鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to pick up
覚える(P);憶える [おぼえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to memorize/to memorise/to commit to memory/to learn by heart/to bear in mind/to remember/(2) (覚える only) to learn/to pick up/to acquire/(3) (覚える only) to feel/(4) (覚える only) to think/to regard/(P)/EntL1206050X/
挟み上げる [はさみあげる]
/(v1,vt) to pick up (with chopsticks)/to take/EntL1236870X/
掘り出す;掘出す [ほりだす]
/(v5s,vt) to dig out/to pick up/EntL1246660X/
持ち直す(P);持直す(P);持ちなおす [もちなおす]
/(v5s,vt) to recover/to rally/to improve/to pick up/(P)/EntL1315670X/
取り上げる(P);取上げる(P);取りあげる;採り上げる [とりあげる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to pick up/to take up/(2) to adopt/to accept/to listen to/(3) to take away/to confiscate/to deprive/to disqualify/(4) to deliver (a child)/(P)/EntL1326800X/
手に取る [てにとる]
/(exp,v5r) to take in one's hand/to pick up/EntL1895840X/
取る [とる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(2) (See 盗る) to steal/(3) (See 摂る) to eat/to have (a meal)/(4) (also written as 脱る) to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/(5) to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P)/EntL1326980X/
拾い上げる [ひろいあげる]
/(v1) to pick up/to pick out/EntL1332550X/
拾う [ひろう]
/(v5u,vt) to pick up/to find/to gather/(P)/EntL1332570X/
助け上げる [たすけあげる]
/(v1) to help up/to pick up/to bring safely to land/EntL1344480X/
乗せる(P);載せる [のせる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to place on (something)/(2) (esp. 乗せる) to give (someone) a ride/to give a lift/to pick up/to help on board/(3) (esp. 載せる) to load (luggage)/to carry/to take on board/(4) to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)/(5) to deceive/to take for a ride/(6) to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment)/(7) to let (someone) take part/(8) to excite (someone)/(9) (載せる only) to publish (an article)/to run (an ad)/(P)/EntL1600270X/
摘む(P);摘まむ;撮む;抓む [つまむ]
/(v5m,vt) (uk) to pinch/to hold/to pick up/(P)/EntL1598080X/
立て直る [たてなおる]
/(v5r,vi) to recover/to rally/to pick up/EntL1551560X/

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オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

鍋田辞書P(NabetaJisho P) Ver 1.3 (C) 2010-2014
大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語辞書