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単語 訳語
early morning departure 朝立ち [あさだち]
/(n,vs) (1) nocturnal penile tumescence/erection when waking in the morning/morning glory/morning wood/(2) early morning departure/
early music アーリーミュージック
/(n) early music/
early night hours 宵 [よい]
/(n-adv,n-t) evening/early night hours/(P)/
early on 早くから [はやくから]
/(exp) early on/earlier on/from early/
early period 前期 [ぜんき]
/(n-adv,n-t) first term/first half-year/preceding period/early period/(P)/
early phase of the shoin-zukuri residential architecture style 主殿造り [しゅでんづくり]
/(n) early phase of the shoin-zukuri residential architecture style/
主殿造 [しゅでんづくり]
/(n) early phase of the shoin-zukuri residential architecture style/
early plum blossoms 寒梅 [かんばい]
/(n) (1) plum tree which blossoms in winter/early-flowering plum tree/(2) early plum blossoms/
early post war period 終戦直後 [しゅうせんちょくご]
/(exp) early post war period/immediately after the war/
early preparations 早手回し [はやてまわし]
/(n) early preparations/
early retirement 若隠居 [わかいんきょ]
/(n,vs) early retirement/
早期退職 [そうきたいしょく]
/(n) early retirement/
early retirement program 早期退職制度 [そうきたいしょくせいど]
/(n) early retirement program/early retirement programme/
early retirement programme 早期退職制度 [そうきたいしょくせいど]
/(n) early retirement program/early retirement programme/
early rice 早場米 [はやばまい]
/(n) early rice/
early ripening 早熟 [そうじゅく]
/(n,adj-na,adj-no) precocity/early ripening/premature development/(P)/
early ripening rice 早生 [わせ]
/(n,adj-no) (1) early ripening rice/(2) early-ripening fruit (grain, etc.)/(3) person who becomes physically or mentally mature at an early age/
早稲 [わせ]
/(n,adj-no) (1) early ripening rice/(2) early-ripening fruit (grain, etc.)/(3) person who becomes physically or mentally mature at an early age/
early rising 早起き [はやおき]
/(n,vs) early rising/(P)/
朝起き [あさおき]
/(n,vs) early rising/
early settlement 早期解決 [そうきかいけつ]
/(n) early (prompt) settlement/swift resolution/speedy solution/
early spiketail キブシ
/(n) early spiketail (species of flowering plant, Stachyurus praecox)/
木付子 [きぶし]
/(n) early spiketail (species of flowering plant, Stachyurus praecox)/
木五倍子 [きぶし]
/(n) early spiketail (species of flowering plant, Stachyurus praecox)/
early spring 早春 [そうしゅん]
/(n-adv,n) early spring/(P)/
木の芽時 [このめどき]
/(exp) early spring/
木の芽時 [きのめどき]
/(exp) early spring/
early stage 早期 [そうき]
/(n,adj-no) early stage/(P)/
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