鍋田辞書P  クイズ
単語訳語 大文字小文字同一 訳語一行 一覧の訳語カット
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
と言うのは [というのは]
/(exp) (1) (uk) means/is/(2) because (often with kara)/that is to say/EntL1008500X/
やり方(P);遣り方 [やりかた]
/(n) manner of doing/way/method/means/(P)/EntL1012960X/
縁;因;便 [よすが;よすか(ok)]
/(n) (1) something to rely on/aid/clue/way/means/(2) someone to rely on/relative/(3) reminder/memento/EntL1922790X/
具 [ぐ]
/(n,n-suf) (1) tool/means/ingredients/(ctr) (2) counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture/(P)/EntL1244950X/
経路(P);径路;逕路 [けいろ]
/(n) (1) course/route/path/channel/(2) process/means/(P)/EntL1251700X/
仕様(P);仕樣(oK) [しよう]
/(n) (1) way/method/means/resource/remedy/(2) (technical) specification/(P)/EntL1305500X/
仕方(P);仕形 [しかた]
/(n) way/method/means/resource/course/(P)/EntL1594110X/
資力 [しりょく]
/(n) means/resources/wealth/EntL1312840X/
資産 [しさん]
/(n) property/fortune/means/assets/(P)/EntL1312750X/
手 [て]
/(n) (1) (occ. pronounced た when a prefix) (See お手・おて・1) hand/arm/(2) (col) (See お手・おて・3) forepaw/foreleg/(3) handle/(4) hand/worker/help/(5) trouble/care/effort/(6) means/way/trick/move/technique/workmanship/(7) hand/handwriting/(8) kind/type/sort/(9) (See 手に入る) one's hands/one's possession/(10) (See 手に余る) ability to cope/(11) hand (of cards)/(12) (See 山の手・1) direction/(P)/EntL1327190X/
手立て(P);手だて [てだて]
/(n) means/method/(P)/EntL1328410X/
手段 [しゅだん]
/(n) means/way/measure/(P)/EntL1328110X/
術 [じゅつ]
/(n,n-suf) art/means/technique/(P)/EntL1340780X/
術 [すべ]
/(n) (uk) way/method/means/EntL1340790X/
匠(P);工 [たくみ(P);しょう(匠)]
/(n,adj-na) (1) workman/artisan/mechanic/carpenter/(2) craft/skill/(3) means/idea/(P)/EntL1346260X/
道具 [どうぐ]
/(n) implement/tool/means/(P)/EntL1454180X/
道(P);途;路;径 [みち]
/(n) (1) road/street/way/path/course/route/lane/(2) distance/ways (e.g. "a long ways")/(3) the way (of proper conduct, etc.)/one's way/morals/(4) teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist)/dogma/(5) field (of medicine, etc.)/subject/(6) way/method/means/(P)/EntL1454080X/
方 [ほう]
/(n) (1) direction/way/side/area (in a particular direction)/(2) side (of an argument, etc.)/one's part/(3) type/category/(4) field (of study, etc.)/(5) indicates one side of a comparison/(6) way/method/manner/means/(7) length (of each side of a square)/(P)/EntL1516930X/
方便 [ほうべん]
/(n) (1) expedient/means/instrument/(2) {Buddh} upaya (skillful means, methods of teaching)/EntL1517080X/
方途 [ほうと]
/(n) way/means/EntL1517070X/
法術 [ほうじゅつ]
/(n) (1) practising law/(2) legal processes in running a country/(3) (See 方術) method/way/means/(4) (See 方術) magic/EntL2527740/
方術 [ほうじゅつ]
/(n) means/method/art/magic/EntL1627230X/
方法 [ほうほう]
/(n) method/process/manner/way/means/technique/(P)/EntL1517090X/
力 [ちから]
/(n) (1) force/strength/might/vigour (vigor)/energy/(2) capability/ability/proficiency/capacity/faculty/(3) efficacy/effect/(4) effort/endeavours (endeavors)/exertions/(5) power/authority/influence/good offices/agency/(6) (See 力になる) support/help/aid/assistance/(7) stress/emphasis/(8) means/resources/(P)/EntL1554820X/

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