単語 |
訳語 |
waist strap |
腰紐 |
waki (supporting actor), the shinto priest of Muro |
ワキ 室の神官 |
waki, the shrine priest of Muro |
ワキ 室の神官 |
wakitsure (companion who appears with the supporting actor in a Noh play), followers (two) |
ワキツレ 従者(二人) |
was later revised, and also published as "Hijikata Toshizo Sange". |
後に改訂され『土方歳三 散華』としても出版されている。 |
was/were established. |
が設置される。 |
watakushi arazu. |
わたくしあらず。 |
were appointed to the tonin, and Masashige KUSUNOKI and Nagatoshi NAWA were appointed to the Yoryudo (officer of the government). |
を頭人に任命、楠木正成や名和長年を寄人に任じた。 |
were beheaded. |
を斬る。 |
when he died, his oldest son Hisatoki was only 5, and it was March 6, 1304 when Hisatoki became Yoriai-shu at the age of 33. |
そのとき嫡男久時はまだ5歳で、久時が寄合衆となったのは1304年(嘉元2年)3月6日、33歳のときとされる。 |
when he fulfills the requirements set by the Koyasan Shingon sect such as serving out as the chief priest of a temple belonging to Koyasan Shingon sect for 20 years, he would be admitted the title of a honorary chief priest. |
高野山真言宗の寺院住職に補任されて、20年を経るなど、高野山真言宗の定める要件を満たすと、名誉住職(めいよじゅうしょく)の称号が許される。 |
where Kamidani (upper valley) and Shimodani (lower valley) meet |
また、中山から長治谷、野田畑にかけては大きな木地師の集落があった。 |
while Ukiyoe is descended from Yamato-e painting (a traditional Japanese style painting of the late Heian and Kamakura periods dealing with Japanese themes), and consistent with the cultural background of the comprehensive pictorial art genre; by contrast, it depicts scenes from people's everyday life and things. |
大和絵の流れを汲み、総合的絵画様式としての文化的背景を保つ一方で、人々の日常の生活や風物などを描いている。 |
who once was a thief, and now a right-hand of Kurama Tengu. |
元盗賊で鞍馬天狗の右腕的存在。 |
who serve for four years) |
任期4年。) |
whole lamp chimney |
- ホヤの全体 |
wife of Mr. Yoshiki KURODA |
- 黒田慶樹夫人 |
with four stanzas |
- 4?。 |
with respect to Noritsune, there is a record of a rumor in another historical material that he survived this battle and that he died in the Battle of Dan-no-ura.) |
教経については別の史料に生存の風聞があり、壇ノ浦の戦いで戦死したという説もある)。 |
with three stanzas |
- 3?。 |