鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
to try to sit on two stools 天秤にかける [てんびんにかける]
/(exp,v1) (1) to compare and contrast two alternatives/to weigh the relative merits of A and B/to weigh one's options/(2) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/
天秤に掛ける [てんびんにかける]
/(exp,v1) (1) to compare and contrast two alternatives/to weigh the relative merits of A and B/to weigh one's options/(2) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/
両天秤をかける [りょうてんびんをかける]
/(exp,v1) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/
両天秤を掛ける [りょうてんびんをかける]
/(exp,v1) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/
両天秤にかける [りょうてんびんにかける]
/(exp,v1) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/
両天秤に掛ける [りょうてんびんにかける]
/(exp,v1) to try to have it both ways/to try to sit on two stools/

データ見出し数 363298



オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語

オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

鍋田辞書P(NabetaJisho P) Ver 1.3 (C) 2010-2014
大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
鍋田辞書P EDICT英語辞書