単語 |
訳語 |
N gauge rail way models that faithfully reproduced the railway layout of Fukuchiyama Station at that time were created in 1997 by Fukuchiyama City in celebration of its 60th anniversary, and they are displayed in "Poppo Land" Fukuchiyama Railway Hall. |
福知山市が市制60周年を記念して1997年(平成9年)に制作した、当時の福知山駅線路配置を忠実に再現したNゲージ鉄道模型が展示されている。 |
N.B. The date below is according to old lunar calendar. |
※日付=旧暦 |
N35°49' 16".0031 E140°16' 37".5192. |
N35°49′16″.0031 E140°16′37″.5192。 |
N700 series Shinkansen train-cars, 700 series Shinkansen train-cars or 500 series Shinkansen train-cars are used, with 300 series Shinkansen train-cars used on rare occasions on a temporary basis. |
新幹線N700系電車、新幹線700系電車、新幹線500系電車、まれに臨時で新幹線300系電車が使用される。 |
NAGAI had a lot of experience of diplomacy, and his attitude gave a good impression to not only the British and French consuls but also the captains of the British and French warships. |
永井は外交経験も豊富であり、彼の態度は、英仏領事のみならず、英仏艦艦長にも好印象を与えた。 |
NAGAKURA attended his funeral. |
葬儀には永倉も参列した。 |
NAGAKURA expressed his belief in the report that the members considered KONDO as their leader and intended to follow his instructions but they also considered themselves as his comrades, not vassals. |
これには、近藤を局長と認め従うが、我等は近藤の家臣ではなく同志だとする主張が込められていた。 |
NAGAKURA had received a Menkyo-kaiden (full proficiency) certificate in the Shindo-Munen school, as with Kamo SERIZAWA, who he kept on friendly terms with. |
芹沢鴨と同じ神道無念流の免許皆伝であり、芹沢とも親しく交わっていた。 |
NAGAKURA put on a display of bravery while Soji OKITA fell and Heisuke TODO was injured. |
沖田が倒れ、藤堂平助が負傷する中、永倉は獅子奮迅の働きをみせた。 |
NAGAKURA resented this and together with Sanosuke HARADA, Kai SHIMADA and others, reported Isami KONDO for committing Hiko-go-kajo (five counts of misconduct) to the Lord of the Aizu Domain, Katamori MATSUDAIRA under the risk of leaving Shinsengumi. |
それを遺憾に思った永倉は、原田左之助、島田魁らと共に、脱退覚悟で近藤の非行五ヶ条を会津藩主松平容保へ訴え出た。 |
NAGAKURA told his followers that "Okita is a swordsman of valor, but Saito is one of invincibility." |
永倉は弟子に「沖田は猛者の剣、斎藤は無敵の剣」と語ったという。 |
NAGAKURA volunteered for Battotai (drawn sword squad) at the age of 57. |
57歳となった永倉は抜刀隊に志願する。 |
NAGAKURA wrote "Roshi (masterless samurai) Bunkyu era patriotism articles", an important source on the Shinsengumi. |
貴重な新選組の資料となる、『浪士文久報国記事』を書き残した。 |
NAGAKURA's series of works broke the stereotyped idea of considering Shinsengumi as 'a group of wicked murderers or evil envoy' and triggered a reconsideration of the Shinsengumi that is still ongoing to this day. |
この永倉の一連の働きがその時までの「新選組は悪の人斬り集団、悪の使者」という人々の固定観念を突き崩し、現在に続く新選組再考のきっかけとなった。 |
NAGAMINE no Morochika |
長嶺諸近 |
NAGAMINE no Morochika (year of birth and death unknown) was a government official for Tsushima Province who lived during the Heian period. |
長嶺 諸近(ながみね の もろちか、生没年不詳)は、平安時代の対馬国の役人。 |
NAGAO no Masumi |
長尾真墨 |
NAGAO no Masumi (year of birth and death unknown) was a person from the Asuka Period in Japan. |
長尾真墨(ながおのますみ、生没年不明)は、日本の飛鳥時代の人物である。 |
NAGAO no Masumi was believed to have continued fighting for OTOMO no Fukei after this battle, but nothing was mentioned about him in "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan). |
長尾真墨はこの後も大伴吹負のもとで戦ったと考えられるが、その様子は『日本書紀』に現れない。 |
NAGAOKA no Okanari (NAGAOKA no Asomi Okanari, February 5, 787) |
長岡岡成(長岡朝臣岡成・787年2月5日) |