鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
the Sasaki clan, who worked as a shugo or hereditary military constable and was appointed to Omi no kami (Governor of Omi Province) and Efu no jo (Lieutenant of the Palace Guards). 諸国の守護を務め近江守や衛府の尉に任ぜられた佐々木氏
the Second Independents 第二次無所属
the Second Order of Merit 勲二等
the Sengoku Period 戦国時代
the Seventh Order of Merit 勲七等
the Shimizu family first headed by Shigeyoshi TOKUGAWA 徳川重好を初代当主とする清水家
the Sino-Japanese Agreement 日清協約
the Sixth Order of Merit 勲六等
the Spanish and Italian tempora (referring to holy day in four seasons) スペイン語およびイタリア語の tempora (四季の斎日の意)
the Spanish and Portuguese templo (referring to temple) スペイン語およびポルトガル語の templo (寺院の意)
the Takatsukasa family 鷹司家
the Tarutama (Jewel of Plenty) 足玉(たるたま)
the Tayasu family first headed by Munetake TOKUGAWA 徳川宗武を初代当主とする田安家
the Tenth Order of Merit 勲十等
the Teshima clan 手島氏
the Third Order of Merit 勲三等
the Twelfth Order of Merit 勲十二等
the Uda administration is called Kanpyo no chi (Glorious Kanpyo rule). この宇多治世は寛平の治という。
the Yatsuka no Tsurugi (The Eight Hands Long Sword) 八握剣(やつかのつるぎ)
the announcement on the next station was changed from 'Next is XX' to 'Next stop is XX,' and basically the announcement was to be made only once except for major stations. 次駅の案内を「次は○○でございます」から「次の停車駅は○○でございます」に、また案内回数を主要駅を除き原則1回とした。
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the Sasaki clan, who worked as a shugo or hereditary military constable and was appointed to Omi no kami (Governor of Omi Province) and Efu no jo (Lieutenant of the Palace Guards). Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス訳 - 鍋田辞書P Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス辞書