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単語 訳語
As they have a talk, the rice is ready to eat, but when they are having a meal, Sakae Gozen, wife of Sozen YAMANA (corresponds to Sakai Uta no Kami) who is Kanrei (shogunal deputy) and supports the rebellious retainers, comes along with sweets and offers them to Tsuruchiyo. 主従3人のやりとりのうちに飯は炊けるが、食事のさなかに逆臣方に加担する管領・山名宗全(酒井雅楽頭に相当)の奥方・栄御前が現われ、持参の菓子を鶴千代の前に差し出す。

データ見出し数 437939


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