鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
the Constitution of the Empire of Japan 大日本帝國憲法
the Edo Period 江戸時代
the Eight Views of Omi 近江八景
the Eighth Order of Merit 勲八等
the Eleventh Order of Merit 勲十一等
the Emperor Organ Theory 天皇機関説
the Fifth Order of Merit 勲五等
the First Independents 第一次無所属
the First Order of Merit 勲一等
the Fourth Order of Merit 勲四等
the Fushu who were sent to the Japanese territory were a group of Emishi men and women who had yielded to the power of Yamato (Japan) during the wars that occurred intermittently between Yamato and Emishi between the seventh century and ninth century and thus were forced to emigrate to the Japanese territory. 移配された俘囚は、7世紀から9世紀まで断続的に続いた大和と蝦夷の戦争で、大和へ帰服した蝦夷男女が集団で強制移住させられたものである。
the Hachi no Hire (Bee[-repelling] Scarf): relation with the hire in the myth of Okuninushi is noticed. 蜂比礼(はちのひれ)...大国主の神話に出てくる比礼との関係が注目される。
the Hetsukagami (Mirror of the Shore) 辺津鏡(へつかがみ)
the Hitotsubashi family first headed by Munetada TOKUGAWA 徳川宗尹を初代当主とする一橋家
the Ichijo family 一条家
the Ikutama (Jewel of Life) 生玉(いくたま)
the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto 大教宣布
the Imperial mausoleum of Emperor Tenji (Tenchi) (Gobyono burial mound, the oldest Imperial mausoleum of Kyoto) 天智天皇陵(御廟野古墳、京都最古の天皇陵)
the Karasuma Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway 京都市営地下鉄京都市営地下鉄烏丸線
the Kingdom of Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia タイ王国、マレーシア、インドネシア
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