鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
to answer
応ずる [おうずる]
/(vz,vi) (1) (See 応じる) to answer/to respond/to meet/(2) to satisfy/to accept/(P)/EntL1609380X/
解く(P);梳く(iK) [とく]
/(v5k,vt) (1) (解く only) to solve/to answer/(2) (解く only) to untie/(3) (esp. 梳く) to comb/to untangle (hair)/(P)/EntL1198890X/
叶える(P);適える [かなえる]
/(v1,vt) (1) (esp. 叶える) to grant (request, wish)/to answer (prayer)/(2) (esp. 適える) to fulfill (conditions)/to meet (requirements)/(P)/EntL1208880X/
取り次ぐ(P);取次ぐ [とりつぐ]
/(v5g,vt) (1) to act as an agent for/to intermediate/(2) to announce (someone's arrival)/to answer (the door, the phone)/to receive (a guest at reception)/to usher in (a guest)/(3) to convey (a message)/(P)/EntL1326760X/
出る [でる]
/(v1,vi) (1) to go out/to exit/to leave/(2) to appear/to come forth/to be published/(3) (See 電話に出る) to answer (the phone or door)/(P)/EntL1338240X/
足りる [たりる]
/(v1,vi) (1) (in the form verb に足りる) (See 取るに足りない) to be sufficient/to be enough/(2) to be worth doing/to be worthy/(3) to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P)/EntL1404740X/
答える [こたえる]
/(v1,vi) to answer/to reply/(P)/EntL1449540X/

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オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語

オンライン鍋田辞書P EDICT英語(携帯)

鍋田辞書P(NabetaJisho P) Ver 1.3 (C) 2010-2014
大場正輝(Masaki Oba) All Rights Reserved.
鍋田辞書P EDICT2英語辞書