鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
単語 訳語
packsaddle 荷鞍 [にぐら]
/(n) packsaddle/
pact 協定 [きょうてい]
/(n,vs) arrangement/pact/agreement/(P)/
協約 [きょうやく]
/(n,vs) pact/convention/agreement/
条約 [じょうやく]
/(n) treaty/pact/(P)/
盟約 [めいやく]
/(n,vs) oath/pledge/pact/covenant/(P)/
約束 [やくそく]
/(n,vs) (1) arrangement/promise/appointment/pact/engagement/(2) convention/rule/(P)/
pacu コロソマ
/(n) tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (lat: Colossoma)/pacu/black pacu/black-finned pacu/giant pacu/cachama/gamitana/
pad たんぽ
/(n) pad/wad/wadding/
/(n) pad/wad/wadding/
/(n) pad/(P)/
当て [あて]
/(n) (1) aim/object/purpose/end/(2) expectations/prospects/hopes/(3) something that can be relied upon/(n-suf) (4) pad/guard/(n-suf,n-pref) (5) blow/strike/(P)/
肉球 [にくきゅう]
/(n) (sole of the) paw/pad/
pad placed below the sheet on which a seal is to be pressed - used to make the seal's imprint clearer 印褥 [いんじょく]
/(n) pad placed below the sheet on which a seal is to be pressed - used to make the seal's imprint clearer/
pad thai パッタイ
/(n) pad thai (tha:)/phat thai/phad thai/Thai rice noodle dish/
padded 胴衣 [どうい]
/(n) padded, sleeveless undergarment/vest/
padded kimono 褞袍 [どてら]
/(n) padded kimono/
padded sleeveless kimono jacket ちゃんちゃんこ
/(n) padded sleeveless kimono jacket/Japanese vest/
padded spear たんぽ槍 [たんぽやり]
/(n) padded spear (for practice)/
padded undershirt 胴衣 [どうぎ]
/(n) (sleeveless) undergarment/padded undershirt/
胴着 [どうぎ]
/(n) (sleeveless) undergarment/padded undershirt/
padded with cotton 綿入れ [わたいれ]
/(n) padded with cotton/stuffed with cotton/
padding 詰め物 [つめもの]
/(n) filling or packing material/stuffing/padding/
詰物 [つめもの]
/(n) filling or packing material/stuffing/padding/
金隠し [きんかくし]
/(n) (1) padding, armour, etc. covering the testicles/(2) mantle or hood on a urinal, squat-toilet, etc./
射込み [いこみ]
/(n) stuffing/filling/packing/padding/
心地 [しんじ]
/(n) padding/lining/foundation/
芯地 [しんじ]
/(n) padding/lining/foundation/
水増し [みずまし]
/(n,vs,adj-f) (1) dilution/watering down/(2) inflation (of budget, claim, etc.)/padding/(P)/
草綿 [わた]
/(n) (1) (uk) cotton plant (Gossypium spp.)/(2) batting/wadding/padding/
綿 [わた]
/(n) (1) (uk) cotton plant (Gossypium spp.)/(2) batting/wadding/padding/(P)/
padding character 埋め草文字 [うめくさもじ]
/(n) (comp) padding character/
padding or inflation かさ上げ [かさあげ]
/(n,vs) increase/raising (e.g. embankment, levee)/padding or inflation (e.g. of a bill)/
嵩上げ [かさあげ]
/(n,vs) increase/raising (e.g. embankment, levee)/padding or inflation (e.g. of a bill)/
paddle パドル
/(n) paddle/(P)/
/(n) racket/paddle (in table-tennis)/(P)/
水掻き [みずかき]
/(n) web(foot)/paddle/swimfin/(diving) fin/(diving) flipper/
櫂 [かい]
/(n) paddle/oar/scull/
蹼 [みずかき]
/(n) web(foot)/paddle/swimfin/(diving) fin/(diving) flipper/
paddle steamer 外車船 [がいしゃせん]
/(n) paddle steamer/
外輪船 [がいりんせん]
/(n) paddle steamer/
paddle wheel 外輪 [がいりん]
/(n) wheel rim/paddle wheel/
外輪 [そとわ]
/(n) wheel rim/paddle wheel/
paddling パドリング
/(n) paddling/
paddock パドック
/(n) paddock/(P)/
調馬場 [ちょうばじょう]
/(n) riding ground/paddock/
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オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語

オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

鍋田辞書P(NabetaJisho P) Ver 1.3 (C) 2010-2014
大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
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