鍋田辞書P  クイズ
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単語 訳語
quagmire 泥濘 [ぬかるみ;でいねい]
/(n) (uk) quagmire/sludge/mud/slush/mire/EntL1437020X/
quahaug 本美之主貝 [ほんびのすがい;ホンビノスガイ]
/(n) (uk) quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria)/quahaug/hard clam/hard-shell clam/round clam/littleneck/topneck/cherrystone/chowder clam/EntL2604910/
quahog 本美之主貝 [ほんびのすがい;ホンビノスガイ]
/(n) (uk) quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria)/quahaug/hard clam/hard-shell clam/round clam/littleneck/topneck/cherrystone/chowder clam/EntL2604910/
quail 鶉 [うずら;ウズラ]
/(n) (1) (uk) quail/(2) Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)/EntL1575100X/
quaint 乙 [おつ]
/(adj-na,n) (1) second (party to an agreement)/the B party (e.g. in a contract)/the latter/(2) strange/quaint/stylish/chic/spicy/queer/witty/tasty/romantic/(exp) (3) (abbr) (sl) (See 御疲れ様) thank you/goodbye/goodnight/(P)/EntL1182940X/
quake クェイク
/(n) quake/EntL1980050X/
quake-absorbing structure 免震構造 [めんしんこうぞう]
/(n) base isolated system/quake-absorbing structure/EntL2057400X/
quake-prone country 地震国 [じしんこく]
/(n) quake-prone country/EntL1421250X/
quale クオリア
/(n) quale/qualia (qualities or feelings considered independently of their effects on behavior)/EntL2130090X/
qualia クオリア
/(n) quale/qualia (qualities or feelings considered independently of their effects on behavior)/EntL2130090X/
qualification 具備 [ぐび]
/(n,vs) endowment/possession/qualification/equipment/EntL1608160X/
修飾 [しゅうしょく]
/(n,vs) (1) ornamentation/embellishment/decoration/adornment/polish up (writing)/(2) {ling} modification/qualification/EntL1332070X/
qualifications 資格 [しかく]
/(n) qualifications/requirements/capabilities/(P)/EntL1312690X/
qualifications of candidacy for an examination 受験資格 [じゅけんしかく]
/(n) qualifications of candidacy for an examination/EntL1937560X/
qualified 適任 [てきにん]
/(adj-na,adj-no) competent/suitable/qualified/EntL1437460X/
適格 [てきかく(P);てっかく]
/(n,adj-no) eligible/qualified/competent/(P)/EntL1437370X/
qualified area 属性化領域 [ぞくせいかりょういき]
/(n) {comp} qualified area/EntL2371930/
qualified data-name 修飾されたデータ名 [しゅうしょくされたデータめい]
/(n) {comp} qualified data-name/EntL2363080/
qualified or eligible person 適格者 [てきかくしゃ]
/(n) qualified or eligible person/EntL1735000X/
qualified voter 選挙人 [せんきょにん]
/(n) qualified voter/(P)/EntL1824480X/
qualifier クォリファイア
/(n) {comp} qualifier/EntL2293400X/
限定詞 [げんていし]
/(n) determiner/qualifier/determinative/EntL1934620X/
限定子 [げんていし]
/(n) {comp} qualifier/EntL2353840X/
修飾語句 [しゅうしょくごく]
/(n) {ling} (See 修飾語) modifier/qualifier/EntL2248590/
修飾子 [しゅうしょくし]
/(n) modifier/qualifier/EntL1332090X/
予選通過者 [よせんつうかしゃ]
/(n) qualifier/EntL1948150X/
予選 [よせん]
/(n,vs) preliminary contest/qualifier/primary/nomination/(P)/EntL1543110X/
qualifying 形容 [けいよう]
/(n,vs) (1) describing/comparing/expressing figuratively/modifying/qualifying (e.g. an adjective qualifying a noun)/(n) (2) form/figure/condition/state/(3) personal appearance/one's face and figure/looks/(P)/EntL1250420X/
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