鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
consideration さじ加減 [さじかげん]
/(n) prescription/consideration/making allowances for/
ご念 [ごねん]
/(n) worry/care/consideration/
しん酌 [しんしゃく]
/(n,vs) consideration (for others)/(making) allowance/
/(n) consideration/
一考 [いっこう]
/(n,vs) consideration/thought/
勘定 [かんじょう]
/(n,vs) calculation/counting/consideration/reckoning/settlement of an account/allowance/(P)/
眼中 [がんちゅう]
/(n) consideration/
気遣い [きづかい]
/(n) consideration/concern/fear/worry/solicitude/(P)/
気配り [きくばり]
/(n,vs) care/attentiveness/attention/consideration (for others)/solicitude/(P)/
検討 [けんとう]
/(n,vs) consideration/examination/investigation/study/scrutiny/discussion/(P)/
顧慮 [こりょ]
/(n,vs) concern/solicitude/consideration/
顧み [かえりみ]
/(n) (1) looking back/(2) reflecting/reconsidering/(3) consideration/concerning oneself/
御念 [ごねん]
/(n) worry/care/consideration/
考量 [こうりょう]
/(n,vs) consideration/deliberation/
考慮 [こうりょ]
/(n,vs) consideration/taking into account/(P)/
考査 [こうさ]
/(n,vs) examination/consideration/test/quiz/
考究 [こうきゅう]
/(n,vs) investigation/consideration/
考察 [こうさつ]
/(n,vs) consideration/inquiry/enquiry/(P)/
匙加減 [さじかげん]
/(n) prescription/consideration/making allowances for/
察し [さっし]
/(n) consideration/guess/conjecture/judgment/judgement/
思いやり [おもいやり]
/(n) consideration/sympathy/(P)/
思い遣り [おもいやり]
/(n) consideration/sympathy/
思考 [しこう]
/(n,vs,adj-no) thought/consideration/thinking/(P)/
思案 [しあん]
/(n,vs) thought/consideration/meditation/ponder/(P)/
事情 [じじょう]
/(n) circumstances/consideration/conditions/situation/reasons/(P)/
酌量 [しゃくりょう]
/(n,vs) consideration/pardon/
手心 [てごころ]
/(n) discretion/consideration/allowance/
熟思 [じゅくし]
/(n,vs) deliberation/consideration/
熟慮 [じゅくりょ]
/(n) (1) deliberation/(thoughtful) consideration/(vs) (2) to consider a matter carefully/
商量 [しょうりょう]
/(n,vs) consideration/deliberation/discussion/
省察 [せいさつ]
/(n,vs) reflection/consideration/
心尽くし [こころづくし]
/(n) kindness/consideration/
心づくし [こころづくし]
/(n) kindness/consideration/
心づかい [こころづかい]
/(n) solicitude/sympathy/anxiety/regard for/consideration (for others)/watchfulness/care/
心遣い [こころづかい]
/(n) solicitude/sympathy/anxiety/regard for/consideration (for others)/watchfulness/care/(P)/
心配り [こころくばり]
/(n,vs) exerting care/attention/consideration/thoughtfulness/
心尽くし [こころずくし]
/(ik) (n) kindness/consideration/
心尽し [こころづくし]
/(n) kindness/consideration/
心尽し [こころずくし]
/(ik) (n) kindness/consideration/
振り合い [ふりあい]
/(n) consideration/comparison/usage/custom/
振合い [ふりあい]
/(n) consideration/comparison/usage/custom/
仁 [じん]
/(n) (1) benevolence (esp. as a virtue of Confucianism)/consideration/compassion/humanity/charity/(2) human/(3) kernel/(4) nucleolus/(P)/
代償 [だいしょう]
/(n,adj-no) compensation/indemnification/reparation/consideration/(P)/
代価 [だいか]
/(n) price/cost/charge/consideration (in a contract)/
配慮 [はいりょ]
/(n,vs) consideration/concern/forethought/(P)/
配意 [はいい]
/(n,vs) regard/consideration/thoughtfulness/
約因 [やくいん]
/(n) consideration (in contract law, the thing given or done by the promisee in exchange for the promise)/
有償 [ゆうしょう]
/(n,adj-no) (1) compensation/consideration/(2) for profit/non-free/(3) onerous/(P)/
慮り [おもんぱかり]
/(n) thought/consideration/fears/
亮察 [りょうさつ]
/(n,vs) consideration/taking into account/sympathy with/
了察 [りょうさつ]
/(n,vs) consideration/taking into account/sympathy with/
諒察 [りょうさつ]
/(n,vs) consideration/taking into account/sympathy with/
斟酌 [しんしゃく]
/(n,vs) consideration (for others)/(making) allowance/

データ見出し数 363298



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