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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to have
含む(P);銜む [ふくむ(P);くくむ]
/(v5m,vt) (1) to contain/to comprise/to have/to hold/to include/to embrace/(2) (See 口に含む) to hold in the mouth/(3) to bear in mind/to understand/to harbor (grudge, etc.)/to harbour/(4) to express (emotion, etc.)/to imply/(P)/EntL1216880X/
遣る [やる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) (uk) (col) to do/(2) (often 犯る) to have sexual intercourse/(3) (often 殺る) to kill/(4) to give (to inferiors, animals, etc.)/(aux-v) (5) to do for (inferiors)/(6) (See 使いにやる) to send (e.g. somebody somewhere)/to dispatch (e.g. letter) (despatch)/(7) to move (something to)/to row (a boat)/(8) (used in place of other verb) to have (eat, drink, smoke)/to study/to run or operate (a restaurant)/(P)/EntL1012980X/
在る(P);有る(P) [ある]
/(v5r-i,vi) (1) (uk) (See 居る・いる・1) to be (usu. of inanimate objects)/to exist/to live/(2) to have/(3) to be located/(4) to be equipped with/(5) to happen/to come about/(P)/EntL1296400X/
作る(P);造る(P);創る(P) [つくる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) (造る usu. for large-scale building, manufacturing, etc. 創る usu. for creating) to make/to produce/to manufacture/to build/to construct/(2) to prepare (food)/to brew (alcohol)/(3) (See 野菜を作る) to raise/to grow/to cultivate/to train/(4) to till/(5) to draw up (a document)/to make out/to prepare/to write/(6) to create (an artistic work, etc.)/to compose/(7) to coin (a phrase)/to organize/to organise/to establish/to found/(8) to have (a child)/(9) to make up (one's face, etc.)/(10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)/(11) to form (a line, etc.)/(12) to set (a record)/(13) to commit (a sin, etc.)/(P)/EntL1597890X/
飼う [かう]
/(v5u,vt) to keep (a pet or other animal)/to raise/to have/to own/to feed/(P)/EntL1312970X/
取る [とる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(2) (See 盗る) to steal/(3) (See 摂る) to eat/to have (a meal)/(4) (also written as 脱る) to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/(5) to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P)/EntL1326980X/
摂る [とる]
/(v5r,vt) (See 取る・3) to have (lunch, etc.)/to take (vitamins, etc.)/EntL2021030X/
戴く(P);頂く(P) [いただく]
/(v5k,vt) (1) (hum) (See 貰う) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to buy/(2) (hum) (pol) to eat/to drink/(3) (original meaning) to be crowned with/to wear (on one's head)/to have (on top)/(4) to have (as one's leader)/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/(P)/EntL1587290X/
戴く(P);頂く(P) [いただく]
/(v5k,vt) (1) (hum) (See 貰う) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to buy/(2) (hum) (pol) to eat/to drink/(3) (original meaning) to be crowned with/to wear (on one's head)/to have (on top)/(4) to have (as one's leader)/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/(P)/EntL1587290X/
入る(P);這入る [はいる]
/(v5r) (1) to enter/(2) to break into/(3) to join/to enroll/(4) to contain/to hold/to accommodate/(5) to have (an income of)/(P)/EntL1465590X/
備える(P);具える [そなえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to furnish/to provide for/to equip/to install/(2) to have ready/to prepare for/(3) to possess/to have/to be endowed with/to be armed with/(P)/EntL1244960X/
付いてる(P);付いている(P) [ついてる(付いてる)(P);ついている(付いている)(P)]
/(exp,v1) (1) (uk) (See 付く・つく・1) to be attached/to have/to be in a state/(v1) (2) (See 付く・つく・13) to be lucky/to be in luck/(P)/EntL1894260X/
抱える [かかえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to hold or carry under or in the arms/(2) to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.)/(3) to employ/to engage/to hire/(P)/EntL1516310X/
擁する [ようする]
/(vs-s) to have/to possess/(P)/EntL1545740X/

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