鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to understand
/(vs) (1) to realize/to materialize/to accomplish/(2) to realize/to understand/to recognize/EntL2187950X/
意を得る [いをえる]
/(exp,v1) (1) to get (e.g. the gist of something)/to understand/(2) (See 我が意を得たり) to turn out as one thought/EntL2411360X/
飲み込む(P);飲込む;のみ込む;呑み込む;呑込む [のみこむ]
/(v5m,vt) (1) to gulp down/to swallow deeply/(2) to understand/to take in/to catch on to/to learn/to digest/(P)/EntL1600400X/
窺い知る;伺い知る;窺いしる [うかがいしる]
/(v5r,vt) to perceive/to understand/EntL1172220X/
押さえる(P);抑える(P);押える [おさえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) (esp. 押さえる) to pin something down/to hold something down/to hold something back/to stop/to restrain/to curb/(2) (esp. 押さえる) to seize/to grasp/to arrest/(3) (esp. 抑える) to gain control of something/to govern/to keep down (e.g. information)/to suppress/(4) to catch happening/to determine (important points)/to find (proof)/to understand/(P)/EntL1589080X/
会す [えす]
/(v5s,vt) (arch) to understand/to comprehend/EntL2410360X/
解せる [げせる]
/(v1,vt) (See 解せない) to understand/to comprehend/EntL2070820X/
解す [かいす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) (See 解する) to understand/to appreciate/(2) to interpret/EntL2410340X/
解す [げす]
/(v5s,vt) (See 解せる) to understand/to comprehend/EntL2410330X/
解する [かいする]
/(vs-s,vt) (1) to understand/to appreciate/(2) to interpret/EntL2006240X/
噛み分ける;噛分ける [かみわける]
/(v1,vt) to taste/to distinguish/to understand/EntL1209230X/
含む(P);銜む [ふくむ(P);くくむ]
/(v5m,vt) (1) to contain/to comprise/to have/to hold/to include/to embrace/(2) (See 口に含む) to hold in the mouth/(3) to bear in mind/to understand/to harbor (grudge, etc.)/to harbour/(4) to express (emotion, etc.)/to imply/(P)/EntL1216880X/
汲み取る(P);汲みとる;汲取る;くみ取る [くみとる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to scoop out/to pump out/(2) to understand/to surmise/(P)/EntL1229590X/
見取る [みとる]
/(v5r,vt) to perceive/to understand/EntL1846650X/
悟る(P);覚る [さとる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to understand/to comprehend/to realize/to perceive/to sense/to discern/(2) to attain enlightenment/(P)/EntL1270850X/
合点が行く [がてんがいく]
/(exp,v5k-s) to understand/to make out/EntL1285130X/
受け取る(P);受けとる;受取る;請け取る;請取る;うけ取る [うけとる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to receive/to get/to accept/(2) to take/to interpret/to understand/(P)/EntL1329650X/
心得る [こころえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to know/to understand/to be aware of/to regard as/to take for/(2) to consent/to agree/(P)/EntL1360920X/
知る(P);識る [しる]
/(v5r,vt) to know/to understand/to be acquainted with/to feel/(P)/EntL1420470X/
通ずる [つうずる]
/(vz) (See 通じる) to run to/to lead to/to communicate/to understand/to be well-informed/EntL1983740X/
通じ合う [つうじあう]
/(v5u) to communicate with/to understand/EntL1432890X/
通じる [つうじる]
/(v1,vi) to run to/to lead to/to communicate/to understand/to be well-informed/(P)/EntL1432880X/
掴む(P);摑む;攫む;把む;捉む [つかむ]
/(v5m,vt) (1) to seize/to catch/to grasp/to grip/to grab/to hold/to catch hold of/to lay one's hands on/to clutch/(2) to understand/to grasp/to comprehend/(P)/EntL1433650X/
付いて行ける [ついていける]
/(exp,v1) to follow/to keep in pace with/to understand/EntL2008970X/
分かり合う [わかりあう]
/(v5u) to understand (each other)/to comprehend/EntL2038420X/
聞き取る(P);聞取る;聞きとる;聴き取る;聴取る [ききとる]
/(v5r,vt) to catch (a person's words)/to follow/to understand/(P)/EntL1505800X/
弁える [わきまえる]
/(v1,vt) to know (right from wrong)/to discern/to discriminate/to understand/to bear in mind/(P)/EntL1512720X/
落ちる(P);堕ちる;墜ちる;落る(io) [おちる]
/(v1,vi) (1) to fall down/to drop/to fall (e.g. rain)/to sink (e.g. sun or moon)/to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze)/to be used in a certain place (e.g. money)/(2) to be omitted/to be missing/(3) to decrease/to sink/(4) to fail (e.g. exam or class)/to lose (contest, election, etc.)/(5) to crash/to degenerate/to degrade/to fall behind/(6) to become indecent (of a conversation)/(7) to be ruined/to go under/(8) (See 狐が落ちる・きつねがおちる) to fade/to come out (e.g. a stain)/to come off (e.g. makeup)/to be removed (e.g. illness, possessing spirit, name on a list)/(9) to fall (into someone's hands)/to become someone's possession/(10) to fall (into a trap)/to fall (for a trick)/(11) to give in/to give up/to confess/to flee/(12) to fall/to be defeated/to surrender/(13) to come to (in the end)/to end in/(14) (See 恋に落ちる・こいにおちる,眠りに落ちる・ねむりにおちる) to fall (in love, asleep, etc.)/(15) to swoon (judo)/(16) (See 腑に落ちない・ふにおちない) to consent/to understand/(17) {comp} to crash/to freeze/(18) (of animals) to die/(19) (of fish when it gets cold) to move to the depths/(P)/EntL1548550X/
了する [りょうする]
/(vs-s,vi) (1) to finish/to complete/(2) to understand/EntL2253680/
領する [りょうする]
/(vs-s) to own/to receive/to understand/EntL2038250X/
諒する [りょうする]
/(vs-s,vt) to acknowledge/to understand/to appreciate/EntL2511780/
諒とする [りょうとする]
/(exp,vs-i) to acknowledge/to understand/to appreciate/EntL1553300X/

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