; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

77 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. A [エー]
  2. A and B
  3. A bad person does not deserve to die in his own bed
  4. A big difference between what one hears and what one sees
  5. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  6. A born fool is never cured
  7. A child is an everlasting responsibility to parents
  8. A class
  9. A cornered rat will bite the cat
  10. A curse will rebound on yourself as well
  11. A defeated general should not talk of the battle
  12. A doubt still remains
  13. A drowning man will catch at a straw
  14. A fool may give a wise man counsel
  15. A foster parent is dearer than a real parent
  16. A friend today may turn against you tomorrow
  17. A good beginning makes a good ending
  18. A great person may be born of perfectly ordinary parents
  19. A hedge between keeps friendships
  20. A honey tongue
  21. A law is a law
  22. A little leak will sink a great ship
  23. A little learning is a dangerous thing
  24. A major
  25. A man alone soon goes to seed
  26. A man goes to pieces without a woman to look after him
  27. A man is not to be judged by his appearance
  28. A man of talent is ruined by his own talent
  29. A meeting by chance is preordained
  30. A minor
  31. A mother is stronger than any other creature
  32. A neighbour is better than a relative living far
  33. A paradise on hearsay
  34. A person's life is as fleeting as a morning dew
  35. A proverb meaning not to lower oneself to unjust acts no matter how desperate
  36. A single seed can eventually produce a great harvest
  37. A small leak can sink a great ship
  38. A smile of a beautiful woman is worth a thousand pieces of gold
  39. A sound mind in a sound body
  40. A thousand emotions crowd in on me
  41. A virtuous person does not commit an act that offends his moral principles no matter how hard pressed he may be
  42. A watched pot never boils
  43. A wise man changes his mind
  44. A wise man keeps away from danger
  45. A-Bomb
  46. A-D converter
  47. A-UX
  48. A-bomb
  49. A-grade
  50. A-to-B
  51. A.D. [エーディー]
  52. A1
  53. A5
  54. A6M Zero fighter
  55. AA size
  56. AAA 700 size
  57. AAMT
  58. AAR
  59. AARnet
  60. AATC
  61. AA会議 [エーエーかいぎ]
  62. ABC
  63. ABC World Airways Guide
  64. ABC [エービーシー]
  65. ABCs
  66. ABCs of ...
  67. ABC順 [エービーシーじゅん]
  68. ABE
  69. ABEND
  70. ABM
  71. ABM [エービーエム]
  72. ABO blood type
  73. ABO式血液型 [エービーオーしきけつえきがた]
  74. ABR
  75. ABS
  76. ABnormal END
  77. AB型 [エービーがた]
  78. AC
  79. AC [エーシー]
  80. AC generator
  81. AC unit
  82. ACCS
  83. ACK
  84. ACL
  85. ACL [エーシーエル]
  86. ACM
  87. ACM [エーシーエム]
  88. ACOS
  89. ACOS [エーコス]
  90. ACRS
  91. ACRS [エーシーアールエス]
  92. ACS
  93. ACSE
  94. ACTH
  95. ACU
  96. AD
  97. AD [エーディー]
  98. AD converter
  99. ADA
  100. ADB
  101. ADC
  102. ADCAS
  103. ADD
  104. ADDMD
  105. ADE
  106. ADEM
  107. ADESS
  108. ADESS [アデス]
  109. ADF
  110. ADHD
  111. ADHD [エーディーエッチディー]
  112. ADJ
  113. ADL
  114. ADMD
  115. ADO
  116. ADP
  117. ADP [エーディーピー]
  118. ADPCM
  119. ADPCM [エーディーピーシーエム]
  120. ADR
  121. ADSL
  122. ADSL [エーディーエスエル]
  123. ADministrative Management Domain
  124. AED
  125. AF
  126. AF signal generator
  127. AFC
  128. AFK
  129. AFR
  130. AFS
  131. AGC
  132. AGM
  133. AGR
  134. AGR [エージーアール]
  135. AI
  136. AI [エーアイ]
  137. AIDS
  138. AIDS [エイズ]
  139. AIDS vaccine
  140. AIDS virus
  141. AID人工授精 [ひはいぐうしゃかんじんこうじゅせい]
  142. AIESEC
  143. AIF
  144. AIFF
  145. AIH人工授精 [はいぐうしゃかんじんこうじゅせい]
  146. AIMM
  147. AIR NFS
  148. AIS
  149. AIX
  150. AKY [エーケイワイ]
  151. AL-Mail
  152. ALA
  153. ALD
  154. ALD [エイエルディー]
  155. ALE
  156. ALE [エイエルイー]
  157. ALS
  158. ALS [エーエルエス]
  159. ALT
  160. ALT [エイエルティー]
  162. ALU
  163. AM
  164. AMD
  165. AMD-K6
  166. AMD-K7
  167. AMI
  168. AMP [エーエムピー]
  169. AMPS
  170. AMeDAS
  171. ANA
  172. ANC
  173. AND circuit
  174. AND element
  175. AND gate
  176. AND operation
  177. ANK
  178. ANS
  179. ANSER
  180. ANSI
  181. ANSI - American National Standards Institute
  182. ANZUS
  183. ANZUS Security Pact
  184. ANZUS Treaty
  185. AO
  186. AO [エーオー]
  187. AOCE
  188. AOCE [エーオーシーイー]
  189. AOL
  190. AOL [エーオーエル]
  191. APDA
  192. APEC
  193. APEC [エイペック]
  194. APEC [エーペック]
  195. APEX fare
  196. APG
  197. API
  198. APICNET
  199. APL
  200. APPC
  201. APT
  202. AP通信社 [エーピーつうしんしゃ]
  203. AQI
  204. AR
  205. ARCHIE
  206. ARJ
  207. ARM
  208. ARMD
  209. ARMM
  210. ARP
  211. ARPA
  212. ARPANET
  213. ARQ
  214. ART
  215. ARU
  216. AS-400
  217. ASAP
  218. ASATERM
  219. ASCII
  220. ASCII Net
  221. ASCII coding
  222. ASCII data transfer with XON-XOFF flow control
  223. ASCII file
  224. ASCII mode
  225. ASEAN
  226. ASEAN [アセアン]
  227. ASF
  228. ASIC
  229. ASIMO
  230. ASKUL
  231. ASL
  232. ASM
  233. ASP
  234. ASPAC
  235. ASPI
  236. ASR
  237. ASROC
  238. ASSIST
  239. ASSR
  240. AT command
  241. AT&T
  242. AT-compatible
  243. ATA
  244. ATAPI
  245. ATC
  246. ATICS
  247. ATICS [アティックス]
  248. ATM
  249. ATM [エーティーエム]
  250. ATM card
  251. ATOK
  252. ATP
  253. ATP [エーティーピー]
  254. ATS
  255. AT互換機 [エーティーごかんき]
  256. AU
  257. AUI
  259. AV [アダルトビデオ]
  260. AV node
  261. AVI
  262. AVM
  263. AVR
  264. AV女優 [エーヴイじょゆう]
  265. AWB
  266. AWGN
  267. AZT
  268. Aaargh!
  269. Abe Cabinet
  270. Abelian
  271. Abelian group
  272. Abercrombie & Fitch
  273. Aberdeen Angus
  274. Aboriginal languages
  275. Abudefduf
  276. Abukuma class destroyer escort
  277. Abyssinia
  278. Abyssinia jackal
  279. Abyssinian
  280. Academy Award
  281. Acala
  282. Acalanatha Vidya-raja
  283. Acanthamoeba
  284. Acanthopanax sciadophylloides
  285. Acanthuridae
  286. Acanthuroidei
  287. Acanthurus
  288. Acapulco damselfish
  289. Acapulco gregory
  290. Acapulco major
  291. Access Unit
  292. Access and Benefit-Sharing
  293. Accutane
  294. Aceraceae
  295. Acheilognathus macropterus
  296. Acheilognathus rhombeus
  297. Acheilognathus typus
  298. Achilles
  299. Achilles argument
  300. Achilles tang
  301. Achilles tendon
  302. Achilles tendon reflex
  303. Achilles' heel
  304. Act for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society
  305. Act of Uniformity
  306. Act on Port Regulations
  307. Act on Preventing Collisions at Sea
  308. Actinides
  309. Actinopterygii
  310. Active Desktop
  311. Active Directory
  312. Active Perl
  313. Active Server Page
  314. ActiveServerPages
  315. ActiveX
  316. ActiveX Documents
  317. Acts of the Apostles
  318. Ada
  319. Adam's Apple
  320. Adam's apple
  321. Adams-Stokes syndrome
  322. Adaptive Delta Modulation
  323. Adaptive Transform Coding
  324. Add-Strip
  325. Addison's disease
  326. Addison's syndrome
  327. Adelie penguin
  328. Adenovirus
  329. Adidas
  330. Administration
  331. Administration Directory Management Domain
  332. Administration Management Domain
  333. Administrative Management Agency
  334. Administrative Procedures Act
  335. Adobe
  336. Adoration of the Magi
  337. Adult's Day
  338. Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
  339. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  340. Advanced Service Support Information System Technology
  341. Adventists
  342. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
  343. Aegean civilization
  344. Aegis
  345. Aegis ship
  346. Aegis system
  347. Aeolian mode
  348. Aequidens
  349. Aequidens diadema
  350. Aesop's Fables
  351. Afele's fringefin goby
  352. Afele's pygmy goby
  353. Afghan
  354. Afghan Wars
  355. Afghan stitch
  356. Afghanistan
  357. Africa
  358. African
  359. African American
  360. African American Vernacular English
  361. African Continent
  362. African National Congress
  363. African arowana
  364. African buffalo
  365. African butterflyfish
  366. African clawed frog
  367. African coris
  368. African daisy
  369. African elephant
  370. African knifefish
  371. African lily
  372. African lynx
  373. African mole rat
  374. African penguin
  375. African pompano
  376. African scat
  377. African snook
  378. African spadefish
  379. African violet
  380. African wildcat
  381. African-American
  382. African-American music
  383. Afrikaans
  384. Afrikaner
  385. Afro
  386. Afro-Asian Conference
  387. Afro-Asiatic
  388. Afro-Caribbean
  389. Afro-Cuban rhythm
  390. Afro-hair
  391. After Dark
  392. After pleasure comes pain
  393. AgNO3
  394. Agaricus subrufescens
  395. Age of Discovery
  396. Age of Exploration
  397. Age will tell
  398. Agelena limbata
  399. Agenbite of Inwit
  400. Agency for Cultural Affairs
  401. Agency of Natural Resources and Energy
  402. Ageneiosidae
  403. Agent Orange
  404. Agni
  405. Agnus Dei
  406. Agora
  407. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
  408. Agricultural Land Act
  409. Agricultural Produce Inspection Law
  410. Agriculture Minister
  411. Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica
  412. Agrippa
  413. Ah!
  414. Aha!
  415. Aichi prefecture
  416. Aikido rear defence
  417. Aikido seated defence
  418. Aikido technique
  419. Ainu
  420. Ainu bear festival
  421. Ainu mouth harp
  422. Air Force
  423. Air France
  424. Air Mosaic
  425. Air Pollution Control Law
  426. Air Self-Defense Force
  427. AirMac
  428. Airborne Brigade
  429. Airborne Division
  430. Aizu lacquer ware
  431. Ajase complex
  432. Ajinomoto
  433. Akamitori era
  434. Akasagarbha
  435. Akasaka Prince Hotel
  436. Akhal-Teke
  437. Akihabara style
  438. Akita
  439. Akita prefecture
  440. Akitakomachi
  441. Akkadian
  442. Ako Roshi
  443. Akoya pearl oyster
  444. Akshobhya
  445. Akutagawa Award
  446. Akutagawa Prize
  447. Al Qaeda
  448. Al Qaida
  449. Alan
  450. Alan Smithee
  451. Alangiaceae
  452. Alas
  453. Alas!
  454. Alaska bellheather
  455. Alaska plaice
  456. Alaska pollack
  457. Alaskan brown bear
  458. Alaskan fur seal
  459. Alaskan malamute
  460. Albania
  461. Albanian
  462. Albertosaurus
  463. Albireo
  464. Albizia julibrissin
  465. Alcor
  466. Alcyone
  467. Aldebaran
  468. Aleph
  469. Aleutian Canada goose
  470. Alex
  471. Algeria
  472. Algol
  473. Algonquin
  474. Alice band
  475. Alien Registration Law
  476. All Hallows' Day
  477. All Nippon Airways
  478. All Ordinaries
  479. All Saints Day
  480. All Saints' Day
  481. All Souls' Day
  482. All great men like women
  483. All is plunged into darkness
  484. All is void
  485. All is well that ends well
  486. All living things must die
  487. All rights reserved
  488. All roads lead to Rome
  489. All ships retreat
  490. All things come to those who wait
  491. All worldly things are transitory
  492. All's grist that comes to his mill
  493. All-Australian Open
  494. All-England Open
  495. All-Japan
  496. All-Japan Federation of Student Self-Government Associations
  497. Allah
  498. Allen Smithee
  499. Allen's chromis
  500. Allied Council for Japan
  501. Allium wakegi
  502. Alopias
  503. Alopiidae
  504. Alpen
  505. Alpha Data
  506. Alpha Ori
  507. Alpha Orionis
  508. Alpha-Lyrae
  509. Alphard
  510. Alpine events
  511. Alpine leek
  512. Alpine skiing
  513. Alpine sports
  514. Alt Key
  515. Altaic
  516. Altair
  517. Altair8800
  518. Alternative name for Juniperus chinensis L. var. procumbens
  519. Alternative name for henon bamboo
  520. Although blue dye comes from the indigo plant
  521. Alzheimer
  522. Alzheimer's
  523. Alzheimer's disease
  524. Ama no Mihashira
  525. Ama no Nuhoko
  526. Ama no Ukihashi
  527. Ama-no-Murakumo no Tsurugi
  528. Amami rabbit
  529. Amanita virgineoides Bas
  530. Amaranthus tricolor
  531. Amarna letters
  532. Amarna period
  533. Amaterasu
  534. Amaterasu Oomikami
  535. Amazon
  536. Amazon River
  537. Amazon.com
  538. Amazonian troops
  539. Amazons
  540. Ambon chromis
  541. America
  542. America On Line
  543. America and Britain
  544. America and China
  545. America and France
  546. America and Germany
  547. America and North Korea
  548. America's Cup race
  549. America-North Korea
  550. American
  551. American Broadcasting Company
  552. American English
  553. American Independence day
  554. American Indian
  555. American League
  556. American National Standards Institute
  557. American Revolution
  558. American Revolutionary War
  559. American Shorthair
  560. American Sign Language
  561. American Standard Code for Information Exchange
  562. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  563. American War of Independence
  564. American alligator
  565. American aloe
  566. American badger
  567. American beaver
  568. American bison
  569. American black bear
  570. American brook lamprey
  571. American bullfrog
  572. American car
  573. American casual
  574. American chameleon
  575. American cockroach
  576. American coffee
  577. American comic book
  578. American continent
  579. American cotton
  580. American crocodile
  581. American culture
  582. American currency
  583. American delegation
  584. American depositary receipt
  585. American dollar
  586. American dream
  587. American film
  588. American football
  589. American ginseng
  590. American golden plover
  591. American goldfinch
  592. American graduate law school entrance test
  593. American kestrel
  594. American league
  595. American lion
  596. American military
  597. American military base
  598. American mink
  599. American movie
  600. American newspaper
  601. American of Japanese descent
  602. American paddlefish
  603. American person
  604. American plan
  605. American pokeweed
  606. American position
  607. American press
  608. American redstart
  609. American representatives
  610. American robin
  611. American rugby
  612. American sauce
  613. American school
  614. American side
  615. American sign language
  616. American spoken English
  617. American submarine
  618. American sweetgum
  619. American sycamore
  620. American wigeon
  621. American wood
  622. American-British
  623. American-French
  624. American-German
  625. American-Korean
  626. American-Soviet
  627. Americanise
  628. Americanism
  629. Americanize
  630. Amerindian languages
  631. Ameslan
  632. Amhara
  633. Amharic
  634. Amida Buddha's original vow
  635. Amiga
  636. Amish
  637. Amitabha
  638. Amitabha Tathagata
  639. Amitabha's Pure Land
  640. Amitayurdhyana Sutra
  641. Amithaba
  642. Amoghapasa
  643. Amoghasiddhi
  644. Amor
  645. Amos
  646. Ampere's law
  647. Amphenol
  648. Amphichaetodon
  649. Amtrak
  650. Amur cork tree
  651. Amur goby
  652. Amur minnow
  653. Amur silvergrass
  654. Amur stickleback
  655. Amur tiger
  656. An Lushan Rebellion
  657. An idle brain is the devil's shop
  658. An interchange between the transient and the immutable is central to the soul of haiku.
  659. An'ei era
  660. An-Shi Rebellion
  661. Anabantoidei
  662. Anacardiaceae
  663. Analipus japonicus
  664. Anaphylaxie
  665. Anatidae
  666. Anatolian
  667. Anchorage
  668. Ancien Regime
  669. Ancient Chinese banquet music
  670. Ancillary services
  671. And you too
  672. Andean condor
  673. Andorra
  674. Andromeda
  675. Andromeda galaxy
  676. Anemone Flaccida
  677. Anemone hupehensis var. japonica
  678. Angelica dahurica
  679. Angelica keiskei
  680. Angen era
  681. Anglican Church
  682. Anglican or Episcopal Church
  683. Anglo-America
  684. Anglo-American law
  685. Anglo-Arab
  686. Anglo-Burmese Wars
  687. Anglo-Catholic
  688. Anglo-Dutch Wars
  689. Anglo-French
  690. Anglo-Japanese
  691. Anglo-Maratha Wars
  692. Anglo-Mysore Wars
  693. Anglo-Norman
  694. Anglo-Satsuma War
  695. Anglo-Saxon
  696. Angola
  697. Angora cat
  698. Angora goat
  699. Angora rabbit
  700. Anguilla
  701. Animalia
  702. Animated Graphics Interchange Format
  703. Anisodactylus signatus
  704. Anna or Anwa era
  705. Anna's woodpecker
  706. Annals of the Three Kingdoms
  707. Annan
  708. Annunciation Day
  709. Anoekumene
  710. Anopheles
  711. Anotogaster sieboldii
  712. Ansei era
  713. Anseriformes
  714. Answering Machine
  715. Antarctic Circle
  716. Antarctic Ocean
  717. Antarctic Treaty
  718. Antarctic Zone
  719. Antarctic air mass
  720. Antarctic expedition
  721. Antarctic exploration
  722. Antarctic region
  723. Antarctic research base
  724. Antarctica
  725. Antares
  726. Antei era
  727. Antenoron filiforme
  728. Anthurium
  729. Anthurium lily
  730. Anti-Organized Crime Law
  731. Anti-Prostitution Law
  732. Anti-Submarine ROCket
  733. Anti-Subversive Activities Act
  734. Antigua
  735. Antitrust Act
  736. Anton's syndrome
  737. Anything is better than nothing
  738. Anzac
  739. Anzac Day
  740. Anzac biscuit
  741. Aomori prefecture
  742. Aozora Bunko
  743. Apache
  744. Apatosaurus
  745. Aphananthe oriental elm
  746. Aphrodite
  747. Apiaceae
  748. Apiales
  749. Apistogramma
  750. Apochromat
  751. Apocrypha
  752. Apolemichthys
  753. Apollo
  754. Apollo 11
  755. Apollo Project
  756. Apollonian
  757. Apostle's Creed
  758. Apostles' Creed
  759. Appalachian mountains
  760. Appalachians
  761. Appian Way
  762. Apple
  763. Apple Desktop Bus
  764. Apple Extended Keyboard
  765. Apple key
  766. Apple menu
  767. AppleTalk
  768. Application Development Environment
  769. Application Service Provider
  770. Application Specific Integrated Circuit
  771. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
  772. Appointment conjecturally reported in a newspaper
  773. Apricot
  774. April
  775. April Fool's Day
  776. April Fools' Day
  777. April Theses
  778. April fool
  779. April fool's day
  780. Apristurus
  781. Apristurus fedorovi
  782. Apus
  783. Aquarius
  784. Aquifoliaceae
  785. Aquila
  786. Ara
  787. Arab
  788. Arab League
  789. Arab Spring
  790. Arab countries
  791. Arab states
  792. Arab-Israeli Wars
  793. Arabesque greenling
  794. Arabia
  795. Arabian
  796. Arabian Nights
  797. Arabian angelfish
  798. Arabian butterflyfish
  799. Arabian camel
  800. Arabian chromis
  801. Arabian jasmine
  802. Arabian light
  803. Arabian medicine
  804. Arabic
  805. Arabic numeral
  806. Arabic script
  807. Arabis flagellosa
  808. Araceae
  809. Araliaceae
  810. Aram
  811. Aramaic
  812. Aramaic letter
  813. Aran
  814. Araneus ventricosus
  815. Arbor Day
  816. Arca avellana
  817. Arcadia
  818. Arcady
  819. Archaeozoic Era
  820. Archezoa
  821. Archimedean spiral
  822. Archimedes' principle
  823. Arctic
  824. Arctic Circle
  825. Arctic Ocean
  826. Arctic air mass
  827. Arctic char
  828. Arctic cisco
  829. Arctic expedition
  830. Arctic flounder
  831. Arctic forest
  832. Arctic fox
  833. Arctic grayling
  834. Arctic hare
  835. Arctic lamprey
  836. Arctic oscillation
  837. Arctic region
  838. Arctic skua
  839. Arctic staghorn sculpin
  840. Arctic tern
  841. Arctic wrack
  842. Arcturus
  843. Ardisia crenata
  844. Are you making money?
  845. Arecaceae
  846. Ares
  847. Argentina
  848. Argentine hemorrhagic fever
  849. Argentine tango
  850. Argentinian silverside
  851. Argiope amoena
  852. Argus monitor
  853. Argy wormwood
  854. Argy's wormwood
  855. Arhat
  856. Arianism
  857. Aries
  858. Arisaema serratum
  859. Arisaema urashima
  860. Aristotle's lantern
  861. Arita ware
  862. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
  863. Ark of the Covenant
  864. Ark of the Lord
  865. Armageddon
  866. Armalite
  867. Armenia
  868. Armenian
  869. Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
  870. Armenian Church
  871. Armistice Day
  872. Army Minister
  873. Arnoux's beaked whale
  874. Arrow War
  875. Art abides in a realm that is neither truth nor fiction
  876. Art brings bread
  877. Art is long
  878. Art of the Brush
  879. Artemis
  880. Artemisia
  881. Artemisia annua
  882. Artemisia apiacea
  883. Artemisia montana
  884. Artemisia selengensis
  885. Artemisia sieversiana
  886. Arthropoda
  887. Arthurian romances
  888. Articles of Confederation
  889. Arts and Crafts Movement
  890. Arundo donax
  891. Aryacalanatha
  892. Aryan
  893. Aryavalokitesvara
  894. As the twig is bent
  895. Asagiri class destroyer
  896. Asahi
  897. Asahi Breweries
  898. Asahi beer
  899. Asahi newspaper company
  900. Asama-Sanso incident
  901. Asarum caulescens
  902. Asarum nipponicum
  903. Asclepios shiranui
  904. Ascot tie
  905. Asellus hilgendorfi
  906. Ash Meadows killifish
  907. Ash Wednesday
  908. Ashikaga period
  909. Ashikaga shogunate
  910. Ashkenazim
  911. Asia
  912. Asia Minor
  913. Asia Press
  914. Asia and Europe
  915. Asia development
  916. Asia dollar
  917. Asia influenza
  918. Asia-Pacific
  919. Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation
  920. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  921. Asia-Pacific War
  922. Asia-Pacific region
  923. Asiago cheese
  924. Asian
  925. Asian Continent
  926. Asian Cup
  927. Asian Development Bank
  928. Asian Games
  929. Asian black bear
  930. Asian butterflyfish
  931. Asian cicada
  932. Asian cobra
  933. Asian comma butterfly
  934. Asian constable
  935. Asian countries
  936. Asian countries with strong anti-Japanese sentiment
  937. Asian elephant
  938. Asian fairy bluebird
  939. Asian giant hornet
  940. Asian ginseng
  941. Asian house martin
  942. Asian house shrew
  943. Asian influenza
  944. Asian jasmine
  945. Asian koel
  946. Asian melastome
  947. Asian nations
  948. Asian pear
  949. Asian people
  950. Asian pigeonwings
  951. Asian poison ivy
  952. Asian rosy finch
  953. Asian sheepshead wrasse
  954. Asian shore crab
  955. Asian skunk cabbage
  956. Asian small-clawed otter
  957. Asian stubtail
  958. Asian swamp eel
  959. Asian-African Conference
  960. Asiatic
  961. Asiatic black bear
  962. Asiatic dayflower
  963. Asiatic dogwood
  964. Asiatic glassfish
  965. Asiatic jackal
  966. Asiatic jasmine
  967. Asiatic lion
  968. Asiatic mode of production
  969. Asiatic toad
  970. Ask
  971. Aso Faction
  972. Asomi
  973. Asparagus schoberioides
  974. Aspasma minima
  975. Asperger's syndrome
  976. Aspidistra elatior
  977. Aspite
  978. Asplenium antiquum
  979. Asplenium incisum
  980. Assam indigo
  981. Assarius butterflyfish
  982. Assistant Vice-Minister
  983. Associated Press
  984. Association Control Protocol Machine
  985. Association of Copyright for Computer Software
  986. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  987. Assumption
  988. Assyrian
  989. Asteraceae
  990. Asteraceae flowering plant
  991. Astilbe microphylla
  992. AstraZeneca
  993. Astragalus root
  994. Astralium haematragum
  995. Astrodome
  996. Astropecten scoparius
  997. Asuka Kiyomihara Code
  998. Asuka period
  999. Asura
  1000. Asura realm
  1001. Asynchronous Adapter
  1002. Asynchronous Balanced Mode
  1003. Asynchronous Response Mode
  1004. Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  1005. At age fifty
  1006. At forty
  1007. At last your time has come
  1008. Atago class destroyer
  1009. Atai
  1010. Atanasoff-Berry Computer
  1011. Atavaka
  1012. Atelomycterus
  1013. Athena
  1014. Athene
  1015. Athens
  1016. Athlon
  1017. Atlantic Ocean
  1018. Atlantic and Pacific
  1019. Atlantic bluefin tuna
  1020. Atlantic chimaera
  1021. Atlantic herring
  1022. Atlantic knife-nose chimaera
  1023. Atlantic puffin
  1024. Atlantic salmon
  1025. Atlantic sharpnose shark
  1026. Atlantic spadefish
  1027. Atlantic striped bass
  1028. Atlas
  1029. Atomic Bomb Victims' Relief Law
  1030. Atomic Energy Basic Law
  1031. Atomic Energy Commission
  1032. Atomic Energy Damage Compensation Law
  1033. Atomic Energy Research Institute
  1034. Atractylodes japonica
  1035. Atsuta
  1036. Attaboy!
  1037. Atypus karschi
  1038. Auchenipterus
  1039. Aucuba japonica
  1040. Audio Frequency
  1041. Audio Response Unit
  1042. Audit Bureau of Circulations
  1043. Auffenberg's monitor
  1044. August
  1045. Auld Lang Syne
  1046. Aulonocara
  1047. Aulonocara Fort Maguire
  1048. Aulonocara aquilonium
  1049. Aulonocara blue gold
  1050. Aulonocara chizumulu
  1051. Aulonocara koningsi
  1052. Aulonocara rostratum
  1053. Aulonocara white top
  1054. Aulonocranus dewindti
  1055. Aum Shinrikyou religious group
  1056. Aun
  1057. Aureomycin
  1058. Auriga
  1059. Aussie-Rules Football
  1060. Austin
  1061. Australasia
  1062. Australia
  1063. Australia-Japan
  1064. Australian
  1065. Australian aboriginal spear throwing implement
  1066. Australian dollar
  1067. Australian gregory
  1068. Australian marbled catshark
  1069. Australian party
  1070. Australian person
  1071. Australian salmon
  1072. Australian swellshark
  1073. Australian-Rules Football
  1074. Australian-made
  1075. Australoid
  1076. Australopithecus
  1077. Austria
  1078. Austrian School
  1079. Austro-Asiatic
  1080. Austro-Asiatic languages
  1081. Austro-Prussian War
  1082. Austronesian
  1083. Austronesian languages
  1084. Authorized Personnel Only
  1085. Auto Documentation Aid System
  1086. Automated Data Editing and Switching System
  1087. Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System
  1088. Automated Teller Machine
  1089. Automatic Air Traffic Control
  1090. Automatic Answer Network System for Electrical Request
  1091. Automatic Data Acquisition
  1092. Automatic Frequency Control
  1093. Automatic Priority Group
  1094. Automatic Repeat reQuest
  1095. Automatic Request for Repetition
  1096. Automatic Teller Machine
  1097. Automatic Volume Recognition
  1098. Automatic answer Network System for Electrical Request
  1099. Automatically Programmed Tools
  1100. Automobile Accident Compensation Act
  1101. Automobile Traffic Information & Control System
  1102. Autumn with the sky clear and blue
  1103. Auxis
  1104. Avalokitesvara
  1105. Avalokitesvara Sutra
  1106. Avatamska sutra
  1107. Ave Maria
  1108. Avici
  1109. Avogadro's constant
  1110. Avogadro's law
  1111. Avogadro's number
  1112. Avoid compromising situations
  1113. Awa Odori Festival
  1114. Axel
  1115. Axel Paulsen jump
  1116. Axel jump
  1117. Axis of Evil
  1118. Axis powers
  1119. Aya clan
  1120. Ayatollah
  1121. Ayurveda
  1122. Azerbaijani
  1123. Azores chromis
  1124. Aztec
  1125. Azuchi period
  1126. Azuchi-Momoyama period
  1127. Azuma rhododendron
  1128. Azuma-asobi
  1129. Azumayama thistle
  1130. Azure Dragon
  1131. A型 [エーがた]
  1132. A型肝炎 [エーがたかんえん]
  1133. A系 [エーけい]
  1134. A級 [エーきゅう]
  1135. A級戦犯 [エーきゅうせんぱん]
  1136. B
  1137. B [ビー]
  1138. B cell
  1139. B flat minor
  1140. B grade
  1141. B lymphocyte
  1142. B major
  1143. B minor
  1144. B plus
  1145. B side
  1146. B-52 Bomber
  1147. B-52 Stratofortress
  1148. B-ISDN
  1149. B-side
  1150. B-spline
  1151. B-tree
  1152. B.A.
  1153. B.C. [ビーシー]
  1154. B2B
  1155. B52 [ビーごじゅうに]
  1156. BA
  1157. BAAN
  1158. BADGE system
  1159. BAPI
  1160. BASE jumping
  1161. BASIC
  1162. BBC
  1163. BBC [ビービーシー]
  1164. BBD
  1165. BBQ
  1166. BBQ sauce
  1167. BBS
  1168. BBS [ビービーエス]
  1169. BC
  1170. BC [ビーシー]
  1171. BCC
  1172. BCD
  1173. BCD code
  1174. BCE
  1175. BCG
  1176. BCG [ビーシージー]
  1177. BCG陽転 [ビーシージーようてん]
  1178. BCP
  1179. BC級戦犯 [ビーシーきゅうせんぱん]
  1180. BD
  1181. BD [ビーディー]
  1182. BDSM
  1183. BDSM [ビーディーエスエム]
  1184. BED
  1185. BER
  1186. BGM
  1187. BGM [ビージーエム]
  1188. BIFF
  1189. BIGLOBE
  1190. BIOS
  1191. BIP
  1192. BIPS
  1193. BIS
  1194. BITNET
  1195. BIW
  1196. BJ
  1197. BL
  1198. BL [ビーエル]
  1199. BLOB
  1200. BLコミック [ビーエルコミック]
  1201. BMD
  1202. BMD [ビーエムディー]
  1203. BMP
  1204. BMW
  1205. BNC connector
  1206. BNF
  1207. BOD
  1208. BOD [ビーオーディー]
  1209. BOJ
  1210. BOL
  1211. BOOTP
  1212. BOPS&J
  1213. BOS
  1214. BOT marker
  1215. BOW
  1216. BP
  1217. BPAM
  1218. BPD
  1219. BPF
  1220. BPM
  1221. BR
  1222. BRI
  1223. BRIC
  1224. BRICs
  1225. BS
  1226. BSA
  1227. BSAC
  1228. BSAM
  1229. BSC
  1230. BSD
  1231. BSE
  1232. BSE [ビーエスイー]
  1233. BSI
  1234. BSL
  1235. BSL [ビーエスエル]
  1236. BSc
  1237. BT
  1238. BTB
  1239. BTO
  1240. BWR
  1241. BWR [ビーダブリューアール]
  1242. Ba Gua Zhang or Pa Kua Chang
  1243. Ba'ath Party
  1244. Baath Party
  1245. Babbitt metal
  1246. Babinski reflex
  1247. Babylon
  1248. Babylonian Captivity
  1249. Bacchus
  1250. Bach
  1251. Bachelor of Arts
  1252. Bachelor of Commercial Science
  1253. Bachelor of Engineering
  1254. Bachelor of Laws
  1255. Bachelor of Medicine
  1256. Bachelor of Science
  1257. Bacille Calmette-Guerin
  1258. Bacillus anthracis
  1259. Bacillus coagulans
  1260. Backus-Naur form
  1261. Backus-Naur notation
  1262. Bactrian camel
  1263. Baghdad
  1264. Baha'i
  1265. Bahama
  1266. Bahasa Indonesia
  1267. Baikal seal
  1268. Baikal teal
  1269. Baird's beaked whale
  1270. Baird's tapir
  1271. Bakelite
  1272. Bala shark
  1273. Balcony of Appearances
  1274. Balitoridae
  1275. Balkan Wars
  1276. Ballieu's wrasse
  1277. Ballina angelfish
  1278. Baltic
  1279. Bambi
  1280. Bancho Seisaku Kenkyujo
  1281. Band-Pass Filter
  1282. Bandung Conference
  1283. Bangkok
  1284. Bangladesh
  1285. Bank for International Settlements
  1286. Bank of China
  1287. Bank of England
  1288. Bank of International Settlements
  1289. Bank of Japan
  1290. Bantan Line
  1291. Banti's syndrome
  1292. Bantu
  1293. Bantu language
  1294. Bantu languages
  1295. Bantu peoples
  1296. Banyan
  1297. Baptist
  1298. Barbados
  1299. Barbados cherry
  1300. Barcelona
  1301. Baroque music
  1302. Barr body
  1303. Barriquand et Marre
  1304. Bartholin's glands
  1305. Bartlett
  1306. Bartlett Act
  1307. Base64
  1308. Base64 [ベースろくじゅうよん]
  1309. Basedow's disease
  1310. Basel
  1311. Basic Control Program
  1312. Basic English
  1313. Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society
  1314. Basic Partitioned Access Method
  1315. Basic Sequential Access Method
  1316. Basque
  1317. Batch Message Processing Program
  1318. Batista procedure
  1319. Batrachospermum gelatinosum
  1320. Battenberg lace
  1321. Battle of Hakodate
  1322. Battle of Iwo Jima
  1323. Battle of Khalkhin Gol
  1324. Battle of Leyte Gulf
  1325. Battle of Midway
  1326. Battle of Nagashino
  1327. Battle of Okinawa
  1328. Battle of Sekigahara
  1329. Battle of Shanghai
  1330. Battle of Stalingrad
  1331. Battle of Ueno
  1332. Battle of Waterloo
  1333. Battle of the Bulge
  1334. Battle of the Philippine Sea
  1335. Batu coris
  1336. Bay of Pigs Invasion
  1337. Bay of Tokyo
  1338. Bayer
  1339. Bayer process
  1340. Bayes
  1341. Bayesian
  1342. Bayrische Motorenwerke
  1343. Be careful not to invite the least suspicion
  1344. Be fruitful
  1345. Be guided by your children when you are old
  1346. Be happy!
  1347. Be not afraid
  1348. BeOS
  1349. Beach Stroker
  1350. Beatlemania
  1351. Beatles
  1352. Beaubrummel
  1353. Beaufort scale
  1354. Beaujolais Nouveau
  1355. Beccari's monitor
  1356. Becky!
  1357. Bedouin
  1358. Beer Hall Putsch
  1359. Beethoven
  1360. Behcet
  1361. Behcet's syndrome
  1362. Behcets disease
  1363. Beijing
  1364. Beijing cuisine
  1365. Being arrogant and overconfident inevitably leads to defeat
  1366. Being slow to take action inevitably leads to defeat
  1367. Beirut
  1368. Beiyang Army
  1369. Belarus
  1370. Belarusian
  1371. Belarussian
  1372. Belfast
  1373. Belgium
  1374. Belgrade
  1375. Belize
  1376. Bell Atlantic
  1377. Bell laboratories
  1378. Bellcore
  1379. Bellows Festival
  1380. Belt for western clothes
  1381. Benelux
  1382. Benelux countries
  1383. Benford's law
  1384. Bengal monitor
  1385. Bengal sergeant
  1386. Bengalese finch
  1387. Bennett's butterflyfish
  1388. Bennett's sharpnose puffer
  1389. Bensasi goatfish
  1390. Benson
  1391. Benten
  1392. Benz
  1393. Berberidaceae
  1394. Berchemia racemosa
  1395. Beretta
  1396. Bergenia stracheyi
  1397. Bering wolffish
  1398. Berkeley
  1399. Berlin
  1400. Bermuda
  1401. Bermuda Triangle
  1402. Bermuda blue angelfish
  1403. Bermuda shorts
  1404. Bernoulli
  1405. Beta Ori
  1406. Beta Orionis
  1407. Betelgeuse
  1408. Better ask than go astray
  1409. Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion
  1410. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
  1411. Better to ask and be embarrassed than not ask and never to know
  1412. Betulaceae
  1413. Between the devil and the deep sea
  1414. Beyrich's slit shell
  1415. Bezier
  1416. Bezier curve
  1417. Bhaisajyaguru
  1418. Bhaisajyaraja
  1419. Bhrahma
  1420. Bhrama
  1421. Bhraman
  1422. Bhutan
  1423. Bi-CMOS
  1424. Biafra doctorfish
  1425. Bible
  1426. Bible studies
  1427. Biblical archaeology
  1428. Big Bang
  1429. Big Ben
  1430. Big Blue
  1431. Big Dipper
  1432. Big Dipper seen on a winter night
  1433. Big Egg
  1434. Big Three
  1435. Big head
  1436. Bikini island
  1437. Bildungsroman
  1438. Bill of Rights
  1439. BinHex
  1440. Bing cherry
  1441. Biot-Savart law
  1442. Biportable
  1443. Bird Day
  1444. Bird Day Fair
  1445. Bird Week
  1446. Birds of a feather flock together
  1447. Birmingham
  1448. BitBlt
  1449. BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing protocol
  1450. Biwa oily gudgeon
  1451. Biwia zezera
  1452. BizTech
  1453. Bizen sword
  1454. Bizen ware
  1455. Black Africa
  1456. Black Belt
  1457. Black English
  1458. Black Panther
  1459. Black Power
  1460. Black Scraper
  1461. Black Sea
  1462. Black Tortoise
  1463. Black culture
  1464. Blackburn's butterflyfish
  1465. Blakiston's fish owl
  1466. Bletilla striata
  1467. Block 1
  1468. Blood Pond
  1469. Blood is thicker than water
  1470. Bloody Mary
  1471. Bloody Sunday
  1472. Blossoms fall and leaves scatter
  1473. Blow it out
  1474. Blowin' in the wind
  1475. Blu-ray Disc
  1476. Blue Backs
  1477. Blue Book
  1478. Blue Mountain
  1479. Blue Ribbon
  1480. Blue-Faced Vajra
  1481. Blue-berried honeysuckle
  1482. Bluetooth
  1483. BoJ
  1484. Board of Audit
  1485. Board of Ceremonies
  1486. Board of Education
  1487. Board of Inquiry
  1488. Board of Retainers
  1489. Bode's law
  1490. Bodhi Day
  1491. Bodhi-manda
  1492. Bodhidharma
  1493. Bodhisattva of Compassion
  1494. Bodianus
  1495. Bodianus cylindriatus
  1496. Bodianus dictynna
  1497. Bodianus masudai
  1498. Bodianus oxycephalus
  1499. Bodianus rubrisos
  1500. Bodianus tanyokidus
  1501. Bodianus thoracotaeniatus
  1502. Boeing
  1503. Boer
  1504. Boer War
  1505. Boer's batfish
  1506. Bohemian
  1507. Bohemian glass
  1508. Bohr magneton
  1509. Bohr radius
  1510. Bolivia
  1511. Bolshevik
  1512. Bolshevism
  1513. Boltzmann
  1514. Boltzmann's constant
  1515. Bombay blood
  1516. Bombay duck
  1517. Bombus ignitus
  1518. Bon Festival
  1519. Bon Festival dance
  1520. Bon Festival dance song
  1521. Bon Festival gifts
  1522. Bon Festival lantern
  1523. Bon Festival of the lunar calendar
  1524. Bon and year-end festivals
  1525. Bon festival
  1526. Bon gifts
  1527. Bon holiday period
  1528. Bon holidays
  1529. Bon lantern festival
  1530. Bonapartism
  1531. Bond girl
  1532. Bonin flying fox
  1533. Bonin grosbeak
  1534. Bonin white-eye
  1535. Bontan Ame
  1536. Book of Exodus
  1537. Book of Genesis
  1538. Book of Judges
  1539. Book of the Dead
  1540. Boolean algebra
  1541. Boolean function
  1542. Boolean operation
  1543. Boolean operation table
  1544. Boolean operator
  1545. Bootes
  1546. Bordeaux mixture
  1547. Borland
  1548. Borneo
  1549. Borneo catshark
  1550. Borneo shark
  1551. Bosc's monitor
  1552. Bose particle
  1553. Bose-Einstein condensate
  1554. Boshin War
  1555. Bosnia
  1556. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  1557. Bosnian Conflict
  1558. Boston
  1559. Bostrycapulus gravispinosus
  1560. Botan Ame
  1561. Botan Rice Candy
  1562. Botox
  1563. Botswana
  1564. Bouin fixation
  1565. Bouin's fixative
  1566. Bouin's fluid
  1567. Bouin's solution
  1568. Boulder
  1569. Bourguignon
  1570. Bourne
  1571. Bowman's capsule
  1572. Boxer Uprising
  1573. Boxing Day
  1574. Boy Scouts
  1575. Boy's Day celebration
  1576. Boy's Festival
  1577. Boyle's law
  1578. Boys
  1579. Boys' Festival paper-carp streamers
  1580. Boys' May Festival dolls
  1581. Brachycome
  1582. Brachyscome
  1583. Brad Pitt
  1584. Brahma
  1585. Brahma-Deva
  1586. Brahman
  1587. Brahmanism
  1588. Brahmi script
  1589. Brahms
  1590. Braille
  1591. Branchinella kugenumaensis
  1592. Brassica rapa var. amplexicaulu
  1593. Brassicaceae
  1594. Bratislava
  1595. Braun tube
  1596. Bravo!
  1597. Braxton-Hicks contractions
  1598. Brazil
  1599. Brazil nut
  1600. Brazilian
  1601. Brazilian agouti
  1602. Brazilian barbecue
  1603. Brazilian butterflyfish
  1604. Brazilian elodea
  1605. Brazilian jiu-jitsu
  1606. Brazilian sharpnose shark
  1607. Brazilian tapir
  1608. Brevity is the soul of wit
  1609. Briar Rose
  1610. Brie
  1611. Bright's disease
  1612. Bright's movement
  1613. BrioQuery
  1614. Brisbane
  1615. BritPop
  1616. Britain
  1617. Britain and France
  1618. Britain and Germany
  1619. Britain-America
  1620. Britannia
  1621. British
  1622. British Airways
  1623. British Borneo
  1624. British Broadcasting Corporation
  1625. British Columbia
  1626. British East India Company
  1627. British Empire
  1628. British English
  1629. British Guiana
  1630. British Honduras
  1631. British Isles
  1632. British Museum
  1633. British North America Act
  1634. British Petroleum
  1635. British Standards Institute
  1636. British Sub-Aqua Club
  1637. British Telecom
  1638. British Virgin Islands
  1639. British capital
  1640. British citizen
  1641. British currency
  1642. British empiricism
  1643. British goods
  1644. British made
  1645. British parliament
  1646. British person
  1647. British pronunciation
  1648. British territory
  1649. Briton
  1650. Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
  1651. Broadcast Act
  1652. Broadcast Satellite
  1653. Broadway
  1654. Brocken
  1655. Brocken bow
  1656. Brocken spectre
  1657. Bromeliaceae
  1658. Bronsted acids and bases
  1659. Brontosaurus
  1660. Bronze Age
  1661. Brooks's Law
  1662. Brotopon
  1663. Broussonetia kazinoki
  1664. Brown Swiss
  1665. Brownian motion
  1666. Brownie
  1667. Browning
  1668. Brugada syndrome
  1669. Brunnich's guillemot
  1670. Brussels
  1671. Brussels sprouts
  1672. Brutus?
  1673. Bryozoa animal
  1674. Btrieve
  1675. Buccinidae
  1676. Buchner funnel
  1677. Bucket Bridge Device
  1678. Buckleya lanceolata
  1679. Budapest
  1680. Budd-Chiari syndrome
  1681. Buddha
  1682. Buddha figure carved into a rock
  1683. Buddha figure carved on a rock face
  1684. Buddha figure in a cabinet
  1685. Buddha prior to Gautama
  1686. Buddha's Birthday
  1687. Buddha's ashes
  1688. Buddha's birthday
  1689. Buddha's birthday celebration
  1690. Buddha's birthday festival
  1691. Buddha's death
  1692. Buddha's gracious teachings
  1693. Buddha's great vows
  1694. Buddha's hand
  1695. Buddha's heart
  1696. Buddha's mercy
  1697. Buddha's name
  1698. Buddha's providence
  1699. Buddha's seat
  1700. Buddha's teaching
  1701. Buddha's teachings
  1702. Buddha's vow to save humanity
  1703. Buddha-like compassion
  1704. Buddhahood
  1705. Buddhism
  1706. Buddhism depart from
  1707. Buddhism flowing forth
  1708. Buddhism only for funerals
  1709. Buddhism transmigration of souls
  1710. Buddhism's highest paradise
  1711. Buddhist
  1712. Buddhist altar
  1713. Buddhist altar equipment
  1714. Buddhist altar fittings
  1715. Buddhist altar light
  1716. Buddhist anniversary service
  1717. Buddhist art
  1718. Buddhist center for study and meditation
  1719. Buddhist ceremony held on July 15
  1720. Buddhist concept
  1721. Buddhist country
  1722. Buddhist decoration engraved with various motifs
  1723. Buddhist deity of love
  1724. Buddhist deity of mercy
  1725. Buddhist doctrine
  1726. Buddhist family chapel
  1727. Buddhist funeral
  1728. Buddhist hell of uninterrupted suffering
  1729. Buddhist holiday on December 8 to celebrate Shakyamuni's enlightenment
  1730. Buddhist image
  1731. Buddhist image maker
  1732. Buddhist image normally withheld from public view
  1733. Buddhist image seat
  1734. Buddhist image used as jewellery or to decorate one's home
  1735. Buddhist images
  1736. Buddhist images of wood
  1737. Buddhist incantation using chanting
  1738. Buddhist lantern festival
  1739. Buddhist learning
  1740. Buddhist literature
  1741. Buddhist memorial service
  1742. Buddhist minister
  1743. Buddhist missionary
  1744. Buddhist monk
  1745. Buddhist monk serving at an attached Shinto shrine
  1746. Buddhist monk who has attained Nirvana
  1747. Buddhist mortuary tablet
  1748. Buddhist music
  1749. Buddhist painting
  1750. Buddhist picture
  1751. Buddhist pilgrim
  1752. Buddhist prayer
  1753. Buddhist preaching
  1754. Buddhist precept prohibiting the consumption of alcohol
  1755. Buddhist priest
  1756. Buddhist priest eating meat dishes and being married
  1757. Buddhist priest or monk worthy of being held as a model
  1758. Buddhist priest who is a government minister
  1759. Buddhist priest's wife
  1760. Buddhist religious service
  1761. Buddhist religious services
  1762. Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment
  1763. Buddhist rite of cedar-stick burning
  1764. Buddhist ritual
  1765. Buddhist saint
  1766. Buddhist scholar
  1767. Buddhist scriptures
  1768. Buddhist sect
  1769. Buddhist sect originating in the seventh century
  1770. Buddhist seminary
  1771. Buddhist sermon
  1772. Buddhist sermon hall
  1773. Buddhist service
  1774. Buddhist service centred around the Lotus Sutra held over four days in Shiga Prefecture
  1775. Buddhist service for the anniversary of the death of Shotoku Taishi
  1776. Buddhist service held on the anniversary of someone's death
  1777. Buddhist service held on the day of Buddha's death
  1778. Buddhist service in which the eight scrolls of the Lotus Sutra are read one scroll at a time
  1779. Buddhist services during the equinoctial week
  1780. Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river
  1781. Buddhist solitary
  1782. Buddhist statue
  1783. Buddhist statue of a figure sitting contemplatively in the half-lotus position
  1784. Buddhist studies
  1785. Buddhist sutra
  1786. Buddhist sutras
  1787. Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth
  1788. Buddhist teachings
  1789. Buddhist temple
  1790. Buddhist term
  1791. Buddhist theory of the twelve-fold chain of causation
  1792. Buddhist thought
  1793. Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind
  1794. Buddhist writings
  1795. Buddhists
  1796. Budget Committee
  1797. Budget Committee of the lower house of the Diet
  1798. Budget Committee of the upper house of the Diet
  1799. Bugger you!
  1800. Bugis
  1801. Bukkouji sect
  1802. Bulgar
  1803. Bulgaria
  1804. Bulgarian
  1805. Bulgur
  1806. Bummei era
  1807. Bumpou era
  1808. Bun'an era
  1809. Bun'ei era
  1810. Bun'ou era
  1811. Buna
  1812. Bunchuu era
  1813. Bundesrat
  1814. Bundestag
  1815. Bungo Japanese apricot
  1816. Bunji era
  1817. Bunka era
  1818. Bunka-Bunsei period
  1819. Bunki era
  1820. Bunkyuu era
  1821. Bunna era
  1822. Bunnan era
  1823. Bunroku era
  1824. Bunryaku era
  1825. Bunsei era
  1826. Bunsen burner
  1827. Bunshou era
  1828. Bunten exhibition
  1829. Bunwa era
  1830. Buraku Liberation Movement
  1831. Burakumin
  1832. Burakumin rights organization formed in 1922
  1833. Burberry
  1834. Burchard's cockle
  1835. Bureau of Shrine Affairs
  1836. Burgess fauna
  1837. Burgess' butterflyfish
  1838. Burkina Faso
  1839. Burkitt's lymphoma
  1840. Burma
  1841. Burmannia championii
  1842. Burmese
  1843. Burmese Wars
  1844. Burmese rosewood
  1845. Bush Doctrine
  1846. Bushido
  1847. Business Software Association
  1848. Businessshow
  1849. Butterfly
  1850. Buys-Ballot's law
  1851. Buzan sect
  1852. BwO
  1853. Bye
  1854. Byzantine
  1855. Byzantine Church
  1856. Byzantine Empire
  1857. Byzantine architecture
  1858. Byzantine art
  1859. Byzantine fashion
  1860. Byzantine style
  1861. Bスプライン関数 [ビースプラインかんすう]
  1862. Bリンパ球 [ビーリンパきゅう]
  1863. B型 [ビーがた]
  1864. B型肝炎 [ビーがたかんえん]
  1865. B専 [ビーせん]
  1866. B淋巴球 [ビーリンパきゅう]
  1867. B系 [ビーけい]
  1868. B細胞 [ビーさいぼう]
  1869. C
  1870. C Bus
  1871. C [シー]
  1872. C and D
  1873. C clef
  1874. C major
  1875. C minor
  1876. C plus plus
  1877. C programming language
  1878. C shell
  1879. C size
  1880. C#
  1881. C++
  1882. C++言語 [シープラスプラスげんご]
  1883. C-beam
  1884. C-in-C
  1885. C-section
  1886. C-stroke
  1887. C3 plant
  1888. C3植物 [シーさんしょくぶつ]
  1889. C4 plant
  1890. C4植物 [シーよんしょくぶつ]
  1891. CA
  1892. CA network
  1893. CAC
  1894. CAD
  1895. CAD [キャド]
  1896. CAD-CAM
  1897. CAE
  1898. CAFIS
  1899. CAI
  1900. CAI [シーエーアイ]
  1901. CALS
  1902. CAM
  1903. CAM [キャム]
  1904. CAM plant
  1905. CAM植物 [カムしょくぶつ]
  1906. CAN
  1907. CANDU reactor
  1908. CANDU炉 [キャンドゥろ]
  1909. CAP
  1910. CAPTAIN System
  1911. CAPTCHA
  1912. CASE
  1913. CASL
  1914. CAT
  1915. CATV
  1916. CATV [シーエーティービー]
  1917. CATV [シーエーティーブイ]
  1918. CATVインターネット [シーエーティーブイインターネット]
  1919. CAV
  1920. CB
  1921. CB [シービー]
  1922. CBD
  1923. CBM
  1924. CBR
  1925. CC data element
  1926. CCD
  1927. CCIR
  1928. CCITT
  1929. CCP
  1930. CCW
  1931. CD
  1932. CD [シーディー]
  1933. CD network
  1934. CD player
  1935. CD radio-cassette
  1936. CD-DA
  1937. CD-G
  1938. CD-I
  1939. CD-R
  1940. CD-ROM
  1941. CD-V
  1942. CDA
  1943. CDC
  1944. CDDA [シーディーディーエー]
  1945. CDE
  1946. CDL
  1947. CDMA
  1948. CDO
  1949. CDP
  1950. CDR [シーディーアール]
  1951. CDROM [シーディーロム]
  1952. CDU
  1953. CDV
  1954. CDs
  1955. CDs and DVDs before the date they officially go on sale
  1956. CD−DA [シーディーディーエー]
  1957. CD−R [シーディーアール]
  1958. CD−ROM [シーディーロム]
  1959. CDプレイヤー [シーディープレイヤー]
  1960. CDプレーヤー [シーディープレーヤー]
  1961. CDラジカセ [シーディーラジカセ]
  1962. CE
  1963. CEA
  1964. CEATEC
  1965. CEO
  1966. CEO [シーイーオー]
  1967. CERN
  1968. CERT
  1969. CES
  1970. CF
  1971. CF [シーエフ]
  1972. CFC
  1973. CFC [シーエフシー]
  1974. CFE
  1975. CFE Treaty
  1976. CFE条約 [シーエフイーじょうやく]
  1977. CFIT
  1978. CFIT [シーフィット]
  1979. CFO
  1980. CFS
  1981. CG
  1982. CG [シージー]
  1983. CGA
  1984. CGI
  1985. CGI [シージーアイ]
  1986. CGM
  1987. CGS単位系 [シージーエスたんいけい]
  1988. CGT
  1989. CHF
  1990. CHI
  1991. CHKDSK
  1992. CHRP
  1993. CI
  1994. CIA
  1995. CIA [シーアイエー]
  1996. CIE
  1997. CIM
  1998. CIO
  1999. CIS
  2000. CIS [シーアイエス]

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