鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
twilight トワイライト
/(n) twilight/(P)/
逢魔が時 [おうまがとき]
/(exp) twilight/the time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight)/
逢う魔が時 [おうまがとき]
/(exp) twilight/the time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight)/
黄昏 [たそがれ]
/(n) dusk/twilight/(P)/
黄昏 [こうこん]
/(n) dusk/twilight/
宵闇 [よいやみ]
/(n) dusk/twilight/
西明かり [にしあかり]
/(n) twilight/western evening sky/
大禍時 [おおまがとき]
/(exp) twilight/the time for disasters (similar to 'the witching hour' but not midnight)/
日ぐれ [ひぐれ]
/(n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening/
日暮れ [ひぐれ]
/(n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening/(P)/
日暮 [ひぐれ]
/(n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening/
薄暗がり [うすくらがり]
/(n) semi-darkness/dusk/twilight/poor light/
薄暮 [はくぼ]
/(n) dusk/nightfall/twilight/
薄暮れ [うすぐれ]
/(n) (arch) evening/twilight/
薄明かり [うすあかり]
/(n) dim or faint light/half-light of early morning/twilight/
薄明 [はくめい]
/(n) twilight/dusk/faint light/
薄明り [うすあかり]
/(n) dim or faint light/half-light of early morning/twilight/
夕暮れ [ゆうぐれ]
/(n-adv,n) evening/(evening) twilight/(P)/
夕闇 [ゆうやみ]
/(n) dusk/twilight/
夕暮 [ゆうぐれ]
/(io) (n-adv,n) evening/(evening) twilight/

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