単語 |
訳語 |
o-vowels/o/-? |
オ列 /o/ - ? |
oagesan: aburaage (deep fried bean curd) |
「おあげさん」 - 油揚げ |
occupation |
職業 |
odai ningyo |
御台人形(おだいにんぎょう) |
of these eels, only the ones grilled on the Ox day retained their good flavor, so this gave rise to the custom, the guide states. |
そのうち、丑の日に作った物だけが悪くなっていなかったから、という説。 |
officially covers only Kyoto City in Kyoto Prefecture.) |
公式には京都府内は京都市のみカバー) |
ohagi (rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame) |
おはぎ |
ok |
更に東山から蝦夷軍約400名が現れて後方を塞いだ。 |
okonomiyaki (savory pancake with various ingredients) |
お好み焼き |
okudosan: kamado (furnace) |
「おくどさん」 - 竃(かまど) |
on February 20 (old lunar calendar), he returned to Yamashina Hongwan-ji Temple. |
2月20日 (旧暦) 山科本願寺に帰る。 |
on the fifth day of the first month (under the old calendar), he was promoted to Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank). |
1月5日 (旧暦):正三位に昇叙 |
on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month (under the old calendar), he was additionally appointed Sangi (Imperial Advisor). |
12月14日 (旧暦):兼参議に任官。 |
on the next day, leading "Shitenno" (four guardians), Yorimitsu traced the bloodstains left on the ground and arrived at the mound at the back of Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine, where they found a monster spider of about 1.2 meter in full length; |
翌日、頼光が四天王を率いて僧の血痕を追うと、北野天満宮裏手の塚に辿り着き、そこには全長4尺(約1.2メートル)の巨大グモがいた。 |
on the seventeenth day of the twelfth month (in the old calendar), he was simultaneously appointed both Udaiben (Major Controller of the Right) and Kuraudo kashira (Director of the Palace Storehouse Staff), and resigned from his post as Chief of the Restoration of the Left Palace. |
12月17日 (旧暦):右大弁兼蔵人頭任官、修理左宮城使を辞任 |
on the thirteenth day of the sixth month (under the old lunisolar calendar), he was appointed to serve as Benkan (Major Controller, a junior fourth rank post). |
6月13日 (旧暦):弁官に任官 |
on the twenty-eighth day of the first month (in the old calendar), he was transferred from deputy shugo of Bizen to deputy shugo of Iyo Province. |
1月28日 (旧暦):兼備前権守から兼伊予国権守に転任 |
on the twenty-eighth day of the first month, he was also appointed deputy shugo (de facto governor) of Bizen Province. |
1月28日 (旧暦):備前国権守を兼職 |
on the twenty-first day of the fifth month (in the old calendar) he was promoted to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank). |
5月21日 (旧暦):従三位に昇叙 |
on the twenty-first day of the fourth month (according to the old lunisolar calendar), he was appointed Shuri sakyujoshi (Chief Overseer of the Restoration of the Left Palace). |
4月21日 (旧暦):修理左宮城使に任命 |