鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
vagueness 模糊 [もこ]
/(adj-na,n) dimness/vagueness/
vagus nerve 迷走神経 [めいそうしんけい]
/(n) vagus nerve/
vain 果ない [はかない]
/(adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/
果敢無い [はかない]
/(adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/
果敢ない [はかない]
/(adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/
果無い [はかない]
/(adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/
果敢い [はかない]
/(io) (adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/
虚しい [むなしい]
/(adj-i) vacant/futile/vain/void/empty/ineffective/lifeless/
空疎 [くうそ]
/(adj-na,n) vain/groundless/futile/(P)/
空しい [むなしい]
/(adj-i) vacant/futile/vain/void/empty/ineffective/lifeless/(P)/
徒 [あだ]
/(adj-na,n) vain/futile/transient/frivolous/
味気無い [あじきない]
/(adj-i) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/
味気ない [あじけない]
/(adj-i) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/
味気無い [あじけない]
/(adj-i) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/
味気ない [あじきない]
/(adj-i) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/(P)/
無益 [むえき]
/(adj-na,n,adj-no) useless/futile/vain/(P)/
儚い [はかない]
/(adj-i) (1) fleeting/transient/short-lived/momentary/ephemeral/fickle/vain/(2) empty (dream, etc.)/mere (hope)/faint (possibility)/(P)/
vain boasting or bluster 大風呂敷 [おおぶろしき]
/(n) (1) large furoshiki/(2) big talk/vain boasting or bluster/blowing one's own trumpet/rodomontade/
vain dream of wealth and splendour 邯鄲の夢 [かんたんのゆめ]
/(n) vain dream of wealth and splendour (splendor)/
vain effort 骨折り損 [ほねおりぞん]
/(n) waste of labor or energy/waste of labour/vain effort/
vain efforts むだ骨 [むだぼね]
/(n) useless/waste of time and effort/pointless/vain efforts/
無駄骨 [むだぼね]
/(n) useless/waste of time and effort/pointless/vain efforts/
vain hope 空頼み [そらだのみ]
/(n,vs) vain hope/
vain person 見えっ張り [みえっぱり]
/(n,adj-na) vain person/ostentatious person/show-off/
見栄っぱり [みえっぱり]
/(n,adj-na) vain person/ostentatious person/show-off/
見栄坊 [みえぼう]
/(adj-na,n) fop/swell/dude/coxcomb/vain person/
見栄っ張り [みえっぱり]
/(n,adj-na) vain person/ostentatious person/show-off/
vain struggle 悪足掻き [わるあがき]
/(n,vs) useless resistance/vain struggle/
悪あがき [わるあがき]
/(n,vs) useless resistance/vain struggle/
vainglory 虚栄 [きょえい]
/(n) vanity/vainglory/(P)/
独尊 [どくそん]
/(n) (abbr) self-conceit/vainglory/
唯我独尊 [ゆいがどくそん]
/(n) self-conceit/self-centeredness/vainglory/
vajra 金剛杵 [こんごうしょ]
/(n) vajra (mystical weapon in Hinduism and Buddhism)/
金剛 [こんごう]
/(n) (1) vajra (indestructible substance)/diamond/adamantine/(2) thunderbolt/Indra's weapon/Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth/
vajra bell 金剛鈴 [こんごうれい]
/(n) (Buddh) vajra bell/
valence 原子価 [げんしか]
/(n) valence/atomic value/
数価 [すうか]
/(n) valence/
valence band 価電子帯 [かでんしたい]
/(n) valence band/
valence electron 価電子 [かでんし]
/(n) valence electron/
valence state 価電子状態 [かでんしじょうたい]
/(n) valence state/
valet 下郎 [げろう]
/(n) servant/valet/menial/
侍者 [じしゃ]
/(n) attendant/valet/altar boy/acolyte/
舎人 [とねり]
/(gikun) (n) (1) servant/valet/footman/(2) (arch) someone who works in close quarters with the emperor or imperial family/(3) (arch) low-ranking official who works for the imperial family or nobility (under the Rituryo system)/(4) (arch) ox-tender for oxcarts/horse boy/(5) honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies/
舎人 [しゃじん]
/(n) (1) servant/valet/footman/(2) (arch) someone who works in close quarters with the emperor or imperial family/(3) (arch) low-ranking official who works for the imperial family or nobility (under the Rituryo system)/(4) (arch) ox-tender for oxcarts/horse boy/(5) honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies/
従者 [じゅうしゃ]
/(n) follower/attendant/valet/servant/
側仕え [そばづかえ]
/(n) personal attendant/valet/maid/
舍人 [しゃじん]
/(oK) (n) (1) servant/valet/footman/(2) (arch) someone who works in close quarters with the emperor or imperial family/(3) (arch) low-ranking official who works for the imperial family or nobility (under the Rituryo system)/(4) (arch) ox-tender for oxcarts/horse boy/(5) honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies/
舍人 [とねり]
/(oK) (gikun) (n) (1) servant/valet/footman/(2) (arch) someone who works in close quarters with the emperor or imperial family/(3) (arch) low-ranking official who works for the imperial family or nobility (under the Rituryo system)/(4) (arch) ox-tender for oxcarts/horse boy/(5) honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies/
valiant 勇ましい [いさましい]
/(adj-i) (1) brave/valiant/gallant/courageous/(2) stirring/vigorous/rousing/(P)/
洸々 [こうこう]
/(n) valiant/brave/surge (of water)/
洸洸 [こうこう]
/(n) valiant/brave/surge (of water)/
valiant courage 猛勇 [もうゆう]
/(adj-na,n) valiant courage/
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