electrovalence
  901. electuary
  902. elegance
  903. elegant
  904. elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry
  905. elegant beauty
  906. elegant coris
  907. elegant left-leaning block typeface
  908. elegant name
  909. elegant or refined style
  910. elegant phrase
  911. elegant pursuits
  912. elegant simplicity
  913. elegant style
  914. elegant unicornfish
  915. elegant words
  916. elegant wrasse
  917. elegy
  918. element
  919. element declaration
  920. element of service
  921. element of surprise
  922. element pointer
  923. element position
  924. element reference list
  925. element set
  926. element structure
  927. element type
  928. element type definition
  929. element type parameter
  930. elemental
  931. elemental device
  932. elementary
  933. elementary and middle school pupils
  934. elementary and middle schools
  935. elementary attainments
  936. elementary course
  937. elementary education
  938. elementary item
  939. elementary knowledge of
  940. elementary level
  941. elementary mathematics
  942. elementary operation
  943. elementary particle
  944. elementary reaction
  945. elementary school
  946. elementary school student
  947. elementary school student council
  948. elementary school textbook
  949. elements
  950. elements deserving criticism
  951. elephant
  952. elephant bird
  953. elephant hawk moth
  954. elephant seal
  955. elephant shrew
  956. elephant trainer
  957. elephantiasis
  958. elephantine
  959. elephantnose fish
  960. elevated bridge
  961. elevated place
  962. elevated podium in Japanese-style house
  963. elevated railroad
  964. elevated railway
  965. elevation
  966. elevation diagram
  967. elevation fluctuation vector
  968. elevation map
  969. elevation to peerage
  970. elevator
  971. elevator hall
  972. elevator landing
  973. elevator machine room
  974. eleven
  975. eleven nines
  976. eleven-faced Goddess of Mercy
  977. eleventh hour
  978. eleventh lunar month
  979. eleventh month of the lunar calendar
  980. eleventh of the sexagenary cycle
  981. eleventh sign of Chinese zodiac
  982. eleventh-hour
  983. elf
  984. eligibility
  985. eligibility for election
  986. eligible
  987. eligible voters
  988. eliminating corruption among government officials
  989. elimination
  990. elimination by lottery
  991. elimination of non-essential elements
  992. elimination reaction
  993. eliminator
  994. elision
  995. elite
  996. elite force
  997. elite guards
  998. elite soldiers
  999. elite troops
  1000. elitism
  1001. elixir
  1002. elixir of life
  1003. elk
  1004. ell
  1005. ellipse
  1006. ellipsis
  1007. ellipsis points
  1008. ellipsoid
  1009. ellipsoid body
  1010. elliptic function
  1011. elliptical
  1012. elliptical galaxy
  1013. elliptical shape
  1014. elm
  1015. elm tree
  1016. elocution
  1017. elongate janthina
  1018. elongate surgeonfish
  1019. elongate unicornfish
  1020. elongation
  1021. elopement
  1022. eloping
  1023. eloquence
  1024. eloquence or flattery designed to deceive
  1025. eloquent
  1026. eloquent and skilled
  1027. eloquent person
  1028. eloquent speaker
  1029. eloquent speech
  1030. eloquent tongue
  1031. else
  1032. elsewhere
  1033. elucidation
  1034. elucidation of a difficult passage
  1035. elucidatory
  1036. elude
  1037. elusive
  1038. elution
  1039. elven
  1040. elver
  1041. elytron
  1042. em
  1043. em quad
  1044. emaciated
  1045. emaciated body
  1046. emaciation
  1047. email
  1048. email address
  1049. email box
  1050. email friend
  1051. email from a cell phone or mobile phone
  1052. email from mobile phones
  1053. email from mobile phones with attached photos
  1054. email inbox
  1055. email magazine
  1056. email newsletter
  1057. email program
  1058. email software
  1059. email spreading rumors and false stories
  1060. email that is returned as undeliverable
  1061. emanating
  1062. emancipation
  1063. emancipation movement
  1064. emancipation of serfs
  1065. emancipation of slaves
  1066. embalming
  1067. embalmment
  1068. embankment
  1069. embankment made of earth
  1070. embarassment
  1071. embargo
  1072. embarkation
  1073. embarkation card
  1074. embarking
  1075. embarking and disembarking
  1076. embarking upon
  1077. embarrassed
  1078. embarrassed grin
  1079. embarrassing
  1080. embarrassment
  1081. embassy
  1082. embayment
  1083. embedded
  1084. embedded ninja
  1085. embedded numeric keypad
  1086. embedded processor
  1087. embedded testing
  1088. embedding
  1089. embellished stone
  1090. embellishment
  1091. ember
  1092. embers
  1093. embezzlement
  1094. embezzler
  1095. emblem
  1096. emblematic
  1097. embodiment
  1098. embodying
  1099. embolism
  1100. embolus
  1101. emboss
  1102. embossed carving
  1103. embossed gilt lacquerwork
  1104. embossed paper
  1105. embossed venus
  1106. embossing
  1107. embossing a pattern
  1108. embossment
  1109. embouchure
  1110. embrace
  1111. embrasure
  1112. embrittlement
  1113. embroided or impressed so that the original fabric is completely covered
  1114. embroidered crest
  1115. embroidered design
  1116. embroidery
  1117. embroidery and foil or gilt
  1118. embroidery lace
  1119. embroidery thread
  1120. embryo
  1121. embryo bud
  1122. embryo sac
  1123. embryology
  1124. embryonal
  1125. embryonic
  1126. embryonic demise
  1127. embryonic membrane
  1128. embryonic stem cell
  1129. emerald
  1130. emerald dove
  1131. emerald green
  1132. emerald tree monitor
  1133. emerged shoreline
  1134. emergence
  1135. emergency
  1136. emergency aid
  1137. emergency anchoring
  1138. emergency and critical care centre
  1139. emergency ascent
  1140. emergency bag
  1141. emergency blanket
  1142. emergency brake
  1143. emergency braking procedure
  1144. emergency call
  1145. emergency case
  1146. emergency conference
  1147. emergency contraception
  1148. emergency contraceptive
  1149. emergency contraceptive pill
  1150. emergency core cooling system
  1151. emergency demands
  1152. emergency deployment
  1153. emergency eject hole
  1154. emergency employment measures
  1155. emergency evacuation
  1156. emergency exit
  1157. emergency exit light
  1158. emergency exit signs
  1159. emergency food
  1160. emergency fund
  1161. emergency funds
  1162. emergency government
  1163. emergency headquarters
  1164. emergency hospital
  1165. emergency job-creating measures
  1166. emergency landing
  1167. emergency measure
  1168. emergency measures
  1169. emergency medical assistance team
  1170. emergency medical technician
  1171. emergency medicine
  1172. emergency meeting
  1173. emergency meeting of the upper house of the Diet
  1174. emergency or temporary measure
  1175. emergency patient
  1176. emergency phone call
  1177. emergency posting
  1178. emergency power source
  1179. emergency power supply
  1180. emergency procedures
  1181. emergency rations
  1182. emergency rescue team member
  1183. emergency rice feeding
  1184. emergency room
  1185. emergency session
  1186. emergency shut down
  1187. emergency shutdown
  1188. emergency staircase
  1189. emergency stairs
  1190. emergency stop
  1191. emergency stores
  1192. emergency summons
  1193. emergency surfacing
  1194. emergency surfacing drill
  1195. emergency tasks
  1196. emergency transport
  1197. emergency vehicle
  1198. emergency volcanic alert
  1199. emergent
  1200. emergent coastline
  1201. emergent plant
  1202. emerging
  1203. emerging city
  1204. emerging nation
  1205. emeritus professor
  1206. emersion
  1207. emery
  1208. emery board
  1209. emery paper
  1210. emesma
  1211. emetic
  1212. emetine
  1213. emigrant
  1214. emigration
  1215. emigration and immigration
  1216. emigration card
  1217. eminence
  1218. eminent
  1219. eminent scholar
  1220. eminent virtue
  1221. emirate
  1222. emissary
  1223. emission
  1224. emission limitation
  1225. emission of light
  1226. emission spectrography
  1227. emission standard
  1228. emitter
  1229. emitting
  1230. emitting a shrill sound
  1231. emitting an aroma
  1232. emitting smoke
  1233. emollient
  1234. emoluments
  1235. emoticon
  1236. emotion
  1237. emotion and reason
  1238. emotion and volition
  1239. emotional
  1240. emotional attachment
  1241. emotional chanting or recitation
  1242. emotional climate of a district
  1243. emotional condition
  1244. emotional conflict
  1245. emotional disorder
  1246. emotional effect on pet owners from losing their pet
  1247. emotional instability
  1248. emotional labour
  1249. emotional person
  1250. emotional scars
  1251. emotional strength
  1252. emotional support
  1253. emotional trauma
  1254. emotional voice
  1255. emotionalism
  1256. emotionally disturbed child
  1257. emotionally uplifting
  1258. emotions
  1259. empathetically putting oneself in the place of a handicapped person
  1260. empathy
  1261. emperor
  1262. emperor angelfish
  1263. emperor moth
  1264. emperor of Russia
  1265. emperor of the time
  1266. emperor penguin
  1267. emperor red snapper
  1268. emperor tetra
  1269. emperor whose mother is a member of the Imperial family but whose father is not
  1270. emperor worship
  1271. emperor's aide-de-camp
  1272. emperor's approval
  1273. emperor's arrival
  1274. emperor's countenance
  1275. emperor's encampment
  1276. emperor's gift cup
  1277. emperor's health
  1278. emperor's hearing
  1279. emperor's illness
  1280. emperor's knowledge
  1281. emperor's literary production
  1282. emperor's meal
  1283. emperor's private hunting preserve
  1284. emperor's reply
  1285. emperor's return to the imperial palace
  1286. emperor's seal
  1287. emperor's second consort
  1288. emperor's secret orders
  1289. emperor's teacher
  1290. emperor's temporary place of sojourn
  1291. emperor's virtue
  1292. emperor's visit
  1293. emperor's well-being
  1294. emperor's wishes
  1295. emperor's work
  1296. emperor-sponsored anthology
  1297. emphasis
  1298. emphasise
  1299. emphasize
  1300. emphasizes a determination not to do something
  1301. emphasizes a determination not to do something by means of a rhetorical question
  1302. emphasizing one's speech
  1303. emphatic construction
  1304. emphatic negative
  1305. emphatic particle
  1306. emphatic prefix
  1307. emphatic suffix
  1308. emphatic verbal prefix
  1309. emphatically
  1310. emphysema
  1311. empire
  1312. empire tube
  1313. empirical
  1314. empirical formula
  1315. empirical science
  1316. empiricism
  1317. emplacement
  1318. employed person
  1319. employee
  1320. employee ID card
  1321. employee assigned to an office
  1322. employee education
  1323. employee insurance
  1324. employee of a messenger or delivery service
  1325. employee performance evaluation
  1326. employee posted away from their family
  1327. employee training
  1328. employee who pours clean hot water used for rinsing in a bathhouse
  1329. employee's attendance record
  1330. employee's work day
  1331. employees' union
  1332. employer
  1333. employer and employee
  1334. employer's house
  1335. employing
  1336. employment
  1337. employment adjustment
  1338. employment advertisement
  1339. employment agency
  1340. employment bureau
  1341. employment data
  1342. employment examination
  1343. employment exchange
  1344. employment measures
  1345. employment of new graduates
  1346. employment of workers through connections
  1347. employment office
  1348. employment position or rank
  1349. employment rate
  1350. employment scene
  1351. employment screening
  1352. employment selection
  1353. employment situation
  1354. employment statistics
  1355. employment system
  1356. employment verification
  1357. empowerment
  1358. empress
  1359. empress dowager
  1360. empress dowager's home
  1361. empress's residence
  1362. emptiness
  1363. emptiness is form
  1364. emptiomania
  1365. empty
  1366. empty air
  1367. empty boat
  1368. empty bottle
  1369. empty box
  1370. empty can
  1371. empty conveyance
  1372. empty directory
  1373. empty dream
  1374. empty file
  1375. empty formalities
  1376. empty grain husk
  1377. empty gun
  1378. empty handed
  1379. empty house
  1380. empty interior style
  1381. empty link set
  1382. empty lot
  1383. empty map
  1384. empty medium
  1385. empty name
  1386. empty nest
  1387. empty nest syndrome
  1388. empty of people
  1389. empty promise
  1390. empty rice field
  1391. empty seat
  1392. empty set
  1393. empty shell
  1394. empty shop
  1395. empty show
  1396. empty sky
  1397. empty space
  1398. empty statement
  1399. empty stomach
  1400. empty string
  1401. empty theory
  1402. empty train station
  1403. empty vessels make the most sound
  1404. empty words
  1405. empty-handed
  1406. empyema
  1407. emu
  1408. emulate
  1409. emulation
  1410. emulator
  1411. emulsification
  1412. emulsifier
  1413. emulsion
  1414. emulsion laser storage
  1415. emulsion paint
  1416. emulsion polymerization
  1417. en dash
  1418. en famille
  1419. en masse
  1420. en masse resignation of the cabinet
  1421. en quad
  1422. en route
  1423. en space
  1424. en-tout-cas
  1425. enable
  1426. enable signal
  1427. enabled
  1428. enabler
  1429. enabling signal
  1430. enactment
  1431. enamel
  1432. enamel paint
  1433. enameled glass
  1434. enameled wire
  1435. enameling
  1436. enamelled metal ware
  1437. enamelling
  1438. enamelware
  1439. enamine
  1440. enantiomer
  1441. encamping at night
  1442. encampment
  1443. encapsulated type
  1444. encapsulation
  1445. encapsulation delay
  1446. encashment
  1447. encephalitis
  1448. encephalitis lethargica
  1449. encephaloma
  1450. encephalomyopathy
  1451. encephalopathy
  1452. enchant
  1453. enchanted cave
  1454. enchanted house
  1455. enchanted land
  1456. enchanted land of perpetual youth from Chinese mythology
  1457. enchanting
  1458. enchanting melody
  1459. enchanting smile of a glamorous woman
  1460. enchantingly beautiful flower
  1461. enchantment
  1462. enchantress
  1463. enchilada
  1464. enchondroma
  1465. encipherment
  1466. encirclement
  1467. encircling
  1468. encircling net
  1469. enclave
  1470. enclose
  1471. enclosed
  1472. enclosing class
  1473. enclosing wall
  1474. enclosure
  1475. encode
  1476. encoder
  1477. encoding
  1478. encoding method
  1479. encomium
  1480. encompassing
  1481. encore
  1482. encore hour
  1483. encounter
  1484. encounter group
  1485. encountering
  1486. encouragement
  1487. encouragement award
  1488. encouragement of agriculture
  1489. encouragement of industry
  1490. encouragement of learning
  1491. encouragement of new industry
  1492. encouragement rally
  1493. encouragement stick
  1494. encouragement to study
  1495. encouraging
  1496. encouraging strongly in a loud voice
  1497. encroachment
  1498. encrypt
  1499. encrypted mail
  1500. encryption
  1501. encryption key
  1502. encryption technology
  1503. encumbrance
  1504. encumbrances
  1505. encyclical
  1506. encyclopaedia
  1507. encyclopedia
  1508. encyclopedic knowledge and strong memory
  1509. end
  1510. end bearing capacity
  1511. end credit roll
  1512. end curler
  1513. end date
  1514. end edge
  1515. end face
  1516. end game position
  1517. end goal
  1518. end leaves
  1519. end line
  1520. end of Edo era
  1521. end of a book
  1522. end of a brush-stroke
  1523. end of a century
  1524. end of a course or program
  1525. end of a game of go
  1526. end of a line
  1527. end of a palanquin carrying pole
  1528. end of a performance
  1529. end of a period
  1530. end of a play
  1531. end of a queue
  1532. end of a rope
  1533. end of a sentence
  1534. end of a song
  1535. end of a string
  1536. end of a word
  1537. end of act
  1538. end of an act
  1539. end of an eyebrow
  1540. end of autumn
  1541. end of campaign
  1542. end of consecutive holidays
  1543. end of employment
  1544. end of employment contract
  1545. end of last year
  1546. end of life
  1547. end of line
  1548. end of medium
  1549. end of mourning
  1550. end of procedure
  1551. end of procedure division
  1552. end of quote
  1553. end of school
  1554. end of school day
  1555. end of school year
  1556. end of semester
  1557. end of spring
  1558. end of summer
  1559. end of term
  1560. end of text
  1561. end of the earth
  1562. end of the fiscal year
  1563. end of the line
  1564. end of the month
  1565. end of the season
  1566. end of the shaft
  1567. end of the storm period
  1568. end of the world
  1569. end of the year
  1570. end of the year or season
  1571. end of this month
  1572. end of transmission
  1573. end of transmission block
  1574. end of war
  1575. end of wind instrument
  1576. end of winter
  1577. end of work
  1578. end of your rope
  1579. end office
  1580. end or closure mark
  1581. end paper
  1582. end pieces
  1583. end product
  1584. end program header
  1585. end result
  1586. end rhyme
  1587. end section of a mountain range
  1588. end stage
  1589. end system
  1590. end tag
  1591. end the climbing season
  1592. end to end
  1593. end to end communication path
  1594. end user
  1595. end user computing
  1596. end zone
  1597. end-aligned
  1598. end-around borrow
  1599. end-around carry
  1600. end-around shift
  1601. end-blown fippleless bamboo flute
  1602. end-blown flute
  1603. end-of-file
  1604. end-of-file label
  1605. end-of-file mark
  1606. end-of-life
  1607. end-of-record mark
  1608. end-of-tape mark
  1609. end-of-tape marker
  1610. end-of-term examination
  1611. end-of-term test
  1612. end-of-text
  1613. end-of-volume label
  1614. end-of-year
  1615. end-of-year settling of accounts
  1616. end-stage monster
  1617. end-to-end
  1618. end-to-end encipherment
  1619. end-transaction
  1620. end-user
  1621. endangered
  1622. endangered language
  1623. endangered species
  1624. endangerment
  1625. endearing term for unrelated older man
  1626. endearing term for unrelated older woman
  1627. endearing words
  1628. endearment
  1629. endeavor
  1630. endeavour
  1631. endeavours
  1632. endemic
  1633. endemic disease
  1634. endemic species
  1635. endgame
  1636. ending
  1637. ending a sentence with a noun
  1638. ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
  1639. ending at that point
  1640. ending play for the day
  1641. ending there
  1642. ending time of a movie
  1643. ending up behind with everything
  1644. ending up right back where one started
  1645. ending without incident
  1646. ending without result
  1647. endive
  1648. endless
  1649. endless argument
  1650. endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds
  1651. endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past
  1652. endless river
  1653. endless tape
  1654. endless track
  1655. endless variety
  1656. endlessly
  1657. endlessly deep
  1658. endmill
  1659. endocarditis
  1660. endocarp
  1661. endocrine
  1662. endocrine disruptor
  1663. endocrine gland
  1664. endocytosis
  1665. endodermis
  1666. endodontia
  1667. endodontic procedure
  1668. endodontic treatment
  1669. endodontics
  1670. endodontist
  1671. endodontology
  1672. endomesoderm
  1673. endometrial cancer
  1674. endometriosis
  1675. endometritis
  1676. endometrium
  1677. endonuclease
  1678. endoplasmic reticulum
  1679. endorheic basin
  1680. endorphin
  1681. endorsement
  1682. endorsement commission
  1683. endorser
  1684. endorsing
  1685. endorsing and questioning the preceding statement
  1686. endorsing over to
  1687. endoscope
  1688. endoscopic surgery
  1689. endoscopy
  1690. endoskeleton
  1691. endosperm
  1692. endothelin
  1693. endothelium
  1694. endotherm
  1695. endotoxin
  1696. endowment
  1697. endowment insurance
  1698. endpaper
  1699. endplate
  1700. endpoint
  1701. endpoint node
  1702. endrin
  1703. ends-with match
  1704. endurance
  1705. endurance contest
  1706. enduring
  1707. enduring isolation and not succumbing to one's surroundings
  1708. enduring unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance
  1709. enema
  1710. enemy
  1711. enemy army
  1712. enemy attack or raid
  1713. enemy bullet
  1714. enemy camp
  1715. enemy camp or line
  1716. enemy combatant
  1717. enemy fleet
  1718. enemy forces
  1719. enemy fortress
  1720. enemy general
  1721. enemy movements
  1722. enemy nation
  1723. enemy plane
  1724. enemy ship
  1725. enemy side
  1726. enemy territory
  1727. enemy's position
  1728. enemy's strength or fighting power
  1729. enemys strength
  1730. energeia
  1731. energetic
  1732. energetic man
  1733. energetically
  1734. energetically going forward
  1735. energetics
  1736. energy
  1737. energy band
  1738. energy bill
  1739. energy conservation
  1740. energy density
  1741. energy drink
  1742. energy efficiency
  1743. energy industry
  1744. energy level
  1745. energy metabolism
  1746. energy of ionisation
  1747. energy of ionization
  1748. energy problems
  1749. energy resources
  1750. energy revolution
  1751. energy save mode
  1752. energy saver
  1753. energy source
  1754. energy supply
  1755. energy-saving
  1756. energy-saving measures
  1757. energy-saving power strip
  1758. energy-saving strategy
  1759. enervated
  1760. enervation
  1761. enfant terrible
  1762. enfants terribles
  1763. enforced
  1764. enforcement
  1765. enforcement regulations
  1766. enforcing
  1767. engage
  1768. engage in ascetic practices with dauntless spirit
  1769. engaged
  1770. engaged in two trades at the same time
  1771. engagement
  1772. engagement doubts
  1773. engagement gift
  1774. engagement party
  1775. engagement ring
  1776. engaging
  1777. engaging or meshing
  1778. engine
  1779. engine brake
  1780. engine construction
  1781. engine driver
  1782. engine failure
  1783. engine oil
  1784. engine room
  1785. engine stall
  1786. engineer
  1787. engineer-in-chief
  1788. engineering
  1789. engineering ceramics
  1790. engineering change
  1791. engineering college
  1792. engineering constructor
  1793. engineering course
  1794. engineering department
  1795. engineering ethics
  1796. engineering firm
  1797. engineering or science
  1798. engineering plastics
  1799. engineering staff
  1800. engineering standard
  1801. engineering testing reactor
  1802. engineering works
  1803. engineering workstation
  1804. engorgement
  1805. engrafting
  1806. engram
  1807. engrave
  1808. engraved after the epitaph
  1809. engraver
  1810. engraving
  1811. engraving a woodblock or seal
  1812. engrossment
  1813. enhanced compact disc
  1814. enhanced keyboard
  1815. enhanced mode
  1816. enhanced parallel interface
  1817. enhanced service
  1818. enhanced speedstep technology
  1819. enhancement
  1820. enhancement department
  1821. enhancement of functionality
  1822. enhancement of one's fortune
  1823. enhancing
  1824. enhancing national prestige
  1825. enharmonic
  1826. enigma
  1827. enigmatic
  1828. enjoy
  1829. enjoyable
  1830. enjoyable feeling
  1831. enjoying a high reputation
  1832. enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster
  1833. enjoying great popularity
  1834. enjoying one's food and having regular stools
  1835. enjoying one's food and sleeping well
  1836. enjoying oneself with others
  1837. enjoying pleasure together
  1838. enjoying popularity among the customers
  1839. enjoying the cool air
  1840. enjoyment
  1841. enjoys company
  1842. enjoys having guests
  1843. enka
  1844. enka with age-old lyrical themes set to a haunting traditional-style melody
  1845. enkephalin
  1846. enlarge
  1847. enlarged
  1848. enlarged and revised edition
  1849. enlarged photo
  1850. enlarged photograph
  1851. enlargement
  1852. enlargement of the heart
  1853. enlargement of the prostate
  1854. enlarger
  1855. enlarging a book
  1856. enlightened absolutist
  1857. enlightened despot
  1858. enlightened era
  1859. enlightened monarch
  1860. enlightened one
  1861. enlightened person
  1862. enlightened priest
  1863. enlightening
  1864. enlightenment
  1865. enlightenment movement
  1866. enlightenment of the masses
  1867. enlightenment or civilization
  1868. enlisted man
  1869. enlistment
  1870. enmity
  1871. ennui
  1872. enoki mushroom
  1873. enormous
  1874. enormous breasts
  1875. enormous fund
  1876. enough
  1877. enough about ...
  1878. enough is enough
  1879. enough of that
  1880. enough that
  1881. enquiring
  1882. enquiring beforehand
  1883. enquiry
  1884. enquiry commission
  1885. enquiry into
  1886. enraged
  1887. enraged outcry
  1888. enraptured
  1889. enrich
  1890. enriched air
  1891. enriched uranium
  1892. enrichment
  1893. enrichment program
  1894. enrolled or registered student
  1895. enrolled student
  1896. enrolling
  1897. enrollment
  1898. enrollment in kindergarten
  1899. enrolment
  1900. enrolment in kindergarten
  1901. enrolment of a child in a kindergarten
  1902. ensemble
  1903. enshrine
  1904. enshrined deity
  1905. enshrinement
  1906. enshrinement hall
  1907. enshrinement of two or more deities in one building of a shrine
  1908. enshrining a Buddhist image
  1909. enshrining together
  1910. ensiform cartilage
  1911. ensign
  1912. ensign bearing cluster of gourds
  1913. ensilage
  1914. enslaved prostitute
  1915. enslavement
  1916. ensnaring
  1917. ensure
  1918. ensuring safety
  1919. entablature
  1920. entangled
  1921. entanglement
  1922. entasis
  1923. entelechy
  1924. entente
  1925. enter
  1926. enter Europe
  1927. enter without permission
  1928. enteric bacteria
  1929. entering
  1930. entering Kyoto
  1931. entering Nirvana
  1932. entering Tokyo
  1933. entering a city
  1934. entering a dock
  1935. entering a dormitory
  1936. entering a garage
  1937. entering a higher-level school
  1938. entering a manic episode
  1939. entering a park
  1940. entering a port
  1941. entering a private school
  1942. entering a room
  1943. entering a state of intense concentration
  1944. entering a tea room
  1945. entering an institute
  1946. entering and leaving hospital
  1947. entering date
  1948. entering enlightenment
  1949. entering into partnership
  1950. entering nirvana
  1951. entering priesthood
  1952. entering school
  1953. entering servitude
  1954. entering the barracks
  1955. entering the capital
  1956. entering the depot
  1957. entering the faith
  1958. entering the metropolitan area
  1959. entering the path of Zen
  1960. entering the priesthood
  1961. entering the rainy season
  1962. entering the service of a daimyo
  1963. entering the starting gate
  1964. entering tone
  1965. enteritis
  1966. enterobacterial flora
  1967. enterohemorrhagic E. coli
  1968. enterokinase
  1969. enteropneusts
  1970. enterovirus
  1971. enterprise
  1972. enterprise network
  1973. enterprise place
  1974. enterprise union
  1975. enterprise-level
  1976. enterprise-server-level
  1977. enterpriser
  1978. enterprising
  1979. enterprising and daring
  1980. enterprising man
  1981. enterprising spirit
  1982. entertain
  1983. entertain someone extravagantly
  1984. entertainer
  1985. entertaining
  1986. entertaining guests
  1987. entertaining people by serving tea
  1988. entertaining politicians
  1989. entertaining someone
  1990. entertaining someone as one's guest
  1991. entertainment
  1992. entertainment district in Kyoto
  1993. entertainment expenses
  1994. entertainment hall
  1995. entertainment industry
  1996. entertainment magazine
  1997. entertainment quarters
  1998. entertainment tax
  1999. entertainment woman
  2000. entertainment world

36001 ~ 38000

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