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the monarchism school (also called Divine right school) consisting of Yatsuka HOZUMI and Shinkichi UESUGI, etc. who established the theory by focusing on 'monarchism' 「君権」に重きを置いて学説を構成した穂積八束や上杉慎吉ら君権学派(神権学派とも)。
the moon reflected in the lake (the moon indicates Boddisattva's heart) いで入るや
the official work of Sonobe Branch was integrated into that of main office on August 1 due to organizational reconstructing.) 事務は8月1日組織再編により本庁に統合)
the original form of this Tsuchigumo is said to have been vengeful spirits of the above-mentioned local clans put down by Emperor Jinmu; この土蜘蛛の正体は、前述の神武天皇が討った土豪の土蜘蛛の怨霊だったという。
the outer circular ring represents human behavior (omen), 外周の円環 - 人の行い(縁起)
the period of the Northern and Southern Courts - the Sengoku period (period of warring states) 南北朝-戦国時代
the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (China) ここに収載された5048巻の経律論は、北宋以後の印刷大蔵経(一切経)の基準となった。
the post was promoted to Jugoinojo (Upper Grade Junior Fifth Rank) on June 9, 799 and was established; 延暦18年(799年)4月27日に、従五位上に昇叙し、以後、定着する。
the post was promoted to Jushiinoge (Lower Grade Junior Fourth Rank) on June 9, 799 and was established; 延暦18年(799年)4月27日に、従四位下に昇叙し、以後、定着する。
the rainy season (the spring rainy season) - thunder cloud - water mirage - sudden evening shower (rain) - squall - thunderstorm - sunstroke - sweat - blazing sky 梅雨 - 入道雲 - 逃げ水 - 夕立 - スコール - 雷雨 - 日射病 - 汗 - 炎天
the regular number began with two persons each for the left and right posts, but was increased); 定員は左右各2名で合ったが、増員されていく。)
the regular number began with two persons each for the left and right posts, but was increased.) 定員は左右各2名であったが、増員されていく。)
the regular number began with two persons each for the left and right, but appointees for the job grade were lessened along with the decline of the power of fu (state)). 定員は左右各2名であったが、府の権能の衰微によって任官者が無くなっていく。)
the regular number began with two persons each for the left and right, but appointees for the job grade were lessened along with the decline of the power of fu). 定員は左右各2名であったが、府の権能の衰微によって任官者が無くなっていく。)
the regular number is one person each for the left and right posts.) 定員は左右各1名。)
the regular number is one person each for the left and right posts; 定員は左右各1名。
the regular number is two persons each for the left and right Efu (palace guard) and Emonfu, respectively.) 定員は左右衛府及び衛門府各2名。)
the regular number is two persons each for the left and right Efu and Emonfu, respectively.) 定員は左右衛府及び衛門府各2名。)
the right-hand Migoro 右の身頃(みごろ)
the right-hand Okumi 右の衽(おくみ)
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the monarchism school (also called Divine right school) consisting of Yatsuka HOZUMI and Shinkichi UESUGI, etc. who established the theory by focusing on 'monarchism' Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス訳 - 鍋田辞書P Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス辞書