; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

47 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. power of description
  2. power of expression
  3. power of fate
  4. power of money
  5. power of observation
  6. power of the pen
  7. power of the state
  8. power of two
  9. power of vision
  10. power outage
  11. power plant
  12. power point
  13. power policy
  14. power politics
  15. power rates
  16. power relations
  17. power relationship
  18. power relationships among factions
  19. power restriction
  20. power retailing
  21. power saver
  22. power series
  23. power set
  24. power sharing
  25. power shovel
  26. power spring
  27. power station
  28. power steering
  29. power strip
  30. power struggle
  31. power supply
  32. power supply company
  33. power supply unit
  34. power switch
  35. power system
  36. power technique
  37. power user
  38. power weight ratio
  39. power window
  40. power-generating railway car
  41. power-on key
  42. power-on password
  43. power-on sequence
  44. power-up
  45. powerchair
  46. powered wheelchair
  47. powerful
  48. powerful army
  49. powerful clan
  50. powerful country
  51. powerful courtier
  52. powerful delivery
  53. powerful drug
  54. powerful enemy
  55. powerful family
  56. powerful medicine
  57. powerful official
  58. powerful or influential person
  59. powerful pen
  60. powerful person
  61. powerful photograph
  62. powerful pitching
  63. powerful retainer
  64. powerful spectacles
  65. powerful swimming
  66. powerhouse
  67. powerless
  68. powerless straight ball
  69. powerlessness
  70. powers of observation
  71. powerstation
  72. pox
  73. practicability
  74. practicable
  75. practical
  76. practical assessment
  77. practical business
  78. practical configuration
  79. practical course
  80. practical effect
  81. practical ethics
  82. practical example
  83. practical experience
  84. practical form
  85. practical individual
  86. practical joke
  87. practical joker
  88. practical language
  89. practical model
  90. practical nurse
  91. practical philosophy
  92. practical question
  93. practical reason or ethics
  94. practical research
  95. practical science
  96. practical side of life
  97. practical skill
  98. practical studiy in the real world
  99. practical technology
  100. practical test
  101. practical theory or principle
  102. practical use
  103. practical wisdom
  104. practical work experience
  105. practicality
  106. practically
  107. practice
  108. practice book
  109. practice book used in Joruri and Nagauta
  110. practice by repetition
  111. practice contractions
  112. practice game
  113. practice ground
  114. practice jump
  115. practice makes perfect
  116. practice match
  117. practice mental training
  118. practice of abandoning old women
  119. practice of buying a bottle of spirits at a bar which is then kept there for the customer
  120. practice of eating sushi or sashimi off an unclad woman's body
  121. practice of mixing things normally kept separate
  122. practice or exercises
  123. practice piece
  124. practice price
  125. practice problem
  126. practice session where grand champion is present
  127. practice sword
  128. practice sword used in iaido
  129. practice writing with a brush
  130. practice-swinging
  131. practiced
  132. practicing by oneself
  133. practicum
  134. practise
  135. practise book
  136. practise game
  137. practise ground
  138. practise jump
  139. practise match
  140. practise problem
  141. practised
  142. practising law
  143. practising swimming on land
  144. practitioner
  145. practitioner of austerities
  146. practitioner of mountain asceticism
  147. praepostor
  148. praetor
  149. pragmatic
  150. pragmatics
  151. pragmatism
  152. pragmatist
  153. prairie
  154. prairie dog
  155. prairie schooner
  156. praise
  157. praise and censure
  158. praise and encouragement
  159. praiseworthy
  160. praiseworthy act
  161. praiseworthy undertaking
  162. praising and blaming
  163. praising one's own wares
  164. praising oneself
  165. prajna
  166. prajna-paramita
  167. prank
  168. prank call
  169. prank phone call
  170. prank where the anal region of another person is poked with index fingers
  171. prankster
  172. praseodymium
  173. prasites pygmy goby
  174. prattle
  175. prattling
  176. pratyaya
  177. pratyekabuddha
  178. prawn
  179. prawn or lobster
  180. praxiology
  181. pray
  182. pray with one's hands together
  183. prayer
  184. prayer and austerities
  185. prayer book
  186. prayer for dead
  187. prayer for school success
  188. prayer hall
  189. prayer meeting
  190. prayer request
  191. prayer service for a good crop
  192. prayer to Amitabha
  193. prayer to a god
  194. prayer wheel
  195. prayers for the repose of the soul
  196. praying
  197. praying a million times
  198. praying all night in a shrine or temple
  199. praying at a temple or shrine for help to stop drinking
  200. praying by proxy
  201. praying devoutly to Amida Buddha
  202. praying down evil spirits
  203. praying for rain
  204. praying for the coming of a deity
  205. praying for their happiness in the next life by chanting sutras
  206. praying mantis
  207. praying mantis style
  208. praying to deaf ears
  209. pre-
  210. pre-1886 administrative order
  211. pre-Jomon period
  212. pre-Kumarajiva Chinese translation
  213. pre-Olympic
  214. pre-Olympics
  215. pre-Qin period
  216. pre-Xuanzang Chinese translation
  217. pre-amplifier
  218. pre-arranged
  219. pre-beta
  220. pre-college students
  221. pre-cooking
  222. pre-coordinated indexing
  223. pre-cum
  224. pre-cut
  225. pre-delinquent
  226. pre-delinquent juvenile
  227. pre-ejaculate
  228. pre-ejaculatory fluid
  229. pre-election campaigning
  230. pre-eminence
  231. pre-emptive right
  232. pre-era
  233. pre-established harmony
  234. pre-existence
  235. pre-existing
  236. pre-harvest estimate of a rice field's yield and selling price
  237. pre-incubation
  238. pre-literate society
  239. pre-noun adjectival
  240. pre-nuptial doubts
  241. pre-opening
  242. pre-paid card for purchasing books
  243. pre-printed forms
  244. pre-read head
  245. pre-recorded broadcast
  246. pre-render
  247. pre-rendering
  248. pre-ripped jeans
  249. pre-ritsuryo official established in key provinces
  250. pre-schooler
  251. pre-shrunk
  252. pre-split stock or share
  253. pre-tax price
  254. pre-translation
  255. pre-university students
  256. pre-vetting
  257. pre-war
  258. pre-war days
  259. pre-war public school that trained male teachers
  260. pre-washed rice
  261. pre-washing to combat stains
  262. preach
  263. preacher
  264. preacher who is good at delivering a sermon
  265. preaching
  266. preaching burglar
  267. preaching down
  268. preaching tone
  269. preaching tour
  270. preamble
  271. prearranged bidding
  272. prearranged date
  273. prearranged performances
  274. prearranged quota
  275. prearrangement
  276. precancerous lesion
  277. precancerous state
  278. precariat
  279. precarious
  280. precarious situation
  281. precarious state
  282. precarious trade
  283. precast concrete
  284. precaution
  285. precautionary measures
  286. precedence
  287. precedent
  288. preceding
  289. preceding article or entry
  290. preceding fiscal year
  291. preceding issue
  292. preceding page
  293. preceding paragraph
  294. preceding period
  295. preceding work
  296. precept
  297. preceptor or high priest
  298. precepts
  299. precepts for living
  300. precepts given to an adherent prior to being consecrated as an Acharya
  301. preceramic period
  302. precession
  303. precession of the equinoxes
  304. precharge
  305. precinct
  306. precinct of a jail
  307. precincts
  308. precincts of the Imperial palace
  309. precious
  310. precious book
  311. precious letter
  312. precious life
  313. precious metal
  314. precious object
  315. precious stone
  316. precious time
  317. precious wentletrap
  318. precious woods
  319. preciousness
  320. precipice
  321. precipitate
  322. precipitation
  323. precipitation resulting from thick fog condensing on leaves in a forest
  324. precipitation tank
  325. precipitous
  326. precipitous cliff
  327. precipitous cliff of great height
  328. precipitous slope
  329. precis
  330. precise
  331. precisely
  332. precision
  333. precision cutting
  334. precision equipment
  335. precision guided missile
  336. precision instrument or machine
  337. precision machine
  338. precision machinery
  339. precision machinery industry
  340. precision machining
  341. precision ratio
  342. precision surface finishing
  343. precision tool
  344. precision tools
  345. preclinical study
  346. precocious
  347. precocious brat
  348. precocious child
  349. precocious girl
  350. precocity
  351. precognition
  352. precognitive dream
  353. precompiled module
  354. preconceived idea
  355. preconceived notion
  356. preconception
  357. precondition
  358. precondition or prerequisite for prosecution
  359. preconscious
  360. preconsciousness
  361. precooked Chinese noodles
  362. precursor
  363. precursor technology
  364. precursor to the shamisen
  365. predation
  366. predator
  367. predatory
  368. predatory nature
  369. predatory pricing
  370. predecessor
  371. predecessor organisation
  372. predecessor organization
  373. predefined
  374. predefined function
  375. predefined variable
  376. predestination
  377. predestined
  378. predetermination
  379. predetermined
  380. predetermined style
  381. predicament
  382. predicate
  383. predicate adjective
  384. predicate calculus
  385. predicate logic
  386. predicate nominal
  387. predicate nominative
  388. predicate noun
  389. predicate verb
  390. predicative
  391. predicative adjective
  392. predicative form
  393. predicator
  394. predicting
  395. prediction
  396. prediction of a price drop
  397. predictor
  398. predisposition
  399. predisposition to generate cozy relationships
  400. predisposition toward allergies
  401. predominance
  402. predominant
  403. predominant color
  404. predominant colour
  405. predominant rights
  406. preeminence
  407. preeminent
  408. preeminent example of its kind
  409. preeminent person
  410. preempt
  411. preemption
  412. preemptive
  413. preemptive attack
  414. preemptive multitasking
  415. preening
  416. preequilibrium process
  417. prefab
  418. prefab hut
  419. prefabricated
  420. prefabricated bath
  421. prefabricated concrete
  422. prefabricated house
  423. prefabricated housing
  424. preface
  425. prefatory
  426. prefatory modifying statement
  427. prefatory note
  428. prefatory song or poem
  429. prefatory sutra
  430. prefatory words
  431. prefect
  432. prefectural
  433. prefectural administration
  434. prefectural and other public universities and colleges
  435. prefectural assembly
  436. prefectural border
  437. prefectural boundary
  438. prefectural capital
  439. prefectural constituency
  440. prefectural expense
  441. prefectural flower
  442. prefectural funding
  443. prefectural government
  444. prefectural governor
  445. prefectural health sciences university
  446. prefectural hospital
  447. prefectural medical school
  448. prefectural meeting hall
  449. prefectural office
  450. prefectural ordinance
  451. prefectural party chapter
  452. prefectural police
  453. prefectural police academy
  454. prefectural police headquarters
  455. prefectural police training school
  456. prefectural road
  457. prefectural shrine
  458. prefectural strengths
  459. prefectural system
  460. prefectural tax
  461. prefectural training institute
  462. prefectural university
  463. prefecture
  464. prefecture maps
  465. prefecture-level city
  466. preferable
  467. preferably
  468. preference
  469. preference shares
  470. preferences
  471. preferential
  472. preferential duty
  473. preferential measure
  474. preferential right
  475. preferential tariff
  476. preferential treatment
  477. preferred
  478. preferred class
  479. preferred foreign currency
  480. preferred recipient
  481. preferred stock
  482. preferred term
  483. preferring sweets
  484. prefetch
  485. prefiguring
  486. prefinal
  487. prefinals
  488. prefix
  489. prefix indicating familiarity or contempt
  490. prefix notation
  491. prefix to building meaning "magnificent"
  492. prefix used to strengthen a derogatory adjective
  493. prefix-type shift key
  494. prefixed unit of measurement
  495. prefixes and suffixes
  496. preformation
  497. pregelatinization
  498. pregnancy
  499. pregnancy termination
  500. pregnancy test
  501. pregnant
  502. pregnant with
  503. pregnant with significance
  504. pregnant woman
  505. preheat
  506. prehistoric age
  507. prehistoric era
  508. prehistoric period
  509. prehistoric times
  510. prehistory
  511. prehuman
  512. preimplantation death
  513. preinstall
  514. preinstalled software
  515. prejudice
  516. prejudiced
  517. prejudiced against
  518. prejudiced mind
  519. prejudiced opinion
  520. prelate
  521. preliminaries
  522. preliminary
  523. preliminary agreement
  524. preliminary announcement
  525. preliminary arrangements
  526. preliminary calculation
  527. preliminary conditions
  528. preliminary conference
  529. preliminary consultation
  530. preliminary contest
  531. preliminary control of lights
  532. preliminary design
  533. preliminary discussion
  534. preliminary draft
  535. preliminary draught
  536. preliminary dyeing
  537. preliminary election
  538. preliminary encounter
  539. preliminary examination
  540. preliminary injunction
  541. preliminary inspection
  542. preliminary introduction
  543. preliminary investigation
  544. preliminary loading of the ship
  545. preliminary memo
  546. preliminary negotiations
  547. preliminary results
  548. preliminary review
  549. preliminary step
  550. preliminary sumo bouts with unranked wrestlers
  551. preliminary test or trial
  552. preliminary test to eliminate weak contenders
  553. preliminary tremor
  554. preliminary trials
  555. preliminary warm-up ritual
  556. prelude
  557. premalignant state
  558. premarital
  559. premarital sexual relations
  560. premastering
  561. premature
  562. premature ageing
  563. premature aging
  564. premature baby
  565. premature baldness
  566. premature birth
  567. premature death
  568. premature development
  569. premature ejaculation
  570. premature joy
  571. premature start
  572. prematurely going soft during intercourse
  573. prematurely gray hair
  574. prematurely grey hair
  575. prematurity
  576. premeditated
  577. premeditated crime
  578. premeditation
  579. premenstrual
  580. premiere
  581. premise
  582. premises
  583. premises search
  584. premium
  585. premium market segment
  586. premium sale
  587. premodern
  588. premolar
  589. premonition
  590. premonitory phenomena
  591. premonitory symptom
  592. prenatal care
  593. prenuptial
  594. prenuptial agreement
  595. preoccupation
  596. preoccupied
  597. preoperative
  598. preordained time
  599. prep school
  600. prep. aid
  601. prepaid
  602. prepaid card
  603. prepaid cellphone
  604. prepaid insurance premium
  605. prepaid telephone card
  606. preparation
  607. preparation day
  608. preparation for a lesson
  609. preparation for rain
  610. preparation of tools
  611. preparation room
  612. preparations
  613. preparations for a journey
  614. preparations for returning
  615. preparations for war
  616. preparations for winter
  617. preparatory
  618. preparatory activity
  619. preparatory boiling
  620. preparatory command
  621. preparatory committee
  622. preparatory course
  623. preparatory course for college
  624. preparatory department
  625. preparatory document
  626. preparatory meeting
  627. preparatory operations
  628. preparatory period
  629. preparatory phase
  630. preparatory reading
  631. preparatory school
  632. preparatory-department student
  633. prepared
  634. prepared hole
  635. prepared piano
  636. prepared to die if necessary
  637. preparedness
  638. preparedness for death
  639. preparing
  640. preparing a rice field for planting by flooding it and breaking up the soil
  641. preparing fields
  642. preparing for action or battle
  643. preparing to die in an effort to dissuade one's lord
  644. preparing to flee
  645. preparing to upgrade
  646. prepayment
  647. prepayment of income taxes
  648. preponderance
  649. preponderant
  650. preposition
  651. prepositions and pospositions
  652. preposterous
  653. preposterous!
  654. preppie
  655. preppie look
  656. preprocessor
  657. prepublication censorship
  658. prepuce
  659. prepuce of clitoris
  660. prerecorded announcement
  661. prerecording
  662. preregistration
  663. prerelease
  664. prerequisite
  665. prerequisite knowledge
  666. presbyopia
  667. preschool
  668. preschool child
  669. prescoring
  670. prescribed
  671. prescribed form
  672. prescribed in the preceding paragraph
  673. prescribed working hours
  674. prescribing medicine
  675. prescription
  676. prescription drug
  677. prescription of the right to prosecute an accused
  678. prescriptive grammar
  679. presence
  680. presence of mind
  681. presence or absence
  682. presence or absence marker
  683. presense
  684. present
  685. present & future
  686. present age
  687. present and future
  688. present and future existences
  689. present cabinet
  690. present condition
  691. present continuous tense
  692. present day
  693. present family register
  694. present form
  695. present girlfriend
  696. present given in return for funeral offering
  697. present grade
  698. present invention
  699. present location
  700. present members
  701. present model
  702. present number
  703. present or actual strength
  704. present participle
  705. present perfect tense
  706. present point
  707. present post
  708. present progressive form
  709. present society
  710. present stage
  711. present state
  712. present tense
  713. present time
  714. present to a guest
  715. present to a person in distress
  716. present to a teacher
  717. present value
  718. present world
  719. present-day
  720. present-day people
  721. present-day science
  722. presentation
  723. presentation aid
  724. presentation book
  725. presentation ceremony
  726. presentation certificate
  727. presentation context
  728. presentation context identification
  729. presentation context identifier
  730. presentation copy
  731. presentation data value
  732. presentation layer
  733. presentation manager
  734. presentation medium
  735. presentation of a draft bill
  736. presentation of a guidebook
  737. presentation of poem
  738. presentation of something to an aristocrat
  739. presentation software
  740. presentation style
  741. presentation surface
  742. presentator
  743. presenter
  744. presentiment
  745. presenting
  746. presenting a case
  747. presenting a hand-copied sutra to a temple
  748. presenting arms
  749. presenting no difficulty
  750. presenting of new sumo wrestlers to audience
  751. presenting oneself in a favorable light
  752. presenting to
  753. presenting water to spirits while invoking them
  754. presently
  755. presents
  756. preservation
  757. preservative
  758. preservative against mold
  759. preserve
  760. preserved
  761. preserved egg
  762. preserved flower
  763. preserved food boiled in soy
  764. preserved foods
  765. preserved foodstuffs
  766. preserving in alcohol
  767. preserving in salt
  768. preserving in sugar
  769. preset
  770. preset value
  771. presheaf
  772. preshrunk cloth
  773. preshutdown
  774. preshutdown time-out
  775. presided over by
  776. presided over by a virtuous king
  777. president
  778. president in office
  779. president of Korea 1948-1960
  780. president of a company
  781. president's office
  782. president-elect
  783. presidential aide
  784. presidential candidate
  785. presidential decree
  786. presidential election
  787. presidential government
  788. presidential order
  789. presidential proclamation
  790. presidential system
  791. presider
  792. presiding
  793. presiding judge
  794. press
  795. press and slack of business
  796. press box
  797. press bureau
  798. press campaign
  799. press card
  800. press center
  801. press centre
  802. press club
  803. press code
  804. press conference
  805. press conference room
  806. press copy
  807. press corps
  808. press for
  809. press gallery
  810. press group
  811. press law
  812. press office
  813. press organisation
  814. press organization
  815. press pass
  816. press release
  817. press room
  818. press stud
  819. press working
  820. pressed barley
  821. pressed flower
  822. pressed ham
  823. pressed leaves
  824. pressed mackerel sushi
  825. pressed sushi
  826. pressing
  827. pressing a demand with a face-to-face talk
  828. pressing and cutting
  829. pressing cheeks together
  830. pressing clothes by placing them under the bedding while one sleeps
  831. pressing down
  832. pressing forward
  833. pressing forward without giving a chance to explain
  834. pressing hard
  835. pressing one's hands together in prayer
  836. pressing one's own cause
  837. pressing out
  838. pressing plates
  839. pressing situation
  840. pressingly
  841. pressman
  842. pressure
  843. pressure bandage
  844. pressure cooker
  845. pressure gauge
  846. pressure group
  847. pressure of business
  848. pressure of work
  849. pressure pain
  850. pressure pattern
  851. pressure point
  852. pressure points
  853. pressure regulator
  854. pressure sensation
  855. pressure sensitive adhesive
  856. pressure sensitive diode
  857. pressure suppression
  858. pressure suppression chamber
  859. pressure suppression pool
  860. pressure test
  861. pressure to conform
  862. pressure vessel
  863. pressure wave
  864. pressure welding
  865. pressure-free education
  866. pressure-resistant
  867. pressure-sensitive adhesive
  868. pressurisation
  869. pressurised water reactor
  870. pressurization
  871. pressurized light-water reactor
  872. pressurized water reactor
  873. pressurized-water reactor
  874. pressurizer
  875. prestige
  876. prestigious company
  877. prestigious newspaper
  878. prestigious school
  879. prestigious university
  880. presto
  881. prestressed concrete
  882. presumably
  883. presume
  884. presume that
  885. presumption
  886. presumption of innocence
  887. presumptuous
  888. preta
  889. pretax loss
  890. pretax profit
  891. pretence
  892. pretence of evil
  893. pretended
  894. pretended endurance
  895. pretender
  896. pretending
  897. pretending not to know
  898. pretending not to recognise
  899. pretending not to recognize
  900. pretending not to see something
  901. pretending to ...
  902. pretending to be gay
  903. pretending to be out
  904. pretending to be worse than one really is
  905. pretending to know
  906. pretending to obey but secretly betraying
  907. pretending to obey someone to his face but badmouthing him behind his back
  908. pretending to respect someone while in fact staying distant from him
  909. pretending to understand the nature of something when one only knows its name
  910. pretense
  911. pretense of evil
  912. pretension
  913. pretentious
  914. pretentious statement
  915. preterit
  916. preterit tense
  917. preterite
  918. pretext
  919. pretor
  920. pretrial hearing
  921. prettiness
  922. pretty
  923. pretty boy
  924. pretty close
  925. pretty daughter who attracts boys to parents' shop
  926. pretty disgusting
  927. pretty girl
  928. pretty good
  929. pretty woman
  930. pretty words
  931. pretty-print
  932. pretzel
  933. prevailing mood of a locality
  934. prevailing view
  935. prevailing wind
  936. prevalence
  937. prevalence of arbitrariness
  938. prevarication
  939. preventing
  940. preventing a ship from passing or from leaving port
  941. preventing one's opponent from getting an underarm grip
  942. prevention
  943. prevention agent
  944. prevention guideline
  945. prevention is better than cure
  946. prevention measure
  947. prevention of crime
  948. prevention of epidemics
  949. prevention of global warming
  950. prevention of moisture
  951. prevention of non-delivery notification
  952. prevention of sun-related skin damage
  953. preventive against scurvy
  954. preventive attachment
  955. preventive care
  956. preventive injection
  957. preventive maintenance
  958. preventive measure
  959. preventive measures
  960. preventive medicine
  961. preventive suspension
  962. preventive war
  963. prevents leaks and is often covered by a cap.
  964. preview
  965. preview of movie
  966. preview of next installment
  967. preview release
  968. previewer
  969. previous
  970. previous age
  971. previous announcement
  972. previous arrangement
  973. previous case
  974. previous conviction
  975. previous day
  976. previous decision
  977. previous engagement
  978. previous existence
  979. previous generation
  980. previous installment
  981. previous instalment
  982. previous job
  983. previous letter
  984. previous life
  985. previous line
  986. previous lord
  987. previous month
  988. previous note
  989. previous notice
  990. previous offence
  991. previous offense
  992. previous position
  993. previous preconception
  994. previous priest or resident
  995. previous promise
  996. previous remarks
  997. previous report
  998. previous ruler
  999. previous session
  1000. previous specified element
  1001. previous time
  1002. previous version
  1003. previous volume
  1004. previous week
  1005. previous wife
  1006. previous work
  1007. previous writing
  1008. previous year
  1009. previously
  1010. previously graduated
  1011. previously mentioned or described
  1012. prewar Home Minister
  1013. prewar Japanese adventurer in mainland China
  1014. prewar generation
  1015. prey
  1016. preying upon
  1017. price
  1018. price advance
  1019. price agreement
  1020. price book-value ratio
  1021. price cartel
  1022. price ceiling
  1023. price collapse
  1024. price competition
  1025. price control
  1026. price controls
  1027. price cut
  1028. price decision
  1029. price decline
  1030. price destruction
  1031. price discrimination
  1032. price effect
  1033. price elasticity
  1034. price escalation rate
  1035. price estimate
  1036. price fall
  1037. price fixing
  1038. price fluctuation
  1039. price fluctuations
  1040. price hike
  1041. price including tax
  1042. price increase
  1043. price increase rate
  1044. price indexation
  1045. price jump
  1046. price label
  1047. price leader
  1048. price leadership
  1049. price level
  1050. price limit
  1051. price list
  1052. price maker
  1053. price manipulation
  1054. price margin
  1055. price mechanism
  1056. price monitoring
  1057. price negotiation
  1058. price observation
  1059. price of a cocoon
  1060. price of flowers
  1061. price of milk
  1062. price of paper
  1063. price of silk thread
  1064. price of wheat
  1065. price per sqare meter
  1066. price per unit of area
  1067. price pressure
  1068. price range
  1069. price range or fluctuation
  1070. price reduction
  1071. price reduction rate
  1072. price regulation
  1073. price revision
  1074. price revolution
  1075. price rigidity
  1076. price rise
  1077. price setting
  1078. price stabilisation
  1079. price stabilization
  1080. price tag
  1081. price taker
  1082. price tendered
  1083. price variance between domestic and overseas markets
  1084. price war
  1085. price without tax included
  1086. price-earnings ratio
  1087. price-keeping operation
  1088. price-maintenance agreement
  1089. price-support measures for contraband goods
  1090. priced dirt cheap
  1091. priceless
  1092. priceless treasure
  1093. pricelessness
  1094. prices
  1095. prices as advertised
  1096. prices of commodities
  1097. prices of staple commodities
  1098. pricing
  1099. pricing at
  1100. pricing below cost
  1101. prick
  1102. prickle
  1103. prickling
  1104. prickling pain
  1105. prickly
  1106. prickly heat
  1107. prickly heat powder
  1108. prickly water lily
  1109. pride
  1110. pride comes before a fall
  1111. pride goes before a fall
  1112. pride in his work
  1113. pride in misfortune
  1114. pride in one's strength or skill
  1115. pride in one's work
  1116. pride of ...
  1117. pride of place
  1118. priest
  1119. priest attached to a shrine
  1120. priest going out to teach
  1121. priest in charge of a temple's clerical duties
  1122. priest of Brahmanism
  1123. priest soldier
  1124. priest traveling as part of his training
  1125. priest who was also a street performer and performed prayers and other religious duties for the sake of other people
  1126. priest's black robe
  1127. priest's flapper made from the tail of a large deer
  1128. priest's garb
  1129. priest's hermitage
  1130. priest's horsehair flapper
  1131. priest's name or posthumous Buddhist name
  1132. priest's quarters
  1133. priest's religious name
  1134. priest's robe
  1135. priestcraft
  1136. priestess
  1137. priesthood
  1138. priestly attire
  1139. priestly minstrel's reed hood
  1140. priestly rank
  1141. priestly teacher
  1142. priestly vestments
  1143. priests
  1144. priests and laymen
  1145. priests assisting at a Buddhist service
  1146. priests' quarters
  1147. priests' temple quarters
  1148. prim and proper girl
  1149. prim person
  1150. prima ballerina
  1151. prima donna
  1152. primal
  1153. primarily
  1154. primary
  1155. primary DNS server
  1156. primary and copy recipients indication
  1157. primary balance
  1158. primary battery
  1159. primary biliary cirrhosis
  1160. primary biography
  1161. primary business
  1162. primary cache
  1163. primary care
  1164. primary caucus
  1165. primary cause
  1166. primary cell
  1167. primary circuit
  1168. primary coil
  1169. primary color
  1170. primary colors
  1171. primary colour
  1172. primary colours
  1173. primary consumer
  1174. primary cooling water
  1175. primary cosmic rays
  1176. primary current
  1177. primary disk
  1178. primary document
  1179. primary energy
  1180. primary factor
  1181. primary focus
  1182. primary function
  1183. primary health care
  1184. primary immunodeficiency syndrome
  1185. primary industry
  1186. primary lesion
  1187. primary master
  1188. primary mirror
  1189. primary nursing care
  1190. primary nursing care requirement authorization
  1191. primary objective
  1192. primary product
  1193. primary products
  1194. primary pulmonary hypertension
  1195. primary rainbow
  1196. primary rate interfase
  1197. primary ring
  1198. primary rocks
  1199. primary salt
  1200. primary school
  1201. primary school student
  1202. primary schoolgirl
  1203. primary sexual characteristic
  1204. primary site
  1205. primary source
  1206. primary station
  1207. primary succession
  1208. primary system
  1209. primary wave
  1210. primary winding
  1211. primate
  1212. primates
  1213. primatology
  1214. prime
  1215. prime contract work or contractor
  1216. prime decomposition
  1217. prime element
  1218. prime factor
  1219. prime factor decomposition
  1220. prime field
  1221. prime ideal
  1222. prime meridian
  1223. prime minister
  1224. prime minister in office
  1225. prime minister's official residence
  1226. prime number
  1227. prime numbers
  1228. prime of girlhood
  1229. prime of life
  1230. prime of manhood
  1231. prime of one's life
  1232. prime of youth
  1233. prime rate
  1234. prime record key
  1235. prime time
  1236. prime time television
  1237. prime-time television
  1238. primer
  1239. primeval
  1240. primeval forest
  1241. priming
  1242. priming materials
  1243. priming powders
  1244. primipara
  1245. primitive
  1246. primitive and barbarous
  1247. primitive art
  1248. primitive attribute
  1249. primitive element
  1250. primitive encoding
  1251. primitive man
  1252. primitive name
  1253. primitive religion
  1254. primitive shrine
  1255. primitive times
  1256. primrose
  1257. primula
  1258. prince
  1259. prince consort
  1260. prince melon
  1261. prince of royal blood
  1262. prince's feather
  1263. prince's message
  1264. princes
  1265. princes and marquises
  1266. princess
  1267. princess coat
  1268. princess line
  1269. princess pygmy goby
  1270. princess-flower
  1271. principal
  1272. principal agent
  1273. principal and auxiliary
  1274. principal and interest
  1275. principal cause
  1276. principal clause
  1277. principal component analysis
  1278. principal countries
  1279. principal dish
  1280. principal ideal
  1281. principal image
  1282. principal investigator
  1283. principal object
  1284. principal object of worship at a temple
  1285. principal occupation
  1286. principal of a private school
  1287. principal offence
  1288. principal offender
  1289. principal offense
  1290. principal penalty
  1291. principal post
  1292. principal raw material
  1293. principal residence
  1294. principal stations
  1295. principal street
  1296. principal stress
  1297. principal sum
  1298. principal supporter of a temple
  1299. principal's office
  1300. principality
  1301. principle
  1302. principle governing one's conduct
  1303. principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
  1304. principle of a three-instance trial process
  1305. principle of being fair and just
  1306. principle of causality
  1307. principle of contradiction
  1308. principle of duality
  1309. principle of equality
  1310. principle of excluding foreigners
  1311. principle of identity
  1312. principle of international cooperation
  1313. principle of laissez-faire
  1314. principle of leverage
  1315. principle of lexical control
  1316. principle of living only for the moment
  1317. principle of majority rule
  1318. principle of peace-at-any-price
  1319. principle of reason
  1320. principle of reciprocity
  1321. principle of sufficient reason
  1322. principle of superposition
  1323. principle of thought
  1324. principles
  1325. principles and parameters approach
  1326. principles of economics
  1327. principles of imperial rule
  1328. principles of royalty
  1329. principles underpinning an agriculturally based economy
  1330. print
  1331. print drum
  1332. print from stone
  1333. print media
  1334. print medium
  1335. print preview
  1336. print processor
  1337. print queue
  1338. print resolution
  1339. print scheduler
  1340. print server
  1341. print shop
  1342. print spooler
  1343. print spooling
  1344. print through
  1345. print wheel
  1346. print zone
  1347. printable group
  1348. printable item
  1349. printed
  1350. printed book
  1351. printed circuit
  1352. printed circuit board
  1353. printed figures
  1354. printed form
  1355. printed matter
  1356. printed plywood
  1357. printed program
  1358. printed programme
  1359. printed separately
  1360. printed style of handwriting
  1361. printed style writing
  1362. printed wiring
  1363. printed wiring board
  1364. printed-style writing
  1365. printer
  1366. printer bar
  1367. printer buffer
  1368. printer cable
  1369. printer connector
  1370. printer control code
  1371. printer designation
  1372. printer driver
  1373. printer engine
  1374. printer font
  1375. printer port
  1376. printer session
  1377. printer setup
  1378. printer window
  1379. printer's
  1380. printer's mark
  1381. printer's proof
  1382. printing
  1383. printing art
  1384. printing block
  1385. printing business
  1386. printing by hand
  1387. printing calculator
  1388. printing company
  1389. printing ink
  1390. printing office
  1391. printing on both sides
  1392. printing paper
  1393. printing press
  1394. printing technique
  1395. printing telegraphy
  1396. printing type
  1397. printinng formulas
  1398. printmaker
  1399. printout
  1400. prion
  1401. prior
  1402. prior art
  1403. prior chapter
  1404. prior claim
  1405. prior consent
  1406. prior consideration
  1407. prior consultation
  1408. prior contract
  1409. prior dyeing of thread before cloth is woven
  1410. prior inspection
  1411. prior investment
  1412. prior research
  1413. prior restraint
  1414. prior to
  1415. prior to childbirth
  1416. prior to death
  1417. prior training
  1418. prior use rights
  1419. prior user rights
  1420. prioress
  1421. priori
  1422. priority
  1423. priority handling
  1424. priority link set
  1425. priority matter
  1426. priority of fires
  1427. priority production
  1428. priority production system
  1429. priority queue system
  1430. priority seating
  1431. priority substance
  1432. priority system
  1433. priority to pedestrians
  1434. priority treatment
  1435. prise rise
  1436. prism
  1437. prison
  1438. prison breaking
  1439. prison camp
  1440. prison diary
  1441. prison gate
  1442. prison guard
  1443. prison guards
  1444. prison industry
  1445. prison labor
  1446. prison labor camp
  1447. prison labour
  1448. prison labour camp
  1449. prison official
  1450. prison riot
  1451. prison term
  1452. prison uniform
  1453. prison warden
  1454. prison windows
  1455. prisoner
  1456. prisoner at the bar
  1457. prisoner exchange
  1458. prisoner in bonds
  1459. prisoner of conscience
  1460. prisoner of war
  1461. prisoner of war camp
  1462. prisoner under trial
  1463. prisoner's base
  1464. prisoner's dilemma
  1465. prisoners' dilemma
  1466. pristella tetra
  1467. pristine way of life
  1468. privacy
  1469. privacy protection
  1470. private
  1471. private IP address
  1472. private address
  1473. private affairs
  1474. private agreement
  1475. private aircraft
  1476. private army
  1477. private audience
  1478. private automatic branch exchange
  1479. private automobile
  1480. private bank
  1481. private branch exchange
  1482. private brand
  1483. private business
  1484. private capital
  1485. private car
  1486. private cheer group
  1487. private circuit
  1488. private circumstances
  1489. private clinician
  1490. private coinage
  1491. private collection
  1492. private company
  1493. private consent
  1494. private consultation
  1495. private consulting group
  1496. private contract
  1497. private conversation
  1498. private corporation
  1499. private debt
  1500. private detective
  1501. private diary
  1502. private dinner
  1503. private document
  1504. private domain name
  1505. private edition
  1506. private enquiry
  1507. private enterprise
  1508. private equity
  1509. private expense
  1510. private farm estates from before the Taika reform
  1511. private favour
  1512. private firm
  1513. private first-class
  1514. private funds
  1515. private funeral
  1516. private garden
  1517. private goods
  1518. private high school
  1519. private home providing lodging for travelers
  1520. private house
  1521. private individual
  1522. private inquiry
  1523. private instruction
  1524. private insurance
  1525. private interest
  1526. private international law
  1527. private interview with a Zen Master
  1528. private investigation agency
  1529. private investment
  1530. private joke
  1531. private junior high school
  1532. private key
  1533. private koyomi published illegally
  1534. private land
  1535. private law
  1536. private line
  1537. private mailing card
  1538. private management
  1539. private matter
  1540. private member's bill
  1541. private message
  1542. private message from an emperor
  1543. private military company
  1544. private night-school
  1545. private nurse
  1546. private offering
  1547. private opinion
  1548. private or confidential matter
  1549. private or confidential or secret talk
  1550. private or family celebration
  1551. private or personal collection
  1552. private or secret orders
  1553. private organisation
  1554. private organization
  1555. private ownership
  1556. private ownership of land and citizens
  1557. private ownership system
  1558. private painting school
  1559. private panel
  1560. private parking place
  1561. private parts
  1562. private party
  1563. private pension
  1564. private person
  1565. private perusal
  1566. private placement
  1567. private placement bond
  1568. private placement fund
  1569. private plan
  1570. private possession
  1571. private power generation
  1572. private printing
  1573. private property
  1574. private punishment
  1575. private pupil
  1576. private railway
  1577. private railway or bus line
  1578. private records or documents
  1579. private regulations
  1580. private residence
  1581. private residence or home
  1582. private residence temporarily taking lodgers
  1583. private right
  1584. private road
  1585. private room
  1586. private school
  1587. private school for the study of English
  1588. private school that allows students to advance from one stage of education to the next
  1589. private secret policeman
  1590. private secretary
  1591. private sector
  1592. private showing
  1593. private temple
  1594. private tutor
  1595. private university
  1596. private university or college
  1597. private viewing
  1598. private wedding
  1599. private-school student
  1600. private-sector business
  1601. private-sector corporation
  1602. private-sector scholar
  1603. privately
  1604. privately held company
  1605. privately operated
  1606. privately owned
  1607. privately owned car
  1608. privately owned forest
  1609. privately owned rice field
  1610. privately owned taxi
  1611. privately printed book
  1612. privately rented housing
  1613. privately-owned land
  1614. privately-owned slave
  1615. privately-placed bond
  1616. privately-subscribed bonds
  1617. privates
  1618. privation
  1619. privation suffering
  1620. privations
  1621. privatisation
  1622. privatised business
  1623. privatization
  1624. privatized business
  1625. privilege
  1626. privileged class
  1627. privileged groups
  1628. privileged guest
  1629. privileged instruction
  1630. privileged user
  1631. privy
  1632. privy council
  1633. privy seal
  1634. prize
  1635. prize archery
  1636. prize awarded for a person's effort
  1637. prize beyond one's reach
  1638. prize cup
  1639. prize for a single stage of a relay race
  1640. prize for diligence or good attendance
  1641. prize for excellence
  1642. prize money
  1643. prize of excellence
  1644. prize show
  1645. prize winner
  1646. prize-winner
  1647. prize-winning ticket
  1648. prized or treasured object
  1649. prizefighting
  1650. prizewinner
  1651. prizing
  1652. pro
  1653. pro and con
  1654. pro baseball team
  1655. pro bono
  1656. pro boxing
  1657. pro forma
  1658. pro shop
  1659. pro team
  1660. pro wrestler
  1661. pro-
  1662. pro-American
  1663. pro-Arab
  1664. pro-Japanese
  1665. pro-Japanese group
  1666. pro-communist
  1667. pro-environment group
  1668. pro-verb
  1669. proactive
  1670. proactive caching
  1671. proactive inhibition
  1672. probability
  1673. probability curve
  1674. probability density
  1675. probability density function
  1676. probability distribution
  1677. probability theory
  1678. probable
  1679. probable defeat
  1680. probable price
  1681. probably
  1682. probably isn't
  1683. probably not so
  1684. probate
  1685. probation
  1686. probation facility
  1687. probation office
  1688. probation officer
  1689. probationary diplomat
  1690. probationary nun
  1691. probationer
  1692. probe
  1693. probe each other
  1694. probe into the truth
  1695. probe of the ocean floor
  1696. probe origin authentication
  1697. probing
  1698. probity check
  1699. problem
  1700. problem area
  1701. problem child
  1702. problem collection
  1703. problem concerning one's honor
  1704. problem definition
  1705. problem description
  1706. problem expressed in words
  1707. problem for a prize contest
  1708. problem free
  1709. problem in a mathematics textbook in which previously learned skills are applied to real world situations
  1710. problem loans
  1711. problem method
  1712. problem solution
  1713. problem-oriented language
  1714. problem-solver
  1715. problem-solving
  1716. problem-solving ability
  1717. problematic
  1718. problematical statement
  1719. problems caused by the elderly
  1720. problems of an aging society
  1721. problems of the elderly
  1722. problems pertaining to a nation's script
  1723. problems that affect a period of time
  1724. proboscideans
  1725. proboscidians
  1726. proboscis
  1727. procaine
  1728. procaryote
  1729. procedural
  1730. procedural language
  1731. procedural law
  1732. procedure
  1733. procedure branching statement
  1734. procedure call
  1735. procedure declaration
  1736. procedure interface
  1737. procedure of marriage
  1738. procedure set
  1739. procedure-name
  1740. procedures for ordering
  1741. proceed to the next level
  1742. proceeding
  1743. proceeding at full tilt
  1744. proceeding east
  1745. proceeding from Tokyo to Osaka
  1746. proceeding in order
  1747. proceeding north
  1748. proceeding quickly
  1749. proceeding smoothly
  1750. proceeding south
  1751. proceeding to
  1752. proceeding to Kyoto
  1753. proceeding to a capital
  1754. proceeding to the capital
  1755. proceedings
  1756. proceeds
  1757. process
  1758. process ID
  1759. process accounting
  1760. process chart
  1761. process cheese
  1762. process color
  1763. process control
  1764. process control equipment
  1765. process document
  1766. process group
  1767. process group ID
  1768. process group leader
  1769. process group lifetime
  1770. process interface system
  1771. process interrupt signal
  1772. process lifetime
  1773. process number
  1774. process of forming and relating ideas
  1775. process printing
  1776. processable form
  1777. processed
  1778. processed data
  1779. processed goods
  1780. processed marine products
  1781. processed meat
  1782. processed milk
  1783. processed paper
  1784. processed quick-cooking rice
  1785. processing
  1786. processing cost
  1787. processing details
  1788. processing equipment
  1789. processing facility
  1790. processing fees
  1791. processing gain
  1792. processing industries
  1793. processing instruction
  1794. processing instruction entity
  1795. processing object
  1796. processing plant
  1797. processing service
  1798. processing speed
  1799. processing system
  1800. processing tax
  1801. processing technique
  1802. processing technology
  1803. processing trade
  1804. processing unit
  1805. processing work
  1806. procession
  1807. procession held at the New Year to chase away the birds for the year
  1808. procession of courtesans
  1809. processor
  1810. processor board
  1811. processor bound
  1812. processor bus
  1813. processor card
  1814. proclaiming
  1815. proclamation
  1816. proclamation of war
  1817. proclamations
  1818. procrastinate
  1819. procrastination
  1820. proctology
  1821. proctology clinic
  1822. proctoring of an exam
  1823. procuration
  1824. procurement
  1825. procurer
  1826. prod
  1827. prodigal
  1828. prodigal son
  1829. prodigality
  1830. prodigious
  1831. prodigy
  1832. prodome
  1833. prodrug
  1834. produce
  1835. produced from eggs
  1836. producer
  1837. producer gas
  1838. producer goods
  1839. producer price
  1840. producer price index
  1841. producer surplus
  1842. producer system
  1843. producer's association
  1844. producer's goods
  1845. producer-retailer alliance
  1846. producing
  1847. producing area
  1848. product
  1849. product ID number
  1850. product ad
  1851. product appeal
  1852. product being bought or sold
  1853. product being carried on a conveyor
  1854. product design
  1855. product differentiation
  1856. product family
  1857. product liability
  1858. product liability insurance
  1859. product liability law
  1860. product life cycle
  1861. product line
  1862. product manager
  1863. product mix
  1864. product number
  1865. product of
  1866. product of Asutralia
  1867. product of the land
  1868. product of the soil
  1869. product planning
  1870. product protection
  1871. product recall
  1872. product stopping being a luxury item
  1873. product strategy
  1874. product with consistent sales
  1875. production
  1876. production adjustment
  1877. production base
  1878. production control
  1879. production cost
  1880. production costs
  1881. production engineering
  1882. production equipment
  1883. production facilities
  1884. production function
  1885. production increase
  1886. production joint venture
  1887. production line
  1888. production manufacture
  1889. production method
  1890. production notes
  1891. production or output
  1892. production output
  1893. production per tan
  1894. production process
  1895. production rate
  1896. production requirements
  1897. production rule
  1898. production run
  1899. production schedule
  1900. production site
  1901. production system
  1902. production target
  1903. production team
  1904. production to order
  1905. productive
  1906. productive capacity
  1907. productive field
  1908. productiveness
  1909. productivity
  1910. products
  1911. products of the south seas
  1912. products trading company
  1913. profanation
  1914. profane
  1915. profanity
  1916. professing to be
  1917. profession
  1918. profession of faith
  1919. profession of love
  1920. professional
  1921. professional awareness
  1922. professional ballet dancer
  1923. professional baseball
  1924. professional baseball team
  1925. professional basketball league
  1926. professional boxing
  1927. professional comic storyteller
  1928. professional debut
  1929. professional dengaku performer
  1930. professional duties
  1931. professional education
  1932. professional entertainer
  1933. professional gambler
  1934. professional gambler or ruffian
  1935. professional go players' championship series
  1936. professional group
  1937. professional homosexual
  1938. professional jealousy
  1939. professional jester
  1940. professional job
  1941. professional killer
  1942. professional negligence resulting in death
  1943. professional negligence resulting in injury or death
  1944. professional pachinko player
  1945. professional player
  1946. professional relationship destroyers
  1947. professional sense
  1948. professional soccer
  1949. professional sports
  1950. professional storyteller
  1951. professional sumo wrestling
  1952. professional team
  1953. professional thievery
  1954. professional version
  1955. professional woman go player
  1956. professional wrestling
  1957. professionalism
  1958. professionals
  1959. professions
  1960. professor
  1961. professor specializing in the readings of kanji in classic Confucianist texts
  1962. professor's office
  1963. professorate
  1964. professorial chair
  1965. proficiency
  1966. proficiency level
  1967. proficiency test
  1968. proficient
  1969. profile
  1970. profile editor
  1971. profile property
  1972. profile sketch
  1973. profile ticket
  1974. profiler
  1975. profit
  1976. profit accrued from revised valuation
  1977. profit and loss
  1978. profit and loss account
  1979. profit and loss statement
  1980. profit is better than fame
  1981. profit margin
  1982. profit maximisation
  1983. profit maximization
  1984. profit motive
  1985. profit on currency exchange
  1986. profit on sales
  1987. profit on stock transfer
  1988. profit ratio
  1989. profit warning
  1990. profit-and-loss arithmetic
  1991. profit-making company
  1992. profit-making corporation
  1993. profit-making enterprise
  1994. profit-or-loss mentality
  1995. profit-seeking
  1996. profit-taking
  1997. profit-taking sale
  1998. profit-taking selling
  1999. profitability
  2000. profitable

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