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単語 訳語
The case of 'HAKOYA murder' was widely known to the world and was adapted to Kabuki (traditional performing art) such as "Tsuki no Umekaoru Oboroyo" (in 1888, Nakamura-za Theater, Mokuami KAWATAKE) and Shimpa-Geki (a New-School Play) such as "Kanayakoume" (dramatization of the novel by Seiseien IHARA.) 「箱屋殺し」の事件は、世間に喧伝され、『月梅薫朧夜』(1888年・明治21年4月、中村座、河竹黙阿弥)など歌舞伎に、また『仮名屋小梅』(伊原青々園の小説の脚色)など新派劇にも脚色された。

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