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単語 訳語
J J;j [ジェー]
/(n) J/j/EntL2594080/
J-curve effect Jカーブ効果 [ジェーカーブこうか]
/(n) J-curve effect/EntL1957680X/
J-stroke ジェーストローク
/(n,vs) J-stroke (canoeing)/EntL2202690X/
J. chinensis var. procumbens 磯馴 [そなれ]
/(n) (See 這柏槇) Japanese garden juniper/dwarf Japanese garden juniper/Juniperus procumbens/J. chinensis var. procumbens/EntL2400960X/
J;j [ジェー] /(n) J/j/EntL2594080/
JADMA ジャドマ
/(n) {comp} JADMA/EntL2302330X/
JAERI 日本原子力研究所 [にほんげんしりょくけんきゅうじょ]
/(n) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute/JAERI/EntL2081810/
JAG 法務総監 [ほうむそうかん]
/(n) {mil} judge advocate general/JAG/EntL2644690/
JAL 日本航空 [にっぽんこうくう]
/(n) Japan Air Lines/JAL/(P)/EntL1464590X/
JAL PAK ジャルパック
/(n) JAL PAK (JAL tourist package)/EntL1065700X/
JAL aeroplane 日航機 [にっこうき]
/(n) JAL aeroplane/JAL airplane/EntL1900040X/
JAL airplane 日航機 [にっこうき]
/(n) JAL aeroplane/JAL airplane/EntL1900040X/
JANTI 日本原子力技術協会 [にほんげんしりょくぎじゅつきょうかい]
/(n) Japan Nuclear Technology Institute/JANTI/EntL2133300/
JAS JAS [ジャス]
/(n) Japanese Agricultural Standard/JAS/(P)/EntL1065200/
日本農林規格 [にほんのうりんきかく]
/(n) Japan Agricultural Standards/JAS/EntL1730170X/
JAS [ジャス] /(n) Japanese Agricultural Standard/JAS/(P)/EntL1065200/
JAS mark JASマーク [ジャスマーク]
/(n) JAS mark/EntL2446510/
JASDAQ [ジャスダック] /(n) Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (JASDAQ)/EntL2446520/
JASDAQ market ジャスダック市場;JASDAQ市場 [ジャスダックいちば]
/(n) JASDAQ market/EntL1986810X/
/(n) Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers/JASRAC/EntL1065280/
JASRAC [ジャスラック] /(n) Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers/JASRAC/EntL1065280/
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