; オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

オンライン鍋田辞書EDICT英語 見出し単語一覧

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  1. a
  2. a 'seeming' of ill fortune concerning women
  3. a 'seeming' that fortune-tellers relate to one's fortune
  4. a Buddha
  5. a Buddha or Bodhisattva taking away suffering and conferring peace
  6. a Central Asian Turkic people
  7. a Chinese book
  8. a Doctor of Literature
  9. a Fleming
  10. a Japanese dog
  11. a Japanophile
  12. a Korean
  13. a Mr. Nobody
  14. a Muromachi era Japanese dictionary
  15. a Protestant
  16. a Taiwanese
  17. a Taoist
  18. a Westerner
  19. a [エー]
  20. a baby's first bath
  21. a bad debt
  22. a bad wife means a hundred years of bad luck to her husband
  23. a bad wife spells the ruin of her husband
  24. a bag
  25. a bankrupt or insolvent person
  26. a barge
  27. a barking dog seldom bites
  28. a barrage of
  29. a basin in the south
  30. a bath
  31. a bath before anyone else
  32. a battery
  33. a bearer
  34. a bearer stock
  35. a beautification drive
  36. a beautiful nocturnal scene with a full moon
  37. a beginning
  38. a belle
  39. a big deal
  40. a bill
  41. a biological
  42. a bird does not foul the nest it is about to leave
  43. a bird of summer
  44. a birthstone
  45. a bit
  46. a bit chilly
  47. a bit longer
  48. a bit more
  49. a bit of
  50. a bitch
  51. a bite
  52. a blank
  53. a blank mind
  54. a blending of Japanese and Western styles
  55. a blink of time
  56. a blister
  57. a blood drive
  58. a blooming cut flower
  59. a blot
  60. a blown kiss
  61. a boat's floorboards
  62. a bodhisattva
  63. a bold hand
  64. a bolt out of the blue
  65. a book written in Chinese
  66. a bother
  67. a bottle
  68. a bottom-up approach to management
  69. a bow-wow
  70. a bowel movement
  71. a box
  72. a boycott
  73. a brain drain
  74. a branch
  75. a branch family
  76. a break
  77. a break or breather
  78. a breather
  79. a breathing spell
  80. a breed of horses originating in Turkmenistan
  81. a bright future awaiting one
  82. a broad avenue in the west
  83. a broken mirror can not be made to shine
  84. a broken promise
  85. a brush movement where a horizontal line turns sharply downwards
  86. a brush with the law
  87. a builder
  88. a building
  89. a bulk sale
  90. a bullring
  91. a bundle
  92. a burden
  93. a burn hole
  94. a burner
  95. a burnt child dreads the fire
  96. a buttercup
  97. a buyer's market
  98. a capella
  99. a capitalist
  100. a capriccio
  101. a captured piece than can be reused
  102. a caravan
  103. a caravansary
  104. a case being closed
  105. a cash income
  106. a caster or founder
  107. a casting net
  108. a cat that enters someone's house to steal food
  109. a catapult
  110. a catch
  111. a catch crop
  112. a catenary
  113. a central angle
  114. a central or key radio station
  115. a certain
  116. a certain ...
  117. a certain high school
  118. a certain ministry
  119. a certain month
  120. a certain person
  121. a certain publication
  122. a certain somebody
  123. a certain sum of money
  124. a chain
  125. a change of clothes
  126. a charged particle
  127. a charm
  128. a chat over tea
  129. a check
  130. a cherished hope
  131. a child
  132. a child dying before its parents
  133. a child one has brought into the world
  134. a chill runs down one's spine
  135. a chorus
  136. a chronicle
  137. a cinch
  138. a classic way of wrestling without using the belt
  139. a classification system
  140. a clear evening
  141. a close
  142. a close relationship
  143. a close-up
  144. a cloudy morning
  145. a clown
  146. a clue
  147. a clutch
  148. a cold
  149. a cold Pacific wind
  150. a cold air mass
  151. a collection of the rain and three non-rain light cards
  152. a collection of three non-rain light cards
  153. a comeback
  154. a comic duo
  155. a comic story
  156. a company union
  157. a complainant
  158. a complete turnabout via a single blow
  159. a compound
  160. a conjecture
  161. a considerable number
  162. a consideration
  163. a constant
  164. a continent life
  165. a contraceptive
  166. a convert
  167. a convict
  168. a cook
  169. a cool summer
  170. a cooperative
  171. a copy
  172. a corner
  173. a cornered rat will bite a cat
  174. a correspondent
  175. a council
  176. a counterproposition
  177. a counting machine
  178. a country being in a state of universal peace
  179. a country that existed within Japan. Ruled by Queen Himiko in the third century AD
  180. a couple
  181. a couple strangely but happily united
  182. a coupler
  183. a court banquet
  184. a courtier
  185. a cover-up
  186. a cracked pot
  187. a crease
  188. a crescent moon
  189. a criminal
  190. a critical biography
  191. a cross
  192. a cross between a Flame Tokay and a Neo Muscat
  193. a crossbreed
  194. a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects
  195. a crown of thorns
  196. a crucial juncture
  197. a crucial stage
  198. a crusade
  199. a curative effect
  200. a cut
  201. a cut above
  202. a cut above the rest
  203. a daimyo or feudal retainer who lived and
  204. a daimyo's guards or retainers
  205. a dandy or fop
  206. a dare
  207. a dash of
  208. a day or two
  209. a day's schedule
  210. a decayed tooth
  211. a decline
  212. a defence
  213. a defense
  214. a dehumidifier
  215. a demonstration
  216. a dependent
  217. a deposit
  218. a design
  219. a dessicant
  220. a diamond among stones
  221. a difference
  222. a dime a dozen
  223. a diplomatic way of saying
  224. a dirty or underhanded trick
  225. a discerning eye
  226. a disgrace
  227. a disgrace or dishonor
  228. a dish
  229. a dish of vegetables
  230. a diviner
  231. a division
  232. a do-it-yourself store
  233. a do-or-die situation
  234. a dock
  235. a doctrinaire
  236. a doubt that lurks in one's soul and that cannot be resolved
  237. a dream which is contradicted by reality
  238. a drill in a bag
  239. a drink
  240. a drink before sleeping
  241. a drinker
  242. a drizzle
  243. a drop
  244. a drop in the bucket
  245. a drop in the ocean
  246. a drupe
  247. a face of innocence
  248. a faint-hearted person pretending to be brave
  249. a fair number
  250. a fairyland or never-never land
  251. a fall
  252. a fall below a certain level
  253. a fall in price
  254. a fall or drop
  255. a false charge
  256. a family
  257. a family allowance
  258. a family system
  259. a fanatic
  260. a farsighted and deeply-laid plan
  261. a fast life
  262. a feminist
  263. a fence
  264. a ferment
  265. a ferry
  266. a few
  267. a few days ago
  268. a few hours
  269. a few lines
  270. a few minutes
  271. a few minutes later
  272. a few pages
  273. a few times
  274. a few words
  275. a few years ago
  276. a fiction
  277. a fidgety
  278. a field worker
  279. a fielder
  280. a fielder's choice
  281. a fight or scuffle
  282. a fighting dog
  283. a figurehead minister
  284. a file
  285. a filibuster
  286. a find
  287. a finder
  288. a fine custom
  289. a fine thing to say
  290. a finite series
  291. a fire door
  292. a fire raging in one's own home
  293. a firebreak
  294. a fireproof building
  295. a fish out of water
  296. a fishing enthusiast
  297. a flare
  298. a flash of a drawn sword
  299. a flash of brilliance
  300. a flatterer
  301. a flexible approach
  302. a flexible way of thinking
  303. a flood of
  304. a flourish of trumpets
  305. a flower-bedecked vehicle
  306. a flunky
  307. a fold
  308. a fold or crease
  309. a follower
  310. a fool
  311. a fool never
  312. a foolish older brother and a smart younger
  313. a foolish or stupid look
  314. a forgery
  315. a form of
  316. a fortune
  317. a foundry
  318. a fourth
  319. a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger
  320. a fraud
  321. a free exercise
  322. a free hand
  323. a free nation
  324. a free port
  325. a freehand drawing
  326. a frequently done thing
  327. a friend with whom one corresponds by e-mail
  328. a fuse
  329. a gabled roof
  330. a gamble
  331. a game of go
  332. a game or match
  333. a gathering of many beautiful women
  334. a generation
  335. a genius
  336. a gentle spirit is more important than looks
  337. a giant
  338. a gift
  339. a girl who is very enthusiastic about comics featuring male homoeroticism
  340. a glib tongue
  341. a glimpse of an object's outlines
  342. a glow
  343. a gold case
  344. a gold mine
  345. a gold quarter ryou
  346. a good chance coming along
  347. a good citizen
  348. a good deal
  349. a good man at heart
  350. a good move
  351. a good price
  352. a good time to quit
  353. a good time to view the moon
  354. a good workman does not blame his tools
  355. a good-neighbor policy
  356. a gossip
  357. a government newspaper or organ
  358. a grave issue
  359. a great ...
  360. a great amount
  361. a great authority
  362. a great deal
  363. a great deal of sweat
  364. a great distance
  365. a great distance does not detract from the feeling of endearment
  366. a great distance to travel
  367. a great figure among the common run of men
  368. a great many
  369. a great number of books
  370. a great opportunity
  371. a great variety of
  372. a group of ~ people
  373. a guard or lookout or watch
  374. a guess
  375. a gunner
  376. a guy who never gets the women
  377. a half
  378. a handsome man
  379. a hangnail
  380. a hard time
  381. a hard-and-fast rule
  382. a harvest
  383. a head
  384. a heap
  385. a heart of gall
  386. a heart that understands truth
  387. a heavier variant of Japanese sword
  388. a heavy bomber
  389. a hell at sight
  390. a help
  391. a hindrance
  392. a hint of
  393. a hit
  394. a hit play
  395. a hole punch
  396. a hole puncher
  397. a home
  398. a home economics course
  399. a honeyed tongue with a heart of gall
  400. a hooked fish
  401. a hop
  402. a house
  403. a household
  404. a huge woman
  405. a humanitarian
  406. a humble position with a small stipend
  407. a hundred
  408. a hundred nights
  409. a hundred year previously
  410. a hydrofoil
  411. a jewel in a dunghill
  412. a joiner
  413. a joint
  414. a jointed fishing rod
  415. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
  416. a journey of a thousand miles feels like only one mile
  417. a junket
  418. a just cause
  419. a kappa up on the land
  420. a kick
  421. a kidnapper
  422. a killing
  423. a king in name only
  424. a knowing look
  425. a la carte
  426. a la mode
  427. a lacquer painting
  428. a lantern at noon day
  429. a lap
  430. a large number
  431. a large number of people
  432. a large number of ships sailing in a long chain-like formation
  433. a large serving
  434. a lasso
  435. a late bloomer
  436. a late frost
  437. a laughingstock
  438. a law
  439. a layman's eyes
  440. a layoff
  441. a lead mine
  442. a lean-to
  443. a lease
  444. a letter breaking off relations
  445. a level and inked string
  446. a liberal arts department
  447. a lick
  448. a lien on one's mortgage
  449. a life given to dissolute pleasures
  450. a life given up to pleasure
  451. a life of follies
  452. a life with no other interest than one's work
  453. a lifetime
  454. a lighter
  455. a line
  456. a lineal relation
  457. a linguist
  458. a liquid
  459. a little
  460. a little after
  461. a little bit
  462. a little bit larger
  463. a little covetousness
  464. a little for each
  465. a little heavy
  466. a little less than
  467. a little more
  468. a little more than
  469. a little more than usual
  470. a little over
  471. a little short
  472. a little too short
  473. a little too tight
  474. a little while
  475. a little while ago
  476. a little while back
  477. a little while later
  478. a lodger
  479. a logarithmic function
  480. a loincloth alone
  481. a lonely
  482. a lonely and heavy-hearted figure
  483. a long march
  484. a long talk
  485. a long time
  486. a long time ago
  487. a look or glance
  488. a lookout
  489. a loop
  490. a lot
  491. a lot of
  492. a lot of things to do
  493. a low-ranking priest
  494. a low-salt diet
  495. a lower court
  496. a luminous body
  497. a luminous point
  498. a lunge
  499. a main street
  500. a man does not go back on what he's said
  501. a man in good health between 21 and 60 years of age to whom applied various corvee and taxes
  502. a man is still a man even if he's poor
  503. a man is still a man even if his hair is tied with straw
  504. a man only used to receive gifts from
  505. a man riding a tiger cannot disembark halfway through
  506. a man who is a lion at home and a mouse abroad
  507. a man's heart and autumn weather
  508. a man's word is his bond
  509. a man's worth
  510. a manifestation of Mahavairocana
  511. a march
  512. a maritime satellite
  513. a market of high stock prices
  514. a married man
  515. a married woman's paramour
  516. a marsupial
  517. a masquerade
  518. a materialist
  519. a matter for the police
  520. a matter of
  521. a matter of course
  522. a matter of grave concern
  523. a matter of life and death
  524. a mature dog
  525. a meddlesome person
  526. a medium flame or fire
  527. a member of one's "in group"
  528. a member of the Baha'i faith
  529. a memorial
  530. a mention
  531. a mere
  532. a mere actor
  533. a mere scholar
  534. a mere student
  535. a mere token
  536. a mere tradesman
  537. a mere trifle
  538. a metal reinforcement
  539. a mill
  540. a mine
  541. a minimum thermometer
  542. a minor success
  543. a mint
  544. a minute and a half
  545. a mixed passenger-cargo ferry running between Wonsan in North Korea and Niigata
  546. a moan
  547. a mob
  548. a modern language
  549. a modern state or nation
  550. a moment
  551. a moment ago
  552. a moment before
  553. a moment of time in a spring evening
  554. a monarchy
  555. a monocotyledon
  556. a month or older
  557. a moorage
  558. a morning breeze
  559. a morning drink
  560. a motion
  561. a mountain
  562. a mountain hunt
  563. a mountain of
  564. a mountain's guardian deity
  565. a move
  566. a multiplicity of
  567. a murder
  568. a musical group that places importance on visuals such as makeup
  569. a must
  570. a must to buy
  571. a must-see
  572. a mythical being that can read minds
  573. a name given to the deceased
  574. a narrative
  575. a nation's laws
  576. a national bank
  577. a national park
  578. a nationalist
  579. a needle
  580. a nest of sake cups
  581. a neutron star
  582. a new edition
  583. a new government or administration
  584. a new house
  585. a new medicine
  586. a new moon
  587. a new phase or aspect
  588. a new product joining a group of other products
  589. a new religion
  590. a new world
  591. a nice way of saying
  592. a night's lodging and a meal
  593. a night-light
  594. a nobleman's seat
  595. a nobody
  596. a non-samurai being granted the privilege of wearing a sword
  597. a nonmetallic element
  598. a nose for profit
  599. a notch
  600. a notice
  601. a noun read using its on-yomi
  602. a number of
  603. a number of days
  604. a number of interesting stories
  605. a number of months
  606. a number of powerful persons standing by themselves in a given field
  607. a number of times
  608. a number so great it can never be counted to
  609. a or one parent
  610. a or the retail trade
  611. a paddy moist all year due to improper irrigation
  612. a pain in the butt
  613. a palace sanctuary
  614. a palatal
  615. a parent for a child
  616. a parents' association
  617. a participant
  618. a particular
  619. a particular type of riddle
  620. a party council
  621. a pass
  622. a pass allowing one through a gate
  623. a past
  624. a pastoral
  625. a patch
  626. a patient's call button in a hospital
  627. a patient's condition
  628. a peace initiative
  629. a peddlar
  630. a pedigree
  631. a pedometer
  632. a pensioner
  633. a period
  634. a period of high stock prices
  635. a period of two days
  636. a person
  637. a person of high morals
  638. a person of small caliber who is only capable of petty tricks
  639. a person or object held in reserve
  640. a person posing for a portrait or bust
  641. a person standing in one's way
  642. a person that is hard to approach
  643. a person who follows someone around like a shadow
  644. a person who has escaped death
  645. a person who has good knowledge of a certain matter
  646. a person who is satisfied with his or her real life
  647. a person who tags along
  648. a person whose services are at the disposal of another
  649. a person without a single relative
  650. a person's appearance and physique giving a feeling of respectable character
  651. a person's deed mirrors the good or evil of his mind
  652. a person's worth
  653. a person's worth is assessed only when their coffin is sealed
  654. a personal guard or bodyguard
  655. a petition
  656. a picture is worth a thousand words
  657. a picture of Hell
  658. a piece of wood
  659. a pile
  660. a pilgrimage of these temples
  661. a pinch
  662. a pinch of earth
  663. a pithecanthrope
  664. a place of extreme cold
  665. a place or opportunity to make a display of
  666. a plan
  667. a plane crash
  668. a planner
  669. a plastic-surgery beauty
  670. a pleasureless life
  671. a pococurante
  672. a poker
  673. a police checkup
  674. a political organisation
  675. a political organization
  676. a political settlement
  677. a popular line
  678. a popular stock
  679. a populist line
  680. a position described as
  681. a posteriori
  682. a pot-hook
  683. a potbelly
  684. a power
  685. a pragmatic line
  686. a premium
  687. a press release
  688. a price index
  689. a priest's staff
  690. a prim person
  691. a primary
  692. a primitive society
  693. a printer
  694. a printer's
  695. a priori
  696. a priori method
  697. a program that monitors activity of a P2P program
  698. a projection drawing
  699. a projector
  700. a promise or pledge
  701. a promise should be kept at all cost
  702. a prop or support
  703. a propaganda line
  704. a proposer
  705. a provider of funds
  706. a publicity policy
  707. a purveyor to the government
  708. a pushover
  709. a put-down
  710. a pyromaniac
  711. a quality
  712. a quarrel
  713. a quarterly
  714. a quasi-incompetent
  715. a question
  716. a question from the emperor
  717. a question of where responsibility lies
  718. a question of whether or not someone should resign
  719. a question of who is responsible
  720. a quick temper
  721. a quick thrust of the hand
  722. a quiet setting
  723. a quiver
  724. a race problem
  725. a radiator
  726. a ray gun
  727. a ray of hope
  728. a ray or sliver
  729. a reactionary
  730. a reading circle
  731. a reading leaves one dumbfounded
  732. a reading leaves one with ceaseless sighs of admiration
  733. a reading room
  734. a realignment of political parties
  735. a realist
  736. a reciprocal treaty
  737. a reclusive life
  738. a recommendation
  739. a record
  740. a refined thing becoming vulgar
  741. a relative
  742. a relative evaluation
  743. a rentier
  744. a repeater
  745. a report
  746. a representative of
  747. a reservist
  748. a resident
  749. a residential building
  750. a respectful bow
  751. a retaken photograph
  752. a revenue officer
  753. a revolution
  754. a reworking
  755. a rice steamer
  756. a right circular cone
  757. a rise above a certain level
  758. a rise in one's reputation
  759. a rival horse or candidate
  760. a roaring business
  761. a rolling stone gathers no moss
  762. a rosary
  763. a rough
  764. a round
  765. a round of inspection
  766. a route or passage
  767. a row of training matches with the same opponent
  768. a rubber
  769. a rubdown with a dry towel
  770. a run on a bank
  771. a samurai's annual rice stipend being suspended
  772. a saturated solution
  773. a scatter
  774. a scholar beholden to the government
  775. a scolding
  776. a scoop
  777. a scout
  778. a scrape
  779. a scrawl
  780. a screen
  781. a sea route
  782. a seal affixed to a document
  783. a sealed move
  784. a second time
  785. a secret
  786. a self-supporting accounting system
  787. a semiannual crop
  788. a semimonthly
  789. a senior
  790. a sense of atonement
  791. a sense of release
  792. a sense of the seasons
  793. a serial story
  794. a series
  795. a series of arson cases
  796. a series of disasters
  797. a series of paperbacks published since 1964 by Kodansha
  798. a service station for cars that run on alternative fuels
  799. a set of three bouts
  800. a shade
  801. a shadow
  802. a shipwreck
  803. a short break or breather
  804. a short distance
  805. a short time
  806. a short time ago
  807. a short time later
  808. a show
  809. a shut-in
  810. a sidereal year
  811. a sidetrack
  812. a sight
  813. a sight for sore eyes
  814. a sign
  815. a signet
  816. a silly dialogue
  817. a silver quarter ryou
  818. a single bloodline
  819. a single instance indicates what happens all the time
  820. a single life
  821. a single person
  822. a single repetition of a prayer
  823. a single tree or blade of grass
  824. a single word
  825. a single word and a single phrase
  826. a size smaller
  827. a sketch
  828. a skewer or spit
  829. a skilled hawk hides its talons
  830. a slapstick
  831. a slight
  832. a slight wound
  833. a slit in the back of a garment
  834. a slump
  835. a sly fellow who does evil by stealth
  836. a small business
  837. a small force
  838. a small fraction
  839. a small kindness
  840. a small thing with a huge influence
  841. a small token of appreciation
  842. a small world
  843. a small-minded person being idle
  844. a smidge
  845. a smile and a tap on the shoulder
  846. a smoking car
  847. a smoking room
  848. a solid body
  849. a solitary life
  850. a solo recital or performance
  851. a solute
  852. a sort of thing like
  853. a soul
  854. a specialty of the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture
  855. a specific duty
  856. a speculative spirit
  857. a speed limit
  858. a spinner
  859. a splice
  860. a spoken language
  861. a spontaneous recess
  862. a spout
  863. a spreading fire
  864. a spring that gushes forth from a valley
  865. a square ri
  866. a square sun
  867. a stab
  868. a standing joke
  869. a state called
  870. a state of high alert
  871. a state of rest
  872. a state of war
  873. a stationer
  874. a stay-at-home
  875. a steal
  876. a stem
  877. a step
  878. a stickler
  879. a stitch in time saves nine
  880. a stock
  881. a store operated by a foreigner
  882. a stowaway
  883. a straight
  884. a streak
  885. a street tough
  886. a string of beads
  887. a stroke going from upper right to lower left with a pointed tail
  888. a strong beginning and a weak ending
  889. a student must never forget to honor their teacher
  890. a style
  891. a style of Chinese poetry
  892. a style of holding the brush between the thumb and index finger
  893. a style of holding the brush between the thumb and the index and middle fingers
  894. a subcontracting factory
  895. a subordinate
  896. a subscription basis
  897. a successor
  898. a sudden fall in public estimation
  899. a suitor
  900. a summary court
  901. a superior who obstructs one's freedom of action
  902. a supply line
  903. a surcharge on imports
  904. a surplus
  905. a suspect
  906. a swan among ducklings
  907. a sweating horse
  908. a sweet voice
  909. a swim
  910. a swim meet
  911. a swimmer
  912. a switch
  913. a sword
  914. a syllable
  915. a system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties
  916. a table service
  917. a talk
  918. a tall
  919. a tatami finished on both sides
  920. a tax in kind
  921. a tax official
  922. a tea infusion
  923. a teaching of Buddha related to the sound of the tide
  924. a telegraph
  925. a temple in which women seeking release from marriage could take refuge
  926. a tempo
  927. a temporary job while looking for a better job
  928. a tender age
  929. a tentative title
  930. a text written entirely in kana
  931. a thaw
  932. a third country
  933. a third force
  934. a third part
  935. a thorn in one's side
  936. a thread
  937. a three-legged stool
  938. a throne
  939. a through train
  940. a throw
  941. a throw using the outside of the arm
  942. a throwing event
  943. a thrust
  944. a tide table
  945. a tideway
  946. a tight turn
  947. a time
  948. a tinker
  949. a tinker's shoulder pole
  950. a tiny bit
  951. a tip
  952. a tonic
  953. a touch
  954. a tour
  955. a trace element
  956. a tracing
  957. a transfer
  958. a transferred amount
  959. a translation
  960. a translation into Chinese
  961. a transparent body
  962. a trap
  963. a treaty power
  964. a tree
  965. a tree as seen in winter
  966. a triangular stroke going from upper left to lower right
  967. a trick
  968. a trickle of tears
  969. a trifle
  970. a true representative of
  971. a tuck
  972. a tuft of hair
  973. a tune
  974. a turn
  975. a turn of Fortune's wheel
  976. a turnout
  977. a twin
  978. a twist of fate
  979. a type of fox spirit
  980. a type of long sword
  981. a unilateral contract
  982. a universal language
  983. a use
  984. a usufructuary right
  985. a utilitarian
  986. a vagabond life
  987. a variety of raspberry
  988. a varix
  989. a verse
  990. a very short while ago
  991. a very shy person
  992. a veteran
  993. a vigilante
  994. a vision
  995. a visitor to a sick or distressed person
  996. a volley of shots
  997. a votive lantern in a shrine or temple
  998. a wage structure
  999. a walk
  1000. a walk in the park
  1001. a wandering existence
  1002. a ward tax
  1003. a ward's public prosector's office
  1004. a warm front
  1005. a warning of flammability
  1006. a watch
  1007. a watchhouse
  1008. a water god
  1009. a water level
  1010. a weak point
  1011. a wealthy merchant
  1012. a week ago today
  1013. a week from today
  1014. a weight
  1015. a welcome relief
  1016. a well
  1017. a well equipped with a pulley for drawing water
  1018. a well-matched pair
  1019. a wet-blanket
  1020. a while
  1021. a while later
  1022. a whirl
  1023. a whorl of hair on the head
  1024. a wide mouth
  1025. a wide sleeve
  1026. a wife should do her husband's bidding
  1027. a wife who lives elsewhere but regularly visits her husband
  1028. a wild look
  1029. a win
  1030. a win worth 32000 points
  1031. a win worth 8000 points
  1032. a wink of sleep
  1033. a winter month
  1034. a wise idea
  1035. a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve
  1036. a wise man never wavers
  1037. a wise person always follows the right course
  1038. a wisp of smoke
  1039. a wok
  1040. a woman who is very enthusiastic about comics featuring male homoeroticism
  1041. a woman's heart and autumn weather
  1042. a woman's temple hair
  1043. a word
  1044. a word from the wise
  1045. a word or two
  1046. a work
  1047. a work of calligraphy being written in bold and vivid strokes
  1048. a work or subject to be memorized
  1049. a world of difference
  1050. a wound
  1051. a young monk outside the gate can read sutras he has never studied
  1052. a young woman and a small bag are both fragile and great care must be taken with both of them
  1053. a young woman seems inexpensive to bring up yet can end up costing a lot
  1054. a zodiac
  1055. a ~-man group
  1056. a-ha-ha
  1057. a.m.
  1058. a11y
  1059. aah
  1060. aardvark
  1061. ab initio
  1062. aba
  1063. aba aba
  1064. abaca
  1065. aback
  1066. abacus
  1067. abalone
  1068. abandon
  1069. abandoned building
  1070. abandoned castle
  1071. abandoned cat
  1072. abandoned child
  1073. abandoned goods
  1074. abandoned land
  1075. abandoned mine
  1076. abandoned people
  1077. abandoned railway line
  1078. abandoned station
  1079. abandoner
  1080. abandoning
  1081. abandoning a corpse
  1082. abandoning all worldly desires
  1083. abandoning artifice and just being oneself
  1084. abandoning nuclear power generation
  1085. abandoning nuclear weapons
  1086. abandoning old-time ways
  1087. abandoning something
  1088. abandonment
  1089. abandonment of cultivation
  1090. abandonment of the status quo
  1091. abasement
  1092. abashed
  1093. abatement
  1094. abatis
  1095. abattoir
  1096. abattoir worker
  1097. abbe
  1098. abbess
  1099. abbey
  1100. abbot
  1101. abbot's chamber
  1102. abbr. of counter stop
  1103. abbr. of particle "ni"
  1104. abbr. of particle "no"
  1105. abbreviated address calling
  1106. abbreviated combined relation condition
  1107. abbreviated form
  1108. abbreviated koyomi
  1109. abbreviated musical notation
  1110. abbreviated style
  1111. abbreviation
  1112. abbreviation of "akemashite omedetou
  1113. abbreviation of "kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu"
  1114. abbreviation used in a telegram
  1115. abdication
  1116. abdication by an emperor in favor of a more virtuous successor
  1117. abdomen
  1118. abdominal aortic aneurysm
  1119. abdominal breathing
  1120. abdominal cavity
  1121. abdominal chills
  1122. abdominal dropsy
  1123. abdominal hernia
  1124. abdominal muscles
  1125. abdominal pain
  1126. abdominal pressure
  1127. abdominal stretch
  1128. abdominal swelling
  1129. abdominal wall
  1130. abdominal wall abscess
  1131. abdominal wall reflex
  1132. abdominal-support belt
  1133. abdominocentesis
  1134. abducens nerve
  1135. abducted
  1136. abductees
  1137. abducting
  1138. abduction
  1139. abduction issue
  1140. abduction victims
  1141. abductor
  1142. abductor muscle
  1143. abeam
  1144. aberrant
  1145. aberrant behavior
  1146. aberration
  1147. abessive
  1148. abetting
  1149. abeyance
  1150. abhor
  1151. abhorrence of this impure world
  1152. ability
  1153. ability Olympics
  1154. ability beyond that of humans
  1155. ability in any line
  1156. ability in the bedroom
  1157. ability of a computer system to run specific software
  1158. ability of a food to fill you up
  1159. ability of a video camera to hold a scene steady
  1160. ability of the common man to understand Buddhist teachings
  1161. ability score
  1162. ability that outdoes professionals
  1163. ability to adapt oneself to the moment
  1164. ability to appreciate painting
  1165. ability to appreciate poetry
  1166. ability to attract customers
  1167. ability to cause psychic phenomena
  1168. ability to concentrate
  1169. ability to cope
  1170. ability to describe
  1171. ability to deter
  1172. ability to discriminate or discern
  1173. ability to dodge out of the way of an attack
  1174. ability to earn a living
  1175. ability to fit into any situation
  1176. ability to fulfil one's responsibilities
  1177. ability to get things done
  1178. ability to make plans
  1179. ability to oppose the thumb
  1180. ability to pay
  1181. ability to read and understand
  1182. ability to remember
  1183. ability to remember everything one hears
  1184. ability to sense the supernatural
  1185. ability to take action
  1186. ability to take proper steps to meet the situation
  1187. ability to think
  1188. ability to understand what is going on around oneself
  1189. ability to write
  1190. ability- based
  1191. ability-to-pay principle
  1192. abiogenesis
  1193. abject
  1194. abjuration
  1195. ablation
  1196. ablation shield
  1197. ablative
  1198. ablative shield
  1199. ablaut
  1200. able
  1201. able individual
  1202. able man
  1203. able men left out of office
  1204. able official
  1205. able person
  1206. able persons
  1207. able to be taken into the cabin of the aircraft
  1208. able to change
  1209. able to criticize but not to create
  1210. able to deal with
  1211. able to keep a secret
  1212. able-bodied
  1213. able-to-seat
  1214. abnegation
  1215. abnormal
  1216. abnormal behavior
  1217. abnormal delivery
  1218. abnormal end
  1219. abnormal event
  1220. abnormal mentality
  1221. abnormal pregnancy
  1222. abnormal psychology
  1223. abnormal sexuality
  1224. abnormal softening of tissues
  1225. abnormal substance circulating in the blood
  1226. abnormal termination
  1227. abnormal underarm odor
  1228. abnormal vaginal bleeding
  1229. abnormal weather
  1230. abnormality
  1231. abnormally and inhumanly greedy
  1232. abnormally high temperatures
  1233. abnormally warm winter
  1234. aboard
  1235. aboard a warship
  1236. aboard an aeroplane
  1237. abode of demons
  1238. abolish
  1239. abolished club
  1240. abolished in 2006
  1241. abolishing one's own family line in order to join another
  1242. abolition
  1243. abolition and amalgamation
  1244. abolition of capital punishment
  1245. abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures
  1246. abolition of licensed prostitution
  1247. abolition of regulations
  1248. abolition of slavery
  1249. abolition of the death penalty
  1250. abolition of the han system
  1251. abolition or closing of a school
  1252. abolitionist
  1253. abomasum
  1254. abominable
  1255. abominable cruelty
  1256. abominable incident
  1257. abominable snowman
  1258. aboriginal
  1259. aborigine
  1260. aborigines
  1261. aborigines village
  1262. abort
  1263. abort sequence
  1264. aborted
  1265. abortion
  1266. abortionist
  1267. abortive
  1268. abortive birth
  1269. abortive scheme
  1270. about
  1271. about 1.8 meters cubed
  1272. about an hour
  1273. about eight-tenths full
  1274. about equal to
  1275. about medium
  1276. about noon
  1277. about the middle
  1278. about the same
  1279. about this time
  1280. about time
  1281. about to
  1282. about to be cut off and unable to do anything
  1283. about to die
  1284. about to leave
  1285. about to start out
  1286. about what time
  1287. about when
  1288. about-face
  1289. above
  1290. above all
  1291. above all else
  1292. above and below
  1293. above average
  1294. above example
  1295. above floor level
  1296. above ground
  1297. above one's means
  1298. above or beyond this
  1299. above reproach
  1300. above the ceiling
  1301. above the clouds
  1302. above this mortal world
  1303. above-mentioned
  1304. above-named
  1305. aboveboard
  1306. abovementioned item
  1307. abracadabra
  1308. abraded skin
  1309. abrasion
  1310. abrasion platform
  1311. abrasives
  1312. abreaction
  1313. abreast
  1314. abridged notation
  1315. abridged sentence
  1316. abridged translation
  1317. abridged version
  1318. abridgement
  1319. abridgment
  1320. abroad
  1321. abrupt
  1322. abrupt change of direction
  1323. abrupt ending
  1324. abrupt question
  1325. abrupt steering
  1326. abrupt turn
  1327. abruptly
  1328. abs
  1329. abscess
  1330. abscisic acid
  1331. abscissa
  1332. absconded
  1333. absconder
  1334. absconding
  1335. absconding with money
  1336. abseiling
  1337. absence
  1338. absence during a complete sumo tournament
  1339. absence from home
  1340. absence from school
  1341. absence from work due to mourning
  1342. absence from work without permission
  1343. absence of authorization
  1344. absence of liability
  1345. absence of mind
  1346. absence of the fact
  1347. absence on account of illness
  1348. absence or presence
  1349. absence permission slip
  1350. absence seizure
  1351. absence without leave
  1352. absent overseas
  1353. absent-minded person
  1354. absent-mindedly
  1355. absent-mindedness
  1356. absentee
  1357. absentee ballot
  1358. absentee investor
  1359. absentee landlord
  1360. absentee rate
  1361. absentee voting
  1362. absenteeism
  1363. absently
  1364. absentminded response
  1365. absentmindedly
  1366. absentmindedness
  1367. absinthe
  1368. absinthe oil
  1369. absinthe wormwood
  1370. absinthium
  1371. absit omen!
  1372. absolute
  1373. absolute address
  1374. absolute age
  1375. absolute alcohol
  1376. absolute amount or quantity
  1377. absolute authority or power
  1378. absolute bewilderment
  1379. absolute command
  1380. absolute coordinate
  1381. absolute error
  1382. absolute evil
  1383. absolute honorifics
  1384. absolute humidity
  1385. absolute idealism
  1386. absolute instruction
  1387. absolute liability
  1388. absolute magnitude
  1389. absolute majority
  1390. absolute monarch
  1391. absolute monarchy
  1392. absolute moron
  1393. absolute motion
  1394. absolute music
  1395. absolute obedience
  1396. absolute pathname
  1397. absolute perfection
  1398. absolute pitch
  1399. absolute position
  1400. absolute purity
  1401. absolute requirement
  1402. absolute respectful speech
  1403. absolute rest
  1404. absolute safety
  1405. absolute secrecy
  1406. absolute temperature
  1407. absolute track address
  1408. absolute value
  1409. absolute vector
  1410. absolute zero
  1411. absolutely
  1412. absolutely clear
  1413. absolutely every little bit
  1414. absolutely necessary
  1415. absolutely not!
  1416. absolutely secure
  1417. absolutely the limit
  1418. absolutely useless
  1419. absoluteness
  1420. absolutism
  1421. absorbability
  1422. absorbant
  1423. absorbed
  1424. absorbed dose
  1425. absorbedly
  1426. absorbency
  1427. absorbent
  1428. absorbent cotton
  1429. absorber
  1430. absorbing oneself in something
  1431. absorbing power
  1432. absorbing sweat
  1433. absorption
  1434. absorption in reading
  1435. abstaining from smoking
  1436. abstaining from voting
  1437. abstemious
  1438. abstention
  1439. abstinence
  1440. abstinence from alcohol
  1441. abstinence from salt
  1442. abstinence syndrome
  1443. abstinence-only sex education
  1444. abstract
  1445. abstract algebra
  1446. abstract art
  1447. abstract data type
  1448. abstract human labor
  1449. abstract human labour
  1450. abstract noun
  1451. abstract number
  1452. abstract or impracticable theory
  1453. abstract page
  1454. abstract painting
  1455. abstract strategy game
  1456. abstract syntax
  1457. abstract syntax name
  1458. abstract test case
  1459. abstract test suite
  1460. abstract testing methodology
  1461. abstract-association
  1462. abstract-bind-parameters
  1463. abstract-service-primitive
  1464. abstract-unbind-parameters
  1465. abstracted person
  1466. abstractedly
  1467. abstraction
  1468. abstrait
  1469. abstruse
  1470. abstruse word
  1471. abstruseness
  1472. absurd
  1473. absurd fear
  1474. absurd opinion
  1475. absurd reply
  1476. absurd response
  1477. absurdity
  1478. absurdly
  1479. abundance
  1480. abundance of water
  1481. abundant
  1482. abundant crop
  1483. abundant harvest
  1484. abundant item
  1485. abundant leafage
  1486. abundant talent
  1487. abundantly
  1488. abura kiri
  1489. aburazemi
  1490. abuse
  1491. abuse of authority
  1492. abuse of confidentiality
  1493. abuse of one's legal authority
  1494. abuses of the times
  1495. abusing one's legal authority
  1496. abusing someone to his face
  1497. abusive
  1498. abusive language
  1499. abusive remarks
  1500. abusive term used to refer to Koreans
  1501. abutment
  1502. abutting
  1503. abysmal valley
  1504. abyss
  1505. ac Iaponicum
  1506. acacia
  1507. academia
  1508. academic
  1509. academic ability
  1510. academic affairs section
  1511. academic background
  1512. academic bulletin
  1513. academic cap formerly word by Japanese university students
  1514. academic center
  1515. academic centre
  1516. academic conference
  1517. academic discount
  1518. academic gossip
  1519. academic gown
  1520. academic journal
  1521. academic meeting
  1522. academic meritocracy
  1523. academic or scientific world
  1524. academic package
  1525. academic performance relative to the group average
  1526. academic predecessor
  1527. academic research
  1528. academic school of thought
  1529. academic society
  1530. academic study
  1531. academic teaching unit
  1532. academic traditions
  1533. academician
  1534. academicism
  1535. academism
  1536. academy
  1537. academy of arts
  1538. academy of music
  1539. acajou
  1540. acanthocephalans
  1541. acanthodians
  1542. acataleptic
  1543. accelerando
  1544. accelerant
  1545. accelerated
  1546. accelerated motion
  1547. acceleration
  1548. acceleration of gravity
  1549. acceleration principle
  1550. acceleration ratio
  1551. acceleration time
  1552. accelerator
  1553. accelerator card
  1554. accelerator pedal
  1555. accelerometer
  1556. accent
  1557. accent lighting
  1558. accent mark
  1559. accented beat
  1560. accented character
  1561. accentuation
  1562. accept
  1563. accept one who comes to you
  1564. accept or reject
  1565. acceptable
  1566. acceptance
  1567. acceptance function
  1568. acceptance inspection
  1569. acceptance rate
  1570. acceptance speech
  1571. acceptance test
  1572. accepted
  1573. accepted explanation
  1574. accepted opinion
  1575. accepted practice
  1576. accepting
  1577. accepting Association Control Protocol Machine
  1578. accepting SS user
  1579. accepting a challenge
  1580. accepting bribes
  1581. accepting meekly
  1582. accepting orders
  1583. accepting the reality
  1584. accepting with pleasure
  1585. accepting-remote-operation-protocol-machine
  1586. acceptor
  1587. access
  1588. access arm
  1589. access authorizations
  1590. access block
  1591. access charge
  1592. access code
  1593. access context
  1594. access control
  1595. access control field
  1596. access control list
  1597. access control word
  1598. access counter
  1599. access exception
  1600. access fee
  1601. access information
  1602. access key
  1603. access lanes
  1604. access level
  1605. access line
  1606. access log
  1607. access management
  1608. access mask
  1609. access mechanism
  1610. access method
  1611. access method executor
  1612. access mode
  1613. access network
  1614. access number
  1615. access panel
  1616. access permission
  1617. access point
  1618. access program
  1619. access programme
  1620. access provider
  1621. access request signal
  1622. access right
  1623. access security procedure
  1624. access speed
  1625. access switch
  1626. access system
  1627. access time
  1628. access to courts
  1629. access to genetic resources and benefit sharing
  1630. access to the imperial court
  1631. accessibility
  1632. accessible
  1633. accessing
  1634. accession
  1635. accession rate
  1636. accessioning
  1637. accessioning of serials
  1638. accessoiriste
  1639. accessor
  1640. accessories
  1641. accessories used for bathing
  1642. accessory
  1643. accessory after the fact
  1644. accessory before the fact
  1645. accessory case
  1646. accessory genitalia
  1647. accessory nerves
  1648. accessory offence
  1649. accessory offense
  1650. accessory sex organs
  1651. accessway
  1652. accident
  1653. accident and sickness benefits
  1654. accident at a nuclear power generation plant
  1655. accident at sea
  1656. accident compensation
  1657. accident faker
  1658. accident insurance
  1659. accident neurosis
  1660. accident prevention
  1661. accident scene
  1662. accident surgery
  1663. accidental
  1664. accidental bombing
  1665. accidental death
  1666. accidental death benefit rider
  1667. accidental death rider
  1668. accidental fire
  1669. accidental gun discharge
  1670. accidental homicide
  1671. accidental infliction of injury
  1672. accidental ingestion
  1673. accidental resemblance
  1674. accidental shooting
  1675. accidentally
  1676. accidents caused by slippery road conditions
  1677. accidents in line of duty
  1678. accidents or incidents
  1679. acclaim
  1680. acclamation
  1681. acclimate
  1682. acclimation
  1683. acclimatization
  1684. accommodate
  1685. accommodation
  1686. accommodation charge
  1687. accommodation facilities for disabled and aged people
  1688. accommodation for babies
  1689. accommodation houses
  1690. accommodations
  1691. accommodator
  1692. accompanied by a friend
  1693. accompanied by a woman
  1694. accompanied by children
  1695. accompanied by one's child
  1696. accompanied by women
  1697. accompanied singing in which the singing is emphasized over the instrumental part
  1698. accompaniment
  1699. accompaniment for rice dishes
  1700. accompaniment music
  1701. accompanist
  1702. accompany
  1703. accompanying
  1704. accompanying another somewhere
  1705. accompanying letter
  1706. accompanying note
  1707. accompanying note or letter
  1708. accomplice
  1709. accomplices
  1710. accomplish
  1711. accomplished
  1712. accomplished lady
  1713. accomplished orator
  1714. accomplished villain
  1715. accomplishing neither
  1716. accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so
  1717. accomplishment
  1718. accomplishments
  1719. accord
  1720. according to
  1721. according to ...
  1722. according to calculations
  1723. according to circumstances
  1724. according to how the situation develops
  1725. according to merits
  1726. according to one's abilities
  1727. according to one's ability
  1728. according to one's own whims
  1729. according to one's own wishes
  1730. according to public opinion
  1731. according to someone's story
  1732. according to the mood of the moment
  1733. according to the rules
  1734. according to what someone said
  1735. accordingly
  1736. accordion
  1737. accordion door
  1738. accordion pleats
  1739. account
  1740. account alias
  1741. account balance
  1742. account book
  1743. account domain
  1744. account executive
  1745. account lockout
  1746. account management
  1747. account manager
  1748. account number
  1749. account of a dream
  1750. account of a game
  1751. account of the hardships one has encountered
  1752. account of what one hears
  1753. account one got from somebody at first hand
  1754. account planner
  1755. account policy
  1756. account processing
  1757. account purchase
  1758. accountability
  1759. accountable time
  1760. accountant
  1761. accounting
  1762. accounting clerk
  1763. accounting department
  1764. accounting entity
  1765. accounting file
  1766. accounting fraud
  1767. accounting information
  1768. accounting information system
  1769. accounting machine
  1770. accounting period
  1771. accounting practice
  1772. accounting practise
  1773. accounting regime
  1774. accounting scandal
  1775. accounting section
  1776. accounts
  1777. accounts payable
  1778. accounts receivable
  1779. accounts section
  1780. accoutrements
  1781. accredit
  1782. accreditation
  1783. accredited master
  1784. accretion
  1785. accretion disc
  1786. accretion disk
  1787. accretion of snow
  1788. accrued
  1789. accrued benefit
  1790. accrued expenses
  1791. accumulate
  1792. accumulated deficit
  1793. accumulated experience
  1794. accumulated loss
  1795. accumulated total
  1796. accumulating good deeds
  1797. accumulation
  1798. accumulation of clouds or mist
  1799. accumulation of freight or stock
  1800. accumulation of good deeds
  1801. accumulation point
  1802. accumulator
  1803. accuracy
  1804. accuracy rate
  1805. accurate
  1806. accurately
  1807. accursed
  1808. accusation
  1809. accusative case
  1810. accuse
  1811. accused
  1812. accuser
  1813. accustoming oneself to a certain taste
  1814. accustomizing
  1815. ace
  1816. ace attacker
  1817. ace spiker
  1818. acephate
  1819. acer buergerianum
  1820. acer micranthum
  1821. acer sieboldianum
  1822. acerola
  1823. acetabular dysplasia
  1824. acetabular roof
  1825. acetabulum
  1826. acetal resin
  1827. acetaldehyde
  1828. acetaminophen
  1829. acetanilide
  1830. acetate
  1831. acetate fiber
  1832. acetate fibre
  1833. acetate rayon
  1834. acetic acid
  1835. acetic anhydride
  1836. acetoacetic acid
  1837. acetone
  1838. acetone-butanol fermentation
  1839. acetyl
  1840. acetyl chloride
  1841. acetyl group
  1842. acetyl-CoA
  1843. acetyl-coenzyme A
  1844. acetylation
  1845. acetylcellulose
  1846. acetylcholine
  1847. acetylcholinestrase
  1848. acetylene
  1849. acetylene torch
  1850. acetylsalicylic acid
  1851. achalasia
  1852. ache
  1853. achievable
  1854. achieve
  1855. achievement
  1856. achievement of one's goal
  1857. achievement test
  1858. achievement-based pay
  1859. achievement-based system
  1860. achievements
  1861. achiever of Nirvana
  1862. achieving full enlightenment all of a sudden
  1863. achieving success
  1864. achillea
  1865. achilles tendinitis
  1866. achilles tendonitis
  1867. achillobursitis
  1868. achimenes
  1869. achondrite
  1870. achoo!
  1871. achromat
  1872. achromatic
  1873. achromatic lens
  1874. achromatism
  1875. aciclovir
  1876. acid
  1877. acid and alkali
  1878. acid anhydride
  1879. acid chloride
  1880. acid clay
  1881. acid dye
  1882. acid fertiliser
  1883. acid fertilizer
  1884. acid foods
  1885. acid jazz
  1886. acid poisoning
  1887. acid radical
  1888. acid rain
  1889. acid reaction
  1890. acid reflux
  1891. acid salt
  1892. acid soil
  1893. acid value
  1894. acid-base equilibrium
  1895. acid-base indicator
  1896. acid-fast bacterium
  1897. acid-resistant
  1898. acid-test ratio
  1899. acidic
  1900. acidic oxide
  1901. acidic paper
  1902. acidic rock
  1903. acidic spring
  1904. acidification
  1905. acidity
  1906. acidosis
  1907. acids
  1908. ackee
  1909. acknowledge
  1910. acknowledged
  1911. acknowledged authority
  1912. acknowledgement
  1913. acknowledgment
  1914. acme
  1915. acne
  1916. acolyte
  1917. aconite
  1918. aconitine
  1919. aconitum alkaloid
  1920. acorn
  1921. acorn barnacle
  1922. acorn cup
  1923. acorn flour
  1924. acorn tube
  1925. acorn worm
  1926. acoustic
  1927. acoustic absorbent material
  1928. acoustic coupler
  1929. acoustic emission
  1930. acoustic fishing method
  1931. acoustic guitar
  1932. acoustic impedance
  1933. acoustic locator
  1934. acoustic material
  1935. acoustic or auditory training
  1936. acoustic pressure
  1937. acoustic sound
  1938. acoustic spot
  1939. acoustic spots
  1940. acoustic system
  1941. acoustical design
  1942. acoustics
  1943. acquaint
  1944. acquaintance
  1945. acquaintanceship
  1946. acquiesce
  1947. acquiescence
  1948. acquire
  1949. acquired
  1950. acquired characteristics
  1951. acquired idea
  1952. acquired ideas
  1953. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  1954. acquired immunity
  1955. acquirer
  1956. acquisition
  1957. acquisition cost
  1958. acquisition maneuver
  1959. acquisition of a qualification
  1960. acquisition of foreign currency
  1961. acquisition or forfeiture
  1962. acquisitive prescription
  1963. acquit
  1964. acquittal
  1965. acre
  1966. acreage
  1967. acrid
  1968. acrida cinerea
  1969. acridine
  1970. acridity
  1971. acriflavine
  1972. acrimonious
  1973. acrinol
  1974. acrobat
  1975. acrobatic
  1976. acrobatic barrel-rolling
  1977. acrobatic dance
  1978. acrobatic dancer
  1979. acrobatic feats
  1980. acrobatic flying
  1981. acrobatic team
  1982. acrobatics
  1983. acrolein
  1984. acromegaly
  1985. acronym
  1986. acrophobia
  1987. acropolis
  1988. acropora butterfly
  1989. acrosin
  1990. acroski
  1991. acrospire
  1992. across
  1993. across a river
  1994. across from
  1995. across the board
  1996. across the street
  1997. across-the-board
  1998. across-the-board fall in prices
  1999. acrostic
  2000. acrostic poetry

1 ~ 2000

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