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単語 訳語
a bodhisattva 回向文 [えこうもん]
/(n) {Buddh} closing recital that transfers the merit of the service to a buddha, a bodhisattva, or the dead/EntL2414150X/
a bold hand 筆太 [ふでぶと]
/(adj-na,n) a bold hand/EntL1731900X/
a bolt out of the blue 青天の霹靂;晴天の霹靂;青天のへきれき [せいてんのへきれき]
/(exp,n) a bolt out of the blue/EntL1381650X/
a book written in Chinese 漢書 [かんしょ]
/(n) a Chinese book/a book written in Chinese/EntL1715070X/
a bother 世話焼き [せわやき]
/(n) a bother/a meddlesome person/EntL1374330X/
a bottle 一瓶 [ひとびん]
/(n,adj-no) a (one) bottle/EntL2128490X/
a bottom-up approach to management 現場主義 [げんばしゅぎ]
/(n) a bottom-up approach to management/on-the-spot decision-making/EntL1982900X/
a bow-wow ワンワン;わんわん
/(adv-to,adv) (1) (on-mim) bow-wow (barking sound)/arf arf/woof/bark/(2) (on-mim) waah-waah (crying sound)/(3) (on-mim) clamouring/clamoring/echoing/(n) (4) (chn) a bow-wow (i.e. a dog)/doggy/EntL1149310X/
a bowel movement 脱糞 [だっぷん]
/(n,vs) a bowel movement/EntL1802580X/
a box 一箱 [ひとはこ;いっぱこ]
/(n) a (one) box/EntL2128520X/
a boycott 非買同盟 [ひばいどうめい]
/(n) a boycott/EntL1688830X/
不買運動 [ふばいうんどう]
/(n) a boycott/EntL1740340X/
a brain drain 頭脳流出 [ずのうりゅうしゅつ]
/(n) a brain drain/EntL1692370X/
a branch 一分野 [いちぶんや]
/(n) one field/a division/a branch (e.g. of study, etc.)/EntL2128450X/
分脈 [ぶんみゃく]
/(n) a branch/EntL1689210X/
a branch family 新宅 [しんたく]
/(n) a new house/a branch family/EntL1720270X/
a break 晴れ間 [はれま]
/(n) (1) a break (in the weather)/an interval of clear weather/(2) lightheartedness/EntL1376480X/
a break or breather 小休止 [しょうきゅうし]
/(n,vs) a break or breather/EntL1743600X/
a breather 息継ぎ [いきつぎ]
/(n,vs) a breather/a breathing spell/EntL1404380X/
a breathing spell 息継ぎ [いきつぎ]
/(n,vs) a breather/a breathing spell/EntL1404380X/
a breed of horses originating in Turkmenistan アカルテケ;アカル・テケ
/(n) Akhal-Teke, a breed of horses originating in Turkmenistan/EntL2476260/
a bright future awaiting one 前程万里 [ぜんていばんり]
/(n) a bright (rosy) future awaiting one/having the world before one/EntL2048920X/
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