鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
Other than sushi, there are also various selections including Japanese food and drinks such as sashimi, fried chicken, dumplings, rice wine and also tea, bread, cakes, fruit, chicken ramen noodles with red pepper, fried wheat noodles, tenpura. コンベアに並ぶのは寿司のほか、刺身、鶏の唐揚げ、餃子、日本酒など日本食を取り揃え、また紅茶、パン、ケーキ、フルーツ、あるいは唐辛子入り鶏ラーメンや焼きうどん、天ぷらまで揃えてメニューを工夫。

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