鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to arrange
/(v5u,vt) to arrange/to treat/to handle/to deal with/EntL1000300X/
/(vs) (1) to arrange/(n,vs) (2) (abbr) (See アレンジメント,編曲) (musical) arrangement/(P)/EntL1019750X/
繰り合わせる;繰合わせる;繰り合せる [くりあわせる]
/(v1) to arrange/to manage (to find time)/EntL1850970X/
計らう [はからう]
/(v5u,vt) to manage/to arrange/to talk over/to dispose of/EntL1252070X/
決める(P);極める [きめる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to decide/to choose/to determine/to make up one's mind/to resolve/to set one's heart on/to settle/to arrange/to set/to appoint/to fix/(2) to clinch (a victory)/to decide (the outcome of a match)/(3) to persist in doing/to go through with/(4) (as 決めている) to always do/to have made a habit of/(5) to take for granted/to assume/(6) to dress up/to dress to kill/to dress to the nines/(7) to carry out successfully (a move in sports, a pose in dance, etc.)/to succeed in doing/(8) {MA} to immobilize with a double-arm lock (in sumo, judo, etc.)/(P)/EntL1254180X/
差し繰る [さしくる]
/(v5r,vt) to arrange/to manage/EntL1850100X/
捌く [さばく]
/(v5k,vt) (1) to handle well/to process/(2) to sell/to dispose of/(3) to prepare/to arrange/to sort/(4) to prepare something for cooking/to dress (meat, etc.)/EntL1299630X/
仕組む [しくむ]
/(v5m,vt) to devise/to arrange/to plan/to plot/EntL1305200X/
取りまとめる(P);取り纏める;取纏める [とりまとめる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to collect/to gather/to compile/to assemble/(2) to arrange/to settle/(P)/EntL1659460X/
取り計らう;取計らう [とりはからう]
/(v5u,vt) to manage/to settle/to dispose of/to deal with/to arrange/EntL1326660X/
順序だてる;順序立てる [じゅんじょだてる]
/(v1,vt) to put into order/to arrange (one's thoughts)/EntL1342370X/
申し合わせる [もうしあわせる]
/(v1) to arrange/to make an appointment/to agree upon/EntL1362870X/
整える(P);調える;斉える [ととのえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to put in order/to arrange/to adjust/(2) to get ready/to prepare/(3) to raise money/(P)/EntL1376140X/
生ける(P);活ける [いける]
/(v1,vt) (1) to arrange (flowers)/to plant/(adj-f) (2) (生ける only) living/live/(P)/EntL1587190X/
設える [しつらえる]
/(v1,vt) to provide/to arrange/to install/EntL1385990X/
掻き合せる;かき合せる;掻き合わせる [かきあわせる]
/(v1,vt) to adjust/to arrange/EntL1399890X/
挿す [さす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) (See 差す・8) to insert/to put in/(2) (See 挿し木) to plant (a cutting)/to strike/(3) (See 挿し花) to arrange (flowers)/(4) (See 差す・9) to wear (a sword) in one's belt/(5) (See 鎖す・さす・1) to shut/to close/to lock/to fasten/EntL1399830X/
揃える [そろえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to collect/to gather/to get together/to complete (a collection)/(2) to arrange/to put in order/to prepare/to get ready/(3) to make uniform/to make even/to match/(P)/EntL1406120X/
打ち合わせる(P);打ち合せる;打合せる;打合わせる [うちあわせる]
/(v1,vt) (1) to knock together/(2) to arrange (e.g. a meeting)/(P)/EntL1588150X/
都合 [つごう]
/(adv,n) (1) circumstances/condition/convenience/(vs) (2) to arrange/to manage/(P)/EntL1444980X/
配する [はいする]
/(vs-s,vt) (1) (See 配る) to distribute/to arrange/to allot (to a position of authority, etc.)/(2) to arrange/to lay out (as in decorating)/(3) (arch) to marry off/(4) (arch) to exile/to banish/EntL2180320/
配する [はいする]
/(vs-s,vt) (1) (See 配る) to distribute/to arrange/to allot (to a position of authority, etc.)/(2) to arrange/to lay out (as in decorating)/(3) (arch) to marry off/(4) (arch) to exile/to banish/EntL2180320/
配す [はいす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) (See 配する) to distribute/to arrange/to allot (to a position of authority, etc.)/(2) to arrange/to lay out (as in decorating)/(3) to marry off/(4) to exile/to banish/EntL2410650/
配す [はいす]
/(v5s,vt) (1) (See 配する) to distribute/to arrange/to allot (to a position of authority, etc.)/(2) to arrange/to lay out (as in decorating)/(3) to marry off/(4) to exile/to banish/EntL2410650/
編曲 [へんきょく]
/(n) (1) arrangement/(vs) (2) to arrange/to orchestrate/EntL1511970X/
話を付ける [はなしをつける]
/(exp,v1) to negotiate/to settle a matter/to arrange/EntL1902110X/

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