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単語 訳語
the bowel, spawns and shirako (spermary) of sea breams - タイの腸、卵、白子 (精巣)
the catalog of 'ryoseikoku' (province) > Tosando> Omi Province 令制国一覧 > 東山道 > 近江国
the circle in the middle represents wrath (symbolized by snakes) that is the cause of pain, folly (pigs) that represents ignorance and greed (birds) 真ん中の円 - 苦しみの因なる怒り(蛇が象徴)と無知たる愚かさ(豚)と貪欲さ(鳥)
the early-modern times 近世
the end 終焉
the five-household neighborhood unit system (Japanese history), Proclamations of the Keian era, the edict to forbid land transaction, and the hierarchy of samurai, farmers, artisans, and merchants 五人組 (日本史)、慶安のお触書、田畑永代売買禁止令、士農工商
the formal start of the sea - bathing season - beach - the game of "split-the-watermelon" 海開き - 海水浴 - 砂浜 - スイカ割り
the former main hall of the Kyoto Prefectural Office Building (located in Kyoto City and built in 1904) 京都府庁舎旧本館(京都市、1904年)
the fourth head of Okabe family of Kishiwada Domain 岸和田藩岡部家4代。
the god Inari 稲荷神
the graduation ceremony - cherry blossom viewing - entrance ceremony - open burning - puppet festival - the Boys' Festival - Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan) - Mother's Day - rice planting 卒業式 - 花見 - 入学式 - 野焼き - 桃の節句 - 端午の節句 - ゴールデンウィーク - 母の日 - 田植え
the guardroom of the right Emon was at the Gishu Gate, respectively. 右衛門の陣所は、宜秋門に、それぞれあった。
the head family of Umewaka families. 梅若家の本家。
the head of the family line; or またその家系の当主。
the image at Matsuo-dera Temple (Maizuru City) - an important cultural property 松尾寺 (舞鶴市)像― 重要文化財
the incident is often interpreted as the Fujiwara clan's exclusion of other clans. この事件は、藤原氏による他氏排斥と理解されることが多い。
the inner circular ring represents human beings, and 最も内側の円環 - 人
the left-hand Migoro 左の身頃
the left-hand Okumi 左の衽
the left-hand Sode 左の袖
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the bowel, spawns and shirako (spermary) of sea breams Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス訳 - 鍋田辞書P Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス辞書