鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to pierce
貫く [つらぬく]
/(v5k,vt) (1) to go through/to pierce/to penetrate/(2) to persist/to stick to/(P)/EntL1215070X/
刺し通す;刺通す [さしとおす]
/(v5s,vt) to stab/to pierce/to run through (e.g. with a sword)/EntL1306450X/
刺し貫く [さしつらぬく]
/(v5k,vt) to pierce/EntL1306420X/
刺す [さす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) to pierce/to stab/to prick/to stick/to thrust/(2) (See 螫す) to sting/to bite/(3) to sew/to stitch/to embroider/(4) (See 差す・11) to pole (a boat)/(5) to catch (with a limed pole)/(6) (in baseball) to put (a runner) out/to pick off/(P)/EntL1306470X/
射通す [いとおす]
/(v5s,vt) to pierce/to penetrate/EntL1846380X/
穿つ [うがつ]
/(v5t,vt) to drill/to bore/to pierce/to put on/to wear/to be true to (nature)/to hit (the mark)/EntL1854810X/
染みる(P);沁みる;滲みる;浸みる;泌みる [しみる]
/(v1,vi) (1) to pierce/to penetrate/to soak in/to permeate/(2) (染みる, 沁みる only) to (enter a wound or sensitive area and) sting/(3) to be infected (with vice)/to be steeped (with prejudice)/(P)/EntL1391120X/
打ち抜く;打抜く;打ち貫く;ぶち抜く;うち抜く [うちぬく(打ち抜く;打抜く;打ち貫く;うち抜く);ぶちぬく(打ち抜く;打抜く;ぶち抜く)]
/(v5k,vt) (1) to punch/to hit and hit/to stamp out/(2) to pierce/to bore into/to knock down walls/EntL1408740X/
通る(P);徹る;透る [とおる]
/(v5r,vi) (1) to go by/to go past/to go along/to travel along/to pass through/to use (a road)/to take (a route)/to go via/to go by way of/(2) (of public transport) to run (between)/to operate (between)/to connect/(3) to go indoors/to go into a room/to be admitted/to be shown in/to be ushered in/to come in/(4) to penetrate/to pierce/to skewer/to go through/to come through/(5) to permeate/to soak into/to spread throughout/(6) to carry (e.g. of a voice)/to reach far/(7) to be passed on (e.g. of a customer's order to the kitchen)/to be relayed/to be conveyed/(8) to pass (a test, a bill in the House, etc.)/to be approved/to be accepted/(9) to go by (a name)/to be known as/to be accepted as/to have a reputation for/(10) to be coherent/to be logical/to be reasonable/to be comprehensible/to be understandable/to make sense/(11) to get across (e.g. of one's point)/to be understood/(12) to be straight (e.g. wood grain)/(13) (arch) to be well-informed/to be wise/(suf,v5r) (14) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do ... completely/to do ... thoroughly/(P)/EntL1433030X/
突き刺さる;突刺さる;突きささる [つきささる]
/(v5r,vi) to stick into/to pierce/to run into/EntL1456640X/
突き通す [つきとおす]
/(v5s,vt) to pierce/to penetrate/EntL1849730X/
突き刺す(P);突きさす;つき刺す [つきさす]
/(v5s,vt) to stab/to pierce/to thrust/(P)/EntL1456650X/
突き抜く;突抜く [つきぬく]
/(v5k) to pierce/to shoot through/to penetrate/EntL1456810X/
突き立てる [つきたてる]
/(v1,vt) to pierce/to thrust violently/EntL1456880X/
突き破る [つきやぶる]
/(v5r,vt) to break through/to penetrate/to pierce/EntL1456800X/
劈く [つんざく]
/(v5k,vt) to break/to tear/to pierce/to split/to burst/EntL1564810X/

データ見出し数 485268



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