鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
each stratum 各層 [かくそう]
/(n) each stratum/each class/
each time その度 [そのたび]
/(exp,n) each time/
各回 [かっかい]
/(n) each time/
各回 [かくかい]
/(n) each time/
都度 [つど]
/(n) each (every) time/whenever/(P)/
度に [たんびに]
/(adv) (uk) each time/every time/whenever (something happens)/on the occasion of/
度毎 [たびごと]
/(adv) each time/every/
度に [たびに]
/(adv) (uk) each time/every time/whenever (something happens)/on the occasion of/
毎々 [まいまい]
/(adv,n) each time/frequently/always/
毎毎 [まいまい]
/(adv,n) each time/frequently/always/
毎度 [まいど]
/(n-adv,n-t) (1) each time/(2) (abbr) thank you for your continued patronage/(P)/
each time it happens その都度 [そのつど]
/(n) each time it happens/at all such times/
each turning point 節目節目 [ふしめふしめ]
/(exp) each juncture/each turning point/
each university 各大学 [かくだいがく]
/(n) all universities/each university/
eager 切 [せつ]
/(adj-na,n) eager/earnest/ardent/kind/keen/acute/
切なる [せつなる]
/(adj-pn) eager/earnest/ardent/
頻り [しきり]
/(adv) frequent/continual/constant/repeated/eager/
eager to know 懐しい [ゆかしい]
/(adj-i) (1) admirable/charming/refined/(2) nostalgic/(3) (uk) curious/eager to know (or see, experience, etc.)/
床しい [ゆかしい]
/(adj-i) (1) admirable/charming/refined/(2) nostalgic/(3) (uk) curious/eager to know (or see, experience, etc.)/
eager to study 研究熱心 [けんきゅうねっしん]
/(adj-na) of inquiring mind/eager to study/enthusiastic in studying/
eagerly 鋭意 [えいい]
/(n-adv,n-t) eagerly/earnestly/diligently/
今や遅しと [いまやおそしと]
/(adv) impatiently/eagerly/
首を長くして [くびをながくして]
/(exp) looking forward/expectantly/eagerly/
切に [せつに]
/(adv) eagerly/earnestly/ardently/
他念なく [たねんなく]
/(adv) eagerly/intently/
他念無く [たねんなく]
/(adv) eagerly/intently/
頻りに [しきりに]
/(adv) (1) (uk) frequently/repeatedly/often/incessantly/constantly/(2) strongly/eagerly/(P)/
eagerly waiting 今か今か [いまかいまか]
/(adv-to) eagerly waiting/
eagerness やる気 [やるき]
/(n) willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirations/
意気組み [いきぐみ]
/(n) (arch) eagerness/avidity/avidness/keenness/
意気組 [いきぐみ]
/(n) (arch) eagerness/avidity/avidness/keenness/
逸り気 [はやりぎ]
/(n) (arch) impatience/eagerness/
懸命 [けんめい]
/(adj-na,n) eagerness/earnestness/risking one's life/(P)/
遣る気 [やるき]
/(n) willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirations/
乗り気 [のりき]
/(adj-na,n) interest/eagerness/(P)/
乗気 [のりき]
/(adj-na,n) interest/eagerness/(P)/
躍起 [やっき]
/(adj-na,n) desperation/eagerness/(P)/
eagle イーグル
/(n) eagle (bird of prey, Accipitridae family)/(P)/
鷲 [わし]
/(n) eagle (Accipitridae family)/(P)/
eagle grip 鷲づかみ [わしづかみ]
/(n) grabbing hold/eagle grip/tight hold/
鷲掴み [わしづかみ]
/(n) grabbing hold/eagle grip/tight hold/
eagle-eyed 眼光炯々 [がんこうけいけい]
/(adj-t,adv-to) having piercing eyes/eagle-eyed/having a penetrating insight (into)/
眼光炯炯 [がんこうけいけい]
/(adj-t,adv-to) having piercing eyes/eagle-eyed/having a penetrating insight (into)/
eaglewood 沈香 [じんこう]
/(n) aloes/aloeswood/agarwood/eaglewood/
沈香 [じんこ]
/(n) aloes/aloeswood/agarwood/eaglewood/
eagre 海嘯 [かいしょう]
/(n) (1) tidal bore/eagre/(2) (obs) tsunami/tidal wave/
ear イア
/(n) (1) ear/
/(n) (1) ear/(2) year/
/(n) (1) ear/
耳鼻咽喉 [じびいんこう]
/(n) ear/nose/and throat/
耳鼻咽喉専門医 [じびいんこうせんもんい]
/(n) ear, nose and throat specialist/
耳鼻咽喉科 [じびいんこうか]
/(n) otorhinolaryngology/ear, nose and throat/
耳 [みみ]
/(n) (1) ear/(2) hearing/(3) edge/crust/(4) selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics)/selvage/(P)/
穂 [ほ]
/(n) (1) ear (of plant)/head (of plant)/(2) point/tip/(3) scion (in grafting)/cion/(P)/
穂先 [ほさき]
/(n) (1) ear (e.g. of wheat)/(2) tip (e.g. of brush or spear)/
穗 [ほ]
/(n) (1) ear (of plant)/head (of plant)/(2) point/tip/(3) scion (in grafting)/cion/
ear cleaning 耳掃除 [みみそうじ]
/(n) ear cleaning/cleaning one's ears/
耳掻き [みみかき]
/(n,vs) (1) earpick/(2) ear cleaning/
ear discharge 耳漏 [じろう]
/(n) earwax/ear discharge/
耳垂れ [みみだれ]
/(n) ear discharge/
ear drops 点耳薬 [てんじやく]
/(n) ear drops (medicine)/eardrops/
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