鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
on the twenty-ninth day of the fourth month (under the old lunisolar calendar), he was additionally appointed to the Uchi kuraryo (Bureau of the Palace Storehouses). 4月29日 (旧暦):兼内蔵寮に任官
on the twenty-seventh day of the first month (according to the old lunisolar calendar), he was appointed Sachuben (Middle Controller of the Left). 1月27日 (旧暦):左中弁に任官
onan (横難) means sudden or unforeseen, unreasonable, and unexpected disaster. 横難とは、思いがけない・予期しない、まともでない、不慮の災難。
once upon a time, when yamato province had floods and the hatsuse' 「昔大和国洪水の折に、初瀬川大いに漲り、大なる甕一つ流れ来たって三輪の社頭に止まる。」
one - 1人
one gold and silver plated Socho Hosogemon Kyobako box with a lid 金銀鍍双鳥宝相華文経箱 1合
one of the chapter titles of Genji Monogatari (The tale of Genji). 源氏物語の巻名のひとつ。
one of the government-regulated organizations or facilities under the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code). 律令制下の日本の官制の一つ
one of the major east-west streets in Asahikawa City. 旭川市の主要な東西の通りの一つ。
one of the major east-west streets in Kyoto City. 京都市の主要な東西の通りの一つ。
one's body part to which their opponent pays their special attention 武道などにおいて相対したときの相手に対する目の付けどころ。
onemoji: negi (leeks) 「おねもじ」 - ネギ
or Haneda Yatsushiro Sukune) wife Kurome no Iratsume and on the other hand, in 'Futei' cited in Kenshoki in "Nihonshoki," her father was Prince Ichinobe no Oshihano and her mother was KATSURAGI no Ariomi's wife Haehime. 羽田八代宿禰とも)の女・黒媛とするのに対し、『書紀』顕宗紀に引く「譜弟」は父を市辺押磐皇子
or SHINGU Juro Yukiie あるいは新宮十郎行家。
or for meaning a mirage. あるいは蜃気楼のこと。
oshiruko (sweet red-bean soup), zenzai (baked mochi and an) and kinakomochi (mochi rice cake sprinkled with soy flour) 御汁粉・ぜんざい(ぜんざい)・黄粉餅
otsukuri: sashimi (sliced raw fish) 「おつくり」 - 刺身
otsumu: atama (head) 「おつむ」 - 頭
outline 概論
ozo, who is a thief now, cannot identify himself and leaves there crying. 今や盗人になった幸蔵は名乗ることもできず、涙ながらにその場を立ち去る。
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on the twenty-ninth day of the fourth month (under the old lunisolar calendar), he was additionally appointed to the Uchi kuraryo (Bureau of the Palace Storehouses). Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス訳 - 鍋田辞書P Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス辞書