鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
tag-team match タッグマッチ
/(n) tag-team match (wrestling)/
tagged タグ付き [タグつき]
/(n) (comp) tagged (as in a tagged cell)/
札付き [ふだつき]
/(adj-no,n) (1) tagged (esp. with a price)/(2) notorious/infamous/double-dyed/hardened/
札付 [ふだつき]
/(io) (adj-no,n) (1) tagged (esp. with a price)/(2) notorious/infamous/double-dyed/hardened/
tagged type タグ付き型 [タグつきがた]
/(n) (comp) tagged type/
tagging タグ付け [タグつけ]
/(n) (comp) tagging/
tagliatelle タリアテッレ
/(n) tagliatelle (ita:)/
tagline タグライン
/(n) tag line/tagline/
tai タイ
/(n) (1) (uk) sea bream (Sparidae)/porgy/(2) tai (species of reddish-brown Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)/(P)/
真鯛 [まだい]
/(n) tai (species of red Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)/
鯛 [たい]
/(n) (1) (uk) sea bream (Sparidae)/porgy/(2) tai (species of reddish-brown Pacific sea bream, Pagrus major)/(P)/
taiga 寒帯林 [かんたいりん]
/(n) taiga/boreal forest/Arctic forest/
taiji 太極 [たいきょく]
/(n) taiji (in Chinese philosophy, the principle that embodies all potential things, inc. time and space)/
tail テール
/(n) (1) tail/(2) tael (Chinese unit of mass & currency)/(3) (abbr) (obsc) tailcoat/tails/
/(n) tail/
機尾 [きび]
/(n) tail (of an aeroplane, airplane)/
尻っぽ [しりっぽ]
/(n) tail/
尻尾 [しっぽ]
/(n) (uk) tail (animal)/(P)/
尻尾 [しりお]
/(ok) (n) (uk) tail (animal)/
尾翼 [びよく]
/(n) tail/tail plane/
尾部 [びぶ]
/(n,adj-no) tail/caudal/
尾状 [びじょう]
/(adj-no) tail/caudal/
尾行 [びこう]
/(n,vs) shadow/tail/follow/(P)/
尾 [お]
/(n) (1) tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.)/tail end/(2) slope at the foot of a mountain/(P)/
尾っぽ [おっぽ]
/(n) tail/
纓 [えい]
/(n) (1) tail (of a traditional Japanese cap)/(2) chinstrap/
tail and fins 尾鰭 [おひれ]
/(n) (1) tail and fins/(2) embellishment (of a story, rumor, etc.)/exaggeration/
尾ひれ [おひれ]
/(n) (1) tail and fins/(2) embellishment (of a story, rumor, etc.)/exaggeration/
tail and wings 尾羽 [おは]
/(n) tail and wings/tail feathers/
tail end どん尻 [どんじり]
/(n) tail end/tailender/
/(n) (uk) tail end/very bottom/the lowest rank/
/(n) tail end/
尾 [お]
/(n) (1) tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.)/tail end/(2) slope at the foot of a mountain/(P)/
tail fan 尾扇 [びせん]
/(n) tail fan/
tail feathers 尾羽 [おは]
/(n) tail and wings/tail feathers/
尾羽 [おばね]
/(n) tail feathers/
tail fin テールフィン
/(n) tail fin/
尾鰭 [おびれ]
/(n) caudal fin/tail fin/
尾びれ [おびれ]
/(n) caudal fin/tail fin/
tail lamp テールランプ
/(n) tail lamp/
尾燈 [びとう]
/(oK) (n) tail-light (taillight)/tail lamp (taillamp)/rear light/
尾灯 [びとう]
/(n) tail-light (taillight)/tail lamp (taillamp)/rear light/
tail plane 尾翼 [びよく]
/(n) tail/tail plane/
tail recursion 末尾再帰 [まつびさいき]
/(n) tail recursion/
tail-light 尾灯 [びとう]
/(n) tail-light (taillight)/tail lamp (taillamp)/rear light/
尾燈 [びとう]
/(oK) (n) tail-light (taillight)/tail lamp (taillamp)/rear light/
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