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単語 訳語
tackle タックル
/(n,vs) tackle (ball game)/
滑車 [かっしゃ]
/(n,adj-no) pulley/block/tackle/
索具 [さくぐ]
/(n) rigging/gear/tackle/
釣り具 [つりぐ]
/(n) fishing gear/tackle/
tackling with gusto 奮起一番 [ふんきいちばん]
/(n) bracing oneself up to action, being inspired by something/getting down to work, putting heart and soul into it/tackling (a job) with gusto/
taco filling and rice タコライス
/(n) taco filling and rice/
tacos タコス
/(n) tacos/
tact デリカシー
/(n) delicacy/tact/considerateness/sensitivity/thoughtfulness/
遠慮 [えんりょ]
/(adj-na,n,vs) diffidence/restraint/reserve/discretion/tact/thoughtfulness/(P)/
機転 [きてん]
/(n) quick wittedness/tact/cleverness/
機知 [きち]
/(n) wit/resources/tact/
機智 [きち]
/(n) wit/resources/tact/
気転 [きてん]
/(n) quick wittedness/tact/cleverness/
気働き [きばたらき]
/(n) taking appropriate action/tact/
功者 [こうしゃ]
/(adj-na,n) (1) cleverness/skill/tact/(n) (2) clever person (in a particular field)/skillful person (skilful)/
巧拙 [こうせつ]
/(n) tact/skill/workmanship/(P)/
巧者 [こうしゃ]
/(adj-na,n) (1) cleverness/skill/tact/(n) (2) clever person (in a particular field)/skillful person (skilful)/(P)/
手ぎわ [てぎわ]
/(n) performance/skill/tact/
手際 [てぎわ]
/(n) performance/skill/tact/(P)/
力量 [りきりょう]
/(n) ability/physical strength/capacity/tact/(P)/
辣腕 [らつわん]
/(adj-na,n) shrewdness/tact/
tact system タクトシステム
/(n) tact system/
tactful 円転滑脱 [えんてんかつだつ]
/(adj-na) (1) suave/tactful/smooth/(2) versatile/adaptable/
気の利く [きのきく]
/(exp,adj-f) (1) attentive/scrupulous/tactful/(2) tasteful/smart/
如在無い [じょさいない]
/(adj-i) tactful/shrewd/cautious/clever/smart/adroit/
如才ない [じょさいない]
/(adj-i) tactful/shrewd/cautious/clever/smart/adroit/
如才無い [じょさいない]
/(adj-i) tactful/shrewd/cautious/clever/smart/adroit/
tactful way of expressing something 外交辞令 [がいこうじれい]
/(n,adj-no) diplomatic turn of phrase/diplomatic language/tactful way of expressing something/
tactfully 体良く [ていよく]
/(adv) decently/gracefully/plausibly/politely/tactfully/discreetly/
体よく [ていよく]
/(adv) decently/gracefully/plausibly/politely/tactfully/discreetly/
tactic タクティック
/(n) tactic/
策略 [さくりゃく]
/(n,adj-no) scheme/tactic/stratagem/trick/(P)/
tactical air control center 戦術航空統制本部 [せんじゅつこうくうとうせいほんぶ]
/(n) tactical air control center (centre)/
tactical air control party 戦術航空統制班 [せんじゅつこうくうとうせいはん]
/(n) tactical air control party/
tactical nuclear weapon 戦術核兵器 [せんじゅつかくへいき]
/(n) tactical nuclear weapon/
tactical operations center 陸上作戦本部 [りくじょうさくせんほんぶ]
/(n) tactical operations center/tactical operations centre/
tactical operations centre 陸上作戦本部 [りくじょうさくせんほんぶ]
/(n) tactical operations center/tactical operations centre/
tactical plan 戦術計画 [せんじゅつけいかく]
/(n) tactical plan/
tactician 軍師 [ぐんし]
/(n) strategist/tactician/schemer/
策士 [さくし]
/(n) intriguer/tactician/schemer/machinator/
戦術家 [せんじゅつか]
/(n) tactician/strategist/
兵家 [へいか]
/(n) soldier/tactician/strategist/
兵法者 [へいほうしゃ]
/(n) tactician/strategist/
兵法家 [へいほうか]
/(n) tactician/strategist/
兵学者 [へいがくしゃ]
/(n) tactician/strategist/
謀臣 [ぼうしん]
/(n) strategist/tactician/schemer/
tactics タクティックス
/(n) tactics/
掛け引き [かけひき]
/(n) (1) bargaining/haggling/(2) tactics/strategy/
駆け引き [かけひき]
/(n) (1) bargaining/haggling/(2) tactics/strategy/(P)/
駆引き [かけひき]
/(n) (1) bargaining/haggling/(2) tactics/strategy/
軍学 [ぐんがく]
/(n) military science/strategy/tactics/
軍法 [ぐんぽう]
/(n) military law/martial law/tactics/strategy/
軍略 [ぐんりゃく]
/(n) strategy/tactics/
軍配 [ぐんばい]
/(n,vs) stratagem/tactics/(ancient) military leader's fan/wrestling umpire's fan/(P)/
懸引き [かけひき]
/(n) (1) bargaining/haggling/(2) tactics/strategy/
細工 [さいく]
/(n,vs) work/craftsmanship/tactics/trick/(P)/
作戦 [さくせん]
/(n) (1) tactics/strategy/(2) military or naval operations/(P)/
策戦 [さくせん]
/(n) (1) tactics/strategy/(2) military or naval operations/
戦略 [せんりゃく]
/(n,adj-no) strategy/tactics/(P)/
戦術 [せんじゅつ]
/(n,adj-no) tactics/(P)/
戦法 [せんぽう]
/(n,adj-no) tactics/strategy/(P)/
兵術 [へいじゅつ]
/(n) the art of war/strategy/tactics/
兵法 [へいほう]
/(n) art of war/strategy/tactics/
兵法 [ひょうほう]
/(n) art of war/strategy/tactics/
兵学 [へいがく]
/(n) military science/strategy/tactics/
用兵 [ようへい]
/(n) tactics/
用兵術 [ようへいじゅつ]
/(n) tactics/strategy/
韜略 [とうりゃく]
/(n) strategy/tactics/
tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons 竹槍戦術 [たけやりせんじゅつ]
/(n) tactics of fighting a technologically advanced adversary with primitive weapons/sole reliance on simple determination (naive spiritualism) in fighting an overwhelming foe/
tactile 触覚 [しょっかく]
/(n) (1) sense of touch/(adj-no) (2) tactile/tactual/(P)/
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