; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

5 / 182ページ
データ総見出し数 363298

  1. assistant district officer
  2. assistant driver's seat
  3. assistant engineer
  4. assistant general manager
  5. assistant in a duel
  6. assistant inspector
  7. assistant instructor
  8. assistant judge
  9. assistant language teacher
  10. assistant manager
  11. assistant object
  12. assistant official
  13. assistant or associate professor
  14. assistant professor
  15. assistant prosecutor
  16. assistant purser
  17. assistant section or department manager
  18. assistant teacher
  19. assistant who hands things up a ladder
  20. assisted reproductive technology
  21. assisting
  22. assisting at dinner
  23. assistive products
  24. assistive vehicle
  25. assize
  26. associate
  27. associate member
  28. associate pastor
  29. associate professor
  30. associate rule
  31. associate's degree
  32. associated
  33. associated company
  34. associated element type
  35. associated notation name
  36. associated shrine
  37. associated species
  38. associated with
  39. associated word
  40. associated words
  41. associates
  42. association
  43. association area
  44. association control service element
  45. association football
  46. association formed to carry out an objective
  47. association of families
  48. association of kindred spirits
  49. association of like-minded people
  50. association of people from the same prefecture
  51. association of salaried sumo wrestlers
  52. association of veterans
  53. association psychology
  54. association test
  55. association with people
  56. association-initiating-application-entity
  57. association-initiator
  58. association-responder
  59. association-responding-application-entity
  60. associative array
  61. associative law
  62. associative relation
  63. associative retrieval
  64. associative storage
  65. associativity
  66. assonance
  67. assorted basket or box
  68. assorted books
  69. assorted colors
  70. assorted colours
  71. assorted grains
  72. assorted matters
  73. assorted medical disorders
  74. assorted sandwiches
  75. assorted stocks
  76. assorted trees
  77. assortment
  78. assortment journalizing
  79. assume will happen
  80. assumed
  81. assumed decimal point
  82. assumed innocence
  83. assumed name
  84. assumed name of a customer in a brothel
  85. assumed-size aggregate
  86. assumed-size array
  87. assuming ...
  88. assuming a false name
  89. assuming that ...
  90. assuming the air of ...
  91. assumption
  92. assumption of a suitable form
  93. assumption of office
  94. assurance
  95. assure
  96. assured
  97. assured reproduction area
  98. assuredly
  99. assymetry
  100. astable multivibrator
  101. astatine
  102. aster
  103. aster family
  104. asterisk
  105. asterism
  106. asteroid
  107. asteroid belt
  108. asthenosphere
  109. asthma
  110. astigmatism
  111. astilbe
  112. astonish
  113. astonished
  114. astonishing
  115. astonishment
  116. astounding
  117. astragalus
  118. astrakhan
  119. astral
  120. astral body
  121. astringency
  122. astringent
  123. astringent juice
  124. astringent lotion
  125. astringent persimmon
  126. astringent skin
  127. astringent taste
  128. astro-physics
  129. astro-rama
  130. astrobiology
  131. astrocyte
  132. astrolabe
  133. astrolatry
  134. astrology
  135. astronaut
  136. astronautical speed
  137. astronavigator
  138. astronomer
  139. astronomical
  140. astronomical ephemeris
  141. astronomical expert
  142. astronomical figure
  143. astronomical halo
  144. astronomical measurements
  145. astronomical number
  146. astronomical observation
  147. astronomical observatory
  148. astronomical phenomena
  149. astronomical spectroscopy
  150. astronomical telescope
  151. astronomical unit
  152. astronomical zenith
  153. astronomy
  154. astrophotography
  155. astrophysics
  156. astute
  157. asylum
  158. asylum seeker
  159. asylum seekers
  160. asymmetric data flow
  161. asymmetric design
  162. asymmetric digital subscriber line
  163. asymmetric digital subscriber loop
  164. asymmetric multiprocessor
  165. asymmetric war
  166. asymmetry
  167. asymptote
  168. asymptotic freedom
  169. asymptotic line
  170. asynchronous
  171. asynchronous bus
  172. asynchronous communication
  173. asynchronous communications adapter
  174. asynchronous procedure
  175. asynchronous transfer mode
  176. asynchronous transmission
  177. asyndetic
  178. at
  179. at a bad time
  180. at a distance
  181. at a glance
  182. at a late hour
  183. at a long distance
  184. at a loss for words
  185. at a moment's notice
  186. at a quick pace
  187. at a standstill or impasse
  188. at a stretch
  189. at a stroke
  190. at a time
  191. at all
  192. at all costs
  193. at all events
  194. at all such times
  195. at all times
  196. at an early date
  197. at an infortunate moment
  198. at any cost
  199. at any expense
  200. at any price
  201. at any rate
  202. at any time
  203. at bat
  204. at bats
  205. at best
  206. at boot time
  207. at close haul
  208. at close reach
  209. at company expense
  210. at company's expense
  211. at death's door
  212. at disadvantage
  213. at ease
  214. at ease!
  215. at end condition
  216. at every door
  217. at every opportunity
  218. at every turn
  219. at fault
  220. at first
  221. at first glance poor
  222. at first sight
  223. at fixed intervals
  224. at full height
  225. at full speed
  226. at great length
  227. at great pains
  228. at hand
  229. at heart
  230. at home with
  231. at intervals
  232. at intervals of
  233. at large
  234. at last
  235. at least
  236. at least ...
  237. at least not
  238. at left
  239. at leisure
  240. at length
  241. at loggerheads
  242. at long distance
  243. at long intervals
  244. at many levels
  245. at most
  246. at my place
  247. at nifty
  248. at night
  249. at odd moments
  250. at once
  251. at once in great numbers
  252. at one fell swoop
  253. at one go
  254. at one time
  255. at one's beck and call
  256. at one's bedside
  257. at one's discretion
  258. at one's fancy
  259. at one's feet
  260. at one's last gasp
  261. at one's own expense
  262. at one's own risk
  263. at one's pleasure
  264. at one's right
  265. at one's side
  266. at one's sweet will
  267. at one's wits end
  268. at parting
  269. at present
  270. at presentation
  271. at random
  272. at rest
  273. at right
  274. at risk
  275. at school
  276. at some future date or time
  277. at some future time
  278. at some limit
  279. at some time
  280. at someone's mercy
  281. at that moment
  282. at that time
  283. at that very moment
  284. at the
  285. at the bedside where one dreams
  286. at the beginning
  287. at the bottom
  288. at the drop of a hat
  289. at the earliest
  290. at the earliest time
  291. at the end
  292. at the end of the day
  293. at the front
  294. at the head of an army
  295. at the height of one's popularity
  296. at the height of one's power or influence
  297. at the last moment
  298. at the latest
  299. at the limit
  300. at the long end
  301. at the meeting
  302. at the mercy of
  303. at the moment
  304. at the most
  305. at the outset
  306. at the peak of one's popularity
  307. at the point of death
  308. at the point of starving
  309. at the present time
  310. at the prompt
  311. at the risk of one's life
  312. at the root of a tree
  313. at the same time
  314. at the same time as
  315. at the side of the road
  316. at the striped mullet's ultimate maturity
  317. at the time of
  318. at the time of occurrence
  319. at the time of writing
  320. at the top of one's voice
  321. at the very beginning
  322. at the very beginning of a book
  323. at the very beginning of one's speech
  324. at the very least
  325. at the zenith of one's fame
  326. at this hour
  327. at this late hour
  328. at this rate
  329. at this time
  330. at times
  331. at top speed
  332. at very frequent intervals
  333. at village expense
  334. at what time?
  335. at will
  336. at wit's end
  337. at work
  338. at your own discretion
  339. at your service
  340. ataraxia
  341. atavism
  342. atelectasis
  343. atelier
  344. atheism
  345. atheist
  346. atherectomy
  347. athermal
  348. atheroma
  349. atherosclerosis
  350. athetosis
  351. athlete
  352. athlete competing in the middle-number match in a team competition
  353. athlete fund
  354. athlete trust
  355. athlete who competes in the last match of a team competition
  356. athlete's foot
  357. athlete's heart
  358. athlete's oath of fair play
  359. athlete's village
  360. athletic
  361. athletic club
  362. athletic event for recording official times
  363. athletic festival
  364. athletic field
  365. athletic meet
  366. athletic park
  367. athletic sports
  368. athletic-style shirt
  369. athletics
  370. athletics association
  371. atishoo!
  372. atlas
  373. atlas moth
  374. atlas vertebra
  375. atlatl
  376. atman
  377. atmometer
  378. atmosphere
  379. atmospheric concentration
  380. atmospheric current
  381. atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan
  382. atmospheric general circulation
  383. atmospheric oxidation
  384. atmospheric pressure
  385. atmospheric temperature
  386. atmospheric vibration
  387. atoll
  388. atoll butterflyfish
  389. atom
  390. atom and hydrogen bomb
  391. atomic
  392. atomic age
  393. atomic bomb
  394. atomic bomb victim
  395. atomic cannon
  396. atomic clock
  397. atomic cloud
  398. atomic dust
  399. atomic energy
  400. atomic explosion
  401. atomic fuel
  402. atomic layer deposition
  403. atomic layer epitaxy
  404. atomic mechanics
  405. atomic number
  406. atomic physics
  407. atomic reactor
  408. atomic theory
  409. atomic value
  410. atomic war
  411. atomic warhead
  412. atomic weapons
  413. atomic weight
  414. atomic-bomb sickness
  415. atomiser
  416. atomism
  417. atomizer
  418. atomoxetine
  419. atonement
  420. atonic haemorrhage
  421. atonic hemorrhage
  422. atony
  423. atop the sediment
  424. atopic
  425. atopic dermatitis
  426. atorvastatin
  427. atraumatic needle
  428. atrazine
  429. atria and ventricles
  430. atrial fibrillation
  431. atrioventricular node
  432. atrioventricular valve
  433. atrium
  434. atrocious
  435. atrocious and cold-blooded
  436. atrocious crime
  437. atrociously brutal
  438. atrocity
  439. atrophic rhinitis
  440. atrophy
  441. atropine
  442. attaboy!
  443. attach
  444. attach file
  445. attache
  446. attache case
  447. attached
  448. attached file
  449. attached list
  450. attached map
  451. attached matter
  452. attached or belonging to a house
  453. attached or stretched on
  454. attached outside
  455. attached papers
  456. attached room
  457. attached substances
  458. attached to
  459. attached to a particular theater
  460. attaches to the names of theatres
  461. attaching 'chan' to somebody's name
  462. attaching 'san' to somebody's name
  463. attaching a sleeve to the body of a shirt
  464. attaching and detaching
  465. attaching importance to
  466. attaching to
  467. attaching to nets for the purpose of cultivation
  468. attaching too much importance to
  469. attachment
  470. attachment theory
  471. attachment unit interface
  472. attack
  473. attack aircraft
  474. attack as a form of defense
  475. attack forces
  476. attack helicopter
  477. attack line
  478. attack on both sides
  479. attack pattern
  480. attack preparedness
  481. attack submarine
  482. attacker
  483. attacking Russia
  484. attacking army
  485. attacking by argument
  486. attacking defense
  487. attacking direction
  488. attacking each other
  489. attacking force
  490. attacking forces
  491. attacking formation
  492. attacking in all directions
  493. attacking in waves
  494. attacking strength by means of weakness
  495. attacking the enemy or assisting allies as the opportunity arises
  496. attacking the routed enemy
  497. attacking the shogunate
  498. attacking under the cover of darkness
  499. attacking while pursuing
  500. attacking with fire
  501. attain divine enlightenment
  502. attainable
  503. attaining
  504. attaining full manhood or womanhood
  505. attaining salvation
  506. attainment of Buddhahood during life
  507. attainment of greatness or success
  508. attainment of one's most cherished desire
  509. attainments
  510. attempt
  511. attempt at humor
  512. attempt at humour
  513. attempted assassination
  514. attempted crime
  515. attempted extortion
  516. attempted murder
  517. attempted suicide
  518. attempting to conceive
  519. attempting two tasks simultaneously
  520. attend a dying person
  521. attendance
  522. attendance and absence
  523. attendance at a castle
  524. attendance at a funeral
  525. attendance at the House
  526. attendance on
  527. attendance record
  528. attendance upon another
  529. attendant
  530. attendant male servant
  531. attendant of an older prostitute
  532. attendant's booth
  533. attendant's waiting room
  534. attendants
  535. attendants at a funeral
  536. attended time
  537. attendee
  538. attending
  539. attending a government office
  540. attending cram school
  541. attending diligently to one's study or duties
  542. attending doctor
  543. attending foreign language study at a school near the train station
  544. attending on
  545. attending on in the same carriage
  546. attending on the nobility
  547. attending physician
  548. attending shows
  549. attending someone through the night
  550. attending to someone
  551. attention
  552. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  553. attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
  554. attention of the masses
  555. attention required
  556. attention to the common civilities of life
  557. attention value
  558. attention!
  559. attention-deficit disorder
  560. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
  561. attention-grabbing
  562. attentive
  563. attentively
  564. attentiveness
  565. attenuated spider fish
  566. attenuated vaccine
  567. attenuation
  568. attenuation coefficient
  569. attenuation distortion
  570. attenuator
  571. attest
  572. attestation
  573. attestation ceremony
  574. attested copy
  575. attic
  576. attire
  577. attitude
  578. attitude and demeanor
  579. attitude of those who assume their jobs are safe because they are government employees
  580. attitude survey
  581. attitude that one must keep going no matter what
  582. attitude that with the state as one's boss
  583. attitude to negotiations
  584. attitude towards marriage
  585. attitudinal expression
  586. atto-
  587. attorney
  588. attorney general
  589. attorney's office
  590. attorney-general
  591. attorney-in-fact
  592. attracted by physical looks only
  593. attracting customers
  594. attraction
  595. attraction to books or learning
  596. attraction to ugly people
  597. attractive
  598. attractive body
  599. attractive cheeks
  600. attractive face and figure
  601. attractive features
  602. attractive glance
  603. attractive mature lady
  604. attractive middle-aged man
  605. attractive older man with some gray hair
  606. attractive person
  607. attractive program
  608. attractively bound book
  609. attractiveness
  610. attractor
  611. attribute
  612. attribute data
  613. attribute definition
  614. attribute definition list
  615. attribute definition list declaration
  616. attribute elements
  617. attribute key
  618. attribute list
  619. attribute list declaration
  620. attribute specification
  621. attribute specification list
  622. attribute value
  623. attribute value literal
  624. attribute-type
  625. attribute-value matrix
  626. attribute-value-assertion
  627. attributing a sequence number
  628. attribution
  629. attributive form
  630. atwain
  631. atypical
  632. atypical appearance
  633. atypical employment
  634. atypical pneumonia
  635. atypical psychosis
  636. atypicality
  637. au naturel
  638. au pair
  639. au pair girl
  640. au revoir
  641. auberge
  642. aubergine
  643. aucha perch
  644. auction
  645. auction bridge
  646. auction market
  647. auction site
  648. auctioneer
  649. auctioning off
  650. audacious
  651. audacious and masterly
  652. audaciously
  653. audacity
  654. audibility
  655. audible
  656. audible alarm speaker
  657. audible distance
  658. audience
  659. audience participation program
  660. audience seating
  661. audience survey
  662. audience wave
  663. audience with the Emperor
  664. audio
  665. audio amp
  666. audio amplifier
  667. audio book
  668. audio cassette player
  669. audio clip
  670. audio equalizer
  671. audio equalizer circuit
  672. audio equipment
  673. audio file format
  674. audio recording
  675. audio response unit
  676. audio signal generator
  677. audio system
  678. audio tape
  679. audio-visual
  680. audio-visual classroom
  681. audiobook on a CDROM
  682. audiometer
  683. audiovisual
  684. audiovisual aids
  685. audiovisual classroom
  686. audiovisual educational materials
  687. audiovisual room
  688. audit
  689. audit report
  690. audit standard
  691. audit trail
  692. audit-review file
  693. auditing
  694. auditing student
  695. audition
  696. audition room
  697. auditor
  698. auditorium
  699. auditory hallucination
  700. auditory nerve
  701. auditory nerves
  702. auditory ossicles
  703. auditory system
  704. augend
  705. auger
  706. auger shell
  707. augite
  708. augment
  709. augmentability
  710. augmentation
  711. augmented matrix
  712. augmented operation code
  713. augmented reality
  714. augur well
  715. augury
  716. august
  717. august visit
  718. aunt
  719. aura
  720. aural communication
  721. aural highlight of a noh play in which the main actor dances
  722. aural highlight of a noh play in which the main actor remains seated
  723. aural polyp
  724. auramine
  725. aurelia
  726. aureola
  727. aureole
  728. auricle
  729. auricular
  730. auricular fibrillation
  731. auricular lymph node
  732. aurochs
  733. aurora
  734. aurora australis
  735. aurora borealis
  736. aurora borealis or australis
  737. auscultation
  738. auspices
  739. auspicious
  740. auspicious appearance
  741. auspicious beast
  742. auspicious bird
  743. auspicious cloud
  744. auspicious clouds
  745. auspicious day
  746. auspicious day for any activity
  747. auspicious event
  748. auspicious month
  749. auspicious occasion
  750. auspicious omen
  751. auspicious sign
  752. auspiciousness
  753. austenite
  754. austere
  755. austerities
  756. austerity
  757. austerity budget
  758. austerity diet
  759. austerity plan
  760. austerity program
  761. austerity programme
  762. autarchy
  763. autecology
  764. auteur
  765. authentic
  766. authentic account
  767. authentic biography
  768. authentic book or manuscript
  769. authentic precedent
  770. authentic style
  771. authentic work
  772. authenticated copy
  773. authenticated facsimile
  774. authentication
  775. authentication by facial recognition
  776. authentication exchange
  777. authentication information
  778. authentication token
  779. authenticity
  780. author
  781. author bibliography
  782. author unknown
  783. author who makes many mistakes
  784. author who uses unsupported references
  785. author's personal rights
  786. authoress
  787. authoring platform
  788. authoring program
  789. authoring software
  790. authoring system
  791. authoring tool
  792. authorisation
  793. authorise
  794. authorised
  795. authorised capital
  796. authorised distributor
  797. authorised foreign exchange bank
  798. authorised people
  799. authorised textbook
  800. authoritarian
  801. authoritarian government
  802. authoritarianism
  803. authoritative
  804. authoritative collection of twenty-five Chinese historical books
  805. authoritative collection of twenty-four Chinese historical books
  806. authoritative instruction
  807. authoritative sources
  808. authoritative tone
  809. authoritatively
  810. authorities
  811. authorities concerned
  812. authority
  813. authority and force
  814. authority as chairperson or president
  815. authority of prosecution
  816. authority of representation
  817. authority to dismiss someone
  818. authority to indict
  819. authorization
  820. authorize
  821. authorized
  822. authorized absence
  823. authorized absence form
  824. authorized agent
  825. authorized capital
  826. authorized distributor
  827. authorized foreign exchange bank
  828. authorized history
  829. authorized nonprofit organization
  830. authorized people
  831. authorized textbook
  832. authorizer
  833. authorizing users indication
  834. authors preface
  835. autism
  836. autistic
  837. autistic child
  838. auto
  839. auto answer
  840. auto dial
  841. auto door
  842. auto filing
  843. auto focus
  844. auto indent
  845. auto login
  846. auto parlor
  847. auto parlour
  848. auto player
  849. auto power off
  850. auto recalculation
  851. auto retract
  852. auto save
  853. auto scroll
  854. auto show
  855. auto theft
  856. auto transformer
  857. auto white balance
  858. auto-action
  859. auto-action-type
  860. auto-alert
  861. auto-answer
  862. auto-call
  863. auto-changer
  864. auto-decrement
  865. auto-forward
  866. auto-forwarded indication
  867. auto-hypnosis
  868. auto-increment
  869. auto-load
  870. auto-login
  871. auto-manipulator
  872. auto-nurse
  873. auto-raise
  874. autobacks
  875. autobahn
  876. autobiography
  877. autocamping
  878. autoclave
  879. autocorrelation
  880. autocracy
  881. autocrat
  882. autocratic rule
  883. autocross
  884. autodidact
  885. autoecology
  886. autogenic inhibition
  887. autogenous suppression
  888. autograft
  889. autograph
  890. autograph album
  891. autograph or note of authentication written on a box containing an art work
  892. autograph session
  893. autographed
  894. autographs of departed person
  895. autogyro
  896. autoimmune disorder
  897. autoimmunity
  898. autointoxication
  899. autoload
  900. autologous
  901. autologous serum
  902. automat
  903. automata
  904. automata theory
  905. automated external defibrillator
  906. automated factory
  907. automated mass-production
  908. automated retroactive minimal moderation
  909. automated teller machine
  910. automated terminal
  911. automatic
  912. automatic abstracting
  913. automatic answering
  914. automatic calling
  915. automatic calling and automatic answering unit
  916. automatic calling unit
  917. automatic camera
  918. automatic camera for detecting and recording speeding vehicles
  919. automatic car
  920. automatic clutch
  921. automatic configuration
  922. automatic constant function
  923. automatic control
  924. automatic controller
  925. automatic conversion
  926. automatic coupler
  927. automatic creation
  928. automatic cutover
  929. automatic data object
  930. automatic data processing
  931. automatic deletion
  932. automatic direction finder
  933. automatic door
  934. automatic driving
  935. automatic fare adjustment machine
  936. automatic function
  937. automatic gain control
  938. automatic indexing
  939. automatic line switching
  940. automatic loom
  941. automatic operation
  942. automatic pencil
  943. automatic pet feeder
  944. automatic repeat
  945. automatic return
  946. automatic reverse tape-recorder
  947. automatic rifle
  948. automatic saving
  949. automatic selection
  950. automatic sequential operation
  951. automatic stop
  952. automatic storage allocation
  953. automatic switchover
  954. automatic system protection
  955. automatic teller machine
  956. automatic ticket machine
  957. automatic train control
  958. automatic train stop
  959. automatic translation
  960. automatic translation machine
  961. automatic transmission
  962. automatic transmission car
  963. automatic tuning deck
  964. automatic turnstile
  965. automatically
  966. automatically responding with an upload slot to someone who allows you to download
  967. automatics
  968. automation
  969. automatism
  970. automaton
  971. automaton clock
  972. automobile
  973. automobile accident
  974. automobile acquisition tax
  975. automobile component
  976. automobile industry
  977. automobile inspection certificate
  978. automobile insurance
  979. automobile mechanic
  980. automobile part
  981. automobile sales
  982. automobile tax
  983. automobile weight tax
  984. automotive
  985. automotive electronics
  986. automotive industry
  987. automount
  988. autonomic ataxia
  989. autonomic computing
  990. autonomic nerves
  991. autonomous
  992. autonomous action
  993. autonomous entity
  994. autonomous government
  995. autonomous message
  996. autonomous region
  997. autonomous soviet socialist republic
  998. autonomy
  999. autopilot
  1000. autopoiesis
  1001. autopost
  1002. autopsy
  1003. autopurificatory activity
  1004. autoracing
  1005. autoradiography
  1006. autoscaling
  1007. autosome
  1008. autostrada
  1009. autosuggestion
  1010. autotomy
  1011. autotoxemia
  1012. autotransfusion
  1013. autumn
  1014. autumn air
  1015. autumn and winter
  1016. autumn at harvest time
  1017. autumn breeze
  1018. autumn colours
  1019. autumn crocus
  1020. autumn crops
  1021. autumn day
  1022. autumn dusk
  1023. autumn eggplant
  1024. autumn equinoctal point
  1025. autumn equinox
  1026. autumn equinox holiday
  1027. autumn festival
  1028. autumn frost
  1029. autumn garment
  1030. autumn lined kimono
  1031. autumn of last year
  1032. autumn olive
  1033. autumn period
  1034. autumn rain
  1035. autumn rain front
  1036. autumn scenery
  1037. autumn season
  1038. autumn shower
  1039. autumn silkworms
  1040. autumn sky
  1041. autumn sowing
  1042. autumn sumo tournament
  1043. autumn term
  1044. autumn where the foliage is as beautiful as brocade
  1045. autumn with beautiful leaves
  1046. autumn-leaf collecting and viewing
  1047. autumn-leaf hunting
  1048. autumn-leaf viewing
  1049. autumnal equinox
  1050. autumnal melancholy
  1051. autumnal tints
  1052. auxiliary
  1053. auxiliary actions
  1054. auxiliary adjective
  1055. auxiliary battery
  1056. auxiliary console
  1057. auxiliary descriptor
  1058. auxiliary device
  1059. auxiliary engine
  1060. auxiliary equipment
  1061. auxiliary inflecting word
  1062. auxiliary input device
  1063. auxiliary intervenor
  1064. auxiliary intervention
  1065. auxiliary organisation
  1066. auxiliary organization
  1067. auxiliary part
  1068. auxiliary seat
  1069. auxiliary shrine
  1070. auxiliary storage
  1071. auxiliary verb
  1072. auxiliary verb indicating past condition or occurrence
  1073. auxiliary verb indicating that one has been granted the permission to do something
  1074. auxiliary verb indicating the causative
  1075. auxiliary verb indicating the speaker's personal recollection or something they've heard
  1076. auxiliary verb used as an extreme honorific for others' actions
  1077. auxiliary verb used to make verbs more "active"
  1078. auxiliary vessel
  1079. auxiliary word
  1080. auxin
  1081. avail
  1082. availability
  1083. availability criteria
  1084. availability criterion
  1085. availability ratio
  1086. available
  1087. available area
  1088. available bit rate
  1089. available choice
  1090. available for use at any time
  1091. available funds
  1092. available means
  1093. available position
  1094. available public text
  1095. available room
  1096. available services
  1097. available steamer
  1098. available time
  1099. available to promise
  1100. availing myself of your kind offer
  1101. avalanche
  1102. avalanche of earth and rocks
  1103. avant-garde
  1104. avant-garde art
  1105. avarice
  1106. avaricious
  1107. avariciousness
  1108. avariciousness and inhumanity
  1109. avatamsa
  1110. avatar
  1111. avena sativa
  1112. avenue
  1113. avenue of approach
  1114. avenue of cedars
  1115. avenue of trees
  1116. average
  1117. average age
  1118. average age of marriage
  1119. average amount from one customer
  1120. average body height
  1121. average conditional information content
  1122. average cost
  1123. average golfer
  1124. average height
  1125. average information content
  1126. average looking guy
  1127. average loss
  1128. average mark
  1129. average monthly salary
  1130. average of seek time
  1131. average person
  1132. average power
  1133. average propensity to consume
  1134. average propensity to save
  1135. average rate
  1136. average speed
  1137. average temperature
  1138. average traffic
  1139. average transinformation
  1140. average value
  1141. average wage
  1142. average year
  1143. averaging
  1144. aversion
  1145. aversion without even trying
  1146. avian influenza
  1147. aviary
  1148. aviation
  1149. aviation fuel
  1150. aviation fuel tax
  1151. aviation insurance
  1152. aviation medicine
  1153. aviator
  1154. avid desire
  1155. avid reader
  1156. avidity
  1157. avidness
  1158. avidya
  1159. avionics
  1160. avitaminosis
  1161. avocado
  1162. avocation
  1163. avocet
  1164. avoid
  1165. avoidance
  1166. avoidance of responsibility
  1167. avoided by everybody
  1168. avoiding committing oneself
  1169. avoiding or dodging responsibility
  1170. avoiding the appearance of evil
  1171. avoiding the summer heat
  1172. avoiding to commit oneself
  1173. avoiding unnecessary talk can prevent disaster falling on one
  1174. avoirdupois ounce
  1175. avoirdupois system
  1176. avulsion
  1177. await
  1178. await an opportunity
  1179. awaiting
  1180. awaiting one's chance
  1181. awaiting verification
  1182. awake
  1183. awaken
  1184. awakening
  1185. awakening of love
  1186. award
  1187. award ceremony
  1188. award of excellence
  1189. awarding
  1190. awarding a prize
  1191. awarding ceremony
  1192. awards ceremony recognizing excellence
  1193. aware
  1194. awareness
  1195. awareness comes only through practice
  1196. awareness of one's duty
  1197. awareness of the existing situation
  1198. awareness of the issues
  1199. awareness of things around one
  1200. awareness program
  1201. awareness that one is not good at something
  1202. awareness that somebody is hard to deal with
  1203. away
  1204. away from home
  1205. away game
  1206. away goals
  1207. away series
  1208. awe
  1209. awe into submission
  1210. awe-inspiring
  1211. awesome
  1212. awful
  1213. awful feeling
  1214. awfully
  1215. awfully pleasant
  1216. awkward
  1217. awkward question
  1218. awkward situation
  1219. awkward to approach or go to
  1220. awkwardly
  1221. awkwardness
  1222. awkwardness of speech
  1223. awl
  1224. awn
  1225. awning
  1226. awry
  1227. ax-head
  1228. axe
  1229. axe-head
  1230. axel
  1231. axial
  1232. axial end
  1233. axial jet
  1234. axial offset
  1235. axial piston pump
  1236. axilla
  1237. axillary artery
  1238. axillary bud
  1239. axillary gland
  1240. axillary growth
  1241. axilspot hogfish
  1242. axiological ethics
  1243. axiology
  1244. axiom
  1245. axiom of Archimedes
  1246. axiomatic
  1247. axiomatic method
  1248. axiomatic system
  1249. axiomatic theory
  1250. axion
  1251. axis
  1252. axis cylinder
  1253. axis of a lens
  1254. axis of advance
  1255. axis of refraction
  1256. axis of revolution
  1257. axle
  1258. axle box
  1259. axle housing
  1260. axle stand
  1261. axolotl
  1262. axon
  1263. aye
  1264. aye-aye
  1265. ayes and noes
  1266. ayu fishing
  1267. azalea
  1268. azathioprine
  1269. azidothymidine
  1270. azimuth
  1271. azimuth angle
  1272. azo compound
  1273. azo dye
  1274. azo group
  1275. azotemia
  1276. azotobacter
  1277. azuki bean rice gruel eaten on the day of the winter solstice
  1278. azure
  1279. azure and crimson
  1280. azure sky
  1281. azure-winged magpie
  1282. azurite
  1283. b
  1284. b [ビー]
  1285. baa
  1286. babble
  1287. babbling
  1288. babies
  1289. babies born on October 10
  1290. babirusa
  1291. baboon
  1292. baby
  1293. baby babble
  1294. baby bird
  1295. baby blue
  1296. baby blue-eyes
  1297. baby boom
  1298. baby boom generation
  1299. baby boomer
  1300. baby born feet first
  1301. baby bottle
  1302. baby boy
  1303. baby buggy
  1304. baby carriage
  1305. baby clothes
  1306. baby doll
  1307. baby duck
  1308. baby face
  1309. baby food
  1310. baby girl
  1311. baby hatch
  1312. baby hatch for unwanted newborns at Jikei Hospital
  1313. baby nursery
  1314. baby oil
  1315. baby pink
  1316. baby powder
  1317. baby seal
  1318. baby seat
  1319. baby sling
  1320. baby spider
  1321. baby talk
  1322. baby tiger
  1323. baby trout
  1324. baby wipes
  1325. baby's face
  1326. baby's first annual festival
  1327. baby's first cry
  1328. baby's-breath
  1329. baby-boom junior
  1330. baby-farm
  1331. baby-making machine
  1332. baby-sitter
  1333. baby-walker
  1334. babysitter
  1335. babysitting
  1336. baccalaureat
  1337. baccalaureate
  1338. bachelor
  1339. bachelor's degree
  1340. bachelor's degree thesis
  1341. bachelor's life
  1342. bachelorhood
  1343. bacillary
  1344. bacilliform
  1345. bacillus
  1346. bacillus subtilis natto
  1347. bacitracin
  1348. back
  1349. back alley
  1350. back and forth
  1351. back and forth process
  1352. back and front
  1353. back attack
  1354. back board
  1355. back buffer
  1356. back channel
  1357. back charge
  1358. back combing
  1359. back country
  1360. back cover
  1361. back diaphragm meat of chicken
  1362. back door
  1363. back door or entrance
  1364. back entrance
  1365. back facing
  1366. back fence
  1367. back gate
  1368. back gear
  1369. back handspring
  1370. back hip circle
  1371. back issue
  1372. back lane
  1373. back leaf
  1374. back light
  1375. back margin
  1376. back number
  1377. back numbers of a monthly
  1378. back of a chair
  1379. back of a leatherbound book
  1380. back of a sword
  1381. back of hand
  1382. back of head
  1383. back of house
  1384. back of the hand
  1385. back of the head
  1386. back of the house
  1387. back of the neck
  1388. back off!
  1389. back office
  1390. back or underhanded
  1391. back order
  1392. back pain due to the cold accompanying a snowfall
  1393. back panel
  1394. back part of a kimono
  1395. back pay
  1396. back plane
  1397. back pocket
  1398. back pressure
  1399. back regions
  1400. back room
  1401. back route
  1402. back row
  1403. back saw
  1404. back screen
  1405. back seam
  1406. back stitch
  1407. back straight
  1408. back street
  1409. back talk
  1410. back teeth
  1411. back to back
  1412. back toss
  1413. back window
  1414. back yard
  1415. back-and-forth
  1416. back-channeling
  1417. back-drop
  1418. back-end
  1419. back-end processing
  1420. back-end processor
  1421. back-fence
  1422. back-filling
  1423. back-number
  1424. back-propagation
  1425. back-right corner of rear stage
  1426. back-room political dealing
  1427. back-scroll
  1428. back-to-back
  1429. back-to-back homeruns
  1430. back-tracking
  1431. back-up
  1432. backache
  1433. backbeat
  1434. backbiting
  1435. backbone
  1436. backbone network
  1437. backbone of a society or community
  1438. backboneless
  1439. backbreaking exertions
  1440. backbreaking work
  1441. backcountry
  1442. backdoor
  1443. backdoor admission to a school
  1444. backdoor computer virus
  1445. backdoor entry to a school
  1446. backdrop
  1447. backer
  1448. backfire
  1449. backfist
  1450. backflip
  1451. backgammon
  1452. background
  1453. background chatter on a soundtrack
  1454. background check
  1455. background image
  1456. background investigation
  1457. background job
  1458. background knowledge
  1459. background music
  1460. background printing
  1461. background process
  1462. background process group
  1463. background radiation
  1464. background reflectance
  1465. background reflections
  1466. background research
  1467. background sound
  1468. backhand
  1469. backhand blow
  1470. backhand chop
  1471. backhoe
  1472. backing
  1473. backing band
  1474. backing paper
  1475. backing store
  1476. backing-up
  1477. backlash
  1478. backless
  1479. backlight
  1480. backlight time out
  1481. backlighting
  1482. backlink
  1483. backlite
  1484. backlog
  1485. backmarker
  1486. backpack
  1487. backpacker
  1488. backpacking
  1489. backplane
  1490. backpressure
  1491. backquote
  1492. backroom deal
  1493. backs
  1494. backsaw
  1495. backscratcher
  1496. backside
  1497. backsies
  1498. backskin
  1499. backslapper
  1500. backslapping
  1501. backslash
  1502. backsliding
  1503. backspace
  1504. backspace character
  1505. backspin
  1506. backstab
  1507. backstage
  1508. backstage manoeuvering
  1509. backstay
  1510. backstitch
  1511. backstop
  1512. backstreet workshop
  1513. backstretch
  1514. backstroke
  1515. backswing
  1516. backtrack
  1517. backtracking repeatedly
  1518. backup
  1519. backup band
  1520. backup battery
  1521. backup copy
  1522. backup device
  1523. backup diskette
  1524. backup file
  1525. backup light
  1526. backup measure
  1527. backup power
  1528. backup power supply
  1529. backup route
  1530. backup set catalog
  1531. backup snapshot
  1532. backup system
  1533. backup unit
  1534. backward
  1535. backward LAN channel
  1536. backward belt throw
  1537. backward channel
  1538. backward compatibility
  1539. backward file recovery
  1540. backward glance
  1541. backward jump
  1542. backward lean out
  1543. backward match
  1544. backward or late-developing child
  1545. backward reading
  1546. backward reasoning
  1547. backward recovery
  1548. backward region
  1549. backward somersault
  1550. backward-looking philosophy
  1551. backward-twisting overarm throw
  1552. backwards
  1553. backwards body drop
  1554. backwash
  1555. backwater
  1556. backwoods
  1557. backyard
  1558. bacon
  1559. bacon eggs
  1560. bacteraemia
  1561. bacteremia
  1562. bacteria
  1563. bacteria capable of causing food poisoning
  1564. bacteria carrying a prophage
  1565. bacteria elimination
  1566. bacterial cell
  1567. bacterial pneumonia
  1568. bacterial strain
  1569. bacterial toxin
  1570. bacterial virus
  1571. bacterial wilt
  1572. bactericidal action
  1573. bacteriological weapon
  1574. bacteriology
  1575. bacteriolysis
  1576. bacteriophage
  1577. bacteriostatic agent
  1578. bacterium
  1579. bacteroid
  1580. baculiform
  1581. bad
  1582. bad ...
  1583. bad aftertaste
  1584. bad at socializing
  1585. bad back
  1586. bad bargain
  1587. bad bill
  1588. bad bounce
  1589. bad boy
  1590. bad breath
  1591. bad character
  1592. bad cholesterol
  1593. bad cocoon
  1594. bad coin
  1595. bad cold
  1596. bad companion
  1597. bad company
  1598. bad condition
  1599. bad day
  1600. bad debt
  1601. bad debts
  1602. bad decree
  1603. bad deed
  1604. bad deed which ultimately results in the creation of a good Buddhist
  1605. bad dog
  1606. bad dream
  1607. bad effect
  1608. bad ending
  1609. bad example
  1610. bad example from which one can learn
  1611. bad eyes
  1612. bad faith
  1613. bad feeling
  1614. bad fellow
  1615. bad for the eyes
  1616. bad form or manners
  1617. bad fortune
  1618. bad fox
  1619. bad friend
  1620. bad girl
  1621. bad guy
  1622. bad habit
  1623. bad harvest
  1624. bad health
  1625. bad hop
  1626. bad idea
  1627. bad impression
  1628. bad in social situation
  1629. bad influence
  1630. bad inventory
  1631. bad job
  1632. bad karma
  1633. bad law
  1634. bad luck
  1635. bad manners
  1636. bad mark
  1637. bad marks or results
  1638. bad meaning
  1639. bad money
  1640. bad money drives out good money
  1641. bad mood
  1642. bad mouth
  1643. bad name
  1644. bad news
  1645. bad news traveling fast
  1646. bad news travels fast
  1647. bad news travels quickly
  1648. bad odor
  1649. bad odour
  1650. bad paper
  1651. bad person
  1652. bad pitch
  1653. bad place
  1654. bad poem
  1655. bad policy
  1656. bad precedent
  1657. bad quality
  1658. bad record
  1659. bad reputation
  1660. bad results
  1661. bad road
  1662. bad second
  1663. bad sector
  1664. bad shape
  1665. bad situation
  1666. bad skin
  1667. bad smell
  1668. bad style
  1669. bad taste
  1670. bad temper
  1671. bad thing
  1672. bad translation
  1673. bad voice
  1674. bad weather
  1675. bad wife
  1676. bad writing
  1677. bad year
  1678. bad-guy role
  1679. bad-tempered
  1680. baddie
  1681. baddish
  1682. badge
  1683. badge test
  1684. badger
  1685. badger game
  1686. badish
  1687. badland
  1688. badly done
  1689. badminton
  1690. badminton club
  1691. badness
  1692. badware
  1693. baffling
  1694. baffy
  1695. bag
  1696. bag containing all the world's wisdom
  1697. bag full of wisdom
  1698. bag manufacturing
  1699. bag of bones
  1700. bag of rice
  1701. bagasse
  1702. bagel
  1703. baggage
  1704. baggage car
  1705. baggage check
  1706. baggage rack
  1707. baggageman
  1708. baggy
  1709. baggy look
  1710. baggy pants
  1711. baggy trousers
  1712. bagpipe
  1713. bags and purses
  1714. baguette
  1715. bagworm
  1716. bahn
  1717. baht
  1718. bai
  1719. bai ze
  1720. bai zhi
  1721. baijiu
  1722. bail
  1723. bailiff
  1724. bailing
  1725. bailout
  1726. bait
  1727. bait box
  1728. baiting deer with a lighted torch
  1729. bake off
  1730. baked cheesecake
  1731. baked or table salt
  1732. baked potato
  1733. baked seaweed
  1734. baked sweet potato
  1735. baked sweets
  1736. bakery
  1737. baking
  1738. baking by means of hot stones or pebbles
  1739. baking foods in a covered pan
  1740. baking pan
  1741. baking powder
  1742. baking sheet
  1743. baking soda
  1744. baking tray
  1745. bakufu
  1746. balaclava
  1747. balafon
  1748. balalaika
  1749. balance
  1750. balance beam
  1751. balance bought on margin
  1752. balance brought forward
  1753. balance carried forward
  1754. balance due
  1755. balance in the black
  1756. balance of accounts
  1757. balance of an account
  1758. balance of exchange
  1759. balance of margin transaction
  1760. balance of power
  1761. balance of power among factions
  1762. balance of transfer account
  1763. balance on goods and services
  1764. balance sheet
  1765. balanced budget
  1766. balanced budget multiplier
  1767. balanced budget plan
  1768. balanced conservative and progressive strengths
  1769. balanced economy
  1770. balanced error
  1771. balancer
  1772. balancing
  1773. balancing accounts
  1774. balancing on a ball
  1775. balancing toy
  1776. balanitis
  1777. balboa
  1778. balcony
  1779. bald Cypress
  1780. bald eagle
  1781. bald head
  1782. bald hill
  1783. bald or denuded mountain
  1784. bald patch
  1785. bald spot
  1786. bald-headed
  1787. bald-headed monster
  1788. baldness
  1789. bale
  1790. baleen
  1791. baleen whale
  1792. bales forming the edge of the sumo ring
  1793. bales forming the outer rim of the sumo ring
  1794. bales forming the steps to climb onto the ring
  1795. baling
  1796. balk
  1797. ball
  1798. ball ammunition
  1799. ball bearing
  1800. ball bearings
  1801. ball bomb
  1802. ball boy
  1803. ball cartridge
  1804. ball dress
  1805. ball game
  1806. ball girl
  1807. ball hit over the head of an outfielder
  1808. ball hit toward the gap between outfielders
  1809. ball lightning
  1810. ball of bean paste covered with a kudzu starch glaze
  1811. ball person
  1812. ball playing
  1813. ball room
  1814. ball screw
  1815. ball umpire
  1816. ball which is hard to hit or catch
  1817. ball with a change of speed
  1818. ball-like object made of Japanese cedar which is hung by sake brewers outside their brewery in the eaves to inform people that a new brew of sake has been produced
  1819. ball-point pen
  1820. ball-shaped object
  1821. ball-toss game
  1822. ballad
  1823. ballade
  1824. ballads sung by Karashima Midori
  1825. ballast
  1826. ballerina
  1827. ballet
  1828. ballet dancer
  1829. ballet music
  1830. ballet school
  1831. ballista
  1832. ballistic
  1833. ballistic missile
  1834. ballistic missile defence
  1835. ballistic missile defense
  1836. ballistic transistor
  1837. ballistic-missile shoot-down order
  1838. ballistics
  1839. balloon
  1840. balloon bomb
  1841. balloon catheter
  1842. balloon help
  1843. balloon molly
  1844. balloon shark
  1845. balloon vine
  1846. balloon-borne radio instrument
  1847. balloonfish
  1848. ballot
  1849. ballot box
  1850. ballot paper
  1851. ballot-counting place
  1852. ballplayer
  1853. ballroom
  1854. ballroom dancing
  1855. balls
  1856. balm
  1857. balmy breeze
  1858. balneum coenosum
  1859. baloney
  1860. balsa
  1861. balsam
  1862. balsam fir
  1863. balsamic vinegar
  1864. balun
  1865. balustrade
  1866. bam
  1867. bamboo
  1868. bamboo Leaved Oak
  1869. bamboo and plum
  1870. bamboo arrow shaft
  1871. bamboo ash receptacle
  1872. bamboo basket
  1873. bamboo blind
  1874. bamboo blowpipe used to stimulate a fire
  1875. bamboo broom
  1876. bamboo bundle
  1877. bamboo curtain
  1878. bamboo dealer
  1879. bamboo divination stick
  1880. bamboo door
  1881. bamboo duster
  1882. bamboo enclosure
  1883. bamboo fence
  1884. bamboo fence that resembles a fishing net
  1885. bamboo flute used in Qing music
  1886. bamboo garden
  1887. bamboo grass
  1888. bamboo grove
  1889. bamboo growing along a river bank
  1890. bamboo hat
  1891. bamboo horse
  1892. bamboo imported from China
  1893. bamboo ladle
  1894. bamboo lathing
  1895. bamboo mat
  1896. bamboo material
  1897. bamboo peel
  1898. bamboo pipe
  1899. bamboo pipestem
  1900. bamboo pole
  1901. bamboo rake
  1902. bamboo rod
  1903. bamboo rod used during imperial exorcism ceremonies
  1904. bamboo screen
  1905. bamboo screen head
  1906. bamboo screen or blind
  1907. bamboo screen still in place in autumn
  1908. bamboo sheath
  1909. bamboo shield used for defending against projectiles in battle
  1910. bamboo shoots
  1911. bamboo shoots boiled
  1912. bamboo skewer
  1913. bamboo sole
  1914. bamboo spatula
  1915. bamboo spear
  1916. bamboo stick used to strike meditators into greater wakefulness
  1917. bamboo sword
  1918. bamboo tea spoon for making Japanese tea
  1919. bamboo thicket
  1920. bamboo tiles
  1921. bamboo wall-top spikes
  1922. bamboo whisk
  1923. bamboo whisk for making Japanese tea
  1924. bamboo winnow used to sift earth or sand
  1925. bamboo work
  1926. bamboo writing strip
  1927. ban
  1928. ban on import
  1929. banality
  1930. banana
  1931. banana equivalent dose
  1932. banana fish
  1933. banana fly
  1934. banana peel
  1935. banana republic
  1936. band
  1937. band aid
  1938. band cell
  1939. band collar
  1940. band compression
  1941. band discount
  1942. band leader
  1943. band name
  1944. band of robbers
  1945. band of thugs
  1946. band pass filter
  1947. band printer
  1948. band saw
  1949. band spectrum
  1950. band-aid
  1951. band-man
  1952. band-score
  1953. bandage
  1954. bandana
  1955. banded angelfish
  1956. banded anteater
  1957. banded boxer shrimp
  1958. banded butterflyfish
  1959. banded coral shrimp
  1960. banded dascyllus
  1961. banded houndshark
  1962. banded krait
  1963. banded longsnout butterflyfish
  1964. banded sergeant
  1965. banded tree monitor
  1966. banderillero
  1967. bandicoot
  1968. banding
  1969. banding together and working as one for a common cause
  1970. bandit
  1971. bandit angelfish
  1972. bandit gang
  1973. bandits
  1974. bandleader
  1975. bandlimited
  1976. bandlimited signal
  1977. bandmaster
  1978. bandoneon
  1979. bandpass filter
  1980. bandsman
  1981. bandwagon
  1982. bandwagon effect
  1983. bandwidth
  1984. bandwidth allocation
  1985. bandwidth contract
  1986. bandwidth control
  1987. bandwidth guarantee
  1988. bandwidth reservation
  1989. bandwidth usage
  1990. bandwidth-on-demand
  1991. bandy-legged
  1992. bang
  1993. bang bang
  1994. bang bang chicken
  1995. bang-bang
  1996. banging
  1997. banging noise
  1998. banging shut
  1999. bangle
  2000. bangs

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