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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
to start し始める;為始める;仕始める [しはじめる]
/(v1,vt) (See 為る・する・1) to begin/to start/EntL1304960X/
火蓋を切る;火蓋をきる;火ぶたを切る;火ぶたをきる [ひぶたをきる]
/(exp,v5r) to start (an argument, a battle, etc.)/EntL2252980X/
掛かる(P);懸かる(P);掛る;懸る [かかる]
/(v5r,vi) (1) (See 時間がかかる) to take/(v5r) (2) to hang/(3) (See お目にかかる) to come into view/to arrive/(4) to come under (a contract, a tax)/(5) to start (engines, motors)/(6) to attend/to deal with/to handle/(v5r,aux-v) (7) to have started to/to be on the verge of/(8) to overlap (e.g. information in a manual)/to cover/(9) to (come) at/(10) (See 鍵がかかる) to be fastened/(11) to be covered (e.g. with dust, a table-cloth, etc.)/(12) (See 罠にかかる) to be caught in/(13) (See 電話が掛かる) to get a call/(14) to depend on/(P)/EntL1207590X/
始める(P);創める [はじめる]
/(v1,vt,aux-v) (1) to start/to begin/to commence/to initiate/to originate/(2) to open (e.g. a store)/to start up/to establish (business. etc.)/(aux-v) (3) (See 為始める) to start (doing something)/to begin to .../(P)/EntL1307550X/
始める(P);創める [はじめる]
/(v1,vt,aux-v) (1) to start/to begin/to commence/to initiate/to originate/(2) to open (e.g. a store)/to start up/to establish (business. etc.)/(aux-v) (3) (See 為始める) to start (doing something)/to begin to .../(P)/EntL1307550X/
取り掛かる(P);取り掛る;取掛る;取りかかる [とりかかる]
/(v5r,vi) to begin/to set about/to start/(P)/EntL1326600X/
就く(P);即く [つく]
/(v5k) (1) (See 付く・つく・1) to ascend (the throne)/to accede/(2) (就く only) to take (seat, position, course, etc.)/to assume/(3) (就く only) to start (on a journey)/to commence/to depart/(4) (就く only) to study (under teacher)/to be an apprentice/(P)/EntL1331530X/
出す [だす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) to take out/to get out/(2) to put out/to reveal/to show/(3) to submit (e.g. thesis)/to turn in/(4) to publish/to make public/(5) (See 手紙を出す) to send (e.g. letter)/(6) (See 声を出す) to produce (a sound)/to start (fire)/(7) to serve (food)/(suf) (8) to begin/(P)/EntL1338180X/
出で立つ [いでたつ]
/(v5t,vi) to start/to leave/EntL1338230X/
出掛ける(P);出かける [でかける]
/(v1,vi) to depart/to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)/to set out/to start/to be going out/(P)/EntL1598550X/
切る [きる]
/(suf,v5r,vt) (1) (See 噛み切る) to cut (usu. to cut through)/(2) (See 縁を切る) to sever (connections, ties)/(3) to turn off (i.e. the light)/(4) (See 電話を切る) to terminate (i.e. a conversation)/to hang up (the phone)/to disconnect/(5) to punch (a ticket)/to tear off (a stub)/(6) to open (something sealed)/(7) to start/(8) to set (a limit)/(9) (See 値切る) to reduce/to decrease/to discount/(10) to shake off (water, etc.)/to let drip-dry (or drain)/(11) to cross/(12) to do (something noticeable)/(13) to turn (a vehicle)/(14) to cut (the ball)/(15) to shuffle (cards)/(16) (See 切り札) to trump/(17) (in Go) to isolate (an opponent's stone)/(suf,v5r) (18) (See 疲れきる) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to finish/to complete/(P)/EntL1384830X/
途に就く;途につく [とにつく]
/(exp,v5k) to set out (on a journey)/to start (a task)/EntL2397690/
踏み出す;踏出す [ふみだす]
/(v5s,vi) (1) to step forward/to step forth/to advance/(2) to start/to embark on/to set forth on/to take steps toward/EntL1450170X/
幕を切って落とす [まくをきっておとす]
/(exp,v5s) (See 幕を切る・1) to start (e.g. a scene, a war, etc.)/EntL2573040/
幕を切る [まくをきる]
/(exp,v5r) (1) to start (e.g. a scene, a war, etc.)/(2) to end (e.g. a play, an episode, an event, etc.)/EntL2573000/
立ち上がる(P);立上がる;起ち上がる;立ちあがる [たちあがる]
/(v5r,vi) (1) to stand up/to get up/(2) to rise/(3) to recover/(4) to take action/to start/(5) to make the initial charge (in sumo)/(6) {comp} to start up/to boot up/(P)/EntL1551370X/
立ち上げる [たちあげる]
/(v1,vt) {comp} to start (something)/to start up/to boot (a computer)/EntL1551380X/
立てる [たてる]
/(v1,vt) (1) (also written as 起てる) to stand up/to put up/to set up/to erect/to raise/(2) to thrust into/to bury into/to dig into/(3) to make (a noise)/to start (a rumour)/to raise (a cloud of dust, etc.)/to cause/(4) to make/to establish/to set up/to develop/to formulate/(5) to put up (a political candidate)/to make (one's leader)/(6) to treat with respect/(7) to sharpen/to make clear/(8) (See 閉てる) to shut/to close/(9) (See 点てる) to make tea (macha)/to perform the tea ceremony/(10) to divide by/(suf,v1) (11) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... vigorously/(P)/EntL1551530X/

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