鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
/(adv,adv-to) (1) (on-mim) long, slender and well-proportioned/(2) smooth, continuous (movement)/EntL1006250X/
/(adj-na,n) long/(P)/EntL1148120X/
一本グソ;一本ぐそ [いっぽんグソ(一本グソ);いっぽんぐそ(一本ぐそ)]
/(n) (col) long, rope-like excrement/EntL2658810/
猿臂 [えんぴ]
/(n) long, protruding elbows (like those of a monkey)/EntL1647420X/
脚線美 [きゃくせんび]
/(n) long, beautiful legs/EntL1226840X/
久しい [ひさしい]
/(adj-i) long/long-continued/old (story)/(P)/EntL1227340X/
重厚長大 [じゅうこうちょうだい]
/(n,adj-na) heavy, thick, long, and big (products)/massive and heavy (products)/heavy (manufacturing)/EntL2046550X/
千六本;繊六本 [せんろっぽん;せろっぽう(千六本)]
/(n) (See 繊蘿蔔) julienne (esp. of daikon)/long, thin strips/EntL1812920X/
蛸引き [たこひき]
/(n) long, thin-bladed knife used for sashimi preparation/EntL2651800/
短冊(P);短籍;短尺 [たんざく;たんじゃく(P)]
/(n) (1) long, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically)/strip of paper/(2) (abbr) (See 短冊形) thin rectangle/(P)/EntL1418700X/
弾丸道路 [だんがんどうろ]
/(n) long, straight, wide-open highway/EntL1801600X/
猪牙舟 [ちょきぶね]
/(n) long, thin, roofless small boat (used as a river taxi during the Edo period)/EntL2565750/
長長しい;長々しい [ながながしい]
/(adj-i) (See 長たらしい) long, drawn-out/tedious/EntL1797590X/
長尺 [ちょうじゃく]
/(adj-no) long/lengthy/EntL2014710X/
長襦袢;長ジバン;長ジュバン [ながじゅばん(長襦袢);ながじばん(長襦袢);ながジバン(長ジバン);ながジュバン(長ジュバン)]
/(n) long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono/under-kimono/EntL2180000/
長の;永の [ながの]
/(adj-pn) long/eternal/EntL1953820X/
長々;長長;永永;永々 [ながなが]
/(adv-to,adv) long/drawn-out/very long/EntL1599440X/
長柄刀 [ながえがたな]
/(n) long, two-handed sword/EntL2002600X/
長らく(P);永らく [ながらく]
/(adv) long/(for a) long time/(P)/EntL1599450X/
長きに渡る;長きにわたる;長きに亘る [ながきにわたる]
/(exp,v5r) long (used with period of time)/longstanding/for a long time/EntL2257520/
長編(P);長篇 [ちょうへん]
/(n,adj-no) long (e.g. novel, film)/(P)/EntL1430110X/
長湯 [ながゆ]
/(n,vs) long, leisurely bath/EntL1797750X/
長い(P);永い [ながい]
/(adj-i) (1) (長い only) long (distance)/(2) long (time)/lengthy/(P)/EntL1429750X/
長い(P);永い [ながい]
/(adj-i) (1) (長い only) long (distance)/(2) long (time)/lengthy/(P)/EntL1429750X/
長;永 [なが]
/(pref,suf) long/EntL2647210/
八咫 [やあた;やた]
/(n) (1) (arch) (See 咫) eight ata (approx. 144 cm)/(2) (usu. やた) large/long/EntL2243710/
分の悪い [ぶんのわるい]
/(adj-i) (See 分が悪い) disadvantageous/long (odds)/EntL2240560/
末長く [すえながく]
/(adv) long/forever/EntL1525560X/
木簡 [もっかん;もくかん]
/(n) (See 竹簡) narrow, long, and thin pieces of wood strung together that were used to write on in ancient times/EntL2395100/

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