鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
fear ガクブル
/(vs) (abbr) (on-mim) (See ガクガク,ガクガクブルブル,ブルブル) to tremble/to shiver (from stress, fear or panic)/(figuratively) to experience a sense of stress, fear, or panic/EntL2523500/
/(vs) (on-mim) (See ガクガク,ブルブル) to tremble/to shiver (from stress, fear or panic)/(figuratively) to experience a sense of stress, fear, or panic/EntL2523510/
/(adj-na,n) (1) fair/(n) (2) fare/(3) fear/(P)/EntL1109580X/
畏怖 [いふ]
/(n,vs) awe/fear/fright/EntL1157470X/
畏懼 [いく]
/(n,vs) reverence/awe/fear/EntL1157500X/
危疑 [きぎ]
/(n,vs) fear/misgivings/EntL1218510X/
危惧(P);危ぐ;危虞(iK) [きぐ]
/(n,vs) fear/misgivings/(P)/EntL1591130X/
危懼 [きく]
/(n,vs) (See 危惧) fear/misgivings/EntL1591135X/
気遣い [きづかい]
/(n) consideration/concern/fear/worry/solicitude/(P)/EntL1222140X/
鬼胎;奇胎 [きたい]
/(n) (1) (鬼胎 only) anxiety/concern/(secret) fear/(2) (esp. 奇胎) (See 胞状奇胎) (hydatidiform) mole/EntL2626940/
疑心 [ぎしん]
/(n) doubt/suspicion/fear/apprehension/(P)/EntL1225590X/
恐れ(P);虞(P);畏れ;怖れ [おそれ]
/(n) fear/horror/anxiety/concern/uneasiness/(P)/EntL1236660X/
恐怖心 [きょうふしん]
/(n) fear/terror/EntL1676420X/
恐怖 [きょうふ(P);くふ(ok)]
/(n,vs) fear/dread/dismay/terror/horror/scare/panic/(P)/EntL1236750X/
懸念 [けねん]
/(n,vs) worry/fear/anxiety/concern/(P)/EntL1257720X/
心労 [しんろう]
/(n,vs) anxiety/worry/fear/(P)/EntL1361080X/
不安心 [ふあんしん]
/(adj-na,n) uneasiness/uncertainty/anxiety/apprehension/restlessness/insecurity/suspense/fear/EntL1491180X/
怖じ気;怖じけ [おじけ]
/(n) (uk) (See 怖気) fear/dread/fright/willies/funk/EntL1496950X/
怖気 [おぞけ]
/(n) (See 怖じ気) fear/dread/fright/willies/EntL2075560X/
憂虞 [ゆうぐ]
/(n,vs) anxiety/fear/EntL1913690X/
憂懼 [ゆうく]
/(n,vs) fear/apprehension/dread/EntL1540930X/
憂慮 [ゆうりょ]
/(n,vs) anxiety/concern/fear/(P)/EntL1540910X/
冷やっと [ひやっと]
/(vs) (1) (uk) (See 冷やりと) cool/chill/cold/(2) fear/fright/dread/EntL2211590/
冷やりと [ひやりと]
/(n,vs) (1) (uk) (usu. ひやりとする, etc.) cool/chill/cold/(2) fear/fright/dread/EntL1556780/

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