単語 |
訳語 |
h |
H [エイチ] /(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ ------- H [エッチ] /(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ ------- h [エッチ] /(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ ------- h [エイチ] /(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ |
h [エイチ] |
/(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ |
h [エッチ] |
/(n) (1) H/h/(adj-na,n) (2) (uk) indecent/lewd/frisky/sexy/(vs) (3) (uk) to have sex/ |
h-hour |
行動発起時刻 [こうどうはっきじこく] /(n) h-hour/ |
h.p. |
馬力 [ばりき] /(n) horse-power/h.p./HP/(P)/ |
ha |
ほらね /(int) see/you see/ha/ |
ha ha |
ふふ /(n) giggling sound/laugh/ha ha/ ------- フフ /(n) giggling sound/laugh/ha ha/ |
ha! |
はあ /(int) (1) yes/indeed/well/(2) ha!/(3) what?/huh?/(4) sigh/ ------- は /(int) (1) yes/indeed/well/(2) ha!/(3) what?/huh?/(4) sigh/ |
habanera |
ハバネラ /(n) habanera (style of slow Cuban dance) (spa:)/ |
habeas corpus |
人身保護 [じんしんほご] /(n) habeas corpus/ |
haberdasher |
紳士用装身具商人 [しんしようそうしんぐしょうにん] /(n) haberdasher/ |
haberdashery |
小間物屋 [こまものや] /(n) haberdashery/sundries store/ ------- 洋品 [ようひん] /(n) Western-style apparel and accessories/haberdashery/ |
habilitation |
ハビリテーション /(n) habilitation/ |
habit |
ハビット /(n) habit/ ------- 慣わし [ならわし] /(n,adj-no) customary practice/customary practise/habit/traditional event/ ------- 慣行 [かんこう] /(n,adj-no) customary practice/customary practise/habit/traditional event/(P)/ ------- 極り [きまり] /(n,adj-no) (1) rule/regulation/(2) settlement/conclusion/end/agreement/arrangement/(3) habit/custom/habitual way/(4) countenance in front of another person/face/(5) (arch) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute/ ------- 極まり [きまり] /(n,adj-no) (1) rule/regulation/(2) settlement/conclusion/end/agreement/arrangement/(3) habit/custom/habitual way/(4) countenance in front of another person/face/(5) (arch) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute/ ------- 決り [きまり] /(n,adj-no) (1) rule/regulation/(2) settlement/conclusion/end/agreement/arrangement/(3) habit/custom/habitual way/(4) countenance in front of another person/face/(5) (arch) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute/ ------- 決まり [きまり] /(n,adj-no) (1) rule/regulation/(2) settlement/conclusion/end/agreement/arrangement/(3) habit/custom/habitual way/(4) countenance in front of another person/face/(5) (arch) love relationship between a customer and a prostitute/(P)/ ------- 習癖 [しゅうへき] /(n) (bad) habit/ ------- 習慣 [しゅうかん] /(n,adj-no) custom/habit/manners/(P)/ ------- 修道服 [しゅうどうふく] /(n) habit (garment worn by nuns, monks, friars, etc.)/ ------- 習わし [ならわし] /(n,adj-no) customary practice/customary practise/habit/traditional event/ ------- 常習 [じょうしゅう] /(n,vs,adj-no) custom/common practice/common practise/habit/(P)/ ------- 性 [なりくせ] /(ok) (n) (1) one's nature/one's destiny/(2) custom/tradition/habit/ ------- 性 [さが] /(n) (1) one's nature/one's destiny/(2) custom/tradition/habit/ ------- 相 [さが] /(n) (1) one's nature/one's destiny/(2) custom/tradition/habit/ ------- 惰性 [だせい] /(n) inertia/habit/momentum/(P)/ ------- 癖 [へき] /(n) (1) habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice)/(2) peculiarity/idiosyncrasy/mannerism/(3) crease/wrinkle/curl/kink/ ------- 癖 [くせ] /(n) (1) habit (often a bad habit, i.e. vice)/(2) peculiarity/idiosyncrasy/mannerism/(3) crease/wrinkle/curl/kink/(P)/ ------- 例 [ためし] /(n,pref,adj-no) (1) custom/practice/habit/usual/(2) instance/example/case/illustration/usage/(3) precedent/ ------- 例 [れい] /(n,pref,adj-no) (1) custom/practice/habit/usual/(2) said/aforementioned/(3) instance/example/case/illustration/usage/(4) precedent/(5) annual/(P)/ |
habit of biting one's nails |
爪を噛む癖 [つめをかむくせ] /(exp) habit of biting one's nails/ |
habit of idleness |
怠けぐせ [なまけぐせ] /(n) habit of idleness (laziness)/indolence/ ------- 怠け癖 [なまけぐせ] /(n) habit of idleness (laziness)/indolence/ |
habit of moving around in one's sleep |
寝グセ [ねグセ] /(n) (1) bed hair/hair disarranged during sleep/(2) habit of moving around in one's sleep/sleeping habit/ ------- 寝ぐせ [ねぐせ] /(n) (1) bed hair/hair disarranged during sleep/(2) habit of moving around in one's sleep/sleeping habit/ ------- 寝癖 [ねぐせ] /(n) (1) bed hair/hair disarranged during sleep/(2) habit of moving around in one's sleep/sleeping habit/ |
habit of speech |
言い習わし [いいならわし] /(n) idiom/set phrase/habit of speech/saying/ ------- 言習わし [いいならわし] /(n) idiom/set phrase/habit of speech/saying/ |
habitable area |
可住地 [かじゅうち] /(n) habitable area/inhabitable land/ |
habitat |
原産 [げんさん] /(n,adj-no) place of origin/habitat/(P)/ ------- 原産地 [げんさんち] /(n) place of origin/home/habitat/(P)/ ------- 行動範囲 [こうどうはんい] /(n) field of activities/area of activity/range of behavior (behaviour)/habitat/ ------- 住処 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住家 [じゅうか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住みか [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住み処 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住家 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住み家 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 住環境 [じゅうかんきょう] /(n) living environment/habitat/ ------- 棲家 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 栖 [すみか] /(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat/ ------- 生息地 [せいそくち] /(n) habitat/home (e.g. of the tiger)/(P)/ ------- 本場 [ほんば] /(n,adj-no) (1) home/habitat/center/centre/best place/(2) authentic/genuine/(P)/ |