鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to build
架ける [かける]
/(v1,vt) (uk) (sometimes written 掛ける) to suspend between two points/to build (a bridge, etc.)/to put up on something (e.g. legs up on table)/EntL2208960X/
建てる [たてる]
/(v1,vt) to build/to construct/(P)/EntL1257330X/
作る(P);造る(P);創る(P) [つくる]
/(v5r,vt) (1) (造る usu. for large-scale building, manufacturing, etc. 創る usu. for creating) to make/to produce/to manufacture/to build/to construct/(2) to prepare (food)/to brew (alcohol)/(3) (See 野菜を作る) to raise/to grow/to cultivate/to train/(4) to till/(5) to draw up (a document)/to make out/to prepare/to write/(6) to create (an artistic work, etc.)/to compose/(7) to coin (a phrase)/to organize/to organise/to establish/to found/(8) to have (a child)/(9) to make up (one's face, etc.)/(10) to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)/(11) to form (a line, etc.)/(12) to set (a record)/(13) to commit (a sin, etc.)/(P)/EntL1597890X/
巣をくう [すをくう]
/(exp,v5u) (See 巣くう) to build (a nest)/to nest/EntL2521440/
巣食う(ateji);巣くう [すくう]
/(v5u,vi) (1) to build (a nest)/to nest/(2) to haunt (a place)/to hang out (somewhere)/EntL1400400X/
築く [きずく]
/(v5k,vt) to build/to pile up/to amass/(P)/EntL1422140X/

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オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

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大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語辞書