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単語 訳語
zodiacal light 黄道光 [こうどうこう]
/(n) zodiacal light/
zodiacal sign 宮 [きゅう]
/(n) (1) palace/(2) tonic (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale)/(3) (abbr) ancient Chinese punishment (castration for men, or confinement for women)/(n,n-suf) (4) zodiacal sign/
zoea ゾエア
/(n) zoea/
zoisite ゾイサイト
/(n) zoisite/
zombie ゾンビ
/(n) zombie/
zombie businesses ゾンビ会社 [ゾンビかいしゃ]
/(exp) zombie businesses (firms that would have failed but for government intervention)/
zona pellucida 透明帯 [とうめいたい]
/(n) zona pellucida/
zone ゾーン
/(n) zone/(P)/
/(n) zone/
一帯 [いったい]
/(n) region/zone/whole place/(P)/
区域 [くいき]
/(n) (1) limits/boundary/domain/zone/sphere/territory/(2) area (e.g. in programming languages)/(P)/
帯域 [たいいき]
/(n) (1) zone/band/belt/(2) (abbr) bandwidth/
地帯 [ちたい]
/(n) area/zone/belt (of land)/(P)/
zone defense ゾーンディフェンス
/(n) zone defense/
zone melting ゾーンメルティング
/(n) zone melting/
zone of action 行動地帯 [こうどうちたい]
/(n) zone of action/
zone punch ゾーンパンチ
/(n) (comp) zone punch/
zoned format ゾーン形式 [ゾーンけいしき]
/(n) (comp) zoned format/
zoning ゾーニング
/(n) zoning/
zoo 動物園 [どうぶつえん]
/(n) zoo/zoological gardens/(P)/
入苑 [にゅうえん]
/(iK) (n,vs) (1) enrollment in kindergarten/enrolment in kindergarten/(2) entering a park, garden, zoo, etc./
入園 [にゅうえん]
/(n,vs) (1) enrollment in kindergarten/enrolment in kindergarten/(2) entering a park, garden, zoo, etc./(P)/
zooblast 動物細胞 [どうぶつさいぼう]
/(n) animal cell/zooblast/
zoogamy 有性生殖 [ゆうせいせいしょく]
/(n,adj-no) sexual reproduction/zoogamy/
zoogeographical region 動物地理区 [どうぶつちりく]
/(n) zoogeographical region/
zoogeography 動物地理学 [どうぶつちりがく]
/(n) zoogeography/
zoogonous 胎生 [たいせい]
/(n) (1) viparity/(adj-no) (2) viviparous/zoogonous/live-bearing/
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