鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
daily work 日課 [にっか]
/(n) daily lesson/daily work/daily routine/(P)/
daily-use kanji 当用漢字 [とうようかんじ]
/(n) daily-use kanji (superseded in 1981)/
daimiate 封土 [ほうど]
/(n) daimiate/fief/
封地 [ほうち]
/(n) daimiate/fief/
daimio 大名 [だいみょう]
/(n) daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)/
daimyo 侯 [こう]
/(n,n-suf) marquis/lord/daimyo/(P)/
国主 [こくしゅ]
/(n) king/sovereign/daimyo/
国守 [こくしゅ]
/(n) daimyo/
上 [うえ]
/(n,adj-no,n-adv,n-suf) (1) above/up/over/elder (e.g. daughter)/(2) top/summit/(3) surface/on/(4) before/previous/(5) superiority/one's superior (i.e. one's elder)/(6) on top of that/besides/what's more/(7) upon (further inspection, etc.)/based on (and occurring after)/(8) matters concerning.../as concerns .../(9) since (i.e. "for that reason")/(n-suf) (10) (hon) suffix indicating higher social standing/(11) (arch) place of one's superior (i.e. the throne)/(12) (arch) emperor/sovereign/shogun/daimyo/(13) (arch) noblewoman (esp. the wife of a nobleman)/(P)/
大名 [だいみょう]
/(n) daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)/
藩主 [はんしゅ]
/(n) feudal lord/daimyo/(P)/
藩侯 [はんこう]
/(n) feudal lord/daimyo/
daimyo in the Warring States period 戦国大名 [せんごくだいみょう]
/(n) daimyo in the Warring States period/
daimyo oak 柏 [かしわ]
/(n) oak/daimyo oak/Japanese emperor oak/Quercus dentata/(P)/
槲 [かしわ]
/(n) oak/daimyo oak/Japanese emperor oak/Quercus dentata/
daimyo's alternating Edo residence 参勤交代 [さんきんこうたい]
/(n) daimyo's alternating Edo residence/
daimyo's city storehouse 蔵屋敷 [くらやしき]
/(n) daimyo's city storehouse/
daimyo's inn 本陣 [ほんじん]
/(n) troop headquarters/daimyo's inn/stronghold/
daimyo's main Tokyo mansion 上屋敷 [かみやしき]
/(n) daimyo's main Tokyo mansion/
daimyo's mansion 大名屋敷 [だいみょうやしき]
/(n) daimyo's mansion/
daimyo's minister 家老 [かろう]
/(n) chief retainer/daimyo's minister/
daimyo's procession 大名行列 [だいみょうぎょうれつ]
/(n) daimyo's procession/
daimyo's retainer 陪臣 [ばいしん]
/(n) rear vassal/daimyo's retainer/
daimyo's spare residence or emergency refuge 中屋敷 [なかやしき]
/(n) (1) daimyo's spare residence or emergency refuge/(2) residence of a daimyo's successor/
daimyo's suburban residence 下屋敷 [しもやしき]
/(n) villa/daimyo's suburban residence/
daimyo's territory お国 [おくに]
/(n) (1) (hon) your native country/your hometown/(2) (pol) my home country (i.e. Japan)/(3) countryside/country/(4) (arch) daimyo's territory (Edo period)/
御国 [おくに]
/(n) (1) (hon) your native country/your hometown/(2) (pol) my home country (i.e. Japan)/(3) countryside/country/(4) (arch) daimyo's territory (Edo period)/
daintiness 優美 [ゆうび]
/(adj-na,n) grace/refinement/elegance/daintiness/(P)/
dainty 繊細 [せんさい]
/(adj-na,n) delicate/dainty/fine/slim/sensitive/subtle/(P)/
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